Engineering a plane, inside a plane, inside a plane!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to Trail makers uh this time I'm on I'm on a massive aircraft carrier because we're going to be building some plane thing uh someone suggested me in the last video I should try and build a plane within a plane within a plane this is play Inception uh now I haven't had too much experience building planes so this is probably gonna go terribly but let's get into it so I think the way this works is you build your little plane first so let's grab an aerodynamic cockpit let's turn on aerodynamics to pretend that we know what we're doing and I've then turned mirror mode I've never used mirror mode before it looks like if I build on one side it will build for me on the other side I guess nah I never knew that so I feel like I probably want a dragon jet so perhaps I can shove those on either side maybe move them down a bit and for the wings perhaps I can use a tail fin yeah I reckon a couple of those could work um what I might do I might actually put them on a bit of a mechanical piece like I want like I want something that spins I think so maybe a rotating survey or can I use a hinge yeah I think I want the servo so we'll rotate that shove our wings there and then I can configure these I imagine I want the angle to be really small let's just go five degrees and if I want to tilt left so this is like my my tilt so if I want a barrel like right q and E for my controls and then I've just shoved like a ball on the front just because it's funny right cool next up we just need the tail stuff which I think I can just shove a large hinge like there and if I do two of those they should go together let's just configure them so so left and right left and right yep then I think I just want the same again but like the other orientation so when I stick that one on if I rotate it like that way and I think I want that to be W and that to be S so then I should just be able to move the tail sort of independently of the front in both directions right before the tail I just want more tail pieces essentially so I want those two like that and then those two like that or is there another tail piece that I can shove in the middle oh yeah these actual Tail Fins I think they go in the middle so all right so something like that I reckon for the tail and then I just got to connect them with various pieces so I think let me just shove some of these under there that's a as an extremely aerodynamic block so I can just go plonk plonk and then if I just put like a 1x4 in that which is one of these Block Run by four so shove that in there by rotating then I reckon that might be a plane although I'm missing I am missing Wheels I mean since I'm trying to keep this really small because remember it's going to fit inside another plane maybe I'll just add skids to the bottom like that right shall we should we give that a go so there is my hey wait go ahead wait go back no please please oh it's gone anyway now we'll jump in and uh now we'll have a go and see whether it does actually fly uh but yeah we are we are definitely flying now this is actually it's not too bad right so yeah this flies absolutely perfectly if I'm honest so I think we'll try and land uh probably going to be easier said than done but once we do let's just get the right height right there we go there we go Perfect Landing yes well anyway now we have the job of turning this into another plane now I'm I've seen on here like I think it's a mechanical piece yeah detachable block so I'm pretty sure if I attach something with that then I might be able to like drop out the bottom I'm not gonna lie I haven't really researched this I don't know how it's gonna work but uh only one way to find out right so let's grab a detachable block I might turn on the mirror mode again say detachable block go over there then if we configure that to not space I don't know um shift or something then I assume whatever I build around it it'll let go so that we can then fly this which means we've now got to build a plane that covers this now this is going to be a little bit tricky I think because basically we're building like a hollow cargo plane I think so I'm sort of thinking for the body what if we go with uh maybe a 2x4 wedge and rotate it like that so if I shove that there and then sort of come back this way a bit I have a feeling that's going to be that's gonna be huge okay maybe I want to go like a bit more vertical for the for the edge pieces and since we'll do this thin like I want it to be like very very Hollow if that makes sense so I think I use these on the edge right nice then I can just copy these down here and then I assume I want to leave the bottom open but I do I definitely want to wrap the top up so let's do a few of these so we've got some some sort of edge to build over into a few of those all right so actually it's looking quite plainish to be fair let's copy these again and go up let me just gotta copy that now you've got a bit of a bit of a problem there we've got the tail sticking out so perhaps what I should do maybe I should like move all of this plane down a bit yeah there you go so if we leave that instead then we can we can close the lid and then we can maybe we could try and turn this into a plane so we've got to somehow make the front a bit more aerodynamic right so from the front it's it's not pretty but engineering often isn't pretty we then need to sort of try and turn this into a plane so we need well we need Wings definitely so how the hell do you create big wings in this game well this is gonna look weird we do something like that maybe I mean it sort of looks plainish then we're gonna need a lot of thrust for this so if I grab loads more Dragon Jets right so that's a lot of Thrust out the back I feel like that should be good we just need to have like a way of steering this and we we obviously need some wheels and things as well so what I'm thinking for the wheels we could use a piston and then attach them like inside somewhere then we can just shove that there can I can I put two next to each other oh yeah perfect okay so that's good then if I just grab that can I do similar at the front right so that could work we just need to work out the steering on this thing you know so I'm sort of thinking if I maybe if I just add like another Wing I could almost do it like Behind These Rockets does that really matter if they get burnt probably not so I've just shoved a steering hinge here I want that to be connected to W and S right so that Taylor thing will go up and down hopefully allowing us to take off we can't currently steer left and right but I sort of I want to get into this and see oh we're a bit we're a bit back heavy but uh look we're taking off now nice so you pull up pull up oh dear okay you need it needs a little bit of work so I think what we need is probably a bigger tail fin so let's make it wider like that and then probably more wingage as well so is this any better all right ready pull up pull up yes oh too much too much too much and I think in order to add steering I'm actually gonna I'm gonna widen this wing and then add a Servo in the Gap so basically I want that Wing to like rotate and that's on A and D yep I want the angle to be we're like 30ish all right so now you can see when I do left we go like that right is like that that's good and then pull up pull down decent okay the only thing not decent is we've we've got the big gap in the Run weight so I might just move to the side all right this doesn't actually look too bad I mean the front is a bit ugly it looks like a plane in my opinion so let's see what happens so it's first medium Voyage let's take off oh let's pull it up it's pulling up whoa ah no all right I'll tell you what I think to stop it flipping forward maybe if I just add the servos to these front ones as well but then bind them to wns right okay that's much better so turning we literally oh goodness ah this thing's sensitive so there you go you can see the wheels are fully retracted oh it's so it is so sensitive maybe I need to like make the angles smaller maybe because look when I when I try and do like a left and right at proper just whoa anyway shall we let's see where we're about to crash like we're out of control so let's hit shift we're well and truly trapped everyone look away please nothing to see here okay so maybe I need to make this thing break apart a bit more these detachable blocks they're only it's two by two could I just replace these with them so if I delete all these roof panels and then just fill them up with this I think I just need to detach the front from everything then attach them with these blocks I think that sounds good to me all right so slightly modified let's take off and see if it's any better right first off seems a lot more stable so this is good so let's try and head over to the left bring our wheels up as well man look at this thing it's so like chody it's like the chodius airplane that ever was so it will fly over the map a bit all right and then I guess we'll we'll hit left shift we're still trapped inside come on little plane come on yes we're free we're free right now pull up pull up pull up pull up oh we did it we did it and we crashed into a barrel hmm I think it needs it needs a bit of work but uh the the idea is sort of right we've also got Meek scrap I might select with that and see what that does I mean if that were to make everything scrap so it just like disintegrates that would be good so left shift oh is that what I want to do okay so let's just Mark all these top ones as well all right so then boosh no we're still trapped we're still trapped although we are we're free right so I guess time to put this inside another plane right so I'm gonna use these pieces because they are the biggest I think I'm gonna lower this slightly and then we just cover the plane and that I guess right so now you might think I've just put it in a box no no no no no this this is a plane we add enough Wings to this make sure they're sort of in the middle then we've made a plane within 700 pieces definitely counts I mean technically I don't even need the wheels in this one if I can save more parts then I can add more engines which means hopefully we can take off because at the moment we don't have the power all right so engines we need power to get moving will it move this yes it's moving it's moving so will it take off yes no there's something I also want to do I want to make that control so control to split into the first plane like that oh that was actually quite cool and then shift to break into that one oh decent okay okay you got this i got this okay here we go take off take off no it's failing but then we can take off on this yes so that's a plane within one plane right and then this ugly thing we can go whoa we're out of control say get rid of it boosh and we're we're out there see you later playing I wish the whole thing exploded a bit more and but yeah now we're now we're floating above the trees nice and safe oh decent okay I think we achieved today uh commenters you might disagree fair enough you allowed your own opinion ah stop by this moment is it all right anyway peace love and drowning at the bottom of the sea bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 557,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trailmakers, trail makers, real civil engineer, rce, speed record trailmakers, real engineer trailmakers, engineering trailmakers, slowest plane in the world, trailmakers slow, trailmakers slowest plane, trailmakers slowest airplane, trailmakers challenges, what is the slowest plane in the world, trail makers slowest flight, slowest takeoff ever, trailmakers hydrofoil, planeception, plane inside a plane
Id: 5xDULSXlA7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2022
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