Enshrouded Review - Valheim and V Rising had a child.

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enshrouded is it worth a by let's read the words the words of the developer you are Flame born last Ember of Hope of a Dying race ween survive the terror of a corrupting fog and reclaim the Lost beauty of your kingdom Venture into a vast World Vanquish punishing bosses build grand HS and Forge your path in this Co-op Survival action role playing game for up to 16 players this is exclusive to the PC while it's in Early Access guys which is what it is now but it will thankfully be coming out on consoles when it's on full release so everybody's going to get to enjoy this really fun game and it is a really fun game it's the first game really that's not challenged valheim although I suppose it is but it's just kind of took massive inspiration from valheim and um I've been waiting for these games when valheim launched one of the things that was always in the back of my head was people are going to copy this because it's so successful and so great I mean valheim by the way don't take a shot every time I say valheim or you'll be valheim was uh you know once in a decade kind of game absolutely brilliant one of the best games I've ever played and it's nice that we're now getting games pretty much copying stuff from valheim and then adding their own twist uh Innovation they're innovating on what was valheim and that's exactly what in shrouded is it's a very early access game with a lot of bugs in it and it's clunky but it looks Fant fantastic it looks really good and it's got a handcrafted World whereas valheim had a um procedurally generated world this is handcrafted now that has its pros and its cons the pros is the world is going to be really well done the cons is replay value is going to be a bit of a bit of a problem although the amount of hours that you're going to put into this game is going to be so vast that it doesn't really matter this is a kind of I mean I don't know how long I've even been playing it now way longer than I wanted to uh 15 hours and I've hardly I'm I'm level five I think I'm haven't even done anything really in the game in 15 hours that's the kind of game it is it just eats away your time and that's a good thing because it just sucks you in from the world that we live in and just gets you immersed in the actual game world that you're living in you don't feel like you're rushed to do anything unless you're in the Shroud more on that in a second you can just come into this game with a few people and just build whatever the hell you want the building is Fant fantastic in this you can build any literally anything you want there's loads of different types of blocks and the way that you do the building is excellent it's better than valheim uh definitely better than V Rising as well two games that this has took big inspiration from uh you get to put down a a flame and what that does that gives you your territory of how uh far out you can build you can upgrade that as you go through the game and expand your territory more and more so you can have places for farming and things like that you can build a big castle and it just goes on and on and on you can terraform the world as well so you can dig down flatten it out and all of that kind of stuff the game itself brings you through a little kind of tutorial area and it it the early missions is pretty much to find uh a group of people who are lost in the I forget what you what you even call the bloody world uh lost in the world basically and they are like a blacksmith a hunter an alchemist essentially what these are they're your crafting bench in in valheim and in pretty much every other game you will have a bench like an Alchemy bench to craft all your portions and stuff blacksmithing bench and here you have people I think that's an awful idea myself because you have to put people in your base and you come in and you open the door and you hear people going hey you know it's like what who are you get out meing housemate oh you're the blacksmith you got to stay there you just stand there likeing mannequins it's it's an awful idea it's shite it's wank it's crap off a bench would have been just brilliant valheim had it nailed why didn't you just copy of benches the hell uh the the story itself uh you get a little bit of a cut scene at the beginning um but it doesn't really tell you much the story out there you got to find it there's little boooks and little um parchments knocking about that you can read if you can be asked you don't even need to know the who cares in a game like this who cares you make your own stories up um that that's the beauty of these kind of games you build yourself a big castle then you go out uh into the world and you find and there's a lot of stuff out there there's little Villages there's ruins there's underground caves there's all kinds of stuff there's uh High Vantage points that you can unlock that for fast traveling fast traveling is pretty much Essential in this game which is unfortunate um and there's also a shroud now the Shroud is the big thing in this game it's like a fog a mist and when you enter that shroud your timer starts at the top top of your screen you can see the timer ticking down from 5 minutes basically you die in when that timer gets to zero if you're still in the Shroud you got to get out of there so if you're crossing a shroud you might have a load of battles to get across it's kind of um I didn't like it at first but now I love it I think it's a good good touch uh the Shroud you can find stuff inside like egg timers and that that give you an extra few minutes there's portions that don't work unfortunately we tried to want the deer it did nothing supposed to give you an extra 2 minutes it didn't do anything so there's things uh that you can use to help yourself get through the Shroud there's also some parts you can maybe get up a hill and just pop your head out of the Shroud and uh reset the timer uh and go back in so it's it's it adds a little bit of um danger if you like to the to the game you can also grapple you get a grappling hook very early on and you can fly well Glide you Glide um you you drop like a brick like so you can't Glide that far I don't don't know whether that's going to improve as you get better gear later on but at the minute you've got to find the highest place you can get and just leap off and hope that you will make it to the other side sometimes you do sometimes you land in lava or land in the Shroud and don't quite make it to where you want to get to which again adds a little bit of excitement when you unlock these big fast travel Towers um you generally have to go through a bit of an Indiana Jones thing bit of platforming few puzzles to get through spike traps electricity traps I love it I think it's I mean in games like Ubisoft games you just climb a bloody Tower and that's it and here you feel that you're you're going through this kind of little trial if you like I mean they're not hard uh saying that I've killed myself a few times but a lot of that's been down to clunky controls like I said earlier sometimes you hit a key press and nothing happens it's been doing that a few times lately I don't know whether it's be keyboard or the game but I have read that a lot of other people are having clunkiness issues um with this game so there is that the combat is a little Souls likee but we haven't really fought a boss yet this is just reviewing progress um I need to put way more hours in you know you probably need about 50 hours in this to review it but we have fought some pretty decent enemies you know four or five levels above us and it is quite brutal if they hit you you can go down in a couple of shots if you're not careful uh you can buff yourself with food you don't need to eat and drink to keep yourself alive there's none of that the food is purely for Buffs in this game and you can um cook better food mix food together to get even stronger Buffs like intellect stamina and and things like that which is essential to be honest with you uh but coming back to the combat it is quite easy with the general mobs out there the telegraph what they're going to do you do take the odd hit but generally speaking you can just roll around like a prick and get out of the way of the incoming damage although some of the incom damage is really freaking brutal we're more brutal than valheim I would say um but um manageable it's still very manageable especially when you have a magic wand and you just roll around casting the little wand I try to go Mage style um there isn't classes per se in this you don't sort of select a class at the beginning but as you level up you get skill points to put in and there's quite a vast um Tech Tree if you like um for one of a better word where you can put in just your skills and put them towards sort of um Warrior tank is mish you can see here uh all the different ways you can go there's a double jump which I'm working towards I didn't realize it was there and I went in the opposite direction you can reset your talents but I'm just going to keep going the way I am uh with it but I'm really enjoying the game it's not valheim it's not as good as valheim at all uh they've kind of screwed up a bit they've priced this at $24.99 valheim is like15 I mean you know you're going up against game like Val and You' you've put your price like way higher um and I think that's why there's no way we near as many people playing it as there was when valheim first came out so that could be problematic later on um I hope not because I do think this is definitely worth buying um I think most people are going to love this kind of game if you just like to just you know chill out and play the big thing that valheim has over this is um I was streaming this last night and someone said it's this is soulless I don't agree I think this has a good so in it this game um it's very immersive it's very good fun the flying is good like the gliding the grappling Hook's good the the combat's pretty decent the exploration topnotch it's really good but where this feels for me massively um and this is the big shame for me is the sense of adventure that you get in valheim you would cast off from your home in a big longboard and you would go off for ages it just you didn't know where you would going until you came across land build a forward base then go and pillage the land and get all the resources cart them all back back to your forward base smelt them down then load them up on your ship and then you'd have to get all the way back home fighting same monsters and all sorts of stuff and when you came back home and that might take you two or three IRL days maybe he's even longer and you come back home with that longboard full of full of Loot and uh get your little cart bring it to the boat and ship it all back into your base and it was a such a satisfy you felt like you'd been on a massive Adventure in this you just go out you do all of the exploration then you f travel back with all your loot and it's just like a okay that was but I mean you know a lot of people aren't going to care about that especially the younger people who just want everything now um but for me I like the full-on immersion I want to mine that cut it back put it on the boat get it home and that's why I I just love valheim um but this is definitely worth there there's room in the world for valheim and ener you don't have to take sides you know what I mean they're both fantastically good games I'm loving them both I'll be playing a lot more Avent shrouded and I'll be reviewing it um at a later date not when it comes out I'll be doing it probably in an interim review before it comes out I think it'll be a while before this is finished um although it is very very polished to be honest it is there's a lot of content it's not polished rather there's just a lot of stuff in here to do at the minute um so you know all you early access haters you're going to miss out on a cracking good game so there you go guys there's a lot more to this but I will be doing a updated review later on this is just a review in progress definitely definitely worth a [Music] buy [Music]
Channel: Worth A Buy
Views: 124,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded, enshrouded review, worthabuy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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