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hello and welcome back to english today this is the second DVD of the beginner level and in this DVD you will see three more episodes of our story that's life and then in our special TV programs there will be a debate about low-cost airlines and an interview with a sports expert about football training then in the grammar section we will study the simple present frequency adverbs some and any there is there are and also making suggestions now remember if you have problems understanding anything use the subtitles okay so enjoy studying and have fun hello Anne oh it's you Peter look this is it look at what my office here near my bed oh I see by the way where are the office supplies the computer supplies are in that cupboard over there the folders pencils pens etc are here in this cupboard and I also have two chairs oh good are these for everyone no they are not don't touch anything please okay so you say you have all the opposite lines no not really there isn't a fax machine there aren't all the programs I need on my computer and I guess you have an answering machine is it useful I don't need an answering machine I answer the telephone myself okay you're like this office is nice and if you need a fax machine I have one in my apartment oh thank you wait a minute something is missing where's the coffee machine all officers have a coffee machine I'm afraid there isn't one here there's a staff kitchen on the other side of the house in the kitchen we can have some coffee there good idea hello and welcome back to english today how are you now in that last episode of That's Life did you notice that Anne described her office and the most important thing for Peter was what the coffee machine strange now I want to look at the language that Anne used she used there is a and there are some let me explain that to you now if you have a single object for example like a glass then we say there is a glass on the table or there is a hat on the table or there is a computer on the table okay now that changes when we have more than one object like these pens for example we say there are some pens on the table okay there are some pens on the table and therefore in this example here books there are some books on the table there are some CDs on the table so you see how it changes now let's go and look at that on the screen you can see it written so we said with singular objects we say there is examples are there's a computer in Anne's office there isn't a fax machine that's the negative there isn't a fax machine there's a table in the studio and there isn't a coffee machine which Peter can't believe now look at the plural form we say there are some office supplies in the office and there are some pens and pencils okay and we also use that for the exact number of plural objects so for example there are two chairs in Anne's office and there are four pictures for example in her studio all right so that's an introduction to there is and there are some now in the next lesson we're going to look at the difference between some and any which is very important so listen out for that in the next episode and then come back here and we'll work on it alright see you later bye do you want milk with your coffee there's a bottle in the back of the fridge I prefer it without milk but with some sugar oh I'm afraid there isn't any sugar well that's okay black coffee is good too do you have any of those great cookies oh yes there are some cookies over here Peter speaking what an audition no not at all I'm free great by well finally an audition wonderful when next Monday at the Opera Theatre these cookies are fantastic are there any more there are some more in the box Thank You Diane time for music hey take your dirty napkin away from my kitchen it's nice to have you as my new office neighbor hi again ands a bit difficult isn't she yeah now this is a lesson about some and any remember Peter said can I have some coffee and some biscuits well I want to talk to you about that right now now in order to understand some and any we have to understand the difference between countable objects and uncountable objects so these things here are ingredients to make a wonderful English lemon cake let's divide them into countable objects and uncountable objects let's start with these now these are lemons countable means you can count them uncountable means you can't count them can you count these yeah one two so these are countable so there are some lemons now what about these these are nuts can you count these yeah 1 2 3 etc so they are also countable so we say there are some nuts on the table now what about this this is marmalade now can you count marmalade or you can count the container but not the marmalade inside so this is uncountable and we say in English there is some there is some marmalade it's a singular verb so we put it here it's uncountable ok now let's look at this what's this this is salt salt now is this countable or uncountable for you countable or uncountable well it is very difficult to count all the little bits of salts so this is uncountable we put it here all right now next thing these two eggs countable uncountable 1/2 countable there are some eggs this here is spices spices now these you can count so we say there are some spices what about this milk you can count the bottle but can you count the liquid no so all liquids are uncountable and we say there is some milk there is some milk so singular singular verb put that there now what have got here butter butter can we count that well we can count a packet yes but the butter inside exactly no we can't count butter so there is some butter we put it here good now what else have you got flour you know flour flour we use to make pizza to make cakes is that countable exactly it's not countable it's like salt like sugar like coffee so we put this here uncountable and the last thing this what's this water is water countable no it's not so water goes with the uncountable there is some water quite difficult hey let's look at the screen to see that written all right and we will do a general summary so we said countable objects in the plural in the positive form we say there are some lemons on the table there are some CDs on the table there are some eggs on the table so that's countable now the negative is there aren't any we use any there aren't any cigarettes on the table there aren't any biscuits important any for the negative there aren't any magazines for example all right now questions here again we use the word any we use any in the negative and any in the questions so are there any glasses on the table are there any books on the table are there any pens alright so some in the positive any in the negative and the question form good now let's move on to uncountable objects these ones here the examples are there is singular verb some sugar on the table there is some flour on the table there is some water on the table okay negative again we use any we say there isn't any bread on the table there isn't any wine a liquid on the table there isn't any chocolate on the table alright questions again with the singular verb and any is there any money on the table is there any pasta unfortunately not and is there any beer okay now I want to add one more thing to this lesson and it's the words this that these those let me explain with one object you say this CD when it's close to you this CD but when it's distant from you far away you say that CD this that alright we hear this very often let me take to plural now we say these CDs when they're far from you we say those CDs okay so these those one this that let's see that on the screen so this book plural these books when they're close to you and that chair for example and those chairs when they're distant from you that's a big lesson hey there's a lot to remember so we have some and any countable and uncountable this that these those who you have a lot to do at home to study there anyway no problem because you're great students so we'll meet again in the studio very soon for some more English take care bye for now work is so hard guys I wake up at 6:30 every day have breakfast and take the train to work every day I know I get up at seven but I have a friend at work who usually gets up at six why that's too early it takes him an hour to drive to work oh that's a long drive yes but he lives in the country I think he's lucky every weekend he can go for walks in the woods not in traffic jams I guess that's pretty nice he lives in the countryside but works in the city a pretty nice combination what about you Sharon what time do you wake up I usually get up at about 9 o'clock but I live in the city it's easy to get to work yes but you get home very late often 6:30 or 7:00 you know I sometimes have five or six groups of tours a day you work too much my dear and you sing too much Peter hello again and how are you now from that last conversation we learnt that Sharon works too much and Peter sings too much how about you do you work too much what time do you get up in the morning 6:45 7 o'clock 7:15 7:30 well I'm going to describe my typical day and I'm going to use the simple present to do that all right well first I wake up at 6:45 but I don't get up I listen to the radio and I listen to the news then after I slowly get up that's difficult and I take a shower I take a shower I get dressed hmm and then I go for a walk with Suki then we have breakfast together she has dog biscuits and I have toast marmalade and butter then I go to work on my scooter now my boyfriend has a different day because he goes to work at 8 o'clock at night remember he's a jazz musician now did you notice I said he goes to work that's because with the third person we add an S goes he goes to work at 8 o'clock and he comes home at 3 o'clock in the morning because he plays jazz concerts then he goes to bed and he gets up at lunchtime at 1 o'clock so we meet at dinner which is you know we don't have much time together but that's life now that was the simple present tense and now we're going to see that on the screen very very important this grammatical form so I work you work he she it works she works it works we work you work they work now very often you forget to put the S on the third person so I have another teaching assistant who will help you to remember mr. sneak he is here to help you remember to put the S on the third person so listen I work at home you work every day he works at night she works in an office it works all week we work together you work full-time they work at weekends so remember it's not difficult the simple present in English I work you work he works she works it works don't forget mr. snake don't forget the s a third person alright good now listen to the next episode and try and uh pick out words like often sometimes occasionally because we're going to study those next all right go and have some fun bye Alice I bet you don't wake up at 6 o'clock every day tell us something about your typical day at university well I sometimes have classes in the morning but I usually have classes in the afternoon on Mondays I always attend lectures in the morning and where do you study I usually study in the library but I sometimes study at home too when I don't have classes in the morning my friend David also studies at your University do you remember him David Leary yes I occasionally see him in the library and sometimes in park in the park doing what he likes studying there he takes his books finds a nice park bench and reads there not a bad idea you can study and enjoy nature at the same time yes I like the park too unfortunately I often need books that are in the library and what about lunch do you usually make sandwiches and take them with you oh no I hate cooking I usually have lunch in the cafeteria with friends oh I do just the opposite I usually cook lunch at home I seldom have a quick lunch at coffee shops okay guys stop with this boring talk what about fun do any of you do anything besides working and studying it's Friday remember you're right jack hmm I'm so happy expired a me too it's weekend time time for shopping you Jack really knows how to provoke and doesn't he hmm did you notice those words sometimes always occasionally because we're going to study those now and in English they're called the frequency adverbs and we usually use them with the simple present tense and they describe how many times you do actions frequency adverbs now to help me introduce them I have another teaching assistant this is Donna mr. dinosaur mr. dinosaur is here to help you with the frequency adverbs dinosaur D I n a you are now let's see at the screen how mr. dinosaur is going to help you well look at the screen now we're talking about adverbs of frequency things which describe how often you do something like habitual actions dinosaur look at the screen we have di n o s a you are now these letters represent a frequency adverb let's see if you can find them what do you think o is when you do something a lot yeah often o is often what about n when you do n is never good n is never ah what about a something that you do a lot a is always good what about s S is sometimes very good sometimes now you you is for usually usually it's a habit what about our our stands for really that's difficult to pronounce really and the last one look at the top we've got D Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday is a bit strangeness every day alright so those are the main frequency adverbs every day never often sometimes always usually rarely you notice sometimes is also the same as occasionally and rarely another way to say rarely is seldom okay now the important thing about mr. dinosaur and the frequency adverbs is where to put them in the sentence now look at the examples we put them in front of the main verb so I never go out you always arrive late he usually gets up at 7 she rarely plays tennis it often rains in England we sometimes watch TV you occasionally drink wine and the last one is different every day they drive to work usually everyday we put at the beginning but the others are always before the main verb and after the subject now one problem there is an exception to the rule which is typical of the English language and what is the exception the exception is the verb to be the verb to be is always an exception in the English let's see how that works look at the example he isn't often late we are sometimes in a hurry you see the position the position of the frequency adverb is after the verb to be not before and that's the rule so he isn't often late where sometimes in a hurry they're never at home and I'm always tired so those are the frequency adverbs very important and we use them to describe our habitual actions now in the next episode of that's life listen for this word enough enough for very strange word because we're going to talk about that in the next lesson here in the studio so go and see that's life bye yes I always go shopping on Saturdays the first thing I do on Saturday is drive to the supermarket I sometimes go shopping on Saturdays but usually I sleep late I'm always so tired on Saturdays I'm never tired on the weekend the weekend is a time for fun I paint good jogging go out with some friends unfortunately I sometimes have to study Oh I sometimes do a little work at the weekend when I'm free I like going swimming going to exhibitions or to concerts if I have enough money oh and every Sunday I clean up the entire flat and in the evening i watch TV oh I never watch TV - boring Peter and I like going to the cinema at the weekend yes it's important not to watch too much TV an hour a day or so that's enough come on guys he took like my grandfather work TV housework on the weekends life is more I want you to take me to places where young people have fun great get ready grandpa you hello and welcome back again to English today your live English language program now did you notice how an said that she loves going to concerts and exhibitions but she doesn't have enough money now this word enough enough it's written e n o u G H the pronunciation is enough what does it mean let me show you I have a ticket here for a concert okay this is 45 euro 45 euro now I have 40 euro here 40 euro 45 euro for the ticket it isn't enough it means it's less it's not sufficient it isn't enough no ticket no concerts hmm so Ann happens like and poor and not enough money now another example you ask me can I have a glass of water and I say sure so you are it's in what excuse me it's not enough not enough it's not sufficient oh I say okay fine so glass of water here we go hmm and he's oh oh it's too much too much now that is the opposite when something is in excess it's too much let's go back to the ticket for example imagine that the theatre ticket has a discount now it only costs 30 euro 30 euro I got 40 euro which is too much in excess too much but that's great that's not a problem that's great I can go to the concert okay so that's enough too much now one more word it's a small word and it's so when do we use so uh if I say to you you are so intelligent that describes an emphasis you are so intelligent you could also say the glass is so full okay soso is to express an emphasis of something so we've studied enough too much and so let's look at those on the screen now to help you okay enough pronunciation enough when something isn't sufficient there isn't enough water in the glass there isn't enough money then we can also use it with an adjective the glass isn't full enough after an adjective it isn't full enough let's move on to 2 when we talk about something in excess so there's too much water in the glass there's too much money great there are too many coins now many is because we use it with countable things there are too many coins we can use it with an adjective for example the ticket is too expensive the glass is too full alright then the last thing was so when you want to emphasize something the ticket is so expensive ah the glass is so full or you are so intelligent fantastic so that's the end of this lesson remember enough to too much or too many and so that's it for now and I'm gonna see you again extremely soon take care bye may I ask you a question Alice sure ask any question you like I'm an open book do you have a boyfriend well I go out with some boys but that's nothing serious according to my birth chart I need some torrents but that's not easy now that Saturn is in Leo I see anyway I think you have a strange relationship with boys oh no I like boys very much they're great at carrying packages you're exceptional thanks jack but now stop talking about me let's talk about you what do you think of me no really I'm curious what do you do at work oh nothing special you know speedmaster the sporting goods factory yeah sure they produce wonderful running shoes what department do you work in I'm a sales manager last month they gave me a promotion and now I'm responsible for southern Europe that's why I moved here wow that's really interesting you must be very good at work what exactly do you do Oh basically I look for new clients and keep them informed about new product lines and take care of their requests what kind of requests did I have oh they often ask questions about new models and prices what do you do if they want to discount well basically I don't get mad I listen to them and then I tell them no well seriously speaking it depends each client is different if they're important I try to make it hi Anne hi Sharon where's Peter Oh Peters preparing his audition well tell Peter I wish him good luck do you really care hello and welcome back to english today for some more live English now Jack does he really care for Sharon I think he does let's ask mr. monkey mr. monkey does Jack really care for Sharon mr. monkey yes yes he agrees he agrees he cares now in that episode there were a lot of questions and I want to practice that with you now and to do that we are going to have a quiz I am going to change profession I am no longer an English teacher I have a different job I will ask 10 questions I will give the answers and you must guess my new job now if you guess it correctly I will play a flight for you to go to London for a romantic weekend how about that flight to London so 10 questions listen carefully number 1 do I work in an office no I don't number 2 do I work outside well yes actually I do sometimes work outside next ah do I have special qualifications oh yes I have special qualifications for my job ok next one do I work at weekends yes I do actually most weekends I work so I don't work in an office I work outside sometimes I have special qualifications and I work at weekends okay next one mmm do you travel a lot oh yes I travel everywhere I traveled to America to the Far East around Europe a lot do you earn a lot of money oh yes I earn a lot of money hey next question do you use your hands when you work yes I do I use my hands and I also use my feet very important next one do you work with other people yes that's very important I work with other people all right next one do you use music in your job music yes now music is very important for me music and the last question do you wear special clothes well yes for my job I have special clothes I have special shoes particular shoes and I do my hair in a special way so I use my hands and my feet I work with other people I use music I earn a lot of money I wear special clothes and I travel a lot so what's my job hmm nope nope nope it's difficult shall I tell you I'm a prima ballerina I won you lost no London no flight to London next time there'll be another quiz alright good so let's look at the grammar that we just used for asking questions okay now we have the question form with the question word like when the auxilary do I for subject and then arrived which is the verb so when do I arrive ok that's a typical question in the simple present look at the next one what do you do at work what do you do next one now this is important and we need mister sanic because it's who does he work with remember does third-person the S do becomes does so who does he work with next one why does she study third-person how much does it cost again third-person it when do we leave where do we live and how do they speak English okay so remember third person does is the auxiliary plus the infinitive alright so those are the English question forms now in the next episode listen out for the negative form and then we'll study that together okay so have fun studying and I'll see you again very soon bye Oh girls we're talking about jobs tell me about your job Sharon what do you do at the moment ah that's an interesting question really why do you say that well you know I have a degree in archaeology but now I'm doing something quite different do you have a part-time job no unfortunately it's a full-time job I work for a travel agency Oh what do you do I give tours around the city I bring tourists to monuments and museums and other interesting places that's nice could I have you as a tour guide for one day I'm sorry I only work with groups usually with Japanese people oh well I'm a black belt in karate very funny but it's not enough it's too bad and stop cleaning for a moment sit down and tell me about your job okay okay okay I worked in a publishing also you work with famous writers not exactly and I don't work with the writers I just read their proofs and correct them before printing oh by the way do you know Paul Taylor he works with you right yes yes but we don't work in the same department he works in the advertising department but we are good friends every weekend we played tennis together I play tennis I'm jealous do you pay to us too do you want to play with us well just joking I don't play tennis that will only karate you Jack I don't play tennis very well I only do karate he doesn't play titties very well it's easy men now anyway it was a good example of the negative of the simple present tense I don't play tennis very well now I'm going to tell you my typical day again but in the negative and listen to the grammatical form okay I don't wake up at 6:45 I don't get up after I don't listen to the radio now don't is do not do not abbreviate it okay I don't take a shower I don't have breakfast with Sookie and I don't have tock biscuits now think of my boyfriend let's go into the third person my boyfriend doesn't go to work at 8 o'clock at night he doesn't play the saxophone he plays the double bass now doesn't is does not contracted doesn't okay plus the infinitive so he doesn't play let's say at one o'clock in the morning he doesn't come home at seven o'clock in the evening so you see these are examples of the negative form and now we need to go and look at the screen because we need to see how that works in comparison to the positive form all right great now look at the examples I don't teach on Sundays do not becomes don't I don't teach on Sundays you don't know my parents Jack doesn't does not Jack doesn't play tennis well Alice doesn't have a boyfriend the house doesn't belong to an FIR person doesn't we don't work part-time you don't know and aunt and Alice and Sharon don't live together all right so now we have studied the positive form the question form and the negative form of the present tense so a whole world opens up for you okay well you just keep studying and we'll meet again here for another live show very soon all right take care bye good evening from Eric Brown welcome to another edition of let's talk with me here in the studio are Marie and Tom hello Marie hello Tom how are you Eric well today let's talk let's talk about about what Marie low-cost airlines very interesting you're right Eric you know there are 90 low-cost airlines in Europe today really so many yes that's right 90 lots of people fly with low-cost airlines of course it's very cheap to fly with these Airlines it's not always cheap Marie it's cheap to fly midweek on Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday but it's not cheap to fly weekends on Saturday or Sunday hmm but are the planes safe yes the planes are usually new so they are safe oh that's good it's important to fly in safe planes and what about the tickets is it easy to find them yes it's very easy I usually buy my tickets online with my credit card well I travel a lot really you're a real expert on low-cost airlines Marie aren't you yes I am my boyfriend Lea in Berlin oh and how often do you visit him I go to see him twice a month for CIC and other flights on time yes they're usually on time I leave work at 5:30 in the afternoon and arrive at the airport at 6:00 perfect for the check-in that's very convenient you're lucky Marie usually low-cost flights leave from airports a long way from the city what time's your flight at 7 o'clock you're really lucky Marie usually low-cost flights leave late at night or early in the morning when it's not convenient yes that's true and yes I am very lucky is there any food on the plane yes passengers buy drinks and snacks remember the drinks and snacks aren't free you have to pay even for a glass of water that's true but it doesn't matter I arrived in Berlin at 8:30 just in time for a pizza with my boyfriend at Bella Napoli a very good pizza here the best one in Berlin oh that's great but for us it's time to say goodbye okay low-cost airlines today there are many low-cost airlines throughout Europe there are very easy to use and they are cheap and the planes are safe and they are usually on time very interesting very very interesting Thank You Marie thank you and thank you Tom thank you and goodbye and see you again soon on another edition of let's talk well low cost airlines really make travelling easy for many people flying is very simple like taking a bus now let's take a look at some very useful vocabulary and expressions you just heard the check-in is the place where you show your passport and leave your luggage in English it is also a verb we say I check in at 7:00 or where is the check-in for Berlin when we talk about cheap prices we mean it doesn't cost very much and expensive means it costs a lot my ticket to Berlin is 600 euros it's expensive your ticket is 100 euros it's cheap her ticket is 30 euros that's very cheap to say what airline we use we say fly with followed by the name of the airline I fly with air Liverpool or the type of airline I fly with low-cost airlines and what about when you want to ask if the plane is late we can say are the flights on time if the flight is at 7 and it goes at 7 it is on time but if the flight is at 7 and it goes at 10 it's late Marie said I buy my tickets online this means she uses the Internet to buy her ticket what other things can you do online here are some examples I reserve hotel rooms online I don't call the hotel on the phone to reserve a room I use the Internet I check my bank account online I use the internet to see how much money I have in my account I pay my bills online I use the internet to pay the electricity bill the water bill the gas bill Wow we can really do a lot of things online okay just two more things before we say goodbye the first is frequency when we say how often we do something I asked Marie how often do you visit him and she said twice a month twice a month means two times in a month once a month means one time in a month but when we do something more than two times we say three times a month four times a month etc even if we change the period of time the structure of frequency remains the same for example would we can say once a day twice a week but remember we say three times a year four times a week one last thing notice the preposition after arrived when we arrive in a place like a station Airport shop we say I arrive at the airport at 6:00 but when we arrive in a city or country we say I arrive in Berlin at 8:30 so we say I arrive at the station I arrive at the airport but I arrive in London or I arrive in Madrid that's about it for now take care and see you soon good afternoon to everyone welcome to Sports special the program dedicated to all sports and all sports fans I'm Eric Brown in the studio with me is John Forbes our Sports expert well John what are you talking about this afternoon a football great my favorite sport it's not only your favorite sport Eric millions of people love football of course it's a fantastic game the best in the world well maybe but remember Eric football isn't only about fame success and money Oh a lot of money professional footballers earn millions of euros that's true but football is also about hard work fitness training stretching and jogging almost every day really how often do professional players train they go jogging every day at 8 in the morning and then they work out in the gym ah so much exercise and that's not all really what do you mean well they also practice football three or four times a week with the team and where do they train they usually do fitness training at the football ground first they do stretching then they practice shooting is the coach with them during the training yes of course the coach is very important for the team he shows the players good techniques for passing dribbling and heading and he decides who plays in the matches hmm how many matches are there in a football championship the 30 more or less you know football championship to take place in the winter usually from September until June and when do they play matches at weekends but the big clubs also play during the week for the European Cups championships European Cups training footballers are very busy yes they are the only time they rest is in the summer well holidays only in the summer but what about fun for example can the players have a beer after a match of course Eric especially if they win a beer is a perfect way to celebrate a victory well a footballers training routine is very hard but it is very rewarding - okay thanks to our expert John Forbes and goodbye to all football fans and sports lovers see you again soon for a new edition of sports special first of all football and soccer are the same thing football is the British word and sucker is the American form but they are exactly the same thing so let's take a look at some of the vocabulary we use to talk about football do you like football if you do then you are a football fan like me do you support a team I support inter we say that we support a team when we are a fan of that team so what is a team it's the group of players that play together for example Manchester United is a football team a person who plays football as a job is called a professional footballer or a professional football player footballer and football player are the same thing of football player is a footballer and every team has a coach a coach is the person who prepares the team he teaches techniques and how to play well so eleven football players make a team and when two teams play against each other they play a match but as john told us footballers don't only play matches they do a lot of training training is all the exercises they do to prepare for matches we can say footballers do training or footballers train training is the noun and train is the verb and what do they do when they train John said a few they workout in the gym they do stretching they go jogging and they practice football skills John also mentioned some of the skills or techniques that footballers practice passing which means to pass or kick the ball to another player dribbling which means to move the ball forward with the ball shooting which means to shoot or kick the ball into the goal and heading which means to hit the ball with your head it's a lot of hard work I think they definitely deserve a beer when they win well that's all for me for now take it easy
Channel: Learn English Conversation
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Length: 59min 27sec (3567 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2014
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