EMIC is LIVE with Word Explosion! 9.2.21

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let's give god a shout of praise everybody glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus welcome this afternoon and to all that are watching right now on the victory channel we're so glad that you're with us from the top of the world to the bottom all the way around the middle if you're just now tuning in with us we are here columbia south carolina word explosion military salute we are honoring all of our servicemen and women all of our veterans we praise god for them that's what this whole meeting is all about so let's go before the lord and receive his presence here father we thank you and glorify you for all who are serving in military all who have served and thank you for their lives thank you for them bringing freedom and keeping freedom in the name of jesus give him praise everyone [Music] oh [Music] you brought me out of darkness you have filled me with peace [Music] lord [Music] is [Music] [Music] tell me [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] my confidence is [Music] [Music] is [Music] ah [Music] hey [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh come on give god glory everyone praise god praise god word explosion has been going on since 2007. and there's a man that has been so faithful in the organization of this and he's just kept it going and going and going and so would you please welcome our host chaplain a.l downing [Music] all right now you got to be careful about that man i i you know good evening good afternoon everyone how's everyone doing praise god you excited about being here hey listen to everyone that's watching those of you that's watching my way of live stream or whatever avenue that you're watching this uh weather on victory tv we thank god for you tuning in on to this afternoon praise god we're here because of not only a word explosion but this is a military salute amen we want to pay honor to all of our veterans to all of our those that have served in the military all of those who have retired from the military uh we thank god for you and honor you for your service and what you have done for this country amen that includes everybody world war one whatever war they was in we want to recognize them we don't want we let we take the motto very seriously we need no one behind so thank god for you for your service whether you are here or whether you're watching we want to say thank god for you for your service and for those civilians thank you for your prayers for your support because they they meant their prayers and support me just as much amen very valuable that you was friend i know brother copeland uh he gave us the the prayer uh card and all the songs 9-1 praise god i thank god for him because that saved a lot of people lives that i say something like that tonight but we want to honor all of our military people that have not only served but those that lost their lives we want to respect them and their families and loved ones amen that's right that's right chaplain we we need to acknowledge them yes sir there are some parts of our nation that are not acknowledging that that's true and so we need to do that it's important and so sir yes sir and i tell you even in the government sometimes they're not recognized but we want to recognize them so we're going to do what we did on this morning listen if everyone here is standing if you can stand at home please stand with us join in with us be one with us we're going to recognize those personnel those 13 military personnel whose lives were lost in in not only in the cause of freedom but doing a withdrawal protecting like we always do so let's recognize them and honor them please at home will you please stand with us thank you very much i appreciate it go ahead and roll the video [Music] so [Music] please moment of silence please amen god bless you thank you so very much you might be seated praise god listen thank you so much for recognizing and honoring our veterans and those fallen heroes mean a lot to not only them but to all of our service members and to those uh that lost their lives in in in times of combat you know as i was thinking that pastor george i was in iraq and you know we lost some personnel there uh we did memorial as well but i one that stands out is when we had uh the in our armored vehicle all five of them was trapped and burned inside they couldn't get out because of ied and you know that was something you know but so when you so so you never know when you start honoring what kind of flashbacks people have they start thinking about their fellow comrades that failed on uh combat uh being uh yeah that was tough amen thank you hey listen i do want to acknowledge if you don't mind our we have those guys the south carolina combat veterans will y'all please stand south kind of give them a hand praise god amen yeah i tell you i i mean we real quick uh booker now we have the i know where's the commanders the commander here there's the commander right there he's the commander god bless you thank you sir i appreciate you all right and and then we have the deputy commander and different ones that are there serving is uh larry small thank you sir god bless you hey we want to thank all of you for what you have done and we recognize you they are planning a trip to go to washington d.c to at the vietnam memorial because and do i have any vietnam vets in there all right wow yeah yeah thank you thank you we're all our veterans will you please stand all our military people that have served in the military where you stand again amen thank you all right all right i don't want to vet they'll get me if i say anything okay okay vietnam you might be seated the rest of y'all stick you're saying okay let me see who else do i have guf who else i have gulf war vets in right now desert storm desert shield where you at raise your hand all right there's a storm desert shield all right thank you all right who desert storm desert shield all right thank you all right thank you sir afghanistan thank you all over wherever you call just like we said the mission this morning we're here to defend them amen we thank god for you thank you all vets thank you for standing and watching with us and thank you for your service whatever bread you serve and wherever you serve thank god for you and your service and we thank god that you made it home safely praise god listen amen we're gonna say listen you don't want to miss tonight tonight we're gonna have the color color guys gonna come and post the colors uh gonna play something else and you don't want to miss that on tonight and brother copeland is gonna be here how many of y'all know he was a former soldier amen you know that i've been trying to find out what his job was he won't tell me he said it's top secret classified but listen i want you to know that this afternoon you aim for a treat how many hear the word of god praise god listen i've heard pastor george preach before man i i i get excited i told him i said man i love it when you just stand beside me just let me stand beside you man rub i had the distinct privilege of preaching at eagle mountain international amen man let me tell you i felt right at home in that atmosphere they tried to make me preach up there for real and i had to take it easy because i said i want to come back man you know but pastor george and his lovely wife terry are doing an awesome job awesome job [Applause] and and i mean they took me to lunch and drove past drove down the property and you know i said and he said yeah this i said are we still on the property he said yes and i began to think i said man he has to manage all of this come on he he has to manage kcm emic the meetings counseling hiring fun have to do all of that come with the territory and oh by the way the broadcast and the and he's still coming here jumping yeah i just love it man he has energy will you please welcome pastor george here to this platform praise god oh man oh it is so good it is so good to be with you go ahead and be seated if you would please and uh you better start my countdown clock or i'll be up up here longer than i should yeah okay thank you very much thank you it is an honor to be here it is an honor to be with you this is a special meeting and i was telling chaplain downing that he has had this for many many years but i believe something new is beginning and i believe that there is a new honor for military that is rising up in this nation it looks like it had begun to slide but it's not it's coming back up and we truly do honor all those who serve and it's a privilege to be able to not only say that to you here but to all of you that are watching us on the victory channel and all of the outlets of kenneth copeland ministries we honor our military one more time one more time praise god let's go before the lord will pray and receive this word father i thank you for this assignment from heaven you've given me an assignment today and for tomorrow and lord i praise you for what you are saying to us and what you're doing at this time you equip us for everything that we need to do you equip us for whatever whatever we face and i thank you lord for the anointing of the holy spirit to be able to bring this clearly and accurately to your people in jesus name we pray and everyone said amen open your bibles please to two places first of all second corinthians chapter 10 second corinthians chapter 10 and and uh the second one is ephesians chapter six second corinthians 10 and ephesians chapter six we are at this moment in time in a new place that we've not been before we are in the midst of war it's a spiritual warfare that is showing up on the earth and the devil has ramped it up and we have experienced various attacks we've had various attacks at kenneth copeland ministries there have been various attacks that have been taking place delta variant codent covid there's been an anti-god government attack there's been election corruption attack there's been afghanistan attack hurricane ida attack and then on top of that all of the personal attacks that you and i have faced terri and i have faced the same things things in our lives things going on personally in our lives where the devil has tried to attack so he's tried to ramp this up what do we do in the face of a barrage of attacks now let me give you a couple of answers that are incorrect do we hunker down until the attack passes over do we head for the bomb shelter do we head for the hills no and i asked the lord specifically i said what do we do he said fight back fight back and it says in second corinthians 10 3 and 4 for though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds it says we don't war after the flesh but we do war there is a place of war that the body of christ walks in and when we are attacked we rise up we take our place we take our stand and we fight what is called the good fight of faith we get aggressive with the devil we get into what i call bulldog faith mode where you bite down on the word and you don't let go until you see the final result take place as it says in first timothy 6 12 we fight the good fight of faith and what the devil is trying to do right now is to overwhelm us i don't know if you've sensed this i don't know if you've been dealing with these kinds of things but in our own household we not only see what's going on around the world but we see the things that have been going on in our own church coveted attacking our congregation i've done two funerals in the last week and we've been standing and we've been believing and what we have to do is refuse to submit to one of the devil's biggest tactics and that is to overwhelm you if he can overwhelm you he can discourage you and if he can discourage you he can he can get you to lay down your weapons but i want you to say this after me as a matter of fact stand up stand up we're in military surroundings here i can feel it i can sense it say this after me i refuse to be overwhelmed i stand my ground i fight the good fight of faith now listen to this one and this is the one that the lord's been talking to me about i am a soldier in the army of the lord give god praise and glory for that praise god go ahead and be seated there are several relationships that i have with the lord i'm a child of god i am a child of god he is my father i'm a son of god we are sons and daughters of god we're servants of god and as i learned today we're ambassadors of god but what i've been meditating on and thinking of a lot about lately is the fact that i am a soldier of god in the army of the lord we are an occupying army here the church is an occupying army brother copeland had a word from the lord for this year 2021 the year of the local church any pastors in here pastors pastors pastors we are the year of the local church and the lord spoke that word to brother copeland in 2019 at the end of 2019. when he texts me one morning as i was getting ready for church he said i've received a word from the lord you can call now or call me after church you know what i did i called him now and he said george the lord just spoke to me and said 20 21 is going to be the year of the local church well look what has happened and what has tried to happen to the local church in 2020 and then going over into 2021 but the gates of hell cannot prevail against the church so i'm a child and a son and a servant and an ambassador but i am a soldier of the lord we are soldiers of the lord and there are so many connections between military in the natural and the military arm of the church in the spiritual and that's what we're going to touch on in this session that we have turn to ephesians chapter six ephesians chapter six and i'm going to start with verse 10. you have to refuse to be overwhelmed the devil is trying to sift us the devil is trying to discourage us the devil is trying to shut down the church he's trying to shut down the church but the church has been placed on earth as military posts of the kingdom of heaven and we take up our post and we do not allow the devil to invade our territory ephesians 6 verse 10 finally my brethren be strong in the lord and in the power of his might i have been declaring that scripture over and over again especially especially in these last two years i am strong in the lord and in the power of his might the phone calls the texts keeping up with people on staff at kenneth copeland ministry that had that have been hit with covet and then we have the congregation and then we have our partners and it could be overwhelming but we are strong in the lord and in the power of his might say that three times with me i am strong in the lord and in the power of his might again i am strong in the lord and in the power of his might again i am strong in the lord and in the power of his might and i end that with i'm getting stronger and stronger every day the strong spirit of a man will sustain him in bodily pain and attack that's what the book of proverbs tells us from the amplified translation the strong spirit of a man will sustain him in bodily pain and attack so the stronger we are in our spirit the easier it is to deal with the devil the easier it is to deal with the things that we're facing the easier it is to deal with the issue of the the united states giving away afghanistan to taliban we have to be strong in the lord the lord's going to turn that around and i really do believe that in afghanistan we are going to see some old testament and new testament demonstration of angels appearing angels appearing stuff that we've had over there it's going to either break down blow up or come on home we are strong in the lord the united states of america is strong in the lord and in the power of his might we're not going down we're going up we're going up so finally my brethren and you are my brethren you're my brethren be strong in the lord and in the power of his might in verse 10 in the amplified it says in conclusion be strong in the lord be empowered soldier through your union with him i added in soldier but just the word soldier says something it says no quit don't give up keep going it is a word of discipline it is a word of respect for authority it is a word that is so powerful and we are called to be soldiers of the lord in the army of the lord so put on god's it says be empowered through your union with him draw your strength from him that strength which his boundless might provides i believe right now as i'm speaking these words to you strength is going into you because there's strength in the word of god whatever discouragement that has been there it's got to go it's going to leave we've got a job to do you and i have a job to do and a job to get done he said that you draw your strength from him that strength which his boundless might provides and in verse 11 it says put on god's whole armor the armor of a heavy armed soldier which god supplies we are heavily armed soldiers we have the name of jesus we have the word of god we have the angels around us we have the blood of jesus we are heavily armed and it is what god supplies he's the one that's supplying the armament that we need in such a time as this so that you may be able to successfully stand up against all the strategies and the deceits of the devil it says in the king james translation that you can stand against the wiles of the devil well the amplified bible calls it strategies strategies the enemy has strategies strategies to shut us down strategies to isolate us from one another strategies to work against pastors and ministers to discourage them from preaching the full word of god in strength that's one of the strategies that he has and the word wiles when it says stand against the wiles of the devil in the greek it is the word methodia methodia and we get our word methods methods we are armed so that we can stand up against all the methods the schemes the plans and the strategies of the devil it says in second corinthians 2 11 we are not ignorant of his devices we're not ignorant of the wiles and the evil plans and the schemes of the devils the devil we have information we've got secret information about him you know one of the things that he tries to do is to steal the word immediately after it is planted so that says something to me about attending a meeting like this you get ready and you prepare yourself and you say devil you will not steal the word that was sown during this meeting you will not steal it from me you can't steal it from me i am a heavily armed and dangerous soldier in the army of the lord in verse 12. king james version said so we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places rank and file rank and file powers principalities rulers of the darkness those against spiritual wickedness in those high places so knowing that this is the root of everything that's going on every attack personally every attack militarily every attack where our nation is concerned we know the root of it and it is satan he's the root he's the root of all sickness he's the root of all disease he's the root of these things going on and the devil also uses people he uses people and we have to be very careful that we know we don't wrestle with flesh and blood but with these powers and principalities and rulers of the darkness so where the battle begins is in the spirit it starts in the spirit and it begins to dry up from the roots those things that are going on we cannot go around being discouraged about our nation our nation and i'll say this this is my declaration our nation is a godly nation the united states of america is a godly nation and it's not going down it's going up it's not against god it is for god god is removing politicians and bringing other politicians in people who will stand in faith believing god for our nation do you believe that you've got to watch your attitude about what you think and what you say this is turning this is turning this thing is turning around so we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities powers rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places and then he says therefore therefore now you know your enemy you know your enemy and you're not ignorant of his plans his devices or the way he tries to take you down so therefore put on god's complete armor so that you may be able to resist and stand your ground on the evil day of danger and having done all the crisis demands stand firmly in your place stand therefore and hold your ground there is so much that is being said in that so much that is being told to us because of the spiritual warfare that we do then what we have to do is put on that armor we put on the armor so that we can resist and stand our ground in the evil day we should be like the person that is written in the 112th psalm the 112th psalm turn over there very quickly and i'll read that to you and this has been a life goal for me personally because many years ago i heard brother copeland preach a message on the man with the established heart and that message so lodged on the inside of me it is my goal to be so established and rooted and grounded in the word of god i cannot be shaken no matter what is happening or what is going on i cannot be shaken and it says here in the 112th psalm first verse blessed is the man that fears the lord honors the lord and delights greatly in his commandments his seed shall be mighty upon the earth the generation of the upright shall be blessed wealth and riches shall be in his house his righteousness endures forever forever unto the upright there arises light in the darkness he's gracious full of compassion and righteous a good man shows favor and lends he'll guide his affairs with discretion in verse six surely he shall not be moved forever as the apostle paul wrote none of these things move me no matter what is going on in our nation afghanistan anyplace else or at home none of these things move me none of them move me so surely he shall not be moved forever the righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance remembrance of his covenant verse 7 he shall not be afraid of evil tidings he shall not be afraid his heart is fixed trusting in the lord his heart is established he shall not be afraid until he see his desire upon his enemies say this after me i will not be moved by things around me situations personally or situations in the world i will not be afraid of evil tidings my heart is fixed trusting in the lord my heart is established i shall not be afraid that's what we do and especially in these times chaplain it has ramped up like we've never seen it before there have been wars fought in the past but there's something going on right now in the realm of the spirit that's trying to take down this whole thing and we will not be moved we will not be shaken we will not be stopped we will not be thwarted it says verses 13 14 amplified in in ephesians 6 therefore put on god's complete armor that you may be able to resist stand your ground on the evil day of danger and having done all the crisis demands to stand firmly in your place stand therefore and hold your ground hold your ground do we retreat no we hold our ground we fight and i was these are some notes that i was just making earlier this morning on the other notes that i had typed up we take the hill we take the help we don't we don't just stand our ground and hold back the enemy we move forward and we take the high ground we take the high ground we take the hill and as i was writing that down i thought about the fact that the hill is washington d.c let's take the hill let's get the hill let's get god back in god is back in the nation we just need to get him back in full force in washington d.c we need to get him back in full force in the white house so we're taking the hill stand therefore hold your ground take up your position take up your position refuse to give up ground stay focused and resolved to not give in and resist the devil and fight resist the devil and fight we have to refuse to fear we've got to refuse to fear turn very quickly hold your place turn over to deuteronomy chapter 20. deuteronomy chapter 20. we cannot fear i'm telling you whatever is attacking you whatever's going on in your family whatever attack is taking place it's all part of the overall thing that's going on because the devil just wants to overwhelm us and he's not going to do it he's not going to do it and i was reading this and there's so much to this but i'll just read a little part of this in deuteronomy 20 and at the top of my page in the king james version it says the laws of wars the laws of wars and in verse 1 when you go out to battle against your enemies and you see horses and chariots and you can see people more than you or you look on the news and you see what's going on or you look around you and you see what people are saying and what people are doing be not afraid of them for the lord thy god is with thee which brought you up from the land of egypt and then it says it shall be when you come nigh unto the battle that the priest shall approach and speak to the people that's talking about the pastors and the ministers right there come on guys we need to talk to our people we need to talk to our troops and we need to encourage them and we need to build them up and we need to strengthen them pastors that have churches you need to get in your pulpit and just strengthen your people strengthen your troops so the pastor comes forward in verse 3 and he shall say unto them hear ye approach this day unto battle against your enemies let not your hearts faint fear not do not tremble neither be terrified because of them why for the lord your god is he that goes with you to fight for you against your enemies and to save you come on praise god for that it's the lord that goes with us father get the rest of the americans out of afghanistan right now get them out right now if angels have to go over there and move them shift them get to where they need to go i say right now in the name of jesus they're getting out of there they're getting out of there but you know there are some christians that through the sources that we have afghan christians who refuse to go we're going to stay we're going to stay we and our children are not leaving here we're going to stay and we're going to fight this battle isn't that something isn't that amazing so we resist the devil and we fight and we do not fear a few weeks ago i preached about not allowing us to fear refusing to fear refusing to allow fear to have any place in us whatsoever i have a zero tolerance policy where fear is concerned and anytime it tries to rise up in me i cast down that high imagination i cast it down so i cast it down any time fear tries to rise up you say i cast that down in the name of jesus and he will help you the holy spirit will help you verse 13 new living translation therefore put on every piece of god's armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil then after the battle you will still be standing firm let me say this to you when the dust of battle settles we are the ones left standing when the dust of spiritual battle finally settles and for my wife and me there have been spiritual battles that we have fought and spiritual battles that we fight and spiritual battles to come but every time when the dust settles my wife and i are standing we are standing it's like a real good western movie when everybody's shooting at each other and there is dust flying and all of a sudden the dust starts to clear and there's the hero standing there there's the sheriff standing there there's that cowboy with the white hat standing there when the dust settles we are the ones standing devil we're standing we're standing let me read a couple of scriptures to you james 4 7 and the amplified resist the devil stand firm against him and he will flee from you and some translations say in stark terror resist the devil and he will flee from you in stark terror you stand firm against him you stand firm against him it says in first peter 5 verse 8 be sober be vigilant be on guard be like a soldier on guard on guard because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion or you could say as a sniper in the trees walks about seeking whom he may devour whom you resist steadfast in the faith and that very same verse there in the amplified bible says withstand him be firm in faith against his onset be rooted established strong immovable and determined what am i doing here right now building strength into your spirit strength into your spirit to fight the battles that you have before you say this in jesus name i am firm in faith against the devil i am rooted established strong immovable and determined praise god for that praise him praise him in verse 14 of ephesians 6 stand therefore having your loins girt about with truth having on the breastplate of righteousness your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace above all taking the shield of faith wherewith you should be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked in the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of god that is our offensive weapon the sword of the spirit which is the word of god everything else is defensive everything else is protected but the sword of the spirit is the offensive weapon that we use in the fight of faith verse 17 of the message translation says god's word is an indispensable weapon what is an appropriate weapon for the fight of faith in the natural realm soldiers have to determine what is the appropriate weapon to take into battle what are the appropriate things that we do when we're faced with a situation well we do the same thing what is the appropriate weapon that we take into battle when the devil's trying to stop us fight us keep us down it is the living word of god that's the appropriate that is the weapon of choice to fight the enemy that's the weapon of choice to fight the enemy because the word of g word of god contains the power of god when it is shot out of the mouth of the believer when faith is released and this is the releasing mechanism right here this is the barrel with which that word of god comes through push through by faith of the believer and you have to see you have to see that word coming out of your mouth that will move that mountain that will blast it to smithereens that will get it out of the way that's how powerful the word of god is write down these scriptures hebrews 4 12 for the word of god is quick powerful sharper than any two-edged sword jeremiah 23 29 is not my word like a fire a flame thrower see that happening see that taking place have an image of that soldier with the flamethrower and you begin to speak the word of god you say devil you take your hands off my family that is a flame that's coming out of your mouth burning up the enemy he says is not my word like a fire says the lord like a hammer that breaks the rock into pieces the words that we speak the god's words that we speak in faith it's fire that burns up the enemy it is it is a hammer that breaks the rock and loses the way for us to go forward and not be stopped by anything mark 4 39 and jesus arose and he rebuked the wind what did he do with that with his words words stopped the wind and he said to the sea peace be still and the wind ceased and there was a great calm there are situations in my own life that i stand there and i say peace be still and i believe it i believe it when i release my faith when that happens i expect it to happen because i've seen it over and over i've seen the faithfulness of god and i've seen the power of god working in my life some situations that terry and i were dealing with within the last couple of years enriched in right in the midst right in the midst of battle lord gave us a word he said you need to start saying it's over now it's over now just like that great word we heard from bishop bailey this morning the day came when we made our stand and we said it's over now and at that point it started to die it started to die it started to shrivel up it was still going on it was still happening but the life was sucked out of it and it began to get smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller until the day came when terry and i looked at each other and said it's over it's over that's how powerful the word is and that's the weapon that we use jesus said for verily i say unto you in mark 11 23 that whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea he shall have whatsoever he says so the word of god that we speak that is the weapon of choice in dealing with issues and situations that we are going through dealing with battles dealing with our country dealing with our nation dealing with our military it starts everything starts with words in the beginning was the word and the word was made flesh that's the same principle that you and i operate on in the beginning of that attack there is the word and the word is made flesh your word is made flesh your word is made real your word is bringing from the the realm of the spirit into the realm of the natural what you need the word of god it's it's it it is a it's like a tractor beam that locks on star wars tractor beam and that locks on and starts bringing to them what they want that's exactly how the word works you reach out there and you believe god and i heard bishop talking this morning about believing god for debt freedom believing god for a home for a car and your words of faith reach out there lock onto it and then begin to bring it in but you cannot negate those words by saying well i guess it's not working what's going to happen it's going to start going back out again you can't do that you can't do that pastor terry and i have stood for debt freedom for our home for a long time a long time and i must say there are times when i walk through our house and i'm thanking god i live in a debt-free house i live in a debt-free house didn't happen overnight but we stayed with it we stayed on it we didn't give up we didn't quit we didn't throw in the towel we bit down on that word and we led and wouldn't let go like a bulldog we bit down on it and we wouldn't let it go and we kept standing and we kept standing the power of the word matthew 8 16 he cast out spirits with his word he cast out spirits with his word so you see the power that is in the word of god in the midst of battle speak the word when it looks when it looks great speak the word when it doesn't look great speak the word because the word will change the atmosphere it will get the enemy removed from your territory and it will clear away for the word of god to work in your life i like something that mark hankins said he said never never run at your giant with your mouth shut up think about david think about what we were learning earlier this morning and think about david he did not run towards that giant with his mouth shut what was he doing he was talking to it he was talking to it now quote we read it this morning i'll quote it again from first samuel 17 45 this is the new living translation david replied to the philistine or really he shouted at the philistine it wasn't a reply it was it was a direct hit he said to the philistine you come to me with sword spear and javelin i come to you in the name of the lord of heaven's armies now let me stop there for just a moment that's the way you have to do the devil that's the way you have to do him in other words he says you come to me with the natural things devil you come to me with discouragement you come to me with lies and deceits but he said i'm coming to you in the name of the lord of heaven's armies the god of the armies of israel whom you have defied today the lord will conquer you today the lord will conquer you my goodness i'm thinking about bishop's sermon here today's the day today the lord will conquer you what's going on what's going on what's going on in your life what's what what attack what attack has been going on what things have been taking place let's just stop here for a moment let's just stop here for just a moment and take these take these same words as matter of fact stand up again stand up again stand up again say this after me devil no you need to be so i want to hear soldiers in here today i want to hear soldiers in the army of the lord here today devil you come to me with swords spear in javelin natural weapons lies deceits discouragement but i come to you in the name of the lord of heaven's armies now remember we're talking to that thing we're talking to that thing the god of the armies of israel whom you have defied today the lord will conquer you and i will kill you and i will cut off your head now there's something about cutting off the head of the enemy that's one way to shut him up [Music] that's one way to shut him up can't talk anymore can't speak anymore and then i will give the dead bodies of your men to the birds and the wild animals and the whole world will know there's a god in israel [Applause] and everyone assembled will know that the lord rescues his people not with sword and spear this is the lord's battle he will give you to us praise god praise god praise god hold just a second hold on hold on we're not we're not finished at quite addressing the troops with these confessions of faith 2021 word from the lord through jerry so you might as well keep standing 20 21 word from the lord through jerry savelle november 29 2020 do not fear the future because it's still bright and i'll see you through each and every fight stay in faith watch what you say speak only my word and i'll have my way it is never my will for you to fail it is always my will for you to prevail don't be moved by what you hear and see this is how you enter into greater victory be bold and courageous stay free from all fear 2021 will turn out to be a great year [Applause] i'll take you higher i lost my place i'll take you higher than you've ever been before this is my promise and my promises are sure stay in my word and rest in me for this is your year to be totally free come on praise god i take it i take it we're soldiers in the army of the lord and we fight the good fight of faith until we win so i have one more declaration that we need to make before the lord it says in second timothy 2 3 and 4 thou therefore endure hardness as a good soldier of jesus christ it would be better translated stand firm in the face of the enemy indoor hardness gives us the the implication that we're we're having to back down and just bear with it and just barely get by and and just just hunker down until it passes over no no no no we stand firm we resist the devil as a good soldier of jesus christ no man that wars entangles himself with the affairs of this life that he may please him who has chosen him to be a soldier a soldier so this revelation of being a soldier in the army of the lord is growing and growing and growing on the inside of me and i see what the lord was doing preparing me to come here to be with you to be in this atmosphere soldiers of the lord i want you to say this now after me believe it and i i do this at my church all the time i make my people speak the word one of one of the mission statements that we have is to disciple people intensely in the word of god intensely i have to warn people if you come here for an hour service and a motivational speech you are in the wrong place in the wrong we are way out in the country and i'm sure not going to cut it short people coming all the way out there and then leaving without ammunition that they need to take home to fight the enemy all right tan hup i am a soldier in the army of the lord i am strong in the lord and in the power of his might i am wearing god's complete armor i resist the devil and stand my ground on the evil day of danger i run to my enemy shouting the battle cry of faith say yes sir my weapon of choice is the sword of the spirit the word that i speak is alive and active it is sharper than any two-edged sword the word i speak is like a fire it's a hammer that breaks the rock i speak god's word boldly and i speak it by faith sir yes sir satan take your hands off my nation america is a godly nation take your hands off the election our elections are honest and true take your hands off my body i am redeemed from covet 19 and delta variant i plead the blood of jesus over my life and family sir yes sir [Applause] 2021 is the year of the local church the gates of hell will not prevail against it churches are opening up people are coming back they're taking their place 2020-21 is my year of divine healing i take it 2021 is the year of divine health i receive it 2021. is my year of divine prosperity i have it 2021 is my year of divine recovery without fail i recover all when the dust of battle settles i will stand strong and victorious now give god praise and a shout give him glory hallelujah praise god praise god praise god thank you lord [Applause] thank you lord praise pushes back the enemy stops him pushes him back and defeats him why don't we just praise god right now hallelujah hallelujah praise god [Music] praise god i want you i want you to be seated i want you to be seated we're going to receive offering in just a moment and i've got a song that we're going to do it's a declaration as well but i want to share something with you about our offering how many of you are partners to kenneth copeland ministries hands lifted everywhere if you've ever given to kenneth copeland ministries before this ministry is extremely active in getting their mission done our mission done to preach the uncompromised word of faith from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around the middle on every available voice and we are also ready and willing to do whatever the lord calls us to do as chaplain downing introduced me today i am i i am the senior pastor of eagle mountain international church my wife and i are both the ceos of kenneth copeland ministries so i'm responsible for everything at kenneth copeland ministries up to the throne of brother copeland and sister copeland but my responsibility is to watch over what is precious to them and to get things like this meeting organized and out there to the people so that brother copeland can come and preach that uncompromised word of faith but i wanted to share something with you as we prepare for the offering several sunday nights ago pastor terry and i received a phone call and it was from david barton and david barton was calling on behalf of glenn beck and the nazarene fund and he explained to us that he was in contact with aircraft that could get people out of afghanistan and they raised the finances for it and they raised nearly 30 million dollars within about a week's period of time they raised 30 million dollars but here was the here was the clincher to this they and their team david barton who sits on the board of the nazarene fund and glenn beck who was over it and their team of people they needed to get to an und undisclosed middle eastern country so they can they could coordinate their operations with their people in afghanistan they had to be there in the same time zone and they had to be there now so david barton asked us and he said on behalf of glenn beck would it be possible to use brother copeland's g5 to get us to this place in the middle east not afghanistan our plane was not in a war zone but we had to get them to the place where they needed to be where they could set up operations communicate with their people and get people out and so we got brother copeland on the phone we we brought him into the phone call i knew what the answer was going to be before he got on the phone but i thought it would be good to talk to him about that and brother copeland said something very interesting of course the partners of kenneth copeland ministries bought that plane they bought that plane it doesn't belong to brother copeland it belongs to kenneth copeland ministries in spite of what the media might say and so we were talking to david barton and brother copeland said this is the kind of assignment that that plane is called to do it normally takes two weeks to prepare for a mission like that within 72 hours they were there they were there kenneth copeland aircraft took these people to where they needed to go to set up operations to be able to get people out of afghanistan and those of you who are partners or those of you who give into kenneth copeland ministries you are responsible for getting 5 100 christians afghani christians out of afghanistan can you give god praise for that [Applause] accomplished mission accomplished we were told by our chief pilot that when glenn beck got on that airplane he fell to his knees and just thank god for the availability now people criticize us for having an aircraft people criticize us but don't realize these are the kinds of things that we do who else are they going to go to are they going to call up nbc or abc or or fox or any of these people and borrow their plane they probably wouldn't let them use it but we were responsible to help get 5 000 100 people out of afghanistan before they shut it down before they closed it down and i just wanted to thank you on behalf of kenneth copeland ministries the partners of kenneth copeland ministries thank you for your part in this mission that we were able to fulfill glory to god it's exciting it's exciting so those of you who would like to have an envelope there's one or just raise your hand and our ushers will bring one to you if you're giving by text just text event and the amount to the number 36609 uh those of you that are giving by web kcm.org tv event kcm.org tv event if you want to call it's 877-281-6297 and then there are others of you that would like to write to us so just write to kenneth copeland ministries fort worth texas texas 76192 and as we prepare to receive the offering i've asked the team if they would sing this song and brian come on out team come on out here this is a song that the lord just put into my heart because this is where i am like i said to you at the beginning i'm i'm a child of god a servant of god an ambassador of god but now i'm seeing myself as a soldier of god in the army in the army of the lord you know i happen to be brother copeland's son-in-law and i get to be around them at thanksgiving or christmas time and we relax and we have a good time and there are times when i'm son-in-law but then there are also times when i'm a soldier in the army of brother copeland's in in the army of brother copeland and he he goes from being father-in-law to general sir yes sir and i understand it i really do i really understand that even though i wasn't in military i'm in the army of the lord and i serve him so i that the lord has just had me working on that and building myself up knowing that i am strong in him to do battle so as you finish writing out whatever you're writing or doing i want you to stand up and this is the song that the lord gave to me and it's just been going through me and through me and brian you did such a great job in church the other day you're going to do it again yes oh i'm going to stay here with you and sing okay all right i'm a soldier in the army of the lord [Music] come on can you help me [Music] i'm a soldier in your army [Music] um oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] laid off uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] speak the word of god [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] oh at somebody i'm a soldier i'm not gonna mess with y'all i mean praise god keep standing the praise out i'm thankful man you sing just like i taught you i appreciate that man this god bless you hey listen speaking of soldiers and all we our guest today needs no introduction praise god but i tell you i love him uh mighty man of god he's a combat fighter pilot amen and i tell you praise god if that's so if that didn't get you man you wait till he come through here so you might anchor down fasting down and make sure that you're ready to receive the word of god just landed not long ago he's gonna take off from here and go land some more man praise god will you please welcome pastor bill winston to this platform praise god foreign [Music] i just want to share real quick that young lady my daughter's here right there came all the way to the floor at the time i just got to hear past the winston oh i preached this morning that's all right that's uh we love you amen give the lord a praise will you give him the praise here glory to god i think i'm gonna pull these a little closer can i do that okay woo glory it's low flow flow [Music] well praise the lord amen that's the violence of the lord father we thank you so much for the word thank you for this time together thank you for the anointing on this house thank you for the anointing on this ministry thank you for the anointing on me and these sips of clay that i speak this word with excellence accuracy and boldness asking you the things with my mind speak to my lips and this word will come forth unhindered unchecked by any outside force and that signs wonders and miracles shall follow the word preached lord we thank you for it we call it done in jesus name and somebody say amen amen take a seat please wow to god oh come up here come up here we'll break him off break him off a hundred dollars here for just that somebody say flow bless you good to see you bless you oh he's throwing it back [Applause] that's my kind of man he's a sower now that you sat down come back up here okay amen here's your harvest that's 200. go sit down [Applause] come on that's the way it works somebody say increase see it's good when you don't come somewhere broke you know what i mean just you know some folk you know this gold place is broke but we're gonna we're gonna fix that today you know what i mean um i'd like you to turn to isaiah in chapter 55 over to god and i'm going to start reading here at verse 8. glory to god he says for my thoughts and not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways saith the lord for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts and your thoughts for as the rain cometh down in the snow from heaven and returneth not thither but water with the earth and make it bring forth in bud that it may give seed to the sow and bread to the eater so shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth it shall not return unto me void but it shall accomplish that which i please and it shall prosper in the thing where unto i sent it now you know if you look at that particular verse that is basically what pastor just taught about he talked about the word doing the work the word doing the work and uh hold on let me just reset myself here just a moment and uh this basically is where we came from when we uh were adam and eve were in the garden they were in a place where the word did the work and once adam's sin he fell in that garden and as a result of his fall now he had to do the work he was to operate like god as a matter of fact why don't you go back there and that's found in ephesians in ephesians chapter 5 over in ephesians chapter 5 and it says for us to be ye imitators of god as dear children the amplified translation says for us to copy him and follow his example so when we're talking about the word of god and the way you and i were designed to operate we were designed to copy god we would design that the way god operated that's where we're supposed to operate and when you get into really looking at it the way god intended it this is a word planet and the way that things got to be done were with words and some people think that words you know sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me word words can kill you and people are the results usually in their life the results of what they've been thinking and saying and and when when that happens uh you get the consequences of that for example there were two groups that went out or one group that went out to spy out the land of canaan it came back and two of them said let us go up at once and possess it for we are well able to overcome it and the other one 10 said we be not able to go up this against these people they were stronger than we so forth and so on well as a result of that the two that said we're going to go win the 10 that says we can't didn't now a lot of people think that god is running the world and uh if you're a baby christian and you just you know this is you're just starting out you probably think the same way but uh god turned the world over to man he he he said in genesis chapter 1 and starting here at uh he goes on down there and god said and god said and god said in verse 26 and god said let us make man after our image after i like to let them have what dominion over the efficiency of the follow the air with the cattle over all the earth and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth so mankind now has dominion if you look at that word dominion look it up in the webster 1828 dictionary you can get one of those you can just download a you know an app for it and you'll see what it means sovereign control um ability to use things at your pleasure so forth and so on dominion so he didn't say let us have dominion he said let who them so when adam sinned in the garden when when eve picked that fruit did god come in and say put that down that's not good for you no no no no it was up to her and it's up to you right now what's going on in the earth now you have to understand that people say well god is in control well he overall has control truth but on a daily basis he's given over his the ability to run this earth to a human to a person and that's why adam could give it away and i'm just saying you're a product of the last atom that when jesus came he came as the last adam he he was going to show you the way the original adam could operate or did operate and 99 of the things that jesus did in this earth he did it with words he did it with words and what happens is people think that wait a minute that was jesus now he he jesus said no no no no he said this over in john chapter 14 verse 10. he said the works that i do no in john chapter 14 verse 10 he said it's not me it's a father in me he's doing the work and he that believeth on me verse 12 the works that i do shall he do also and greater works than he shall he do because i'm going to the father now notice what jesus said he said you supposed to do what he did now why because it's the same father that's doing the work so a lot of times what happens is we think well i can't do that no you can't do it you you're right about that you win the prize no god is not leading you to a place or a thing or piece of property you can afford is this the right bunch i'm talking no no no no he he's not leading you into a fight you can win see he's not leading you to a problem you can saw he's leading you to a problem he can solve he's leading you to a house he can afford i better try that one again no are you with me now this i just want to talk to you today i mean this is amen amen because what what's happening is that the church many times the bible talks about it in mark chapter five chapter six verses five and six jesus came back to his own hometown and they said oh i know who he is he he he he was he that joseph boy he he fixed my door on my bathroom about five years ago now you follow what i'm saying but he he was the son of god but he put a god-head ability aside and became as a man that was anointed like you and he said what i did you can do i better go with that again he said now what i did you can do so what is he doing basically he's putting mankind back into the driver's seat i i heard gloria tell a story one time about the devil i think it was since the glory if it's not i'll i'll hear from uh but but it was a man and he's driving his car and there was a hitchhiker and it was the devil but he was disguised and he picked him up sat in the passenger seat no it sat in the back at first and then he went on down the road and the passenger asked him could i sit up front with it he said well yeah you can sit up front sat up front and then pretty soon next thing i know after the enemy finished talking to him the man was standing on the side of the road and the devil was driving off in his car now i'm saying that because his work is subtle it's it's subtle how he moved over the church over some years to take away the standard that the church was set at in the time of the apostles and how he's moved to bring the church down to the level of having just another meeting um jesus didn't have just another meeting that he understood some sense of accountability now if i step on your toes jesus isn't in the house he's going to heal your toes it's okay now what am i saying is this is that jesus said in john chapter 10 in verse 37. that if i do not the works of my father don't even believe it now that's a pretty high standard because he is saying basically that if you don't see any miracles if you don't see any signs wonders then you have a right not to believe a word i've said and that's where the standard was that's where it was now i'm saying this because this word accountability has been missing because god wants the church to be accountable for possessing the land of promise he wants the church to be accountable for the term occupy till i come well i'm preaching better than you saying amen right now and i'm only saying this because there is a stewardship responsibility in our ownership and in verse in matthew chapter 25 he came back and talked about it he said there were three people servants that were left in charge and the owner went away and came back and had everybody to settle up the one who had five talents doubled it the one who had two talents double it the one who had one talent said well i knew you were a hard man and so i buried mine and let me get to the bottom line he said you're fired and took what he had and gave it to the one who had the most now that is not uh that is not uh what they call um um that is not not the word communism but other words socialism that's not socialism that's capitalism see because what's been missing is the word performance i'm going to help you this afternoon that that word has been missing it's been missing it it's it's oh we got a lot of things going on now and so forth and so on but when i was coming through it was performance it was before i remember going when i was in upt undergraduate pilot training and here i was in pet graduate pilot training in the air force and and somebody say air force all right and uh as as i was going through it was performance you had to be graded on flying and you had to be graded on your classroom work and [Music] if you slip below the standard the first time they'll let you go give you a warning the next time you would meet with your senior officers who were over the upt class the next time you meet a board to determine whether you have some other things that might be considered or not and usually not you are out now people don't like to be measured today they listen i'm aware of this word stewardship during the pandemic doing the pandemic not this is not me this is the god who is in me just short of 5 000 souls were won in my ministry because because i'm counting them but i know when i stand before him i don't want jesus to say well i wanted to say what well done but people think they've got more time and they don't understand the word accountability and it says over in the scriptures it says we're like a palm tree that will bring forth much fruit that's over in psalm 92 and i think verse 12. birth 14 says you'll still bring forth much fruit in old age so and they that there is nothing in this bible that can be translated retirement find it in there it's not in hebrew i'm saying you might have left that job but you're still on the job of the kingdom of god and god if you can open your mouth you can go because it's words and so next thing you know the friend of mine he was in the class ahead of me at upt he had about 40 students in the class usually in a class it was only you know one uh african-american and he was there he was the only one in that class and he wasn't doing well and he had not come from one of the top ivy league universities in engineering but he was there in that class and he was wasn't doing well and now they were giving him his last ride if he didn't it he was riding with the instructor if he didn't pass this he was out so he ends up there in his room we're all in bachelor officers quarters and i went over to a room and he was up there getting drunk i said man getting drunk ain't gonna help you out i said let's let's sit down let's go through this thing sit in a chair let's let's imagine this thing let's show forth along because he's having problems landing that every time he starts coming down to the runway he gets fearful and takes off again now pretty soon you're going to run out of gas with that combination of things somebody say amen see we we we don't like it but god is grading he's checking to see what we're doing with what he's given us there's nothing wrong with that folks this world has tried to pull us down to make the church think that they don't need to perform so what happened he took the next ride the next day i went the following day after that to see where he was and his his bed was made up and all his stuff was gone then i left there now i went on to you know vietnam and in in flew for a year and i'd like to have it so the flight lead uh was was not the lowest one in the class i i'd like to have it because they got to take me in to the war zone all right see you know why it's quiet because people don't like to talk about that but see you're okay i'm saying just let the one who's in you do the work that your potential is off the charts it cannot be measured it cannot be measured watch this you're uncursible according to numbers 23-23 you're unstoppable he said he's always causing you to triumph you're you're untouchable touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm you name it you're unfailing you cannot fail you lay your hands to is supposed to what prospered this is the book and i only think i just came to do to remind you of that by the way my teaching is entitled becoming miracle-minded so what am i saying here we're not here to win a battle we're here to break the house we're here to take back everything satan has stolen watch this and destroy every trace that he's been in the earth because he's here to destroy every word that you put in this earth he knows he can't do it as long as you get that word out there he know as long as that word is out there light always dispels darkness but you have been made and designed for warfare you even if you kid couldn't even move around you can get in your closet and let that is warfare in the spirit isn't this good there's no problem you can't saw well how do i know that because the bible says if any of you lack wisdom come on come on help me somebody are you come on come on now we we got to get into this thing if any of you like wisdom let him what ask of god who giveth to all men what liberally and a breedeth not and it shall be given them but let him ask how how say it louder you're going to ask in faith that means when you ask you're going to believe you receive when you pray i asked people last night i said when do you believe you've received now i said that is not bible the name bible the bible says you believe you receive when you pray you might have prayed yesterday so when do you believe you received yesterday not now come on saints come on now see see the little things mean a lot now listen now we go we'll go into some things while i'm here we're going to go into some things we we we're going to see in the bible where you can reset your age listen it's all in here this is part of the promised land well y'all looking at me like a calf with a new gig boy i'm telling you that how we doing we're doing okay oh no so here i was fighter pilot overseas and praise god i was trained when i first trained i was trained by a guy i heard this guy tell a story about a billiard player and this billiard was really good shooting pool really good and the guy was observing him and this guy was you know bouncing i mean you know banking off the walls and hitting stuff he said sir excuse me but you bought one of the best billiard players i've ever seen and it's what he said oh i'm just a b player he said a b player he said why are you a b player he said because i wasn't trained by a's do you realize that the holy ghost is your tutor when i was going in before just before i went into the undergraduate pilot training they had what they call fip they had some initial training that we trained in in little cessna's and so forth like that and then we went on the pilot training some free training course and we had you know a few rides and that and so forth wasn't much but just something sort of you going you know you get there and you won't you know just be terrorized by it but uh but we did that and the person who trained me was chief anderson chief anderson was the same person that trained the tuskegee airmen now i understand he was about i would imagine about 90 years old when he was training me and the people with me but i remember him telling me this he said winston winston he said you're trying to do too much he said the plane will fly itself i said well you could have fooled me let me see he said let me show you coming down final approach let me show you let's just trim it up trim it up throw it up he said now take your hands off take your hands off just take your hands off watch it look at that just coming right on down look at look look at it look at you're not touching it look at it it's just coming right on down she's coming right on down he got to the runway and just pulled back just flared out i got a ways to go here praise god performance so then when i got in pilot training i qualified for fighters f wars that time founders and then went on to be decorated and so forth but i got out of that and i got into the a company called ibm well i i said okay i wanted to be on the ground a minute and because it was a choice whether i would go to airlines so i took that because i was having some problems with doing family problems so forth so i took it but i remember when the my manager said this to me i bill i said yes sir don't ever confuse activity with results whoo well the reason why i said that is because i wasn't bringing in anything i was in sales my job was to fill the quota that they gave me in centuries i'd gone through training training lasts about a year gone through training so forth so nothing was working and then next thing i know one of the sales women taught me i'm not at night about eight o'clock at night i'm struggling because i i can smell failure in the air but she talked to me she said hey bill let me tell you something you might be want to do she said just make a mistake on your flip chart presentation just or you or your powerpoint and then you know just make a mistake and and and correct it you know when you're in front of the customer say oh excuse me i've made a mistake here just let a little humility come out of you a fighter pilot thinks that there is no thing better than that than him or that that just they had they got to think well of themselves because they're getting shot at and they have to have some kind of esteem but she wanted me to you know temper that just a little bit and also because i was doing kind of poorly i'm listening to a guy named charles capps now you know no matter what the things may say [Music] the word is working mightily in me now that that wasn't my favorite music but i listened to him because he had truth i'd been to church when i was a kid but church wasn't in me i mean you can stand in the stall but that don't make you a horse and so what happened was i said okay so one night i came in late at night i said god i said please help me just like that and that's all i needed to say the bible says whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved well three days later here's a charismatic catholic don't tell me somebody can't get you saved who you don't know charismatic catholic if you you don't know that that's a tongue-talking catholic they don't even meet with the other catholics she said hey bill you want to go with me tonight well yeah i was single she looked good i said yeah and what did i do i went with her and she took me to this meeting on the north side of chicago pull up in this uh schoolyard auditorium um parking lot and went in the back door at this auditorium and they were in there holding hands and lifting hands and praising god i said whoa whoa whoa whoa and i was going to kind of back out just like i walked in i was going to go straight back and back out the door and this brother came and hugged me said jesus loves you brother i just broke down started crying gave my life to the lord they bought me a catholic bible it's good you know it's got everything in it maccabees it's got everything good in you you know and i put something here tabs in and so forth but that was the first stop god had for me because that was the way he could get me in come on now and so i don't even know where she is today i mean that i quickly lost fact she you know i'm thinking i'm gonna you get close to her you know me and her but she had other plans you know and so uh so i got saved then i heard this man charles capps preaching on the kingdom of god that's when i found out i must i should know about citizenship before membership reset my whole thinking just got it i began to use the principles of the kingdom and went from where i was to number one in downtown chicago somebody say accountability see if you if you understand that and understand what's in you it's supposed to make you number one in your industry come on it's supposed to i'm telling you now the blessing itself is designed to make you the wealthiest person wherever you go and that blessing is on you i'm going to try that one more time because you're going to give the blessing more honor than you just gave the blessing the blessing of abraham is on you so what happened i went on to marketing manager now i'm here at ibm marketing manager and what happened they reorganized well they reorganized when they reorganized whoever's the new person on the block they give them the troops who are the lowest performers i mean usually and man i ended up at this branch office and ended up with with this troop and i said you know bruce wouldn't get up in the morning and all of that now here here watch it watch this oh i know what it is it's just prejudice all right now watch me coast so see you are not allowed to go the way of the world and so what happened is i said i got in the scriptures and found out hmm acts chapter 10 34 peter said i perceive that god is no respecter of persons but in every nation or every branch office he that feareth him and worketh righteousness has the same access to his blessing whoa whoa that means i don't care whether you don't like me or not let me come over here i don't care whether you don't like me or not [Applause] you see the world can do that you don't need to do that [Music] now i know i have to preach this to black folk because black folks you know well that you know the white folks don't like a donald delton you got a cousin that can't stand you you you just don't know it they're talking about you every time you go to church so i'm just saying i don't care if you don't like me i'm still coming out to own everything it doesn't make any difference so i'm just saying the performance you you got to read this and believe what he says is for you and it's going to work in your life it doesn't make any difference so what did i do i remember one day here i was and i mean people were the economy was down and nobody was bringing in business and next thing i know uh my boss coming over bill what do you have for me this month now i didn't have anything matter of fact i was negative i i i didn't tell him i said well i'm still adding it up and and and he he went on to another manager but my sister called about nine o'clock in the morning well brother now she's a systems engineer in the same company maybe she said brother she said now how are you doing this month i said i'm doing just fine thank you and if you call me back at five o'clock i'll have so much business i can't put it on the books do you hear what i'm saying now what am i doing i'm releasing words come on y'all words can govern economies man this crowd words can govern economies words yo listen charles capps taught me he said he took his bills and put them on a table and he stood back off of him he said bills i'm talking to you listen to me he said bills will try to i'll talk you listen to me in the name of jesus be paid off dematerialize disappear i said wait a minute i can get in this bible if i get my believing up what charles capps did i can do too because god is no respecter of persons man i took them bills because i had so many i couldn't pay attention i took them bills put them on that table i said bills shut up shut up shut up i'm talking how many of you know jesus speak spoke to a fig tree did it obey him did he say what he did you can do can't you speak to your wallet can't you speak to your bank account can't you speak to your bills that's what pastor was preaching we are moving into the fullness of the blessing that god is going to use you to work miracles so the world can see who he really i is you call me back at five o'clock i'll have so much business i can't put it on the books i hung up real fast didn't give a chance to say no sometimes you got to hang up some of y'all talk too long no really you talked too long after you've said what you got to say hang out just apologize later just hang up now and so no i'm talking to somebody that's a word from the lord you're talking too much let me come over here you talking too much so what happened i said okay i hung up 12 noon understand i was negative 12 noon my reps are calling me in i've told this story before but just listen to it because this this this is the kind of miracle-mindedness every child of god supposed to have you don't follow miracles miracles follow you these signs shall follow them that what believe he's got to do that folks let me tell you one miracle is worth a thousand sermons and everybody can work them out and so when i said that ref started calling in at 12 noon bloom hey bill i just got there i said bring it on in at five o'clock i'm booking business booking enough for me booking up leo looking out for that big time book for all branch office hear my boss the big boss he leans over my show said bill that's enough let's save something next month see he thought i couldn't do it again no no no miracles are not hocus pocus miracles are not things that i sure hope that happens wrong miracles are laws a law is predictable every time if i jump off this this this this stage where am i going down hard okay all right let me preach this okay all right buddy anyway i'm just kidding okay but my point here no no no no no highly predictable jesus came to the gravesite of lazarus that's what he said roll away the stone boy that's when the disciples kind of backed up they said lord have mercy because they knew he was decomposing but is anything too hard for the lord your situation that you're going to right now is waiting on a miracle you the bible says over in isaiah chapter 8 verse 18 i and the children whom the lord has given me are for signs and wonders you were designed for miracles boy that's good preaching if i ever so what happened i'm booking all this business book enough for the whole branch office now i understand i'm the newest guy on the block as a matter of fact here's what some of the other managers said hey billy billy don't work so hard you make us look bad and so forth see no no no i wasn't listening to all of that i was going to take this bible and make it work watch this in my industry why because whatever environment you're in the blessing is designed to take you to the top of it you become number one it doesn't make any difference where it is look at isaac isaac's sold in that same land and received a hundredfold that same year watch this and the philistines invid him watch this and here's what the king said please leave our country notice made more than the government the bible says in deuteronomy chapter 28 you'll lend to many nations that means you're going to help other nations meet their budget amen what does it say in mark chapter 9 verse 23. somebody over here if you got it come on up here read it give me a microphone please thank you somebody over here first come first serve over here don't all move it once come on down here okay let's see if we got a microphone you know 9 23. okay new living testament yeah all right yes hold it here's come here comes the microphone right here all right you got a new living yes sir you don't like the old living room uh you know okay she's gonna read it on new living mark 9 23 new living what do you mean if i can jesus asked what do you mean if i can jesus asked anything is possible if a person believes whoa no now say that again what do you mean if i can i need to read all that just just read the part but i believe okay okay that's all right now i didn't mean how did he snap at you okay go ahead i'm on clock here yes okay all right keep going anything is possible if a person believes one more time anything is possible if a person believes so what's possible for you may not be possible for somebody else because they don't believe am i right about that read it one more time anything is possible if a person believes stick this in that place and just take it on back with you god bless you thank you a hundred dollars there yeah she has no no no that's that's yours you're going to give it back to me yes what are you going to do you saw anybody all right praise god i'll take it now i'm i'm i'm taking i'm taking all takers all right okay okay now let's look at this now that you sit down come back up here i've got two of them now you take it and go to get yourself some good yes sir thank you may the lord bless you uh i just ran out of hundreds can you look at my bag in that checkbook area just bring me some in my bag there okay okay what you gave her did i yes okay i gave her 250. look come back up here come back up here look at my bag and get me some more hundreds okay thank you amen that's funny you're still making fun of yourself thank you buddy bless you amen now anybody over here want to read i didn't think you did okay no no no i came to bless you came the bless say amen god said you're going to be a blessing say i am a blessing so i'm just saying here that look you're getting performance and because of that you're getting promoted by god amen he said well done my good and faithful servant watch this you've been faithful over a few things now i'm going to come on help me make you what i'm telling you for some of you out here promotion is coming right take take 100 bill and just put it on your money clip or something put it on the outside so you can just see it sometimes why because he said as far as you can see lord have mercy i'm going to give it to you let's turn to that genesis in genesis chapter 13 and verse 14. genesis chapter 13 and verse 14. okay give me the microphone again oh yeah bw is in town all right let me have some of them from this section right but now you're too close this section right back there back here i try to come to the back sometime cause people sit in the back you know check it out and see what's going on somebody in the back okay come on up here all right she's going to read genesis and genesis chapter 13 and verse 14 and 15. okay in her best voice genesis 13. not in in your in your best best voice okay just talk out loud you got to stick hold up come on come on you own something the lord said to abram after lot has separated from him now lift up your eyes and look from the place where you are northward and southward and eastward and westward for all the land which you see i will give to you and your descendants forever read that whole thing one more time please the lord said to abram after lot has separated from him now lift up your eyes and look from the place where you are northward and southward and eastward and westward for all the land which you see i give it to you and your descendants forever now read it you've got three groups read it one more time the lord said to abram after lot had separated from him now lift up your eyes and look from the place where you are northward and southward and eastward and westward for all the land which you see i will give it to you and your descendants forever look how look how look now look when she read it the third time look how much more passionate she started getting are you following what i'm saying you know why because it's transforming your thinking here you are god bless you may the lord bless you and keep you real good and you're gonna you're gonna keep it because you come back to me i'll have to give you another all right now now i'm i'm only saying this to say that's right to say this that what can you see because that's what the enemy is after he's after what you can see he god just told you if you can see it you can get it so that enemy comes in to affect your thinking the bible appeals to both sides your understanding and your imagination if you're missing one of them you're going to miss something you got to have both of them working so the enemy would try to mess with your imagination god what i'm saying yes sir in the back over here i need you to say something need you to read something i need you to read second corinthians and chapter 10 starting at verse 3. okay i don't need to take all day to do this i don't have so much time all right yeah just just come on up come on you don't have to have your hair done come on come on up just come on up with me here come on you know people i don't know how i look after them all right look what he says here okay that's that's that's second corinthians chapter ten and verse three verse three now now i don't know who you are i can feel the faith coming out of you that this just got some faith up here now not that the others didn't i i this this here is did you ready for something i mean this this is your season okay all right okay go ahead and read that for though we live in wait a minute wait a minute you all didn't rejoice when i told my husband this is our savior [Applause] if it's my season it's your season i'm telling you okay don't preach just read it for though we live in the world we do not wage war as the world does keep going keep going i need a bible i can go to them okay that's all right well okay okay you got it okay if you don't have it the weapons we fight are not the weapons of the world on the contrary they have divine power to demolish strongholds keep going we demolish strongholds and arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of god and we take captive every thought and make it obedient to christ okay now do you have what translation was that that would be niv do you have the king james translation i can find it i can hold mike if you want to just kind of get through there no no no she's okay you got it all right all right okay okay see sometimes you use another translation i take off twenty five dollars okay yes no no i'm just kidding i just kidding that was a kid that's the joker no no no no okay okay all right for though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imagination say it again say it again casting down imagine again casting down imagine how many times have you had a dream that somebody showed up your house with 50 million dollars see it's hard to dream that because the enemy is busy trying to oppress your imagination he's trying to make you think your car is going to get stolen he's trying to make you think that you can't go out at night he's trying to make you think see he's got oppression going on and what you got to do is go back to the bible and see what the bible says about you say amen and then take that and override everything that the enemy is trying to put in your mind thank you my sister we love you in jesus name amen now this whole imagination thing so as far as you can see god says he's going to deliver it amen now here's the good news whatever god's going to do for you come on help me he has what all ready done he's not going to do it he's not going to do it so crying won't move god because it's all ready so me begging god for it that's not a scripture it's already gone your healing come on come on help me it's already done your deliverance healing of broken marriages i'm just saying anything that your redemptive right is already done jesus paid for it and it's all paid for the enemy is trying to affect your receiver because he knows unless you see it god can allow you to receive it you got to see it now you move from information to revelation from information come on to revelation one more time from information to revelation over here okay come okay so you don't even know what i'm asked to do but that's all right just come on she's excited he's excited okay okay all right now um did you bring your bible with you you just came up here without the bible you stand here what in the world do you think i'm calling you i just came to you okay okay give her the bible there man okay come on now now haven't i've been asking people to bring the mammal up here okay look at psalm in psalm chapter 62 and verse 11. okay psalm chapter 62 and verse 11. all right well this is going to be the last one we're going to close out and we'll come back tomorrow okay okay you have it yes sir okay let's go god hath spoken once twice have i heard this stop he's spoken once and what twice have i heard this see the first time it was inflammation then the next time come on homer come on come on and as far as you can see you got it hallelujah that makes sense to you you ready okay thank you very much came up here without a bible and he did man that's all right that's faith i guess amen you're gonna pull it out somewhere you're gonna slow it back oh no yeah now what are you believing for writing services will be internationally known i am a ghost writer and a publisher okay so you need some business yes sir all right i have received it thank you here's another one on top of that all right now all right she might have she might have just worked out you did you work with me that's all right it's all right the bible talks about declaring the end from the beginning that's found over and i'm not going to call anybody that's found over in uh isaiah chapter um isaiah chapter uh isaiah chapter 46 and in verses 9 and 10 okay declaring the end from the beginning so what did who did god call abraham when his name was abram what did god call it he called him one he called him yeah father of many nations but notice how god is calling thee in from the beginning see and he wants you to act like him so whatever you want to come you call it now say amen to that you're going to call it right now glory to god and what you do is keep declaring it until you believe it and once you believe it you can see it and once you see it it gets transferred last scripture look at joshua and chapter 6 and verse 1 and god speaking to joshua said see i have given into your hands what jericho and the king thereof and the mighty men of valon so notice what god got joshua first before he he took jericho he had to what see it so the same thing about us we got to see that healing done say amen see that new car coming in say amen and all of that and once you do the enemy can't do anything with you but notice he's fighting your imagination now he's fighting it because he doesn't want you to what see it revelation puts you 80 percent there in possessing your inheritance revelation that's i got a clock here so i've got some other things here but i want to stop right there so in second kings and chapter six here is a man named elijah elisha and he's got his servant gehesia but they get surrounded by the enemy and as they're surrounded by the enemy next thing you know the heisei goes out to get his master something in the early morning and next thing you know he sees all the enemies surrounding he said alas master what are we going to do and what does he say there be more with us than there be with them there more with be with us and be and and and and hates i was trying to figure out what is he talking about he prayed lord open his eyes and you'll see that's the prayer of david david says open thou mine eyes found in psalm 119 and verse 18 open thou my eyes you see that's the prayer of the apostle paul watch as apostle paul he says i cease not to pray for you making mention of you and my prayers talking to his partners that the eyes of your understanding will be what enlightened that you may know that god will give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him that the eyes of your understanding be enlightened so i learned that from brother hagin brother copeland pray that prayer for yourself quite frequently and pray that prayer so god will give you revelation because it's not that god is holding your blessings from you is that you need revelation to get it and the enemy is trying to cloud your soul with all kinds of stuff that has nothing to do with your inheritance to block you from getting what god says is yours but i decree today that your block is over i decree today that whatever satan has tried to use to keep you from your promises from your honor from your riches from your health from your deliverance whatever it is it's being removed now in the name of jesus and i believe what i say is going to come to pass my name is bill winston and i approve this message now give god whoo [Applause] amen amen amen amen come on give him praise give him thanks so you've got to receive receive it receive it receive to say i receive the word of god in the name of jesus whatever's is the whatever has been given to me will no longer be held up i will suffer no setbacks it will not be delayed healing you are mine right now wealth you belong to me come to me now and in jesus name i am free and whoever the son sets free is free indeed give the lord a hand clap praise god come on let dr winston know how much you appreciate that message [Applause] oh my goodness you know i have been sitting here in this meeting all day today and it occurred to me in fact i was talking to someone see that the quality of word that we're getting this week i mean that's always the case when you attend one of our meetings the quality of the word but but this meeting so far has been really outstanding that's why you need to share what's going on here with your friends and family and tell them to watch us on facebook or on the app or wherever because the quality of the word that we're getting here this weekend is really really strong and we're so blessed to have the speakers that we have here this weekend and of course as i said this morning you know the focus of this meeting is a salute to our military and ministry to our military and it's really really a blessing to be able to do that but the quality of the word that we're getting here this week is really great now listen don't miss tonight tonight will be a very special service in fact it will start at 6 30 eastern time local time here in columbia with our countdown program i'll i'll be hosting that program chaplain downing will be with me tonight pastor george pearsons will be with me tonight you want to make sure that you are here for that at 6 30 tonight and then of course the service will begin at seven o'clock lots of special things planned for the service tonight including the presentation of the colors and brother copeland will be here so make sure you let somebody know and that you're here yourself if you're here now make sure you're here again tonight now at the top of the next hour the top of the hour uh you'll be seeing victory news in its normal time slot so make sure that you make uh make that adjustment in your time because it's going to come up in a small time slot victory news greg stevens mike garfallo all the team will be here for victory news so you don't want to miss that and then listen if you have a prayer request if you need somebody to pray with you 877-281-6297 now that is our prayer line you call and talk to one of our prayer ministers they will pray the word of god with you and they will they will let you know what the word of god says about whatever situation you're dealing with you know why because the word of god has an answer to whatever situation that you have there's no situation in your life that the word of god does not have an answer to and they'll pray that they'll pray that answer with you so be ready to use your faith when you call god bless you everybody we will see you tonight at 6 30 eastern time with our countdown program and then our celebration and tribute to our veterans tonight god bless you thank you for being with us until then remember god loves you we love you and jesus is lord [Music] hi i'm jeremy pearsons from legacy tv and what an honor it is to air right here on victory as many
Channel: Eagle Mountain International Church
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Id: uoYNzWdTm2c
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Length: 146min 42sec (8802 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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