We made a HIGH SECURITY Minecraft Castle (Hide Or War)

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welcome to hide or War this game mode is all about making castles and Defending Your Beacon against the enemy teams today four teams of 10 have 25 minutes to grind materials and make their base three people have creative mode while the rest of the team go out into the world and mine resources the players in creative mode can only make the base they can't go on a mad spree and start spawning in diamonds they're only allowed to just do what they need to do to get that base up and running when the base is done you place your beacon inside the middle and this is the only place you can craft at destroy enemy beacons be the last team standing and you win guys if you want to see another season of this go down below hit that like button let's see if we can Splash over 10 000 likes for another episode of Hider War this is the biggest battle we have ever done and I hope you guys enjoy alright guys my minions get ready right Finn go I'm going oh go go go go go go go go off in run off the Scout sir come on Maddie come on get everything good get apples get everything hey guys good luck get us loads and loads of materials and lots of diamonds that we can go mine in a second team five chat let's go right where are we building they're gone doing their graceful duties okay I have the beacon and tools so I need to make sure I don't delete that by mistake otherwise we're done for okay so you're at the Village all right come back to the middle right let's go this way do we want a hill Oh what about if we do like somewhere like he even just simply here for the fact that we have lava nearby that we can pull from I like this hill I like this I like this too I we claim this as the poo poo nation which is our team as you can see okay what I don't like right about this team name yeah I'm all for Cooper boys yeah the second poo we've got capitalized but it's a smaller poo your your second poo is always smaller than you first so you're like squeezing for the first one basically what are we building them let's clear all the trees out I'm focusing on something I've got my task okay right fatal you're the main head Builder we need you to build the core structure I'm gonna do chicken okay I have an idea for that so where's the middle of the gang do we want to go high I can change anything you want okay yeah you do your thing yes I know exactly what you're doing and if anything that's going to be perfect for morale so I have an idea it's just it depends we can do it as high as we want to okay but I'm just gonna show you my idea okay so obviously we can't place down a beacon right now so this is gonna be the beacon okay imagine that's the beacon yeah so then obviously that would be the beacon sitting inside there yeah to attack someone's base you're gonna have stone tools only so the idea is to basically it should work we should spawn it it should be enough room is to essentially have it so we ladder out of it and if you want to craft you go down into it but that means if they attack us you know what they have to do they have to go down the ladder okay I like it and then also the idea is that we can make it as high as we want so even though like we don't have to have it down all the way down here it could be higher so like our base could actually be like elevated like this high and it could be like that but obviously I like to bring this up a bit more I just don't wait yeah if we build it up a bit more then that should be good okay so it's not too deep so it's just like that so at least you have to go like there's a way you gotta go into it you know um I think we want what we want is we want Cobble and a mixture of wood we want to we have to do some like wall defenses do you want to do anything I don't know give me a block give me a theme and I was thinking like black stage chords then adding a bit like the black Zone okay let's go Blackstone is the main theme let's go okay I'm just doing something here I don't know what I'm doing you just do the structure so build like a castle basically okay I've got blast furnaces up up for them I've got um anything else we need from chess I've got some chests down yeah when you need our Beacon as well so they can craft yeah we have to place it down after the grace period ends all right committing for this year yep commit for it I'm gonna add a few smokes all right speaking his face down poo poo boy is a place down there a beacon all right guys I hope you like the bass it's it's super difficult peace oh my God bring that I'll bring it up okay the beacon is placed down so basically you go into the tower where the door is you take it nice and easy you go up the ladder and then up into the middle and the Beacon's there right so get smelting guys get smelting we're making the backside an absolute awful place to advance from to try and deter them from going that way all right guys this is our base I made a little cheeky trap I don't think it'll work so basically if they think this is our front door which maybe it might look like it you know they Rush In And then just pull dirt down uh I have a feeling I'm gonna fall for it all right guys so creative mode is over the game is now beginning essentially our team should have crafted us up a load of stuff I'm basically on a CI and knock myself out of game mode there we go and where's my food gun there it is okay can I take this iron gear here yeah I've made sets for everyone right lovely stuff thank you very much I'll take uh I'll take a diamond ax if we have one say about you Raven the sets in here oh guys we looking good all right let's get some Lookouts because obviously the game has begun so I'm gonna go on the tower where you guys are getting us geared just make sure to chat with me alright guys we're the first Scout party are we taking Matty as well yeah if he's got oh what a legend we got TNT that's no way dude I'm not gonna lie our base does look pretty nice there's a bit of a random flow to it I hate how it's like okay the top of it looks nasty because like it's just very square but like it there's reason to it it's because obviously people are going to sit on top of our base but other than that the the main attraction here is the sword yeah I will admit I'm very tempted to mind that I'm not gonna lie let's go should we go this direction because like that's where I've been seeing I've been seeing a lot of people come up behind here and someone's in the corner oh yeah I think someone's over here because it's very mountainous and I've been seeing people come up the backside the whole time is that that's a wonderful diamond right here whoa no way Phil diamond oh wow no he's got God Apple there's no way he's surviving him get him second boys love right behind him oh take a left right we can cut him off yeah we could dude he's gonna get him to the Beast look it's their base can you get a quick can you get up there quick enough they're called guys guys watch out watch out they're calling the members down that's fine they won't they're not coming down they're just let him die bro they they can be they can't be they're just don't even die why are they letting him die he's dead yeah has a diamond ax that I'm not gonna lie I would like wait I see someone else to our right guys no no no no no no no no he's going all direction right yeah exactly he's going our Direction he doesn't know he doesn't know he doesn't know he doesn't know Lee is he looking for it like dude he's seen me he sees me I almost feel bad but I really don't so oh he's so low he's so low if we have a where's the bow person I got him I got me yeah right let's take that let's get that diamond armor Enchanted right now okay someone's after dying with a diamond armor so we didn't manage to get it back to base I don't know what happened the guy did not communicate whatsoever because there was an inch on table in that place I see someone over there uh yeah poo guy something who something like that no they definitely brought that back to base yeah oh is it is it worth it going for a base right now or what do you think I would like to see if that guy is still yeah it's a four man which is kind of awkward I'm just interested in a bass a little bit they have quite a few well we might as well start damaging the walls a little bit but just be ready to pull back oh they got sand I don't let's save TNT for a second I just hope that you don't die of it is all of them there's so many looking at us it's a diamond I don't see the diamond armor there guys push back push back I'm coming uncomfortable created yeah he's dead he's dead lovey stuff right another one's out if we can start taking them down now this would really like yeah this would be huge oh my God okay okay don't go in there don't go in there I Pelt I felt okay right all right Advance back to the base Advantage okay right we're not getting a diamond arm back we got unlocking we need more people to attack them yeah exactly all right guys we did kill a guy with full diamond armor but um fatal sadly died of it okay so we need to do an attack on a base that's for sure we're thinking of those guys over there but we're gonna need to leave two at the base so you guys can be in this chat but if there's anyone coming for our base you need to let us know everyone agree okay so Jamie and traumatized you guys are staying at the base are you guys happy with doing that yeah exactly and um just let's just keep a look out don't be crafting at the base like honestly on Lookout mode at the moment I will have to bring you back more loot at this rate right we got to be very careful of this base uh Raven has TNT they've got all that stuff down I don't know there's two on the outside ready three advanced advanced advanced yeah sticker two stick the two stick the two I want it yes second place who got it who got it I got it Ryan where are you move I've got a place guys blow it push back push back let's go let's go I messed up already no no push around okay let's go around the left hand side here we know there's no traps here should we go then let's go the full diamond guy is up there one fell he's in a cold one wait on the left hand side yes GG right I'm talking about Raven I've got water down the bottom here he's stuck in cobwebs yeah I got him oh he's down he's down he's down I got one this is so awkward but I love it see this is when you have there's no other choice but you have to stack I'm just telling me just try use your pickaxe or your phone to as much as possible Finn I just at least you got you free there oh my God this is so awkward oh my God at least we can't hear each other oh my God this is nastiness Fusion what we want to do is we want to knock them off but keep them alive do you know what I mean we want to get them off the map but are still alive make sure you eat up yes I see what you're doing go for it oh oh I'm done okay I found lunchable it's fine that's fine oh same same dodgy though if I can get out of this cobweb I can't get out bro this is we need to find where this Beacon is I'm here with Thomas yeah I've got him down I got done I got hit from the back somewhere yeah damn guy yes you see him guys Diamond go down up here up here keep it fancy keep advancing I'm above the beacon go knock it out again crew where are you no I'm on my way there right now oh I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead is there still spare set yeah oh my God I can see the Tower of Doom yes please knock out that Beacon protect me someone protect me I'm fighting it go on no don't worry I died I died yeah I'm back as well I'm back I'm back you need to craft is a shield Raven where's my stuff it was somewhere here but I think it got collected I'm here how many people have you got at a tower get on everyone dude I'm farming people being chased I got your crimp crew I seriously I'm coming to come here fighting fighting them let's get that let's get those Diamond booties don't mind never mind I'm bad he said he said he's dead lovely oh no okay okay everyone back everyone back all right we're being attacked by sword team current right now we need to defend against this I'm here I'm here Salt's dead GGG all right I'm on Barry on my Barry Thomas glitching Mastery I see him wait moist Lemmings inside our base right here in diamond armor go away come on come on in here in here down the bottoms he's going out the back he's going out the back he's in the back of our base we never know who can be hiding our base now from now on he's up on our walls do these tower for walls he's serious here if we can kill him he's dead diamond yeah yeah I got damages play off him all right let's go let's push which face are you going to we're going for sword just to see what they're like directly west all right we gotta squish this attack we gotta squish this attack all right they're gonna they're actually leading us to the base which is good I suppose yeah right hand we need a Target that we're staying on let's say sword let's say sword because that way we all run together oh Reaper I got me down their base is a fortress guys what is that what did we build nothing oh nice nice I'm coming yeah I got him a few runs help me help me help me I created him because thank you I'm two hearts anyone at barrels I have a fully fully healed I have no arrows sorry sorry yeah yeah start breaking down the base start breaking up through that door do not go through that door is a trap everyone be careful back up a bit I'm in the base I'm on top of the base I might be able to go for a beach how much I fell don't push it don't push it I'm going for it I have to MLG water bucket yeah Ryan you're gonna have to try it because we're just gonna hold him here they should just stay here just stay here just beat them every now and then hit them every now and then yeah just keep them focused on us is the easiest way just don't actually oh I nearly had it I nearly had it so there's someone on you mm-hmm Molly slamming hit me I was breaking it as he was crafting I was I was literally inside there I was literally breaking it but it all jumped me right we need to get one of these teams out fairly shortly for the fact that yeah do you think so it'll be easier yeah yeah I think as much sword's team is quite easy to get we just have to get in there that's literally it yeah now that you know we have to get what we have to do is we have to get in there and we have to stop that like that Russian yeah break it break it we can use Zone oh oh they're all above us and they're all geared as well oh my God that's scary that's it now jump down that's it that's all exactly what we want to do take them out one by one let's get everyone geared in this Enchanted armor I'm gonna try to go up the back of the tower they're all in there crafting right one other shot two iron ax because they just dropped an anvil on fatal and he died oh my God failure having the worst day ever [Music] that's right it's right through here I'm breaking their craft and jump table guys keep them distracted down now keep them distracted should I just protect you and just Crouch so sometimes no no you Finn Finn go down go down Finn go down oh my God Raven jumping right oh my God oh my God oh my God oh I have no more blocks I want to stop the naked one jump for me Finn you brought something so high if he sees us raving this one right next to us keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going they're in the base yeah no we see me no minutes another one guess they're just watering I got it I got it they're big guys we need to get back I'm dying I'm dying I'm dying I'm dying I'm coming to come I'm here I'm here I've got Max batteries here they didn't get the they didn't get it it was just a scout it was just a scout Raven to your right there was one layer of cobblestone that we could dug Into Turbo we need to get him we need to get him come on buddy come on come on yes nice right wait wait guys do you want to wipe out our neighbors that we just knocked out we all need is one kill for me oh yeah let's do it let's do it there's Benny in here from life let's go let's go because they've got gear over there they got abundant on here fatal how you doing fatal heard you die to an anvil I know they hurt really hard there's one of them outside right now with full Enchanted Aaron oh come on diamond ax as well oh yes yes yes don't let him down no outside of the ice cream oh no no not our base their base yes he's stuck in the cobwebs he's stuck in the cobwebs hit him again guys Dave left here they're gone all right let's go back to the base go back to the base they're gonna come for us going to have two teams and then we'll Advance the sword from there hey Kiki's like that silent ninja just never him talk yeah that's amazing all right guys a team when you're ready let's get ready in let's go up this mountain if they're coming up here we could try cut them up from here do we go for the attack yeah I think we go for the attack I'm almost tempted just to pull straight in guys I'm gonna try I'm gonna try Advance around on the other side hopefully not get beat up but I want to see if I can Pearl in the back side oh hang on what if I go up here kiki come with me come here come here come here if I can build upwards in their wall there's three of us on this side there's three of us on the south side of their base okay we're taking out that team inside we're taking out the team we killed them all we kill them all we gotta take them out we gotta take them out I don't know how we're gonna do this guys I don't know how we're gonna do this sword is armored up sword is armored up all right we need to start breaking this apart I got my God my God I'm killing them all with their craft armored I'm just starting right someone needs a break someone needs to break yes yes yes yes come on guys start fitting on the wrinkles start filling up the room so they don't they don't spawn anymore start destroying the cobweb so we have room around the sides well I'm low I'm really low someone in there does Damage [Applause] Done we broke it take him out take him out oh my God the lightning I'm talking about moist lemon moist lemon I'm gonna die I'm gonna die you're good you're good we're here thank you thank you thank you I was like spamming don't let me escape don't let me escape don't let me stalker make this clean I think we've done it have we have we have we I don't see any more poison poison no we definitely have one I don't know we gotta judge okay who's not here we need to hunt down in passion all right space is saved yeah confirmed are we the last team in with a beacon yeah I have a feeling that people are gonna be in Doom Tower oh no yeah that's where some people are gonna be it's just literally we've won the game unless we die like buy a miracle um or not a miracle like we've won this we just gotta find hunt the rest and knock them out right do you think anyone's in the tower dude oh wait someone's at our base yeah if someone's at our base that makes our life easy yeah just take them out I don't see any of them is anyone in the Tower of Doom crap like won't be crouching right nah nah there's no one there what what oh our Beacon's just being destroyed this is ah he drank an invis when it wasn't allowed okay ah okay so apparently it wasn't invisible we're all good he didn't break the rules he just did a sneaky tunneling oh cheers he fell in my trap I did say that at the start of the episode someone's gonna fall into it I said it was me and then I found them kill him where is he as long as we kill everyone we still win it's last team exactly exactly I hear PVP but I don't know where you are I have no idea where is he let us know if you can I would like to see him die oh I see him wow fail why don't you call it out he broke two bits of obsidian GG all right he's done all right it's Mystic and impassioned wherever these guys are that's it guys it's a hunting Squad Mom let's let's win this together as a team except JD right let's walk let's do this together let's do this guys no matter what happens the Golden Rule do you see guys the last guy fell from a high place what the hell oh my God we did it guys let's go guys that's amazing teamwork that was pretty good that honestly like and they were really hard to get like those towers are Dooms and everything when rain was breaking into it that was so tense GG honestly well done guys that has been Hider War revamped with the new season all about basically knocking out the Beacon only being able to craft the beacon and all that and it was pretty good it's very overwhelming and very difficult for the fact that when you kill the enemy team they spawn at the exact thing that you are basically trying to destroy it's tough guys this has been hide award hope you guys enjoyed I'll see you guys in the next one [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 377,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days in minecraft war, creepersedge, hide or hunt, mc war, mine craft, minecraft, minecraft 1.16, minecraft 100 days, minecraft castle, minecraft factions, minecraft hide or hunt, minecraft hide or war, minecraft mini games, minecraft survival, minecraft video, minecraft war, mini games, ryan not brian, ryan not brian minecraft war, ryan not bryan, ryannot brian, ryannotbrian 100 days, ryannotbrian mc war, ryannotbrian minecraft war, secret base, secret minecraft base
Id: yBQVqXQgKsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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