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hello and welcome back to english today and this is DVD seven and the third DVD in your elementary level and in this DVD you will see another two episodes of our story that's life followed by our special TV programs in the cinema program they will be talking about the Sundance Film Festival followed by a debate about eLearning then in the grammar section we will study more about adjectives in particular the comparatives and the superlatives so well guys why don't we go to the cinema tonight that's a great idea what's on well there's the new film with Schwarzenegger that should be good you're joking right no I'm not what would you suggest how about going to the disco the disco are you crazy Alice that's not even music that's simply noise come on Peter it's Saturday night we have to do something special something exciting and going dancing is surely more exciting than going to the cinema I agree with Alice let's go dancing what about a third choice I guess Ann is right why don't we try to find a good compromise come on guys how boring and old-fashioned you are and you are more frivolous than I am Alice come on guys don't argue now please let's vote on it well Alice and I want to go dancing Peter and then don't how about you Sharon I don't know well the disco is probably more entertaining than the cinema great okay guys three against two let's go dancing hello and welcome back to english today for some more English now what would you prefer discotheque or cinema dancing or a film well we're going to look at comparatives now I have to buy a camera and I need to choose one I have to make a choice so I have to compare two different types here I have two types look this one here and this one here now they're quite different listen to the language I use when I compare them okay now this camera is smaller than this one this is really quite big it's bigger than this and it's also heavier this camera than this one this is a light camera so it's lighter than this model now this model looks more sophisticated and probably more artistic than this one whereas this one looks more practical but maybe less complicated what do you think umm what else well this is definitely more expensive than this one this is probably cheaper I think because this has a big lens as well so I'm not sure what do you think I like the idea of a more sophisticated camera but I think it's more expensive so I think I'll have to go for the cheaper one which is the digital one I think I'll choose this alright good now let's go and have a look at the language and see how we formulate comparatives in English all right if you have a one syllable word you remember one syllable words like cheap small hot high then to make the comparative it's easy we add er to the adjective so cheap becomes cheaper small becomes smaller hot becomes hotter notice we double the tea high becomes higher so some examples are the new model is lighter than the old model or London is safer than New York today is hotter than yesterday alright so those are adjectives with one syllable but what happens if you have adjectives with three syllables or more look at the examples interesting is an adjective with three syllables interesting note four syllables so it becomes more interesting you see what happens we put more in front of the adjective so more interesting difficult how many syllables difficult difficult okay so that becomes more difficult therefore the example we have next is the new model is more practical or London is more expensive than Madrid for example this test is more difficult than the last test so you see how we formulate the comparative depends on the adjectives that we use if it's a one syllable adjectives we add ER cheap cheaper if it's three syllables or more we add more in front of the adjective like more difficult okay now we are going to go back to that slice where the girls are getting ready to go dancing they use a lot of comparatives in the conversation listen carefully and try and recognize them okay great see you next time here's my party hat how do you like it you look great I envy you hats really suit you well I envy your room n but with all this traffic hadn't sleep oh I'm used to it which is why are we going to paradise it's a new disco on Kings Road it's very nice did Tom and you go there together yes we went last Saturday we spent a nice night together maybe I asked the wrong question you don't like Tom do you he's boring very boring besides he's an Aries and he talks too much last night for example he showed me all the pictures of his holiday in the Alps he talked for an hour about the mountains but I hate the mountains why do you say that the mountains are beautiful and spectacular I prefer the beach it's more relaxing and entertaining oh I don't know I think the beach is more boring than the mountains why do you say that well think about it lying on the beach every day it's much more interesting to be walking in the countryside yes but it's usually colder in the mountains I think the beach is also more romantic girls stop talking nonsense how do I look you look very pretty Alice thanks Sharon but you look better than me no how can you say that you're much more tan than I am yes but you are in better shape and me how do I look you are very pretty too n I'm sure I'm not nearly as beautiful as you come on guys start making stupid comparisons let's just say that we're all different hey girls okay are you ready I need your advice which shirt is better according to you the red one it's much better than the blue one for a disco night and you Sharon what do you think well I think the red one is funnier while the blue one is more professional I prefer the blue one so girls which shirt should I put on I told you the red one with that one on you look more macho yes macho that's the right way really macho I like it okay I'll put on the red shirt do you agree with Alice Sheeran about being macho and mean come on Jack it's late the discos waiting for us hello again and welcome back I want to continue talking about comparatives in this lesson because last time we talked about how we compare with adjectives with one syllable and three syllables and more remember we said hotter than but more difficult than so what happens if we have adjectives with only two syllables for example like heavy or easy well we say heavier and easier but the spelling changes and that's what I want to show you on the screen now because the why at the end of easy and heavy disappears look happy is an example with an adjective with two Sybil's ending in Y happy becomes happier take out the Y put in I I er okay then funny funnier and easy as we said before easier heavy again another example heavier okay so be careful remember that the y becomes an I some examples I'm happier than you his joke was funnier than mine English is easier than Russian alright so that's important to remember but that's not all there are some real exceptions as always in the English language also in the comparative form and that's what I want to look at with you now it's very important the question is what is the comparative of good the comparative is completely different it's better so you would say this camera is better than that camera all right so good becomes better what about bad again it's completely different bad becomes worse today's weather is worse than yesterday's ok bad worse and one more example far which means distance far becomes further or even farther both possibilities father written FA r th e R as you can see on the screen alright so those are the big exceptions good becomes better bad becomes worse far becomes father or further you choose examples walking is better than running today the weather is worse than yesterday and Southampton is further than Brighton all right so those are all the most important things that you need to know when you're comparing things don't forget the exceptions they're very very common and easy to forget all right great so I'll see you next lesson where no doubt you will be speaking English better ok see you then so Tom which do you think is the best hmm I think Prime is the most interesting are you sure I think Vienna is more exciting than Prague yes but it's searching your most expensive tour it doesn't matter my father is going to pay for everything and what about Madrid I think it's probably the most exciting why do you see dead well the nightlife I'm sure there are a lot of discos that's true that is certainly the hottest city you're a good friend tom but you are so boring I don't really care about the weather I just want to enjoy myself this trip is my father's birthday present to me I want to go to Europe's most interesting city but also the most special and the most entertaining one I see well I think all three are interesting cities hi guys what do you do my father is going to give me a trip for my birthday so I'm choosing where I would like to go oh really that's great are you going alone no my father promised to come with me oh well do you already have an idea of where you want to go not yet I can't make up my mind between Vienna Prague and Madrid Tom was making some precious suggestions but she isn't taking my advice as usual well I think Prague is probably the oldest city but Vienna is the most interesting one there are a lot of important meeting in Vienna or lots of museums - well Madrid also has a lot of museums do you agree with that yes that's true but Madrid is certainly the hottest city oh my god and you were like Tom you both talked nonsense I think you two should go out together I think you would get on well Alison what are you talking about you're joking right well not really I think Tom is perfect for um come on Alice stop being foolish you're embarrassing us really there's no need to be ashamed listen I'm going to leave you two alone now so you can get to know each other better bye hello again now that's an interesting couple Tom who is an obsessive museum goer and who is an obsessive cleaner put them together and what have you got the cleanest museum in the world now the cleanest is an example of the grammar form of the superlative and that's what I want to look at with you now I want to give you some examples so listen carefully to what I say right good so good morning ladies and gentlemen are you having problems opening your bottles well I have the solution for you here it is a revolutionary bottle opener this is a bottle opener have you been using these old models like this and been having problems well this is the most intelligent and the most revolutionary bottle that you can find bottle opener it's called okay so how does it work you take your bottle of wine you open it up like this you open it here you put it on the top of the bottle like that over the cork then in this position you see hold it strong take the lever like this and you pull over like that okay takes a little bit of effort but not like that one then you push it back and what happens bingo out comes the cork then the same action hold it tight pull it over the cork comes out and we are ready to drink this is ladies and gentlemen the most effective the newest the quickest the smartest and the most revolutionary bottle opener that you will ever find and it's the most economical it's the cheapest it only costs 20 euro for you so buy one today and let's pour some wine and toast to the most superlative bottle opener in the world Cheers mmm that's nice great that was the superlative let's go and see it on the screen hmm nice wine now when we have an adjective with one syllable like cheap what we do is we add ver at the beginning to make it superlative and then we add e s T to the adjective look at the examples it's the cheapest the newest the quickest the smartest bottle opener in the world okay so the plus est at the end now if the adjective is two or three or more syllables it changes as I said and it becomes the most effective now the adjective doesn't change but in front of it we put the most the most effective it's the most economical bottle opener it's the most beautiful it's the most revolutionary bottle opener okay so again be careful is it a one syllable adjectives is it a two or three or four syllable adjectives because it changes great now let's go back to life that's life where Jack and Peter are talking about football they're talking about the best football team in the world okay and I'll see you later hey Peter did you see the match yesterday evening which match which match IX vs Juventus those teams are boring excuse me uh excuse me I ax is the best football club in the world I'm afraid I don't have a clue I know that only music matters anyway in your opinion which is the best team I don't know I heard Arsenal is the best one of all time they've got the most aggressive players the most important coach the toughest goalkeeper Peter Peter you are so mistaken okay what's so great about IAC's well first of all their defense is superb it's much more intelligent than Arsenal's no you still know but you promised me you're always busy no I don't want to go anymore anyway thanks teddy thanks for your present you are the worst father in the world don't worry I'm gonna have a great birthday all the same yes with my friends they do love me bye is everything okay Alice no nothing is okay my father keeps on being the same oh come on Alice don't cry please tell us what happened well you know I told you my father decided to give me a trip for my birthday well he promised to come with me and just now he told me that he can't anymore because he has some important work to do as usual oh don't be angry with him even if he has something important to do you can leave for your trip anyways no I don't want to go anymore well don't worry Alice we are going to give a big party for you isn't that true guys absolutely cause you are the most brilliant the smartest and the funniest roommate we've ever had even if sometimes you are a bit lazy you need a special parting thanks a lot you are the best friends in the world you hello again now you know mr. monkey reminds me of Jack he's obsessed with football but he's very sweet did you hear what he said to Alice he said you're the most brilliant roommate we've ever had that's really sweet and did you hear them talking about football well I don't know what you thought they said this was Jack he said Ajax is the best football team in the world debatable Alice said her father was the worst father and Jack then said you are the funniest roommate that I have ever had and so these are all examples of exceptions in the superlative form I want to go to the screen now and look at those because they're not that easy so look at the first example with adjectives ending in why we remove the Y as we've learned before and we add AI e s T so funny becomes the funniest easy becomes the easiest so the examples are you're the funniest roommate I have ever had for example or Naples is the noisiest city in Italy or it's the happiest day all right so those are two syllable adjectives ending in Y now look at the exceptions remember we have already learned that good bad and far are exceptions in the comparative or look at the superlative good in the superlative becomes the best so it's good better the best bad in the comfy comparative is worse remember the superlative is the worst notice the T bad worse the worst don't forget to pronounce the T and then far the comparative we said was farther or further and the superlative form is the farthest or the farthest okay so those are the three most important exceptions you need to learn those by heart because words like good and bad we use every day so try and memorize them alright and I'll see you in the next lesson bye good morning good morning welcome to this week's edition of torque cinema here in the studio with me is Sanjeev Gupta our cinema expert good morning Sanjeev good morning well Sanjeev what are you talking about today today I want to talk about the Sundance Film Festival sounds interesting I've heard of the Sundance festival what exactly is it well to put it simply Sundance is a festival for independent films and people interested in them okay can you explain what an independent film is independent films sometimes they're called in these are films that don't come from the major Hollywood studios they're produced and financed by the directors themselves and they're usually low-budget productions but of course this doesn't mean that they're appreciated less than normal commercial films of course independent films can be very interesting and often they deal with contemporary issues exactly you can't compare independent films with Hollywood blockbusters they're two completely different things well Hollywood films are more spectacular they're usually high budget productions and the money comes from the Hollywood studios not from the directors there's more money to spend so they can feature famous stars there's another important difference here Hollywood movies are distributed throughout the world that's how they make so much money at the box office right Sanjeev right Lucy on the other hand independent films generally win the praise of cinema critics but make less money at the box office okay let's go back to the Sundance Film Festival well this festival has nothing in common with the Oscars night in Los Angeles but it is the most important Film Festival in the world for independent films it's important because it promotes the work of many young directors when did the festivals start Robert Redford organized the first festival 25 years years ago the festival takes its name from Sundance Kid the character Robert Redford plays in the film Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid today the Sundance is divided into two sections the main section is called the American competition and is for American films and documentaries the second section is the world cinema competition this is for all other films you know Sundance is great fun in addition to the films there are parties and concerts and also special meetings for film students well the Sundance festival sounds fun it's smaller and younger than other film festivals there aren't lots of Hollywood stars the awards aren't as prestigious as the Oscars but it's an important festival right Sanjeev right and don't forget it's great fun okay thank you Sanjeev and goodbye goodbye goodbye and see you next week for another edition of talk so the Sundance festival takes its name from the Sundance Kid the character that Robert Redford plays a character is a person in a film and we say that an actor plays a character and let's have a look at some of the vocabulary and expressions we use to talk about films there are independent films and Hollywood blockbusters first of all what is an independent film it's a low-budget production that is not produced or financed by a major Hollywood studio major means big and important a low-budget production is a film made with little money and what's a Hollywood blockbuster it's a high budget production that is produced and financed by a major Hollywood studio a hybrid budget production is a film made with lots of money to produce a film means to make a film and to finance a film means to find the money to make a film we say a film is produced by and financed by someone so an independent film is usually produced and financed by the director of the film the director is the person responsible for making a film he or she directs the actors and decides how to tell the story of the film independent films are sometimes called Indies which comes from the word independent because Hollywood blockbusters are high budget productions they can feature famous stars famous stars are famous actors so if a film features famous stars it means that famous actors and actresses are in the film pretty woman features Julia Roberts and Richard Gere we say Hollywood blockbusters are commercial films this means they are easy to watch and easy to sell they're made with the purpose of making money alright cinema lovers that's it for now bye and Syria hello welcome to this week's edition of let's talk the Saturday evening debate with our commentators Tom and Marie good evening tonight I'd like to hear your thoughts about e-learning you know when I was a teenager I hated school and studying as you can imagine my exam results weren't very good so I couldn't go to university now I'd like to study philosophy and I'm thinking of taking a distance learning course using my computer and the internet well e-learning the e means electronic so eLearning is electronic learning this is a new and convenient way of studying many universities around the world now offer distance learning degree courses via the internet you can take a course from a University in England or in the States without leaving your home that's true but you need to have a lot of motivation to take an e-learning course why well a good time management skills are very important for successful eLearning you mustn't waste time you must study little every day it isn't always easy especially if you work okay a learning courses can be more difficult traditional courses can be better but there are many advantages to studying for a degree at a distance what are these advantages in fact let's talk about the advantages and the disadvantages of e-learning okay one advantage you can study when you like and where you like I see so it's a flexible way of learning exactly another advantage is that elearning gives people a second chance to take a university course without giving up your job you can study and work at the same time I'm sorry Emery I don't agree when you work it can be very difficult to find time to study besides stood can feel lonely and isolated when they studied by themselves wait a minute this is where the e the electronic part helps there's lots of interaction with other students and cause tutors some courses use virtual classrooms to teach small groups you can see your tutor and other students on your computer screen you can talk with them and use text chat or email and discussion forums too today most courses include study skills information on how to study well at a distance okay but some course materials can be really boring just like reading books online and some key tutors are very inexperienced and don't know how to teach in this new way and remember that dropout rates are high for e-learning courses yes I agree with some of what you say but good multimedia course materials can be very stimulating as they use audio images and text together to teach ok ok I see that you both have strong opinions on this topic this discussion is very interesting but I'm afraid we've run out of time so e-learning the new independent way of studying with advantages and disadvantages my philosophy course hmm I'll have to think so goodbye to our commentators Marie and Tom goodbye goodbye and goodbye to you and see you next time on our discussion group well I'd like to take an e-learning course but I'm not sure that I have the motivation I need notice how we say to take a course for example to take an English course means to study English to take a distance learning course means to study from home if I take an e-learning course I can study at home and send my work to my course tutor via internet the course tutor is the teacher for the course most people go to university to go to university means to study full-time at a university we can also say someone is at University for example I'm at University means I'm studying for a degree at a university a degree is the qualification you get when you complete a university course a degree course can take from three to five years depending on the subject you study I wanted to study philosophy at university we say to study a subject at university for example my friend Sasha is studying mathematics at university we can say she goes to university she's at university she's studying mathematics at University she's taking a mathematics degree at university we can also say she's studying for a degree in mathematics notice we can say either a mathematics degree or a degree in mathematics with elearning courses people study for a degree at a distance this means they study at home they don't go to the university to study but Tom said the dropout rates for these courses are high the dropout rates is the number of people who don't finish the course the verb to drop out means to not finish a course we can say to drop out of school or to drop out of university okay well study hard and I'll see you on Saturday for another edition of let's talk
Channel: Learn English Conversation
Views: 407,963
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Length: 40min 39sec (2439 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2014
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