ENGLISH SPEAKING PARTNER | How To Finally Find An English Speaking Partner

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hey one of my students on instagram sent me a message his name is wesley d pasos 33. he said teacher my frustration with english is because i don't have people to practice english conversations with and when i read that message i realized there are so many other students just like wesley and probably like you who are frustrated because they can't find an english study partner well today's lesson is for you if that is your frustration i want to teach you how to find the right english study partner and take your english to the next level but before we start our lesson i need you to do three things for me i need you to like this video share this video and subscribe here we go like share subscribe come on i said like share subscribe last time like share subscribe i'm teacher tiffany let's jump right in [Music] alright so why is it so hard to find an english partner number one the reason why it's so hard to find an english speaking partner is no one around you speaks english you know i've had so many conversations with students from around the world and they've told me teacher i love english i love learning english but the only problem is there's no one around me teacher i live in a village where people are great and we have our mother tongue but english is not spoken so teacher i only study with myself maybe that's the same problem that you're experiencing no one around you in your immediate vicinity or area speaks english or maybe it's this reason why it's so hard to find an english-speaking partner maybe because you don't know where to find other english learners for example yes you're aware of the fact that no one in your area speaks english but when you go online the world wide web you get frustrated you get overwhelmed because yes there are millions of websites but which one is going to help you find your english speaking partner so this can be a big source of frustration for you as an english learner or maybe the reason why it's so hard to find an english speaking partner for you is because you are too shy to ask other people to study with you i've had so many awesome students over my time as a teacher over the years and years of me teaching english and among those students i've had many who were shy too shy to ask other people for help and also too shy to ask someone to study with them so maybe that's the same for you maybe you really want to improve your english you want to study partner but you're too shy to ask someone even in the comment section you feel like oh i don't want to be rejected i don't want someone to say no don't ask me that question that can be a big reason for why you're not able to find a study partner now the thing is you don't just want any study partner you don't just want anyone who's studying english there are certain characteristics that you actually should look for in a speaking partner so let's take a look at those characteristics all right so what are three things you should look for in an english partner number one is right here the first characteristic is look for someone who has the same english level this is so important if you are an advanced english learner you should not study with a beginner english learner why because they're not going to help you improve yes they will benefit from you but you need to improve you need to practice what you're learning so you need to figure out how to find someone who's at the same level you are someone who loves english but also has been studying for the same amount of time you have been studying all right now the second characteristic is also very important you need to look for someone who is interested in the same topics man i can't emphasize this enough the thing is when you're studying english you have to remember it's not just about words or expressions no it's also about the information you see you're going to speak english and i'm sure you can speak english right now but you're gonna talk about things you are already interested in and i've mentioned this before in your own language what do you talk about do you like sports do you like politics do you like art do you like music what do you like to actually read about talk about or think about in your own language you see those are the topics that you're going to want to talk about in english so if you find a partner who has similar interests man oh man it's going to help you so much because you will enjoy speaking with your partner that makes sense all right so find someone who is interested in the same topics and the third characteristic when you're looking for an english study partner is look for someone who desires the same study schedule you see i've had students over the years some students are able to study every single day every single day maybe for an hour every day maybe their schedule just allows them the ability to study for an hour every day but then i have other students married full-time jobs and they're extremely busy so they're only able to study for a short period every day or even two or three times a week so you need to find someone who not only what has the same level as you not only is interested in the same topics as you are but also desires the same study schedule if you want to study three times a week find someone who's like yes i am ready to study monday wednesday and friday find someone who wants to study with the same frequency that you want to study now this is very very important but where do you find these individuals i'm so glad you asked so there are five different places that i want to tell you about five places to find an english study partner right now now here are examples of online sites and groups where you can find an english partner the first one is facebook groups for english learners i cannot tell you how awesome and how amazing facebook english groups are you see there are thousands and i want to say millions of students on facebook and they're following teachers like myself and they're also following other individuals who provide english resources and they're all together in a group now what you can do is join one of these facebook groups they're so easy to find and they're free join the facebook groups enjoy the resources that are provided and follow along but then you'll start to realize wait a minute there are people commenting on these resources or there's a way for me to actually get in contact with the individuals who are also participating in this group so facebook groups are amazing because they show you other students excited and ready and willing to improve their english all right so facebook english groups number two in the comments section underneath youtube videos that's right this video right here i told you all this several months ago and so many of you have actually started to put it into practice and i'm so proud of you underneath this video type in the comment section hey guys my name is and i would love to improve my english and i'm looking for a partner who is ready to take their english to the next level who wants to be my partner and you'll be surprised by how many individuals are also looking for partners so in the comment section underneath english video lessons ask people hey guys um i want to study english do you want to study with me very simple not just my videos other amazing english teachers on youtube comment underneath their videos as well people that are commenting under these videos are individuals who are already excited to study english those are the individuals you need to study with and find them so that they can be your english study partner english speaking partner all right number three number three is instagram comment section now you all know that i have an instagram account some of you may not follow me just yet but let me let me show you real quick and as i'm opening my instagram account i want to explain to you what i mean by instagram comment section you see what happens on instagram is individuals find channels that offer english lessons again i'll show you mine this is mine can you guys see it there you go boop boop i have a lot of videos on my instagram account again it's speak english with tiffany and underneath each video students comment well comment there hey guys i loved this video does anybody want to practice with me that's all you have to do you can find a partner just be brave step out there and write it in the comment section hey guys does anyone want to practice with me and you'll be surprised how many individuals respond just keep trying keep trying all right so instagram comments section next you can try number four lang eight website for language learners when i say this site is amazing it's lang8.com l-a-n-g-eight dot com an awesome site i used the website when i was studying korean yes it's awesome it's basically a group of learners language learners from around the world willing to help each other for example when i was learning korean someone would check my korean writing and i would help somebody else by correcting their english essays or their english paragraphs everything was free so in those groups you can find someone who's also interested in practicing english like hey guys i noticed that um michael and samantha you're very active would you guys like to study with me that's all you have to do all right and now number five another area or place you can find a language learner or language partner hi native app for language learners another great app students that are already following me have told me how much they love this app again i used the app and i still use it sometimes to help me with some korean expressions h i like hi and native n-a-t-i-v-e app hi native app on this app you can also find language partners all you have to do is ask now you're probably saying teacher man thanks so much for all of these websites and groups but teacher how do i really ask someone how do i present myself i'm so glad you asked let's look at a real example all right so let's go to a real situation and how to organize your thoughts so here's the deal right here on facebook specific group again there are hundreds of groups on facebook number two a picture and a message remember to show people who you are and say a little bit about yourself think about it people want to connect with you so if you just ask a question but there's no picture they may be a little bit apprehensive like is this a real person or a robot right so have a picture and also tell them something about yourself and then remember as well to make your request make it clear and don't be shy there's an expression in english closed mouths don't get fed and it basically means if you don't open your mouth nothing will happen if you want a partner come on be brave be courageous and ask you'll be surprised how many people will respond all right so let's look at this again how can we actually write this out so who let's say his name is peter an intermediate english learner from spain what he's looking for a speaking partner to practice english with when two times a week remember i said it's very important to let people know how often you would like to study alright so he said two times a week next where skype zoom or whatsapp and why i want to get a better job so i need to improve my english all right so who what when where and why all of the w's have been answered and we have organized our thoughts and now peter is going to put a message on a facebook group or in a facebook group to ask if someone wants to study with him so here we go this is how peter can write it hey everyone my name is peter i am an intermediate english learner and i live in spain i have been studying english for a few years but now i really want to get a better job you see how already we're kind of familiar with peter like okay hey peter what's going on you're from spain all right he continues so i need to improve my english i am looking for a speaking partner to practice with two times a week i can meet via skype zoom or whatsapp would anyone like to practice with me and improve their english too very clear very clear easy to understand we know a little bit about peter he's from spain he's an intermediate english learner he's been speaking english for a few years he's looking for a partner he wants to practice two times a week via skype zoom or whatsapp all of that information because he organizes thoughts so peter may get more people attracted to him because they know exactly what he wants how many times he wants to practice a week and also they know his level you can do the same thing this is how you find an english study partner guys i really hope this lesson helped you i totally understand your frustrations when you're trying to find a partner i experienced the exact same thing when i was studying korean and i'm hoping this lesson helped you and helps to remove that frustration i believe in you i know you can do it again remember one of the ways is to type in the comment section ask people if they want to be your partner i want to challenge you to do that find a partner practice what you learn and you will continue to improve well guys i hope you enjoyed the lesson i loved teaching you i can't wait to talk to you next week but as always remember to speak english [Music] you know what time it is it's story time hey i said it's story time all right guys so today's story time is actually something very interesting about korean culture so you all know i lived there for 10 years you know i call it my second home because i love korea but there was one thing about korean culture that utterly shocked me so being american you know i lived in america my entire life my ideas about certain things were all based on american culture so i remember the first time when i was studying at a cafe my friend and i she was korean we were going to a cafe and we actually went to starbucks we went to the starbucks i loved studying at starbucks and even to this day i love working at starbucks unfortunately because of the pandemic i can't but starbucks is my go-to place the place i like to go to we say go to place so we went to starbucks i had my computer you know i was very studious someone that enjoys studying and learning had my computer had my books had my bag i was ready to study my friend the same she was studying english very intelligent so we sat down at the starbucks and we were studying we had been there for about maybe an hour and a half or two hours you know we had gotten our snacks had our drinks and maybe a muffin but you know after an hour and a half or two hours of studying really focused studying you drunk you drank something it was delicious it was delicious but all that liquid has to go somewhere so my bladder was starting to get full my bladder was like dude hey deaf deaf um we're gonna need to empty soon so i realized oh i have to use the bathroom here's where the problem was remember i said i had my computer i had my books i had my bag which included my wallet all of my personal belongings and my friend was sitting there as well she said oh tip i have to use the bathroom too because i mentioned i said oh i have to use the restroom now i was okay if with leaving my stuff there while my friend was sitting there because i trust her and i was gonna get up and go to the bathroom she said no let's go to the bathroom together i said but our stuff is here like my computer my bag so i was proceeding to put my computer in my bag take my wallet put it in my bag and i was a little concerned because someone's going to take our seat but she looked at me and she said what are you doing i said well i'm packing my bag so that we can go to the bathroom because we can't leave our stuff here she said yes we can i said uh no we can't again remember american culture so i said well no it's not safe to leave our stuff here and somebody can take it she said oh no things are different in korea she said you can leave your stuff here no one's going to bother it now i was very apprehensive guys i said uh she said tiff trust me so we went to the bathroom i was very very apprehensive went to the bathroom you know used the bathroom and of course the females we talked in the bathroom for a little while we came back out of course this stuff was there she said yes if nobody bothers your stuff she said well one of the reasons is because cctv so cctv is what they call the surveillance system in korea and the cameras are everywhere i mean literally outside on the streets wherever you go there are cameras so you're always being watched she said well that's one of the reasons people are really deterred from stealing because you're always being watched she said the second reason is koreans are just really honest people now there are always exceptions to the rule but in general people do not bother your stuff so that was my first kind of situation so i said okay so the next time i said well let me see how this really works i was by myself i left my stuff i said well let me go to the bathroom went to the bathroom i looked back stuff was still there i said well let me go get a drink from downstairs so i walked downstairs because i was upstairs studying i said lord please let my stuff be there walk downstairs ordered my drink stayed down for a few minutes walked back upstairs wouldn't you know my things were still there i said okay so the next time now the next time i was actually in a library and i was studying at the library and i said okay i have my computer it's a lot to try to pack everything up i said i'm hungry though i need to go downstairs to the cafeteria to go to the cafeteria order food bring it back would take at least 20 or 30 minutes i said well let me try it and my stuff was still there after going ordering food eating some of the food coming back upstairs 30 minutes later no one had touched my stuff now again like i said there are exceptions to the rule but i was so shocked by the honesty and how people really don't touch your stuff in korea so it was something brand new to me but it was so refreshing and for my japanese students watching i've also heard from other friends that japan is even better japanese people will not touch your stuff i heard that if you leave your wallet on a train it will be there if you come back an hour later if you missed the train and you have to go back on that same train so i really appreciated the honesty and it was something very interesting that is really a part of the culture of south korea so hopefully you guys enjoyed it i'm curious to know more about your culture is your culture like that where people don't touch anyone else's things they kind of are honest and also the surveillance camera situation do you all have that in your country alright guys i hope you enjoyed the story i will talk to you next week but as always remember to speak english
Channel: Speak English With Tiffani
Views: 81,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teacher tiffani, speak english with tiffani, english, how to learn english, learn english, speak in english, english vocabulary, english words, english lesson, english basics, speak english, native speaker, english native, english fluency, how to study english, english speaking partner, speak english now, how to finally find an english speaking partner, how to find an english speaking partner, speaking partner for english, speaking english, think in english practice, partner
Id: -a9jmqk8EiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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