Defending my BASE from a TOXIC TIDAL WAVE

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so here we have a fortress that's being attacked by some purple death goo that is spawning on the map and we need to protect it first we need to set up some pylons so we can reach down to this low area over here and then we can set up some mines to get some additional resources and the purple goo is flowing over the map very slowly reaching us but we also have some clear goo that's reaching out and should hopefully clear it all out well maybe not all of it but it'll hold it at Bay for a little while while we get set up and it slowly rejuvenates with more and then once it reaches this tile here there should be more of it that comes in hopefully so because the purple goo is already there oh yes there it goes it's taking out that choke point right there that Pyon is set up and yes we have a Min in production good now we need to reach another pylon out to here so we can set up some defenses for now we'll start with some cannons because they're cheap and easy it looks like the mines are going to finish production before it starts on those which is actually good because now we're generating more than we're using although I'm really worried about this corner over here because look at how high that is that's going to cause a tsunami once that gets released so let's get a few more mines and probably ooh it sounds like the Cannons are working yes they're beating back the purple creep cuz that's what it's called and we need to reach some pylons up to here to get advantage of this stuff which also means we need defenses over here oh dear one of those IMS is about to go oh but even more mines are in production yes that really helps our energy generation and now both the pylon and the cannon are being built very good let's also bring in some mortars if we can and give it The High Ground that actually let it reach an even bigger area and this cannon will help keep the creep back while we set up up here on this hill Oh gosh the creep is almost through that last layer of the shield this is about to be rough need even more defenses okay I think that was the Spore launcher just got released all right we also need to set up a Refinery so we can get this green stuff getting to be used and the wave is here oh boy that is going to hurt very bad we need a lot more defenses but now we're refining the blue stuff and creting some anti creep bullets that we can use which is really good for the sprayer we probably need some pylons over here as well so let's set up a network like so which gives us access to more blue white and another sprayer over there some more defenses going up ooh and the anti creep reached this spawner tile thing yes we're actually almost to this admitter maybe we should clear about that but we have bigger concerns to worry about okay now we're getting some more of this whatever that tile is so let's hurry and set up some Shields next to all of our production over here and probably over here as well oh gosh the sport launcher went again it's going right into the anti creep that's not going to work for you okay but that generated a lot of creep right there hopefully we are strong enough in our defenses oh speaking of it's time to put it to the test the big tsunami is here but at least we have the shields up so that should protect us a little while now we just need constant production of the green stuff which it looks like it's constant and we're gain some more of the whatever that stuff is so let's set up more defenses on this way because we're going to need a lot of them and we need to keep protecting this tile because that means more anti creep spawns like that but we're also kind of neglecting this side over here I feel like this turret's in trouble because he's sticking his foot out like the Hokey pokei but let's get some mortars set up on the edge of the cliff here that should protect that side pretty well oh it's so high that's higher than the shield oh gosh The Shield's in trouble I need more guns over here but I can't I don't have space to build any of them and where I can build it's already being over run oh dear and the tsunami has started to wrap around this side at least this Shield looks like it's doing well I need to protect these pylons I just realize because if that gets cut off then the whole network goes down oh sport launcher is going again you are so annoying and sadly these mortars are not in range to do any good I should probably set up a pylon to go down here so I can reach even more area that looks good a nice crisscross Network like that oh no we lost this emitter spawn tile thing I know these are called emitters okay the mortars are starting to defend over here that's good news and we can build on top of this hill again so let's get a mortar going there and then cannon on this side to protect the tower I'm liking the looks of this there's more stuff that's going to be flowing down but we're actually holding up pretty well the problem is our generation is oh we're currently in a deficit that's not good we need more mines and thankfully that pylon in front of the resource tile can reach these mines to build them so our deficit really hurts but it's going to be solved pretty soon we just need to hold the line here and I think we are holding the line actually good there we go those mines are going and let's just finish off this row hopefully we'll get them in place over there because we will need a tower set up over here probably ooh that's a nice cross Network and we'll just set up more cross networks like this because we need to start pushing this way and take out one of those emitters which we can do by just selecting the cannon and moving it right in front of the tower to protect it hopefully it gets there soon oh that just targeted the anti creep SP directly that was dumb tell you what's not dumb though these cannons are working exceptionally well and I should probably get a mortar going up here yes because more creep is going over there it doesn't look like there's any more big tsunamis coming in except for okay right now but oh that mortar just got wrecked was it sticking out of the shield oh no the creep is reaching into the shield that SP needs to do its job which thankfully it looks like it is let's move the mortar a little bit back that should protect it better oh no we just lost that Tower I forgot to move things to it that's fine we need more defenses over here anyway the problem is those Shields chew up a lot of those yellow blocks it looks like we're even on production we have a lot of this green stuff I I'm not too sure what to do with to be honest I can build a rocket sure let's build a rocket while more Spore things are launching and that's targeting the cannon directly I'll just move that out of the way for a little bit it's not even doing anything so maybe I should move it over here to hold the line F I was a little worried in the beginning but I think we're doing pretty well even the tidal waves aren't doing too much more to us and our weapons are actually really close to that emitter there except it's super deep in the creep oh and when the emitters do that that's very not good okay that that's a lot why are you doing so much stop it that is going to be dangerous oh but the rocket only needs 100 units to finish building and then we can do stuff with it okay that mission was rough but it looks like they actually are holding their ground really well that's good is the sniper doing things I think the sniper's doing things it's pointed oh that was the other thing the eggs release payloads okay I haven't exactly touched this game before today cut me a bit of slack all right let's get some more mines down just because we have the free space here it's chewing up a lot of Our Generation but we do have the resources to build at least one of them but I do need to build more sprayers because the fact that we're not getting a lot of ground is kind of annoying oh but yes now we're starting to fund the rocket I like the sound sounds of that because orbitals sound very good creating quite the crisscross Network here beaten bag liquids with 5G and the rocket is launched so we have some good things going for us at least oh yes and we have orbitals so we have damper Singularity available to us right now should we just see what Singularity does what if we target here okay just launch the thing down and O okay is that a good thing I don't know if that's a good thing it's pulling creep away from other areas oh it's slowly we're we're getting the emitter revealed quick build cannons yes the emitter is revealed oh and the Egg just got sniped this is good this is good the emitter is exposed if only I had cannons I could shoot it oh and all the creep actually just got released o but we do have cannons that are able to shoot it now hold it back hold it back it almost looks like it's working it's working ooh I like orbitals fund another one please which is actually pretty soon and this front is holding pretty well so once these cannons push through we should be able to Target the emitter if we just stick a mortar right here sure fly over the battlefield Brave mortar more destruction right at the front of things ooh yes hit the emitter directly if you please there we go I think we're in the process of nullifying it or do we need to hit hit it with a nullifier probably that so we get it going here while it's being suppressed oh protect it from the creep that's going in need this Canon moved more up there we go it's charging it's charging and yes we're nullifying the emitter oh excellent how much is that using oh we're actually out of that stuff that's not good we need another Refinery going over here to capture this Crystal's goodness and then you know cannons to protect it would also be kind of appreciated but now we are creating a lot of Headway because this emitter is nullified which should also mean eggs stop flowing to it I hope now we'll start to advance this way to nullify this emitter and then once we own like this entire third of the field we can strategize a lot better also I don't like how high that gets because then it just does that oh good we have more Rockets oh I forgot about the rain that I got let's try that out we're moving over here so let's just spray it with some rain because the rain should be good right W the rain is very good oh that is glorious and that's clearing up all the tiles so our Refinery can be working not tiles the crystals that is what I need needed wow and it just keeps going oh that was wonderful let's take advantage of this opportunity and build some defenses that one isn't being reached by anything I need another pylon over here and we uncovered this anti creep tile yes a new ally has joined the fight or come back to it because we had that before but we're getting even closer to this emitter here that's a lot of EGS I need a sniper over here which is also going to be painful because that's a lot of payloads going to be released so let's get more defenses going up over here giving all the mortars The High Ground and then once that sniper's built it'll go to town very very quickly like so and there it goes oh gosh so many at once sniper you're way too efficient o but look we have five orbitals oh excellent we can do conversion thing not too sure what that looks like let's do it over this neutral tile here so it launches oh it just converted all the creep to anti creep now we own that tile yes oh yes that was glorious I know how long it's going to last though we should probably expand that way oh good and that creep is actually getting pretty close to touching that Tower we should protect it with another mortar that's close enough to actually Target the emitter I believe yes Target the emitter directly now we're just a few spots away from being able to set up the diffuser or the nullifier like so come on mortar just protect it no you're supposed to protect a building of it maybe we need a sprayer up there one that's already built so it can move there now we can set up the nullifier now ah come on okay fine I'll just build it down here so it's safe because there's way too much Andy creep for her to get hurt and yes we have a second sprayer nullified and shift all of our defenses to fight the front and we'll start by attempting to relieve this neutral zone so it can start working for us so many good things are happening and we have rain again oh but we're actually went away from conversion we should have fun with that we're moving a lot of units let's increase the move speed I can't quite tell if the move speed is faster but it seems like it anyway we have conversion available so let's assist our friends over here and just conver this holy square area thing yes and then quickly move in to protect it this might have been a bad call but it was kind of fun to do because now the anti creep is spawning out of there so now I can fight back against the creep a little better even if we might lose a sprayer there oh until the Mart protects it anyway so I'm guessing the neutral Square duplicates whatever thing has greater presence on it and right now it's all anti creep which is good and the sniper here isn't really being used for anything is there another emitter somewhere the only one that's left is over here here aside from the four that are in the main area so let's move our sniper over here because we're going to need it in a little while oh but look at that this anti creep tile is almost exposed come on yes it's touching yes it's duplicating the anti creep this is working very well can another pine actually work down here no that top Pyon literally has no purpose but it looks fun up there but we can start to wrap our Network down over this way because we need to move that way and tell you what rain sounds really good at the top of this hill yes clear it all out can I even see see what's bombing is up there zooming way out nope it is just way above me but now the top of the Hill's exposed quick bring in more mortars claim it well now we have another Rain strategy thing again you can tell the game I've been playing because they use that word there we go there we go okay that should give us a bit more breathing room and beautiful we're defending the top of the hill I'm also not sure why this game has pterodactyl in it but here they are they just been kind of flying around like they do now the problem is this Hilltop doesn't have a whole lot of real estate on it so we need to be a little wise about where we put our defenses besides you know put a mortar right in the middle because obviously and now more guns need to be moved up here because they're not doing any good otherwise and more Spore shots are coming in but they get quickly squashed oh you poor thing you're the only thing you're really good for at this point is egg production which gross ooh but look at this we have almost half of the map conquered now excellent oh but look both of these nodes they exposed that means we can put a Pyon down here and start to harvest it yes more for the cause so oh my this will be a test about about how well we can stop The Creep from flowing down the hill cuz that's about to be a lot released oh my goodness yeah I'm probably going to need more over here no particular reason all right let's try and give ourselves a little bit of a head start by calling down rain on these two generators here yes yes oh it it pierces all the way down that is powerful and think you get some sprayers over there so anti creep can go in this is looking a lot better all right it's starting to emit some creep again but we got some good Headway going although I do Wonder Would Rain destroy the eggs and it doesn't look like the eggs get destroyed which is too bad but oh you know what I should have moved the sniper into position first o or they are getting destroyed look at that or that was the emitter I honestly don't know but hey sniper showing up while this is going underway is very beneficial maybe that's a lot of exit shooting okay I think I might have been a little over zealous sniper get out of here you're doing way more harm than good right now oh gosh and that turret it needs to move like immediately this cannon might need to as well oh dear it's still getting hurt it's still getting hurt come on defend you can do it oh that was look at the waves that's shooting out this is not my intention okay so that emitter is going to be way more difficult than anything else neat how are those waves going uh they've reached the back back wall and they're bouncing back oh yikes that's a big Title Wave hey this is a good time to bring in a shield again out of pure necessity oh my gosh that's a lot of stuff okay but Shield is yes it's up and running that was close oh okay it looks like if the eggs don't have any creep around them then they unleash their payload but wow the mortars quenched it quick all right but o okay maybe when that big wave is going up then we convert it and W bam yes so much [Laughter] that's a huge mountain of creep right there oh my gosh these things need to work overtime oh that was that was amazing but I was right though it converted the entire pile into anti creep okay and now you know we should actually be able to put a nullifier in range of this thing finally one L emitter is always okay yep there was an egg right there we don't talk about it oh yes now the nullifier is up come on come on get your charge get charged be large and charged here let's call down a rain and make it a bit easier for us there we go beat back that tidway before it gets crazy now comes the hard part working our way up this hill okay to Aid our efforts going up the hill we should take on these breeder spots finally so everything gets moved down the hill we also need some infrastructure down the hill and here let's help out the anti Creep by making a rain over those tiles as well there now it should be nullified and never get used again and it seems like these crystals what's causing the creep to turn into a different color and thus be harder to destroy Would Rain work to destroy those crystals I wonder let's just Target it right there and see what happens okay it hit the crystal directly which is good but the crystal still has a lot of Health in fact it's full health well at the very least the less creep going that way the better it is for us although the anti creep is still having just as good of a Time against the purple stuff as a normal creep so maybe we need more of these sprayers going in this direction ooh that seems to be working working oh we need more of those yes the sprayers are working against the anti or the Crimson creep oh yes we uncovered the thing oh is that is that both of them that was both of them wow well I might as well just fill in the rest of these things so now we're getting all the bonuses good oh there it goes it's releasing so we dropped a conversion here all that becomes anti creep which give us a little more time to work with and we can sort of close the gap here now sadly all the anti creep is going to go away but at least it reduces the amount of creep that is over here oh or it just has enough to produce more of itself very good hey this anti creep spawner is actually keeping itself oh that's amazing and we have reclaimed a nice amount of the map that's what I like to see now what I worry about the most is the sheer volume of eggs that are over here because there's 500 of them but since we have good and frankly numerous defenses on our side maybe we can call down a rain on there just to pop a few of them at a time especially since that stash just emptied this is looking really good okay some eggs are popping I can see that it's looking very very good things are being reduced and it's not too uncontrollable of a wave oh my gosh look at our Factory it's stocked up on everything that is amazing ooh especially since we can move some more sprayers up here that use the anti creep solution yes we're carving our way forward oh and look the anti creep is starting to flow up to this Cliff that's really beneficial oh and it's about to do it again yes and then we'll get more pylons going up here in this direction as well as this Direction look at this pylon Network we have built so far this is a heck of a web I wish I could just pick up a large amount of this anti creep here and just dump it out here but I guess that's what the conversion is for so now I wonder what sort of effect this has on the Crimson creep let's just do it right there cuz that's the biggest one and boom ooh it turn it all to anti creep wow that's fun that's a great opportunity to build some more things as well as move things up to defend it or maybe not good it's starting to get overrun oh no fall back maybe we'll just work on containing the crimson and then work on the regular stuff because we're actually starting to clear this Plateau up here and we're starting to expose this purple grid which I'm not sure what that is and now we just get some more creep up here on this field and that Crimson creep is pretty much contained I like it now we need to get some more mortars up here to push back on this final climb here and we do have enough orbitals for rain to help out with that so we can just do that right here which I'm hoping once we expose these energy Shields blocks again it can start to recharge itself and then contain the creep a little better or it's just one and done which would be really too bad oh it looks like it is recharging a little bit but the creep quickly takes it over so we need to move in and secure that I got a good feeling about this oh look at that the crystal is gone we don't have to worry about it anymore yes unless the creep reaches it again and then it recharges itself which would be kind of weird but we're keeping that side very well contained which is good oh look at that The Shield is starting to recharge yes finally but it's slowly being dwindled away again we need to really protect it if we can get a nullifier attach to that Spore launcher that would be a world of difference oh oh look at that Firing Line and areas of the shield are at full capacity beautiful look at all these defenses down here that have gone silent because of all the craziness that's gone on I love it oh the crystal is starting to go down oh no go down more get rid of you oh yes this Crystal got destroyed good I kind of want to place a pylon right in here because I can reach there plus the Cannons and mortars are actually protecting that spot so if we can get our line inside the shield that would be amazing look what we have we have five orbitals that's enough for a conversion hold on I need to fix this Shield because I have a really bad idea man oh man look at the anti creep it's all the way at this top level here oh this is good things for us okay now the entire energy Shield is back up and running and we have a conversion on our side once I drop this at at least over half of these eggs are going to pop I going to wait for that stash to collapse actually because that means even more anti creep on the inside okay there it is and all it's glory and drop and okay here we go here we go that's so much oh what that's filling the stash up so quickly again oh dear call down some rain on it as well I knew that was a bad idea but it was worth it quick all forces to the front we will stop this once and for all right here right now but oh that hold on that only took out 100 eggs what in the world oh man imagine the sniper over here that's a very very bad idea where did I put it hey buddy would you like a field day a target-rich environment if you will I feel like I'm going to have very severe regrets about this but I will just say no regs and move on with my day egg eruption right now suppress everything yes the egg count is down to half of what it was or at least give or take but let's get the nullifier going down right there ooh it's safe right there good and now we build a another pylon right in here that is a mess of connections is glorious but might been a bit too far forward or it's actually staying safe wow close in Destroy them all and then move the mortars in too yes there's just one emitter left and it's the one that's protected by all the eggs oh dear this cannon is being a bit overwhelmed here I move that way too far forward back up just slightly now you're safe although it might not be safe if the stash pops again it's slowing down we need to get rid of all the creep around it that means more things need to be moved up Advance this front as well oh dear it's getting close it's get getting dangerously close oh dear another creep is Shifting over this way ah it popped again oh no Canon back up back up back up back up no back up these cannons okay the good news is I had a little bit of a cool down and now it has to do that all again so we have time we have a little bit of time thankfully these emitters are still being nullified and they're down to less than 40 eggs I need another pylon over here now I think about it okay good we are stopping the stash from collecting at least mostly it's slowing down a lot so we can focus on annihilating all of these eggs ooh the conversion Vision back good let's just convert this entire Hill andow okay eggs are popping but there's so much anti creep in there I don't think it matters we just need another nullifier to get in there oh that does it that does it right there let's destroy all the creep first or maybe we will by the time this builds man it just got so quiet that's weird do it do it beat the creep beat the creep oh yes we did it we nullified all the enemies and now it's charging oh the delegate's charging oh what happens when this hits 100 I don't know but it sounds really cool and it's a it's activated okay Rift jump woo wo we did it we did a thing we beat back the creep all of it oh that was amazing W who okay I hit the jump and we did it success wow we that was 3 hours of Nonstop Action I love it and if you guys love it and want to more then be sure to let me know hope you guys enjoyed creeper World 4 it's an older game but it looks like a lot of fun especially fighting liquid physics like we do so thank you guys very much for watching and sub to inter turn and thanks to the channel members including bread ancient Elixir one Corby Farm Dakota sea donam Moto Devon X Lucas s splatter saxs the real nickname hateful heral Peggy Su Drew belong TJ seriously sarcastic angel lily bites the minor within deity and Sans
Channel: InterndotGif
Views: 181,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interndotgif, intern, blitz intern, intern blitz, blitz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 24sec (1464 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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