Bobby Conner - Sunday Service 5.19.19

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hello god bless you please be seated we're glad you're here aren't you glad to be here God wants to do some wonderful things he wants to show up and show off he's gonna answer the prayer of Psalms 94 16 and 17 Oh Lord let your works appear Wow don't you want to see what God can do I like talented people but that's no match for what God can do God can do awesome things Kenny Oh awesome really it's gonna shock us here's your verse it's a Habakkuk chapter 1 verse 5 Habakkuk chapter 1 verse 5 God says look look among the nations I'll work a work a work in your day it'll be so marvelous you barely can't believe it see a lot of people are way too blase about what they think they know about God I'm here to tell you we don't know nothing what we know is so minuscule so small it's a shame we need to get to know God the Bible said in the book of Job acquaint now thyself with God and be at peace and good will come unto you acquaint now how do you get acquainted with somebody well if you ask him their name I dare you to ask God his nine covenant names he had the audacity to name himself else should I the God that does for you what you can't do for yourself yeah he named himself Shama the God that's here in there I like that don't you and listen God's got some wonderful names you'll find his nature in his names I'm kidding he's absolutely wonderful but he's awesome in Tara also listen one thing God's going to do is going to bring back the fear of the Lord to the church people go hallelujah I'm not afraid of God I'm more afraid of God than I am the devil you understand that and listen the holy fear of the Lord you bet you better position yourself it's coming the holy reverential fear of the Lord is coming back to the people of God and we need it and I'll tell you what we're going to hear his voice and tremble we're way too familiar with the God we hardly know but I tell you he's going to introduce himself and get ready there's going to be some sifting and shifting Jerry Lee Lewis thing about a whole lot of shakin goin on did you read the book he brews everything that can't be shaken will be shaken everything that can be shaken will be shaken Wow that's what the Bible said in the book Hebrews book Hebrews has written to show that Christians have the best plan ever they're that good we got a superior covenant I'm glad don't you well I'm glad you're here let's have a good time I tell people some people have just enough Jesus to be miserable they got him in the head but not the heart they got a lot of manmade rituals and rules and regulations stipulations manipulations God's not like that where the Spirit of the Lord is there's Liberty if you're bound up somewhere it means you're not where the Spirit of God is where the Spirit of God is there's Liberty Bible says the Bible says whom the Sun sets free is what find you a good lawyer and getting to look up that that greek word indeed guess what it is it's a courtroom term it means irrevocable whom the Sun sets free is free indeed irrevocably free aren't you glad I'm thankful for that I'm thankful Jesus Saves what he keeps and keeps what he saves he's not at that gun well I started something good but it's playing out now Philippians 1:6 says being confident Philippians 1:6 for those of you taking notes Philippians 1:6 says being confident of this very thing he that hath begun a good work in you will continue until the day of Christ Jesus he's going to keep on working with you too you look like Jesus God didn't have a whole plethora of plans he's got one plan Genesis 1:26 let us make man in our own image and let's give them Kingdom control he's not vacillated on that one iota 2nd chronicles 16:9 said the eyes of the Lord are over 2 and 4 throughout the whole earth what are you looking for our God looking for people who have no plots no plans no agendas but he is says when he finds him that's he said he'll fully support all they put their hands to do okay so we're gonna have fun all right where were you all that beard in the school your to sign up you're too busy to to come well you better drop something the next school sign up for it okay I'm serious now you say well you know we had some we had some other engagements mmm Matthew 6:33 says seek ye first the kingdom forget about them engagements seeking first the kingdom is a lot more important than prior engagements well we had some people over for dinner mmm you let the devil eat you lunch if you're not careful you better feed yourself up on the Word of God that word purse found and I didn't eat them when they were three Joyce taking my heart we got to get the word in us you can't come to church and just to your message James 1:22 says you must become a doer an activator of what you hear yeah well don't scold me Bobby well somebody better the Bible says lift up your voice as a trumpet and reveal to my people their sin I don't like preachers at mama'll and apologize for nearly saying something yeah you know no we better we better sound the trumpet don't you think well got a lot to say yeah what do you do yes take a guess you'll get it right come on you're just a mom and a student well Liz the smartest man in the whole world other than Jesus Christ the smartest man in the whole world Solomon and he said here's what he said I listen to what my mama taught me it says in the scriptures I hear to the teachings of my mother see it so you can do that you can impart wisdom like his mother imparted to him I listen to the teachings of my mama isn't that cool boy howdy I made it one time I was had my income tax feel down years ago in a the the lady says is your wife employed I said nope she's just a housewife whoa whoa that dear lady filling out my taxes pulled her glasses off and she said do you know how much you would cost to have your laundry done every week do you know how much it cost to have somebody to bring your groceries through the house she wrote she read me that right actor boy I go whoa I got a new appreciation for mama you know yeah you know if that's something Lord thank God for mothers just be honest none of us be here if it wasn't for them correct we just had Mother's Day boarding last Sunday this is Sunday huh ma'am yeah you doing okay yeah yeah just yeah it's gonna be okay yeah it's really gonna be okay yeah I could tell you a few things are gonna happen till you're gonna be dancing around with Jesus and like little kids on a merry-go-round that's what's gonna happen to you that'll be good for you can I'll tell you a story about if you don't hear it yes Bobby some guys some doctor brought his wife that was insane to one of the meetings shouldn't keep her tongue in her mouth could call her name yeah if the craziest thing well actually praise this thing I've ever seen brought her to the meeting and she was on the front row I didn't know the man he said the Lord told me if I'd bring my wife here he'd heal her she couldn't keep her tongue in your mouth and the the nearest thing to a zombie as you could imagine lifeless just like this and I said God I don't think she's communal I don't think I don't think you can communicate to her he said I want you to do something I said god I'll do whatever you asked me to do now that's one of my keys to success I say honest to god truth oh man you better watch it heal heal heal test here once well anyway but this dear little lady bless her heart nice to God what were you what do you mean dude she's just like a rag doll he said I want you to pick her up and skip around was there like children on the playground I thought God I don't think she can walk I picked her up and she was just like a just empty sack and I took her like this and I'm dragging her around in a circle like this and all of a sudden it seemed like it just he got faster than warp speed and we went around so fast the whole building was spinning around like that in my head and then I turned her loose she could quote her name quote her social security number called all of her children's birthdays just like this yeah just like that see the simplicity you know what God told me he said Bobbie misses me the most profound thing you can do is maintain simplicity I wrote a whole article on the complexity of simplicity see that the complexity of simplicity you analyze the life of Bob Jones that was a whole key to it the complexity of simplicity the Lord always dials it down the Lord came to me the other day and asked me a question guess who's going to school when God asked you a question here's what he said to me you ready you ready this is Jesus talking to Bobby he said Bobby do you know what a printed word is I said to him apparently not now I write books huh I've written hundreds of books we're gonna talk about a couple of them in just a moment but the Lord Jesus said Bobby do you know what a printed word is I said apparently not he said a printed word is a thought you can see now that's profound a printed word becomes a thought people can see wow that's profound didn't yeah I like that aren't you glad God wrote his thoughts we got we got his manual of his thoughts he thinks about you a lot Psalm 139 verse 18 says his thoughts charges are weighty and precious and they're more numerous than the sands on the seashore Psalms 139 verse 18 that's something he thinks glorious thoughts about us so you got the music going in here I like I like music they never asked me to sing in the praise teams but when I do bust a move I sing like look-ins just took the long one that's Louie Armstrong of course there's not a big demand for Louie Armstrong and Alberta should there be I'm ready I I need to get a Christian soul in the saints go marching in Loren decides go marching in ho Lord I want to be in that number yeah see that dead ringer for Louie y'all want no Louie Dewie Louie Armstrong anyway now here's what gripes that religious spirits they hate stuff like that they want you to be religious I don't like religion I read the Bible if you read it you'll find out God don't like religion man does because he wants something he can control I don't guess you know is I'm out in charge of this you ain't in charge of nothin we are what we are by the grace of God God extract His grace you could get out of bed whoa I got it been a Blessed John Paul heart John Paul's in heaven right now John Paul Jackson John Paul had invited preachers from all over the earth to come down to Florida for a pastors conference John Paul and I were going to be the speakers I was going to be the keynote speaker for the gigantic pastors conference that's it okay so I get down there and the text that God had given me is this John 15:5 John 15:5 says without me you can't do nothing now these are pastors from all over the world they paid a bunch of money to fly in we're at the whatever hotel that is they got alligator swimming in pools in that hotel the Gord no I don't I don't remember the name of it but it's crazy walk over bridges there's alligators down there real ones yeah it's a real fancy swanky hotel had a conference center too it's anyway so I'm up there and I start my keynote message to pastures famous pastures without Jesus we can't do nothing you could feel the egotism rise up and go I don't guess he knows who I really am I don't guess he's seen my latest movie these guys oh man it was pretty rough and I was trying to tell him now without God's grace we couldn't even get out of bed without God's grace we couldn't make an intelligible sentence and I preached and it was like a lead balloon you know these people want to hear I'm now word from God hallelujah you know read of me yeah that's what they that's what they wanted but I stayed with this subject without God you can't do a thing boom right over there by the thing a big blue light would Sassoon and an angel was there going to me just like that okay so I finished the message there was no applause well some was really happy it was over this is now this is the truth I just finished preaching about an hour and 30 minutes on without God without His grace without his anointing you came to a single thing now John Paul Jackson was brilliant if anybody in America could have articulated something John Paul Jackson could so he's going to come right after me to these preachers it's his conference he's the one that invited them all so John Paul gets up off the seat here walks right up here to a thunderous applause John NAB John Paulson heaven wonderful man so John Paul starts and he's starting like this and he's wonderful he's very articulate and he's very socially correct he was honestly he was he's just doing a wonderful thing of introducing the conference introducing the people and and all of a sudden he's preaching and he says this you ready he's and he's doing good he's preaching verses from the Bible then all of a sudden he says like turn to 2nd Corinthians 6:1 or something like that and then all of a second sudden he goes yeah froze could not make an intelligence sentence I thought oh my god he's had a stroke that's what I thought could not make an intelligible sinners one of the most articulate men in America at that time in a pulpit wow you can google him he'll light you fire man but there he thought oh Lord what in the world is this he said I'm making John Paul live what you just preached that without the grace of God and the knowing of God you can't even make an intelligible sentence so I'm thinking how long it seemed like 20 minutes which it was maybe four the and then all of a sudden just he he just finished the rest of the verse he's reading and went ahead and preached up a storm so we're walking back to the green room me and John Paul walking back to the green room and I said to John Paul man wasn't that something when you froze he stopped and said what I said when you froze he said what are you talking about Bobby I said okay with John Paul let's go through the whole thing you did I said from the time you got up to the seat he said I got up to the seat from the seat I stood before the people behind the pulpit pretty dim I started on my text I said how come you turn over here real fast when the blue light he said I saw a blue thing pop open right over there that's when he turned and saw this angel and so he didn't say angel he said I saw a blue flash and that's when that's when he froze and he said he didn't know a thing about it isn't that crazy but what I'm trying to tell you he had to live what I just preached did you know you couldn't have got out of bed this morning if it hadn't been for the grace of God the very air you breathe it's because of his marvelous grace we are what we are about the grace of God see let me tell you God's plans for you they're good Jeremiah 31 17 says your future is filled with bright hope you go don't you understand that's a that's a promise to the Israelites hey I read the Bible it says all the promises of Abraham are ours that's one that sonship message is so important you better come to the sonship message I'll give you a verse about the sonship message you want it yes its first John chapter three first John chapter three verse one says behold is the only behold in the Bible that's different than the other be holds every other behold in the New Testament talks about focus Luke 10:19 behold that behold him means firmly focus but not first John chapter three now they'll be holding four first John chapter 3 verse 1 through 3 says behold what manner of love the father has bestowed upon us that we'd be called and identified in classified as the sons of God that's what it says behold but that's behold is different they mean other behold in the Bible if you're gonna translate this correctly here's how you have to do it this behold yet your jaws have to drop down your eyes have to bug out and you have to say can you imagine that's the beholder can you imagine what manner of love the father has bestowed upon us that we'd be called identified in classified as the sons of God the Bible said the whole creation is wanting you to step into your identity as the manifested sons of God that's true that's true man Wow devil do everything he can to keep you from finding out your true identity find out what yours in Christ you're a drone Arabic Jesus Hebrews chapter 1 says he's a rightful owner of the entire universe so that makes you co-owner of the universe mm-hmm co-owner I don't know how it is out here in Silicon Valley but in a Texas if you've got a bar if you're gonna bar some money you have to go to a bank there's usually somebody sitting there in the kind of nice dress or suit and the first thing they're gonna ask you is you have any collateral what are your assets if you read Hebrews chapter one and you're a believer you can say well I reckon I'm half home to the universe that's what is this you're John Ehret Jesus anything he has you have equal share now no that's the message I'm just if you're talking look I got me a man bag cut job aller for near here I come listen you have to run pretty fast in Texas a caravan bag yeah it's acceptable out here but Texas man hid better how camo in it some bullet holes in it you know what I mean whoa yeah that's the wildest thing the guy that the the guy that gave me this thing is a classical pianist they pay him $50,000 to play one ninety craziest thing you've ever seen yeah Laura I'm gonna give you a man back I said god I'm not sure what one next thing I know this guy emptied out everything out of them says here God told me to give you this that's all right that's true yeah $50,000 would play the piano 1/9 he's a classical pianist you name any movie and he can play the theme to it while this thing Adelaide Cruise is his name he loves Jesus well anyway that's the man bag store here y'all not any rush are you my plane don't leave till 6:00 I got a lot of time to yak god bless you I get paid to talk that's right the Lord said I put my word in your mouth that's what he said yeah that's something he covered me with his hand while I was in my mama's room my mama took a coat hanger in going to pull me out and the hand of Jesus push me aside at a visitation from Jesus when I was 5 years old didn't get converted to the pole in 1968 a demon tried to kill me from the time yeah I got drunk one one time when I was 8 years old and a demon came into me tried to kill me till 1968 had a gift all this time I kill if someone's gonna rain cars horns we're gonna blow the NDL if the shuttle was going to crash yeah I thought everybody do knew that then I found out they didn't see people go well I don't know if the listen I learned a long time ago I read the book acts don't lie in church look at em nice and Safari drop dead in the house of God why they were lying about their devotion to God God brings that judgment back the best business to be in his Undertaker don't you think because a lot of people are deceptive about their walk with God what you've got to do is get really honest and say god I wanted I want you to appear to me I want you to put your word in my mouth I want to be used of you we got a desire Psalms 27 this is about we write a book each year called the Shepherd's rod and the one for 2019 is our throne in the book table and it talks about beholding the majesty of the master on a level we've never seen in her lifetime it'll break her heart like I see a chapter 6 he saw the Lord High and lifted up and he said woe is me I'm a man of unclean lips remember that we're gonna have our hearts broken when we see him in his splendor his majesty and then all of a sudden is gonna change because he's going to give us another opportunity to laud our praise on him and to appreciate him the way he's worthy of and so it's gonna be wonderful we will weep bitter tears of anguish and then blissful tears Abdo bland joy but we're gonna see him in His Majesty and this is here the Lord the Lord said tell the body of Christ changes in the air money kept falling coins nickels and dimes and quarters a stack of I've got them there at the house most of them are brand-new and so anyway coins would fall in the airport at the office down walking down places and finally I said Lord what does that mean he said announce to the body of Christ change is in the air and do you believe there's changing there then he said tell him their spiritual tomorrow won't look like their today I like what our sister was reading she read Psalms chapter 30 verse 5 it says God's anchors but for a tiny moment his favors for a complete lifetime weeping may last of the night but what joy comes in the morning you need to hang on because there's a new day coming one day can change everything in your life it sure did in in the Gospel of Mark didn't it gospel mark chapter 5 we found a guy called the new drew dude crazy as a bedbug living up in the mountains and tombs remember that naked suicidal scratchin cutting himself no man could tame him Jesus shows up every story what is your name my name's because there's a bunch of us favorite story while story see that's in there that's real sillies virtual reality goggles need to play that Jesus stiff sell the boat here comes a maniac new drew dude just full of scab scars that's all he's got on nothing else naked suicide living in the tombs hey you won't see another Harry Potter movie there's the end of Harry Potter movie right there that's the full fruit that's the full fruit of Harry Potter suicidal crazy living in a graveyard yeah that's what it says says here's it he was demonized and it's a greek word called demon it's amaya it means under the total control of a devil and he comes running down aren't you glad Jesus didn't say get the boat boys No now this you've read the story Jesus thought your name mountings for legion there's a whole bunch of us there's a bunch of pigs up on the hillside remember then and Damon said to Jesus don't send us out of the country let us cook in the pigs and Jesus negotiate said yeah you go to the demons left the man wanna run up and got in the pigs about 2000 pigs your Bible says in mark chapter 5 don't shock the Gospel of Mark let's be honest here every gospel Prince ji zhis it presents Jesus in a different genre mark is action the most repetitive word in the Gospel of Mark it's immediately in straight way I've never liked sidelines I won't front lines don't you I want to be a spectator but a participator you don't want to watch this happen you want to be involved in it don't you so anyway what something why names Legion go to get the pigs the demons left gotten the pigs maybe the story what happened the pigs they start squealing crazy nut they run down and jump in the ocean and drown themselves 2,000 pigs Bobby I mean listen now you know what that is you can look at it any way you want to it's a mass case aswan aside hey two thousand pigs and remember this the guys keeping the pigs they ran in town but now now we were Tech's just boss you better get out here something's coming down I've seen kids on the couch texting one another I'm on the couch me too what happened to communicative skills I'm mad at how fast things hide he's a gal on the plane coming up here I go and then they'll say just drop but sit talking this Martian sounds they call it smartphone the crazy aren't they the phones and I was riding in the car and the guy driving ask Siri for directions and she said something like I can't get that now and he said something like well that's a pilot stuff and you know what she said it looks like you could be nicer yeah that's what Syria said listen Matt's pretty bad when he hit rebuked by some gal you radio for word then that crazy yeah anyway now what are we going to talk about today good lord I know a hit here I want to talk to you about this book this is a prayer book here's this is not a prayer book it's a book about prayer jesus said tell my people what real prayer is he said it's an audience with the king in this book I talk about the altar of incense and we don't understand how precious and powerful our prayers are the Bible says when you pray your prayers go up before the altar of God as incense it says a strong angel catches your prayers in a golden vase and he gives us this golden vase filled with your prayers and then one day God's gonna reach down and scoop fire off of his altar into this vase we got your prayers mixed with the fire of God this is what it says in the Bible and it's hurled back here to earth and it says when your prayers mixed with a fire God comes back to earth what happens lightnings and thunders and displays of God's power the devil will do everything he can to keep you from praying but here's your great verse about prayer you want it john 16 24 it's in the red part of the Bible it says Jesus speaking he said this up until now you've not asked ask now and you'll get what you're asking so that your heart will overflow with happiness why now 2nd Corinthians 6:2 says now is an acceptable time a time of an assured welcome from God a time God will hear you and help you boy your that's second Corinthians 6:2 I like second Corinthians 6:1 it says labouring together with God as God's fellow helpers God chose us on his ministry team in that cool say it second Corinthians chapter 6 verse 1 laboring together with God as God's fellow helpers then God chose us to work on his ministry team he chose us before we were us that's true so this books about prayer I'll read some of the statements of famous people concerning Prarie said ok yes Bobby just anything so you won't be screaming so loud yes I could tell you some meetings in churches I levitated while I was preaching what I levitated down in Argentina in a basketball arena and that they're preaching on the glory of God and I had my fingers on the pulpit just like this and all of a sudden I felt weightless and I looked I was about this high off the ground I don't know how many thousand people they were in that place but they went crazy they jumped up they come running farmers screaming glory audience they threw billfolds backpacks this deep on the pond the stadium oh it was a wildest thing I thought to myself I hope they know whose stuff this is but see I like things you can't explain you know see any anything the devil counterfeits God has the genuine Paul was caught up see yeah and you know the New Age a levitate Paul was caught up well see if Paul got called up Bobby can get caught up Bible says Jesus Christ is saying yesterday today and forever yeah that's how I got a lot of my experiences I read where it says most God spoke to Moses face to face as a friend speaks to the friend I said God you're no respecter of persons if you spoke I'm talking fast Dana he said child they got me some chapters do you know I just always talk fast I'll tell you why I bought television time and thataway I got my money's worth have you checked on television time lately it's crazy it's crazy some some are 17,000 dollars a minute 17,000 a minute times money hidden crazy but I get it for free it's really true I was the largest NBC station in the region he talked through the boss the Lord had told me said I'd go to the go there said him talk to the boss tell him you're gonna want 30 minutes of his time on secular television and so I go there and so I can tell you how many tile is in the ceiling I'll tell you how many chairs is in his office because here's what happened y'all won't hear it yes Bobby so the Lord said I want you to go there and I want you to get thirty minutes of his time each week and tell him you're gonna pay him a hundred and seventeen dollars for thirty minutes so I got my little Gulf Walmart briefcase I go up set up an appointment with mr. Hurley mr. Hurley comes out and sits down in this office chair and he said I understand you have a proposal I said yes I want to get on secular television and show a demonstration of God's power he said that sounds quite unique I said yeah it is and he said what do you want I said I'm on 30 minutes a week and he said now you understand our station is pretty pricey I said no what are we talking about here he said at primetime a 30 second advertisement can be $700,000 30 seconds $700,000 I said no sir I'm gonna pay you a hundred and seventeen dollars now here's what he said he goes just like that just beating on the table red as a beet I'm not laughing then he says you're serious I said yes sir leaders to that mistake he said you're crazy you're absolutely crazy you think I'm selling you 30 minutes for $170 yes he said you're crazy that's what he said and he jumps up and goes out of the office there's 27 chairs in that office I counted every one of them I was gonna get my stuff and leave got sit sit here I said he's gone he slammed it over to rattle the chairs yeah so I'm sitting there I don't know how long I sit there I counted the chairs then I counted the tile in the ceiling and then finally the door opens again and in comes mr. Hurley his leaders are still standing out he comes in there and pulls the chair up next to me throws down two pieces of paper about this big and he said this is the greatest thing I don't understand sign me to your contract for a hundred and seventeen dollars ain't that crazy yeah yeah so I didn't have any television cameras only cameras I'd ever bought was at Walmart to film deer hunting so I go to a church that dudes does television programs I said I need to know some cameras and they said you need to aqui gamma Academy that's tongues you need to a Kagami studio cameras and then you need a roving camera I said okay yes they write down what I need to get gamma cameras and a roving camera I go to Dallas Texas to get me a cameras and so I get there and I said I need this and the salesman said to her they said man said you understand that these academies are quite expensive I said what we're talking about he said forty-seven I said 4,700 same thing as the TV guy I ain't laughing $47,000 a camera and I needed two of them we didn't have any money so I stopped in the middle of the camera shop and that wasn't going hey God you got a problem you don't have any cameras now watching all of this is true you can't make it up so I'll go back to the church that next Sunday and I stood there and I said God wants me to go on television but I don't have any money the cameras are a lot of money there's a couple setting there I've never seen him in my whole life never been in that church in their life my wife is now greeting them at the back door they come out and shake hands and said do you mind if we carry you to dinner no I'm not opposed to that so we go to dinner with him now here's the deal they said they'd never been in our church in their life I never stood and asked for money there and they said both of our parents have passed away and they've left us the family jewels we were both converted by Christian television we've been wondering how we could so back into that and we want to give you the family jewels for your cameras okay I took two pieces out of a sack of jewelry and got the two cameras forty-seven thousand dollars a piece and gave back the jewelry to the people see God God's got it already covered he's El Shaddai the God the does for you what you came to if you sound crazy stuff man see that's one thing we that's if you're gonna reach the Millennials you'll have to do it with the media now they can't they're not gonna sit here for a 45-minute Screamfest I mean if you you can better get on there and tell them something and hook them then you know what I mean they busy I told you what the screen band in there Oh Lord that was crazy good good I'm preaching largest youth conferences in the world I'm saving me up me saving me six I think I'm saving me 643 1943 yeah so I'm saving 6ob 77 my birthday that'll be fun yeah yes I'll winter scream band concert I was preaching in a bank got seven or eight thousand kids and this big ol guy called him up a kid skinny as a thing he's about that tall so like a giraffe I said what do you do he said dude dude I got a scream ban yes then I said a string band now I know George Strait Willie Nelson those kind of guys all country-and-western y'all know Country and Western music yeah we ought to get the pastor an album you know I'll talk to Ricky and sleep he's cutting me peas Ricky Scaggs anything's in nasal a little nasal bro a race banger laughs y'all know Ricky Scaggs he's a great evangelist in Nashville I see him this week I'm gonna be down there with Larry Randolph boy Ricky is something but anyway pretty crazy just crazy stuff now what we got to do now is just we got to chill out and let God do anything he wants to do don't try to pre-plan it and try to strategize it out just say Holy Spirit I'm gonna follow you whatever you say for me to do I'm gonna do it following the Holy Spirit is the best thing in the whole world nothing else can compare with being led by the Spirit of God it said these that are being led by the Romans 8:14 Romans 8:14 says as many as are allowing themselves to be led by the Holy Spirit are the sons of God Wow if you're allowing yourself to be led by the Holy Spirit Wow anyway let's talk about some stuff I'm gonna read these things about prayer you ready mm-hmm let me get my Morgan Freeman voice rittle sound nice technical stuff I think something bad went to the screen ban that was awful kid goes I've got a gig after this you want to go and I go yeah go my god I don't want to go I'm gonna go take her sweaty clothes off and go to bed he said it starts at 2:00 2:00 a.m. I'm a guest at the stringing screen band concert the speakers were bigger than that wall right there that wood wall and they brought me right there right there Oh Lord you ever been to screen band concert I'll tell you good lord here's what happened you can't call it music it was high noise your hair go you threw your blood go Haiti then the kids started it wasn't singing here you hear stream been it's like you swallowed the mic and spit the rest of the night trying to cough it up crazy man several thousand kids watching this they jumped up started throwing dope down all kind of stuff down right in the middle of a screen BAM that's it God what is this he says this is me moving in the midst of a whole bunch of people that wouldn't come here you preach but they it was in a vernacular they could receive I'll never forget it in a thousand years it stunned me shocked me so after it was over with at daylight - til 5:30 I was a happy camper when the Sun started coming up no so the kids packing up his stuff and I went up there to him I said I'm so sorry I could not understand one single lyric you sang I said could you show me your song sheet I'll never get it in a thousand years he popped his Apple up pulled it up and showed me the song sheet have you been to Jesus for his cleansing power are you washed in the blood there's a fountain filled with blood and sinners plunged beneath its flood lose all their guilty and stain he sang the old songs about the redemptive blood of Jesus but in a image Andra these kids could hear it see the blood will never lose its power we're not redeemed with corruptible things but with the precious blood of Christ what we've got to do God spoke to me it's clear as anything he said Bobby never changed the message but adopted new methods never changed the message but adopt new methods alright so this is pretty creative you miscounted I'm gonna read this thing just sure as anything I like those over there but they slide off my head it was little yeah yeah but then yeah remember that I got head lice no no no that's that's not true that's Siri talking one of the things I did in researching this book about altar of incense being an audience with the king I looked up famous people sayings about prayer here's what Andrew Murray says the man who mobilizes the Christian Church to pray will make the greatest contribution to url' evangelism in history I believe that I believe we're to pray that the Lord of the harvest would send forth laborers into the harvest I believe we ought to be praying for lost people see there's some people you can't talk to about God but you can talk to God about every person you see the difference you've got people in your own family you can't talk to him about God they're storm out them but you can talk to God about them Andrew Murray said the person who mobilizes the Christian Church to pray will make the greatest contribution to world evangelism in history here's what Ian bound says prayer makes a godly man and puts him within and puts within him the mind of Christ the mind of humility the mind of Ceph surrender the mind of service and that we've got to get the mind of Christ and we get that when we communicate with him through prayer did you know if you've got sin in your life God won't listen to you when you pray that's in the Bible where's it at is psalm 66:18 some 66:18 says if i regard iniquity in my heart the lord won't hear me so i'm 66:18 so if i regard so i looked up the word regard it's a hebrew word that means the same thing a woman's body does to a foetus what does a woman's body do to a fetus nurtures gestates covers feeds if we do that with sin in her life God aquitted talk he won't hear us when we talk Wow I don't do anything cop stops communication with God do you know here's Billy Graham Billy Graham said to get a nation back on his feet we must first get them down on their knees Wow here let me let me get this I like this one it says this is Corrie ten Boom she had an office up there in North Carolina at one time and here's what she says any concern too small to be turned into a prayer is too small to be made a burden yeah anything that's yeah we've got to start casting our careful in the Lord the Bible says cast your care from the Lord he's able to sustain you listen he said did Matthew let me come unto me all you that labor and heavy laden take my yoke upon you learn to me I'm meek and lowly in heart you will find rest for your souls we got too many stressed-out Christians hopping anxiety pills he told me tell you you cannot medicate anxiety actually repent of it Philippians Spoke remember that Philippians says be anxious for nothing but anyway you get to get the look there other than a shepherd job good and then we got one call I like this and divine design I'm telling you that's pretty wild have you ever tried to do pottery I went into a pottery place the other day me and my wife and they were making cups here I'm in my 70s and I've never made a pottery thing so I said to the little lady I said ma'am do you mind if I give it a try she minded but she's cordial she said was sure come on and she's got a hunk of clay there and she'd throw it down pick it up throw it down pick it up put it on the wheel now and she she had this wheel going at a rhythm and so I'm all the like this a little bit will do good faster I'll do better sounds pumping it like like you're trying to rip up a 57 Chevrolet oh you know I had that thing spinning like this and I didn't know it's all in the touch I ran my hand down and I say that stuff went up my arm it's the craziest-looking cup you've ever seen it's it looks like a crumped up cowboy boot they've got it they fired it in their ovens and they've got it in their display Bobbie Connors coffee cup man it's it's rough but it's well it is one of a kind you know if that's something I like to do stuff like that don't you I like to do things that other people don't expect y'all know rick joyner ricky we've been friends with him for years we he cared me off to Vienna Austria and we're done place with maybe four thousand people and I'm supposed to be the speaker that get up there and I look out there in the middle of crime there's a woman I go ma'am I want you to give me a haircut and she says certainly I have my equipment with me Rick Joyner said you know that woman I've never seen her before in the whole life but she cut my hair Rick held the man's door I'll head to the Coliseum while she washed my hair and cutting the hair he said what if she couldn't cut hair I said a couple of weeks it depend okay yeah you just got to take a chance on stuff don't stay in the safe zone all the time remember Peter at least got out of the boat that's pretty wild in it now Peter he said he's a unique character man now you know when he couldn't stay stuck with that little 17 year old girl saying you're one of his disciples and pinkos no no but Peter wouldn't coward he wasn't smart either remember when they came the cohorts came the hundreds maybe 1,200 soldiers came into the Garden of Gethsemane to get Jesus what does Pete do he jerks out an 18-gauge sword and cuts off the dudes ear remember that now that ain't a coward it ain't smart tactically either but a attacked a cohort which is six to twelve thousand guys that's a bunch and then see now let me talk to these passes this is that the night passes if you know these cowards that won't stand for what they believe so something's saying now I don't think we ought to be militant remember Jesus told Peter put up your sword Pete that's not how we're doing it this is what happened and Jesus picked up there put it back on the malkos servers here and so now wait a minute that doesn't mean we're supposed to disarm herself I read the rest of the Bible right before Jesus left he turned to Peter said sell a couple of your jackets and buy two swords is that what he said well sure it is so I'm telling you if Peter needed two swords you and I I know we're in California but I don't like this thing where they're trying to take our guns away study Aimee how any nation gets overthrown they disarm the citizens it never works now I understand there's some changes need to be made but I'm telling you I'm from Texas they're not getting the guns you know they're not I'm telling you yeah you go well I don't think we ought to be that militant Wow I read the book of Jude it says we gotta earnestly contend for the faith look it up in the Greek it means fight to the last drop of blood let me ask you s'what you've got worth defending yeah we better defend it we better defend the faith certain men and prep in teaching it that matter what you believe it's it does matter what you believe we got to defend the faith Edna we're forging the future our grandchildren will walk in that's the truth Wow I want them to have a good way don't you mr. Park as you yeah she's gonna dance around like a little kid one thing about me the Lord he told me one time he said you abused me boy that's what he said yeah that was when I was prophesying up there the Edmonton Alberta it was minus 37 degrees Fahrenheit and so when they'd let me out at the Civic Center they let me out of the van I'd breathe in that cold air my nose would freeze in those hairs and I'd get in the Coliseum and it's warm and my nose hairs would throw out and he'd give me a buzz my my head was spinning around so ran back out and froze him again on the fourth trip end on the fourth trip into this thing the Lord said it doesn't take much to amuse you does it what I said to him wow I could have been sticking my head in the freezer all these years yeah it's the craziest thing but let me check this story you can google this one I'm up there in Edmonton and I'm preaching and I stopped preaching up will around and start singing a Jed Clampett song remember the old television program up from the ground came a Bible in crude and then I stopped in prophesize I said this is all it's gonna resurface back in the sand pits look at you can google it they say after the prophecy 73 billion barrels of oil came in the sand pits in Edmonton 73 billion with a V we prophesied the largest gas reserve in the history of America down in Fort Worth they paying 1 million dollars a month twelve million dollars a year to drill and anybody in the family gets a check yeah then we've heard that's the Barnett Shale then we've prophesied the balking so the oil up there in the Dakotas I can show it to you it's crazy but anyway that's why I says trust the Lord you be established believe his prophets in your prosper yeah they can tell you secret things don't you know they prophets know secret things it says he shares his secrets with his servants the prophets some people get aggravated that God has secrets but he does Deuteronomy 29:29 say the secret things belonging to the Lord but the things are revealed belong unto us and our children from now on that's Deuteronomy 29:29 are you doing okay what's your name autumn autumn I got a friend he can call that people's names I said Sean tell him something they don't know you know you know what I mean if if they don't know their name now I mean this may not be the police forum you know what I mean but it could autumn no that's good that's kind of seasonal in it but you're gonna bear fruit continually that's a good thing the Bible says that the almond bud brought bloomed in the fall and that's something he said I'm watching my work to perform it yeah seasons are not you know I quote I called it last night or whenever it was this week sometimes where it says this the time receives the purpose for every activity of God under heaven aren't you glad God sound up there never saw that coming I wouldn't serve a god like that he finished it before he ever started it he's author and finished not author and what oops yeah you ever started something didn't finish it mm-hmm a lot of us do that we start projects and it were overwhelm with them but not God Philippians 1:6 is being confident of this very thing he that's begun a good work will continue it I like this guy what do you mean chandi that sounds a bit Irish missive yeah well man I've been there I've got to see King wrapped this is I hire a army massives craziest thing you ever seen but it's all history now I mean government you couldn't get a conference with King wrap or nothing and then so I only hear this this is in the middle of the IRA army they're in Ireland I say and I did in the middle of that yeah I told a man named Kenny McClendon who knew this guy that whose code name was King rat he was over the whole Irish army I said set me up an appointment with him I've got a word from God for him you can't get an appointment with him so anyway they blindfold I go up there to they blindfold me we go up just somewhere in the top of a building I get on blindfolded I'm like a you know I can't see hardly nothing and I meet King rat and I said God is going to convince you that he's real he's going to protect your life and you're going to turn your people to Jesus Christ he looked at me like you are a idiot and say he could have me shot this is when the war the war is going on over there so the word was god is going to protect your life he's gonna save him you're gonna bring your people into a Christianity so the meetings dismissed I go down I leave with a man named McClendon and King rat leaves his office goes down to a secure parking lot sticks the key in his car turns the key blows a whole car up blow some of the motor 50-something feet away from the car and don't put a scratch on him McClendon's phone rang and said can you get that guy back here me but you can googly remember he gave himself up they put him in prison and the guards let the other guys kill him well it's yeah that's but anyway doc got into that talking this guy about Ireland hey I went there and before they they ordained there druids the building the walls have been there for hundred and fifty years the Lord said go there and drive a stake down so come with me this is a Gil garlic in Ireland it's a big ol thing about the size this buildings around and they ordained their druids and all of the cultic stuff and they got it all around watching and so I get there and I say to the Druids I'm gonna do a Christian meeting here you can't hurt me but I can hurt you so I'll give you a few minutes to leave that's what I said - hey this is all history it's recorded by the BBC TV company so here's what happened all the Druids are trying to go listen you might have a shooter L from the BB gun no weapon formed against you prospers greater see this in you that he's in the world we're more than a conquerer so anyway finally there they just they they get it panicked and full of fear and they take off running down away from it and shrine and so I Drive a stake in the ground and claim it for Jesus Christ the building had been there 450 years now you can google it I go back to Texas to the place where house living about two weeks maybe three weeks after I left the whole building imploded all the walls had been standing for 450 years fill in the BBC Center television crew so over to me said do you think what you did had anything to do with that I go well possibly but see that's Ireland I'll take you're gonna go to Ireland at that time don't lease a car from Dublin to drive up to I thought I was pulling up on a garbage truck but it's a military thing and the little laser light was dancing right here and look at ya Sunday whoa yeah that's I can get in stuff this is true but life is an adventure I'd see a lot of people and I'm hushing hushing I'm gushing instead of hushing that's it that could be around yo will Bob because you need don't do that push see you got the plants on man you know yeah yeah I know the guy who used to run the 18th Street gang he's converted got out of jail what yes he did remember with a lady cops had planted all that paraphernalia they had to return that's pretty well that's pretty wild he he's out preaching the gospel to be quite frank see that cool Feeney man be in Christ he is a new creation old things are passed away you sure are handsome yeah don't you think yeah I don't know that guy mama mama told me to stay away from strangers yeah but I won't hurt him it's gonna be okay some of these young gas can grow these beers it looks like a it looks like a sheared mink or maybe a groomed beaver I agree man out it looked like a wild walrus just yeah but anyway my wife don't like it when I hunt I grew it out like this and she'll say shave it off you look like a go got a lot to talk about but don't go to church and not have fun we got to leave they got lunch to go to and I got a plane to catch I'm going to sign books in a minute but what we're gonna do is we're gonna pray for you in just a moment and I promise you this if you'll receive you'll get an anointing and an impartation from Hebrews 13 20 and 21 Hebrews 13 21 21 says now the god of peace that brought again from the dead the Lord Jesus Christ that great Shepherd is chief by the blood the everlasting never-failing covenant make you perfect give you everything you need to accomplish the task you've been sent to do that's what you're gonna get you won't it make you perfect look it up in the Greek it means missing no component anything you need you have Colossians 2:10 says all that God is is in Christ and all Christ is is in you missing no components that's your head yeah that's true well we're going to let you take over and you're going to do something and then I'm coming back and pray for them I'm gonna release on you Romans 1:11 Romans 1:11 says I yearn to be with you that I'm not impart to you a charisma gift an unction to function Wow lomis 1:11 I yearn we don't even have a word for it it's so emotional here's what it says in the Greek this is on me in such a dimension is twisted me inside out so that he could equip the people I do it through Colossians 1 28 and 29 says trying to get you full-grown immature is wearing people out but I do it through superhuman energy is in the Bible God will give you superhuman energy colossians 1:29 say it super human yeah that's how I do what I do yeah I'm where any of you out on schedule I'm telling you I care these young bucks or tongues hanging out oh listen we go a couple of places a week all over the earth I'm glad it take four or five lifetimes every day we get a stack invitations from around the world crazy I was going to go to 28,000 people and thirteen people owned up ten plus three I said God he said I want you to go there I said God it looks like to me I'd win more people at 28,000 and you're sending me to 13 he said Bobby that's why I have to do your scheduling you don't know how to figure and I went there and the guys that own Hobby Lobby and the guys that own chick-fil-a that's the meeting with the 13 people Wow see that kind of movers and shakers or shakers and movers yeah it crazy just meander around and you'll end up were you supposed to be don't you believe that every one of us has a GPS in us Ezekiel says when you got saved God took out a stony heart and implanted a teachable heart every one of us has had a heart transplant a heart that can follow the Willing ways of God that's in the Bible what y'all are doing only it says in Habakkuk chapter three it talks about this is the prayer of Rebecca major Wow enthusiastic music that's what it says in the Bible so see most time we won't soak in museum a WoW enthusiastic music it says in the Bible this is a prayer of a beckoned Oh Lord well that's what he stopped praying about said O Lord I heard about you and I'm scared that's what he says that's true see we hear about God he heard about him and he began to scream with wah enthusiastic music Rita back at three you'll find it it's in there let's get out here yeah mommy I was amazing alright guys would you come we're gonna receive an offering and then we're gonna have everyone stand they're gonna talking to let Bobby just go for it alright so so we're gonna this will we this is what we do and so gentlemen come forward if you have push pay our apps our apps are Convergys app you could do that to sale of offering that right love offering Bobby I'm offering Bobby okay and and if you want to make a check or you can do that to make it to converges house prayer and we'll get that to them that cool all right so father thank you for Bobby Connor man thank you Lord for such a being such a gift to the body of Christ into this house and to this region and so we just want to bless him and we thank you for it Lord in the name of Jesus yeah everyone said amen amen amen well we're gonna go ahead maybe Jordan can take us through a chorus and then I'll invite Bobby buck back up on and then let him just go for it Oh Holy Spirit burn like a fire [Music] consume me is to for your [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see - you know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's all stand oh wow unless you all stand here's what I learned a long time ago some things are caught and some things are taught and there's only there's only some things you're gonna receive by catching it and that's what we're good to do that's what an impartation is it's receiving by faith and catching what the Holy Spirit is gonna give and it's all you ready are you ready to receive Bobby wants you come on up and then just go for it brother like you always do anyway thank you okay now that verse I quoted to you while ago Hebrews 13 20 21 listen to what it says down now may the God of peace who is the author in the giver of peace who brought again from among the day of the Lord Jesus Christ that great Shepherd of sheep by the blood of the everlasting never-failing covenant watch this strengthen you complete you and perfect you and make you what you ought to be and equip you with everything good that may you may carry out his will while he himself works in you and accomplishing that which is pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ as Messiah to whom be glory for ever and ever in this age and the ages to come amen make you what you are to be and god Tony Bobby go where I tell you to go I'll give the people in anointing out of that verse whether they want it or not you say how can you get it if you don't even want it you can get an elevator somebody got a cold you can catch a cold is that true and I say the prophetic anointing can be caught just like that you get around the prophetic it'll get off on you and so God can release what you need to accomplish what he's called you to do okay father I want to thank you for Hebrews 13 21 21 I want to thank you for acts 1:8 you said we shall receive power actually the Holy Ghost comes upon us I want to thank you Father for Psalms 92 anointing I shall be in order with fresh oil and I'm asking you right now father God by your Holy Spirit anoint your people North in with a bonus an order with courage anoint them with hunger anoint them with accessibility where they'll say Here I am Lord send me Lord I pray that you will energize us and you will stimulate us and you'll get us off the sidelines into the front lines and we'll see multitude save thank you for your print plans for this region thank you Lord you're going to rock these places with the Holy Ghost Thank You Lord in corporate meetings people will fall out in the Holy Ghost what they thought would be just a small meeting will take a day to get over in Jesus name alright now say it I have everything I need through Jesus Christ to accomplish his purpose I am ready for anything here's your promise you ready philippians 2:13 philippians 2:13 says why it is God that works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure think about that now the creature Bobby you the creature can do something to bring the Creator good pleasure whatever that is that has to be our number-one goal that has to be our most noble quest the creature bring the Creator good pleasure so I started scouring the Bible what could the creature do bring the Creator good pleasure Luke 12:32 Jesus talking he said Oh shuddering shivering fearful little flock do not be so timid it is your father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom nothing thrills God more than finding a people he can give the kingdom to Psalms 110 verse 3 7 the day of his power his troops of volunteer freedom so start volunteering said God Here I am Here I am I'm willing send me all right Sal receive it that's it I many people passing out hundred-dollar bills he'd be snatching what God's offering he's away more than $100 bill he's offering you power to change this world that's what he's offering you all right
Channel: Convergence Church
Views: 42,740
Rating: 4.8312235 out of 5
Keywords: sermon, ekklesia, peach, church, pastor, Bay Area, California, Fremont, convergence, God, Silicon Valley, Jesus, Christian
Id: j1R43vuKMZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 45sec (4425 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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