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welcome back guys more timber born the more i play this i'm the more i am loving this right we've got a bit of an issue though our food has been dropping um i really want to get this finished so um let's let's do some stuff okay first thing over here um i'm gonna set this one up uh and yeah i'm gonna set this one to prioritize potatoes and yeah i'm just going to get them to harvest the potatoes for now this one when this starts working again i want this to prioritize planting and it's something that a lot of you have told me uh i think what we'll do over here let me see i could you know yeah i'm gonna do it yeah i'm gonna do it um yeah so what i'm gonna do over here i'm going to set this to not resources for demolition so what do i want i would want this is one two three four six and the path so i'll act me maybe i'll do it there actually and have the path will it be yeah no the path is there so the path would be tempted there wouldn't it yeah okay so fine i need to get rid of all of those right um i don't know whether they actually reach those at the moment but we'll let's let's see can they can they reach those they probably won't do that just yet but it's fine it's fine let's crank this up because i want to get some stuff done in this episode but we've got to get through this first um i mean it's looking okay at the moment how we doing over here right this is almost done so then we've got we saw we'll have five done and six to do well we're already getting logs for that one that one just needs to get built so that's good oh we've got a hungry beaver i wonder have we got lots of hungry beavers no just the one oh well they could be hungry inside the houses i suppose that's a possibility yeah we've got a few hungry beavers which is not great you know what do i i tell you what i'm gonna increase their working hours for a while uh see if we can't get this done asap because boy we need to so that i can move this district center back now people if people have said well why don't want to build two bit two districts yeah the thing is districts are completely self-sufficient they don't share resources so i would need to have um food and logs and everything for each district and i'm really not set up for that right now so we'll try and get this done and we'll just take it from there let's say where are we 40 of them it's dropping it's dropping but we're getting the potatoes in um so that's kind of a good thing uh you know what um that's at all right hang on how far how far does this reach let's say this reaches oh this reaches up to here you know what if i if i turn that one on will that one work no um much kind of should be well the the line extends to there so i tell you what we'll do tell you what we'll do we'll put in a gather a flag flip you around there and we'll see if that works and let's prioritize that up the wazoo there we go right uh they're all thirsty they've eaten they've got food they've got water [Music] four with the hour down to 11. okay this is not necessarily that good come on get this done what do we need two logs there that's ready to build uh that only needs four logs that needs eight and that does need 12. we're not that far away oh come on come on guys survive please now you yes you're picking berries that's gonna help that's gotta help surely i tell you what else would help pause for a second let's put in um because we're getting close to our storage limit aren't we yeah let's put in let's put in some storage so let's put in i should put in another log store as well let's put in a small storage and maybe there yeah let's put it over here so i'll put a small storage over there and then i tell you what because we're going to be cutting down these trees now and we need somewhere to put those logs how many logs have we got we've got like 240 wow okay isn't that more than we can have i think it is uh 180 yeah i don't know where the rest of those logs are going maybe they're just lying on the ground let's put oh i could put it the ah yeah let's put it there yeah let's put that there we'll put a path in for it like that there we go cool oh here comes the drought god it just rolls in it's not much fun it is not much fun how are we doing our food well we're doing it kind of sort of okay right this second how long that's gonna last for i don't know how we doing well the last bits to do you need four logs oh you're done we need four logs four logs in a bit of building and we might just survive this wouldn't that be good you're gonna have a drink you're gonna have something to eat somebody's just got to build that now oh and you're he was building and then decided no it's nap time i'm just gonna have a nap oh come on wake up wake up oh this snoring is brilliant your mates have woken up what's up with you that's funny no now he's working he's like oh thirsty as soon as they're thirsty they'll wake up and go and get a drink how are we doing for water we're doing okay we're doing good we're doing good actually it's fine okay right um since that is all going good and it's done okay brilliant pause you go away yes we're gonna move it over to where it's gonna this is gonna be its home now so what i'm gonna have to do i'm gonna have to get rid of uh here we go delete um you have to get rid of that path yes and this is gonna go where and i can never remember it's in here isn't it yeah here we go district center there that's where i want it yeah do i want it that way or turn around the other way no this is fine stop being fussy for god's sake it doesn't matter which way around it is put that road across there and we are operational again oh and now all of our unemployed people are now employed fabulous and we've got a whole potato crop to get in which is fabulous super fabulous how fabulous is this guy super fabulous right uh we don't need you working in there let's pause that we don't need you working in there and we don't need you working in there because all those berries have gone we've got any berries anywhere else no no berries there about over here no no berries there okay go uh we want these done as a priority so let's get those set up to be removed get rid of those for me guys come on get it done and then i'm going to want a farm that's a nuts that's wood food i can't eat lumber i know they'd like to but they can't is anybody gonna come and do this like sometime this century would be nice you've done the first five come on somebody come and take these out what are they waiting for like seriously what are they waiting for uh the food is dwindling it's not good it's not good um oh hang on we've been oh because we've only got so oh we've got nobody in okay fine right let's take let's take four guys out of there what does that give that gives us two so i'm going to take another two and i'm gonna put you in there go right now it'll get done hurrah the fruit's not good we need this to start producing berries or or something okay now that that's done now we can put the farmhouse in now which way around do i put it that way you know what i can put it that way um you know what if i put it that way yeah go on if i put it that way and put uh put a path in there i could actually plant up no that's the wrong i could plant a potato crop there like one potato does it really matter yes it really does it's huge uh let's prioritize you get you've done i guess people thought i think that's the only bit building i've got yeah i think so now once that gets built i think our food situation should get a hell of a lot better like massively better hopefully what are we like um okay we're 75 of the way there we're done and two people have gone to work they're fine okay good um i'm gonna get since we've got that set up now you are pro prioritizing harvesting right you're gonna prioritize planting and now what you'll see is that as soon as yeah look they're they're planting this up and they'll plant all of this up so basically as soon as something gets harvested they'll immediately plant which means it's already growing which is huge and thank you to all the people that told me to do that it that is a huge tip and not blinding obvious i might end up doing a not blindingly obvious tip series for this oh we're getting better bushes here right let's uh let's unpause you uh we probably got nobody to work there but you know what i need more beavers i need more beavers and we should be good for food now so i'm going to get some more beavers going i'm going to decrease the work hours to 15 so that their fertility goes up and then we're going to get where's houses someone can never find here we go we'll get one two i'm gonna chance it i'm gonna get all the houses in there we go three four that's gonna give us another 12 beavers which would be awesome now um i want to put in some other buildings what are we going to put in we're going to put in um i'm going to put in another water wheel because we need more power so i'm going to put a water wheel in um there probably yeah that'll do it's fine put it there and then now we've already got the lumber mill i want to put in two more buildings what do i want uh wood it's under wood so i want a gear workshop to make gears uh cost 100 science yes please how am i going to put that um i could just i could just put it there you know what i think um i might well actually hopefully put that around that way oh yeah i might do it there i might do it like that yeah go on put that there and then the other thing i want is a paper mill oh yeah cost 250 science so i've just blown like half of my science boom it was like just like i'm sorry boom just like that um now i'm going to put this there and the reason i'm going to put that there is because i want to hook up the power together so yeah i'm going to put that in there like that and then i'm going to come around here i'm going to put in west palm i'm gonna put in a power shaft intersection there uh then i'm gonna put in so that's gonna power that directly uh i then want to put in a t-section there like that boom i'm then going to put in a corner there and a corner there and then i'm going to want a corner there and a corner there and then i'm going to want a couple of um straight shafts or as we call them in the trade a couple of charles vanes right can you um can you do those yeah yeah they're getting it done hooray get it built guys now this isn't going to work until the water returns after the wet season or we can get somebody working there can't we yes let's get somebody working there how we doing we're just about holding on on the food but there we're starting to get this crop coming in yeah that's going to be good that's going to be very good indeed now i'll tell you what we'll watch this because um okay so they've planted all of that up good what should happen i mean we'll see we'll see if it happens what should happen is two of the beavers should be getting on with the planting and then as soon as they harvest they'll come back and plant it up it's awesome right a big thank you to the people who told me about that that was a massive tip um did i i thought i put that on too okay apparently i didn't uh so we need somebody working there what what can we turn off uh that could be turned off can't it yeah turn that off if anybody was actually working there in the first place okay this is um this is full of wood okay that's a that's a that's a capacity this uh that's not a log pile that's a log pile that's it okay that is now at capacity so um do i put in another log part i mean we've got like we've got a lot of logs so actually logs is not our problem um so that's covering like that area i am wondering you know if i put that like further up here whether it cover like the whole thing and i'm kind of thinking it would let's see you know what i might i might just have one guy cutting logs up here yeah let's have a look let's see what let's see what happens if i get you so if i put you in like there you cover 90 percent of it or more whenever i put you there oh if i put you there then you cover exactly all of it hmm what if um no that seems to be the sweet spot doesn't it for for this so go on i'm going to put that in there that one i'm going to get rid of go away thank you uh that we don't need anybody working there because there's no berries where are we got two unemployed people hooray that's exactly what we want the water has returned and our water wheels are spinning producing 180 horsepower each this needs 50 this needs what 120 and then this one's 80. yeah 80. what do we need for this we need gears well where are we going to get gears from from this building well we will if i actually hook the paths up it's kind of an important thing that i forgot uh you know what let's just put the path straight up there now where's the straight from there okay we'll just do it like that i guess now uh what i'm thinking is to put in um a storage for these guys specifically so let's do that what do i want i want storage where storage here's storage let's put in a small warehouse flip you around oh you fit in kind of nicely there yeah go on small storage goes in okay so are we are we churning out the cogs now yes we're churning out the cogs takes a little while there we go cog so it takes planks from here into here and then the the at the moment the gears are going off to be used in here which is great right so let's say i'm going to say no don't store berries and books or bread or carrots or explosives or flour i want this just for gears and paper and planks not potatoes no not potatoes not scrap metal not wheat so this is just going to be for paper planks and gears okay fine in which case i should then say over here um i don't want planck's paper or gears okay and i should do the same down here i don't want gears planks or paper okay sweet oh my god i'm actually starting to get a little bit organized i mean not that organized i've still got six unemployed uh we can turn that on because we've got berries over there let's get those harvested um that doesn't need anything this um oh it's starting to come in so go on we'll have somebody working there i can put in some more haulers can't i let's put in some more haulers um we've got two unemployed you know i'm gonna leave okay now we've got three unemployed i'm gonna leave one person unemployed so i can kind of see if that goes to zero i know that i've got things to address okay all right uh what am i gonna do now i suppose i could plant up some trees can i that would be a good thing let's um that's tree cutting you lemon right here what do i want maples uh so oh what no it's it's all scheduled to be replanted anyway so that's all good what about over here uh no over here well how far do you extend are you extending all of this what happens if i like extend the path will it go up to the top level i don't know let's see find out um so if we extend the path like that like that like that and put one at the top warm what's the story then no that is as far as it goes okay fine that's okay uh i want that pattern in in well you know what do i want it going up there not really i wanted the path really coming down here for uh for more damning yeah let's how am i gonna do this what i am currently think you know what let it run everyone it kind of doesn't matter what i was thinking of was having let's say a dam kind of across here was what i was thinking am i gonna do that i think i am yeah i'm gonna do it so i'm gonna have a damn like that which means that i would need to put in some stairs going down there like that and extend the path um well actually i can do it in there yeah let's do that and that do i want to be able to get across it well the thing is it's giving me access to the scrap isn't it so i suppose the answer to that is yes i don't know how far we can go over there we'll see we'll see but probably not much further than that but as long as we get this built that's fine right so then we've done that we've done that so then the water's coming down here so then i can either dam across there or i can try and dam these that's going to be damn difficult see what i did there i'll stop now i'll stop i need to be like that uh we'll go let's see get on we'll run the path i guess they're there there then we'll have some stairs going down there won't we yes we will right i think i think i try and damn it like you know what i can do damn across there and down across there oh that's interesting that's interesting yeah yeah yeah yeah i think that's probably uh i would need a damn across here if i do that uh it's i think it's a good idea i think that is actually a good idea so yeah let's um let's do it then so what do i want i want a damn am i going to want to damn across here i probably am only oh man that means oh see if i damn across there if i damned that one no i want to damn that because then i only have to damn like i would still have well hmm if i dab down that and that and maybe that yeah go on let's try that let's try that oh good lord this is a hell of a game it really is so i blocked that so i need a damn like well either across there or if i if i do it across there then i've only got that and that maybe that's where we start sure should i start there let's start there it makes sense okay so do i do i just do it across there is that is there any great advantage to doing it across that i don't think there is um and would it there or there there hmm it's it really is very difficult to know like what is the best way to do this do i do do i do that it's like straight across there or maybe maybe at an angle so we'll do that and that so that's going to be that one and then we want another one going across there like that okay fine and then then then then am i going to try and do this one well it kind of depends if i'm going to reach that far um i mean yeah i should be able to yeah i should be able to uh so let's take the path come on let's take the path across there and down here can i get to this well we'll see won't we so i'll run it down and across and down and then let's put a damn across here and we'll see we'll see if we can get to it or not so ideally i would like it there can we get to it yeah you get to that one yes okay so we can do that one okay that's freaking awesome so we've blocked that we've blocked that and that so if i damn that i've already damned that i've just got down across here um do i do it at the closest point probably there i could like for an extra one damn i could do it across there and keep a bit more of it yeah let's do that so we're gonna have a damn going across there now do do i put in a dam or do i put in a levy um i've put in i've put a levee across there i've got a damn there uh maybe i put in a levy it's um it's considerably cheaper yeah go on oh i was going to do it i was going to do it down here it wasn't like yeah i was going to do it here because it's a bit cheaper go on we'll see if we can't get that done um yeah certainly within range certainly within range right leave us um i'll give you a path coming over here like that that in range yeah it's fine okay right so do you know what that's a damn do i change this one um to actually be a levy to save some logs i'm thinking yes i'm thinking yes you know what that one's almost built anyway so i'm going to leave that one in we'll have so we'll have a bit of a damn there but this will be a levy yeah so what's this one um that's where i'm marking things right so yeah delete those yep and then i want to put in levees let me sniff this levees please levees little levees across there like that there you go right so we shouldn't have any problems with flooding when this all gets built but it's a lot to do it is a lot to do but once it's done wow we're gonna have quite a big area now the other way that i could have done this would be to um research explosives now where the hell is explosives i don't know um so under that's the printing press paper mill what is it under i don't know when it's under leisure no don't think it's under leisure is it under it's not under passive structures um it's not under storage what is it what is it under no no no no certainly not under housing it's not under food oh now this was the other thing that i wanted to do when we have got some more paper and we've got some more paper we can start doing beehives costs 400 science which i've got plenty so i'm going to research that this allows you to put in a beehive which makes crops grow faster so we could bang one like in the middle of here we could probably fit like a couple in here so it is seven it's a seven by seven square pause for a second seven by seven square we've we've got one two three four five six seven eight nine okay so we would want that one two three four five six seven there right so i wanna mark that for demolition can i actually can i just like do it like a single no you've gotta go to here i wish you could just do a single cell like you can do a building so mark that demolition go get rid of this for me and we're going to put in a beehive and then our crops will grow faster and there will be much rejoicing amongst the beaver population so this is going to take 10 logs 15 planks and 20 pieces of paper because we all know the beehives take um bits of paper so it's big as it's where it's where the all the all the old newspapers go they're going to be hives um there's somebody somebody gonna do all right i'll tell you what how about if i prioritize you right somebody gonna do it then maybe i've got four unemployed for heaven's sake come on we've got four workers oh here we go finally thank you who's doing it thank you old cath uh beehive woohoo beehive goes in there now please tell me that i don't need to put a path to it no there was no there's no path so we could also put another one of these in let's see probably i would want it one further over wouldn't i to maximize it or e or even two let's see um so i would want i would want it on that row but i think two across yeah so it would be that one wouldn't it i think yeah one two three yeah yeah that one so what do i want i want this and i want market for demolition that one please okay once we get that we'll get another one of these wonderful beehives in come on guys them they're really slacking oh it's because of all the building work that i've given them i was just very very simply slackers a bunch of slacker beavers just because i've given you like like probably six years work to do doesn't mean that you shouldn't build this beehive immediately for me okay have they got rid of it no no i haven't come and do this wake up i'll put your hours up again no don't do that we like our social lives do they like their social lives um social life they've actually got one hooray what about you yes i've got a bit of a social life too they're getting spiritualized oh it's all going well it's all going well let's throw beehive in there yeah that's probably about as good as i was going to do boom all right cool that means we're going to be growing food faster um i wonder how much faster it grows i really have no idea uh that has got nothing so far but that's not like too much of a surprise because they're going to be working on all the other building projects aren't they yes they are sky we've we've got half way across this one uh if they have they done anything on this one at all no nothing on that one have they done anything on this one i'm guessing no no nothing on that one and they have done three of those though oh that's too far from builders oh no right well what we need to do is we need to put in a path down here like that and then is it gonna be okay yes yes they can build it so we can damn up this entire area now once we've done that then we can start thinking about doing some kind of sort of interesting things uh i am going to get dynamite and i am going to be starting to use dynamite to um to terraform a little bit uh or a lot but i have seen i've seen some pictures of some cool stuff that you can do and i want to do it so i'm going to so yeah expect this to um to go kind of crazy in the future i hope that you will be coming back for those episodes guys thank you for watching we're going to leave it there we've got bees we've got our dams laid out we've got uh we've got cogs we've got paper what more could you want more beaver yeah i know me too catch the next one peace out [Music] you
Channel: Skye Storme
Views: 42,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timberborn, beaver city builder, city builder, early access
Id: tFYlYgtN1Ks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 37sec (1957 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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