Confronting the Creature that Dwells in the Deep... - Enshrouded (Ep.8)

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welcome back my friends to the Imperial Gardens here at the Pike where we left off last time investigating what is going on here in this Tower certainly there is a creature here that needs to be killed having read some of the notes in the town here it appears that it was some kind of a massive aquatic Beast which may have been responsible for the massive collapse over there at skimmer's Cove which is as far as I can tell completely destroyed over here I return fully kitted up most of my gear is in pristine condition although I had to fight to get here so some things have degraded a little bit but I have bandages potions I went back home and I made camomile tea popcorn grilled game roasted corn cob and copper poison arrows and so we should have well I don't know if we have everything we need or not but I have everything I can get so let's um let's Prime ourselves up here with some chamomile teas popcorn then it's a toss up between the corn cob and the grilled game I'll go with grilled game all all right let's go ahead and jump down here and see what kind of trouble awaits holy crap that thing is huge all right the fell whisp wered get out of here holy crap okay that did a lot of damage right off the bat things are kicking off with the bang here all right oh my we got to get a sense of what attacks it can perform it's got some slamming attacks it's got some shooting attacks and it can destroy terrain okay we got some backstab opportunity here that's doing um basically nothing I'm doing the best I can here but I need to get out I need to get out and heal up for a second um re-evaluate my life here okay he also has Critter help that's nice get a bandage on me that did nothing all right take care of that Critter before it mostly just frustrates me more than anything all right and we are behind again what is he doing anyway some kind of a hail storm attack that's the one I'm worried about the most though what is okay he's charging up for a long time now was that was that that gu healing spell or something holy crap okay man I don't know about this I don't know if I can do this alone no less I mean nothing I've done has been effective so far that's certainly not good okay this is going to be an allnight affair by the looks of it ah no no no no no no turn around buddy you know what we need we need a potion take a mysterious flask that'll give you some uh bonus damage oh man good thing I got some extra potions cuz I'm going to use probably every single one of them here today okay poison uh one of those things said effective the other one was not effective I think he's it's doing a lot of damage actually but oh oh look out got distracted there I'm trying to figure out what he's weak to oh man we're only about 20% of the way there but he's I don't know what's going on over here now take the opportunity to get some damage in and then Retreat that's going to be my strategy we're going to do a 1 two 3 punch and then Retreat 1 2 3 maybe that's too much I'm not sure okay nope get out of there Scott free that time okay oh jeez no no no no oh jeez he's got a tail whip as well all right the fell wisp wyvern is at 50% but my sword what don't don't sit down oh my god sword is not looking too hot right now I do have the backup we also have arrows we also have grenades oh let's try a grenade just for the sake of seeing how effective it is probably not very honestly it's difficult to even attack him he's so big I got to get around to the side ah crap do the best I can I don't suppose block is going to do me much good here this when he's doing this thing I think he's charging up this is our opportunity to get in and do considerable damage before he comes out of that oh he just killed his own Critters there as well thank you appreciate that all right here he goes he's charging up we can get probably six or eight good attacks in while he's doing this maybe even more and then quickly get the heck out of here use the glider oh no yeah the shield doesn't work against that this isn't a movie where you can use a shield and block the dragon's breath all right the sword is broken my popcorn has run out so get your popcorn ready ah bad timing there and then we're on to the uh the Flaming sword thing that we have here okay oh my God stay topped off on HP right we're on the home stretch now we can do this as the Red Sun rises jeez it's a wonder you know those creatures that have the acid attack the scavenger matrons I think those guys are way more dangerous because so far this guy hasn't demonstrated an attack that can just one shot me you know whereas the scavenger matrons they they oneshot me every single time time y see that tail whip there won't kill me not even close really just stuns me could be deadly come on we're almost there we're oh see got the tail whip there only took off a little quarter of health or something oh that that was a little bit more dangerous here heal that and we're going in for the kill here let's go let's go we've got him he's charging or whatever he's doing here come on Chop Chop do it faster no it's not going to be enough get out of here all right whoop one more come on he just did a ton of damage to me but it wasn't enough I got him nice oh my goodness wow okay what did we get here even we've got the Commander's ring 30 Mana 30 Health we've got the key to the Pike and also the fell WIS wyvern's head take all of that all kinds of loot around here from all the furniture and whatever that got blown up in the process so I'll take a minute to SC scoop all of this up okay bones as well bones good for bone meal bone meal good for farming basically all right we appear to be mostly looted up over here there are some bugs that in the chaos just got blasted into the Earth here so kind of just watch out for them I can't kill them I've tried already here we go we can open this up oh there's oh W whoa whoa there's a bunch in there okay take great care of those guys oh oh there's a ton of them in the ground okay can we just um Gren them or is this is this going to be effective I don't know it seems to be effective but they're not dying right so we'll just play the game the floor is lava and we'll just jump around from furniture to Furniture oh it's the throne room let's get some light on here we can craft these Thrones it's just it's a little expensive to do so do these give me anything I I mean I hate to destroy them but quite honestly there's no one here to sit in them anymore well oh I just discovered that right there is there anything up here here for us aha secret chest over here with a shepherd's lightning uh-oh the inventory is cooked right now yeah there's a there been a lot of stuff to go through here and then from here I believe the only place to go was through the back as far as I can tell all these grapples are just leading me around on the ramp Parts here and maybe there's some important loot over here somewhere so I'll search around and see what I can find oh my goodness guard of the north helmet yes please how does that look my god I've got to get a different set of chest armor now something that matches this better because my kind of medium armor here is just not fitting this super heavy armor helmet that I have now pretty interesting read right here the city is drenched they've crushed our wall early mour and now coat our town with thick suffocating nebula colored like ostrich feathers I cower here alone for the first time in years like little girl my heart flutters like a thrashing caged Canary I should have run away and chartered a ship seized it I can fence and read a map after all maybe it's not too late wow pretty sad story here pretty much everyone died uh it's not clear though where Gander went Gander I think is the king and um according to that note there there's no indication that he died in the Battle perhaps he fled perhaps he's still alive somewhere even so that is it for that Mission nice okay so we've completely cleared out Pike me's reach I mean by no means have I searched this entire town it is basically five towns in one if you ask me there's a lot going on here there is ganders I mean there are some things that are like question marked that it doesn't appear that I found yet so maybe I'll I'll just jump down here and see what I can see granted every time I've been here so far it's been the middle of the night so I'm sure I've missed a couple of obvious things along the way there is a chest right here that is good for oh guard of the north boots is is there a whole set of armor here and I need to search this whole town to get it all uh-oh that could definitely be the case it's gone torn apart like cotton their catapults pure devilry blighted fire bright blue and hazy a rotting stench numbers unknown too many led by VOR goth he is coming heavy boots smash Caden's skull lost below sludge and mud all red a wave of Steel flooding towards Market Square my brothers below yelling no way down everything is loud the screams I cannot bear this dear Lords please I'm just a squire please don't crush my head Kaden I'm so sorry wow okay every time I read one of those I get the chills because it's it's um it's a tale of tragedy here all right we've got a little bit of a base camp set outside I need to repair my gear and I'm going to continue searching I'm pretty sure now that that armor is in here somewhere and that those question marks on the map indicate where it all is so back in we go we're going to scour this place ah okay there's the Shroud route taking fire from someone oh it's a Fel brute well I need one more Fel brute head anyway and I can get the fancy gold one come on over here whoa he's got reinforcements ah crap not not how I want to fight right now not not all of you at once ow oh he's a special spell brute he's got a special attack you guys always got Tricks up your sleeve all right take out your buddy there look out and then Counterattack oh that was very very painful it got stuck on the ropes here there's that special attack again here's my special attack again backstab backstab get him okay okay we could close things out right here we're lucky no look out oh no crap I got bested by a stupid fell brute all right we're back in the fight for round two come here buddy oh well he didn't regenerate so that's that's a bonus oh Bane Brer legendary only 17 power though I think I have a bow right now that's base 23 so I'm not sure if that's a great weapon or not we also have a feathered mace here which was off one of the Minions that we killed oh boy ah I need to go home and get rid of some of this stuff here yeah see Forest Longbow here 24 power the bow I'm using right now 24 power Bane Brer 17 power well let's see if anything else is waiting down here at the Shroud route should get some kind of a bonus for doing this nice oh we got a new marker on the map that was added and a skill point what did I just walk up on here is this the bathroom and both of you you died taking a crap oh jeez oh here we go read this the foot soldiers must be marching to the harbor encroaching on the gate no doubt I'm blessed to have made it to my hidden attic on time I can't see from here but I hear them their lord the guard of the north is chanting something dark and tainted the sky outside moves no it's the clouds a misty veil with strips of colored blue light what on Earth I'm peeking now I see it the cobblestones rip open like foul flesh he's removing his gloves by the Ancients his hands they look Frozen and dead like preserved rotten meat is he raising something from below I can't see I have to lean a little further okay so I'm getting bits of the story like out of order but oh here we go guard of the north gloves oh we have two more pieces to go yes take that for sure all right let let me let me put the boots on and stuff and see what that all looks like gloves boots character and we're looking sick man we've got to get the the main pieces though the chest and the Greaves all right it's in this town somewhere go another fell brute damn Dodge yeah that last one I don't think it matters if you block that's what killed me last time all right buddy let's do this oh you can block not good enough though he had a cra tackling wand not bad ooh another level up down here this place has been great so far wh oh my goodness with the lunging be careful ah yes yes yes got a gold chest up here this could be the next set of armor hold up hold up make sure we're clear from Bugs sounds clear open her up yes guard of the north pants perfect uh-oh got him put him on have a look here okay it looks like like a COR gated rooftop piece of metal but okay I'll wear them and another note here bastards closed the gates to the inner city left us poor to rot and die it won't help vorg Go's Army will get them I hope they'll burn let Gander taste copper and steel I don't go down easy I'm hidden but I still have that blasted sickness from last winter if my body fails me now if I sneeze if I Yap with the northl sauntering round outside these sewers will be my tomb I'm shivering it's not my gold flashes something is off there's there's wind in here no there's breathing in here and sharp like a blade can't see where or what it's in me in my throat so cold it's acid it's worse worse than the sewer help it feels like winter again okay so kind of a tail from the other side from a just a civilian caught in the slaughter ooh riddle me this above and beyond We rise solemn light shines upon thy face before candl light roams beneath the creeks and cracks of Oak it lies a secret held by brittle bones oh maybe it means behind this Oak is is something secret oh cryptic wand this is the answer to the r riddle then yes the riddle page is done I did it could be on to something here I found some skeletons was fighting them earlier but they're guarding this here nope Apprentice wand sarcophagus yes we got it the guard of the north chest plate I finally found the whole set and the last note here never thought I'd see a war nigh a live invasion in the last of my tired days I've buried so many I confess this comforts me guiding people on their final voyage so many last goodbyes today comes mine the northern Army is past the gates we can't seek respit in the castle gander locked all doors lowered all Gates it will not stop The Horde they will find their way ancients preserve us the Shroud is seeping inside something drips from above if anyone finds this if anyone is left I want to be buried next to my wife and son under the old oak leave The Headstone blank I have nothing to say oh my God I got the chills on that one this is crazy man what a tail alas I think it is time for me to leave let's just step out into the light here and try on my new set of armor and with that I am now the King of the North all right well it's been real it's been fun and I've got a whole new set of armor here so I think I'm going to head home I'm going to get things reorganized I'm going to check on the farm I've been doing a whole bunch of farming lately and we will pick things up in a couple of days where I think the quest will be checking out this vuka ceremony far far to the South it's it's not over yet I mean we've uncovered a massive portion of the story but there's still a massive swath of map to explore more people to meet more quest to do more gear to find and I hope you join me for that but anyway my friends thank you very much for joining me on my adventure today and I will see you hopefully in the next one hey everyone I just wanted to say thank you for watching for leaving a like but most of all thank you to the long list of amazing supporters that you see right here I hope this episode has earned your subscription and I can't wait to show you the next one best wishes to all and [Music] goodbye
Channel: Guns, Nerds, and Steel
Views: 8,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded part 1, enshrouded tips, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded game, enshrouded guide, enshrouded, enshrouded review, enshrouded trailer, enshrouded walkthrough, enshrouded release date, enshrouded early access, enshrouded starter guide, enshrouded base building, new rpg games 2024, keen games, new survival games, part 1, where to find, valheim lets play, valhiem, valhiem 2024, guide, how to, survival, gameplay, coop games
Id: 9wJvjgwqY9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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