WORST VR MAGICIAN - Professor Chuckenhope (VR)

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Lauren I know this is your first day but I need you to hold very very still for me thank you thank you i amaze even myself that'll be all Lauren thank you yes you can go change your pants now what's up guys welcome to Professor Chuck I know we're I the one and only professor Chuck and hope will be performing death-defying feats before your very eyes now for my first act you'll notice that I have nothing up this sleeve nothing up this sleeve in fact I have no sleeves at all because first I must make my body reappear magic you'll notice that I do now in fact have sleeves as well as controllers welded to the insides of my hands but fear not nothing tricky happening here um that's not supposed to happen oh dear okay uh-huh everybody remain calm remain calm I may need somebody to call a doctor however because I believe I'm having an allergic reaction is this hat made out of latex because Professor Chuck and hope should not be in contact with latex oh dear you wouldn't like me when I'm angry it's a funny Hulk joke for you bye but seriously how's that doctor coming oh thank god the doctors got rid of the controllers in the gigantism okay we're finally backstage I could drop the phony accent I got to keep it upright it's part of the show saying with a beard it's all fake if you see my nose looks like a pig's anus and everything from here down is even worse so I got to do it right it's just a part of the career but I think we can salvage this show it's not over yet the girls should be ready for the next act soon we just gotta go out there and do some magic that doesn't end up with me being the size of a freaking house just calm your nerves everything is fine we've done this a million times before right men women and children come from miles around to see the one and only Chuck and hope now Janice I don't want to do any more sleight of hand I don't want to do any more body morphism we need to play it safe for the rest of the acts so we're gonna stick to knife throwing my expertise that red stuff is paint okay it's there as part of the show they can't hear me now can they we used to have a stage monkey to do this stuff you know hewn the lights and pulling back the curtain but it bit Janice so we had to get rid of it now I'm guessing I need to do this there we go okay thank you thank you people sorry for the brief intermission we will now be continuing with my expertise of making British Australian accents sound stupid with knife-throwing that's Jimmy on cymbals Thank You Jimmy keep them splashy Janice I need you to do more than keep score and have a rockin set of tits okay smile is something I'm the one here throwing knives quite poorly there we go perfect thank you thank you I appreciate the standing ovation now those are good production values this this wasn't discussed Janice starting thing janice can't hear me that monkey fight may have done terrible things to her inside okay then Oh quiet on that one what are you looking at fortunately since this is entertainment and not competition it's really more of a marathon than a sprint but at the same time I I do love the applause thank you very much sir why you're not applauding you had best applaud so help me God just you wait I may or may not be able to hit you there's a strong chance that I may I'm starting to appreciate the name shuckin ho in that I Chuck these knives and really really hope that they hit the target but most of the time they don't sometimes they do however thank you thank you much appreciate it yes you keep standing them oh dear who keeps coming up with this [ __ ] Janice I'm aware that you're not saying anything right now but shut the hell up okay I'm trying my best in retrospect if we have the budget for a stage monkey and this many knives it should come as no surprise that we have budget for a moving backdrop which is just going to drive me freaking crazy there we go I do it for the applause I do it for you willing to change my last name to Professor spray-and-pray or perhaps not maybe it was all part of the Act please tell me that we didn't trap the monkey in that that would just be awful I don't know what this is but it's fine because my aim is getting better oh dear well would you look at that it's almost as if I know what I'm doing very important that no stagehands were hurt in the production of entertainment thank you thank you we're almost done there so I hope Janice what the hell is this what did I just say about what I mean what did I just say about stagehands I do not feel comfortable with this Lauren I know this is your first day but I need you to hold very very still for me thank you amaze even myself that'll be all Lord thank you yes you can go change your pants now oh yes okay we need that small interval that just means another pause holy [ __ ] guys where did Lauren come from why did nobody freaking say anything this is your fault Watson okay this is completely unacceptable I can't be throwing [ __ ] at the interns okay I did what is that is that that is that a timer I'm hearing a timer okay hold on I gotta go back to my dressing room who was in my dressing room and why did they fart on my doorknob why do people do these things and stage business is it completely unacceptable okay everything is going according to plan Lauren will be fine after weeks of therapy I don't think I can set up some kind of security camera to keep an eye on my dressing room but nobody better touch my doorknob or so help me God I would stay here and investigate but I can hear the crowd growing restless hi Lauren you're looking lovely and terrified what the hell is she doing here what did we just talk about during the last interval okay we can do this right everything is under control nothing is gonna go wrong if this is what the producer wants then this is what the producer gets Lauren please don't don't beg for it not now okay don't let them see but these are fake okay they can't possibly hurt you so everything everything will be fine fear not fellow viewers because I am an expert there we go okay well that that'll be a for Lauren let's let's give Lauren a clap as she leaves now leave Lauren thank thank you oh [ __ ] well I guess we have to try this again okay okay everything is all right Lauren you're not holding very still darling you're swaying a little bit I really don't appreciate that that was little close maybe we'll just stop that just go through her I think that went clean through her when it counts it accounts ever everything it definitely counts okay okay don't worry about that cut on the ear will heal nicely okay no problems would happen oh my god okay okay oh hey thank you okay thank you thank you are you [ __ ] I mean are you [ __ ] me sit down ma'am Dennis we're going to have to have a long talk once this is over with I got lucky last time I think some of those may have hit her with this time I think I might be pressing my luck a little bit huh Jimmy Jimmy now will be the time for the symbols that that should count Chinese turn the skull you stupid [ __ ] okay there we go thank you out of knives I have nothing left to give so if we could all just pack it up somebody let Lauren down please no of course not they're to be asking far too much oh that's a lot of blood Oh [Music] gonna tell you again you jail food me oh [ __ ] I don't know how the police got here so soon it just doesn't make any sense and it's not even that big of a deal right look in ten stitches later Lord I'll be able to walk again in six to eight weeks it's not like we don't pay her we we pay her in experience right she she's a magic intern what do you expect I'm wearing a fake beard in the latex hat Lauren how are you doing sweetheart how's that leg looks good as new I see all that blood came out of the spandex nicely okay then I guess we have to try that again now this is very important if the police officer is out there again you can't scream or bleed when I hit you you'll figure it out okay I believe in you we hired you for your her experience ladies and gentlemen hello officer I'm aware that I'm on strike one fear not Lauren is in good hands I'm sure I'll be lucky enough to have the knives go clean through her again right huh that's an easy one anybody could have done that one when she starts to sway that I don't really know about this huh okay no good we're good she has that part in her hair for the reasons don't don't worry I swear those are going through her head it might be the shadow it's the illusion of danger thank you Lauren okay stop waving now there we go and Jimmy did Jimmy no oh my god you you guys are breaking my balls here okay that counted if if lauren gets hit it's on them right is this is this one's on Jimmy did this one's on Jimmy [Music] excellent thank you thank you thank you sit down be quiet you'd be still as still as Lauren will be one side Boyd hitting her Mac oh my god I'm actually kind of getting good at this Wow I'm impressing myself I would clap my hands could reach each other two more Lauren was so close just don't move you have it thank you thank you appreciate it be sure to tip your waiters why what why is this a thing what's with the exes do I hit the exes do I not hit the exes nobody briefed me before the show how about we try hitting one of these exes that doesn't seem to have done much there you go you can break home to kids about that one okay Lauren this is going well everything is under control what we're good that wasn't an ex I guess I have to hit the exes living learn oh that's the text okay thank you Thank You officer yes not to pincushion sorry about your left tits now I'm starting to feel a little bad okay I didn't feel bad about hitting her in a leg because she doesn't have that nice a pair of legs what I mean Janice I don't suppose you could do me a favor and squeeze into that leotard real quick because if I hit her again the police officers are gonna do something to me I'm getting warnings but I don't know what for I guess we're gonna find out unfortunately this starts off nice and easy right there's literally no way for me to hit her hurt like this oh she's fine no no I don't think so officer what [Laughter] they actually sent me to jail for murdering an intern oh and they gave me the controller's back oh you have got to be kidding me hello come on there's plenty of Lauren's in the world hello hello is anybody out there I hear moving and I see moving because you're clipping through the wall but nothing great do I just spend the next 10 to 15 years here I like to think that somewhere in the universe Lauren with her deflated titty and a shattered leg staring up the same moon I am just cursing the name Chuck and hope I want to get out of here why whoa I supposed to be doing prison exercises to get out of here and spend the time what the hell is this wait a minute um yeah this is what you get for trying to imprison a master magician okay it's clearly not going to pan out for you oh my god okay let's get the hell out of here okay legs don't fail me now there's got to be some wit come on the legs now we don't have all day there has to be a way out of here right but there's got to be a way around the police that that's not a very good prison still not completely sure what those police officers are doing but I know that I am getting the hell out of here I made sure not to skip arm day for a reason here we go okay good now I need to make my way back to oh I probably need to get back to the show to continue Biggs dota heck I can't let the fans down oh that's a police officer hello officer don't mind me just escaping prison please be on your way I don't know how I'm supposed to do this let's just okay there's some motion sickness for you come on legs now would be the time to move almost Oh most there we go that's what I'm talking about bet you never thought you'd see me again yeah that's right I'm back it's good to see you're up and Adam considering I was charged for murder let's do this I'm getting through it this time and I don't care how much you beg it there we go that's what I'm talking about you can all sit down and shut up okay this is an entertainment anymore this is just for the guy in the back sit still you swaying tits there we go and another one just gotta keep them nice and high got a will avoid hurting hurt perfect thank you thank you I'm on my third strike okay I'm not going back to prison [Music] okay I gotta yell whenever you throw it so mix the knife with straight very important at weight I'm gonna hit Jimmy in the back okay he's kind of an easy target good good good good you can you roll that up to five for me Janice I got more important things to do today the parole hearing later Oh perfect perfect sit down shut the hell up shut up shut up there we go whoo okay can I do this huh yeah okay no no that was this let's go there let's go there there we go there we go have I mentioned how difficult it is to actually throw things in VR everybody are game I've ever played it freaking impossible so this is this is Jia stop god damn nightmare Lauren how about you try smiling for once for the love of God like I know you're probably getting incredibly nauseous just spinning around for minutes on end as I continuously miss these two targets oh my god I'm so close chuckles worth went home okay I'm just captain sauce now and I'm pissed and I want to finish this I just want to hit that's the good stuff that's what I'm talking oh god damn it oh okay this is doable right this this is easier I gotta do is be patient let's go to wait he'll come around and then Chuck great great hit back can't hit the back wonderful Janis where do we store the rubber knives is it next to the fake beards because I really want to close out the act not going to jail that would be wonderful that that'd be great cuz God knows if I go to jail again I'm going on a freakin rampage on all like you're hot I can't handle this oh he's gonna drive me crazy god I didn't go in the top of her head that that did not go in the top of her head don't worry about it thank you thank you is that is that intermission is that animation is this no of course not why would that be it that would be entirely too easy one knife one nugget yeah okay you can all say your goodbyes to Lauren now as I oh that's what I'm talking about little did they know I was aiming for Lauren's heads oh I thought I had to hit it multiple times oh thank you thank thank you thank you everybody I'll see you next time guys we need to have a team meeting okay this has gone too far and of course once again somebody slipped into my dressing room farted on my doorknob I'm getting really fed up Oh ah hi Lauren I see that you've come to kill me I also see that your pupils seem to be missing earth - Lauren you know what might make you feel better if I kill somebody in the crowd do not let the intern in my dressing room okay do you have any idea what people do to interns and dressing rooms already go into prison I don't need to go - double prison now you just stay right there okay everything is gonna be fine you'll notice that she isn't on her knees begging this time that's because she knows that I'm gonna take our top hat in the front row okay I think so oh no I got the guy next to him hey go back to the slammer huh I don't think God tits yeah I guess I really had this coming this seems like a good place to end things you know what I think that's gonna be it for this episode of Professor Chuck and hope guys and I gotta say this was some of the most fun I've had recording in a very long time you give me a full vieira body and a ton of different ways to screw around it's just amazing I absolutely love it so if you guys want to see more of this I think there are five acts there are different prisons to break out of there's a lot of other stuff that happens surely like in this video let me know and maybe I'll return to terrorize Lauren again the things went watching this video I hope you enjoy then I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 1,294,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: professor chuckenhope, professor chuckenhope vr, professor chuckenhope virtual reality, vr magician, vr magic, virtual reality magician, professor chuckenhope game, professor chuckenhope gameplay, professor chuckenhope let's play, professor chuckenhope funny, professor chuckenhope funny moments, professor chuckenhope walkthrough, professor chuckenhope playthrough, professor chuckenhope htc vive, professor chuckenhope ending, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: Wg2hJ1yursc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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