The END of Poly Bridge 3...

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to polybridge 3 now apologies if my voice sounds bad I'm still a bit ill but no apologies because we've only got two levels left of the Arctic tundra and two levels left of the Twisted turnpike so we'll start this one it's called Coast uphill now this is what the level looks like we got a car over here you see the vehicles go at the same time so we're going to have to build up and over this the fact it's called Coast uphill I'm thinking when we hit the checkpoint in the middle do we lose all engine power and then we got to like Coast up to there then maybe that's where we get engine power back I don't know let's find out so let's turn the grid off let's draw a nice curve over there do that a little bit go then we can just trust this up so it looks like that and then when we press play oh yeah we got the power to get over okay that's good and then H should probably build this bridge first so I reckon let's just do straight line from there to there fill it with Road and then over this side I reckon probably a tension bridge is the way to go so we do a truss under there and then from the middle we do just like just add a point and then we can just do rope from there to there to there to there to that and then basically the weight of this bridge sits on this rope which is held in place by the two anchors at either end so that hopefully hang on let's turn the stress on hopefully as our car goes up oh it broke yeah let's move this down and just sort of smooth the road out a bit I think maybe there was a bit of a a donk there that is the technical term maybe if we just smooth this a bit like that as the car comes down there should be less of an impact yeah that's good that is good oh that is not good though okay I understand I understand how the level works now I think we've got to get to that start and then our engine will continue running so we're going to have to tweak this side quite a bit in fact what I'm thinking let's delete all of that let's get our we'll get our curve tool out again and actually if we go to the top here and then we if we unlock the tangents which means we can we can start talking about things that just have no relevance to the video at all like the fact that did you know cheese takes up about a tenth of the volume of the milk it was made from bizarre anyway if we have this like send sort of thing that should be like a lot smoother and perhaps it should be faster so from this side if we then just go like down to there now I'm not sure what's more important trying to get like a higher sort of start or trying to keep the speed throughout like like if I try and make this side a little bit smoother as well then we won't lose speed when we're going uphill as much which could be the key I'm not entirely sure but let's try that oh no oh oh de oh de so I think those triangles are just a little bit too low generally to make it TR stronger just make the triangles bigger right so then we can see how that does so it should go a lot higher H to be fair there's quite a lot of headr room there so I could probably bring these down quite a bit so let's just see is that better oh look at the momentum oh no so we didn't quite get the start we also broke as well if we move that to there though we'll turn the stress on we'll see how red this goes I'm hoping though without the Steep angle oh it's good it's good he's only got and done it less than half the budget oh no way I'm in the top 1% I thought being ill like my head would be all over the place I'm 43rd in the shut up 43rd in the world on my first ever attempt oh we smashed Tyler 5 grand cheaper mate so I literally haven't even tweak this yet like I've got Steel in my design I am wondering though can I swap that with Road let's see if that works first oh dear the downside when you start tweaking stuff stuff starts breaking can I lose that bit in the middle I think unlikely but worth a try oh yes oh yes I can okay just move those over a little bit I can't believe this is working oh banging okay that's good that's really good let me check I do definitely need that right that right side surely going to fade oh oh my goodness I'm saving money like I don't know something that saves a lot of money how red do these go I tell you what I can I can save so much it's been ages since I've trimmed on this game yeah I can really really reduce some of these down we're under 40 Grand haven't even looked at the right side yet at all okay that's good so on this side look at these trusses they're so big so I can probably get away with literally moving all these up let's see how that affects St my only concern is that's pushed more sort of force to go down the the Rope oh oh no oh it was so close it was so close so yeah that one broke I do Wonder though what if I do just try and bring up all these trusses first and then just try and tweak the Rope a bit right okay done a little bit of tweaking brought the road down made the trusses smaller 38601 let's see how we are on that leaderboard 13th in the world how did I even do that I could go for top 10 what have I got to say 400 quid I could do that surely surely like if I swap that rope for for wood yeah let's turn the stress on oh no that's not looking good that's going to break yeah that broke instantly fair enough okay can't do that we'll leave that as rope could I reduce these at all yes I can so basically we're we're not doing trial and error we're doing hardcoree engineering calculations of basically just moving these every time and then seeing if it breaks like that and then undoing if it does it's not a trial and error though definitely not actually can I swap that rope with a bit of wood yes right then over this side I'm just trying to make this trust as small as possible I think we may have done it though we're under 200 okay let's have a look Top 10 in the world not bad right let's oh look at the stress 99.99% let's have a look in the gallery so sort by lowest budget there's only nine people that did it cheaper than me oh wow this one's way cheaper what 32 Grand oh wow look at the look at their name interesting name but they do have a point we have M engineer here so yeah similar sort of bridge designs go side yeah it's all pretty similar oh this one's horrendous so this goes really high lots of speed and then horrible dangly road but otherwise everyone's pretty much done this layout so oh there's a tension Bridge it's a shorter tension Bridge than mine and it's two grand cheaper or look graded attention Bridge just using wood not rope blim me anyway low budget is all fun and all but let's go have a look at the highest budget oh yes the Ry propaganda oh and there Allen Allan's back it's been so long lots of efficient engineering going on there we've then got space who also has RC propaganda oh look they got like a little Sumo man in the middle we have a Gastly not Gastly RC propaganda look at that the RC propaganda is riding a bicycle it's got very nice font as well Fair plate oh this one by that man oh look at that look at the drop here and look at the hello fellow engineer oh no hello fellow RC engineer hello that man we then got blunt force llama who's really taken the the engineering principles to Heart oh look at that that is a b Zer Zer if I didn't pronounce that correctly it's cuz I have a code that is nice Arch on this side cable stay on that side we've then got another one like that another one with those on oh that one's got veins on it and then oh look at this that's new it's also got RC propaganda but look at the cable stage that's like Canever about the middle right Fair plate that's a wicked Bridge we then have y the pie oh unlock the basement no editor delete that delete that edor editor think about this editor if you left the basement you wouldn't like outside it's it's a rough world out there I don't think you'd cope you don't get your weekly ration of GRL you could get rain on you could get run over by a car or something like honestly you're you're better off in the basement editing for me all right anyway we're the top 10 finish I think we then go to the next level of this world this is the last level is called dredging and then this is the world completed so we've got a load of bridge pieces that we cannot delete we have oh no we have three hydraulic phases and we have no road so we got to use Hydraulics to lift up these pieces to rebuild the bridge oh dear right how oh sorry I don't mean to cough hopefully my editor has been editing out all of my coughs cuz there have been quite a few oh man what do we even do I feel like I need to if we hang on let's turn triangulation off so if we have that with a hydraulic there we make that expand yeah if we go like that that expands which means that will move up to there yeah oh this could work this could work so if that moves up to there and it's attached to that top like that then that should lift this up assuming I can do the same over this side oh actually I think I'm on something here I basically just need to do like attach them together like that and then hydraulic that so it pushes everything up I think in my head that sort of makes sense all right let's press play and see what happens oh oh no it's going to say it nearly works it doesn't nearly work what I could do though replace these with cable cuz there'll be way stronger in tension yeah maybe that one goes a little bit too far what I may need to do then maybe lift up the bridge as well like if I shove that into the corner and just say expand maybe do the same over this side I'm realizing this is quite a lot of um quite a lot of hydraulic oh left side though left side nearly worked actually we have a hydraulic controller what if I what if I just made the end pieces go first no that gets annihilated that side right okay oh okay okay right side oh right side is good now let's extend that a little longer that almost goes flat that's almost perfect just got to try and sort these out just to try and get the middle to work I tell you what let's call this engineering time and then I'll just Biddle this until it works so enjoy I would do anything for pad I would do anything for pad oh I would do anything for but I won't do that no I won't do that I would do anything anything you've been dreaming of but I just won't do that I would do anything for bad anything you've been dreaming of but I just won't do that okay so I did it took a lot of tweaking we you got hydraulic muscles the legendary hydraulic muscles in each corner just to make everything stronger but basically it all lifts up into a perfect Bridge almost and this guy just drives across the Gap sorted 26 no 24 Grand I can read numbers out of the 88 Grand budget we're in the top 22% yes it's not a top 10 but it has hydraulic inent so I'm going to take it uh that is a shame though that is a big shame anyway the lowest budget Gallery solution 2 Grand what oh it oh w out okay I literally overthought this one then I imagine these are all going to be yeah just oh wow you didn't need a bridge at all fair enough fair enough everyone right to the highest budget oh what we got hit what is that what is that what is oh oh goodness oh my that is one way oh my that is one way to solve this level um let's move on what is that what is that oh I can I can see what that is though that is a hell of a bu that's one of the nicest archers I've ever seen it's like the like the Enterprise logo like the Star Trek logo in it Zur good job Alan good job Alan well I'm not sure actually that one's going a bit mental on the right right blunt force trauma where have you been up to let's just zoom out yeah okay makes sense poos um might want to get that looked at spider H oh look at that oh the cranes the cranes it's like the London Skyline and the Nifty sponsor solution oh my goodness Nifty because if your bridge is not fishing then is your fish really bridging I'm really Ill give me benefit of the doubt that that was funny just laugh leave a comment saying haaha and ignore what the edit is saying at the bottom of the screen right now um oh that man o that's nice that is nice it's like a rolling sort of crane solution hi that man and then janin P I made it yes you did like the sun rises you will always make it in my eyes right anyway back to the campaign we have the final two hydraulic levels if I can complete these I think everyone has to say I am actually good at Hydraulics so we got transfer of power so what actually happens here the roads full fair enough then that hydraulic goes ah okay so I think yeah we don't have any Hydraulics we don't have any roads so I think we've got to use this to make a drawbridge poor exampler that was me trying to be French for some reason if we do that shove a joint in there and then rope that over to there that should lift this up yes although that rope is probably in the way of that plane yep so perhaps if I just add like maybe maybe down there like a little a little one of those so that allows the same movement right yeah but keeping it low okay yes that works oh that actually works the thing is how do I then get this bridge up and out the way oh I don't need to move this bridge out the way Matt the planes up there you knob what are you playing at okay so what I got to do is make this a bridge then we've probably done it the thing is that is that's a truck that's going to be quite heavy so chances of this bridge working probably slim to none let's turn the stress on oh it did make that one can I make this one oh he's done it 13 Grand that's the last level oh no it's not the last level it's the penultimate level top 14% that ain't bad 500th in the world though I'm guessing there's a really cheap way of doing this like what are the actual cheapest 7 Grand half my budget have I beaten oh I smash TI I'm so good at this game yeah screw it let's just go straight to the gallery I want to see how people did this cheap so ooh yeah actually get rid of the steel I had down there get rid of the Rope as well yeah fair play that makes sense there are some cheap rope ones but yeah so they got rid of the steel there they made this bridge a little bit dodgy but looks like I just winged that anyway the proper end of the gallery we've got a lovely arch with some RC propaganda oh thank you oh look and the plane goes through a little Gap that's nice we have oh oh it's like a a rolling pulley type thing nice one Yan we then have what is that RC to what does that mean what oh no it moves it's RC with an exclamation mark yes a Gastly oh my goodness oh my goodness that Arch is oh my goodness I think that could be the future of arch technology all right we then have that man solution oh mate look at the mess and Carnage thankfully I can read high rce but that is insane I don't even understand what I'm looking out there oh the nift spa solution if you want your nift T you got to cross the bridges go on truck go enjoy it and enjoy it from an architect tears mug available at real civil and note I've added a new type there's now the black handle as well as the original white handle anyway and then we've got Allen's Allen's look at his price Allan right and then we are on the final level of the game aside from the added world and possibly a secret world oh no I do not like the number of hydraulic phases and vehicles in this so it's called get a lift we've only got two bits of Road this is going to break me me all right I tell you what I think it might be engineering time and we're going to do a best of so I'm going to let my editor pick one of the best songs from the series and you're going to have to listen to it all over again while I try and complete this level it's brid engineering night what a sing away but I know what is Right hes make thisise on the drawing board but I'll make it functional n n it's murder on the drawing board but I'll make it functional Architects going to make your useless drawings work oh he's done it he's done it he's the botom 6% but I don't care that was so hard that was so hard do you fair only 2,800 people have got this far on the game oh no actually I'm over I am over budget I can't be over budget I've got to do all I've got to do all of them under budget oh there's so much Hy hydraulic on here oh yes the bombb locked in okay we've done it we've done it under budget yes so we've done every single level except for this one which is they've just added it recently nice so someone did it for five grand this is the cheapest one it has RC propaganda in wait what how what how how how I'm so ill these are ridiculous oh my goodness I was over thinking anyway in the highest end of the budget what is going on what is going on on I don't know if like I'm like hallucinating with my fever or whether I'm actually seeing these let me know in the comments this oh look at the crane look at the crane that's really cool it's got counterweight and everything any what has that man got for us oh it's a nice it's a nice layout how is it going to get out the way of the of the boats though oh it just drops everything it dropped everything how is how is it going to get the road back down there though that is the question oh bye-bye RC they know it's the last level of the game bye that man after countless replays of saying hi they're finally saying bye and on that note it's also the last nift sponsored solution nift te for when you want your R in a speech bubble type thing anyway thank you everyone who has done Solutions even art they've been really really fun to watch and honestly they've made this series what it is so yeah on that note I'll say peace love and bridges and let me know if you want to see the the bonus world or whether you want a little bit of a break from bridge building for now I'll say Al
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 432,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poly bridge 3, pb3, new poly bridge, bridge building game, rce, real civil engineer, real civil engineer poly bridge 3, professional plays poly bridge 3, engineer poly bridge 3, polybridge3, pro engineer plays poly bridge, real engineer plays, real engineer poly bridge 3, poly bridge 3 number 1, poly bridge 3 #1, poly bridge walkthrough, poly bridge guide, poly bridge 3 guide, poly bridge 3 walkthrough, bridge, poly bridge, pb3 foundation, new material, pb3 new material
Id: z1Ap6WvB7c4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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