Enshrouded GOD TIER WIZARD BUILD GUIDE After Patch - Shroud Mage Best Build Skills, Rings, Armor

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welcome back to my gottier wizard build this build is going to be able to take care just about anything nothing is going to stand in its way it's going to be very destructive it's going to delete bosses very easy and not the way you probably are thinking and also I'm going to show you all the different type of armor weapon spells rings and also the skills that you're going to be able to need to be able to make this a got tier build so let's get started first of all we're going to be starting with the armor I have a combination of about two to three different type of armors because of the following first we're going to be using the Elder hat this one is going to provide us with a nice magical resistance and a physical resistant what the only reason we're using this is because it gives us a 15% % magical Critical Strike chance and a 12% Critical Strike damage next we have the radian Paladin chest plate this one the only reason we're using it is because it's going to provide us with a little bit of defense that we're going to be able to need of course you are a going to be a mage a wizard too op breaking everything that gets in your way but at the same time we're still going to need some health to be able to make sure that if we get touched we're going to survive those hits next up we have the Elder gloves these ones are going to give you physical and magical resistant more magical but the only reason why we're using this is because of the 9 plus% damage against magical foes and the 12% magic damage multiplier that we're going to be able to get this by doing this we're going to be able to increase our damage with the different consumables and of course with the different skills that I'm going to show you now let's go into the next one which is going to be the pants the lower body which is going to be the radiant Paladin this here it does give us a more physical resistance and that is why we're looking for we're looking for a little bit more defense just in case we get hit but it's going to provide us with a plus two Health regeneration and A Plus 90 Health which is going to raise our health so making sure that we're always going to be staying alive even though through throughout the whole entire build our health is always going to be regenerating every single time so that is something we're not going to be able to worry about next we're going to be using the Gloom Monarch boots even though they're level 23 these are one of the most underrated boots that you're going to be able to use because of the following it does have a nice really good physical resistance and if you able to see here the radiant it doesn't really I mean it's not a lot of difference guys but the best thing about this is is going to give us a plus for Mana regeneration and Stam regeneration and that is the reason why I prefer this over the radiant ones because of those two particular buff that are going to be able to get from the boots now let's talk about the different weapons that you're going to need to be able to make you very potent one is going to be none other than shroud Weaver this is a level 35 and if you came late in the game you probably don't have this because it got Nerf but you are able to still get it at level 30 if you guys need all the different armors all the different weapons that you're going to be able to need to put this amazing got here wizard Bill all the links are in my description I show you all the different Chest locations and the best legendary chest location that you're going to be able to get this from one of the best melee weapons that you can get for a wizard is going to be this one the white wolf sword the only reason besides being a legend AR weapon having a really nice damage is the different type of pluses that you're going to get as you're able to see this plus three times shout magic damage and you'll see in my skill points why this weapon becomes your secondary just in case you get in a lot of trouble you're going to be able to use this weapon and it's going to deal a tremendous amount of more damage that you're able to see there on top of this it has a retaliation 20% of incoming damage is dealt back by to the attacker and it has a increased critical hit Chance by 5% and we're going to be able to use couple of rings that are going to put this Bild into another level and I do also have different options for you now as you are seeing here in the video on the left side you're seeing how incredible this build is I put probably would have to say you're going to be unkillable it's going to be so destructive it's going to be a gutti here of course but we're going to be able to use the Ring of rapacity if you have two of those equip those and then you're going to get minus of course 40 Mana but you're going to get that plus 20 Mana regeneration really quick which for a wizard or a mage you definitely want to have that so you're going to be able to have that Unlimited Mana every single time and also make sure you're always recharging the staff really quickly and I'll show you in the video what else you could do another option that I probably have for you will be the Ring of Health if you have a better one than this which I still haven't gotten a hold of it but it does have I believe plus five Health regeneration and a plus 50 Health which is pretty op so if you are able to come across that let us know in the comment section below and let us know how to get it cuz it's pretty potent now where we're going to be able to just set everything aside is in regards to the different type of consumables that you're going to be able to use one of them is the grilled Yuka fruit this thing is too op and that is what you're seeing there it has a plus 20 stamina recharge which is going to allow you to get out of trouble especially with the blink skill it's going to get you out of trouble really fast and then I'll show you a bit later in the video the different type of spells that are going to make this build even more powerful because of the different consumables that we're going to be able to use now we are also going to take advantage of the best consumable for a mage or a wizard and that is going to be the mushroom omelet this is going to provide us with a plus4 intelligence which you're going to be able to see there once I equip all of them I'll you'll show you that currently if I look at my skills I have 11 on my intelligence but you're going to be able to see how plus 4 makes a huge difference in this build next the prayer of the flame scroll definitely we got to have this in our Arsenal it's a go-to consumable because because it does give you a plus 20 man magic damage which is going to increase your entire bill by that much percent and then of course none other than this good old boiled eggs that are going to provide us with a three different type of categories that are going to go up really fast one is stamina health and Mana all those three are going to get regenerated plus three plus three and plus two which is really a nice boost that is going to provide us in all those three different sections because you're going to need it and everything's going to be going up really fast and then I have two more consumables one is going to be the rabiz health potion I like this one because it does provide you with a plus 800 Health it's going to bring it back your health especially at this level where you are having your high-end gear or you are level 25 your health is going to be really up so having one that is going to pretty much fill everything in just one single shot why not right and then of course elexir this is a must for any build it doesn't matter if you're running a mage or you're running on Arch or you're running a melee whatever type of build you're running you need to use this because it does giv you a plus 30 damage multi plier which is something that is just putting this build to another level so there you go those are the different type of consumables that you're going to be able to get one thing that of course the game doesn't tell you is that you're going to be able to just grab a lot of these different type consumables right in the game now some of these consumables if you look at the map you're going to be able to get a lot in this section this one is a really good location where you're going to be able to get and it's going to be into the inner uh sanctum the pillars also in this location you're going to be getting a lot of the different type of consumables that do raise your intelligence do raise your stamina so take advantage of that if you are not the type of person that doesn't like crafting in the game now in regards to the different spells I have them in one two and three that in that different order why the Shroud meteor this thing is too op to be able to use this and make it even better I'll show you in my skills how you're going to be able to raise the power on this thing and as you are able to see there what is so amazing about this spell is that it does practically destroy anything that gets in your way it is actually a good way to be able to farm different things if you want because it destroys every anything any structure any ground whatever it is as you're able to see there right here you're able to see how I'm able to just build a big hole for that enemy now that enemy can pretty much not do anything and that is how crazy this build this spell is because if you know how you're able to use this not to destroy because it does do over 16 00 up to some point it does 1,800 damage which is ridiculous but it does practically destroy any structure which is also a strategy and an advantage if you are able to use this next is going to be the Eternal Fireball this thing is your goto if you want to just Spam it away is going to do a lot of damage in your 1200 even though I don't have it optimized for this I do have it optimized for the Shroud meteor and the last one is going to be the acid bite even though it still did get a Nerf after the last update still viable if you want to use it the only disadvantage with this is you got to make sure um if you are being rushed you're not quick enough this is something that even though could be a Amazing by deleting everything that just touches but but if you're not able to perform it really quick it could also be the ultimate death of yourself now let's look a little bit more into the different buff and foot food effects on how long do each of them take as you are able to see seeing here in the screen they do last quite a while so you're going to be very powerful okay so enough is enough and let's take a look at the skill and what we have done here is the following we're going to be focusing on Wizard trickster and also a little bit more on battle mage and the reason why is because we're going to be able to raise our intelligence in our spirit as you're able to see here to the right um my intelligence is up to 15 which is pretty high because of the consumables the consumables give me a plus four cuz of that soup got to get that soup to be able to become very powerful you know if you if you listen to your mom and tell you know she when she tells you drink your soup that now you know why you know you become more intelligent of course what are we focusing here on the following is the spirit is going to be the Counter Strike which is going to help us with anything attack by 20% and also the intelligence raising up the spirit and also be gone the only reason why we are unlocking this is because we want more spirit and we want Terror terot is UN critical hit with a spell the target will be stunned for 4 second and having that is a big Advantage when you are trying to do different types of spells now intelligence um you're able to see there it goes up the other one is going to be the Arcane concentration you will be gain this one spirit for every two levels of the flame which is going to give us more skills to be able to use now we're looking at the wizard you're able to see there going up on the Wiz on the spirit going up on Necromancer up on Spirit up arsonist why because it's going to raise the the fire damage if you're wanting to have a pretty op and probably the best pyromancer build check out the link in the description I made a build about that and this is one of the skills you're going to be able to use to be able to make your pyom mcer just really incredible and then we got the ranian AA because all F FES within 10 m take one fire damage and then we got more and of course more spirits that we're able to unlock and as you able to see there here in the Wizard mainly we're just focusing on the different type of traits that are going to make this wizard pretty incredible see there when attacking with a magical weapon your critical hit chance is increase by 10% so whenever you hit that crit you might be able to get up to 2,000 damage which is crazy it'll just delete just about anything that just gets in your way we got the chain hit got to have this because anything as you're able to see there when I spam the Shroud meteor you see that Chain Reaction which is pretty op so you're able to see there thunder we got some more lightning now let's go into a little bit more on the Healer of course we got a couple things unlocked only intelligence because we just care about raising our power that this wizard has then we got more intelligence we got the Arcane deflect which is going to be one successful Perry the only way reason why is because we got it go here we need more intelligence and we need it to unlock blink is a must have if you got raising if you are raising your stamina you're always going to be able to use your blink because it does take a lot of uh stamina but as you are seeing here we have pretty good endurance so we're going to be able to use the blank just to get out of trouble and then we got the unity and also we got the one master which I still did not show you in the video and it's just a plus because in this build you're just going to be able to use your long range stuff which is just going to break anything that gets in the way and then we got more SP spirit and more intelligence and of course you got to focus a little bit more on endurance to come up here in the section of Survivor B Bas Master Ranger and also the um sassin and just get all those different type of endures it The Bu must unlock double jump which is something you're going to need because it does help get around different locations get on top of different um structures a just pretty much helps you get there and then spam away with your spells which is going to be very broken so there you go that is how you're able to put together this G tier build and I know you're probably going to ask yourself telling me how come you're not using blood leting and life birst and also blood magic the only reason why I'm not using those three is because different type of skills that I'm using and the consumables just give me that advantage that I'm able to focus more on intelligence in my spirit so I can make this build pretty powerful so there you go thank you guys for watching hopefully this video was helpful I'll be bringing more builds in regards to in shrouded so you may want to consider subscribing and we'll see you on the next video
Channel: GamerFuzion
Views: 10,870
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Keywords: enshrouded, enshrouded god tier build, enshrouded god mode, enshrouded best build, enshrouded op build, enshrouded most op build, enshrouded most powerful build, enshrouded build guide, enshrouded wizard build, enshrouded god tier wizard build, enshrouded best wizard build, enshrouded best mage build, enshrouded best spells, enshrouded best magic build, enshrouded guide, enshrouded best builds, enshrouded best weapons, enshrouded best spells wizard, enshrouded best armor
Id: USTDgTlnVs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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