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I feel like I'm missing something I've been standing here in Frosty's anus for like 30 seconds now and nothing is happening nothing is popped up there's no noise I have a hand and a gun and no clue what the hell is happening aim for the head like my head do I need to shoot myself in the head whoa what's up guys and welcome to super HUDs one of the most popular VR games ever made highly requested by you guys yet I have no idea what it's about like honestly I've never played it before I've never seen it played all I really have to go off of is the fact that there are a lot of very red polygons people I have a gun and apparently time only moves when I move which sounds pretty awesome so this is the first time I've loaded up the game and it didn't give me any kind of main menu or direction narration just this guy and the gun listen man I'm sorry about this okay I don't have any choice thank you very much for quietly standing there as I do my intro time moves when you move right so because I'm standing perfectly still he will stand perfectly still will look like the world's shittiest flash mob but then when I move that is really cool it's like I said that's what I knew about the game because it's the whole shtick you know it's the game's claim to fame but experiencing it is very different I feel bad right he didn't deserve that he didn't do anything to me Shh yes that's the name of the game thank you crap is that something I can actually touch oh it is the VR is so strange you can't tell what's three dimensional and what is it hey you're back well you look great your head grew back nicely no hurt feelings I know oh come on I don't want to give him a right hook he hasn't done anything to me I'm sorry it's games torture punch-through okay well you need to get out of the way hold on guys need to test something real quick all right if I turn my head you guys cool we're cool all right so it's only when I move my hands good to know now who wants the fury of these fists first huh you you want some you want a bit of a left jab I'm just gonna let you get real close and then freeze okay hmm this is tricky but I like it it's weird trying to let time move forward you gotta do like a little bit of a time swim and I like that idea we'll call that the time swim let them swim a little forward can I get tried to other punches I keep punching them in the head just by instinct what happens if I distract you with this hand punch you in the dick oh oh oh Cray got me fine no dick punches not many dick punches whoa whoa whoa okay I had to do it it was for science he's boring ladies he's fine oh he might not be fine I think he's fallen and he can't get up should we call Life Alert listen guys okay it's not my fault you're strange porygon God didn't give you a polygon penis last round now who wants some you want some of these finger guns huh how about it they just give you a charley horse there we go I don't know why their heads are so easily exploded these strange little Ruby men sit down whoa okay I don't know how close I need to let them get reach is something you need to get used to yeah super hogs here we go ah what oh okay move your body I just wanted to answer a phone but apparently not hey again you look upset is this because I shot you in the face or punched you in the dick please don't shoot at me no no I don't appreciate that maybe I could just neo that really really easily yeah that wasn't too difficult that was really cool the ho-oh-oh this game makes you feel like a superhero a jumping in jiving 70 superhero I'm gonna dance the whole time aren't I can I have that hey now are you sorry apologize I'm gonna let you move around come on use your big boy words mine right in the dick no I'm not gonna grab his dick game okay Oh doh oh okay then what am I looking at right now again the VR is so strange the it just looks like a black line in space oh no it's a ninja star heard catch Oh alright that's kind of dope I like that what ah I didn't get the step step that stopped that going I don't know how to throw how do I release release game could really use some descriptors here oh there we go it's that yeah yeah we have it that works yeah yeah I didn't see anything that wasn't embarrassing shut up they're going well [ __ ] okay my first real mission again I don't really know what I'm doing here guys am i some kind of superspy am i trying to board a flight with a little weed or something like that I'm not really sure what's happening so we have one angry boy there and a couple other angry boys there and oh I actually was trying to board a flight with a little weed I was just a joke oh okay um well brewed you can have that hey how's it going stop that and you too well that was unnecessary oh don't be all melodramatic about it okay you didn't need that leg anyway moving on raise your hands I give up I give up I surrender all right surrender is that is this what I'm supposed to do sprays my hands up it's gonna be on se up in here do I let him punch me game I don't want to let him punch me I don't care what the game says screw that noise get out of here yeah there we go I was about to comment on how the plane propellers stopped moving when I stopped moving and then I realized I'm kind of just doing an interpretation of what a plane must look like I'm also starting to think that I'm not the good person here right like if you try to blow through security at an airport and a bunch of people swarm you you're usually not understood side of things flight is canceled huh well I don't have a gun but a bottle of wine and a camera an ashtray and a second bottle of wine what is strange Airport can I borrow that need to stop being motive with my hands and instead focus on time maybe I should just die okay that's my face sir I'm gonna need you to stop firing bullets at me okay freeze because I have a wine bottle and I kind of know how to use it not really because throwing things in this game is a little jacked up there we go one bottle in the nuts you didn't see that coming are we taking this there we go please just take this with me hey I want to not go too concentrated security without my gun oh yeah this is fine right our calculators now no problem how what the hell was in that calculator okay you know what maybe I deserve to go to prison maybe that's just for the best here have an ashtray it's on the house there we go oh no no I wanted that that would have been mine I was busy making silly commentary that's also not how you hold a gun you just step back there we go that's the stuff yeah that was awesome again you go be in a little forward right now okay you shouldn't just walk up to a guy and tell him to grab you did I do a good game you get anything for me there's got to be some kind of story here right are you ready to play what the hell was I just doing yes oh yes show your dedication dedication to what airport I'm so confused by this game right now I've never had so much fun and been so confused at the same time should there be a level starting right now or something I feel like I'm missing something I've been standing here in Frosty's anus for like 30 seconds now and nothing is happening nothing is popped up there's no noise I have a hand and a gun and no clue what the hell is happening aim for the head like my head do I need to shoot myself in the head whoa I knew it I knew it there would be more to this game so just to be clear I'm a guy playing a game in VR about a guy playing a game in VR on very old technology but with very fancy gloves I'm so confused right now but there has to be some kind of story right there has to be a narrative because there's no way they would have me playing some kind of paranoid loner doing virtual reality stuff if there wasn't something deeper happening oh it want me to pop in superhot disc B so I'm guessing we're gonna carry on all this is gonna take a million years to load come on it's a three and a half inch floppy I haven't got all day please put on your headset very fancy headset at that here we go cool it now really stands out that I just attacked in airports and it ended with me showing my dedication by shooting myself in the head and now I'm breaking into a facility something tells me these aren't just random little game missions I'm going on again sorry about it dude I I don't really have any choice hello Oh Bailey oh yeah this is exactly what I want I need more of this in my life nice gumbo thank you I think I'll let me go oh I missed them already so we started things off coming out of the helicopter on the roof and now we're in some kind of mall why am i trying to break into a mall no returns excuse me gentlemen I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this but Black Friday's cyber Mondays tag team Tuesday is you know we really have very strict return policies maybe I can interest you in a calculator and a cup of coffee a hot baseball ed how about that no no sir we can't be accepting returns on that pistol it's a it's a very nice pistol I'm sure you would be happy with it regardless okay let's not do anything too hazy okay you know what you shouldn't have done that okay you really shouldn't have done that get the hell out of my store okay I've had enough of this you see he was not gonna take no for an answer and now you guys are just gonna have to suck eggs oh my god I love this game I really enjoyed the fact that I get to control the pace so I could just screw around as much as I want it's wonderful emergency exit I wish I would remember that as soon as I grab that thing I can't move I get frozen in just the most Awkward hoses oh that's really cool I just shot through that class in the background of the last room and they are all connected okay well we're gonna oh dear um okay let's stop that there we go that was close trigger-happy is that a bad thing he didn't look like a friendly he just came charging out of the stall leading with a gun okay II had he had it coming yes that's right super hot now I'll grab you did I do goods every time it starts me off with the gun in the void I mean I'm very wool hesitant welcome back thank you whoa oh okay we start things off a little bit more intense this time huh that looks say yeah that's good you'd be behind me you never be too certain no yeah see that's where it just was so I am moving around spot for spot that's not goods there give me a whole lot of weapons here right now screw throwing things I would rather shoot things let's just stand how about you do you want some there we go why would they give me so many weapons I'm kind of curious where we're going next what if I try something like this I'm gonna take these and I'm gonna throw them to where I think I'm gonna go so now if I grab this if I'm on the bridge the guns I didn't throw them far enough that could have worked though maybe oh I hit him with it Oh genius oh crap okay um no we're fine we're fine you take that you just wait one second okay I'll be with you in just a moment I'm gonna take this oh dear this is gonna get a little little close there we go sometimes they just kind of detonate not really sure why that is wicked though I need to think about that more often like if I throw this it's got achievement cool look how I go over here now this is a different place okay so it's not gonna work every time no no that one's mine this one's mine you can't see my name on it but trust me you see that's the kind of thing mine would do are you sure you want to do this buddy because it's just you oh it's not just you you have a whole lot of friends okay well that this is fine this is fine I just gotta make sure not to get hit by bullets I am deathly allergic to bullets hard to believe I know but it's just the way I was born okay are we good I feel like that's a huge accomplishment um listen dude I'm not into that kind of thing okay ma'am not really sure it's hard to tell but it's that's an interesting proposition still I'm gonna have to pass is there something you want me to this bye-bye oh I just killed a guy in a helicopter this is the helicopter that showed up in I'm so confused right now what comes up I know this might be asking a lot from you guys but I have a wicked itch on my nose right now so if you could just no stop that no no I need you guys to hold very still for me there we go that's better now this was mine it and you're the one with a gun see you're the troublemaker those don't go as slow as you think they would good would anybody else like so oh hey how you doing okay I'm something like that that one bullets aren't bad right that looks good could do a little time swim adds the stuff make them pay what did they do to anybody okay you know what they're kind of doing a lot to me maybe I should stop thinking these guys are so innocent good oh yeah that's that's right on the money there we go still have a bullet coming I think I could shoot the bullets out of the air but I don't want to try that I'm not really wanted the level of Awesome yet okay you good over there there we go and with him we just got this guy a little bit of a bomb swim you're full okay suck it there we go that doll come on I like to think you can converse with them when time is frozen like maybe I could negotiate with this guy and have him drop his gun and he could go back to his weird little ruby family know if that might've been asking too much I tried okay I really did try let loose why do you want like the Beast Within to go all over these guys faces okay I don't understand why we're being so aggressive right they seem cool they seem ow that kill me no are you serious why did I never figure this hours Wow that's the dick you believe that look who runs around just shooting people right in the dick completely unreasonable now I need to get through this in a timely and efficient manner kinda like this good has to be good yeah here we go okay next make them pay alright listen I get the whole we're in a mall thing maybe that's what he means not like make them pay for what they did to me but like make them pay for their half off toaster not a hundred percent sure please go in his head thank you let loose now that's really cool the fact that I can actually block bullets with my gun I figured I could shoot bullets but I definitely don't want to get in their way I think I'm good like this right they gave me a lot of guns that's mildly concerning usually in games and they give you a lots of guns because there's lots of people I guess not wait for it um okay that guy seems to be still having a bad day I'll wait for it I'm just uh oh boy hey little bit little bit little bit more whoa oh oh crap that's my greatest fear I always feel like I'm gonna do that in real life oh man my mama's gonna kill me you know what I think that's gonna be it for this episode of super hot guys and it's like I said I knew this was one of the best VR games out there it's critically acclaimed one of the most renowned but I had no idea what it was about so it was kind of afraid that it was just gonna be really cool gameplay and there wouldn't really be that much to experience but clearly there's something going on here I still have no idea what but I want to find out if you guys want to see that the be sure to leave a like of this video we know and maybe I'll turn this into a series for things weren't watching this video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 1,612,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: superhot, superhot vr, superhot game, superhot gameplay, superhot vr gameplay, superhot walkthrough, superhot playthrough, superhot let's play, superhot funny, superhot funny moments, superhot full game, superhot full release, superhot airport, superhot mall, superhot best plays, superhot best gameplay, superhot htc vive, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: 59odNELqfQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 29 2018
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