I banned SUNLIGHT in Cities Skylines 2...

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since the dawn of time man has worshiped the Sun from telling the time to powering our cities humans rely on the Sun for almost everything but what if there was no sun or what if there was a huge everg grown mountain in the way of it casting a shadow down constantly yes hello fellow engineers and welcome to a city skylines 2 where I'm going to attempt another really dumb challenge City that will no doubt do better than my proper attempt to build one cuz today I'm going to be building a city that is constantly in the shade Yeah so basically for some reason I I thought it might be fun to try and build a city that's like always in the shade so if we just build like a massive wall the entire tile is being filled with shade now so dumb so as you enter the city you got lovely sun shining down on you and then the road just leads into the darkness and and this is where we're going to be building our city and see whether it is successful or whether the shade will drive people mad so I'm going to attempt to do this fairly realistically we we' got to unlock everything as we go we literally want to compare this like my normal cities see how successful they are but we're going to keep this four lane road going so this is like our arterial road which will supply the city with traffic and cars and stuff uh but it's not allowed to go into the sun no no no it's got to it's got to curl back it's got to stay in the shade so from this arterial road we want to go like fill up all this space that's probably actually I should probably look at the wind always look at the wind so you know what end to put your industrial and what end to put your residential cuz we don't want we don't want people getting air polluted so up this end remember I'm not allowed to build outside there unless unless I extend that but cuz we've got a highway there I don't think we're really going to be able to extend much further I reduce the brush size I probably can get a little bit closer we can we can do that this is so dumb what is that okay so now we can come off here and then we probably just want this to sort of follow the bottom of this wall as much as possible cuz that'll really make the most out the space and I feel like space limitation is going to be the thing with this challenge right so we get to there we then have to loop back around now my road can go to the edge but look these grids are not going to be able to build outside there we cannot have people having any sun we're catering for a very pale Community we're a community of vampires I'm sort of regretting not doing a grid I feel like a grid would have been a lot a lot quicker but being British I love I love curvy Road I don't like grids I don't like 90° angles so we've got that in which means I probably have to do one thing don't I right so now you know it's a perfectly engineered city right anyway I've now filled up this entire area with grid so we've made the most of that space uh one thing you will notice though can you see this road here this is like my arterial Road this is where I want like traffic going along I don't really want houses along here now something I learned doing my realistic City on patreon because I have actually been playing the game realistically uh you can use these Pathways and basically if you put them right on the edge of where you don't want your buildings to go can you see all the grids are like moving to like the adjacent roads so if you look on this road we've only got like a two wide two wide plot there three wide plot there if I block these with paths like the main roads suddenly they grow really really long that's what she said so that is how you can get your grids off your arterior roads and onto like your main roads and once they're painted you then can just come back and like delete these paths anyway we have toand for stuff I do need electricity and water first oh camera just clipped up here whoa so yeah if I want water we're going to need it from down here so let's grab a water pumping station what way is the water flowing oh is that an arrow so it's flowing oh no does shade block water arrows I think it does I assume that's part of an arrow I think the shade blocks the arrows yeah it does oh so that is actually a negative of building in the shade I didn't think there would be any negatives well apart from maybe if you use a solar solar panel but still so if this is Upstream we want a water inlet there and then for our sewage Outlet we want to shove this Downstream over this way tell you what actually if I can angle that perfectly we can P from the shade into the Sun so let me just connect that up so we've got sewage pipe and then the water pumping station does require a road so we'll just do a little dirt track trying to avoid all the trees I mean there's there's a lot trees are just mulling trees everywhere right ignore the tree oh no I can't go that way the sun ow it burns it burns right so yeah let's just do straight up here and then connect to that Junction I tell you what can I make that a roundabout I think I'd feel much more comfortable as a Brit if that was a roundabout yeah there we go that fits perfectly right okay so we got water we do need power now our power supplies we can either use wind but I feel like wind does take up a lot of space and there's not actually a lot of wind down here can you see all the arrows are like white there are some red ones on there oh my I can I can build that there oh it does say wind speed too low yeah maybe I shouldn't build one in inside a cliff I'm surprised the game's actually letting me do that let we just build it oh it actually takes a chunk out of my wall so yeah there's the winter okay but that's stupid delete that delete that now we can take power from the outside world oh the the downsiders the power's over that way so if I want to bring that over there I'm going to need more shade now I reckon the rules to this I should be allowed to like create shade wherever I want it so if I want to go from there I could just go like oh my so I've made some shade there which means I can now build from this what I'm thinking we do negative elevation cuz then we can go from here under the ground then we can bring it that way so we haven't actually built on like in the sun that's fine uh but in order to turn that into power we do need a Transformer station if we shove that down here this is off our our little dirt road it's called Meadow Lane yeah then we just connect that up and then we have power we are grabbing power from the outside world so we now have water and everything which means we can finally start some coloring in so back here we don't want our houses to be too long but I think everywhere else I've drawn it such oh no not this Edge not this Edge so this Edge we can only get away with like that sort of shape I think we can do that don't think we can get away with anything there we can do a little dobler or maybe that shape there and here we're pretty good all right and aside from that I think we're then good to like just paint this like really simply so that's residential and Commercial done we do have some industrial demand so what I'm thinking we take our arterial road we bring it down this way up this Cliff a little bit along this Ridge and actually I just had an idea rather than this little dirt road can I upgrade that yeah I think I can upgrade that so it is it is still in the shade I have to move the old Transformer station but that's fine but then we have like an arterial road that comes back to the roundabout so you can do a full loop of the city so it's sort of like the M2 25 is going to go all the way around our city nice all right then we got loads more demand so get a few more houses and people seem to be moving in they don't seem to care that they're literally in shade like they could be in lovely lovely Sunshine getting a tan but uh no they've decided to build their City here and people don't seem to mind yeah right so down here on the ridge because the wind's going I don't know how the wind is going like that direction cuz we've literally got this huge wall in the way I guess the wind comes around it and then then blows this way but yeah we can put our industrial down this end and then our residents aren't going to be covered in air pollution cuz no one wants that oh look we got a bridge I didn't even realize we had a bridge it's like a sloped Bridge you know what that means we need a bridge review it's a sloped Bridge wow with duw columns holding the middle of the span up and retaining ball of abutments on either side this thing is built to last temperature fluctuation shouldn't be too much as there's no sun on this bridge ever meaning no expans Anon joints are needed making the bridge much easier to maintain and cheaper to build overall I give this sloping Bridge a 6.2 out of 10 Bridge review and if you want to if you want to have your own Bridge reviews at home make them 100% official check out the bridge review t-shirt in my merch door rivil engineer.com anyway as I was saying before before I got distracted by the bridge we need a road to come off this way and then I'm going to use the grid tool for our changes I don't like grids I don't like 90° angles but what I'm thinking nice little Industrial Area all grided up the same along there nice little grides oh and look we're a tiny village so we are still progressing despite being in the shade and despite not having any industry in so now we've got this grided area I am going to start filling in some industry uh cuz this is how we're going to make money in the city like people are going to come to work up this way uh one thing I do need to do as before I need to block all the grid spots from our arterial road we don't want any buildings coming off this arterial Road this is is literally it's the arteries of our city and you don't want to clog your arteries despite how tasty some of the artery clogging foods are right with that path in we can then fully build to the edge and then we can go look at our demand where oh look we've got some medium density so with medium density we're going to get a lot of people in a in a small sort of area so it's good to surround these with your commercial cuz basically the more people there are the more the more people that want to go shopping and stuff so we'll do that and then City actually looking pretty good despite being completely in the shade what we probably want to think about though are some look there's literally there's no demand actually there's only why are there only 30 people here hang on what are people thinking so new bar opening new buildings blah blah blah Aon Glover I love all the sunlight we are getting uh excuse me actually can I find Erin is that like a if I click on a oh I can is that then there oh my goodness right hang on so here is Aaron she is loving loving the sunlight right now to be fair her dog is very well trained look at that heel position that is that is very well-trained dog but yeah she's absolutely loving the the Sun that she's getting from being at the bottom of this Cliff aren't you I can't believe you tweeted about it was that a sarcastic tweet were you trying to be funny Aon oh my goodness why is there sun on your face ah what the hell how did you hang on she's worked out a way to get sun when you zoom ah when you zoom in close to her face look at the background look at the trees it goes Sunny how are you doing this Aaron how all right anyway we'll leave we'll leave Aaron to enjoy her her I reckon it's fake sun to be honest but I got I got a city to build so we got more medium density demand let's Wang that in quickly and I really need to think about services like people they're going to get sick so we need like a medical clinic uh they are going to die unfortunately so Cemetery would probably be good again would love to shove that in the Sun have people sit out on benches but they're going to have to do it in the cold I do feel like though a cemetery you can have off the off the arterial road so let's shove that like sort of like the center of our city that's quite a nice focal point yeah loads of benches where you can just sit down and admire the the lack of sun what's actually what is the detail on the gravestone um I detect Latin eum Tres mol sapan sit May various blah I and that probably means even the sad soft wisdom is a lot more than my Valley needs nice little metaphor for you to take that however you want I definitely just made it up didn't Google it anyway people seem to be moving in fairly quickly so let's just keep building for them I mean even medium density is in demand you don't really see that too often maybe maybe down here we'll do like a nice little medium density area we'll do the shops against the arterial road we don't want the noise too loud for people living that of course we got to keep the industrial going so nice demand is pretty well met now out I do have I do have a cheeky little development point that I can spend I just want I feel like people are going to be miserable like in the shade so I want like stuff to cheer them up like I definitely don't want a solo plant that makes no sense so probably want to wait until like we make we make it to a Grand Village cuz then I got Parks and Recreation that will cheer people up for now though at least in the short term it appears that building in the shade doesn't really matter despite how it looks right anyway I've done pretty well filled in most of that area I think it's time to expand so we'll do a junction down the side of the crematorium one down the other side as well and again going to take cues out of my patreon city cuz I did some really cool stuff I tried to recreate like kilton mean sorry Milton ke which is like a very peculiar area of the UK it's very roundabout heavy but like sort of in a good way sort of in a bad way but basically it's got lots of like little areas like that oh look I'm being rewarded by my by my realistic development I'm now a small village so to the untrained eye these are roundabouts but really they're just like they just create like nice little housing areas I'm going to do the path blocking technique again cuz look then I can build fully off this road we got some oh some proper medium density housing unlocked so what I reckon we do this middle sort of roundabout like that then we do the commercial around the outside I think I quite like the idea of like Lyon Street being like row houses so again we want to block that road so that we can do that yeah that's good same on this side block all of that oh you can see I have messed up hang on a second hang on a second before you build your shops let me just make them bigger okay nice now they're building right to the edge now it means I can shove my roow houses in there lovely jet I think cemeter is going to be surrounded by low density houses then that's going to be surrounded by shops I reckon so city is expanding very nicely you're up to over 1100 people now happiness not too bad walking distance to elementary school is a negative though that will be because I haven't built any schools yet we're currently a city of architecture so let's get some engineering involved so question can I oh I was going to say can I fit an elementary school in there not really was a nice little Gap so yeah I think let's try and get the elementary school on on this arterial road so we'll delete some of these paths and we can plot that in there look at all the happiness that has brought everyone then I dearly want a high school as well now that's quite a lot bigger but again on the arterial Road probably good cuz now we're a large Village all right so this place is absolutely thriving the demand is insane so we better get some more roads in then I probably want some sort of like an inverted D sort of like that I'm hoping these will be like you know like those Posh roads you see in London like where the really smart houses if I just block this Front Road like that yeah oh look we've unlocked the Bolter Pines I mean that could go on there might be a bit on its own I feel like let's just low density them up and then oh here we go we got a mansion as well so yeah we'll shove a mansion in there we'll shove this little thing oh yeah right on the end like that lovely then have I unlocked Parks yet oh I still haven't got Parks need one more Milestone got to be a Grand Village yeah I think in the middle there I'll do Parks so that's quite nice HH little area that oh yeah we've also got fire and police so I'm going to shove them again on the arterial Road police station back there and then use one of these little alleys just to get to that nice tell you what since I can't get a parking I'm going to make a park myself I just shove a few little trees a few little bushes few bigger trees at the back as well nice then delete that path decent oh look and it's actually called Crescent Street and it is like it's like a little crescent man I did not think I'd be creating a a city like this realistic in the shade today yeah people are loving it look at the demand there's so much demand all right so I've just expanded the industrial area let's paint all that in have just been rewarded with Grand Village status so i' got a million quid and now I've got a load of progression points which means we can try and start making this a lot nicer for everyone so I got 10 points to spend so let's get that unlocked so that we can get to the large Parks we get the sports Parks unlocked as well and the the large sport parks parks for everyone right and then now our buildings are built we can delete these temporary paths so we'll just do that everywhere but now all these little gaps we can find like parks that will fit in them quite nicely I think CU we got a nice variety down here and I don't see any issue having parks off the off the arterial road cuz look people they're they're walking along that gu oh that person's got two dogs who is that their name's Biff Biff fields and they've got two dogs I'm very jealous I'd love a pack of dogs sorry Paddy if you're watching this I do love you but I I I just want more of you yeah right we'll shove a few little Sports parks in as well there there's a nice little gap for a small little dog park hope hopefully that person that was walking their two dogs they'll they'll make it over here just a shame it's constantly in the shade oh it's so miserable shade anyway up in this corner we got space for a big Park oh yeah oh yeah something like that something like that the lights it's got loads of lamp I'm surprised the lamps aren't on to be honest they probably need to be we got demand for offices and now people are educated we probably can actually have officers that work so what I'm thinking along this ledge here have a nice little road like that temporary footpath but then we can make this like an office area and perhaps if we have a road leading up to it from down here so little Crossroads like that of course make the crossroad roundabout we can add some low rent housing some medium density housing some shops opposite and then finally a little like cisac area so basically in Britain we have Codi sacks for pretty much all of our residentiary areas and uh the way they work is they're just absolute utter Maze of like dead ends and rat runs and the idea is the more lost you get the less likely that people are going to be like using it as shortcuts or like speeding down it so the more complex the better basically so nice little coldi sack here as before we mostly does it in a low density but we do the odd little commercial just like little corner shops and stuff so on Corners definitely want some commercial oh I've unlocked some landmarks I've never seen these the Grand Hotel and a Botanical Garden 1.6 million oh it's got a maze though look it's got a maze okay I got to I got to shove that there I'm sorry look at it I mean it actually looks quite terrible in the shade stupid shade you're ruining everything but like yeah it's got a maze I'll tell you what give me a few minutes I'm going to actually try and work out whether I can I can do the maze now I have a trick for getting through a maze it's always go left so if we follow this round and then just always go left hopefully we'll make it to the center or wherever we got to go oh I got I got straight to a dead end right never mind actually something else I want to do I want to encourage officers cuz I know that I can make some fat stons out of them later so if I just bring office tax down to zero then surely office demand will go up surely speed up time oh there it goes there it go it's it's working it's actually working right okay as any office job is now tax free the demand is skyrocketing so I'm going to make the most and keep building office building I got a new signature building the Polaris suit oh man that is a tall building let's shove that up there right next to our offices all right now we are starting to actually run out of space I've noticed down here there's a little strip of shade so I can probably get away with using the Mary tool and just doing a little bit of that oh yeah we're a Tiny Town yeah get some more shops in there more shops mean more more money for the economy oh careful careful crane you can't you can't go in the sun you'll burn you you'll burn you got to have your Factor 200 Sun cream on to go out there I feel like I said I wasn't going to build on arterial roads but there's just so much commercial demand I'm going to put like little little strips of shops in I don't even know if you can get shops at SM actually it's not it's not looking like it no no one's building down there what about offices can they fit in that size doesn't look like it low density housing can't build houses that small either I thought you could do like anything like that size industrial no I can't build anything down that strip oh that's such a waste of money actually actually I got an idea usually in this game you upgrade roads but what if I were to downgrade roads so if I come to like this corner and yes just downgrade everything in we get more space aha so now I can do a double strip of commercial yes and that actually gets built right Beautiful Mind your tips Lads mind your tips but that is that is actually making the most of this space we still quite a lot of space over here actually I might just delete this perhaps get a load of officers down here all right I have an opportunity to build a grand hotel so I'm going to take it B oh that actually made people happy I was not expecting that yeah right get a post office in try and fill some of these random gaps with like a radio Mas get a skate park in some basketball courts all right then we can check how are people getting on they're so happy they're a little upset with the internet but I can unlock a server farm for you guys I can't afford a serve Farm though it's 300 Grand I've only got 49 Grand and we're losing money fast we are we're actually losing money we finally made an unsuccessful City in the shade anyway what people tweeting about living near industrial areas is terrible the city is noisy I'm appalled okay so people are actually unhappy yeah it doesn't feel safe going out at night with all this crime around um it's not actually night time guys you're just you're just in the shade oh I do have I do have one little area left to build on I didn't see that to get that built and we then need like a pretty nice Bridge can we get a two lane truss Arch Bridge in please oh yes oh yes although it's underwater I don't think you're meant to have the metal under the under the water like that but I mean it's a bridge I'm not going to complain again office offices in demand so we just office this entire area up but right that was a very very shady level so I can't believe it like somewhat worked thankfully my citizens were actually quite mad about the entire thing however it just goes true you can build a city in the shade and it does function completely normally and some people will even go to far as to complement the sunshine in the city anyway for now I'll say peace love and the sun bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 184,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines 2, rce, real civil engineer city skylines 2, real civil engineer, city skyline 2, cities skyline 2, city skylines 2, cities skylines 2 gameplay, cities skylines 2 reaction, cs2, cities: skylies 2
Id: UAbf4LOT5qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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