$1 to $10,000,000 Car in GTA 5

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all right we're checking out the only game we're putting a $1 car versus a $10 million car is like putting my sanity inside of a choke cold it's GTA we're going to be testing $1 cars against $10 million cars but they're going to be inside of their own $1 $10 $500 and $11,000 board the $1 car on the $1 board this is by scarecrow with a K in the scare part the crow has a c for some reason says find your $1 car you couldn't like put an arrow over or something I'm inside of the junkyard you have no idea how long it could take a person to just walk around and have to try and get into every single car around me a few hours later I have gotten to the point where I have checked all of the vehicles in the immediate area on the ground and I'm now checking all of the cars just laying on things you put a car in here right like there's actually a vehicle somewhere in this board I understand it's a dollar but you knew what you were getting yourself in to when you signed up for it hey either you guys seen a $1 car laying around oh don't bring a knife to a fist fight oh everyone's ganging up on me now what you guys are like multiplying a few Soul crushing hours later no it's not this one there's like one car I haven't tried yet and it's on top of this crate but I can't figure out how to get up there H ooh I never actually tried to climb the water tower in the yard here so I didn't really know this was possible I mean it makes sense can I make this jump without dying yeah it'll be fine here we go oh God I love using my head as a really it's going to say is my head always Breaks My Fall you know it's incredibly hard to stay on the shipping container is this the uh is this the car cuz I'm running out of ideas man oh my God thank you no joke I've been looking for this thing for like a good 20 minutes and hopefully there's no ridiculous thing stopping me that means that we get to go on to the $10 board hand lotion wanted his crack at the $10 board so he's got the $10,000 car in the $10 board oh he's using script circles as well so this says knock down all the cones in $10 seconds I missed the very first cone I don't think I've ever had an instance where they wanted me to murder the cones I feel like in general it's always Dodge the cones and I can't are you kidding me oh I got I usually Dodge the cones and I can't help but hit them and now I'm struggling to take the cones down so basically you follow all of the signs we got a down tree over here random guys running away from me I don't know why I'm not too murdery today every once in a while you get a random cone just kind of laying there waiting for you to murder it I'm also really hoping that the arrows that he made legitimately are you know taking me to the right places so now we're going offro I still have cones in the way so they're still there I saw that one fall over are you how am I supposed to do this like 110 seconds though this is a long course I feel like you put way too much time into a $10 board okay all the cones are different colors too that's nice it's very uh festive right now they've all been red and green sorry well that one was blue I'm going to end up getting sued by all of the cones that I have murdered in during the making of this episode they're all part of the uh ah okay so we have a Target is it do I have to just hit it or ow ah I just noticed too there's another car laying here was this the testing car you just left it there during the map creation no joke I have been trying desperately to beat this board in 110 seconds I haven't got it yet I think I've done this like six times I'm getting really good at just muscle memory remembering all of the different turns through the Gap all the different turns and like the uis and stuff that I have to make and I I can hit all of God the cut oh Jesus I shouldn't have said anything I can hit most of the cones the ones that I can hit the gun that he graciously gave me can shoot some of them down all right I think we're going to get it oh yeah okay come on bab all right the checkpoint should be right no the bullseye came up just in time did you see it it activated like right as I was around this corner I need to shave off like another 8 seconds or something I probably did this another 10 times and I think I got trolled the entire board what I mean by that is remember how I was saying that he put way too much time into a $10 board you don't have to knock down the coast at all he did he didn't tether any of the cones to the bullseye they're literally just there for decoration I'm going to I'm going to miss most of these cones and watch are you ready for this watch this swing around the corner and the bullseye is not up so we have a checkpoint out the $500 board okay this is the $500 board with the $1 million car and this one's by Alex he said he did not want the $1,000 he wanted to give it to someone else 131 all ride jumps but every minute I add one windmill that is horrible I'm not going to lie though your $1 million car is sweet well this looks awful wow these are wall ride ribbons huh oh my God you have to jump all of the gaps every single one of these 13 gaps I assume my timer doesn't start until I remove it from the green circle oo so here we go I guess we're going right now I really don't know anyway I'm more of a luxury SUV or a luxury truck guy but if I was going to get a superar I might get one of these oh I'm sorry oh that guy was that guy was just uh well he was playing music for everyone to enjoy and now he's dead he never knew that sharing his music with the public would be so dangerous well we already have one windmill oh God I'm going to have all 13 windmills there's like no way around it all right I still only have one windmill I just need to reset the board super fast oh my God totally sniped by the windmill I got backhanded by that windmill oh we have two windmills now $500 board I'm about to only have 500 brain cells left when I try and this man this thing jumps incredibly well all right we're going to try and come off there we go all right so we're going to come off at a straighter angle oh yeah I got it I got it now I got the feeling no we're getting there we're on like panel number five oh the car ejected me out of the driver's seat it had enough enough yeah well guess what we got a lot more wall riding to do oh Oho my my back paneling I don't think I've ever been hit so many times by windmills or it's been a while look at that it's like they can't miss maybe it's because I'm by the ocean the breeze is stronger out here so the wind turbines are getting extra turbined what's weird is you don't need a lot of speed on this wall ride because the vehicle the acceleration is so good and the top speed is so good that oh God you can almost Coast through part of this and probably stick to the wall right the down Force so this thing is fantastic too here we go I almost caught my wheel on the top ah yes the strongest assassins in the entire planet wind turbines you think you're saving the planet well you're killing gra still PLS all right I feel good about this run I feel a lot less good about the run I feel pretty bad now and I still got hit by the windmill it's a new challenge now I'm I'm actually trying not to get hit by the windmills after I fail I will go flying through the air and somehow still hit a wind turbine okay three did you design this to be infuriatingly impossible because I thought maybe I could oh my God oh my God here we go no oh I still like six left I hate Cofe now all right big jump there we go no big deal nice and smooth in case you're wondering whether or not I felt that that was smooth the answer is no this is probably one of the most oh my God this is probably one of the most ridiculous wall rides I've done in a while okay timing is good timing is bad there's like no consistency in the timing that's the problem so I have no idea if I want to like gun it and just go as fast as possible or if I want to slow down I'm going to have to start dynamically changing my speed on the wall ride which is a lot more annoying than you think cuz it's going to oh my God okay hold on hold on here we go here we go oh we're running it we're running it come on yes no I should have G I was watching ahead and not where I was going that was a personal best though what is going on with my bumper oh boy oh that is unnatural hey call Miss Cleo or whatever the demonic possession is taking over my bumper stop it stop it stop no why the Bumper's like I'm trying to go to work actually I'm just going to go home now that bumper just the Bumper's crazy that Bumper's going to kill that guy no I guess not the Bumper's just cleaning up garbage interesting it's helping the environment I guess okay I think this can be done now I'm starting to question I think we were about three panels to the end last time so now I've got a rope problem because I got to watch where I'm going I got double tapped I got to watch where I'm going but I also need to look ahead because I need to know what the timing looks like for the win turbines no joke I'm pretty sure I've been hit by wind turbines over 100 times at this point it's I I probably I think I've unlocked some sort of hidden GTA 5 achievement did hit my wind turbines 1 billion times yes I've done it at this point all right here we go he timing is looking good timing is starting to get kind kind of sketchy oh my God okay yes I can't I can't look ahead anymore I just got to hope and pray that this works yeah yeah no way okay we can do this we're right there oh Alex you gave me $500 for the agony that's for sure next oh my God next time can I have a satisfying board instead of a painful board onto the wall ride as I've done so many times I am getting pretty good at staying in the middle of the jump like if you notice when my when my tires land they are like right where they need to be you need to make sure to otherwise you chassis Slide the God I almost did it you chassis Slide the top end of the wall ride and it will just shoot you into the stratosphere we're doing pretty good here that was close I almost I almost died right there too and then oh my I got it right there it caught me by surprise because I wasn't really looking ahead maybe that was the key the whole time onto the $1,000 board with a $10 million car I'm not going to lie the $10 million car looks awesome so as I understand it this thing has armor it's got like a ton of weight it's built like a tank it's got two flame throwers eight wheels and it can jump so this board is by P all right get on inside the $10 million car oh yeah oh oh it's got uh green Flames oh the inside is stacked too it feels very 1989 inside it's got like the big console style TVs in there all right escort the VIP car oh God I'm sorry oh boy oh that's that's not getting pulled off of my pay is it I'm still getting uh $20 an hour for this escort well there one guy in the corner there at least survived I shouldn't have said anything okay that guy in the corner survived everyone else burned alive let's start this before I kill anyone else I had to come back here and restart this because you need to get lined up appropriately otherwise the board will not start okay so what do you have to do we got like assassins coming got some ninjas or something what what's that it's a sad little ATV what's that going to do nothing he just got murdered oh this vehicle's incredible like the weight behind this thing hold on let me show you oh God it's so op oh I love it a the the ATV just exploded that's awesome man this is the satisfaction am I supposed to kill this guy or what is that I don't know if he was whoa all right butt lovers oh no it threw the it threw the VIP car off the road somehow all right so I think I think we're just going to kill everyone cuz the last time I left someone alive it didn't turn out too good for me so we could just we can just set these guys on fire oh okay I guess uh well we got Skynet AI piloting the ATVs over here so the the ATV didn't even need a person to be driving it they're just they're just killing people for no reason at this point let me go ahead and light you up immediately there we go oh yeah the ATV can't even leave just is wall riding look at it trying to follow the VIP car all right kill this guy I don't know what he does but I'm going to murder him so oh the butt lover car now falls into the whole all right now we got RPGs coming down from the sky I can't really aim up on them I'll just murder this dude I don't know how many Rockets this thing can tank at least one yeah burning the RPG guys is really hard because also it doesn't help that my VIP guy that I'm escorting is terrible at driving ding what I was going to say is burning them is tough because they're so high on the balcony murder everyone stop the ATVs then we have to jump off the roadway and we have to put the shipping container into the hole so that the car can drive over it so this is like a multi-step escort Mission here this guy I'm just going to kill normally this guy will let him uh rear end me there we go then his ATV just jumps to its death couldn't tell you why sorry the other thing and I'll mention this now I tried to cheat the board by using the jump that they gave this thing to see if I could jump through the hoop the hoop is just too high I'm talking like that's about how high I can jump it is barely above that I found the best Strat I'm just going to let my VIP escort push me I've got I've got the strength it's honestly no big deal the VIP escort can take a few bullets to the back just got to make sure I drive him on the roadway too the big issue is I don't want him to go flying off the side of the road and he does kind of turn every once in a while so we're just going to guide him okay we are guiding the VIP oh God we are guiding the VIP to the end he's doing great some of the panels are starting to come off of his car but he is alive all right that I'm not getting paid to have the car uh-oh I think I broke the engine that's all right you guys wanted an escort you're going to get an escort here oh no this thing climbs it come on maybe if I there we go oh God okay maybe I want to keep the VIP car alive all right this Strat things are going good so far I'm going to try and not do any damage to the VIP car yeah you see what happens when I nudge it it just follows that direction and then it dies so I have to do this escort without ever touching the car at all okay burn this guy down don't touch the car then the big big truck is going to fly into well I guess I could also hit the truck that way too murder this guy all right I think my VIP just took one rocket I think he can take at least two though and they're not hitting directly they're kind of hitting the ground I don't know what that guy was shooting at okay can he push through the vehicles he can hold on hold on you need my help oh God never mind through the ATVs no big deal don't you get in the way uh-oh oh God there's two ATVs now on let me slowly grind this guy over to the side burn down this guy I love the scent of boiling flesh all right now we can run ahead here you can get air with the jump oh this guy takes a while to burn here we go oh yeah this is a good run this is a good run everything's going great uh-huh whoa what is shooting at me I'm pretty sure I killed everyone over there get rid of this no we should have some distance between me and my VIP they're still shooting Rockets oh God hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on no no no no no no no no no this is a very hard time to board I understand now why the vehicle that they give you is so overpowered because man the amount of stuff that you have to do to keep that guy alive is ridiculous Okay so we've got a good head start here move all these over to the side they don't need to go off the entire board but I just need to make sure that the vehicle behind me does not hit them dodging the Rockets pretty good push this over here now we need to grab this shipping container and then just back it on and that's perfect okay we're good we're good okay so now use the jump function and get back on the road way the only problem is the jump function kind of doesn't give you any forward momentum so you need to move first and then stick the jump and then push it push it push it and are we at the end did we get there he's in his little slot what does that mean oh there's a ramp okay so he is attached to a ramp and when the car slides into the VIP section it moves the ramp and the ramp has the Finish Line attached to it we have a winner well I got a $10 million car and it gave me 10 million more problems any post episode GTA till next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 299,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, gaming, challenge, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, mods, best mod gta v, grand theft auto v, in gta 5, in gta, speirstheamazinghd gta 5, caylus gta 5, cars vs, cars vs gta 5, $1 gta 5, $1000000 gta 5, $1 car, $1 car gta 5, $1000000 car, upgrading cars, gta but, $10000000 car gta 5
Id: m8Ia1t5m5vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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