Enneagram: What Energizes Each Type

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what's up guys it's good to have you back again I'm with grace Grace's my oldest daughter she's an eight and of course I'm a seven today we're talking about what energizes each type so what is it that makes each type you know get excited get passionate get moving get up and get moving and let's start with number one so for any gram type one the reformer excellence efficiency and order excellence efficiency in order and I think excellence you know is the idea that whatever you do you do it with to the best of your ability and I think ones are going to feel that impulse to to whatever they do to do it yeah like whether it's like putting dishes in a dishwasher or finishing a paper like they're gonna make sure everything's done just right or feel really frustrated when things aren't done right and sometimes feel they need to come behind you mm-hm and you know sort of pick up where you I wonder if like the lack of these things would also be energizing to them Oh energizing like first place yeah them to action yeah like if I'm doing something wrong doesn't one come behind me and it's like oh man now I got to do something right get all the way yeah I would think they would feel the impulse when something's not efficient something's not ordered so I think is I could see ones like at the back of the line at the grocery store just thinking like the guy in the line is like what's taking so long up here come on come on yeah frustrated angry why can't we get more cashiers up here at the register I've kind of got my headphones in and I'm listening to music and I'm I'm kind of enjoying the downtime I'm not really panicked when something like that happens I don't like it I'm with the ones yeah we gotta have some order here come on alright so you've got some ones in your life we've got some ones in our life and I my brother is a one-winged nine and he's more of that frustrated like it's not it's you know people are not gonna think like eight nines and one's kind of all have maybe I'm wrong here but they all kind of have like this mindset that like they might not say it out loud but like people are stupid it's will say that well I think you're stupid yeah hey you love people yeah I don't think I'm any smarter than them you but people in general yeah people are not people do stupid things right and I think at eight is more likely to like like get around people yeah we're a one might be like more willing to like call it out and say wait what are you talking about being in line like you know when you stand there like the lady's not pushing her cart up and we're writing a cheque yeah like she's obviously not doing what she should be doing in line I think the one might stand there like chopping their foot like come on what's going on where I would be more inclined to be like hey are you in line because when we're in line we put stuff on a belt so which one is the one that turns around and starts the conversation with me says I don't know why they don't have more registers open I'll go tell somebody get on that yeah yeah I don't know I kind of think like AIT's kind of thing people are stupid so you got to work around them yeah and get out of the way and get around them like traffic don't depend on them because they're gonna let you down ones are more like people are stupid so they need to be organized and they need to be tweaked we need to get a manager in here we need to tell them what to do we need to organize them we need to make job roles clear or I'll just do it myself right and I think nines are kind of like people are stupid so yeah yeah whatever like my father-in-law saw one and he's a manager and husband a manager for like 30 years and he talks about it as being like glorified babysitting she's like that's all it is I just have to make sure people show up do their job I don't know why adults even need a manager this is ridiculous well you know when you think about it like if the rest of us India Graham types you don't two through nine if we don't have the inner critic then we need an outer critic right yeah one can be provide that outer not critic and you know but I like you know organize you and tell you what you need to do cuz right you may get distracted if you're a seven you might get distracted from what you need to get done and so the the one has that inner manager that they can share with the rest of us right right and it can be helpful oh yeah yeah well I don't know he'd be lost without him yeah it would be alright number two the giver the helper what energizes them well our notes here say appreciation love and people I can get behind like the love people but appreciation like you have no control whether someone appreciates you or not like yeah I don't know well I mean energizes them yeah and they're not gonna necessarily ask for it what was something I read the other that you know twos if they want you to read their mind that they want you to know what they need but they don't want to tell you what they need right and so maybe they want you to appreciate them and everything they're doing but they're not necessarily gonna say you you don't appreciate me yeah I think other numbers like we make it hard on twos especially like probably ones nines and eights because we're in that group that thinks everybody's done them anyway so it's like one or two is over there like cleaning up the kitchen or something the one is like probably thinking well you're not doing in the most efficient way the nine probably doesn't even notice that you're doing it or doesn't care and the eight is like frustrated that we're waiting on you because they're trying to go somewhere after this you know yeah so it's hard I think maybe for that anger group to show the appreciation to the two yeah I know we probably all have reasons why we're not as appreciative as we should be but so energized by love and people I've read a lot on the Enneagram two groups where is my wife is it to you know we always try to understand each other better and and I see a lot of them you know just distressed when they feel like people in their lives especially their family members you know aren't relating to them well they really I think have a deep sense that you know they want everybody in the family to not just relate to each other well but to relate to them well like they're working really hard at being kind and then they kind of want the fruit of that like the people will be kind back to it sometimes your kid is a five they don't care how kind you've been they want you out of their room yeah right yeah and that seems like it can be really hurtful so it energizes each time when when they are the two when they have a pretty when they're appreciated when they feel like they're being loved and when the people around them are relating to them yeah that maybe they have an opportunity to be with people you know like maybe they're kind of I don't know slumping around all day but well tonight we're gonna go up with all these people and that'll be good I think ones and twos would both do thankless jobs yeah but maybe for different reasons yeah you know like that job over there in the kitchen where nobody sees them I think they both do it for different reasons the two is doing it maybe because you need them to and they want to help you and you know they're happy to come along maybe in play second fiddle to help you out and the one just sees a mess that needs to be cleaned up and they just can't take that mess left you know like a mess they got to just get it right and then they can go to bed and feel better about life because it's been organized right yeah I think both of them could do not that they wouldn't take front and center but I think both of them can be very happy probably just doing their thing I mean yeah but they're gonna do it for maybe different reasons all right the three the three the champion the achiever is energized by a by efficiency like the one getting things done in a you know organized way goals and tasks goals and tasks and I would say with the threes that I've seen in my life that goals and tasks are big yeah it's like magic when they decide okay I'm gonna accomplish this or I'm gonna finish this degree or I'm gonna you know finish this whatever it is and then they do it like wow you actually you really did it okay you've set your mind to it and you did it okay yeah come on and what I see of my friends are threes on Facebook and social media is not only do they do it but then they they give kind of always a challenge out to you like you could you could I don't know if that's because there are three twos or three fours or just because the specific people I'm thinking of but it's always kind of like they they want to move you toward right with enough practice you can do or enough dedication you could do this too yeah I'm like I didn't even know I wanted know the trouble is like I'm not interested in doing that know what it's like they're inspired and so they need to inspire you yeah I think that's a good thing that's when they move to six maybe like okay I did it now everybody let's get a team let's all do it yeah and so let's inspire you yeah like when you three like loses a bunch of weight or something then they're gonna get all their friends on a plan and we're all gonna eat right we're all gonna get up and exercise and you see yeah we're a six might be like I need my friends to get on the diet with me right three goes and does it and then champions everybody else becomes a personal trainer right right yeah yeah for sure so goals and tasks I think a lot of times you know I'm motivated by I let something go undone and now the anxiety pushes me uh-huh but getting motivated by goals is totally different it's like you you envision what could be throw your anchor out at that and then let that pull you forward right which is probably a lot better way than waiting to the last minute versus like crap I have to do this or I'm gonna be in trouble yeah and I think a lot of us are motivated not necessarily to it to achieve a goal but to get away from trouble right yeah yeah and I think if three wants the threes I know they I'm thinking of one in particular they're very idealistic like they want to be the ideal person they want to be the ideal example in everything they do yeah yeah yeah and one of the things I read said that you know they their worth is attached to their performance and IV no pressure yeah I've even heard of them you know talk about people that are not performing well in life for whatever reasons or work as and they'll use the word that person is worthless and you know I don't think the person is worthless but I can see eight out of three I'm not a three you know I might as a seven I might think that person is boring or lame or tired or you know foolish or something but I think in their mind it's like if you're not performing well right and you're not goal oriented and what are you doing what are you worth what do you do all day yeah what are you worth all right the for the creative the what's it called again the individual is yes all I could think was hopeless romantic yeah the romantic yeah that's right they are inspired by creativity in other words doing things in a different way because this isn't that really what creativity means it's everybody's doing it like this but a new way the be creative means you came up with something different okay so creativity emotion and authenticity I think I can see that one coming emotion and authenticity speak to both anticipate yeah I think that's something like fours and eights definitely have in common because I don't know like to me that's like the most important thing like if you're not being truthful you're not just not you have to give the whole truth to like all of it and I think fours are really good maybe even better at eights with sharing the full truth of emotions and sadness and you know eights are happy to share the truth of how angry I am or how frustrated but not necessarily even recognize that oh I'm actually hurt by this I'm actually sad about this so I think that's something like fours and eights both think the rules don't apply to them and I think maybe part of it has to do with authenticity like it's not being authentic to myself to just go along with what everyone else is doing I don't want to do that I don't feel like that's right or I don't feel like that's what I would choose so I'm just not gonna do it I think fours and eights can both feel like that I think one of the differences that comes to mind with that authenticity because I think eights want authenticity too but I think it'd be a value to aides but I think you might define it just slightly nuanced like I think of the four might actually tell lies about themselves or believe lies about themselves you know let people believe things that aren't necessarily exactly the truth but they think they're being true to themselves they think they're being like true to this I did where they like latch onto one part of ya overemphasized yeah like I know some force who have like different like physical problems and so they like if you look on their Instagram something like it's all about their disability they have it's all about that Kim becomes an identity yeah and like one identity marker yeah and it's like okay I literally have some of the same diagnosis of these it's not all over this isn't what you know about me you know it's like they need to find their identity and something so they latch on to one part and make that really truthful when it's like okay but you're also okay so many others say like this let me say like this ates want to get to the truth yeah what happened what is the actual cake court of events or case of events tell me exactly what happened that that's the way that I think the authenticity of an eight is I want to get to the actual nuts and bolts what happened tell me the truth where I think a four is more likely when they think of authenticity if you guys are fours I mean correct correct i put it in i don't know i think fours are more likely i've got to be true to myself however I perceive myself right now yes and to some others watching we might think that it's deceptive right it might look inauthentic if we see wearing all black one day and then the next day you're wearing rainbows everywhere you know it's like well which is it which villain it's true but you're like being authentic to yourself in that moment yeah you're being authentic to yourself right but we're all late we're like wait you're Jerry we know you right another difference is to like if the four is like feeling this wave of emotion they might act on that emotion because they're being true to themselves whereas an eight if it's inappropriate for me to act on this emotion right now then I'll just stuff it down and deal with it later yeah yeah well you know we're still figuring this stuff out and like I said if you reaiize are fours out there yeah helps up help us out I mean it says right here in our notes emotion and I think eights that's not something that you I mean emotion like you a lot of anger frustration right frustration motivates you but it's not like emotional I don't think you might would describe you as an emotional person no yeah no intense but not alone yeah right right right okay the five all right fives are energized by a long time it was probably a few wives out there laughing as I said that or parents out there who've got fives as kids alone time knowledge and sensory pleasures what do you think it means my sensory pleasures the first thing that comes to mind is so mom does brain training and that comes with all kinds of weird things and she bought these like mat that you lay down on the floor that had all these spikes on it and it was supposed to like integrate something in the brain whatever like lovers bike yeah like rubber spikes yeah and Harrison the five in our house brought it into his house it would just like walk on it all day long will he listen to audiobooks like what are you doing like there's no reason for you to be doing this but I don't he like keeps his room at like 60 degrees he wants it to be cold because just under blankets yeah I don't know is that I don't know this mind huh I wonder if that's like certain kinds of foods right you know I like my room to smell a certain way and only that way my favorite roommate that I lived with was a five and she only wanted to eat potatoes in popcorn those were her for two things I only like certain kind of music and I get pleasure from the soundtrack you know from their temperature in the room from my my comfortable chair my economic keyboard I don't I don't know that's interesting help us out sensory pleasure I get the knowledge in the alone time I can see that yeah information that's like their whole thing sharing information knowing information and then being alone and unintrusive on mm-hmm I get that energizes I'm alone time which is funny because you know if you're like a - and or you know seven and you want fun or a - you want love and people right and that's what energizes you then your interactions with the five might actually you know cause them to be less energized and you yeah because they they're trying to get away and you're both draining each other yeah yeah okay all right so a long time knowledge and sensory oh maybe television could be I wonder if you just like get alone alright here's the perfect thing get alone watching documentaries or whatever I know like Harrison he likes to watch like the videos on YouTube that show you how to play minecraft and all the different things you can unlock and all that so he's alone he's watching television Jaime and some kinda playing a video game on his phone while he's watching the television about a video game getting more knowledge maybe that's what we're talking about here because that's what I would be his favorite thing in life like we could say we're going to Disney and he's like I would rather sit at home watching knowledge videos about video games and marvel universe yeah okay alright the six the six is energized by affirmation progress and stability I think I got the stability thing yeah I think so what do you think that means stability for a six well they're like so loyal and they're always looking to see like if the bottom is gonna fall out and relationships are at a job or wherever so I think as long as they can see like hey you know what everything's going smoothly right now like no problems yet I think maybe that's what it means for a six wanting stability or being energized by that like hey we playing a Disney trip and then everyone actually showed up this is amazing you know yeah I imagine is probably terrifying 206 when you say something like well they're cutting back at work and daddy might be losing his job uh-huh I'm not gonna know anything for three months but we might be moving to Toledo yeah if you said that to Olivia she would die Rick carry on this conversation late and then get up and walk away right I would think a sakes would just be like uh-huh what you might lose your job daddy might lose his job then what about all my friends what about my school what about my what about our dog I could just imagine us takes like a whole world crumbling with that just that hint of instability right right the threat of it affirmation in progress affirmation is that coming along and saying you're gonna be okay you're doing all right you're gonna they're gonna love you at school you don't have to worry about your test you're gonna do I would think so in progress like they see if if if you get your progress report and you got a 95 and a and an 85 and a 98 and maybe I'm not gonna fail because I imagine a six is probably always thinking I'm gonna fail right I'm gonna fail right I have a friend who's a six who has been like working out and stuff a lot and she always talks about seeing progress like oh I noticed a little difference here I notice a little difference there like she picks up on all kinds of stuff that I wouldn't think about noticing but then when she says it I'm like oh yeah yeah that's definitely progress so maybe everything's gonna work out yeah it reassures you that maybe everything's gonna work out maybe it's gonna be okay if I if I see that the grades are getting better if I see that I know things that work or turning around and my work is paying but we're getting along okay yeah make sense yeah all right the seven fun ideas and projects yeah there you go I mean that's pretty straightforward fun the problem is when you define this word fun yeah especially as a counter seven yeah nothing it's really fun yeah I mean fun is one of those words that really try to sit and define it yeah what's fun to you probably not fun to the person well what was fun yesterday yeah I mean it's a hard word to define when you sit and think about it fine because there's a lot of things that promise to be fun but then when you actually set out doing them turns out it just costs a lot of money right what's that much fun right and then you know then there's a lot of things that you know there's been many times when I'm doing work and I'm having fun right or I'm you know just grocery shopping you're just doing normal stuff in life you can have fun with it if you if you don't think about what you're missing and you just show up fully to what you're doing right you can have fun or if you're with the right people you're gonna have fun right yeah you could be doing the most fun thing in the world but if you got the wrong people with you it's gonna ya kill it or if there's something to be afraid of like we took you guys when these guys were little we took them all to a New York City there's pictures of it yeah we took him out in New York City and they were just little I mean what's more fun in your head you know then New York City right but when you got five little kids and it's like Thanksgiving crowds you know and parades and all that and you're just trying to make sure that everybody doesn't get lost and you're holding one of them on your shoulders and there's diaper bags and you know it's kind of like it becomes so much effort and so much crowd and so much intensity that like what you would think would be fun can become just a chore we're terrifying scary and yeah and a lot of work yeah and then on the other hand you can sit out on your porch and throw gravel that's true you know into the pond Western and and find yourself that you had fun with that yeah so fun is one of those it's one of those scary words I think for a seven it's like a it's like a a trigger word anxiety anxiety word I'm sure that the other types is not I mean fun just happens all the time and they don't think about it yeah you know I don't like start the day hoping to create fun like I'll be fine I wake up on my days off thinking what are we doing today what we're doing what we're doing what we're doing projects ideas now projects I don't think it's projects like the kitchen tiles I think that way to energize the one yeah no like stuff like this like you're gonna start a YouTube channel you're gonna talk about this stuff and it's gonna be awesome yeah it's energizing projects like or like I started this collection and now I get to fill in all the missing pieces and this is my project that's what I'm working on that's something you get excited about yeah and ideas big ideas I think sevens would be good at like starting businesses and handing them off to someone else yeah and you know I think eights yeah they'd be good at like starting businesses but both of us would have to work on you know that the tedious detail follow through mm-hmm that's where it gets I think sevens are good is synthesizing hey this works in the you know in the world of golf and now we're in the world of sales what could we and bring it together and make it successful like I think a seven would be a good starter and a three would be a good finisher yeah you know like I can't move this great idea here's the plan and then the three could be like okay let me take you to the next level take you to the next uh yeah I'm gonna retire here ya know yeah right Yeah right where you've moved on and started five other things you know yeah all right cool the a intensity yeah if you're gonna do it yes go big or go home yeah don't just talk about it intensity leadership and a need for justice intensity leadership and a need for justice is what energizes they talk about that need for justice yeah that's the one that sticks out to me the most if I like I can be completely like not interested at all and what we're doing what we're talking about and then I see someone over there he's getting picked on or this wait a minute this story's not enough I don't know about this I like feel like there's nothing I can do to stop myself from saying something or doing something getting involved in some way yeah it doesn't matter how like distracted or busy or whatever I am doing something else if I see something that I'm like this is not right then I feel compelled to say something I read something a while back they're like one's it one's an eight share something there with justice and fairness and what I read was that ones tend to like want to prescribe fairness in the world like if everybody would just stop at stoplights if everybody would drive the speed limit and then they're universal like if everybody did this if everybody took their cart back when they were done shopping if everybody would you know wash their car when they're supposed to if everyone idealist yeah yeah that's right like you're saying this I'm like I feel like I'm like that but more realistic like look people aren't gonna put their shopping carts back so we need a new plan yeah people aren't gonna stop the red light so yeah what do we do instead yeah so I think one's it's like they want to prescribe fair rules and then enforce those rules where an eighth sense of justice is more like let's go after that one guy that violated that yeah and broke that law and way and I think eight might almost be convinced sometimes in their pursuit of justice to be like vigilantes and break laws yeah no absolutely because justice needs to be done regardless of what the law yeah it's Robin Hood and I don't think ones are gonna be like that as much ones are more like we got to follow the rules in the end and the laws right and look and then if it's outside of the law there's my hands are tied there's nothing I can do what can I do yeah we're eight sort of more like what does that mean for you watch the other night Oh equalizer yes that is they eat mentality - yeah it's like you're an assassin you literally like this is so wrong you shouldn't be doing this but these people legitimately deserve to die they're bad guys like they should stop them and you know all of the ones out there and their laws didn't get them no you guys you dropped the ball and now it goes out and hunts them down yeah right yeah right this person is being abused or mistreated Vienna needs to stop and so the eights gonna interject themselves right to stop that like and say what's the point of trying to pass laws because people don't follow laws right let's go after the guy that the one guy that did this is the wrong way right and get justice yeah like where one might call DCF if they think you're a little suspicious and eight will just show up at your house so what's going on here cuz I've been hearing some things I want to check it out for myself we can ice ball that yeah yeah I need to figure out take it matters in my own hands yeah yeah no K leadership now how is that different than like a three because this is a three you know I think about them the I think the three four is called the professional yeah so I think of one's good managers three great leaders but then there's eight eight and threes leadership I think eight I think threes work to become leaders like they read the right books and they have the right connections and they were certainly hard yeah they they're the most qualified person and so there who's promoted I think eights are pushed into leadership want to be somebody's boss I don't want to tell you what to do I want you to figure that out on your own but like in every group project when I was at work like now I'm working for myself but yeah like like every eight should do boys stupid you don't wanna have to depend on no listen I'm never gonna fire myself okay right but um I think eight get pushed into that role because their action first so when no one else can make a decision I've already made a decision and they're confident and that intensity they speak like whatever I say it looks like I believe it a hundred percent I've when I was working one of my jobs um my boss told me you're so confident with everything even if you didn't know what you were doing we'd probably still let you do it and I was like yes exactly that's why I got this job you know because so maybe it's leadership more in the regards because you a lot of aides maybe aren't seeking to manage other people no but I can see how that's energizing though like because I I've also a counter eight so maybe it's different and like I think about being at church or something I feel like I'm always causing problems because I have these ideas or have these things I want to do and so when someone does push me towards a leadership role or gives me some kind of authority that's really energizing cuz it's like oh I'm not actually causing problems here like you guys were on board with this okay let's do it and then I'll be the most excited to do it but I think yeah if it if I was just working a job where there is no way that I was gonna be pushed towards any kind of leadership like I'm not I don't wanna be a secretary my whole life not there's anything wrong with that but like I just I want to know that whatever I'm doing I can move up that's why I like working for myself because it's up to me whether I make a million dollars or make no dollars you know where some types would be energized by hey Marty you're gonna be a part of a team of 20 people you get cubicle F right and report to Sarah right an8 is more energized by the projects yours turn it around right well like change this thing they're energized by affirmation so if you're working for yourself you're not getting any affirmation from anybody yeah if anything people are like wondering you're gonna get a real job you know and so I think it can be difficult leadership can be difficult for other types because they're not when you're a leader you're not appreciated you're not you know you're gonna be the first person that people have a problem with and you don't necessarily get a report no yeah nobody's telling you how you did at the end of the day right not with any good sense usually so right so if you want to get an eighth involved or engaged in what you're doing give them a position not okay maybe I said that wrong I think the three we want to position more right give the eighth the task and say turn this around right and right the people that you need on board and we want this right this area of our job or this area of our business right turn it around and it's on you yeah and then you got the freedom then but you're gonna want the freedom to do it your own way yeah don't give me here's the team of seven people and they all kind of suck make sure they get their job done like that's like my worst nightmare no I don't want to do that and we're gonna look over your shoulder the holes yeah let you know what we're doing what you're doing wrong I'm alone I don't use and say go turn it around we're not gonna ask a lot of questions yeah we'll be back in three weeks kids job done you know yeah and an eight would be willing to walk in and say you're fired you're fired you're right right and that's why I think people like H get a bad rep like they're being mean or something it's like no I'm not being mean you're just not serving the purpose that we need done here right yeah so yes there's that authenticity of an eight hey Marty you stink and you're done right I don't know you weren't already taken care of yeah yeah there's a lot of us types on the intagram but have a very hard time looking at marty we'd want to mom Marty you can we want to beat around the bush with Marty as long as we could bring him when he just needs to be let go yeah yeah okay the nine and you're gonna like this one okay what energizes each time and you're married to a nine and we haven't you have a nine sister - all right so comfort peace and naps uh-huh okay that's what energizes the nine comfort peace and naps yeah you'll talk about that well I think it's of course I'm an eight so my gut instinct is to disagree with something like automatically so I'm just gonna get that out of the way the first thing comfort like usually people are energized by discomfort yeah like I'm uncomfortable here so that's gonna force me to action but I would say that's not true for nice though it really is comfort if you make a 9 uncomfortable then they're chopping out they're done they're not gonna do it but if you turn on the air-conditioning the right way and get him a snack and you or the promise of comfort coming right right then they're gonna be more motivated to do that yeah like if you put Zach in the right environment there's nothing he won't get done but if you put it in the wrong environment he won't get the most simple of tasks done yeah if he's uncomfortable right all right yeah think about the difference between I mean the 3 and the 9 are related on the diagram think about the difference between I'm motivated by a goal I'm motivated by what makes me comfortable right I get you in trouble what is little Debbie's that's what makes you comfortable Yeah right yeah or I'm working all day so that I can come home and sit on my comfortable couch and watch my comfortable show right my comfortable food right yeah yeah comfort peace peace keepers avoidance of conflict the avoidance of confrontation or the 800 my conversation right I didn't even know was a confrontation till you started crying right yeah peace comfort somebody that values them and what they're saying yeah I can see like Zack has worked in jobs before where the people there were terrible to work with and so there's that lack of peace and that's not motivating or energizing at all because every day he would go to work it's just Here I am stuck with a bunch of people that I don't agree with that I don't like they don't like me and I can feel that and it was really difficult for him versus working with people he loves or in an environment that feels really comfortable to him and he like does amazing there yeah so you can definitely see the difference right comfort peace and naps I don't know take a power nap and try getting 30 minutes I don't know yeah maybe there's just times when nines feel like they just have to shut down yeah because I know with my daughter he's a nine like she'll be in the room she knocks a lot should be in the room talking laughs and everything and then she's gone and I'm like where'd she go and I'll go in a room the door and she's curled up not just like on the bed asleep but blankets like the living pajamas all right it's like yeah like went to bed she's always been like that too like we were a little company over and she's like five years old would disappear she's asleep yeah she's in her bed like like grandma's here don't you want to see her nope it's not coming yeah yeah Leslie yeah like when I take a nap it's usually 10 minutes or an hour at the most but like 10 minutes 15 minutes usually I only taken out five fever I cannot no ya can't intensity oh boy all the time time well this has been fun it's been helpful it's a it sure helps us understand you know better ourselves and the people that are important to us in our life and I hope it's helpful to you guys and as always like comment and subscribe and be present to life don't miss what's right in front of you because of what you wish would would be the case alright guys until we see you next time take care see ya
Channel: Dr. Tom LaHue
Views: 23,043
Rating: 4.9290991 out of 5
Keywords: Enneagram, personalities, love, family, marriage, home, parenting, wife, husband
Id: iqzF5d5CII0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 39sec (2199 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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