Enneagram: The Difference Between 9w8 and 9w1

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what's up guys thank you for joining me today we are talking about Enneagram type 9 and we're going to be looking at the wings of type 9 and talking about the difference between the nine wing one and the nine wing wing eight before we get into that welcome to my channel this is dr. Tom Lee hue and we do Studies on Enneagram here and try to help people understand more about themselves their family members their loved ones and better relate to one another with compassion in my description you can find the information if you want to get in touch with me I do Skype and FaceTime appointments with people all over the world just anything I can do to help you or encourage you you know we all get stuck from time to time so let's get started the nine I do have a nine daughter and she's what 18 almost 19 and is married she's a solid young lady that you know has a good head on her shoulder she's a nine wing one I have a son-in-law who's married to my other daughter who's an 8 and he's a nine wing eight and so I get to see you know these two personalities lived out in front of me and I do see some differences and some nuance differences and a lot of similarities between them as well as working with many nines you know and knowing a lot of nines as well some of my best friends are nines nine is called the peacemaker the harmonizer and you know in general nines go to sleep to their own needs and their own desires as a way of getting along with other people it's as if you know as a young person they decided that and of course it probably wasn't conscious but they decided that to have their own desires and their own wants and their own needs and to vocalize those you know would create some kind of disharmony and it was easier to just you know go along with what other people wanted it was easier to just adopt their views their desires their ideas than to vocalize and verbalize their own and so the nine you know becomes the prototype I guess for all of us that that tendency in all of us to just hit cruise control you know and just go with the flow and take the path of least resistance and get along with people and you know if if you have your opinions in your views and you state those very strongly and other people have their opinions and their views and they state those very strongly there is the opportunity for there to be a disconnection in the relationship because maybe we disagree and we decide that we you know can't work together or get along together so in order to deflect that kind of disharmony in order to avoid that kind of disharmony Nine's adopt a strategy of minimizing their own beliefs views ideals desires wants needs and adopting the views and opinions and ideas and wants of others and therefore it erases the opportunity for disharmony and creates peace but it also erases to some degree the Nine's own identity and so you always have to ask you know at what expense you know to yourself are you trying to get along with other people and I think when Nine's realized this about themselves you know it's a really eye-opening aha moment you know because everybody gets along so well often with nines nines are agreeable there it's in their personality structure to be agreeable likable easygoing easy to get along with harmonizing and when nines you know and the people that love them realize you know that the expense and the cost that you know that this this has the price tag to being this agreeable in this nice it can be a real you know this what's the word I'm looking for a moment that really is startling you know when an EIN wakes up they may not change you know they but just their realization that you know that they've been really you know quieting their own voice and quieting their own desires and and in order to get along in a bid to get along with people when they just realize that about themself it can be a real epiphany a real eye-opening moment for them and you know with the hope that if they realize that about themselves if you're a nine or you know your you love somebody that's a nine when they realize that about themselves what they've been doing you know hopefully it will encourage them it will encourage you to you know wake up and get in touch with your own wants and desires and feelings and emotions and dreams and plans goals and you know let those things become more more a part of yourself and be able to state those out loud and realize that you know you are a person a person with an opinion and a person with with desires and wants and dreams and needs just like every other person and your your needs and desires and dreams are just as valuable and just as valid as everybody else's and they should be stated and they should be and they should be given you know attention and should be valued like anybody else's so I wanted to you know get into the wings but anything else that I want to just say about nines that might be helpful you know okay the getting along with everybody you know comes at a price it's Makka Maday ting yourself and avoiding conflict 9s especially nine ones hate conflict you know we'll do everything they can do to harmonize and move away from conflict and that you know goal to avoid conflict in order to achieve comfort can cause you to deafen your own inner voice your your inner voice that would guide you and direct you and tell you that this is the direction you want to go in this is what you want to do this is what you want to participate in this is what you don't want to participate in you have to deaden that voice and deaf in that voice in order to you know get along with people and when you can learn to wake up to yourself and sort of get in touch with that internal guide and an internal compass you know and you can then balance a little bit better your own dreams and desires and support for others in their dreams and desires so nines are in the anger group with eights and ones and eights and ones are more obvious about their anger you know eights are probably the most obvious and they tend to just give back you know what what they're getting and so if if people leaning on an eight and eight leans back the one is a little less obvious their anger often looks more like frustration or maybe resentment or maybe just you know sort of a seething undercurrent of you know things aren't fair I have to carry all the weight while other people get to goof off you know that sense of frustration ones want to keep a lid on their anger it's not good to be angry and ones want to be good okay and then the nine being in the middle of that group tends to go to sleep to it just like the three goes to sleep to their feelings they're in the feeling group the six is in the thinking group and the six in a sense goes to sleep too to their thinking now I don't want to upset or offend any sixes but what I mean is is sixes you know are very much thinkers okay but they're they're responding to fear and if you can get them to come back to the present moment and think about are you safe right now and engage that thinking in right now thinking then you can often talk a 6 out of there worry and desperation because when they engage their thinking to the present moment they realize I'm okay I don't need to maybe hit the panic button just yet so six is kind of go sleep to they're thinking threes go to sleep to they're feeling because threes are in action and doing mode and they want to achieve goals but when you ask them how do they really feel about these goals they've accomplished you know they may realize that they don't really care about all of these awards they've accumulated they've just been in doing in action mode and so that corresponds to the nine being at the center of the doing mode tends to go to sleep to what they ought to do for themselves and they go to sleep to the anger they want to get along with people they recognize that you know it's easier to just sort of calm yourself quiet yourself and let other people's agenda become your agenda and then you can be at peace with people and that becomes then your agenda your agenda then becomes harmonizing blending in with others I tend to think of 9s as being kind of like the vanilla ice cream you know I have a no ice cream is a flavor but it tends to blend with you know every other flavor in a in a positive way and it mellows out every other strong flavor and that's exactly what 9s do they mellow out you know the environment they mellow out you know the the workplace the family they bring a peaceful calm you know harmonizing quality to two relationships okay easygoing accommodating of others when asked for their own opinion you know they they may hesitate and you know whatever it's fine I don't have a preference I'm good with whatever Nine's don't like to tolerate conflict because it can lead to separation and so there's that sense of fear you know of separation like if I stand up and voice what I want and say what I want then people might abandon me and might leave me and might withdraw from me and so I go along with others in order to get along with others so they sort of dial down the awareness of their own wants and needs they dim the themselves they watered-down themselves now that's a that's a very you know that's a very disconcerting thought you know to think that you have a person in your life or you are a person that waters down yourself or dims down yourself in order to not be a problem in order to remove problems or the threat of problems or the potential for conflict you've dialed down your identity you've dialed down yourself you've watered down your life that's a lot to thinking about that's a lot to take in you know that you are living a watered down life it's just something to think about I didn't write this this is coming straight out of you know the books the experts okay this is all coming straight out of the experts all right I've got a shelf filled with just I think every book on the India gram and I've read them all and you know of course trying to understand and I don't mean to be offensive I'm not trying to be offensive I'm on your team I'm on your side I have nines that are very close to me and I don't want them to live a watered-down life I want them to really get in touch with their dreams desires hopes plans and live those out I want them to be common be all that they're created to be so I'm not trying to you know hurt or shame or frustrate anybody I'm just trying to understand myself you know some of these nines in my life that have been so such good friends and easy to get along with you know I didn't necessarily think you know at what expense to themselves are they being that agreeable but you know it really really makes you stop and think and appreciate you know this this cost of blending in this this price of blending in so 9s tend to focus externally on what others want and what others want them to be want them to believe want them to act and you know that much attention at keeping harmony with the group around you and the people around you causes them to take the focus of their attention away from their inner selves so they're always looking externally as to what do I need to do or say or be in order to keep harmony in this group or to regain harmony in this group how can I help people that are at odds regain harmony in this group that their attention is not on them inner self of you know what do I want or what do I hope to achieve it's kind of all sacrificed on that altar of harmony and peace Nine's focus easily on what's common you know on the commonalities on the community and their agendas then fade into the background as the all you know all powerful all important agenda of keeping harmony with everybody and keeping harmony in the group becomes the most important the most important agenda okay anything else okay well you know I've got lots of other videos on you know the paths of integration and disintegration so let's let's go back to what this video is supposed to be about 15 minutes in the the wings okay so let's take the nine-eight let's start there the referee is what this one's called the referee or the advisor I think is a good title as well you've got the nine mellow peaceful harmonizing forget themselves get along with everybody but you mix that with what a very strong in pendant powerful dominating leader eight who's gonna give back to you what you give to them you push on an eight they push back you get in their Lane they get you out of their Lane okay so the nine eight is called the referee and I think that's a helpful that's a helpful term because let me explain the concept a little bit Harry Potter I think is a good example of a nine eight he's got that nine energy of just wanting I'll live under the stairs whatever I have to do you don't have to recognize me don't have to celebrate my birthday you don't have to you know anybody nobody has to care about me I'm nobody I'm nothing I'll just live under the stairs whatever I got to do to keep peace and harmony in this bombastic chaotic environment I'm not a player okay so a nine doesn't feel like a player in the game but notice that eight energy on the side right that wing eight that now when I see people you know arguing or fighting or mistreating or abusing or oppressing some innocent person that calm peaceful person will engage they wake up blow the whistle and say stop that's out of line that's not appropriate you're taking advantage of this other person this needs to stop this needs to change and this quiet reserved peaceful person will step into life blow the whistle put it into it explode okay and and then what once that's calmed down and once their harmony is regained and everybody is back in line then that nine eight will then back themselves back out of the game they don't see themselves as a player maybe in the game but they're to keep harmony and they'll use that that that eight demonstrative energy you know to to accomplish that nine goal of keeping harmony so they'll step forward like an eight bark growl holler blow a whistle to keep the peace but it's it's it's not necessarily like an eight to get I want you know to get to move forward and get people out of my way it's to get what I want the nine the peace and harmony is to restore peace and harmony to the group or to restore peace and harmony you know to the situation and then once peace and harmony has been achieved then that nine will that nine eight will back themselves out and go back on you know routine mode go back on you know cruise control you might say the the nine eight I think of a couple of good examples if you like King of Queens you know I love that show Doug Heffernan the main character is a nine winged eight you know that's a good example if you watch that show you'll get a good idea of what a nine wing eight is like I've got a bunch of other ones listed here I don't know how accurate they are Ronald Reagan Kevin Costner Whoopi Goldberg I don't know I haven't thought a lot about them but let's see they mix an agreeable ability to get along with others with strength okay with strength and a little bit of dominance so strength and confidence mixed with peace and harmony that's what you get when you get a nine wing eight this person is probably a little bit more of a comfort seeker and can be a little bit more passionate about their comfort so you know you often talk about like nines if they get if you get your order wrong at a restaurant like you get your sandwich and you the nine eight is probably gonna have a favorite sandwich that they like you know and they they find a lot of enjoyment in those simple pleasures nines find a lot of enjoyment and simple pleasures I think particularly the nine eight finds a lot of enjoyment in those simple comforts and again we could get into the reasons why because when you die to your own life agenda you can get an you in your and you're not passionate about like the important things of life when you sort of go to sleep to that then what takes its place is kind of the unimportant things of life so now the way your sandwiches made becomes really important to you you know watching your favorite television shows and sitting in a comfortable chair these things then take the place of what is most important to you so that's something to think about maybe another video but but the you know I think this nine eight is a lot more likely to sort of stand up for themselves and say hey I gotta take this sandwich back because this has onions on it and I can't do onions I think the nine eleven is gonna have a lot harder time in you know sort of speaking up for themselves and correcting someone and getting what they want communicated the 9/8 gonna have an easier time at that hold on just a minute I gotta take this sandwich back because the sandwich is the important thing you know today in my life and it's got to be done right and I don't mind but you'll see them do it not like an eight you know an eight wants to blame who's responsible for the nine eight is gonna take it back and I'm sorry but I asked for no onions can you please take the onions off of this or or can I have a new sandwich they're still gonna be very harmonious and peaceful about it but they're gonna be more committed I think to getting what they want more committed to getting there their needs and desires vocalized then maybe the nine one would be I think the nine eight is probably going to be a little more extroverted the the tendency I think would be a little more extroverted than the nine wing one they're gonna be probably more more comfortable being in big social environments being with groups having friends cutting up laughing you know I think that they're going to care a lot about their immediate needs their their physical needs and wants their comfort like I said and maybe having money in their wallet to to attain those things they're gonna be sociable they're gonna enjoy socializing there's a little bit of a lusty quality about the nine okay remember the sin of the nine is sloth okay going to sleep to themselves and just going along with people but then you blend that with the eight that lusty side remember lust is just people and things exist for my use and my and my pleasure okay so this is where that that nine eight I think has that tendency to get lost in those simple comforts lost in pleasure lost in comforting routines when you have a routine you don't have to engage your mind you can just go into action mode and remember nines kind of live in a a cruise control if they're not careful they kind of live in inertia and routines allow you to stay in that cruise control without having to engage the mind without having to set your agenda without having to think through what you want you can just move without thinking and nines can get kind of lost in that moving without thinking and it can be very disrupting 2a9 when you try to adju try to change them the nine eight is going to react against somebody trying to change them you'll see this peace loving harmonious nine just moving through life like there's nothing wrong but then when you start putting pressure on them to change when you start you know it's your expectations and did you get that paper filed and did you get the car taken to the shop and did you pick up the supplies for the pool and I need you to go to the grocery I need you to pick up these items you'll see that nine start to you'll see the anger of the nine start to come out because they don't like to be pushed they don't like change they don't like to have their agendas you know disturbed and they don't like to be disturbed okay so you'll see that anger side of them and 9/8 probably a lot more likely to express that anger but then too quickly as soon as possible get back to harmony I've read that 9/8 I don't know this one for for a fact but I read the 9/8 you know can blacklist you like maybe an eight would if if you get on their bad side and you create disharmony in their life and they mark you as sort of like a person that they don't you get on their bad side and their anger explodes at you they might blacklist you and then be peaceful and kind around you but forever they're kind of done with you I don't know if that's true or not I read it don't know I can't I can't say that one for for a fact but 9/8 have a strong cooperative approach but can explode with anger when they're pushed I think Clint Eastwood Clinic's what I'm gonna write him down because I don't know for sure but I'd have to verify that but his characters his characters in the old westerns is a is a great example of what 9/8 look like okay think of all those you know hang them hi a few dollars more a fistful of dollars all of those movies that's nine eight okay that is what a nine wing eight looks like he rides into town and every movie is basically the same plot and this explains 9/8 okay he rides into town and he doesn't really want to interact with anybody nines are in a withdrawn state with fives and fours he just rides in and wants to keep a low profile doesn't want any problems doesn't look for any problems he just literally wants to go to the bar and get a drink and you know he he sits at the bar with his drink in his hand and then in comes a bully okay the town bully that's keeping the whole town oppressed who is you know victimizing the women you know smacking around the shopkeepers this this bully comes into the bar and picks a fight with with Clint Eastwood with the man with no name I can't call him anything because he's literally the man with no name that's nine stuff guys think about that I just got a pause for a minute just let that sink in for a second Clint Eastwood in those movies is called the man with no name that's nine stuff do you see how 9s lose selves there the star in their own life but there the man with no name okay oh it hurts my heart okay help us here though help is here all right let's stick with it let's this I'm sticking with you let's do this together let's get through this together okay let me support you I'm not a seven I'm a I'm not a six I'm a seven with a wing six so I can be a little supportive let me support you with my sickness okay the man with no name that's that's the nine okay so the he's sitting at the bar drinking his drink and the bullies come in and start picking a fight and he tries to like just ignore it he tries to not get involved this isn't his town he tries to just but then they push him to the point that he he he can't take maybe they like even try to hang him you know they they take him out to the road they beat him up and they push him beyond his limits and what does he do he slides over into that eight for a minute and you know shoots them all has a showdown with them and then after you know the referee blows his whistle and brings harmony back to the town he rides away and leaves and you know is gone that is nine eight stuff okay just trying to get along with people just wanting my simple comfort it's been hot out there in the desert I'm thirsty I want to drink I want this simple pleasure I want to be left alone I'm not trying to cause any problems and then the problem comes to you and you can't avoid it and so the nine winged eight explodes on that problem eliminates it and then peace is restored harmony is restored to the village and the nine eight takes themselves out of the game again because they're not really a player in the game that is a picture of nine eight Ness okay if you are a nine eight go watch some of those movies go watch some of those just go on Amazon and rent them or some you know server and rent those movies and you will see what nine eight looks like they can be stubborn and defensive they want to move away from conflict they want to get back to harmony as soon as possible they can have a lusty side to them where things exist for my comfort and pleasure they can be more sensual than the nine one they find comfort and routines they can have a bad temper they especially anything that threatens to knock them off course anything that gets in their way anything that gets in their life and antagonizes them like the bully in the bar you know antagonizes them they're going to they're going to feel an initiation or a response to to explode on that and be more blunt and direct and straightforward than the 9:00 wing one but they want to return to that place of calm placidity okay so now let's talk about the 9:00 wing one oh the 9:00 wing one the dreamer that sounds great does it the dreamer doesn't that sound wonderful Walt Disney is a 9:00 wing one Norman Rockwell the painter you know is a 9:00 wing one some of my favorites Bob Ross the painter you know happy trees happy trees John Denver is a nine wing one some people think Abraham Lincoln was a nine wing one the nine wing one has okay look at the look at the two things going on here the peacemaker the harmony the I forget myself and then the one be responsible do the right thing be a good person you know don't let your anger get the best of you keep a lid on all that and so this dreamer term you know what does it mean well being a dreamer can be a good thing believe me I'm a seven I'm a dreamer I get it okay my my subtype as a seven is the what's the word I forgot the visionary okay that's a dreamer all right a visionary back to the night stay on task seven stay on task okay so the the dreamer has a negative connotation - before we get into all the positives think about the negative dreamers are not the same thing as doers there you go because you're in the withdrawn state and even though you're in the action group it can be hard for Nine's to get motivated into actually taking action because when you take action you create disharmony anytime you take action you're gonna create you're gonna change things and that's gonna create disharmony and upset the equilibrium and so as long as you keep it in the dream state nobody's upset so nine winged ones you know and all nines have that challenge of taking their ideas and putting them into action actually taking action and stepping forward and saying out loud this is what I want this is what I'm gonna do this is the deadline I'm sorry if that upsets you but this is what I want for my life and this is the direction I'm going in and this is what I want to do and be see that moves you out of the dream mode into action mode so there is a negative you know connotation to being a dreamer that's not the same thing as being a doer thank God that guy's like Disney you know could take their dreams and move them into action that's when 9s go to three right when they take action when they when they become assertive that's when they go to health so the nine winged one could be described as more introverted perhaps probably typically because ones are more introverted than eights ones are compliance and eight sir assertive so the nine winged eight is going to be more extroverted typically more assertive especially in voicing their needs wants and opinions and giving it back to you then a nine winged one the nine winged one is probably going to be more responsible more careful in what they say more detached more conservative and dress and in conversation more peace full more good less lusty okay than a nine wing a more good behavior I don't mean good like a good person as mean more focused on being good behavior and conservative behavior careful more careful more thoughtful more idealistic the nine the not the one wing nine is called the idealist right there's a way things ought to be done well that nine wing one is really close to that so there's a way things ought to be done they're gonna have that idealistic nature about them and they want to contribute to that ideal world by being a peacemaker and a negotiator and by the way on the nine wing eight I forgot to mention advisor advisors is like a referee they know what ought to be done but they themselves I'm not a player I don't work here I just give advice I just okay so the adviser that aspect meant I just thought of that back to the night wing one um I contribute to the ideal world by making peace and bringing harmony me with me wherever I go nine winged ones tend to be can be fusion or merging ones are merging nines not once merging nines they tend to you know what do I have to do to to identify with and get along with people and be a good help to those people and can even fuse with with nature John Denver okay you know his songs I love them but his songs are just kind of like everything's fine and I get lost in mountains and streams and rivers and one of my favorite songs any song you know is about how he basically loses himself and his senses are full with someone else and you know come let me look in your eyes let me see myself in your eyes is another one of his songs where you where the nine literally does get lost in the eyes of another person they need to look into your eyes to see themselves to find themselves nines lose themselves right and they they they can have their senses filled with nature with experiences with with fusing with others and finding themselves in others or in other people okay and can get lost in just their appreciation for the world as it is guitars with the rocks with the streams with the birds you know the flowers and the children are my brothers you know and my sisters just that sense of like being at peace with the world I think Jack Johnson is another one I don't know his music as well but you know that just banana pancakes you know that's all we need life is okay with just those simple pleasures 9 ones can be very creative they can be artists they are very mystical you know they they can get lost in beauty and art and in in in clean things and pretty things and simple things and they can be good teachers I mean a one is a teacher a one wing too particularly as a teacher and that 9:1 now remember 9s speaking stylus is is the saga so every detail you know is gonna get talked about and so sometimes they can lose people when they are telling long stories because they include so many details because they want you to have the full perspective 9s have the full perspective they see everybody side and everybody's viewpoint and so when they tell a story that comes out in the way they talk is they want you to know every detail every little every little tidbit of information because if you understood it then you would understood why they came to the conclusion they came to why they made the decision they made why they've postponed their date or why they've you know decided to quit this job and go to a new one they want to include every detail so that you can get a full perspective and fully understand and sometimes that can come across as you know they're not getting to the point because most of us just want a conversation that gets to the point seven gets to a punch line gets to a punch line and they don't they have sort of a longer drawn-out detailed speaking style and a lot of times they just go quiet because they know they don't want to irritate people with their saga they've gotten the cues over time that they're there telling of stories you know exasperates people and so they just kind of go quiet another way of dying to themselves nine-one-one synthesize information can be organized dependable they repress their anger more than the nine eight where the nine eight might blow you know and then bring it back to a calm the nine wing one is probably gonna be a lot more passive-aggressive not that the ninety nine eight can be passive-aggressive - stubborn stubborn stubborn stubborn stubborn okay but the nine wing one is probably gonna try harder to keep a lid on that anger and it come more natural for them to keep a lid on that anger and you know when you don't let anger out it leaks out okay when you don't let it out it'll leak out and that's passive-aggressive anger so a word of warning about nine ones nine ones can sort of operate with this piece no matter what which could allow them to be victimized abused neglected mistreated and the nine wing one is more likely to go along with that and to be an abused person and a relationship and if you are you need to wake up and get yourself out of that relationship and you know call the authorities if need be but stand up for yourself and say this is not right and the nine wing one I think you know could could become a codependent person in an abusive relationship because they really want to operate with harmony no matter what peace no matter what and in order to keep that harmony might ignore anything that disrupts that harmony including their own abuse and go to sleep to their own you know warning signals or their warning signs against that abuse nine winged ones can make good therapists counselors ministers because they can be non-judgmental non-judgmental they can just listen to people taking all the information and understand you know that person's perspective they they're very friendly reassuring they are good at nonverbal forms of communication like art and music and dance and you know sports working with animals in nature painting a lot of these artists you know a lot of musicians and artists not just fours fours aren't the only ones nine winged ones the dreamer you know can make a really good artist as well they want their external order as a way of giving order their internal world okay so they like beauty and they like things being put away and they like things looking nice because it in a sense when you are not paying attention to your internal world then your focus is on your external world and if I can't keep my internal world in order I can keep my external world in order and keeping order is what one's do they order things they they perfect things they restore things they clean things and so the nine winged one might have some of that but don't do it to the neglect of your internal life okay you need to organize your internal life your internal goals and ideas and and wants and desires as well so don't just clean up the the shelves and get the shoes all looking nice put on the right rack you know and all the the clothes hanging up and you know all your pretty little bottles on your counter okay you need to do that internally as well there there's some dust and cobwebs in your internal life that need to be need to be given some attention as well Nine's can get caught up in non-essential activities you know like that like I said the routines but also just doing jobs that don't really need to be done while they are avoiding the things in life that need to be done and because if I if I show up to the things that need to be done well then I'd be I'd be I'd be giving away my agenda and I would be I would have to break out of my routine and I would have to be I would have to make my wants and desires known and that seems aggressive to nines and so nines can avoid the tasks is that needed attention while they busy them and the things that don't really need attention so if you're a nine you know wake up to that that you know what here's what I would ask a nine what in your life are you avoiding right now okay what would you what what tasks what job what conversation what what what item on the agenda are you avoiding right now I see the list of all that you did wow you did a lot of things today that's really great what are you avoiding what are you putting off what do you not want to deal with now we challenge you to go do that thing you're avoiding okay that would be what I would say to a nine um they can be a little less adventurous than the the type nine eight and be focused a little bit more on being respectable you know perfectionistic prim and proper prudish maybe a little bit and keeping peace with others like things organized dependable they repress their anger their good synthesizing information they like order they have a good sense of purpose okay I think I've pretty well covered it as always guys be present to life nines I where do I start be present to life where do I start I'm not even gonna get into it I already spent 40 minutes talking about it if I can help you in any way contact me my information is right there in the description thank you guys for watching this video if you stuck with it all the way through this I hope it helps I wish you peace and blessings on your journey and I'll see you guys next time thanks bye
Channel: Dr. Tom LaHue
Views: 65,398
Rating: 4.9490576 out of 5
Keywords: enneagram, enneagram9, enneagram 9, enneagram nine, wings, 9w8, 9w1, family, love, marriage, relationships, personalities, type 9, enneagram typ 9
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 56sec (2636 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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