Improve Your English Vocabulary - Live English Lesson

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hi everyone an impromptu live from anna what fun hello everyone i hope you're all well so this is uh an impromptu live session impromptu means it wasn't really planned and um well i'm here because it's cyber monday and while i was writing some of my posts i thought there's quite a lot of ways to say that something is ending and i thought it would be a good idea to come and share those with you because it's always a good opportunity to learn and having these little thoughts i always like to share my thoughts with the world so here i am um my voice is a little bit hoarse um because i've had a bit of a cold so i do apologize if my voice sounds very deep but i hope you'll enjoy this little impromptu live lesson anyway hello hello hello lots of you are here and ready to learn fantastic lovely okay so we're talking about different ways to say um something is ending it's over now the phrase it's over which is the title of this lesson actually is used often at the end of a relationship so when a relationship comes to an end you say someone it's over i'm done there's another phrase i'm done you say it's over it's over and so when i broke up with my ex-boyfriend i told him i need to have a chat i'm very unhappy i'm sorry it's over it's over we have to end now and i also if i'm completely frustrated with something and i want it to be over i'd say i'm done i'm done i'm done it's a very common expression but only really used when you're completely exhausted with something i'm done that's it i'm out there's another one you'd say i'm out i'm done it's over i don't want to play anymore i don't want to do this anymore okay all right so that's none of those are the phrases that i actually intended to share with you but it's always good to add them in so the first thing you could say is it's coming to an end it's coming to an end if something is coming to an end then it'll soon be over it's not over yet it will soon be over so for example my courses are on sale at the moment of course because today is cyber monday cyber monday is the monday after black friday when most digital products are on a sale a big sale for digital products and today we are closing our sales my sales are coming to an end because it's cyber monday so by midnight tonight the 40 off offer will stop and the sale will finally be over it will be over but it's not yet over it's coming to an end it's coming to an end now you can use the phrase coming to an end with other things events or films a series that you're watching if you're watching a series that has eight parts and eight episodes and you're on um episode seven you could say oh the series is coming to an end i don't want it to end because i'm enjoying it so much or you could say um just let me watch five more minutes of my film it's coming to an end now just just just wait it's coming to an end okay we could also use the um oh hang on let me see there's a comment i've just caught it out of the corner of my eye how do we use at the end of the day and what does it mean please elaborate with an example um at the end of the day is a phrase that you use to conclude so you might be disputing something or having a discussion about what to do so for example i'm here to talk about my sale on my courses because it's cyber monday we could discuss whether it's a good decision to buy the course or not whether it's a great thing to be part of my community or not whether you think you will get the most out of it and we can talk about lots of pros and cons and pluses and minuses but then i might wrap up with or conclude with look at the end of the day this is the cheapest these courses will ever be lots of people find them very useful if you want to improve your english then this is a really good step to take so at the end of the day you see that phrase is to say in conclusion what's most important is so it's to highlight the most important things to focus on and to conclude a discussion or dispute or conversation so at the end of the day this is what we should bear in mind this is what we should think about and consider i hope that helps okay so the next phrase um oh hang on um edmundo is it correct to say i am over with you no we don't use a word you'd say i'm over you it's very direct it's very blunt you only say that to someone if you're really annoyed with them and you don't want to deal with them anymore you want them out of your life i'm over you i don't care for you anymore i'm over you okay but you don't say with um could i use coming to an end in the ielts exam um sure i don't see any reason why not it's a common phrase um if you're if you mean actually talking about your exam you say my exam is coming to an end if you were close to the end of your presentation or your exam depending which part you're doing my exam is coming to an end could you explain to call it a day what does that mean and how do you use it okay so um to call it a day is to say um i'm done it's over i'm going to call it a day it's basically when you're going to retire for the day but you can use it metaphorically for things like relationships as well so if your relationship is over and you've tried to make it work but it's just not working you're not happy you could say to your friend i'm going to split up with my partner i'm calling it a day i've had enough i'm retiring from that relationship but you'd also use that phrase you know on a on a regular basis when you're just finishing your tasks for the day so i've been working really hard i've been working until nine o'clock at night i'm really tired and i'd say to my my work colleagues i'm going to call it a day i i know we haven't finished all the work but i'm going to call it a day i'll come back tomorrow after i've had a sleep i'll be fresh i'm going to call it a day good night everyone okay so to call it a day is to retire from something there are different situations in which you can use it i hope that helps [Music] okay sorry if i'm not responding to a comment there are so many comments here um uh oh gosh okay i'm gonna give you a different one so we've talked about coming to an end another phrase that you might hear when things are coming to an end is uh closing down closing down and this is an interesting one closing down this is a phrasal verb and it's often used when talking about sales shops or you can use it when someone is speaking so um i'd say a shop is closing down um the shop around the corner from me is closing down it would normally mean that it's going to shut for good so they're permanently leaving the premises they're not going to open again as that business so if you're if you're closing down a shop then it often is done um but you could close it down for the day we're closing down now we'll be open again tomorrow although that's less common we do say we're closing down sales the sale is closing down don't miss out it's your last chance you can close somebody down so if if i i'm talking to you right now if one of you were here in the room with me and you you jump in i'm trying to talk and you jump in and go anna we don't want to hear about your courses we don't want to hear about your lesson we don't want to learn english just be quiet that would be very rude but i would say wow that guy just closed me down he just stopped me from talking he's closed me down so you can separate the phrasal verb and close somebody down to close somebody down okay it's very rude to close someone down hopefully you don't do that very often um sometimes people need to be closed down you need to say hey no you're wrong i'm going to stop you there but that's to close someone down okay the next one is similar to that phrasal verb and it's to shut down to shut down we can use this in a number of ways you can say that a shop is shutting down they're shutting down for christmas they'll be closed for three days and then they'll be back you could say that a sale is shutting down a process is shutting down so for example if there were a major incident um in a factory you probably want to shut the whole factory down shut down the process shut down the machines shut down the production line shut it down because there's been a major incident if there is a major incident in uh in central london they often shut down the area so the police come and stop the traffic they evacuate everybody they stop pedestrians from walking in that area they shut it down okay so to shut down you can shut someone down in the same way that you close them down so i'm gonna shut you down now i'm gonna stop you from talking okay but you can also say that you feel like you're shutting down so oh my you say my brain my mind is shutting down i'm so tired i can't concentrate my mind is just shutting down yeah it's like your brain's just turning off for the day shut off is another phrasal verb yeah you can shut off which is to kind of detach yourself from something or to switch something off so you could shut off your machine it's not as common as switch off but shut off is uh is is used as well another phrasal verb is to end up to end up now this one is used more often with locations so if we're talking about um a journey i'm going on a long hike i'm going to hike 200 miles at the end of the first day i've been hiking all day i'm exhausted where did i end up so i'm talking about the position that i finished the day in i ended up actually uh much further than i expected i ended up in a little village about 10 miles past where i intended to stop and it was lovely i'm glad i ended up there or you could talk about where someone ends up in life so i could say oh do you remember the girl at college and she was she was really struggling with her confidence and she was very anxious and we didn't think that she would um succeed in in her goals in life she wanted to be a solicitor a lawyer but we didn't think she succeeded because she had such anxiety and self-confidence issues well she ended up becoming a top solicitor and actually a barrister which is a step higher and is now a very successful businesswoman she has her own law firm she's done really well she ended up doing really well so you could talk about the position that someone finishes in life or a position they get to in life which is surprising or different to what you expect so you could say i wanted to have a quiet birthday this year but i ended up throwing a party and having lots of people over i ended up doing that instead so some a place or something that happens in the end that was unexpected okay um the next one is the phrasal verb to finish up to finish up to finish up is usually used with a task so i am cleaning the house excuse me i'm cleaning the house and my partner says to me come and sit down and have your dinner before it goes cold yep i will i'm just finishing up cleaning in here okay i'll be there in a minute i'm just finishing up i'm just finishing up my coffee i'll be there in a minute i'm just finishing up this conversation i'll be there in a second or you could say i'm just finishing up my work okay uh so to finish up a similar one to that but that's used more with live events meetings presentations is to wrap up to wrap up now wrap up can be used when talking about a gift you wrap up a gift meaning you cover it to hide it and then you give it to someone and they open it and go wow that's lovely thank you but you wrap it up so that phrasal verb is used there um but we also use wrap up when we're coming to the end of a presentation so if i'm going to conclude my presentation i will wrap it up i'll say i'm going to wrap up again now guys and say goodbye or you might want to wrap up an event if there's been a three-day event and it's going to end with a big party then the presenter might say right i'm going to wrap up now by saying thank you very much and enjoy the party hope you had a great time okay um all right okay so next we have a word that i did just use and it's the word conclude conclude so conclude is often used in like business business english or in academic english when you conclude something you bring it to an end so it could be a presentation and it's when you bring together everything you've just said so often you'll start a presentation by telling someone what you're going to tell them so at the beginning of this session i said i'm going to talk about ways to say something is ending and then you you tell them what it is you want to tell them and then at the end you tell them what you told them so you'd say right we've just learned 10 ways to say something's ending so that's your conclusion to conclude something you could use conclude at the end of a presentation and events so to conclude this event we're going to have a party um you can talk about conclusions as it being your final thoughts so after reviewing all the evidence i conclude that you're guilty okay so to conclude something and you'll also hear um proceedings like court proceedings come coming to a conclusion let's conclude these court proceedings by deciding whether this person is innocent or guilty okay okay that's very similar to the word complete complete complete is often used when talking about a task like finishing up you finish up a task you complete a task complete means it's it's fully done it's fully finished so you can stop a task but that doesn't mean it's completed to complete it means there's no more work to be done on it so i've completed my homework meaning i don't need to do any more but if i stop doing my homework it doesn't mean it's complete okay someone might tell me to stop finish up now come on stop i say no i'm not gonna stop until i've completed okay i'll i'll finish up when i've completed this task then i'll feel able to relax okay next we have the verb do you like how i just hum in between each one okay so the next is the word settle to settle this is an interesting one settle can be used when you have a dispute or an argument so if we've had a fallout there's another phrasal verb to fall out if you've had an argument with someone then you want to try and fix it so you go to them and you have a discussion and you come to an agreement to sort out your differences and be friends again that means you've settled the dispute you've settled the argument okay you can also yourself settle on something so if we are trying to decide uh where to live and we're viewing lots of different houses and you think which house should i choose to live in hmm this one we're going to settle on this one so we're going to stop and settle on this one that's the one we've decided to go with okay and that brings me to the last one on my list which is the the word finish to finish to finish something is very similar to um complete you complete it you finish it there's no more to be done or you could say i'm finished for the day which means i'm not going to do any more today doesn't mean you finished the task um but you'd use finish usually with things like a journey or a race or you might say a holiday has finished my holiday's finished now unfortunately or a sale my sale will finish tonight at midnight so if you'd like to join one of my courses then don't miss out oh adnam says finnish is an ugly word is it is it it's funny what things we think are attractive and unattractive um so that brings me to the end of my list i know there's lots of messages that have gone through that i haven't seen or responded to and that's because you may not be aware of this but i'm streaming across three different platforms all at the same time so i'm seeing comments coming from three different places all at once there's lots of comments coming through so now is your chance to quickly ask me a question um what's about the phrase verb makeover to make over means to um refresh something usually it's about makeup or making something look nice so i could have a makeover if i have a makeover then someone does my makeup in a different way will maybe style my hair in a new way and make me look good in a different way so it's a makeover you can do a makeover for a house or a room so we had the decorators in and we've given this room a makeover we've made the walls white and we've got new furniture and it looks lovely now so to have a makeover is to like restyle and refresh something okay um um is wrap up similar to finish yes so i'm about to finish this live stream and i'm also about to wrap up this live stream okay all right guys thank you so much for joining me i'm just trying to see if there any quick comments i can respond to um okay all right guys i'm so sorry if i haven't responded to you last one i can see here what's the meaning of step up to step up okay so to physically step up is to take a step that goes upwards so i'm going to step up onto a chair or i'm going to step up onto the stage but you can also tell someone you need to step up it would mean that you need to take responsibility um you need to you need to face something so perhaps someone isn't looking after their child properly and they are being investigated by social services and they're looking for advice from you as a friend and you say well my advice is step up get out of bed in the morning dress your children take them to nursery on time be a good mother step up and take responsibility um i might say to a student if i have a student who isn't turning up to class or isn't doing the work who is quite lazy and they say oh i don't know what to do i just i'm not improving and i'd say well you need to step up you have all the resources you need to step up and take responsibility for your learning now you need to do the materials you need to do the exercises you need to come to class so step up means to take responsibility mostly okay all right guys thank you so much i hope you found that useful please don't forget tonight is the end of our biggest sale ever we've never had such a big discount across all of our courses so if you want to improve your english we do from b1 up to c2 you can get all four courses in one english program or you can take our business english course which will really help you to progress your career if you're working in an english-speaking company or if you want to work for an english-speaking company and we also have the excellent pronunciation course if you're really keen to improve your communication skills or you want to um acquire a british english accent then that's there for you along with our accent assessment as well so it's all there 40 off for today pretty much only um it will go up to midnight if you miss that then we're not going to have another sale this big maybe ever but it will at least be another year before we do so don't miss out if you're sitting on the fence if you're not sure now is the time to make that decision you won't regret it anyone who joins our courses also joins our fantastic community of very motivated learners where you can interact with them we have regular live streams which are quite exclusive quite exclusive they are exclusive um and there are two to three conversation club sessions every week so you have a chance to come and practice your english speaking with other learners and myself and we have a zoom dropping call once a month with me so you can come and ask me your questions directly face to face and yeah i mean it's incredible value for money go and check it out the link is in the description of this video as well as on the screen here english like a native dot co dot uk take care guys i hope you're all well
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 8,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gYIYI_1mtpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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