Enshrouded REVIEW - New Survival Action RPG

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welcome back folks and welcome to a new video So today we're going to be reviewing in shrouded because for the past couple of weeks I've had a chance to play through this game and I'm going to be honest I have been spending a lot more time than I'm supposed to in this game because if the game is a Survival action RPG I'm in for it I'm going to be playing it so today I just want to talk about it now before we begin just a quick disclaimer this key was provided to me by key mailer but again this is a review copy so I am not obligated in any way shape or form to only praise the game and not talk about my actual experience in it which um I want to talk about today so in shrouded came out like two weeks ago on PC and it's made by Keen games so this is pretty much a game which king game said is one of their biggest projects ever because everything in this game is made by hand by people so they didn't really go into a lot of procedural generation so you can kind of see that as you're playing it so enshrouded as I said at the beginning is a Survival action RPG which also allows for Co-Op I believe up to 16 players in total but of course the experience as a solo is pretty good because you know for the past week I've been playing mainly solo this game because none of my friends actually had the time to play this so the story of in shrouded is that you are a member basically one of the last members of a Dying race which was defeated by this thing called the shroud so what people did before in the story is that they said okay there is no way we can fight this but we can use these cryo Chambers and we can get some of the people in them so that in time when that flame awakens again they will be awakened and they will reclaim the lost kingdom and defeat the Shroud and that's basically how the story begins you wake up from one of those chambers and you go out into the world to reclaim your kingdom now in shrouded pretty much starts as any other Survival game you're going to be gathering wood you're going to be gathering Stone to craft some stuff and it's going to have all of the familiar Elements which you kind of got used to from other survival games because enshrouded reminded me a lot if valheim and outward and maybe Zelda in like 1% Zelda had a baby and this thing came out so you will be seeing a lot of the familiar stuff you're going to be hunting different wild animals for meat which you're going to be cooking and so on but when it comes to starting the game itself there is a very interesting element to it is that you have five survivors along with you which are basically AI NPCs now they won't be moving they will be in your base now the point of these people is that each one of them is specialized in one thing so at start you will be getting a blacksmith and later on you're going to be getting a Huntress then you're going to be getting a farmer then you're going to be getting a Mage and after that you're going to be getting a Carpenter all of these five people which are in your base they will be serving as somewhat of a knowledge to be able for you to craft new stuff so that's how you kind of get and learn stuff in this game it's not just oh my character automatically knows everything no you have specialized people which you rescued from those chambers and they will be in your base helping you out and creating that stuff and by mean helping you out it's not going to be like in P world where they work for you no they will just be giving you their knowledge to create different stuff from obviously all of the stuff you gather now when it comes to exploration and progression in this game the exploration is going to be pretty similar to as I said previously like Elden ring and so on where you basically reveal the map as you go now what I talked about before there is this thing called shroud so shroud is going to be in the lower parts of the map where majority of time you as a character are going to be spending a lot of time on on these mountains and Ravines up in the in the air because well you cannot go down because well shroud is down now when you go into a shroud at the beginning you will have about 5 to six minutes to be into it and you're going to be going into this shroud every now and then because first off there are some resources which you cannot get anywhere else and at the same time you're going to be fighting various enemies and fighting the Shroud within the Shroud obviously because that's one of the ways you defeat them and once this timer goes off well you immediately die now one of the things which I do like about this game is for example when you respawn you're going to be responding with a lot of gear on you so you're not going to be losing everything every single time most of the stuff which you're going to be losing are going to be from like the inventory of the stuff you get but your armor and everything else is going to stay pretty much as is which is nice because you know from time to time you're going to be dying in this game it's not that easy but of course there are other things which you can get like for example getting potions and getting to various points in that shroud which have the ability to restore that timer and that's actually very important honestly I wasn't feeling like the Shroud mechanic was annoying I actually like that there is a certain risk when you're about to go from this nice greenish beautiful area into a shroud which can be dangerous because you don't know what stuff you're going to be fighting in it now the gameplay and gameplay Loop so far is pretty good I mean honestly it started you kind of create your base and like where you're going to be staying there is fast travel in this game you can always fast travel back to your base but you can also find these like towers that you can fast travel to to continue going somewhere else and that's one of the things when it comes to exploration in this game at first you're going to be very much grounded but you also do have a two tools at the beginning that's going to be a hook and it's going to be a glider so once you discover the first Tower you're going to be getting on that Tower every single time most of the time and you can fast travel to it and you just basically push yourself off of the Tower with the glider to go into a specific area which you want this helps because you're going to be able to Traverse higher areas and you don't have to worry about the Shroud down below now do keep in mind at start when you are kind of weak there are going to be some areas of the Shroud which you cannot visit and at the second you step into that shroud you die and actually happens to me a few times like I was saying like oh why is this red shroud let me see what's up and I step into it and I was immediately basically destroyed but the map slowly unlocks for you well as you progress because you're going to be needing a better glider and of course you will have to be stronger by crafting different gear to well fight stronger enemies so the gam playay Loop is going to be you pretty much coming back to your base building up some stuff repairing the equipment and then going out into the world to do those quests to roam around the map to explore and also by doing that you gather pretty much most of the resources you want and because the game doesn't have a weight limit you can go around and do whatever you want pretty much the only limitation you have is the amount of slots you have in your inventory that's pretty much it and to be honest it was fun because as soon as I went out I started fighting those enemies and they can be rough I mean AI in this game and how they attack and they go around you it can be very rough now I'm not saying it's the smartest AI ever it has definitely some problems especially because you will go into different positions on the map like for example you're going to land on a place which is a bit has a bit higher EV evolation and those AI is not going to be able to get you like they're going to be able to some of them throw bombs and they have arrows and so on but uh they're pretty weak when it comes to that by fighting in general was kind of fun because in this game because of course it is action RPG along with being a survival you do have a skill tree now in that skill tree you're going to be able to push for certain classes so if you do want to be a warrior in this game you can if you want to be a hunter you can be a hunter if you want to be a mage you can be a mage if you want to be an assassin kind of a rogue character you can do that as well so besides obviously giving you that survival element it also gives you a skill tree which you can go and unlock however you want reset lat if you want to reset but overall it pretty much gives you the class which you want to play the Mage one is Fun the hunter is Fun the fighting is fun I'm going to be honest uh just playing around with different classes and trying out different weapons like you can really have a nice variety especially if you're playing with friends where you can specialize into different things as a character to take the most out of it and obviously depending on your class you're going to be also taking different armor so if you're a hunter you're going to be talking to Huntress who has armor specifically designed for you and so on but you know from time to time I saw myself using different weapons you know situationally if I need them because if you're playing alone you're kind of a oneman army so it's not like it's not a problem if you're a full Warrior and from time to time you want to take out a boat to shoot some people that way because it's going to be easier to maybe clear out some stuff you can absolutely do it the game is not going to be stopping you that but of course if you want to specifically go into a certain like how would I say Niche or a certain skill tree to become even better with that and more stronger you can now Base building is one of the probably strongest elements of this game as well because it has walk cell based building by that it means that you can take each part of like for example a wall you place and kind of carve it out how you want and make the house exactly how you want to make it so that's one of the things which um I really liked about this especially if you're going to be playing around with building stuff it is very well done if you are talented in a game like this you're going to be creating castles and everything which can be super detailed just because you can take each part of everything and kind of place it where you want it to be and it's not going to be like how would I say it's not going to be problematic nothing is going to fall on your head like in valheim so there isn't going to be that Structural Engineering going into place you can kind of craft it and shape it how you want and it's going to stay in that place and also you can shape the terrain however you want I mean in and shrouded every part of the terrain anywhere in the world can be dug through shaped however you want now do keep in mind after some time it does reset not your base but you know the world outside but I found myself from time to time like for example if there was a path which I couldn't cross I was like okay let me go and car my way through the hill so I go to the Hill and I start using a pickaxe to kind of shape the stone how I want so I can pass so just from that building perspective you can pretty much shape a building however you want you can create a hobbit house if you want like in the ground and it's going to stay there and it's going to be done well I mean obviously um it's up to you to decide how you want to do it but the game allows you to it's very cozy like for example the way you do farming in the game and the way you just put on different stuff with it it's it's it's very cozy and it's one of those games that uh if you're into this you're going to be really like shaping your base exactly how you want it and that's something you can do which is nice now when it comes to Graphics uh this is done in holistic engin so this is their in-house engine which was specifically created for in shrouded and at first I was like is this unreal is this something like that but not this is basically their in-house engine and it looks very nice I mean some of the stuff that you visit like some of the places which you visit are very beautiful because they were done by hand there isn't too much procedural generation here which you can see the way some things are shaped and organized and how it's kind of logical in that way like for example you see a house where you see a village or a town which is abandoned because it has you know people were designing it you know piece by piece you can see the remnants of that past and the story within it and that's kind of as I said how the story is going to progress you're going to be seeing some of the books underground you're going to be reading them and that's how you slowly start getting the the story and when you read the book it's going to say well now you have to go here and explore what's up here you know maybe there is a something that the book said like oh we went North so that you have now a location up north which you have to visit to continue that although I did have some problems when it comes to um frame rate so from time to time I don't know if this was me or the game I don't know if maybe the sh shaders were doing that I go out from my house in my base and suddenly my frame rate goes to like 1520 and it doesn't stop like it's not it can be solved so what I have to do is exit the main menu go back into it and then it works now the problem is because when you log out and log back into your world it's going to be similar to like Dark Souls where you have these uh bonfires which you basically like get throughout the map and you can respond on them so if my bonfire was at my base and I was already somewhere exploring and my frame rate dropped down and I had to restart my game I am back at my house so my progress which I made I mean it's not completely diminished but I have to go back and run there again so my frame rate stays normal but besides that I'm going to be honest like I had zero crashes and the game was running pretty well I don't know like for an early access game it's it's it's working pretty good when it comes to music the sounds like the sounds are pretty okay like just sfx sounds are all right I mean nothing problematic in that sense but the music the soundtrack when it kicks in it is beautiful it's one of those valheim like tracks where once you start listening to it you can listen on it on loop as long as you can until you get sick of it so that's one of those games where when the music kicks in it is very somber very beautiful it's not some generic track which is played oh look it's a trees and then some generic track starts playing no this is shaped in a way so it elevates the story elevates the world and elevates everything in front of you obviously when it kicks in I did notice that music from time to time kind of dies out for quite a long time now one of the stuff which also surprised me in shrouded is how the world is shaped like for example which kind of props you have on the map so besides you know using your glider and using the hook to go on different you know elevations and to Traverse the game also gives you traps it gives you uh barrels which you can explode so once you arrive to let's say a town there's going to be a barrel like there and you can explode it from time to time you're even going to have a loot like in the ground beneath those barrels so it's incentivized to go and look out for these hidden spots because you never know which thing you can find within them either a new piece of equipment or some something else and it actually has a lot of hidden traps like I when I started playing this I arrived to this area and I started looting so as soon as I looted this pile of whatever I heard like a bang and I died so you will have a lot of like locations which are stashes which are booby traps so you have to quickly Escape as soon as that timer starts or you're pretty much a goner and I will be honest I died a few times more to me just blowing up rather than dying to like NPCs or whatever surprisingly this game also has a bit of platforming so once you go into certain Towers to find like for example survivors which are going to be helping you or you go to other Towers to unlock there is going to be some platforming jumping from one area to another using the the hook you know using different mechanics which you already know or climbing on like the some of the parts of the wall where you can to like kind of Traverse up I was again legit surprised that this game had platforming elements and all of those little things which you can find in it like those secrets so it tells me that developers really wanted to fill in this world properly and to make it really stand out so my overall conclusion for in shrouded is that um this is one of the best Survival action RPGs which came out in the past year or so the the last one which I enjoyed which was it wasn't much of an action RPG like this one was valheim but this one leans a lot more into that just because I'm telling you you have the skill Tre so you can kind of shape the character how you want if you want to be a mage you can be a mage it's not specifically oh you have an Axe and you have a shield and go out and survive it's not that just that and I also like that later on once you get some of the gear with you you can pretty much go out and just explore and make yourself a little Camp you know fix some stuff because throughout the map you're going to have some locations where you can fix gear so it's not going to be just at your base and fixing gear is pretty much automatic as soon as you go to your workbench it all kind of just fix it itself and you don't have to worry about it and for an early access game I'm going to be honest I am pretty much happy with you know the price of the game which is I believe €29.99 or your region equivalent now do keep one thing in mind when it comes to Early Access games the way I buy them and play them is that I think about this okay if a game came out in Early Access will I be able to get value from for the money that I paid in this version of The Early Access because I don't know it's impossible to know how much a studio is going to update that game in the future and enshrouded is one of those games which you can pay €30 for play it until the end because it takes some time to finish this definitely if you're going to be going slowly um even if you're going to be going fast it's still going to be taking a lot of time that even this Daye how it is I'm like okay this is all right for the money which is paid for the game and everything on top of that is going to be extra so if you like valheim if you like outward in some sense in some elements then I really recommend checking out in shrouded as well for this year it's definitely like a it's a nice contrast the P World in general I mean I I play those two games for very different reasons and I'm glad that they're not not similar that they want to have their own how would I say their own place in the survival RPG genre but yeah this is pretty much everything for today I hope this video wasn't too long because I really do enjoy un shrouded and um I'm looking forward to see what they Implement into the future especially when it comes to more enemy variety because so far enemy variety is all right but you know I still feel like there could been a little bit more stuff and I'm really wondering like where they take the story like more and how they shape the game for like the final release and when it comes to final release they said after it comes out then then they're going to be releasing the game on PlayStation 5 and Xbox series X and S if you enjoy this video don't forget to smash that like And subscribe button for more and also tell me down below if you played it what do you think about it and if not what do you think about it just looking at the store Page or whatever so this is lkm again signing out thank you for watching huge thanks to my current patreon supporters join us on Twitter and Discord and that's pretty much it stay class everyone and I will see you next time bye-bye
Channel: LastKnownMeal
Views: 3,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded review, enshrouded gameplay pc, enshrouded pc, enshrouded nvidia 3070 ti, enshrouded full review, enshrouded pc review, enshrouded game, what is enshrouded, is enshrouded worth buying, should you buy enshrouded, lastknownmeal
Id: P8ZZUc0YBk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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