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against the body of christ and now it's time to launch a counter-attack [Music] so today by instruction of the lord we are going to sing the healing power of god we are going to preach the healing power of god we are going to declare the healing power of god we are going to receive communion with the healing power of god we are having today a worldwide healing miracle and communion service [Applause] we have people that are watching us right now there's some people in hospitals that are watching us there's some people at home that have struggled with this today is your day today is your day to lay hold of the healing power of god as we launch this counter-attack take our stand take our place and take our healing in the name of jesus so are you ready troops are you ready father in the name of jesus we dedicate ourselves to you and thank you thank you for the healing power of god that is being released from this place this assignment that you've given to us today and we thank you that right now the healing power of god is working it's working within us it's working inside of those that are watching us right now and we exalt you we glorify you we lift our hands before you you are the god of deliverance you are the god of healing and you are the god of war in jesus name give him praise everyone [Applause] [Music] that's why we're here amen no other name but the name of jesus [Music] [Music] forever exalted [Music] is the lord forever [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] come on is say jesus no other name but the name of jesus he's exalted on high in this place amen well did you bring a shout this morning i said did you bring a shout this morning come on let's just throw those hands up and let's just shout yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we're together again just praising the lord i said we're together again just praising the lord and i brought my shot with [Music] me here's why cause when i think about the lord how he saved me how he raised me how he filled me with the holy ghost how he healed me when i think about the lord how he hit me up turn me around how it placed my [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you cheers [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's it that's it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he saved me [Music] [Applause] it makes me thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it makes me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] as when i think about the lord let's think think about it about the lord think about him who came down from his majesty and glory as creator of all the whole universes with thought and purpose and mercy and love and took upon himself flesh and came into this curse infested disease ridden sin rule darkness governed earth for you for me with the sole purpose and intent to bring the life of god jesus drew the dividing line of the whole bible when he said the thief comes and he comes to steal he comes to kill he comes to destroy but i can't [Applause] who came the lord came jesus jesus came the word of god came and he said i've come with one purpose in mine to give you life and to give it to you in far more abundance than the devil could ever steal than the devil could ever kill than the devil could ever destroy he has given a super abundance of life when i think about the lord how he saved me [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you hallelujah thank you jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you see we are among the people that we know what's coming we know what's coming we see the end from the beginning we declare the end from the beginning and that's why we start out with a shout out one more time shout to the lord amen you may be seated glory to god whoa thank you lord thank you jesus praise god thank you lord what up what an an electric presence we have in the room today oh thank you thank you aaron hallelujah thank you sir praise god well i welcome you this morning to eagle mountain international healing center i welcome you this morning to eagle mountain international headquarters for the army of the lord i welcome you this morning to faith house love house victory house today is a turnaround day yesterday pastor george called me in the morning mid morning i guess it was or so maybe and he said terry is all over me he he had told me a couple of weeks ago you know i want to have a global healing service and so we thought about you know we'll we will plan that it was right at the end of southwest and people were off and it just we just we're gonna do it we had it on the agenda to do and i thought well maybe in september october in the meantime this stupid second wave of covet just came in like a wave but the bible says when the enemy comes in now i want to move a comma i want to move a comma in that verse was a because people read it when the enemy comes in like a flood and he can't seem like one but i want to move that comma when the enemy comes in like a flood the lord will raise a standard against him now what is a standard a standard is it's a flag it's a banner and it says this is what we're marching under this is the mustering of the troops this is the call to arms so yesterday i gave out a call to arms after i received that call from pastor he said tomorrow tomorrow we are going to have that service we are going to the army of the lord is coming together this is a faith attack against coven hallelujah and he said enough is enough so we put the call out to our staff i have never seen our teams come together like they did yesterday and just getting everyone together on a saturday afternoon that's that's the task within itself right and we have we had prayer groups going every every group every department doing their their part to call to text to email to pray to get the information out changing website everything and i want to say god bless you to every team that we have our musicians came back we from south carolina had a great meeting and we're coming out of a meeting that was a meeting was a focus on a salute to the military so we're already in uh we have attitude is what we have this morning so like i said we start off the the beginning we start off declaring the victory of the lord already and i want to read to you just a few testimonies that have already come in in victory over kova just a few things first of all we had in this congregation and pastor said we've had a number of people and you know i said to you a few weeks ago and i think an understanding has continued to we we get it more than we did we're at war now it's not just spiritual warfare it is spiritual warfare but we have an enemy that developed biological warfare you don't you don't create new viruses in order to help somebody so this is biological warfare that's been launched not only against our nation but against the world but uh particularly here and you can see that it's spiritually driven because of all the other areas that it's affecting such nonsense and government and and all kinds of just absurd thinking and and not having and government that will try to stop the medicines that will help you so it's spiritual warfare and yes we have had attacks yes we have had casualties this is war but now as pastor said we are launching our own offensive against this we are not on the defensive we are on the offensive with this we had three that were in icu on ventilators they have come off and are moved either home or in a resab center praise the lord uh we had one that was on a ventilator twice but taken off twice and the doctor said that this was a miracle praise the lord [Applause] adrian says i received healing in my body i was having coughing fits from left over covered symptoms and the excessive coughing completely stopped during service today i received healing for a pinched nerve in my shoulder and back so you know what no matter what you're you're dealing with the same jesus and the same stripes and the same blood and the same word works on every sickness and disease praise the lord i took my healing for my us to clear up even as pastor john called that out this is an update on a man named lewis that said i spoke to louis this morning he's been off oxygen his o2 is at 95. lewis said the doctor told him he went from five to zero that was such a turnaround the doctor couldn't believe it the doctor said he has not seen that happen it's usually a five to a two but never a zero and she said i don't know what that means but it sure sounded good this lady as stephanie said the first test i took for covet 19 was not negat was positive but then i took another test and it was negative so god healed my body totally of all covenant symptoms hallelujah jesus is the healer since the new outbreak in total now think about this is this is all of our church congregation and our our staff members and so forth we have had 127 staff members completely recover and return to work praise the lord god the glory and i've been watching the number of people that were infected at any one time or home you know and not ever listen i don't get the idea that because don't get afraid of kova that that the vast majority of people um some people barely notice some people hardly have symptoms and so don't think that just because somebody said you have kova that that it's a death sentence no no no so we have victory over that in the name of jesus now this today is a turnaround but we're not letting up any more than in any war is does one battle end it you know this is in a war there are multiple battles but we are on the off offense you know d-day was a turnaround day in world war ii and it it it was a press it was hard it was work but they stayed with it but we were never on the underside we were never the underdog again we pressed through until we won it all so here's what we're doing this wednesday night we begin a series here with pastor john jester who is a kcbc instructor in case you didn't know he teaches at kcbc and one of the classes is christ the healer so we're going to share that class with everybody on wednesday nights christ the healer in wednesday night auditorium so you get a chance to get a taste of the kcbc curriculum at the same time especially if you are considering attending kcbc but this is seven o'clock central time eight o'clock eastern time right here for the entire month of september also we have a free offer for everyone the healing scriptures cd by kenneth copeland just reading the healing scriptures the jesus healed them all book by gloria copeland and the harvest of health minibook by gloria copeland all three of those to order that you can call the prayer line this morning 877-281-6297 and order that or you can go right online at kcm.org harvest kcm.org harvest to order your healing harvest package then today we're going to be going through the 101 healing scriptures today praise the lord pastor and i are going to take you through that and one of the things to take note today i think it's important to to notice on this uh you know this onslaught is a formidable enemy we've said that before it's not undef undefeatable because it is already a defeated enemy but we are here to enforce its defeat but to do that requires the same degree of persistence against it that it is persistently against you so don't don't think you can just catch a a three-minute social media post and call it done this is something that we're working with by by putting the word for everything in every way we can we are on the offensive to press hard into the things of god so that healing is rooted in us and that we are not only remaining in health ourselves but that we are all each and every one of us a minister of healing we told all of our team yesterday everybody walks in the room tomorrow a minister of healing everyone and so they were all given the 101 healing scriptures everybody was looking over them reading them and prepared for service today so if you're watching online you can go to emic.org healing emic.org healing and download those 101 scriptures so you can read them with us and of course in the auditorium we will have them on the screen and if you want to testify i'm giving you a lot of information this morning troops but surely you can handle it so emic.org testify you can give us your testimonies the testimony it's like in world war ii and that that's the most significant war that our nation i think has ever spiritually that that we can parallel so what happened they gave reports all the time all the time reports were coming back so that we knew we want the report of the lord whose report are we going to believe the report of the lord share the report of the lord let us know your victories your healing and the things that are happening that god is doing for you and your family praise the lord i believe that's everything regarding this service that part today now i want to give you an update on our disaster relief team and what's happening in new orleans praise the lord great things happening there so the first thing that we do when we have a situation like this is our team goes out a very small team goes to assess usually in these situations it's not where we can take a large group of people they're just we can't support that to start with and we have to see what we need and where we're going to get in so the first thing we did was head off to new orleans because our we have a very distinctive partner to the ministry jesse and kathy deplantus and so we we decided we wanted to go there they needed our help they had so many trees downed on their church property of beautiful beautiful property but there were so many trees they were determined to have church this sunday today glory to god even as we speak and so our team went and we went prepared we have teams that are trained with those chainsaws and ready to go and so we got in there and started working on those trees we cleared the driveways cleared the parking lot set it up so that they could have church got that done yesterday and then they went over to the pastor's house pastor kathy and jesse lives there too and that's that's the uh [Applause] that's their house right there the one the side views of their house and they had trees down on their property were able to clear that up we have another partner in the area there that's also a member of the jdm staff and so they'll be clearing that for them on the way to new orleans they were actually on the way and we got a call from another board member charlie bollinger who is not that far from new orleans but they are in a more remote area they're in hammond louisiana and he said we need help we have been hit really hard in our area and there is no support there's no no government support no civil support nothing and we have a lot of people who are in critical situations we don't have water we don't have food we don't have power what can you do and so the team that was on their way to jesse stopped by there at charlie's place dropped off as much water as we could to just help get them through they had already identified people in their church that were critical they had some elderly uh some that were on oxygen and that was needed critical help and so we were able to drop some water off for them they had plenty of hand you know workers but no supplies so we dropped off what we could on the way to jesse's and then yesterday a 26-foot uh box truck left yesterday full of food water generators and ac units and we're working with the bollingers to feed people so they had grills and things to cook with but no food and so we loaded up the refrigerated truck and they have taken supplies we will be supplying their workers with food and water and the generators for some of these people who are in very critical situations and they will be there for a couple of days helping and then the cleanup crew in new orleans will come back through pick up the folks in hammond they'll come back here uh tomorrow so the next group will go out the group begins on the 12th they will be departing on the 12th and so we are still looking for volunteers if you can be a part if you are willing to work hard in less than ritz carlton conditions we invite you to go to emic.org relief emic.org relief and this is where you can sign up now we have a limited number of spaces but we do have spaces open and then we will go again on the 19th so these these teams leave on a sunday and come back on a thursday and you think well that's only three work days in between no it's six work days we just get them all in in three days okay so this is not a nine to five operation okay pastor brian and jonathan and the team you you just work until you just you just go until it's time to take a nap and then you get up and go again so we're there to help and so if you'll go they'll reach out to you emic.org relief where you can find the link for volunteer sign up and get the information there the last thing about that that i want to mention is the need for funds you know i don't emphasize the relief fund all that often because you know we have other things that are going on but we and so we have some cash flow that is already there but when something like this hits and we see what we need to do and the lord's told us to step it up he's told us to increase our resources increase our equipment and our tools that we have readily on hand what's happened between the snovid the shutdown of the pipeline as we have told you before and then the disasters that have hit so forth supplies are short and so we need to stock up on some things and even finding truck rentals and another thing just so you know this idea that the government is paying people to stay home has meant that things like drivers workers helpers are short-handed because they're staying home and we find this and everywhere we're traveling restaurants that can't open because they don't have workers and so we just need to be more self-contained so i'm mentioning that to you today so if the lord puts that on your heart you the one more website if you will but it's emic.org slash give it's all really pretty simple emic.org slash give and then you scroll down to relief fund and click on that i think it's the last one on the list oh thank you for helping me tim so we have a new text that you can give on text to give it's c letter c relief c relief to the number 36609 so that's the same number we use but what you put in the line is different c relief and then the amount and that will go to our disaster relief team and of course you can always call our prayer line as well the same phone number 877-281-6297 and then our mail address i think is probably there on the screen for those that are watching you know a lot of people still like to use the mail and uh we we receive it that way just fine we're just okay any way you want to bring it send it in uh it's a little bit archaic but pony express is welcome as well we will feed and water your horse and receive your donation praise the lord hallelujah other things are happening here at the mountain so please watch your screens [Music] emic family we are thrilled to be praying over victory thon again this year you're invited to join us right here in the sanctuary sunday september 19 through wednesday september 22nd from 6 pm to 11 p.m as we use our faith on purpose and make tremendous power available for this live event these prayer times will be come and go for more information please go to emic.org prayer ministry audit a course at kenneth copeland bible college this semester receive an in-depth study on bible topics you are passionate about for your life and ministry auditing a course is affordable and easy to fit around your schedule choose from a variety of classes including the authority of the believer biblical counseling faith foundations and many others expand your knowledge and grow in faith during these 15 week courses for more information visit kcbiblecollege.org audit hey young adults if you are between the ages of 18 and 30 we want you to join us every week at the bridge we meet every tuesday night right here at 7 p.m at the campus of emic this semester on thursdays at 7 pm we're going to be in denton texas at zara coffee and of course on sundays we have our weekly gathering on the tcu campus at 6 00 pm make sure you check the bridgedfw.com or our mobile app for all details we look forward to seeing you there you're invited to eagle mountain international church sunday september 12th at 10 a.m central as we welcome special guest pastor nancy dufresne pastor of world harvest church in murrieta california come and hear how god's word will help you walk in the abundant life with pastor nancy dufresne sunday september 12th 10 a.m central at eagle mountain international church well good morning church it's offering time today is the day of divine healing divine health divine recovery for those that are afflicted with covet and other diseases but also divine prosperity so i'm serving up the appetizer this morning let's talk about divine prosperity this is the year of divine prosperity what does that word divine mean well the dictionary says that divine means of from or like god so you could say that the year of divine prosperity was the year of the god kind of prosperity so how do we receive that how do we receive a prophetic word like the god kind of prosperity well first we must understand that the divine prosperity that we're talking about here is the birthright of the children of god first john 5 1 says everyone who believes that jesus is the christ has been born of god or has been born divine and everyone who loves the father loves whoever has been born of him see divine prosperity belongs not just to the father but to the entire family we next must know that we receive a prophetic word like this the same way we receive everything from god by the empowerment of grace through the force of faith we receive a prophetic word through faith and it requires activation of faith to not just sit back and receive it but to actively reach out and take it james 2 26 says for as the body apart from the spirit is dead so also faith apart from works is dead don't get hung up on the word works there this is not work that you get a paycheck for every two weeks for doing a task and exchanging your work for something you earn something in that work this is the work that we look at the finished work of jesus and we step into by faith and our work is in response to what he's done for us we can even say it this way faith without corresponding action response is incomplete and ineffective so how do we add corresponding action to receiving divine prosperity by faith proverbs 11 24 read this with me it says this one gives freely yet grows all the richer another withholds what he should give and only suffers one whoever brings blessing will be enriched and one who waters will himself be watered i like the way the passion translation says it it says this generosity brings prosperity but withholding brings poverty those who live to bless others will have blessings heaped upon them and the one who pours out his life to pour out blessings will be saturated with favor generosity brings prosperity luke 6 38 says give and it will be given to you good measure press down shaken together running over will be poured into your lap for with the measure you use it will be measured back to you this morning i want to suggest you this the god kind of generosity brings the god kind of prosperity romans 8 32 says he who did not spare his own son but gave him up for us all how will he not also with him graciously give us all things say all things see kingdom prosperity the god kind of prosperity is measured not by how much you have but by how much you give the world measures wealth and prosperity by accumulation but the kingdom of god and its king measure it by distribution while the world stockpiles and hoards all it can accumulate in uncertain times the children of god those who are born of god born divine look to distribute as much as possible that's the call of this ministry and that's the grace that is dispensed to all of us who are partnered with it your giving today brings you into partnership with a church under the anointing of the prophet and it postures you to partake of the god kind of prosperity the god kind of prosperity that is brought to reality by the god kind of generosity so if you're giving this morning you can give a number of different ways if you're watching online you can give at emic.org give of course you can text to give that number is zero 36609 the key word is emic follow that up with the dollar amount if you're here in the house there's an envelope in the seat back in front of you if you're on the front row if you can raise your hand and one of our ushers will get an envelope to you of course you can make your checks payable to e-m-i-c how many of you are ready to partake of the divine prosperity that is available today the divine healing the divine health the divine recovery and divine prosperity that is the birthright of us as children of god amen amen come on let's give this morning [Music] you hold my every moment you calm my ragency you walk with me through fire [Music] you heal my disease i trust in you i trust him [Music] i [Music] [Music] you are [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] now let's declare this together sickness can't stay this can't stay very long [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] believe [Music] [Music] thank you father thank you father lift your hands to the lord right now lord we present ourselves to you today a living sacrifice holy and acceptable before you this is our reasonable service and today lord here and with all that are watching right now i thank you that you're going to speak to us about our healing it is your will for every believer in christ to be well to be whole to be healed to be delivered and lord we see that we are in a time where we must accentuate this remind ourselves daily of all that you've done for us and lord we pray over all of those watching us right now those that are watching us at home those that are watching us in hospitals those that have been struggling with this especially those where breathing is concerned fever is concerned and fear is concerned lord i thank you that you're talking to them right now and that we together are in agreement that they are healed and whole by the stripes of jesus we take hold of that we we uh we believe right now activate bulldog faith a faith that bites down on the word and will not let go we'll not quit we'll not give up and we're going to take the hill of healing today marching on as soldiers in the army of the lord we are aggressive about this we are serious about this and we thank you lord for your presence in this place and your presence with everyone watching us right now can we give thanksgiving to the lord for that everybody praise god praise god thank you jesus praise you lord praise you lord go ahead and be seated if you would please open your bibles to first samuel chapter 30. first samuel chapter 30. the body of christ at large has been under attack covet 19. delta variant we had taken a direct hit here at the church in the ministry and we realized that we are at war right now as pastor terry said earlier we are at war there is conflict that is going on but we today in discussing this and talking about this we're talking about it from a place of victory and not failure we're standing in a place of what jesus has already done my healing is already an accomplished fact say this after me my healing is already an accomplished fact but we uh we have to understand that but what what god has done by his grace we have to take with our faith we have a part in this we have a part to play in this and we're standing in faith right now we're standing in faith for our staff we're standing in faith for congregation members partners others who are at home others that are in the hospital others that have been struggling with this and as i shared with you earlier the lord told me to launch a counter-attack against the spiritual forces that are driving this pandemic launch a counter-attack this is d-day and we are moving forward and we are getting aggressive with the word of god and we're not pulling back but we and we are not walking in fear no fear no fear but we are walking by faith and not by sight so the lord told me to do this and he said to dedicate this service to help people to lay hold of their healing that's what we're here to do those of you here those of you especially that are watching us right now to lay hold of your healing to take your healing it is offered to you in the word of god now you need to come up to the table and partake of that enough is enough i'm serious about that i've seen it i've seen it how it's attacked our friends attacked our staff our family enough is enough and that's a decision that every one of us makes enough is enough it is time to fight back and that's what we do that's what we do we are strong in the lord and in the power of his might wrestling not against against flesh and blood but powers and principalities rulers of the darkness and we take our stand we hold our ground in the evil day we do all that it takes to take our stand you must have a faith attitude or a spirit of faith where this is concerned i will not put up with it i will not have it i will not allow it in my household that's the way you have to be but you can't do that just out of your natural thinking you have to stand on the word of god and that's what we do in first samuel chapter 30 this is the account of david being attacked they were attacked at ziglag while david and his mighty men were gone and they burned the city they took the wives and the children and when david and his mighty men came back they saw all this carnage they saw all that was done by the enemy and it says in verse six in the amplified david was greatly distressed for the men spoke of stoning him because the souls of them were bitterly grieved bitterly grieved each man for his sons and his daughters but then it says here that david encouraged and strengthened himself in the lord his god it is very important that during these times we encourage ourselves with the word of god and that word encouraged in the hebrew there means strengthen say i'm strong in the lord and in the power of his i am not weak i'm not weakly i'm not puny in my faith i am aggressive walking in bulldog faith then it says david said to abyathar the priest amalek's son ahimalex son i pray you bring me the ephod and abyathar brought him the ephod and david inquired of the lord saying shall i pursue this troop shall i overtake them and the lord answered him and said pursue for you shall surely overtake them and without fail you will recover all [Applause] [Music] [Applause] pursue you shall surely overtake them and without fail you will recover all when i saw that phrase there recover all i saw myself speaking that to people who were afflicted by this and saying to them recover all all of you all of you recover i'm speaking that as a word from the lord recover and recover right now [Music] [Applause] dan you recover right now candace you recover right now recover right now and so we are all recovering let me just camp on that just for a moment i believe what he said to david and where we are this year the year of divine recovery i am claiming i am believing and i am receiving that all of our group and our camp and our people are recovering all of them all of them rise and be healed in the name of jesus so we recover we recover all turn to galatians chapter 3. galatians chapter 3. covet 19 delta variant and anything else that afflicts the human body is part of the curse of the law it is a curse and in galatians 3 13 and 14 it says christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written cursed is everyone that hangs on a tree that the blessing of abraham might come on the gentiles through jesus christ that we might receive the promise of the spirit through faith i'm going to read that again to you but i was just reminded of something in talking to those of you who are watching us right now in this service today in just a little bit of time we are going to be receiving communion together make sure that you have communion elements if you have grape juice and bread or some kind of juice or if you don't have any of that water and a cracker will do but we are going to take communion together and settle this we will settle it together so if you have to go get that you go get that but stay listening to what's going on here i want you to be prepared when we hand out the elements here later on christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law we've been redeemed for it's written cursed as everyone that hangs on a tree so that we were redeemed from the curse so that the blessing of abraham can come on us through jesus christ and that we would receive the promise of the spirit through faith i wrote in my bible that the blessing of abraham might come on me i take it personally jesus redeemed me from covet 19. he redeemed you from delta variant he redeemed us from every sickness and disease even those that have not even been written in the book we are redeemed from it that was the price that was necessary for it and there is what we call the threefold curse of the law the first part of that is spiritual death second part of that is poverty lack and debt the next part of that is sickness and disease so what i'm saying to you here is and maybe somebody's hearing this for the first time i remember when i was first introduced to this that i found out that christ redeemed me from the curse of the law so that i could walk in the blessing of abraham and i remember when it began to become a revelation to me about being redeemed from the curse it set me free to know that i'm redeemed from every sickness every disease every plague that is out there every christ has redeemed us from the curse of sickness disease and plague when you look at that word redeem we get our word redemption redemption and it means very simply to buy back to buy back it also means the price that is paid to rescue someone from under the oppression of another and yet another definition to pay a ransom note to obtain someone's release that is exactly what jesus did for you he paid this ultimate price to get you out of the curse over into the blessing and you need to be really strong about this and realizing and knowing that i do not live under the curse of the law i am not required to be sick my body is not required to be sick jesus paid the ultimate price to that turn to colossians chapter colossians chapter 1 redeemed from the curse of the law it's the price paid to rescue someone from under the oppression of another to rescue to rescue people to rescue those that are in perilous situations to rescue those that are being held hostage somewhere to rescue those and get them out of the situation that they've been in i don't know how many of you remember rambo i was studying this and i'm looking around the room there are several people that don't know what rambo is it was a character played by sylvester stallone who was in rocky rocky okay anyway rambo former military and in one of the stories that rambo in there were there were some men that were left in vietnam captured wouldn't let him go and rambo left no one behind [Applause] and i am thinking of a particular scene from a rambo movie i mean he's praying paying the price to get down there get in there get those guys out of there he is shooting up the enemy like crazy and freed all of those men well that's a picture of you and me jesus is rambo he went down into the pit of hell for you and me and took upon him every sickness every disease everything and then he was raised up from the dead and he raised us up with him to be seated in heavenly places with him in colossians chapter 1 this is exactly a picture of that rambo movie giving thanks unto the father which has made us able to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light your healing is part of that inheritance if there's anybody that's watching or anybody that's here you need to throw away the very thought of question of whether or not it is god's will for you to be healed it is unequivocably the will of god for you to be healed i was like that at one point in my life at one point early in my walk with the lord and around people that didn't know this they didn't know that they were redeemed from the curse of the law and we would talk about well you never know you never know if it's the will of god for you to be healed or not maybe he wants you to go to that hospital maybe he wants you to be there to to witness to some people i mean we were coming up with all kinds of ways to to qualify to be sick but when i found out i said when i found out i said when i found out where's the b3 when i need it when i found out that it was god's will for me to be healed you could not turn me back you could not argue with me it is a settled fact in my life faith begins where the will of god is known faith stops at the question mark so you need to come to the conclusion today that it is god's will for me to be healed and you'd be surprised you'd be surprised at people saying i don't deserve that i don't deserve what god has for me it's not a matter of what you deserve or not it's a matter of what he did for you he did it for you he did it for me so that's part of our inheritance thanks be to god which made that made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints and light who has delivered us from the power of darkness we have been set free we are no longer under the dominion of the kingdom of darkness but he's translated us into the kingdom of his dear son in whom we have redemption or payment through his blood even the forgiveness of sins jesus paid the ultimate price say ultimate price he paid the ultimate price for us to be redeemed from the curse of sickness and disease let me read these two scriptures to you you can write them down first peter 1 18 and 19 says this for as much as you know that you were not redeemed or paid for or ransomed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversation or lifestyle received by the tradition of your fathers but you were redeemed with the precious blood of christ thank god for the blood i said thank god for the blood it was the blood of jesus that redeemed us the blood of christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spot the final lamb that paid the final price for you and me and it says in first corinthians 6 20 in the amplified translation you were bought with a price purchased with a preciousness and paid for and made his own you are his own and he takes care of his own and he provides for his own and we were bought we were bought with that price say this after me i am redeemed set free delivered from covet 19 which is a curse in any other sickness and disease turn to deuteronomy 28 the blessing and the curses and to share with you about this part of this message today welcome pastor greg stevens after you thank you sir so david back to what you said about david while ago when he had to encourage himself it's because he got himself in trouble he aligned himself he allied with the philistines to go against saul that's why they weren't home deuteronomy 27 28 so watch who you align yourself with deuteronomy 27 28 israel how they got here israel went to egypt as a family they'll come out of egypt as a nation and this nation has been in the wilderness moses will give the instructions to a brand new generation do you remember they sent this goes to what pastor terry said a moment ago whose report will you believe they send the spies in the land joshua and caleb were two of them so 20 of the group that went said we can do this thing joshua being one of them joshua's going to lead them into the promised land moses will not so moses is giving the instructions to a new group of people this is a group of people whose parents died off in the wilderness with me why did they die off in the wilderness fear they believed the report the scripture says that their hearts melted within them the nation the spiritual leaders even believe the lie now let's tie that to what we've been going through there are still churches today that are still closed and we've allowed the nation's heart to melt within us so so moses will give them the instructions deuteronomy 28 are the instructions for what they'll do when they enter the promised land so the instructions were given in the wilderness it's not till joshua chapter 8 that it happens and joshua chapter 8 is when they will actually act out and do what they were told in 27 and 28. so let's talk about what happens they go across the river they're in their promised land the first time as a nation they're in their land that god promised their forefather abraham by covenant some 430 years before this time so as they're there they they come to jericho and they they win the battle of jericho they put the priests and the singers out front you know the whole story one group of people who aligned with them in that in that town rahab and her family are spared remember that so not everyone in jericho parishes the ones who believed the report of the lord were saved in jericho even so jericho is the first fruits of their new nation and they're not to take anything of the first fruits it belongs to the lord matter of fact he said the city is cursed so we know that this one man took something from jericho you remember the story right and in their next battle the battle of ai it's a small little town they lose big time and so this is when they have to figure out what went wrong well there was sin in the camp they somebody took from the first fruits of their new land and so what did they do if you could put the picture up here's a picture of the two mountains from joshua chapter eight where the blessing and the curse will happen it's very interesting the one on the left side of the screen that's gerizim it is green and has trees the one on the right which is the cursing mountain is barren yet they get the same rainfall every year because they're right next to each other now between the two mountains is a little place called shechem it's very important place jacob's well is there i believe this is where jesus met with the woman at the well because she even mentions you say we should pray in jerusalem we say this mountain and it's at the well and this is samaria so this is the the disputed lands if you will judea and samaria so there are the two mountains so let me give you the picture while that's still up of what's going on so half of the half of the nation is on one mountain on the blessing mountain half of the nation is on the other mountain according to the instructions of deuteronomy 28 down in the middle of the valley there at shechem is joshua and the priest and the ark of the covenant is there and the priests are between two between the two and they would shout out the instructions of the lord from deuteronomy 28 and the priest according to the the written tradition the priest would turn to the mountain that was supposed to respond whether it's a blessing or cursing so the entire nation is turning their face to either the blessing or the cursing and and agreeing to this covenant that if we stay with god we're going to be blessed if we depart in fear if we take the idols of this other land we're going to we're going to fail and you're going to see that throughout their history so the priests are down in the middle between the two here's the interesting thing standing in the middle of that is the king of ai they hung the king of ai on a stake on a tree you just read it galatians 3 13 cursed is everyone that hangs on the tree the blessing of abraham so in between the blessing and the curse is a king hanging on a tree jesus like jesus it's a picture for him what to look for you're going to move from curse to blessing based on a king hanging on a tree if you read the account of it in joshua chapter 8 they had to hurry and get him down before sunset and so there you go again it's a picture of our day people it's a picture of what we're facing right now with kovid [Applause] whose report will you believe and it was a priest in their land pastor that stood out there and had the people confess what they should do the presence of god and the priests were leading and i don't think it's an accident sir that the lord asked you to do this today as a priest we just had the governor of mississippi raise eyebrows in the press when he said the people of mississippi aren't really so afraid of covid because most of us believe in the lord jesus christ as our savior wow and god the father and we chose not to fear that's what we're doing today people with communion and everything this thing is over we choose not to fear because of a king that hung on a tree and came up out of the ground and a priest is about to lead us pastor praise god deuteronomy 28 deuteronomy 28 the blessing and the curse in deuteronomy 28 verses 1 through 14 is the blessing and i remember when i first discovered these scriptures how wonderful it was to see what it's like to walk in the blessing and these particular scriptures they were read to us by brother copeland when terry and i were married in 1977 and these scriptures are so alive to us he declared the blessing of god over us and something about the curse many times people stop at verse 14 you shall not go aside from any of the words which i command thee this day to the right hand or to the left or the other gods and to serve them and they stop at verse 15. why verse 15 through 68 is the curse well who wants to read the curse well i do because it further articulates everything that i have been redeemed from you should take some time and read about the curse and after every verse you can say i'm redeemed from that i'm redeemed from that i'm redeemed from that and in particular you and i are redeemed from covet 19. we're redeemed from that and i'll give you just three of these verses that i wanted to focus on you just need to read the rest of them to see everything i mean it touches every spectrum of life and you just read it and you read it in the opposite and the opposite is the blessing of the lord but in this deuteronomy 28 in verse 22 it says this are you there verse 22 the curse shall smite thee and that was mistranslated it's not the lord that's doing it it's the effect of the curse understand that so that's why i read it that way the curse shall smite you with a consumption and with a fever and with an inflammation and with an extreme burning with the sword blasting and with mildew and they shall pursue you until you perish well when you look at these words and you do a study of what these words about consumption in the hebrew is a wasting disease of the lungs have we been redeemed from a wasting disease of the lungs and of course fever fever which is a a burning so just from this scripture alone you can stand on galatians 3 13 and you can say this out loud repeat it after me i am redeemed from every kind of lung disease inflammation breathing disability and fever i speak that over all who are watching us right now begin to take a deep breath and just say i am redeemed from lung disease take a deep breath come on i believe that we are all breathing deeper than we've ever breathed in our entire lives and i'm sure the devil is trying to lie to some and you're questioning you wonder about yourself and i'm not breathing like i used to breathe that's fear that's free i am breathing the breath of life the breath of god lungs healed in the name of jesus here's another one in verse 59. look over to verse 59. i'll read it to you um from the new living translation it says the curse will overwhelm you now let me back up for just a moment what i just read to you says they will pursue you until you perish that's the curse nobody pursues me until i perish you got that devil nobody no devil no human no animal pursues me until i perish with long life does he satisfy me and shows me his salvation all right verse 59 new living translation the curse will overwhelm you and your children a lot of people have been overwhelmed during this time he'll overwhelm you the curse will overwhelm you and your children with indescribable plagues these plagues will be intense and without relief making you miserable and unbearably sick in the nasv the word plagues severe and lasting plagues and chronic sicknesses but you know what psalm 91 says in the 10th verse psalm 91 10 there shall no evil befall you neither shall any plague come nigh your dwelling you have to take your stand and i've learned something about the spirit of faith over the years there's an aggressiveness about this faith is an aggressive word faith takes faith takes hold seizes something with a grip that cannot be shaken off and what you have to do is take hold of the word of god and bite down on those healing scriptures and seize it with a grip that cannot be shaken from you cannot be taken from you say i am the healed i am redeemed from the curse of covet 19. praise god and even beyond that even beyond covet 19 whatever it is that's going on in the human body in verses 60 and 61. the new living translation says this the curse will affect you with all the diseases of egypt that you feared so much we got to get fear out of our lives boy could we take down we could go down that road and talk about that but you need to get rid of fear have a zero tolerance policy where fear is concerned i fear no man i fear no beast i fear no devil i fear no situation there is no fear in me and perfect love casts out all fear you get to get tough on yourself tough on yourself this curse will affect you afflict you with all the all the diseases of egypt that you feared so much and you'll have no relief the curse will afflict you with every sickness and plague there is even those not mentioned in this book of instruction until you are destroyed that's what this is all about the devil is trying to destroy the church he's doing he's trying to shut down the word of god and say this after me i am redeemed from every sickness every plague that there is even diseases that are not mentioned in the word of god [Applause] including underlying conditions i was meditating on this yesterday and i was meditating on the word underlying conditions under lying it's a lie it's a lie of the devil but we have to take our stand because he does attack and he tries to put things on us well let's see diabetes i think will get him filled with that diabetes and this disease over here and that disease over there no no no the armor of god most of the armor of god is protective protective it's the sword of the spirit which is the word of god that's offensive but you put on the armor of god it cannot touch you cannot touch you no disease no sickness is allowed to touch us and i come against under lying conditions right now that's the pile up technique of the devil you are free you are whole you are delivered you are set free you are redeemed from the curse of the law [Applause] pastor terry talked about this a little bit that this is a man-made virus we know that we understand that covet is a synthetic virus that's being used as a weapon simply put it is spiritually driven spiritually and demonically driven for people to do this we are we are in a time of biological warfare cunning crafty and i found out what the definition of biological warfare is it's so it says it's also known as germ warfare it is the use of biological toxins or infectious agents such as bacteria viruses insects fungi metals with the intent to kill to harm or incapacitate humans animals or plants as an act of war that's what biological warfare is all of this put together people in laboratories figuring out how to destroy people through this means through this means but we know the word i don't care what it is i don't care if it's biological warfare i don't care if they're trying to flood us out i don't care if they're trying to poison us or poison the water it says in psalm 91 3 surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence the phrase noise and pestilence mean means wicked plague wicked plague and that's what this is and it's anything that is toxic injurious noxious and hurtful we're redeemed from biological warfare we may be in this world but we are not of it the wicked one touches us not we are the untouchables we've been we've been redeemed from the kingdom of darkness and we've been translated not one day not one day when we go to heaven we've been translated right now into the kingdom of his dear son we're redeemed from the corruption that is in the world through lust it can't touch us it cannot touch us we live in the land of goshen there's light in the land of goshen darkness in the land of egypt we're redeemed from the curse of the law right here on this earth right now where we live so surely he'll deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the noise and pestilence and then we have to remember this and i saw this in a new light yesterday isaiah 54 17. look it up isaiah 54 17. this is a scripture that we've been confessing kenneth and gloria copeland have been confessing over this ministry since its inception and it's something that you and i should be declaring and we should be confessing and we should be saying isaiah 54 17 no weapon that is formed stop no weapon that is formed in some library some laboratory somewhere there's probably somebody or somebody's right now trying to think of evil ways to destroy but we need to know that no weapon formed against us in some laboratory or somewhere someplace somewhere in the world that they're trying to launch out no weapon say no now some weapons might be some no no no weapon no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall condemn this is the heritage of the servants of the lord and their righteousness is of me saith the lord [Applause] no weapon that's formed no weapon that's created no weapon that's invented no weapon that is molded into a form by human activity we must stand on that and believe that and receive it on the flight home yesterday from the word explosion military salute meeting that we were in in south carolina i was on the plane with brother copeland we were talking about these things and i quote him he said george this is war we must become militant get mad at it attack the fear you attacked fear with your faith laugh at it laugh at it stir up the joy of the lord you laugh at it he's right ha-ha-ha coven ha ha in heaven god laughs at his enemies laughter doeth good like a medicine so some of you who've been under tremendous pressure you need to laugh right now [Music] my lungs are healed and whole fever gone in the name of jesus all right let me bring it let me bring it home how do we attack covet 19 or any infirmity in mark 11 23 whosoever shall what whosoever shall what whosoever shall what say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he says shall come to pass and he will have whatsoever he says we release faith with the words of our mouths that's what we do let me read these scriptures to you you can write them down proverbs 12 18 the tongue of the wise is health the amplified bible the tongue of the wise brings healing bible in basic english the tongue of the wise makes one well again the webster bible the tongue of the wise heals heals in proverbs 13 3 he that keeps his mouth keeps his life he that opens his lips wide shall have destruction in the new living translation those who control their tongue will have a long life niv he who guards his lips guards his life the esv he preserves his life god's word translation he protects his own life you see the power of words you see the power of faith-filled words proverbs 15 4 a wholesome tongue is a tree of life and if you look up the word wholesome in the hebrew it means curative a medicine a cure deliverance healing a remedy a wholesome tongue is a tree of life it is a cure the amplified translation a gentle tongue with its healing power its healing power is a tree of life in proverbs 16 24 pleasant words are as a honeycomb sweet to the soul and health to the bones the amplified sweet to the mind healing to the body bible in basic english new life to the bones speak to your bones talk to your body you got to learn how to talk to your body you need to learn how to take authority over your body your body is your body it belongs to you you have dominion over it you have dominion over your own body and the words that you speak are filled with life and with power sharper than any two-edged sword and the amplified bible says they are penetrating so the words of life from the word of god will penetrate the human flesh and will head to the problem whatever it is proverbs 18 21 death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof death is in what you speak or life you choose it's your decision this is your decision and everybody has to make a decision about what they are going to say over their lives over themselves and over their bodies and finally matthew 8 8. the centurion said this which he was com he he was commended by jesus for having the greatest faith that he'd ever seen and he said speak the word only and my servant shall be healed what we're about to do and pastor terry if you would please make your way up here with me 101 things god said about healing you know some people might be thinking to myself boy it's getting late i don't know because i don't have my watch and i told him not to show me a clock because we've got business to do here and that might be somebody that's thinking that i said well well you services where i go are usually about an hour we're not where you are where you go but this is this is serious business 101 things god said about healing a document by keith moore and those of you who are watching us right now you can go to emic.org healing and you can locate this document this powerful document how do we know whether it is god's will to heal us or not it makes little difference what others say about it what did he say about it remember that acts 10 34 says god is no respecter of persons according to malachi 3 6 he never changes what he said to them yesterday he is saying to us today god's word is god speaking to us we come into agreement with what god has said to us in his word we say what god says romans 10 17 says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god our faith will get stronger as we declare these scriptures together the stronger we are the easier it will be to believe to receive and to resist the enemy it says in proverbs 18 14 in the amplified the strong spirit of a man sustains him in bodily pain or trouble but a weak and broken spirit who can raise up or bear a strong spirit will get you through everything the stronger your spirit is the easier it will be to fight the good fight of faith and so now it's time to strengthen our spirit and to lay hold upon our healing so as you as we read these to you this is the voice of god to you brother keith moore found these 101 verses or really a few more than that that are mixed in and put them together in such a way that they are god speaking to you the verse wasn't changed but from the scripture where it's written in such a way these are so that you hear god's will in them for you so just listen receive and then we're going to add in here as we go moments where we'll stop and we'll say what he says as to take it and to receive it when you download these at home and you have them i took mine that i have and i have them in this form but then i went back through and i turned many of them into confessions where i'm receiving it where i take it and i acknowledge him you are the lord who heals me therefore i am healed okay but what we're going to do today right now is we're going to hear god talking to you so even if you want to just close your eyes and listen but stay very very focused if i could if i could say something the way i saw us doing this was them actually reading it with us never mind what i just said i just they i really believe we'll let you pick well well really i really believe that you need to say it you need to say this out loud these are 101 things that we're going to go through it'd be very easy about number 50 to start getting tired of it but you need to say these things out loud that's why they're going to be on the screen behind us on these screens over here it'll be on the screen we'll do a split screen so you can see it you need to read it out loud it's very very important for their spiritual strength your body hears what you say it hears what you say are we ready let me see what the first one looks like up on the screen i want to see what this looks like that's good that's good can we see him in the back please here we go i am the lord that healeth thee exodus 15 26. now i want you i want you to speak the scripture as well i want you to speak the scripture verse on this as well so let's start from the top you ready i am the lord that healeth thee exodus 15 26. your days shall be 120 years genesis 6 3 you shall be buried in a good old age genesis 15 15. you shall come to your grave in a full age like as a shock of corn comes in his season job 5 26 when i see the blood i will pass over you and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you exodus 12 13. i will take sickness away from the midst of you and the number of your days i will fulfill exodus 23 25 26 i was reading that up there i will not put any of the diseases you are afraid of on you but i will take all sickness away from you deuteronomy 7 15. it will be well with you and your days shall be multiplied and prolonged as the days of heaven upon the earth deuteronomy 11 9 and 21 i turn the curse into a blessing unto you because i loved you deuteronomy 23 5 nehemiah 13 2 i have redeemed you from every sickness and every plague deuteronomy 28 61 and galatians 3 13. so shall your strength be deuteronomy 33 25. i have found a ransom for you your flesh shall be fresher than a child and you shall return to the days of your youth job 33 24 25 i have healed you and brought up your soul from the grave i've kept you alive from going down into the pit psalm 30 1 and 2. i will give you strength and bless you with peace psalm 29 11. i will preserve you and keep you alive psalm 41 2 i will strengthen you upon the bed of languishing i will turn all your bed in your sickness psalm 41 3 i am the health of your countenance and your god psalm 43 5 no plague shall come near your dwelling psalm 91 10 i will satisfy you with long life psalm 91 16 i heal all your diseases psalm 103 3 i sent my word and healed and delivered you from your destruction 107 20 you shall not die but live and declare my works psalm 118 17. i heal your broken heart and bind up your wounds psalm 147 3 the years of your life shall be many proverbs 4 10. trusting me brings health to your navel and marrow to your bones proverbs 3 8. now let's stop a moment lift our hands and just thank the lord for these scriptures thank you thank you lord for these thank you lord jesus thank you heavenly father we praise you and honor you for this would you like to read some of them no i think they hear you i think they hear you better okay here we go my words are life to you and health and medicine to all your flesh proverbs 4 22 my good report makes your bones fat proverbs 15 30. my pleasant words are sweet to your soul and health to your bones proverbs 16 24 my joy is in your strength a merry heart does good like a medicine nehemiah 8 10 proverbs 17 22 the eyes of the blind shall be opened the eyes of them that see shall not be dead isaiah 32 3 35 5. the ears of the death shall be unstopped the ears of them that hear shall hearken isaiah 32 3 35 5 the tongue of the dumb shall sing the tongue of the stammers shall be ready to speak plainly isaiah 35 6 32 4 the lame man shall leap as a heart isaiah 35 6 i will recover you and make you to live i am ready to save you isaiah 38 16 and 20. i give power to the faith i increase strength to them that have no might isaiah 40 29 i will renew your strength i will strengthen and help you isaiah 40 31 41 10. to your old age and gray hairs i will carry you and i will deliver you isaiah 46 4. i bore your sickness isaiah 53 4. i carried your pain isaiah 53 i was put to sickness for you isaiah 53 10. with my stripes you are healed isaiah 53 5 i will heal you isaiah 57 19 your light shall break forth as the morning and your health shall spring forth speedily isaiah 58 8 i will restore health unto you and i will heal you of your wounds saith the lord jeremiah 30 17 behold i will bring it the city health and cure and i will cure you and will reveal unto you the abundance of peace and truth jeremiah 33 6 i will bind up that which was broken and will strengthen that which was sick ezekiel 34 16 behold i will cause breath to enter into you and shall live and i shall put my spirit in you and you shall live ezekiel 37 5 and 14. now stop right there at 47 i will cause breath to enter into you and you shall live i'll put my spirit in you and you shall live take that take that breath of god breathe deep lungs lungs lungs healed and well in jesus name all right go ahead wheresoever the rivers shall come shall live they shall be healed and everything shall live where the river comes ezekiel 47 9. seek me and you shall live amos 5 4 and 6. i have arisen with healing in my wings or beings malachi 4 2. so we're at the halfway point here right now the halfway point of these precious scriptures that are working on the inside of us and working on the inside of you that are watching us don't trail off don't get weak but as we head down towards the finish line of these 101 things that god said about healing let's do it with great strength great power great might and receive what god has done for us are you ready i said are you ready here we go i will be thou clean matthew 8 3 i took your infirmity matthew 8 17. i bore your sicknesses matthew 8 17. if you're sick you need a physician i am the lord your physician matthew 9 12 and exodus 15 26 i am moved with compassion toward the sick and i heal them matthew 14. manner of sickness and all manner of disease matthew 4 23 according to your faith be it unto you matthew 9 29. i give you power and authority over all unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease matthew 10 1 and luke 9 1 i heal them all matthew 12 15 and hebrews 13 8 as many as touch me are made perfectly whole matthew 14 36 healing is the children's bread matthew 15 26 i do all things well i make the depth to hear and the dumb to speak mark 7 37 if you can believe all things are possible to him that believe mark 9 23 11 23 and 24. when hands are laid on you you shall recover mark 16 18. my anointing heals the brokenhearted and delivers the captives recovers sight to the blind and sets at liberty those that are bruised luke 4 18 isaiah 10 27. 61 1. i heal all those who have need of healing luke 9 11. i am not come to destroy men's lives but to save them luke 9 56 the whole i give you authority over all the enemy's power and nothing shall by any means hurt you luke 10 19. sickness is satanic bondage and you ought to be loosed today luke 13 16 2 corinthians 6 2 in me is life john 1 4 i am the bread of life i give you life john 6 33 35 the words i speak unto you are spirit and life john 6 63 i am come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly john 10 10. i am the resurrection and the life john 11 25 if you ask anything in my name i will do it john 14 14. now here we are headed to the last 26 of these scriptures are you receiving something are you seeing something are you allowing the word of god to work down on the inside of you the word of god is alive and active and sharper than any two-edged sword it's filled with the power of god resident in it to heal the human body so we continue to speak these words of life in words of faith faith in my name makes you strong and gives you perfect soundness acts 3 16. i stretch forth my hand to heal acts 4 30. i jesus christ make you whole acts 9 34 i do good and heal all that are oppressed of the devil acts 10 38 my power causes diseases to depart from you acts 19 12. the law of the spirit of life in me has made you free from the law of sin and death romans 8 2 the same spirit that raised me from the dead now lives in you and that spirit will quicken your mortal body romans 8 11 your body is a member of me first corinthians 6 15 your body is the temple of my spirit and you're to glorify me in your body first corinthians 6 19 and 20. don't go too quick discern my body which was broken for you and judge yourself you'll not be judged and you'll not be weak sickly or die prematurely first corinthians 11 29-31 i have set gifts of healing in my body first corinthians 12 9 my life may be made manifest in your mortal flesh second corinthians 4 10 and 11. i have delivered you from death i do deliver you and if you trust me i will yet deliver you second corinthians 1 10. i have given you my name and have put all things under your feet ephesians 1 21 and 22. i want to be well with you and i want you to live long on the earth ephesians 6 3 i have delivered you from the authority of darkness colossians 1 13. i will deliver you from every evil work second timothy 4 18. i tasted death for you i destroyed the devil who had the power of death i delivered you from the fear of death and bondage hebrews 2 9 14 and 15. i wash your body with pure water hebrews 10 22 ephesians 5 26 lift up the weak hands and the feeble knees don't let that which is lame be turned aside but rather let me heal it hebrews 12 12 and 13. let the elders anoint you and pray for you in my name and i will raise you up james 5 14 and 15. pray for one another and i will heal you james 5 16 by my stripes you were healed first peter 2 24 my divine power has given unto you all things that pertain unto life and godliness to the knowledge of me second peter 1 3 whosoever will let him come and take of the water of life freely revelation 22 17. beloved i wish above all things that you may prosper and be in hell even as your soul prospers third john two praise god glory to god thank you lord thank you lord [Applause] thank you lord praise god praise god now let's receive it you know as we're doing this so you can see how to do this at home because you need to do it over and over uh but this is where you come back and the lord said all those things but until you take it until you make it your own possession then he said them but it's a gift left on the table so let's say this i am redeemed from every sickness and plague i am redeemed from every sickness and plague the joy of the lord is my strength the joy of the lord is my strength the power of god has caused disease to depart from me the power of god has caused disease to depart from me it is well with my body it is well with my body it is well with my soul it is well with my soul i will live i will live my soul is prospering my soul is prospering so i prosper so i pray i am in hell i am in health all to the glory of god all to the glory of god the blessings of abraham the blessings of abraham our mind our mind through jesus through jesus i take them i take them i own them i own them i love them i live there i work them i work i receive them i receive and i praise god for them and i praise god hallelujah praise god go ahead and be seated and ushers if you would please begin to pass out the elements of communion pastor terry i wanted to take a few moments here while they're passing that out though and talk for a few moments about other ways to minister and to receive healing the bible is full of many things we see many different kinds we see through the working of miracles the gifts of the spirit word of knowledge word of wisdom gifts of healing gift of faith gift of miracles we see lots of different demonstrations of those and manifestations of those gifts all throughout the scripture old testament and new testament alike but there are a couple of things three things that we're looking at here today that i want to minister or mention to you so that you can take these and minister them whether it's in your family now or in the future this should be your medicine cabinet to praise the lord but i know some of you have someone that you know and love is in the hospital and and if they're there with covid then you don't have access to them most likely some some hospitals are loosening that just a little bit to be with with people that are in that really critical conditions so i want to show you a couple of things from the scripture that we can employ along with it and tell you how to use them james 5 16 says pray for one another that you may be healed pray for one another this this tells us that when there is a free flow of love and ministering to one another you need healing pray for somebody else you need healing make it your point to take what you know god has given and minister it to somebody or get on your knees or confess the word for them believe they receive give the extra time in faith for somebody else and not just yourself this makes a great conduit and it builds the atmosphere in a congregation where healing is easy to receive the greatest factor you'll notice in these two things we'll mention now is the speaking of the word and faith and response to the word you see it always comes back to those two things the word which produces the faith and then faith which demands a response so in mark chapter 16 scripture that everybody don't don't back up now just because we've finished our scriptures reading them now think about this in mark chapter 16 the great commission jesus said to them go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature preach the word preach the good news preach the good news speak the good news tell the good news there's an anointing that comes in preaching and in hearing the preaching of the word that's why we go back and listen to messages over and over and over and over again there's an anointing that comes in hearing those things preached he who believes and trusts in the gospel and is baptized or baptized into jesus will be saved but he that does not believe will be condemned these signs accompany those who believe in my name they drive out demons they speak in other tongues they pick up serpents if they drink anything deadly it won't hurt them they lay hands on the sick and they shall recover so then the lord jesus after he had spoken to them was taken up to heaven he sat down at the right hand of god and they went out he sat down in his high priestly ministry the apostle and high priest of our faith sat down watching over his word to perform it and they went out what did they go out doing preaching the gospel and what happened the lord working with them and confirming the word confirming what they preached confirming what they said with signs and miracles that were attached to the word they preached so laying hands on the sick laying hands unchill your children your family one another your neighbors your friends don't hesitate to do it speak the word first tell the good news and those that believe it and you can lay hands on them and recovery will follow now in acts chapter 19 acts 19 we quote this scripture quite often about that uh handkerchiefs aprons were that had touched paul's skin were taken away put on the sick diseases left and evil spirits came but there are a few verses before that one in verse 8 he went to the synagogue and for three months spoke boldly about the kingdom of god and there were some who were stubborn and they were speaking evil about the way and so he took his disciples and left and he went on holding daily discussions in the lecture room of tyranus this was a lecture hall it was an open area and different people could come and give discourse and apparently tyranus and gave this space to him and the there are some greek manuscripts which give another detail from 10 o'clock until three o'clock five hours a day five hours a day for how long this continued for two years layer upon layer line upon line revelation upon revelation do you think he would be impressed with our social media posts this continued for two years so that all the inhabitants of the provinces of asia all jews and greeks as well heard the word of the lord and god did unusual and extraordinary miracles by the hands of paul so that handkerchiefs or towels aprons that had touched his skin were carried away put on the sick diseases left them evil spirits came out of them so if you have someone that you need to get healing to them you know someone that's sick or someone you can't reach that we have found that most times if you send something or call the the nurse's desk the icu and say i'm sending something and i want you to put this on my loved one's body i want you to put this near them put this safety pin in it or put it on their pillow what whatever and help them understand what you want them to do and but don't just stand up don't you know nowhere in here does it say they prayed over them we call them prayer claws but it doesn't say they prayed over them so i would take these and i would speak the word and i would wear them it says that touched his skin put it on you somewhere put it on you i have a couple tucked in right here on my shoulder put it on there took them away from me where you're touching them and you pray in the holy spirit and you speak those 101 scriptures and you put brother copeland sister copeland brother hagin son mark hankins somebody talking and preaching to you about healing and while it's praying you're holding on to it yes that's right yes amen and let the anointing that rise up in your spirit there's nothing special about this cloth except that it's a conduit of the anointing and you take it and you hold on it by faith that that anointing you have an unction from the holy one you have an unction from the holy one the bible says you don't need anybody to come do this for you you have an unction from the holy one you have that you have an anointing this in you and on you jesus and the holy spirit is the anointing you don't need a special ministry gift to come to it you take take a and it doesn't have to be a little something like this what we have but get a handkerchief get for a child put it pray over their pajamas you know and put it on there something that that anointing give it an opportunity to just soak in there they they took those things right off his clothes man i think they were those that were taking his his his garments his prayer shawls says his aprons his prayer claws his prayer shawls maybe they were tearing that up or cutting it up in some way and getting it to people but he had been working it for five hours a day wearing that give the anointing a chance and get it then to those people then in james chapter 5 this last one for us today james chapter 5 and verse 13. is anyone among you afflicted or suffering evil this is not referring to sickness it's referring to pressures and trial and different kind of pressures outside of physical sickness is any one of you afflicted he should pray don't always get somebody to do it for you you pray is anyone glad at heart he should sing is anyone among you sick he should call in the church elders they should pray over him anointing him with oil in the lord's name the prayer of faith will save the sick so go through this and take the process of that what is an elder just somebody that's more grown up in you it doesn't have to be the pastor that's great and pastors are available where we can get to you we have a whole staff of folks we have that prayer line but on the other hand if you if you've got insight and revelation of something somebody else that's sick just needs somebody that can come in with a prayer of agreement and what does it say pray over him anoint him with oil in the name of the lord i'd i'd look up some scriptures on the name of the lord i'd sit and listen together brother copeland preached on the name of jesus i'd do something to where my faith was in the name of the lord and then the prayer that is of faith will save who's sick don't assume you're in faith go to mark 11 22 23 24 25 go through those verses and do what it says to do it says speak to the mountain then speak to the mountain cast them that thing into the sea it says forgive then forgive repent get all obstacles out of the way the obstacles are in your way of receiving way more than they are in god's way of of giving he he's given but repentance clears your deck so the bible says so that you're you don't have anything in your own thinking or in your spirit that will hinder you receiving what he's done for you get walking over and get in love forgive let it go overcome whatever's working against you amen i believe for healing for you sweetheart whatever is going on right there to be in touch praise the lord praise the lord pastor let's all stand together and i'd like to ask my pastors and their spouses to come up here on the platform and we're going to prepare to receive communion we're going to take authority together over our bodies we're going to walk together in a place of divine healing settle this you settle things at the communion table and we're settling this right now and for those of you that are watching those of you that may be home you've been struggling with this you take communion right along with us this is and the lord told it to me terry that this is a world communion service it is it's a world communion service we have countries that are watching us from all over the world and we are here to remember this is covenant covenant do this in covenant remembrance of what i have already done for you your healing is an accomplished fact and i believe that as we receive this communion today we will see and hear of miracles that have taken place he said as often as you do this so there's no limit as often as you do this doesn't have to be in church you see the passover and the old testament was yearly but we have a sacrifice that the blood cries forever he ever lives to make intercession for us and so we have a right to come to that table as many times a day as is necessary yes we can if you're having trouble with fear having trouble in your mind having trouble just take communion over it and over it and over it if that if that is something that you can can um use as a weapon of your warfare another way to receive healing father in the name of jesus we press in we press in we we bore into your word of healing today we bore into the miraculous today and lord for everyone who is here those who are watching if there's any struggle in your body whatsoever we are bringing you to the table the covenant table and in this covenant everything is covered everything nothing is left out nothing is is separated from the blood and the body of the lord jesus christ that body of jesus was broken broken for us for the sole purpose that we would be completely whole walking in a place of peace shalom nothing is missing nothing is broken right now thank you lord that lungs are being healed i thank you that you are delivering people of this curse of plague they are recognizing and understanding that you've translated us out you've you've delivered us from the kingdom of darkness and you've translated us into the authority of your kingdom and lord right now healing is taking place healing all over the world is taking place people from the crown of their heads to the souls of their feet are partaking of the sacrifice of jesus body he was hung on that cross he was beaten for us and then he took every sickness every disease when he went into the pit of hell so that we could be completely free and exempt totally exempt from the curse we receive the body of the lord jesus christ thank you lord thank you jesus nothing more precious in all the world than the blood of jesus yes lord thank you peter repeated it over and over and over the word precious precious precious this is precious blood because it's the blood of our lord our savior our master our redeemer our healer and by this blood we were healed we are partakers of it today lord that it would mark our thinking that as it goes in us through our mouths and into our beings so does the living work of the living blood that ever cries mercy on our behalf it goes in to our very spirit being and it delivers the life of god himself to every cell to every tissue to every bone to every muscle to every system to every organ in our bodies brings peace health well-being calmness into our souls it is well it is well it is well it is well thank you it is well in our bodies it is well in our minds and lord in the name of jesus as a point of contact i take the list lord that i have here of all the kcm staff church members and the others lord that you know we we have been calling them that lord i left them all before you lord specifically every member every partner every friend everyone lord that is connected and associated with this ministry with this church in the name of jesus we hold them up before and we declare the blood of our covenant on their behalf the blood we declare the blood of our covenant to protect to protect us to protect our children we're not afraid of you covet we're not afraid no not at all we're not afraid of you no we're not afraid of dying we're not afraid of death we're not afraid of you our eyes are on jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus and by faith we are partakers of the blessing yes through our covenant and his blood thank you amer david rise and be healed receive this receive this receive this rise [Music] [Applause] [Music] of jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] he has [Music] thank you lord now what i'd like to do did you have something what i'd like to do is pastors do you have your oil are you ready i'm going to ask you to step down here to the altar i'm going to invite any of you who would like to come and have them to lay hands on you anoint you with oil and let's believe god together for massive miracles and deliverances and healings taking place here and we believe that same thing for you you that are watching right now the healing power of god is there with you there is a moving of the spirit of god in you you just begin to receive do what you couldn't do before move your arms move your legs get up if you need to if you're in a hospital bed get up get up rise up and be healed david do it again [Music] [Music] by is [Music] jesus [Music] of jesus [Music] altar ministers i want you to come help us too we've got a lot of people that we're praying for right now we need to fill in some of these blanks here my god might not need all of them though there may not be room for everybody just one of you watch and see another anointing oil right there to take um and stay with us here stay with us here as we go through this and and re reach out as a matter of fact stretch your hands to all of these who are here one is a minister reach out release your faith believe god with them and even as you're out there receive your healing receive what you need those of you that are watching from wherever you are receive your healing in the name of jesus in the name which is above every name glory to god praise god david thank you jesus remind you that that number is on the screen 877-281-6297 remind you that number right there on your screen you can call our ministers are waiting right there to pray for you the prayer of faith hallelujah [Music] just jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] he touched me [Music] when [Music] he touched me [Music] he touched me [Music] something is [Music] jesus [Music] okay i want to step out just for a second they're still praying for people here you can call the phone number right now and have a licensed prayer minister agree with you one on one i'm going to pray for you right now as well father in the name of jesus i pray for these people that are watching us on television on the internet listening to it on their phone however they're seeing or hearing this i speak life to you right now in the name of jesus be made whole ministry here's pastor george heard of me okay you guys need ushers somebody clear me a space that i want to someone have some people come up here specific and i need a space where i can come down and pray if you have someone right now that's in critical condition in the hospital most particularly with covid but anything that's critical condition in the hospital i want you to come to come to me you guys figure out how you want me there my there's my girl there's my girl and i don't know how you're moving down by the way find a because i'm going to pray for you did you want to pray for them first before we go down i think with greg those of you that have friends relatives in the hospital they say they're in critical condition we are coming into agreement with you right now they are recovering recovering recovering the anointing on them is working on the inside of them the word of life is working on the inside so we come into covenant agreement right now father for those that are in hospital struggling come back come back be strong be stronger than you've ever been before lungs be made whole breathing return in the name of jesus take that right now believe that with us right now and lift your hands and give god glory everybody praise god thank you jesus thank you jesus it is like especially if it's a family member if it's a family member i want to see your hand if it's a family member do that first okay it's in critical condition all right go ahead david whatever there's healing name of jesus just reach out and call his name in faith to say his name jesus [Music] is jesus [Music] of jesus [Music] just reach out and call his name in faith jesus [Music] name that's all it is [Music] just reach out just reach out and call his [Music] oh jesus there is healing in [Music] jesus name [Music] just reach [Music] just jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh jesus [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] is jesus [Music] he touched me [Music] [Applause] he touched me [Music] in the name of jesus christ [Music] is [Music] healing [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] is [Music] we're stepping out just for a second they're still praying for people we want to remind you of the prayer number that's on the screen 877-281-6297 call that number somebody will agree with you listen if someone's there in the room with you get get some olive oil get some frisco get something anoint them with oil here's the thing jesus never did a miracle after his death burial and his resurrection he never healed anyone after his death burial resurrection you want to know why is because he gave the authority for that to you to us his his his children his sons and his daughters the authority is in the body it's time for you to become the body of christ lay hands on yourself if no one's there i'm going to agree with you if someone's there you lay hands on them right now and believe there it is there it is that's the faith that just rose up in you that's the anointing the compassion of god that just came in your hand as you're now laying hands on that person in the name of jesus be made whole rise up breathe deep bones be healed blood be healed in the name of jesus call the number on the screen right now in jesus name 877-281-62 let me take you back now to the stage and pastor terry [Music] oh jesus [Applause] [Music] ministry going on in children's service this morning so super kids we're hearing the same thing as you heard today they heard 101 healing scriptures they heard about the healer they've been ministered to praise the lord and thank god show the pictures on the screen back there so people can see them yeah run through those thank you jesus praise god thank you jesus thank you lord god thank you jesus and praise god praise god thank you jesus so thankful thank you thank you jesus thank you thank you jesus there we go just hold on that way thank you lord blessed in the heart thank you lord father we pray over our children all of us here all watching thank you jesus children grandchildren great grandchildren and thank you for the healing power of god working in them right now they are redeemed oh hallelujah from covet 19. the evil one touches them now and we receive the fullness of the healing power of god in them eyes eyes their eyes are being healed oh look at them thank you jesus their eyes are being healed look at them thank you jesus thank you jesus look at that oh jesus thank you father thank you lord thank you jesus thank you jesus glory to god glory to the lord right people in hospitals right now if you're watching this you are healed you are healed there is no death sentence to a believer in christ and if you've never made jesus your lord now is the time now is the time and it's so very easy it's so very simple all you have to do is ask him to be the lord of your life that's all i did that was it i said jesus be my lord and my life has changed ever since we're going to make this declaration for you to receive jesus as your lord and everybody in here is going to repeat this after me you say this after me heavenly father heavenly father thank you for your love for you for your life for your health for your prosperity and thank you that i can make jesus the lord of my life jesus jesus come into my heart come into my heart come into my life come into my life i receive you now i receive you now as lord and savior as lord and savior fill me now fill me now with your precious holy spirit with your precious holy spirit and i will speak in another tongue and i will speak another time and the spirit will give me utterance he'll give me spirit words to say he'll give me spirit words now let's do that let's pray in the holy spirit if you just did that i want you to call the number that is on the screen we have our licensed prayer ministers that are waiting for you right now to talk to you 877-281-6297 and they will they will agree with you they will have something that they can give to you send to you you are new you are a new creation in christ jesus let's welcome them to the family right now all right don't forget your healing harvest package that you can get by calling that prayer line or by going to our website to get that um but let's see faster there was yeah in the in the last few moments i want to do this let's get this set up i need i need a couple of testimonies if something has happened to you in this service today you have sent something you have felt something something's going on on the inside and you want to give testimony to that it happened today in this service just come running up here right now we'll just take a few moments to do this and so we can hear some of the good things we can share some of the good things and then we're going to sing a victorious song as we prepare to discuss because we are before we dismiss i want to mention to you nancy dufresne next sunday you want to come here to nancy what did you say nancy dufresne next sunday oh absolutely absolutely you've never heard her you need to come and hear sister nancy dufresne praise praise the lord we we wouldn't be inviting her if she didn't have a powerful anointing praise god praise god okay what do you want you want to write here okay my my husband is in hospital with uh covet with fighting with his lungs and when we were doing the communion when with the bread my back was my lungs were just started hurting and cramping and just really bad and i said you know you are healed and i took the bread and it all went away oh hey praise god [Applause] praise god thank you lord [Applause] i have this pain in my neck i had no pain in my neck i have stiff like stiffness in my neck that um um gives pain all the time and i had the pain but right before you call for testimony i just had this sound like something clicked in my neck like that angelic chiropractic adjustment that's awesome that's wonderful hallelujah you can move your head that's great move your head oh give god praise for this everyone thank you lord thank you lord hi my name is letty and i am a staff member here and my husband rick has been in the hospital for approximately 22 or 23 days and pastor terry prayed through me to rick and i saw his healing we are calling in an ecmo machine for him we're calling in a room a bed for him at baylor we are calling he's been accepted for ecmo and i have received it for him i see it i see it i see it we're calling that in i'm calling his healing he is going to be healed and i feel it and i know he's going to be healed he's going to live and not hallelujah he's going to live he is sitting down live and not die thank you jesus thank you hallelujah [Applause] there we go right now that's okay thank you oh sorry that's all right i'm trying to stand up okay sorry i had hip replacement surgery in april hip replacement surgery yes but as you can see i am strong i am really i am strong in the lord i am a teacher and it is a testimony every day and another one of my co-workers always say we never would have known that you was on a walker in april praise god because of how strong they see me moving through the hallway [Music] [Applause] one more here i came in and i had pneumonia about two months ago and it's been trying to linger on me and i came in i can breathe hallelujah thank you lord praise god praise god david what do we have this is just what i heard you guys better help me [Music] there is victory [Music] there is [Music] [Music] one more time [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] before we go we remind everybody we continue to stand we continue to believe we continue to stay in the word of god we continue in just the word of god hearing the preaching of the word of god and stand on this and believe it and we will see people recover we will see them delivered we will walk completely free from plague please sickness and the curse amen wednesday night christ the healer with pastor john in here kcdc class okay remember this god loves you we love you and jesus [Applause] [Music] i want you to go to the phone line call one of the prayer ministers and give your testimony we want to hear your testimony you can also do it online emic.org slash testify listen if you prayed with pastor george and terry and made jesus the lord of your life we want to give you this book he did it all for you the phone number they'll be able to when you call the number they'll be able to get that for you as well and also you can get the healing package with healing of scriptures let me turn it upside right side up okay you can get this as well as the book what a week what a day this has been walk in this all day long you say well i didn't really feel anything you need to know that the healing power of god went to work in your body right now it's there in your body working affecting a healing and a cure changing things from the inside out so don't unhook from that you can say that every single minute of every single day every time you think about it every time a pain pops up nope the healing power of god is at work in my body when you take your medication tonight or in the morning say i'm taking this but there'll be a day i won't take this because the healing power of god is at work in my body my mind grows stronger every day because the healing power of god is at work in my body it's not by what i see or what i feel it's because of what his word says and his faithfulness to his word okay a lot of things are happening this week you don't want to miss it you heard it wednesday night christ the healer class from kcbc will be airing on the network tomorrow morning morning prayer will be back the news comes back at noon eastern 11 central time you don't want to miss all the things that are happening on victory news flash point this week there are a lot of things happening okay listen to this victory thon september the 19th through the 22nd right here brother jesse duplantis the omaha victory campaign october the 28th 29th and 30th so omaha nebraska or if you're anywhere near omaha nebraska get ready this today you say i wish there was a church like this where i'm at there's going to be this is coming to omaha get ready you're ready you're ready you're ready and omaha all right father we thank you for this day and our partners we bless them in the mighty name of jesus i call them healed and whole in jesus mighty name all right a lot happening this week god loves you i love you and jesus is lord see you next week you
Channel: Eagle Mountain International Church
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Id: gQ5julFC2rk
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Length: 170min 11sec (10211 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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