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hey hey Tony Gaskins here a long video for you so when you walk on your daily exercise on laying down on the long drive that's what this video is for now I had a partner my guy one of my guys he asked me to do a video on entangle minutes and so I had to look up the word and I realize it's kind of in the media you know going around dealing with you celebrity relationships or maybe relationships across the board just people a word and and in my assessment and what I gather from this word as it relates to a relationship when you think about entangled it's really a it's really a word when you're trying to escape responsibility when you don't want to accept responsibility for your choices and your actions there's really what the word is it's really a word that ties right in with creating [Music] miscellaneous elicits soul ties and what I notice is this is something a space when you get caught in your mess is when we say entangled when you get caught in your mess and you need to save face and we a lot of people have been there you see a lot of times where I remember seeing people celebrities and everyday people the man would get a woman pregnant a woman on the side and then he would say essentially he would say he was entangled and sent he would say that when the woman got pregnant him and his main woman was on a break now think about this if you've been with somebody for years and y'all separate y'all break up how do you go and get into a whole a whole situation ship if you love this person that you've been with and a lot of us have done this not go get in a whole situation and I remember hearing about two men in the media who had long term girlfriends or fiancees and they got a woman on the side pregnant and both stories was we were separated we were going through no you want no you want because think about this process now and this is then sometimes women do it so men and women do this but think about this process you in a relationship you have in tough times and in the midst of this relationship that you so-called trying to make work you get hurt y'all separate or you take a break and then you the entangled person go and create relations with someone else who obviously does not have any bylaws policies and procedures set in place for their life because they understand that they are a rebound or they are a hold me down they understand that and so not think about this essentially what this is is pain is ignorance immaturity a lack of responsibility a lack of accountability because to look yourself in the mirror and to confront yourself is one of the most painful things you will ever do in your life because when you do this you have to grow and you have to change and the sacrifice that must be made means that what you want to do your flesh what you want to do you won't be able to do because when we are hurting when we are lost when we are confused when we are broken we want to alleviate the pain but by alleviating the pain we want to do that with another human's heart and if that human can look at us and assess our situation and still choose to move forward and to come into our situation to come into our life that means that that person has a level of brokenness and so now you have different spirits out here and it's different terminology and you can make up your own turn your grandmom probably gave it a turn that she called it you know loose fast mannish Jezebel spirit seducing spirit you have different spirits that work out here now for those of y'all who read my book mrs. Wright you've seen how I break down even how a woman's hair style what it says about her how I break down how I read people and how different people depending on what they have gone through in life and what life how the world has treated them shapes and develops them determines who they are and so what you have now you have very manipulative people who when you are exposed when your soul is exposed sexually when your spirit is exposed sexually at a young age when you are or you experience abandonment or a form of trauma you go through a traumatic experience you grow up fast you don't get time to just really live and just be a kid you introduce to adult things whether that's sexual activity arguments fussing fighting you know pulling yourself up getting it up the mullet a lot of times those things can jar you so much that you start to seek pleasure you start their secret release and see some people choose the release of a sexual release orgasm some people choose that because now what has been said is that when you are intimate in that way and when you have that kind of release that the same part of the brain is activated as when you do powder snort cocaine so see some people may never touch a very harmful drug like that what their release may come from giving their body away their release may come from being entangled be having their heart [Music] swooned having their heart entangled in situation ships trying to find peace trying to find comfort but what happens is it becomes survival of the fittest so you have some people who become immune to the true feeling of heartbreak and they become immune to the true feeling of a toxic soul tide and they adapt to it and they accept it and they accept it as life bad marriage for life they accept it and what they do is wound each other take turns hurting each other and then when the pain gets too great take a break or separate and then get entangled with another broken soul and when you get to this place you essentially spiritually emotionally bankrupt you are bankrupt your bank could have millions of dollars in it but your spirit is bankrupt so what happens is when you're in this state getting ready to be entangled you will seek out you will seek out someone who is more hurt than you and you will go in and play the role of protector play the role of lover play the role of confidant advisor and it's really to assert power is really to position yourself for dominance it's really to get in a position for mental control to use the body of this person for your pleasure but you disregard their heart and you may give them what seems to be help but it's really just setting them up to be in your grasp to just be entangled and what happens is the one who wins this battle is typically the older person typically the one who's been around longer seeing the most done the most able to prey on the younger the weaker the ill-advised the onion the missing form and can prey on them snatch them up and use them for their high so if it's a woman getting a man she may use her influence she could be the mayor she could be the principal she could be a superintendent she could be a celebrity she could be an influencer she may she'll use her position her power her money her influence her name her brand to get this young man in her grasp and what he is he is a pain pill see but see his pain pill it's dangling between his legs it's working in his mouth see this hand him that's his pain pill this this hill that's his pain pill and what I mean by that is she want him to use that on her because when she get that release once you get that release that's like activating the same part of the brain like hidden old and so now because she met her match see the first the other man the other man she entangled with that's her match she can't not she cannot she has him in his in her grasp but see his spirit is compatible with her spirit his spirit can go through the toxicity and come war in the trenches with her spirit see she cannot devour him she can wound him but she can't kill him you see what I mean and so what happens is when he fights back she's not his kryptonite so when he fights back and he wants revenge and he goes and does his thing it hurts her it hurts her heart it hurts her mind it hurts her ego because this woman with this type of spirit this entangled spirit wants complete control wants complete domination but when there's been a man and he could have he could be there for five years 10 years 15 years 20 years 25 years ride together die together right or die and they have committed to hurt each other for life see this is what entanglement does you have a like a suicide pact essentially until death do us part but what it means is until I Drive you to a earth green through trauma pain lies manipulation deception and let's take turns it becomes a deathmatch of chess who's going to hurt who the most who can pull the biggest offense who can commit the greatest offense to get the other person to surrender fall into their grasp and say I'm all yours see this is when you've been turned over to a reprobate mind and I see that the key here is is these type of individuals and a lot of us have been there I'd have been there these type of individuals are lawless so what you'll notice most of these individuals will not subscribe to God most of these individuals will denounce the Holy Bible or religion because those things come with boundaries come with instructions come with rules and regulations it comes with a moral compass and these individuals want to be lawless they want to be able to do whatever soothe their pain momentarily if that's drugs if it's illicit sex if it's multiple partners if it's an open relationship if it's swinging if it's bisexuality pornography whatever it is they want to be able to do whatever they want to do and if you introduce guidelines for life it disrupts their spirit but see what happens now these two spirits they they're at odds but they're wise enough to be seen as smart intelligent deep because to to operate in this spirit you are you have some depth but see there's depths of the pit of 80mm there's depth to that see when it won't win if you study the ancient text of the Holy Bible you will see that Satan approached the Son of God Jesus Christ and knew the scripture knew the Word of God to approach the Son of God with the Word of God so now here the most deceptive manipulative spirit could sound intelligent could be quoted with on wisdom knowledge understanding and intelligence but yet be spiritually or morally sexually sexually morally bankrupt completely devoid of a true anchor to any form of purity or righteousness no anchor no spiritual grounding that is and when I say spiritual grounding I'm not talking about when people go to talking about chakras and all of this stuff I'm talking about morals I'm talking about values because he what these individuals will do is they will in the name of love hurt people in the name of help hurt people in the name of healing hurt people see they will put a ribbon put a bowl on the grenade on the ticking time-bomb do they're getting ready to put in your life put a bow on oh here you go oh here you go I'm getting ready to destroy your life but before I destroy your life I'm gonna pay for 50 sessions of therapy here you go go to therapy this is the best therapist out there let's see it's really like the purge you know the movie the purge is really when your spirit has been turned over to a reprobate mind when you've been turned over to a spiritually bankrupt place in your life because you were introduced to promiscuity fornication lust at a young age pain or trauma at a young age and when you were not real back in help was not sent when you were not enlightened and engaged with a new meaning new purpose new life renewed your heart renewed your mind when you didn't do that but you continue to be victimized by people who met you who wanted to get everything they could get from you it turns you into a savage hearted person who if you show your fangs everyone will run away so you have to disguise yourself as harmless deep intellectual center spiritual connected but really you're jacking the boss you're ticking time-bomb because you're hurting you lost and you need other humans to be sacrificial for your pain so you sacrifice the heart the mind the spirit the soul of weaker individuals to make yourself feel better to make yourself feel powerful and see what you when it comes down to these entanglements what you will hear the entangle the men and the women what you will hear them do is they will weaponize their victimization oh yeah no I mean some words today night someone come from my dictionary someone come from your dish Nair they will weaponize their victimization what I mean by that is you will hear them constantly but see you won't you won't hear them say I was hurting and I was broken in a way that you can believe it when they say I was hurting I was broken I was lost they will you may see a long blank it may be like I was really hurting I was really lost that blink lets you know that they don't mean what they're saying because when they said it there was not an anchor there was not a direct connected uninterrupted gaze into the person or people they're talking to with a swelling of emotion and feeling almost to the point of Tears and I see there's different types of these entangled spirits because there are types that can say I was hurting I was broken and they will go into tears but but you you won't believe it you won't feel it because he when they're truly hurting and broken when it comes out of their mouth the listener you will feel it it's like a smoke signal it's a cry for help so the helper in you cut next to it and you feel drawn to their pain and you can sense it you can feel it because if you've ever been hurt you know pain when you see it you know pain when you see it but see some people and this is what we have to realize is there are choices to be made in life so humans adults pick a side the adult is not a victim an adult is not a victim an adult is a volunteer because an adult has the wherewithal the mental capacity unless they are in the true clinical definition of the word mentally [ __ ] unless they are mentally [ __ ] in the true sense of the word not the derogatory term that teenagers use talking about their friend in the true sense of the word adults can make a decision to heal or to hurt to drive or to survive to suffer or to succeed it is a choice and that choice is followed by action because there is help just like this video free health this is free help we have help but see this is what I try to get people to understand that a lot of people don't want to accept especially the people who are guilty of it we live in a world where many will choose to weaponize their victimhood and they will say and they will live and they will attest to and profess and proclaim pain suffering a bad marriage a bad life if it kills me it kills me if I die die if it takes me it takes me but this confusion this lawlessness this morally bankrupt state this spiritually bankrupt state I accept it and I embrace it that's what they say they won't say it with their mouths they'll say it with their actions because he to do the opposite what mean they have to consecrate their spirit look at the word consecrate Co en SEC RA te they have to consecrate their spirit their heart their mind see they will have to renew and in order to be renewed it's like if a person has a drug addiction and there is the house the trap the dope house that they go to in order to be healed they have to remove themselves from that neighborhood they have to avoid that neighborhood at all costs they may have to go live somewhere else with someone else move somewhere else go to a rehab get help be talked to the way I'm talking to you be taught to hear the hard truth see [Music] someone who doesn't want to change they don't want to hear the truth everyone is attacking them everyone is judging them everyone is being nosy everyone is sticking their nose where it doesn't belong they don't want help they want to be understood or we understand you we understand that you refuse to feel remorse and regret and to do the work to change now see this what I mean by do the work I mean doing the work with someone who has been called to help you face yourself confront yourself someone who has been called to it it is going to be painful because what you hear about your victimhood that you have volunteered to remain in will bring you to your knees but you don't want to hear it because you want to call it a choice you're right if I want to sleep around and I wanna sleep with who I want to sleep with you're not considering the damage to their heart the damage to their spirit to their soul when you entangle your body with theirs when you use your body your penis penis okay but J okay okay but J booty okay when you use your body whatever you use in mouth okay Pete cobbler microphone when you use your body to get a emotional release see you want to be touched you want to be loved but what you don't realize is you need to be touched by God spiritually you need to be moved you need to be loved by your Creator but in order for that to happen you got to come [ __ ] yourself and you got to confront your creator and so what these individuals will do and I used to be down I was there I changed my life I had to confront myself I had to realize that what I was doing was wrong I had to realize that I wasn't just sinning against myself I was sitting against others I had to realize I wasn't just hurting myself I was hurting others I had to realize that as I was seeking pleasure for my pain I was calling I was causing pain in the lives of others see I had to confront myself and see what I had to realize is that that pleasure that I was seeking was actually pain disguised as happiness see momentary pleasure leads to pain not to happiness I had to realize that I had to realize that it was painful because he what happens is when you seek out that remedy for your unaddressed issues you do it with the heart of another human can see a book does not have a heartbeat you can't lay your head on the chest of a book a video does not have a heartbeat see you want a physical body that you can feel warm coursing through the veins it's almost like you are a spiritual vampire because if you can suck the blood of another human it fills you up but when you are exposed to the light you feel like it's killing you because when you expose to the light and when I say light I mean truth of your ways is so painful that you are the toxic one that's a painful realization to understand that you have been hurt and you have accepted the hurt and now you are hurting others to soothe your pain so instead of fixing your heart you are feeding your heart the blood of other victims who have not seen as much as you done as much as you learned as much as you they don't know the game the way you know the game so see you eventually meet your match you meet your match and when you meet your match it becomes spiritual warfare and I'm not talking good and evil because you're both operating from an evil space but spiritual warfare meaning your spirit versus his spirit or her spirit but you meet your match and you're seeing a tennis match that lasts three hours four hours and it's like what in the world it's like that you're going back and forth back and forth you get this set next they get that set you get this they get that set you get you got to win by two [Music] and you can't ever get up to because you win one and they win anyway what you win one day win one you win one day with one it's a evil game it's a toxic game that you playing with your life you plan with your heart so eventually you need a break separation and now you got to go find some blood the Sun all right and I say somebody words wrong trying not to get tripped up on hill all right this somebody else network you're saying my network I'm still raising the money for Tony to when I get Tony - whoa not gonna be unadulterated truth you can be but while I'm on here I got this try to tone this thing down but it's tough this time right here came really toning it down so on this here breathe you want to go get somebody see now you're going to find your sacrificial lamb your sacrificial lamb know what this is this is a weak person who has been hurt lied to take advantage of abandon and you may even publicly use the words like when this person came to me he was really really sick it was really sick [Music] okay okay healer okay healer so let me get this straight [Music] this person came to you admittedly very sick you have witnesses your witness that this person was very sick might be the person you entangle with already it might be your match that you met that you can't concur that you came to our with your spiritual lust if VD just a bell spirit it might be your match so you and your match may see this person is very sick but guess what this you'll fill up this will fill up this to purge this your sacrificial lamb this who you've been something life at all this will you feeling something life outta so you could get revitalized and your vampirism so you could go back in your initial entangle situation the key to fight going because your main partner your life partner won't revenge and you know your life partner gonna get revenge but in order to get revenge you got to be filled up of somebody else blood so you find the weak Lamb just lay on leg broken you let the land rest up get some milk feet and lamb let it eat from the land fatten the lamb up get any good make the lamb feel comfortable make the young lad feel comfortable make the young lamb feel comfortable we'll use them interchangeably young lad young lamb make them feel comfortable make them feel it's all consensual this all good it's all love rest your head and when a young lad rest his head you off with it you off with his head you feel back up you've been moving in the dark you've been moving in the dark keeping the public in the dark show a little bit of face show a little bit of teeth let the public see just get the lamb Carleton because the lamb say oh you ain't afraid to walk around with me oh you ain't afraid to go in public with me oh you must really care for me I thought I was the look a little weak lad a little weak lamb I thought you were gonna keep me hidden oh you're gonna show me so the young lamb get comfortable build a little confidence but don't realise that he or she it's only being used for the real warfare the warfare with the life partner you just so fill up the young lamb don't realise he or she is just a fill of you you you just you like the Tesla charging station better than ranlo get the little power all right let's get back into it so now the person who is admittedly you say your life partner says your friends say your confidant say your Watchers your teammates who condoning your brokenness your filed miss your immorality your indiscretion everybody all your enablers can see your victim is weak is sick and the crazy thing about it is your Vita see when I'm talking about the entangle people the Vita might be brought to them by a loved one the victim might be brought into their life by their son or their daughter by the cousin by the CPA by the assistant by the by their attorney by their mother by their father see this happened on all levels see a lot of times people just think this stuff happened on multi-million our celebrity level no that's happening in your neighborhood this happening in the hood they have been in hood well grandma no billy-ray granddaughter and grandma brain bit of a granddaughter over to her house and get a meal they introduced her to hook blood sucking grandson who see no gotta entangle spirit you see what I mean don't just don't get caught up thinking I'm talking about certain people that you may know it that you may not know don't get caught up throwing stones don't get caught up trying to all right stalling somebody Lin somebody the state no don't get caught up in that look right next to you look at your cell alright look at your cell look right next to you look at your mama look at your daddy look at your brother look at your sister look at your cousin look at your up to your uncle's your Grum on your granddaddy look right next to you look at your school teacher look at your boss look at yourself see evaluating see if you have an entangled spirit see if somebody you know got an entangled spirit could see what the spirit is doing its seeking to devour to steal it could be still an innocent still in the heart still in the mind to kill it could be killing self esteem killing self worth and destroy it leaves the vintner why because he or she [Music] though it sacrificed for their heart their self-esteem their self-worth was stripped because see the person would an entangle spirit feels like if they can master the mind the spirit manipulate like a puppet master this other person they feel more powerful they feel like they're full they feel like they're heal that's why they can go and talk to people about it without shedding a tear and and they can go and talk to people without accepting responsibility and they can go on glow Sun over with words and fancy words and a bunch of broken speak broke language when I say broke language ain't telling my mind I'm talking my broken mind it spiritually bankrupt legalese you will hear using words trying to get you to feel sympathy for them and to excuse them for taking advantage of another soul but see the proof is in the pudding [Music] the solution is in the problem see when you listen closely you will hear the damnation of the entangled spirit because you're gonna hear the entangled spirit say well the person that I was dealing with was very sick or very broken and I was broken I was really hurting I was really hurting I was really lost you're gonna hear the admission of guilt but what you gotta also here is that the entangled person this spirit is a willing spirit this will willing spirit the spirit knows what it's doing it has accepted the role because think about this in a literal sense but also in a metaphorical sense to be exorcised now see okay if you country like me you think I'm talking my exercise time i excerpt any time I eat X Y are I say exercise x-- e x-- o are okay which is too abstract to remove a spirit in this case we talkin a demonic spirit right but not in some people would use this in a religious way and some people use this in a in a sacrilegious way in a practice but not not literally speaking but when you see somebody delivered from a spirit it is a painful jarring uncomfortable outer body of the worldly experience when I was a child I was in church and a lady came in this is true story with a spirit and the pastor went to praying for I was a kid and at some time you hear this stuff on moved on movies I looked at it I was looking at it the pastor went to praying for the latest see spirits attract or spirits repel that's why see I know where I operate from I know who I am I know who called me so that's why when my spirit don't mess with somebody I know all I need to know when somebody no vibe with me I know all I need to know because I know my behind the scenes I know I live a righteous life style I know I live a pure lifestyle I know I live a selfless lifestyle so when somebody is repelled from me I know that they could sense my spirit they could sense my purity and so they got to keep their distance because when they come in my presence they shrink woo-loo-loo they feel like I'm judging them I'm not judging you I just I see you I'm not judging you but I see you there's healing there's healing I'm a healer cuz he a healer don't hurt you a healer ain't gonna try to bankrupt you a healer ain't gonna sleep with you I'm a healer my son I played this game called overwatch right and they at war and they fighting people but it's certain characters that's healers so that when people get wounded that character can send out a healing rate and everybody gotta come inside of that rate and they get healed to go back in the battle my song is playing a game but see I look at it differently I just like I look at everything in life but see this what I want you to understand these spirits they attract or they repel so I remember now let me go back to my story I don't wanna let the story the lady came in and she went up for prayer and the pastor not uh not okay atheists all right atheists all of this what you all of this which all are I'm telling you a real story alright take it how you want to take it alright the lady went up for prayer and she had a spirit on the pastor went to praying for the lady fell to the ground started shaking she was vibrating on the ground started convulsing and she started foaming at the mouth foam come out of her mouth white foam at her mouth and in that moment what they said was happening they said she was being delivered from a spirit oh yeah that's read that I seen that with my own very eyes with my very own eyes do you mean so understand this that is why the entangled spirits choose to remain entangle see what they want to do is they want to hide in plain sight they want to be broken they want to be damaged they want to be hurt they want to be lost they want to be loveless they want to be more or less and when I say more I don't mean in every area see somebody's spirits will give to charity will serve but they have their area see what these entangle spirit somebody could be entangled with a financial spirit to where they're pure sexually but they do fraud financially some could be pure financially they don't do any fraud they don't break any laws they break hearts by sucking spirits out of people not not in a positive way not in a healing way they get the broken they get the sick they openly admit that the sick that they slept with was sick when he or she was brought into their life by one of their enablers one of the people who sees them what does not see them see everybody sees them son daughter husband mother [Music] friends family everybody sees them but 99% of people choose to enable now see not enable in the positive way enable in a negative way choose to enable this person by not calling out this spirit that they're operating from a manipulative and controlling and seducing spirit a demonic spirit if you may say if that's how you believe and see the spirit it seeks to devour because off of the pain of others is how it is you're empowered is how it is revitalized and see from these type of spirits you will hear excuses you will hear explanations but very rarely will you hear an authentic apology will you hear I am truly truly sorry for taking advantage of someone who came to me trusting me believing in me needing me and seeking healing seeking growth but see now here's the thing now here's the thing sometimes the victim spirit is not actually a victim sometimes the spirit that you think is a victim is actually a willing participant because here's what happens the victim spirit that you think is a victim actually came to get their own feel to get their own knotch in their belt to build their storyline so that they can go out and talk about it and have a story to tell because the a true victim will not weaponize their victimhood see they may tell their story but they won't weaponize their victimhood and it's a fine line and only certain people who have elevated to a certain level of discernment and understanding can tell the difference see people who dare not venture into the land of discernment because of the painful reality of being able to truly see people for who they are it's a painful reality because when you can see people you will realize that your mother is not who you thought she was that your father is not who you thought he was that your brother that your sister that your husband that your wife is not who you thought they were that your son that your daughter see when you can see people for who they are when you enter into that realm of discernment discretion wisdom knowledge and understanding that is given to you freely by your Creator when you ask see when you go into that space The Book of Proverbs say if you seek wisdom ask for word and when you get wisdom make sure you get understanding because see even entangled spirits have wisdom they have wisdom they may even have some understanding they may very well understand themselves but they have made a choice but see I don't speak names my father always tell me son don't speak names so I try not to but sometime too real but see you don't have to speak names well spirit no when you're talking to it spirit no when you're talking to it in the Bible you'll see when Jesus approached certain demonic spirit this spirit went crazy in the vessel whoever was holding that spirit went crazy if they were breaking chains you want it ready to jump off a cliff spirit went crazy because of peer and a righteous spirit or posted an itch so you don't see it when you start living right when you start living with integrity you start living with morals and values across the board in every area of your life you're going to see that you will repel certain people they want to stay far away from you because they know you see them they move in the dark they play face put on a face in the light but when they come in your light they are exposed and they go to other way see spirits no Spears and I see it's a it's a certain in this space that I'm talking about and and you you gonna take it your mind and say oh he talking about this person he's talking about that person I might be I might not be but that's what I need you to understand spears no Spears see it's been certain tables colored tables that's that's talk shows that I've been approached by but see approached by one of the runners approached by one of the runners approached by one of the producers but see that producer does not have the spirit of the talent the host so the producer may see my spirit and see a light but the host may see my spirit and see that it's a different spirit and that if we sit in front of each other across from each other there is going to be a reckoning and there will be no language to escape the spiritual confrontation the good the pure the healed will prevail by truth so I want you to understand address your entanglement and if you see it elsewhere speak to it call it out cool calm and collected call it out it's real it's dangerous but you'll know it when you see it if you accept discernment it is tone of gaston's god bless you
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 55,720
Rating: 4.934072 out of 5
Keywords: entanglements, entangled
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 59sec (3599 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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