Did he want revenge? | Talks with Tony

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hey tony guys here popping in another episode of talks with tony now my plan going forward just so y'all kind of could have an idea i plan to have a talks with tony go up at 8 p.m eastern every day of the week that's the plan but life happens so if you check in at 8 p.m eastern time and it ain't there that mean you know i was tied up that day and didn't get to shoot it or it might be going at 9 00 or 9 30 or i'm just i'm just missing that day okay so understand that but that's my plan you could plan to check 8 pm eastern if you don't get the check then you could check the next morning or whenever you watch you know because some of y'all in different parts of the world the other thing is this week which is christmas week the course is on tony gaskins academy for those who are ready to become a life coach so you can join mymentor.life is 50 to 80 percent off the course is 50 to 80 off and one of the courses you'll see it says 2021 reading is you know fundamental make sure you read the description that 2021 course that's only 25 that's live calls so i'll be doing live calls on the phone group coaching where i'm sharing a lesson a message and then open the line up for a q a just any type of you know last minute insight or feedback that people may need and those calls will be one hour to two hours i'm only charging 25 because i want the entry for people to be low but i had to put a price on it because the phone line has a maximum capacity so all of that is on tonygationsacademy.com and the link is in the description of this here video now got this here uh letter now some of y'all said okay tony you said letter name nah i'm just reading the letter so if she put her name in the letter that mean she don't care about her first name being said i mean first name the person could be in africa europe america it's just because your neighbor have the same first name it's not your neighbor it's like oh that's my neighbor no it's not she just said this my name she said last name so y'all you know and another thing i'm gonna ask y'all y'all stop recognizing stuff that don't need to be recognized you know just listen to the video like lord thank you for only making it legal for a man of god to have one wife because lord i wouldn't be able to deal with two three four five wives because y'all be recognizing just the most random stuff and be in the comments give a whole dissertation about something that the video ah tony do you know that the color navy blue comes from the derivative of slavery and it is very toxic to have navy blue on the wall it just be some of the randomness stuff y'all come on this list to the video about what the video is about and let's stay focused okay people be trying to get the answer and be like all right good hi tony thank you for all you do and the wisdom you impart daily through your channel i need your help i was in a relationship with my ex for almost six months and while we had similar values we were beginning to plan a future together i broke up with him because he would often exhibit some very off-putting behaviors now this hill got a little education she put a semicolon in there she put behavior semicolon and comma whoo this was this one right and i grew tired of always having to be on the defense feeling that every idea or opinion i expressed would lead to a debate before dating him i was single for three years while i focused on my personal growth and finishing my degree to make a better life for me and my daughter i questioned whether i broke up with him for the right reasons or if i was just accustomed to my independence and reluctant to get out of my comfort zone after the breakup comma we didn't speak for several weeks just for the commas y'all y'all forgive me this right here just is refreshing to read uh email somebody took a time they turned on grammarly or just use her grammar education because i could just flow with it now y'all forgive me i just got a little excited after the breakup comma we didn't speak for several weeks and he gave me a hard time whenever we would talk because i initiated the breakup even until this day his way of justifying his disrespectful behavior is you said what you said so in his mind there was no going back this is confusing to me because it's been over four months since the breakup but just two months ago we were communicating again and working on getting back together or so i thought i asked him several times if he was interested in getting back together and we seemed to be on the same page we finally made plans to get together where we hooked up then he ghosted me and i didn't hear from him for six weeks i reached out a few times but never got a response so i blocked him i got curious when he disappeared because i wasn't sure if it was another woman or if he was dealing with the various family issues he has shared with me to my surprise comma i find out through facebook that he's engaged now and i'm pretty sure he was already engaged when we slept together why would a guy go to this extreme just to get revenge i don't think he ever got over the breakup and i would never want to ruin another woman's moment or come between their relationship but i can't help but think he did all this just to get back at me i've blocked him everywhere possible because it hurts knowing he rushed out and gave her everything he promised slash plan to do with me it just sucks that i thought we really had a chance to rebuild our relationship and he threw me away after he got what he wanted i feel so used thank you for your time and any help you can provide period now listen okay now this sister here did not have a single typo in the email i'm just blow y'all let me cut on the top like i'm just blown away why i tell you what you hit me so stop listening listen every night in something we might need a freelance you know uh copy editor you know every nine in case we get two you know backed up with editing books we might need a uh what you call the thing proofreader might need a extra proof reader sometime to help jerrod when she get you know so since an old email so i almost said your name to support that tonygashin.com just in case we have some you know little small proofread dollar one dollar a page all right that means 100 pages 100 all right one dollar you want me to want one dollar paid now sis listen you answered your question you answered your question that you wrote in everybody heard it everybody knows the answer including you but now the thing that you ask which is the eighth wonder of the world is why men do some of the things men do and so you say why would a man go to this extent just to get revenge this is a lesson on ego this is a lesson on ego and and this is what i was the same way i was the same way when i was a grown boy that that he is the same way and most men are this way reason why is because most men operate from ego and ego is the enemy but that's important for women to know and that's why you hear me say sometimes in my videos that say listen if you leave a man or if a man leaves you never take them back you'll hear me say certain things just like never do this never do this and that's because men operate from ego now you left him now the one time that you can take a man back is when you leave him because that means you chose that he wasn't the one you chose he wasn't right for you so if you chose the step away to get some separation and then he comes clamoring for your attention and he is knocking down the door begging you to be his that's and then he says look i've done this work i've done that work this is what i'm doing can i have a second chance to show you that i've grown and i've changed that is the only time you can consider hear what i said now consider honestly you take them back and i didn't also speak on what type of offense do you take them back because you already know it's certain offenses that you can't even consider taking a man back so when he comes and he's begging and then you have some stipulations in place that he has to complete so he may go and say all right um i did 12 sessions of life coaching with a coach on my mentor dot life i read make it work i read a woman's influence i even read the dream chaser just to get some ambition going and i've been praying every day reading every day like he's lays out to you what he has done to grow and to change this man here did none of that because when you left him he no longer wanted you and so this guy's the classic case of an egotistical man because when you broke up with him he was like good riddance bye see you later cause he didn't even he didn't even check for you he checked for you and he let you go about your business then when y'all started talking i think you say but just two months ago we were communicating again and this your ex he was your ass for almost six months two months ago y'all were communicating again now now this still on your mind two months had passed before you sent me this email not another two months the past since you sent this email so now it's been full month so you know we might need a little update but now listen [Music] this is confusing to me because it's been over four months since the breakup but two months ago we were communicating again and working on getting back together or so i thought this was to say or so i thought this was got all kind of educational uh now listen all right four two months went by when y'all broke up two months went by that y'all were not communicating and then y'all start communicating so for everybody that's watching this listen if you break up with a man and he's not trying to get you back like the next week that is either that's an egotistical man or he's saying you're not the one anyways it's one or the other and it could be both it could be both but you got to know that man now here's the other thing that you have to realize women stick out relationships longer on average on average there are exceptions to the rule but women typically will put up with more from a man then a man puts up with a woman on average should not be that way but that's how it is typically so the fact that you decided to leave him that mean this man was a headache this man was a head ache and he thought he was just so smart he thought he was so articulate he had to because your email written so perfectly he had to have some kind of education for you to be into him and then this is the thing now you said i broke up with him because he because he would often exhibit some very off-putting behavior now let's say off-putting whoa this is the red all kind of book and then she put a semicolon this is a and then she put a comma and i grew tired of always having to be on the defense feeling that every idea or opinion i expressed would lead to a debate listen so that right there what the good lord sparing you because listen you with this man and you say i was in a relationship with my ex for almost six months so it had only been six months almost six months haven't you had any sniff six months yet and y'all was debating about your every what you said idea or opinion would lead to a debate that is so draining that is so draining so let me ask you what do you miss about this why do you miss this man why are you worried about this man all right you got to talk to yourself like this okay why am i worried about the great debater who you remember on the great debate they had to put the thing in their mouth and talk with it in there the little cork that's how he's grew up just practicing and what our thought is and so he learned how to argue and now this is the thing okay forgive me i'll be about to say y'all name all right now listen if i slip up and say somebody first name i ain't gonna say the whole last name now but it's a lot of people the same first name so don't y'all assume y'all know the person but i'm trying to be mindful now listen because you got your little education on you you intimidated him now i know when i say intimidated i don't mean scared of so y'all don't get that confused i use intimidated in a different way oh honey you said men are not intimidated by women are you intimidated in different ways i don't when i when i say a men are not intimidated i mean not afraid of not scared of now intimidated in the sense that this why it led to a debate because you're too smart for him you too articulate for him and it rubbed him the wrong way because he like he used to be in he is used to being the smart guy in a relationship and he used to being his girlfriend he used to her being a love remedial she was not in the same class all day you know you know when you have to go to sle they put you in the same class all day he's not you know he don't want that woman and it's not wrong with her lord love her too lord love you so for those of you who sat in the same classroom all day i'm not talking about you i'm not picking on you you see i ain't this not that's not a joke i'm just saying when you have a special learning ability sometimes they focus with you in one class for the duration of the day i had some homeboys that was in that class so that's how i know about it because we'll be changing classes and they'll be in that class but hey all right hey you gonna get out go to p.e oh all right all right now to me i ain't wasn't wrong with him i ain't nobody was in the same classroom all day but anyway back to what i was saying he didn't want that kind of woman because he looked down on her so he wanted a woman with a little bit of education like you but he like hold on now you got too many ideas and opinions like you say every idea or opinion you express would lead to a debate like hold on you got too many ideas and opinion especially to be a single mom because that's what he thinking now this ain't what i'm saying so when when you come in and you have a child you said in finishing my degree now what's your degree in because you need to finish your degree and you write good like this come on focus on my personal growth and finishing my degree with your degree in astronomical science to make a better life for me and my daughter so see now you came in with a daughter so he expected you to be even less idealist and opinionless and so when you got all these ideas and opinions that you talking about hold on well actually no that's not right see let me show let me tell you something because although i'm from screech i got sense and most sense than you because you finished your degree yet that's why you was on your back that's why you got a daughter okay now back to what i was saying so actually no that is not right because this is how this goes now are you listening to me better yet please sit down while i'm talking to you because this is a lesson you need to get so see this the kind of man you were dealing with and so you said he would exhibit some very off-putting behavior because he was used to his girlfriends being like wow you are so smart [Music] this is refreshing like i don't mean to be a fan girl or anything like that but this is refreshing to talk to a man who has sense oh my goodness like your mind like where did you develop this mind like was it your dad like i could tell do you have a dad in a home or like did your mom have you read a lot that's what he used to hearing from his women and that's really what his fiancee probably doing she probably enamored by his quote unquote intelligence and so here's the thing when you have a daughter and you seeking your degree a grown boy think he better than you now you probably could run circles around him mentally emotionally spiritually but a grown boy gonna think he better than you and he's gonna assume that because you are a single mother and before that you said before him i was single for three years while i focused on my personal growth and finishing my degree also you probably had already finished your degree okay you already got your degree while you were single for three years so he assumed grown boys assumed grown boys make a lot of assumptions okay he assumed that because you got a daughter that you desperate for a man that you want a man to come in play step daddy and lead you that's what y'all have to be aware of when you dealing with a grown boy and especially if you have and you are a mother or is something else that you feel like people hold against you men expect grown boys expect for you to be desperate and for you to put up with more so what really offended him okay the great debater and he just whoa he was so smart what really offended him is the fact that you had the audacity to have a daughter and then have standard he would just blow what you're a single mom no one even wants you you are leaving me do you know what the astronomical diabolical philosophical lesson is here so he thought wow hi in the world now see let me tell you now i'm gonna try to look at you with my good eye and i see the other thing two nine i could tell by your hairstyle that every night then every night in every night and you have a look you have a little traction okay yeah every night then you'll have your now it looked good now in the picture but i could i could just tell every night and when it when the hell dude i've been in a little bit that track go to attract go to wavering you get a little scratch and so nine so he like okay so you finna get weave see he tried to judge you he tried to judge you you can hear a wii with a track and you got daughter and you finally me so he was so shocked and appalled because it's a good possibility that if you got a man that is articulate enough to debate with every idea and opinion you express that he had impressed a lot of these women out here today not the women that's on this page because obviously you don't hear getting knowledge you got some sense but the women who fall in the so-called alpha male pages and think they get educated and over there getting debased and demeaned and think they just help the gang because they follow the so-called alpha male red hill midtown you know the men who do the video actually got women who follow them and then them some of them women try to come tell me i'm a simp because i love and respect my woman and because i listen to her and her thoughts and her mind and that because we married i don't want to make a decision that she don't agree with that it's women that have a problem with that because they listening to those kind of men i see listen that's the kind of woman that he used to be in with he's not used to being with a woman that's over here getting a balanced message that honors and respect the mind of a woman that's why he was debating so much and then another reason he typically probably picked women that he feel is something that you should be insecure about so now if your natural roots they not all the way where you want to be but you still working on them okay so when you take your weave out and you let your roots breathe but you still apply anointing oil to them he thinks that you're supposed to be insecure about that you got a daughter he thinks you're supposed to be insecure about that this kind of man tried to pick a woman that he thinks gonna be insecure and then he met you and met his match like whoa this is the guy confidence this is the confident this don't feel like she lacking anything this this don't feel like she less deserving this don't feel like she need me this hill with a single three years before me uh i got to break her down so that's what a grown boy tries to do he wants to debate with you to make you feel stupid to make you feel less than he want to correct everything you do so that you start to wonder how is he all knowing and a lot of women start to believe that like wow how do you know so much so you mean to tell me that you have to press the toilet handle down and then when if you let it go slowly it goes all the way back up and then the toilet stopped running i was today years oh oh my god what else can you teach me around the house and so that's what he wanted he want a woman that's gonna sit and let him talk like he the smithsonian you said i mean and then when he met you and you got you a large so you able to well actually i don't agree with that you don't agree with me he was shocked and appalled and then when you left him he was shocked in a paw but see this is the thing this what you need to learn and every woman who watching this listen when you have the right mind to leave a man don't let your left mind send you back if your first mind say i need to leave don't let your second mind say ah let me see if we want to work it out no cause he's still the same man he's still the same man so if you have to leave him if you gonna go back if it need to be him chasing you it sounds like you was reaching out to him it sounded like you know after the breakup we didn't speak for several weeks now see whenever you say several i always think seven just because sev several weeks and you did say two months now y'all broke up four months two months ago y'all so several weeks probably is that seven eight weeks that you allude to and he gave me a hard time whenever we would talk because i initiated the breakup absolutely when you break up with a man he gonna be butt hurt scratchable to get glad he's gonna be mad and a lot a lot of men don't know the scratchy booty get glad so he but hurt and don't got no preparation h so now when you come back he angry he upset and he wants revenge he want to get even and so that's what you said now because even until this day his way of justifying his disrespectful behavior is you said what you said so in his mind there was no going back absolutely when you break up with a man unless he feels like you are his wife and he knows he's your husband is there is no going back so as a woman when you break up with a man you have to have a mindset that it's over and you have to be proven wrong without beyond a shadow of a doubt beyond a shadow of a doubt that applies in the court of law but that also applies in the court of love that the person who was in the wrong man or woman has to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt beyond a reasonable doubt and without a shadow of a doubt with all the doubts we're gonna just use all the doubts today that got to be proven okay and what they call that the burden of proof is on the one who got left so you left him so it was his job the when you come back as soon as he got an attitude you felt like oh it's the same man wow okay um okay oh okay uh all right well you know it's great talking to you all right i'm gonna let you go bye that right now is supposed to be your answer right now you're supposed to be done you're supposed to be all the way done but you sitting on the phone behooved and bewildered wondering why is he upset he supposed to be happy i'm coming back now so that they had worked when you're dealing with a grown boy and then and so the thing about it is when you came back he wanted to rub it in your face because because he's looking at you like uh huh thought you was better than me huh think just cuz you got good grammar that you could come pop back in my life now you want me not you saying want me now i'm hot you all on me got something for you and so and that's why when y'all kept talking and y'all coming back and then now here's the thing where you did wrong and don't ever do this again in your life don't ever do this again in your life ever again in your life because see you was trying to feel good you were trying to feel confident single mother got a degree but i'm gonna love myself i'm gonna work on myself i'm a i'm worthy of love you was on the right page doing the right thing that's where your mind says supposed to be but then when you left the man and then he wasn't open arms when y'all reconnected you started to question yourself you start to feel a little inadequate you start to feel a little less than you you start your insecurity start to resurface from the insecurity that you had when you was with your baby daddy those same insecurities start the resurface and this what you say now you say i asked him several times listen uh uh several that's the wrong word social that's a wrong word and then now listen several times if he was interested in getting back together and we seemed to be on the same page no y'all went on the same page he just was feeling good he like whoa but you gave him the ego boost he needed because to him you know manglish man speak in english and then he hears in english so while you on the phone he kind of he hear you like this yes you know i just really really miss you and you're such an amazing man and it's just i was so dumb so stupid it's like i know i know how to use semicolons and commas but i can be so dumb at times and it's like to let a good man like you get away what was i thinking especially me being like less than being a single mother and just not having a lot of options and men not wanting me and me really not being worthy just to have the opportunity to talk to a man like you again i'm honored and i just want to know if you will please please forgive my stupidity although i'm a degree holding woman forgive my stupidity and take me back that's what he heard that's what he heard now you ain't saying none of that okay and you probably was not thinking any of that but that's what a grown boy gonna hear when you break up with him and then you go back checking for him that's like you know dropping off the trash and then going back oh yeah let me get my sniff in this trash one more time oh it's a lot of trash the aroma that's like that right there so that's what he kind of at first he was confused but then he was like okay well i'm just relishing this here low self-esteem she operating in right now just oh cause i'm still the same man i'm ready to debate i just got done practicing my girl he just got done practicing with the cork in his mouth like the great debaters he's trying to call denzel hey let's see hey she getting ready to come back what i got to say to her he was ready for you to come back and so when you came back he said listen there's one thing you got to know about a grown boy almost said something very depressing what i was gonna say uh eight out of ten men you meet grown boys i know you want me to lie to you i know you want me to lie to you well tony well how are we supposed to have hope for a man if only 20 percent is grown men list you got to build 20 percent woman when you elevate to the 20 woman that mean you are in that mean you are one of uh 600 million women and that mean of the uh 600 million men because seven billion people on on the earth now so it's still hundreds of millions of good men so just when i say these numbers don't just think about it like that now still hundreds of millions of good men but you when you elevate to being that woman then you attract that kind of man so right here with a grown boy he's sitting there ready he waiting on you and now because you dealing with a grown boy you can't turn around and go back because when you go back he waiting and he's saying to himself all right i gotta get revenge a grown boy wants revenge and so now what he's going to do is when you when you're dealing with a grown boy men they want the last lick they want the last lick it's the movie called tag and the movie is um a group of grown men that have been been playing tags since they was little boys and now they all grown getting married in their 30s 40s and they still playing tag but the older they get the more epic the game of tag get that movie really represent grown boys to the fullest because a grown boy want the last laugh he want the last lick you ever notice when you leave a man you leave a grown boy sometimes a grown boy will beg you back but you didn't thoroughly vet him to make sure that he actually grew and changed and did the work and he gets you back the next time and he does you worse that time than he did the time the last time you left them and you like hot in the world i give him another chance after he will cry begging for another tan and he do me worse that's a grown boy mmo modus apparently y'all ain't know i knew most man for this well i'll tell you why actually let me hey sometimes i just be talking on here so oh okay sometimes you'll be talking to us but so everything in the moment i had to google just a okay modus operandi all right a modus operandi is someone's habits of working particularly in the context of business or criminal investigations but also more generally see that is a latin phrase approximately translated as mode of operating now see you didn't even know that was latin see when you come here you're learning more than just love relationship now you know what mo stand for mo operandi so this is a grown boy modus operandi he want to get you back so he could do you worse and then so now what he did what did the man do we finally made plans to get together where we hooked up then he ghosted me and i didn't hear from him for six weeks so that was two months ago y'all started talking and then y'all hooked up y'all got together hooked up and to see the thing about this what happened with y'all it didn't work out it that worked out for me and my wife she broke up with me after a few months of dating we reconnected six months later i wasn't reaching out to her in them six months she didn't reach out to me in them six months we went on about our business i wasn't reaching out because i was i knew she was my wife when i first met her but i was operating from ego my ego was too big but we just so happened to bump into each other six months later and we hooked up rekindled and then 10 months later we was married so see the same thing that y'all that happened it has worked out so it ain't like this was just i can't just blame you and say oh you just so dumb and stupid you should have known because it's not that clear it ain't that clear so you was leading with your heart but it was a few things that you did not know and that really was not paid attention to and so you didn't really see his arrogance about the situation as a red flag you kind of just chalk that up as manhood or he's just being a man that's just how men are no that's arrogance so man what he should have been is hey it's so great to hear from you and um it's like i have not stopped thinking about you a single day since you since we broke up and it's like in that time i'll be honest with you i just want to thank you for breaking up with me because during that time it's like i've been reading different books like just learning about communication reading books on the ego like i just like bumped into this guy tony gaskins he is kind of man bashing but he does say some good stuff typically on fridays for me but anyway so and i just been growing and like getting closer to god and like and it's like listen i want to be back in your life and i want to you know rebuild with you but i want to take it slow because i want to show you that i have grown and that i have changed that right there when you get ready to take a man back that's what you need that's what he need to be saying if he's not saying that in some form it may be a few different words depending if he from the streets or if he's from wall street or he's from main street and uh martin luther king street it depends on how he but it needs to sound like that this what i've been doing i've been working i've been changing i'm remorseful i'm repentant and i want to show and prove beyond a reasonable doubt in your court of love that i have changed that's what you need to hear if you getting arrogance dissension all right what do that mean decent hey sometimes the lord will be giving me descension disagreement that leads to discord [Music] okay all right oh lord just be giving me words that i've never said before so sometimes i got to look him up said lord why did you just drop that on me now so now you getting all kind of attitude and he just and he's being arrogant and egotistical and rude going back to business going back i'm working on the shirt now i'm gonna have y'all shirts ready they say gone about your business going by that's not the type of man you need to be trying to go back to but listen what happened was is you gotta look desperate you gotta look desperate and you said you started yo yo self talk see eighty percent of our self talk is negative but we gotta invert that all right y'all know where inverter is all right you got to invert that negative self talk so that you hold on you turn your self talk 80 positive and on the 20 percent negative now you're gonna hit the negative but you can't confirm the negative that's just the adversary trying to play on you you cannot confirm that and give in to that you got i rebuked that in the name of jesus get your la la or you have to stay prayed up and you got to be reading your affirmation cards and reading your devotionals and you so but what you start to hear what you started to say to yourself your negative self taught was well maybe i should give them another chance because i can be a little arrogant myself and i could just think that i'm better than people sometimes because i use semicolons and commas you know back-to-back and it's just like i just sometimes feel like i'm smarter than other people and it's like i wasn't too smart i got on my back with a idiot man and now i'm raising my daughter alone so it's like i need someone to love me and it's like who's gonna love me and here i am have this articulate educated good man who even has the sense to be able to debate with me most men can't even debate with me at least he could debate with me it's like what am i doing i'm so stupid it's like women aren't fighting for a man like this on tony got some comments and here i am had a man and then i broke up with him like i'm halle berry or somebody so that's what your self-talk started to say this what you saying to yourself so now you get weak and so you go seeking him out you chasing him and then you ask him several times if he interested do you imagine how a piece of trash feel when you got old piece of trash man who and i ain't trying to say he all of that but just for the sake of the conversation it just like imagine going to your trash can and you just uh so yeah i was wondering if you wanted to come back in the house i know that you know i'm already using dispose of you but i just want to know if you want to come back in the house i i understand the smell i got febreze in the house but i just wanted to know if you this what this what it's like did what it looked like when you go back to a grown boy so now the trash the trash sitting in there sitting in there like uh me me uh i'm a little stink but uh so the trash he like oh oh okay let me act like i know well actually you said what you said actually so so you so now you want to get back together well i thought about it but you tell me like what about you has changed now he got you on the hot seat first 48 interrogating you like you were the one in the wrong he didn't flip it on you now you begging for his time and attention do you want to get back together you call them tomorrow uh yes i just wanted to get an answer to the question i asked you oh now you don't remember i asked you do you think there's a chance that you want to make it work i just read the book it says in lesson number nine forgive and forget so i'm forgiving and forgetting oh no don't bring me in it nah no bravery misusing me i ain't saying do that for no grown whatnot now listen so now you asking him so he like he confused cause he he a piece of trash compared to you but he like oh you won't be back okay so what did he come and do he used you as a bachelor party use his bachelor party dropped it off in you dropped it off me and got to go back to my fiance need to get me one more squeeze me one more and see he thought he he made himself feel good because he's squeezing one out with a woman he already know so then he go back to his fiancee i reached out a few times but never got a response so i blocked him so that you got in your feelings and you gonna block him because he answered why because now you got petty now you you think you finna get the last lick oh you want to answer my call you want to answer [Music] you know what nothing he had already to block you in in mine so so now this is what i want you to do this is what i want you to do i want you to learn from this because you didn't lose anything you didn't lose anything so this ain't a loss this is a lesson this ain't long just a lesson because you're a good woman you take care of yourself i can tell here right here i'm a good eye you take care of your skin take care of your eyebrows your nails your hair keep your hair done now i said weave this could be your real hair but i just ain't no no that look a little indian remy yaki now that could be real hot now because [Music] my sister was rubbing my wife here the other day for a track because my mama don't believe my wife has her hair and so it could be your hair now so yeah and look i ain't done the wrong weed now so even if it is we ain't like i'm making fun of you about no weed night i don't know like y'all get out your feet oh you an email to support you need to stop making black women feel less dead about they wee come on calm down so now listen you're a good one you're the winner got your degree you show correct mess out of email so you need to write your book or write your blog start your blog because when you write this good you need to be doing something with this hell you can't just be leaving this in my inbox start your blog for broke up women for single mothers for for women who have been dupe who'd have been ghosted who you know dealt with a grown boy forgot they senses forgot they for you might just only got 10 posts but one of them might go viral then people come read the other nine and then you retire you done and take the life coach certification right now while it's 50 off then join my mentor.life so you can help the other women who get ghosted so they ain't got to be in my inbox they can be over here with you and you can remind them of their worth because you you slightly just very for a short period forgot your worth so now when he started ignoring you you blocked them you remembered your worth oh you know what i forgot who i am i forgot who i was for a second and then you said i got curious when he disappeared because i wasn't sure if it was another woman or if he was dealing with the various family issues he had shared with me to my surprise comma whoo this was using commentary i found out through facebook that he's engaged now and i'm pretty sure he was already engaged when we slept together why would a guy go to this extreme just to get revenge that's the eighth one of the world right now that's the million dollar question why would a guy go to this extreme to get revenge now see the thing about it you know though on his mind he's saying i ain't go to nordstrom because you kept calling me so i thought i would come in and do your favor put that wood on you one more time cause you over there as a single mom i thought i was doing some charity for you just so you can get your look in your life so you gotta go sleep with a random man i thought you i was doing you a favor come put that poll on you and then when i get tired of my fiance after we get mad i'm gonna put a little mo poll on you make you think we're gonna be back together that's what he telling himself so for him he don't think he went to the extreme he thanked you chasing him you see what i'm saying so not but this is what a grown boy does he come back to get revenge so when you leave a man you have to be expected you left him for a reason he your ex for a reason so you have to be very mindful if you go back to him or he come back to you that it could be a revenge play and that's why you got to go slow that's why when you go back to a man that you had to leave you never hop on your bike do not hop on your bike stay off your bike that's another shirt i'ma have for y'all here soon stay off your bike because when you stay off your bike it gives you time to see is this the same person that i left or did he grow and change that's right there the mistake that was made you got to understand that right now you feel me got to understand it right there so now listen i don't think he ever got over the breakout you right you right he did not get over the breakup and another thing i got a video called how do men handle soul ties this one of the ways men handle soul ties he was so upset with you that the next woman he found he probably plucked off a poll she might have a degree if she was on the poll to pay for the degree i ain't saying she less than he plucked off that pole went in there he was drinking look drink in the in script oh she look good hey girl come on plucked off the pole just like that girl come on come on let me engage you let me get engaged to you hey will you marry me got on one knee plucked off the pole hurting his ego was hurt his heart was hurt his mind was hurt he started having body aches he couldn't sleep then weeks that y'all didn't talk let me tell you this boy miss meals you hear me a lot of y'all don't realize that but men the ego the ego are now about kill you because when that ego gets stabbed it's like a hot air balloon the ego like a hot air balloon and you taking a sword and just gosh and then they all go to let knock and he just fallen out of his sky he missed meals he he did not sleep good he got in the nasty movie he's on lotion doing lord forgive him yeah ego he was hurting and so what happened is the next woman he met because y'all wouldn't even broke up that long now here's the thing now the twist is the woman he engaged to could have been the woman he was on a break with for six months because if you notice y'all was apart two months and then four months and started talking two months ago the last woman could have been the same situation as you that you didn't know that you ain't know nothing about her and that could also be how he got engaged so fast because she had to leave him they had to break up so when you left him he went back to her and in order to make it real this time he had to take it up a notch let's get engaged so it probably most likely was the latter not the aforementioned all right look up affirmation now lord thank you what lord what you dropping on me now aforementioned is afore mentioned now what that mean that is denoting a thing or person previously mentioned so when i said the aforementioned i said not the affirmation but probably the latter okay now see ladder is not the ladder that you climb this hill ladder is l-a-t-t-e-r now for those y'all who from the project this is not a latte this is latter not a latte so now ladder is situated or occurring nearing to the end of something than to the beginning so like what i said this probably was the latter that this woman was there before you she had to leave his butt because he liked the oregon debate you broke up with him before six months he went back to that soul tie the handle of soul tie he formed with you hey boom let me get on one knee for you hey will you marry me i'm done arguing and then they got engaged that's when you find out about it on facebook that could that could very well be the case because it happened all the time now there's a lot of women who have wrote me who have said we broke up and he married three months later now the thing though because i know how women are i know a lot of y'all sometimes can be very oblivious to the ways of man and a lot of times y'all give a man credit that we did not earn and you will assume that you was the only woman the whole time but another sign of a man who loved to debate and argue all the time i know the word is argue all right i just grew up with a homeboy who he had to be in that class all day and he used to say ark and i just i just thought it was you know kind of funny that he would say arc so that's why i say arg i know the word is argue but my homework i grew up with and as the nine they mislabeled they need to stop misleading the kid because nah my homeboy doing real good real smart articulate he buying courses and everything but they used to have him in that class all day long there's one class all day i'm writing a school board about that but you say arc so the man like this that like to debate and arg all the time that is a sign that there's another woman and he on edge it's also a sign of a soul time because he's still jaded and hurt from the last relationship he taking it out on you because when you think about it what sense does it make for a man to keep debating with you by every little thing ah that is not how that go you you you supposed to watch on this side and rinse on this side ah did you even show you it's like what sense does that make for him to be doing that but see a lot of time when a man is tense and uptight by stuff all right you search a text you find a cheat like the letter c on ray charles scratch a lot behind a thief so that could have been the case this whole time you could have been a rebound and so what you have to do is this is not a loss this is a lesson let me pick myself up let me remind myself of who i am i know that i'm worthy i know that i'm capable i know that i'm going to attract my husband that i'm praying for destiny and the devil sent a distraction but thank you lord for allowing me to get that distraction so i could get the lesson so that when i know my husband i know how to appreciate them and respect me because i got them something to compare to i can compare them to the grown boy i just dealt with and i'll be thankful so you got to watch yourself for this cleanse yourself for this uh go on tonygastonacademy.com take the soul ties course break the soul tie take real love university right now while they is only ten dollars and then get on here get you a coach even to coach 25 an hour somebody will speak life into you do your two three sessions gonna heal all the way and then you heal before you deal and then you move forward and you leave all this in the past so don't go to the next man you want to debate an art because now you arguing because the last man used to art now you run off your hook your real husband because you dealt with a distraction that looked like destiny before you actually met destiny so make sure you don't let that happen to you because that's what a lot of women do they don't heal from the grown boy from the distraction and then when they meet destiny they run destiny off destiny child but this a man not a woman they run destiny off because they still mad and angry and so tied with the distraction that they met right before they met destiny so understand this right here heal all the way get this all the way listen to this two three four times and i want to apologize if i came off too hard y'all forgive me i'm talking on top of my dome yeah i told y'all before men speak a to b we don't know how to go a to y m n o p and come back to b so y'all forgive me god bless you make sure you get to tonygastenacademy.com while you can we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 36,447
Rating: 4.9381709 out of 5
Id: UjLhQ2fZAsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 59sec (3599 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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