EMIC is LIVE with Sunday Service! 9.26.21

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[Music] [Music] good morning eagle mountain give god big praise this morning hallelujah glory to god oh it's so good to see you it's so good to see everyone in church today and all of those that are watching on all of the victory channel the network all over the world give them a great welcome from the top to the bottom all the way around the middle we are gonna have a great day i said we're gonna have a great day we're gonna have a great week we're going to have a great month we're going to have a great year we're going to have a great life give god praise everyone hallelujah [Applause] [Music] oh did you bring a praise with your church the anybody is the enemy let praise be a weapon that conquers all anxiety i'll let it rise let praise [Music] or sing it her me we see your name in the dark and it changes everything we sing we sing with all we are let it rise [Music] [Music] god we pray [Music] [Music] let fate be the song that calms the storm inside [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this morning [Music] [Music] forever [Music] god we praise you [Music] oh this scripture says that we are christ's victory christ triumphs of his victory so actually what that translates to is you are a trophy of the victory that jesus bought and paid for so so point at your neighbor and say you look like victory today yeah point at your other neighbor and say you look like victory today now point at yourself and sing this with me come on sing oh this is what victory looks like this is what victory feels like this is what victory sounds like we praise you we praise you this is what victory looks like this is what victory feels like this is what victory sounds like we praise you this is what victory looks like this is what victory sounds like we praise you we praise you this [Music] is what victory sounds we praise you we praise [Music] hope you cannot survive [Music] is [Music] god we praise you we crazy [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] come on titus [Music] [Music] i didn't know and he told me that i was not alone he picked me up [Music] [Music] i think [Applause] [Music] i got no choice but to believe my doubts are gone [Music] so you can just keep on moving [Music] is [Music] [Music] i'm [Music] [Music] another [Music] i am [Music] i am [Music] is [Music] he forever [Music] get up get up get up get up get up get up yep [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he changed [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on let's give the lord some praise this morning is anybody thankful anybody grateful for all that god has done for us come on let's just lift up our hands let's lift up our hands this morning oh god did some amazing things this week if you're watching on the on the victory channel you saw that god has brought in such a miraculous amount of finances so that we can do so much more here at emic and the victory channel in kcbc this ministry is is growing and just like pastor george says what happens to this ministry happens to you just like pastor like pew so you can rejoice this morning knowing that you are part of a ministry and a vision that is so great and so grand let's just be thankful this morning can we just express our thanks to god this morning we're gonna be like that leper that returned and gave thanks jesus we give you thanks this morning we praise your name we glorify your name oh we magnify you our great oh [Music] god you deserve the glory and the honor lord we lift our hands in worship as we bless your holy name you deserve the glory and the honor lord we lift our hands in worship as we bless your holy name [Music] lord we lift our hands in worship as we bless your holy [Music] in name [Music] no [Music] oh [Music] [Music] and worship [Music] there is no one else like you always know [Music] is [Music] is is [Music] is [Music] there is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] in my heart is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus i don't think that was quite strong enough i think we need to take by our faith and step up over and think about how just how great if you look at the psalms what does it say so many times over and over and over i will sing of your goodness i will sing of your greatness i will sing of the great things that you have done so that from one generation to the next everybody's gonna know everything how great how great he was from the from before the planet was ever created till the day is burned up and a new one comes glory to god his greatness he's greater he's greater than every assault he's greater than every challenge he's greater than every assignment against you he's greater than the grave he's greater than death he's greater if a thousand fallen ten thousand at my right [Music] still my god is greater my god is greater why because [Applause] [Music] in victory [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] use your faces [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] what a savior you are what a master you you are you what a redeemer what a healer what a provider thank you jesus glory to your name hallelujah hallelujah [Music] how great how great how great [Music] how great is our god hallelujah praise you jesus hallelujah oh we thank you sweet jesus sweet master precious savior loving redeemer glorious god and soon coming king we're so grateful we're so grateful we're so grateful we're so grateful we're so grateful we're a grateful people we're a grateful people we're a grateful church we're a grateful congregation we're grateful we're grateful we're grateful we're grateful we're grateful we're grateful we're grateful hallelujah hallelujah how awesome you are how awesome is your presence how awesome how awesome you are hallelujah thank you jesus oh thank you master thank you jesus thank you jesus praise you jesus you're faithful you're faithful you're faithful you're faithful you are faithful you are faithful you are faithful unquestionably faithful never never question the faithfulness of our god hallelujah oh hallelujah praise his name how how we praise his name thank you jesus real quick let's just sing that song praise the name of jesus [Music] you're my rock you're my [Music] will i trust [Music] [Music] [Applause] you're my [Music] raise your oh [Music] is [Music] oh we don't aren't we just so thankful are we just so grateful for that wonderful name that wonderful name that he has given to us we call upon that name and we're saved you call on that name and he'll save you out of whatever trouble you're in he's faithful he's faithful he's faithful hallelujah well praise the lord you can look at somebody and just tell them how faithful the lord is and you may go back to your sins [Music] well i welcome you this morning to eagle mountain international church where love is king jesus is lord and this is the habitation of the most high hallelujah we're so thankful we're thankful he's here but i'm thankful you're here so we welcome you this morning everyone in the house and everyone that's watching this morning from the top of the world to the bottom all the way around the world would you welcome them this morning as they join us oh we're glad that you're here you know if you're feeling lonely today and you think you're all by yourself well you're wrong you're wrong it's good news it's good to be wrong sometimes about some things you're wrong we're we love you jesus loves you we won't even wait till the end of the service to tell you god loves you we love you and jesus is lord hallelujah hallelujah if it's your first time here in this building today with us in this eagle mountain church service would you raise your hand please we'd like to have record of your visit here and just give a great welcome i see your hands i see hands all over yes praise the lord so glad that you joined us today there's a card in the back of the seat in front of you if you'll fill that out we have a wonderful gift for you and an opportunity for you to bring that right after service for a few moments in the hospitality room which is to my right and to your left just outside these doors after service there'll be a group there of ours team that want to meet you shake hands with you and give you a gift and you can drop that off if for some reason you can't stay you can drop that card in the in the bucket but that way we have your name a record of your visit and we pray for you it's great to be able to pray for you by name instead of just getting it in the spirit now we prayed for you because you're here today but we want to thank god for you in person and then to have your name to pray for you bless the lord we're so glad that you're here today well did i have anybody to watch that little event we had last week victory thought wow what a time we had pastor gene would you come up here with me today please we're going to show the recap of the victory thon and all that happened marvelous time but you know you got to take care of first things first now because you didn't know pastor gene is among so many other things we call him revival man and flashpoint man and and revival capital of the world man and just old man but but today he's birthday man now he did not want me to tell anybody that he's 61 today so i won't you didn't hear it from me you didn't hear it from me but i do think a little birthday song is in order please help us so much somebody else got to lead this where did all my help go okay okay quick brittany grab it grab it grab and go [Music] you happy birthday to you happy birthday happy birthday now i i don't think people should have to share a birthday song but just a couple of days ago it was pastor dwayne's birthday are you 61 you're 10 years younger than him well since i didn't say how old he was we don't know how old you are but we should sing happy birthday to you too real quick [Music] happy [Music] [Applause] birthday thank you lord [Music] birthday buddies thank you jesus all right you may be seated so now back to victory thon hallelujah thank you jesus so let's watch this recap of victory thon and then have some great news for you [Music] praise god welcome to victory thought everybody glory to god let me tell you something tonight is special i'm calling it salvation night forever dollar given bless god we're going to believe god for our soul into the kingdom we're going to stop the devil in his tracks ladies and gentlemen and all we got to do is come together in one mind one accord and put faith with action together and we will set that bar on fire i like to call god god of surprises he's always surprising me and he wants to surprise you right now he's working behind the scenes to make provision for you to receive a significant harvest this is revival time to preach the word of faith and to see to it that the word of god is being preached in your household and we're going to be praying for you standing with you and believing god with you tonight you said it's time for the streams of ministry yes to come together and that just went off in me where's faith specialist god said that to me by the holy spirit many years ago teach my people faith knowing it as a subject to specialize we're faith special we believe that god is going to continue to give us the land that he has promised us and the greatest and the best days are unfolding before us watch your 2022 says the lord for this is the time i'm gonna prosper my people i'm gonna bless my people get your hands ready get your seed ready says the lord for this is the harvest season for the church because my blessing has come upon them our giving this year is all about expansion that's right expansion of available voices across the united states and around the world more expansion for greater bigger real studios that's right and more production teams and staff so victory is growing more than we ever have before because god has been faithful to you and he's been faithful to us [Music] [Applause] i want to read to you we had great testimonies of course these were a couple one that this person was healed of a lower the lower back was healed right after a word was given about that i love this these folks ca they were able to give mon sunday 100 then on monday 200 then on tuesday 300 and on wednesday they gave 400 praise the lord but this one is really good i called in twice making donations but i was rushing and thinking about the next person in line most people get paid on thursday and friday and that's why it needs to be longer so they're asking for victory thon to go through friday so and of course we had we did have the replays we did have replays those that want to sell feel like they're seed counts too i will tell you my testimony about that as you know this was close to the end of the month and i just come back from volunteering at hank cunaman's events in nebraska and i was spent out i was upset because i didn't have seed for victory thon i told god i always sow you know i want to sow but not only did i not have any seed but my air conditioner went out in my home while i was gone so monday morning i borrowed money to get my air conditioner fixed i knew what i got was not enough to fix it it was only enough to cover the service call so i sewed it on victory thon one of the companies called me back and said they would give me a free diagnostic when the guy came to do the diagnostic and the estimate he saw the victory thon playing in the background and so he kept saying well don't tell anyone but i'm going to do this and don't tell anyone but i'm going to just do that and and oh i'll just do this too and before you knew it he fixed it for free praise god hallelujah thank you jesus now wonderful now praise the lord so with the replays i wanted to make this announcement to you this just came in at 9 30 this morning so you remember that last total was eight million one hundred thousand dollars okay so i wanna announce to you the new total you're the first to know okay nine million fifty seven thousand 575 dollars praise the lord praise the lord now a little something else you don't know about this so another little something else came in you can be seated so for the first time that i can ever remember this may have happened i know it's happened a lot of other places both i've seen it in christian um [Music] telethons and things so forth and others but this is the first time that i can remember something like this to happen to us but someone has issued a 100 000 challenge so for anyone that will give a hundred thousand dollars so we're watching in here and online they will match that hundred thousand dollar gift [Applause] now here's why that's important so we have 9 million 57 000 okay when we hit 9.3 million what happens is the budget is met the tithe is paid and it clears eight million dollars spendable cash okay and that eight million dollars is a significant now we're believing to go past that but at 9.3 we have eight million dollars clear so we are announcing that hundred thousand dollar challenge now this is what you do that's that's you or your business you know or or a couple of people want to get together i don't know but you have to either call the number which is not the victory thon number but the number their normal number that we put on the screen right about now they're gonna put that number out there eight seven seven two eight one six two nine seven say yeah i wanna most people wouldn't put a hundred thousand dollar on a credit card or debit card so you could call and let us know because as soon as we know for a fact that hundred thousand coming in the the person who issued the challenge said they will put that hundred thousand dollars in wow isn't it outstanding so a hundred thousand dollars so you can call that number if you're in the congregation or write that check today put in an envelope listen you think but that might sound like a lot to you but you know a lot of times people have it and just didn't think to do it just didn't think they could until the challenge was there three minutes before the victory thon was over someone handed me a check for a million dollars that was sitting in the room three minutes before it was over hallelujah three minutes before less than three minutes and so that is the challenge that's out there a hundred thousand dollar challenge so you can call that number eight seven seven two eight one six two nine seven or if you want to mail that let me give you the address to victory channel fort worth texas 76192 all you need for sure is that right zip code victory channel fort worth 761 and she's putting her cash right there on the platform well take it bless the lord so other things are going on did you want to say anything since you've been standing up here looking so birthday pretty but i'm trying to get past her up here i'm i'm taking no no you're great okay great i'm great thank you that's awesome okay so let's now let's see the announcements of other things that are happening here on the mountain amen do you have a baby or child that you would like to dedicate to the lord we will be having baby dedications on sunday october 10th during our 10 a.m service to register please go to emic.org events by wednesday october 6th [Music] inviting parents young adults and yes the wise at heart to come and partner with us in super kid academy it is always fun and always exciting i like just like interacting with the kids the impact on the kingdom that we get to make and serving with the children it really changes your perspective and especially the rewards in heaven that you'll see just by being you know available if you would like to sign up to volunteer stop by any super kid classroom to pick up an application or go to emic.org and click next steps we have exciting news we have a prayer initiative from our very own pastor terry copeland pearsons from now through thursday september 30th we are hosting conference calls monday through friday to pray over afghanistan covid the government and more the calls will be at 6am for 15 minutes for more information please visit emic.org prayer ministry eagle mountain international church invites you to join us wednesday october 6th at 7 pm central as we welcome special guest speaker dr terry mize dr mize has over 50 years in global ministry with an emphasis on missions and outreach join us and learn how we can make a global impact wednesday october 6 at 7 pm central at eagle mountain international church [Music] ladies if i were you i would not miss this meeting that's coming up i've been watching my wife study and pray and she's on fire it's gonna be good check it out that's right so radiant women i hope to see you at thrive on october 7th at 7 p.m we're gonna have a wonderful time don't miss it 2021 is the year of the local church and emic is on the move we're taking new ground expanding our reach and boldly stepping into new levels of faith love and authority what a great time to be a part of this local church we want to invite you to become a member of eagle mountain international church our fall membership course starts on sunday october 3rd for more information or to register for the course go to emic.org membership well praise god it's offering time amen glory to god glory to god now you hear that cheer that was in the house just now that's how i feel about victorython that's how i that's the that's the sense that i get in my spirit concerning victorython it's one of my most favorite things that we do all year long because it's about so much more than just the giving that happens there's amazing ministry that happens during victorython um and so as a as the church staff um every day we pray we pray together i know that's shocking right a church staff would pray every day we pray but during victorython we pray specifically for what's going on at victorython and something came out in prayer on the last day of victorython on wednesday with the church staff i want to share that with you just a little bit today i want to talk to you about the increase effect turn your bible to philippians chapter four the increase effect while you're turning i want to tell you this sowing and reaping tithing sowing and reaping in the kingdom of god is strategic it is not just about plunking money in a bucket or making quote-unquote donation it's strategic it's strategic because it's god's way to connect you with his plan for your life amen all five of you agree with me glory to god i'm excited about that um but pastor terry um painted this picture and kind of laid down a challenge for us right before victory thon started she said this bring your most audacious plans prayer requests for what you can see yourself doing in the kingdom of god it's about so much more than just your own personal increase but what about the impact that god wants you to make in the kingdom what about the empowerment for you to do what god's called you to do what about the empowerment for you to step into the the ministry or the the the the assignment on your life what if there was no financial tether and you could do exactly what god called you to do without consideration of the cost to you financially brother jesse says this every victory thon he says the anointing for increase is on my life so i asked the lord i said lord how do i get that anointing for increase on my life and i heard the lord say this it already is it already is why because every giver is anointed to increase if you are a giver you qualify for the anointing to increase philippians chapter 4 starting verse 15 says now you philippians know uh also that in the beginning of the gospel when i departed from macedonia no church shared with me concerning giving and receiving but you only for even in thessalonica you sent aid once and again for my necessities check verse 17 not that i seek the gift but i seek the fruit that abounds to your account not that i seek the gift but i seek the fruit that abounds to your account this word fruit is uh is the word for harvest the result of something but what struck me is the word fruit is the effect of something it's the consequence of doing something an action that yields a reaction or the effect of your giving the word abounds is the it means to become more or to exist in abundance to exceed or to have more than enough or to increase so when pastor terry said bring your most audacious plans prayer requests dreams and god is able to exceed them all how does that happen it's the increase effect the effect of your in the effect of your giving produces the anointing to increase i'm going to say that one more time the effect of your giving produces the anointing do you remember in deuteronomy chapter eight god said um i get it's the lord who gives you the power to get wealth that he may establish his covenant the empowerment to gain is connected to god's way of doing things you got to do it god's way you can't just declare that you are prosperous if you don't do the things connect it to prosperity you can't just declare that you are the head and not the tail unless you function like the head and not the tail my dog can't declare that my dog is a cat why because my dog doesn't function like a cat but the fact that he functions like a dog indicates to me that he is a dog consequently if you want to be prosperous you need to function like someone who walks in the realm of prosperity and a person who walks in the realm of kingdom prosperity the individual with the anointing to increase on their life operates the way god intends for a giver to operate second corinthians chapter nine i only want verse nine just verse nine in the amplified classic says this just verse 9 as it is written he the benevolent person scatters a pro abroad he gives to the poor his deeds of justice and goodness and kindness and benevolence go on and endure forever how does a giver function he sows he gives do you qualify it's strategic because god has not forgotten what he intended for you to do you may have but god's not forgotten you he's not forgotten you he's not left any dream of yours on the table he's not left any prayer request on the table he's not forgotten any seed that you've ever sown he's not forgotten your heart for people your heart for the gospel your heart to to see people saved healed transformed but in order for him to get you to where you are supposed to be you're gonna have to function the way he needs you to function it's not about getting something from you it's about what can he get to you for the work of the kingdom it's about the increase effect going into motion in your life so if you want the increase effect going into motion in your life you're going to have to be a giver amen amen so we make it easy for you to step into that that area of giving in your life if you're writing a check you can make it payable to emic for cash credit or debit giving you can raise your hand and the ushers will bring you an envelope or there's one right in front of the seat right in front of you and the seat back right in front of you if you're uh watching you can text emic to 36609 the keyword emic and the information will populate there or go to emic.org give and your information will populate there let's step into the increase effect amen all right [Music] when the praise blows up all the walls come down and the saints of god lift a mighty shout when the praise goes up all the walls come crashing down when the praise goes up all the walls come down and the saints of god lift a mighty shout [Music] the rock yes the rock of my salvation alone is almighty god and though the armies camp all around me and the mountains they stand tall if indeed the lord is in the mountains [Music] [Music] crashing down [Music] all the walls come crashing down [Music] word of god contains my victory and the word of god will never fail but my heart shall thanksgiving and my lips will sing his grace if he's [Music] [Music] all the walls come crashing [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] glory to god thank you jesus thank you lord christo let's go ahead and put up our uh confession our offering confession i just believe we need to declare the word over our giving that's one way that you water your seed is by speaking over it and not seeing saying things against it things like oh i guess my faith is not working or i guess this sowing and reaping doesn't work for me no you just continue to believe god you continue to exercise your faith you continue to step out there and just receive the harvest believe for the harvest of the seed that is sown so we're going to do that right now and release your faith you release your faith with the words of your mouth are you ready say this after me because we are tithers the windows of heaven are open the blessing is pouring out because we are sowers we are furnished in abundance for every good work we receive our perfect assignments with raises and bonuses contracts and benefits sales and commissions we receive settlements estates and inheritances interest and income rebates and returns checks in the mail supernatural wealth transfer [Applause] scholarships tuitions paid in full [Applause] paid off [Applause] debts demolished royalties received and properties acquired we are getting our buildings our lands our houses our vehicles our equipment and our airplanes [Applause] god is bringing into our hands seed even some great big whopper chunk seed [Applause] we command our abundant harvest to come abundant harvest come to us now harvesting angels go get it bring it to us right now in jesus name now let's praise god and thank you for it thank you lord praise you lord god thank you jesus glory to god go ahead and greet somebody one more time and then you can go ahead and be seated praise god well good morning everybody it's good to see you good to see you in church this morning those of you that are watching on all of the victory outlets we're so glad that you're here with us from the top of the world to the bottom all the way around the middle and before we get into the word today i want to mention something to you and that is the deep appreciation of kenneth and gloria copeland pastor terry and myself the entire staff ministry board members of kenneth copeland ministries to thank our partners and our friends for sowing over 9 million dollars so far into the victory channel thank you thank you thank you if you are one of those and i know that many of our church members sowed into that victory channel this puts us way ahead way ahead in fulfilling the mandate that brother copeland gave in 1976 to preach this uncompromised word of faith on every available voice every available voice we're looking into available voices right now other available voices to be able to multiply the word of faith and that is the whole purpose of this the whole purpose of this is to not make ourselves look good it's to fulfill a heavenly assignment and the heavenly assignment is to get this word on every available voice so that it's multiplied and people are learning how to function financially and they're learning how to function in their physical bodies and and how we are to take the covenant that we have with god and walk it out as brother copeland said many years ago we teach people how to take a word from god stand on it and walk it out to victory in our lives that's what this is all about so i wanted to just take a moment and thank you for those of you watching and thank you for all of you here who gave into that victory thon how much we deeply appreciate the investment that you've made and that investment is going to pay off it's going to pay off in souls coming into the kingdom it's going to pay off in others taking hold of the word of god standing on it and walking in victory in their lives come on let's give god thanksgiving for that [Applause] are you ready for the word of the lord father we pray over this word today i thank you for speaking to my heart as i pray over my congregation here and thank you lord that they're going to receive from this today it will transform their lives it will renew our minds it will put us in another place with you and in our walk with you father we thank you for this and honor you for the holy spirit that speaks through me today in jesus name and everyone said amen open your bibles to psalm 92 psalm 92 and the lord gave me a word for us today i so appreciate when he does that i want that every time every time but he gave me a word and it's not a paragraph it's not a sentence it's one word one word and if anybody happens to ask you what did pastor george preach about today you'll find out in a moment what that one word is i like those one word words they're easy to remember psalm 92 we're looking at verses 12 through 15. the righteous shall flourish say flourish the righteous shall flourish like the palm tree he shall grow like a cedar in lebanon those that be planted in the house of the lord shall flourish in the courts of our god they shall still bring forth fruit in old age they shall be fat and flourishing to show or to demonstrate that the lord is upright he is my rock and there is no unrighteousness in him can anybody guess what the word of the lord is for today you might want to write that down if you're taking notes the righteous it says shall flourish like a palm tree and we are to grow like the cedar in lebanon those that be planted in the house of the lord shall flourish in the courts of our god those that are planted in the house of the lord and you can look at that a number of ways but those that are planted and i'll use this as an example those that are planted in the house of the lord planted in church attending church coming in every week to this anointing to hear a word from god for you designed for you it said they'll flourish in the courts of our god flourish in the courts of our god i like this they shall still bring forth fruit in old age say i take that i receive that they shall be fat and flourishing well the word fat there simply means to prosper that's an old english word for the word prosper prosper abundantly they will prosper and they will flourish in that flourishing they will demonstrate that the lord is upright and say this after me he is my rock and there is no unrighteousness in him we will flourish like the palm tree i did a little bit of study in the significance of a palm tree and the significance of the cedar in lebanon and it's very interesting because you see here the righteous shall flourish like the palm tree well there's got to be something about the palm tree that flourishes and in doing some study about it i found out that a palm tree is not affected by the weather or surface in injury it stays green in all seasons life flows within it continually and it keeps it fresh that's a picture of us that is a picture of the church when we're talking about here the righteous shall flourish like the palm tree we're talking about not only us individually or us as families we're talking about the church the church shall flourish like the palm tree one of the things that i found out about a palm tree is that its leaves are symbols of victory we shall flourish like the palm tree whose leaves are a sign of victory in our lives i like this its roots go down deep to locate water in dry places even in a desert filled with hot sand the palm tree survives bearing the scorching heat of the sun so no matter what's going on no matter what's happening in our nation you and i are not subject to the times that we live in we are subject to the word of god we are subject to the blood of jesus we are subject to the angels we are subject to the covenant we are subject to everything the name of jesus we are subject to everything that god has provided for us to flourish no matter what the economy is even in a time of famine we flourish even in a time of drought we still flourish so the righteous shall flourish like the palm tree like that palm tree that's not affected that stays green that palm tree that that its symbol is victory it goes down deep the the roots roots the root system of the palm tree goes down deep that's why the root system our own root system has to go down deep and the deeper it goes into the word of god the more established that you and i become and things don't affect us things don't hurt us things don't destroy us on the contrary we flourish like the palm tree and we grow like a cedar in lebanon grow grow that's what this ministry is all about it's about the maturity of the body of christ it's about the body of christ growing into who they are in christ jesus and we are to grow as it says like the cedar in lebanon let me talk to you about the cedars in lebanon they were prized above all other trees now again this is a picture of who we are this is a picture of the church the cedars of lebanon were prized above all other trees their fine wood was strong and it was straight cedarwood was especially desirable for his aromatic qualities as well as its resistance to decay and bugs we are growing like the cedar in lebanon we are resisting decay and resisting the bugs the cedars in lebanon were always the first choice in any temple or palace and top value in trade was paid for it cedar was a major export and a source of wealth very important tree that's why you and i are called to grow straight strong immovable usable to the kingdom of god i'll read this to you from ezekiel 31 in the new living translation verses three through nine talking about the cedar in lebanon now talking about us you are like mighty assyria which was once like a cedar of lebanon powerful with beautiful branches that cast deep forest shade and with its top high among the clouds deep springs watered it and helped it to grow tall and luxuriant the water flowed around it like a river streaming to all the trees nearby this great tree towered high higher than all the other trees around it you and i were raised up with jesus to sit in heavenly high places with him just like the cedars of lebanon it prospered and grew long thick branches because of all the water at its roots the washing of the water of the word the birds nested in its branches and in its shade all the wild animals gave birth that's who we are people rest in our branches they rest in the body of christ and new believers are given birth under the tree of the cedar of lebanon all the great nations of the world lived in its shadow it was strong and beautiful with wide spreading branches for its roots went deep into the abundant water no other cedar in the garden of god could rival it no cyprus had branches to equal it no plain tree had boughs to compare no tree in the garden of god came close to it in beauty because i made this tree so beautiful and gave it such a magnificent foliage it was the envy of all the other trees in eden the garden of god that's who we are we are to flourish like the palm tree and grow like the cedar in lebanon david built and paneled his palace and the temple with cedar wood solomon used it in his palace in the forest of the forest of lebanon with cedar columns beams and the roof it was also used in the construction of the second temple the abundance of cedar was seen as a sign of prosperity we are like the cedars of lebanon growing strong flourishing flourishing and as i was writing down this research the lord led me to this in psalm 1 3 in the amplified bible he shall be like a tree firmly planted and tended by the streams of water ready to bring forth fruit in its season its leaf shall not fade or wither and everything he does shall prosper and come to maturity we need to see ourselves flourishing producing like the palm tree and growing like the cedars in lebanon so the word flourish the lord said talk about the word flourish what does it mean when you do a hebrew study greek study of the word flourish very basically it means to blossom and bloom blossom and bloom in the springtime have you ever been into a garden and see that garden begin to blossom and to bloom all through the winter it was dried there was nothing there there were no colors that were there but once the spring came and those flowers began to grow and they began to bloom and if you haven't any of you have ever been around a rich rich luxuriant garden that is full of colors full of flowers i'm describing heaven to you right now so rich it is and when you look at a garden like that you say that garden is flourishing it's flourishing as a child i would help my grandfather in his garden he had a huge garden wire fence around it to keep out anything that would try to come in and eat the fruit of the garden and he had flowers that he planted and i would work with him in that garden he would tend the garden and it produced the most beautiful fruit the tomatoes and the cucumbers all of the things that that are so delicious and then the flowers and the plants it was it was a beautiful beautiful garden and that is a picture of what it means to flourish that you and i are to flourish blossom bloom and come into a place of full bloom what does that mean to us to fulfill everything that god has called us to do in this earth every gift every every talent every ability that is god given to us we allow it to bloom and to blossom and to be a thing of beauty to other people flourish also means this and you can write these down if you'd like to it means to bloom to blossom and to bloom it also means to break forth and spread out to break forth and spread out it's not limited in its scope we're talking about something that's breaking out another greek def definite or hebrew definition of the word flourish to become extremely successful and prosperous the righteous shall flourish like the palm tree to become extremely successful and extremely prosperous i was praying over praying that over you last night and this morning this congregation here and the congregation that is watching us they are becoming extremely successful and very prosperous they're flourishing flourishing in the courts of our god it means to blossom bloom to break forth break forth you know in other words break out break out step out of whatever box that you've been in step out there and break out into what god has for you to do he is not limited in his scope for you and me there's so much more that he has for all of us to accomplish and all of us to fulfill and we will be doing it into old age there is no retirement in the body of christ there is no retirement in the kingdom of god look at the ages look at the ages of the old testament characters they were very prosperous very productive and the older we get the more productive what'd you say the better i like that too the older we get the better we get the more productive that we are the righteous shall flourish like the palm tree and those that be planted in the house of the lord shall flourish in the courts of our god here's another one it means to make steady progress make steady progress to flourish is to make steady progress i'm so grateful to the lord for the recent victorython because more finances have come in from that than the first one that we did and the second one that we did we are making steady progress in the assignments that the lord has given us to do to fulfill the things that need to be i just heard my voice on the front row that's quite all right you or what tell me what you're doing were you watching me on the victory channel we don't match we're we're a little bit behind on the victory channel what we are make we're making steady progress aren't we we are making steady say i'm making steady progress see i took some time i looked up the antonyms to the word flourish and that's not what we're doing we are not declining we are not diminishing you are not reducing you are not regressing we are not going backwards we are flourishing your businesses are flourishing your families are flourishing your relationships are flourishing they're becoming extremely successful they're breaking forth and spreading out they're blossoming you're making steady progress here's another one the word flourish means to grow vigorously to enlarge to expand you know it's the lord's will in our lives for every one of us to grow vigorously am i do i have to take that telephone away from you oh we love you it's quite all right it means to grow vigorously to enlarge and to expand let's just talk for a moment about that whatever you set your hand to it is supposed to enlarge it is supposed to grow vigorously it is it is supposed to expand kenneth copeland ministries has been expanding since the beginning in 1967. i came on board in 1976. it was nine years old it was expanding then but i've never seen an expansion like i'm seeing now it is a perpetual expansion you and i are to live in a place of perpetual expansion enlargement and that we are to grow to grow in faith to grow in god to grow in grace we are to grow vigorously to grow emotionally to grow spiritually to grow in every way that's what it means to flourish you know when you ask somebody how's your business doing oh it's flourishing what does that say to you it's growing vigorously and you are you are connected to a church and a ministry that is growing vigorously like pastor like pew what happens to me it happens to you increase the increase effect increases in the air increases in the air spirit of increase the spirit of faith is in the air that's why it's good to come out here sometimes it's good to get away from the house and drive into the atmosphere of faith have you ever been driving on the road on a very cloudy foggy uh morning and you literally drive into the fog that's what it's like when you drive into the spirit of increase or the spirit of faith nothing is impossible you're growing you're developing you're feeding on the word of god and you are truly flourishing in the courts of our god let me give you this last one the word flourish in the hebrew means to increase in wealth favor and honor wow could we camp here for a while could we just build a fire and make some s'mores and just eat them up and talk about this flourish to blossom to bloom to break forth to spread out to become extremely successful i'm prophesying over you you are becoming extremely successful and the motivation for it distribution my motivation for accumulation is distribution into the kingdom of god that's what we saw throughout victorython we saw people investing into the future we saw people investing into the next generation to train them and to teach them the word of faith and we are becoming more and more that way we are increased i am increasing in wealth favor now the word favor we've heard tremendous things from jerry savelle about favor i've preached some of those things the favor of god changes rules for your behalf the favor of god will bring you into a place will they will agree with you say yes to whatever you want it's amazing it's absolutely amazing and and to flourish means to increase in wealth and favor and honor say i'm increasing in wealth favor and honor let me read the amplified translation of this these verses 12-15 the uncompromisingly righteous shall flourish like the palm tree be long lived stately upright useful and fruitful to flourish means to be used of god that is the most fruitful thing that we can do is to be used of him and be obedient to him in whatever he desires for us to do so we are to flourish and be long-lived and stately and upright and useful and fruitful and then it says they shall grow like a cedar in lebanon majestic stable durable incorruptible do you get a picture of what that cedar is it's powerful it's powerful and it is a picture of you and me planted in the house of the lord they shall flourish in the courts of our god god growing in grace they shall sting still bring forth fruit in old age they shall be full of sap oh full of sap of spiritual vitality and rich in the vadur so what is the vidur it is the fresh green vegetation of trust love and contentment they are living memorials to show that the lord is upright and faithful to his promises he is my rock and there is no unrighteousness in him can we take a praise break hallelujah glory to god glory to the lord [Applause] you will still bring forth fruit in old age you will flourish throughout your life keep making making progress in everything in your life you will be full of sap say i'm full of sap spiritual spiritual vitality spiritual vitality ed you are full of [Laughter] sap it's good to see you in church today give a hand to ed dill right now [Applause] [Music] you'll still produce fruit when you get to be old age what'd he say you're young you're absolutely young you really are 89 years young whoa or well i like to say 89 years bold 89 years bold well this is a description of all of us we'll still bring forth fruit in old age we shall be full of sap of spiritual vitality rich in the vadur or the fresh green vegetation of trust love and contentment say i'm flourishing my business is flourishing my mind is flourishing my body is flourishing my finances are flourishing my future is flourishing glory to god jeremiah 17 turn there jeremiah 17 you and i flourish when it seems like or it appears like things are falling apart when the nation is not going the way it should go we still flourish you and i are not subject to the times that we are in the times are subject to us we are like the children of israel in the land of goshen there was light in the land of goshen that's why it's so important that the church continue to flourish and thrive people are looking for help they're looking for a place to go they're looking for direction and that's just the way god has worked it out it doesn't matter what's going on around us there is a wall of redemption around us when it seems like the economy is going down we are going up we are like isaac who prospered in the midst of that famine who reaped a hundredfold in that same year pandemic or no pandemic we flourish no matter what's going on no matter what's happening [Applause] and we affect what's going on that's why we have to be strong in times like this that's why we have to know that we prosper in spite of what's going on we have to realize that we are not subject to the collateral damage of the way the world is trying to go they are subject to us to the word and anyone who wants to step out of the curse into the blessing it's wide open for them wide open it's interesting to me how you can have the same conditions but different results same conditions and different outcomes it just it just depends on who you're trusting where's your trust is your trust in money is your trust in the stock market is your trust in your job or is your ultimate trust in your god is your ultimate trust in his word well there's a picture here in jeremiah chapter 17. and it's a comparison comparison in jeremiah 17 verse 5 thus saith the lord cursed be the man that trusts in man and makes flesh his arm whose heart departs from the lord for he shall be like the heath in the desert and shall not see when good comes but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness in assault land and not inhabited cursed be the man that trusts in man in one translation it says they'll be like stunted shrubs in the desert with no hope for the future the message translation said he lives rootless and aimless in a land where nothing grows that's the individual this is a picture this is a picture of us today we're all living on the earth we may be in the world but we are not of the world we are not of the world and just like the children of israel in egypt and and the children of israel their cattle lived the egyptians their cattle died and on and on and on and on we live in that protective place we live here in this earth under a protective covering from heaven and we flourish i don't care what the economy is doing we will still flourish it doesn't say that the righteous will flourish like the palm tree if if all the economic conditions are right if the stock market is not crashing if and on and on and on no no it doesn't say that it says we will flourish like the palm tree we will flourish in the courts of our god rooted in the house of the lord rooted in the house of god rooted in the word of god so this individual they're living under the same circumstances in the same conditions that one individual puts all of his trust in man ah but let's see what happens to the person that puts their trust in god verse 7 blessed is the man that trusts in the lord whose hope the lord is is your hope in him is your hope for the future in him are you trusting in him that's not strong enough [Applause] am i going to have to get pastor terry up here blessed is the man empowered to prosper is the individual that trusts in the lord whose hope the lord is lord my trust is in you my trust is in you my hope is in you my hope is in you my hope is not in man not in things not in money my hope is in you my trust is in you i trust you for my future sometimes you just have to lay into yourself like i just did and just tell yourself who do you trust i am blessed because i trust the lord and here's a description of that individual who trusts in the lord he shall be like a tree planted by the waters that spreads out her roots by the river and shall not see when heat comes they don't even see it but her leaf shall be green now this is important to know say my leaf is green my leaf is green and i'll tell you why that's important in just a moment shall not be careful or worried in the year of drought neither shall cease from yielding fruit never stops never there is in our lives a continual sowing and reaping it is a progression that does not wait for seasons it's just going on all the time we sow we reap we sow we reap we sow we reap and using our faith and believing god that begins to speed up that gets faster and faster and faster until in some cases harvest comes up before seed hits the ground i mean it's like that accelerated harvests but it says here her leaf shall be green so i looked up the word green in the hebrew and do you know what the word green means oh you looked it up too [Applause] it means to flourish flourish and it also means to grow luxuriant when was the last time you used the word luxuriant i think we should be using the word luxuriant more and more it's a biblical word to grow luxuriant i looked up the word luxurian and it is characterized by rich and profuse growth extremely fertile and productive those of you who are notetakers i'll put it back up there luxuriant is characterized by rich and profuse growth extremely fertile and extremely productive say i am do you dare say this do you dare utter these words out of your mouth do you dare take the step and make a declaration that is very biblical but people get religious about it do you dare [Applause] i am rich [Applause] and i am growing i am fertile i am productive give god a praise everyone [Applause] i had the strangest thought yesterday speaking of fertile i had the strangest thought yesterday sometimes i'll go into my study and i'll work on this for a while then i'll take a break and i'll just walk through the house praying in the spirit i was walking through the house praying in the spirit and this thought just came to me i cast it down but it came to me i thought what if terry got pregnant again and we started all over [Applause] i just said it came to me i wasn't i wasn't looking for that i just was thinking about that word extremely fertile that's all hmm [Music] i actually thought about you no i thought about i thought about what would it be like for us to have another baby [Applause] move on [Applause] dr tony would you counsel with my daughter after church today [Applause] then i thought about you and jeremy and i thought they're not going to want to split that will that inheritance aubrey is going move on move on i'll try [Applause] verse 8 in the message translation they're like trees replanted in eden putting down roots near the rivers never a worry through the hottest of summers never dropping a leaf serene and calm through droughts bearing fresh fruit every season we're flourishing we're flourishing [Applause] our lives are flourishing the church is flourishing the body of christ is flourishing i like this from the new living translation they are like trees planted around along the riverbank where the roots that reach deep into the water such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought their leaves stay green flourishing flourishing what's the word for today flourish flourish and they never stop producing fruit never stop producing fruit never stop reaping harvest never stop expanding never stop enlarging never stop breaking forth in blossoming last week during the the offering time did i bring that with me didn't bring it with me during the offering time we talked about god ideas god ideas that will bring great fortunes into our lives and i believe that for you new ideas coming to you new ideas coming in the night seasons innovations inventions things that will help mankind things that will cause mankind to know god to see god their leaves stay green they flourish and they never stop producing fruit it says in proverbs 11 28 he that trusts in his riches shall fall but the righteous shall flourish like a branch we flourish all the time in spite of the conditions in spite of what's going on in spite of what's happening it all depends on the exercise of our faith and our trust in him let me bring one more point across to you in proverbs 14 11. turn there proverbs 14 11 i want to talk about your home your household i know that there are people in here people watching us you're believing for a new home you're believing for a new place maybe there's another home that you need to have maybe there's a vacation home there is nothing wrong with that nothing nothing at all and i found this scripture about you and about your home and about our home and it says in proverbs 14 11 the house of the wicked shall be overthrown but the tabernacle or you could say the house of the upright shall flourish [Music] say my house is flourishing [Applause] my home is flourishing it will grow it will grow vigorously it will enlarge it will expand and write these scriptures down in psalm 112 verse 3 it says wealth and riches shall be in his house say that's me that's me i'm in covenant a covenant of prosperity with god and that's me one translation says a store of wealth shall be in his house another one the message their houses brim with wealth and a generosity that never runs dry say my house brims with wealth and a generosity that never runs dry in proverbs 3 33 you can write that down proverbs 3 33 from the niv translation he blesses the home of the righteous he blesses the home of the righteous in proverbs 24 3 and 4. through wisdom is a house built and by understanding it is established and by knowledge the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches say my household is flourishing my household is flourishing there are some of you that have been living with one car you need two maybe you need three your household is flourishing you are flourishing you're gonna you're gonna have to get a bigger house to put all the cars that you have in too you are flourishing you are flourishing you are growing you are getting stronger and stronger and stronger what did pastor george talk about today flourishing stand up right now stand up musicians come on up here and the lord said this to me as as i was in the midst of putting this message together and the lord said it's time for you to flourish say it's time for me to flourish to flourish like you've never flourished before it's time for the body of christ to flourish it's in his word he said it we are to flourish like the palm tree the righteous flourish like the palm tree any any of you have been made the righteousness of god in christ jesus we are to flourish so i want you to do this put your hand over your heart say this after me because i am planted in the house of the lord i am flourishing [Applause] in the courts of my god i am becoming extremely successful and prosperous i am making steady progress i am growing vigorously enlarging expanding and the lord just arrested me right there your ministries are growing ministries are growing ministries are growing pastors pastors that watch us from sunday to sunday your churches are growing your church is flourishing [Music] your church is flourishing to get to the place where someone comes up to you and say pastor how's your church doing oh oh my gosh it's flourishing it's flourishing we've just got a breakout going on it's flourishing so i am growing vigorously enlarging and expanding i am increasing in wealth [Applause] and favor and honor i am flourishing in my spirit in my soul and in my body my family is flourishing he's bringing families together he's bringing families together where it seemed impossible god is doing the impossible my family is flourishing my children are flourishing my grandchildren are flourishing my great-grandchildren are flourishing my health is flourishing [Applause] let's begin to receive that right now receive perfect health in your body delivered from every symptom we are redeemed from covet 19. my body repels it my body repels it and my body is flourishing god is replacing taking out what doesn't belong my body is flourishing my business is flourishing more customers more clients greater outreach going beyond the city to the united states international global that's what i see that's what i see businesses are going global they're going global in the same way that kenneth copeland ministries is global and we're going more global i see global businesses reaching out reaching others being a blessing my finances are flourishing every bill every debt paid in full much left over great reserves to do kingdom business no longer paycheck to paycheck more than enough too much and flourishing [Applause] my nation is flourishing things are getting things are getting straightened out we're getting to the bottom we're getting to the very bottom of this getting to the very bottom of this you'll see great change great change that will be coming in the days to come and by the time we reach the midterm elections you will see such such change such transformation it's the body of christ that is rising up taking their authority and their dominion over corruption in the nation corruption you bow your knee to the name which is above every name the name of jesus [Applause] corruption is being discovered uncovered revealed drained out the wicked are perishing [Applause] and the righteous are ruling our nation is flourishing the united states of america is a righteous nation serving a righteous god we are not diminishing we are not regressing we are not going backwards we are flourishing we are flourishing it's a good thing that the believers are here now it's a good thing that we are in the atmosphere because this thing would fold completely collapse but it's changing and the lord god is laughing in the heavens he's laughing in the heavens because if you look in your bible all through the years he's dealt with political idiots who have tried to raise themselves up and they were no match for the almighty god and we are there now we are there now we are there now our nation is flourishing everything i set my hands to do it flourishes i am flourishing coming in and i am flourishing going out it's time to flourish and we are flourishing now you're going to give god praise and glory and honor for that thank you jesus come on praise him praise him glorify him thank you jesus thank you jesus praise god come on praise god everyone glory to god glory to god thank you jesus thank you lord we're flourishing we're flourishing we're flourishing glory to god we're flourishing [Applause] thank you jesus come on come on come on [Applause] [Music] we are in a faith a time of a faith momentum faith momentum what is momentum it is something that grows in speed it goes faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and we are in a faith momentum right now right now and today if this is the first time you've heard this word in a long time you need to declare over yourself i am flourishing say it i am flourishing say it i am flourishing i am flourishing praise god again praise god glory to god my my come on up here glory be to god lift your hands and glorify him thank you lord thank you lord thank you jesus christ i've made promises saith the lord i put my word on the line i put myself on the line to see to it that my word it comes to pass and in this day in this hour there is a momentum there is a speeding up there is an increase because my word is on the line so if you will just do your part just give me something to work with i will work my word in you in all areas and matters of life in everything that pertains to life everything that pertains to godliness for those two things go together you cannot live in the richness and the abundance of life without living in the things that pertain to godliness but when you do connect yourself with me when you do associate with me when you are latched on to me and all that i've said and all that i've done and all that i am then all the sense of my my character all the the crush what is the word all of them thank you lord there's a word there's a word um all the fruit that my word is obligated to produce will be yours for the nature mine it is my nature that produces life it's my nature that produces increase it's my nature that produces the flourishing that you desire so connect with me be planted in me be planted in the house of the lord be planted in the things of god and don't let the things in the winds of doctrine don't let the ideas and thoughts of the world move you and sway you and influence you don't let them discourage you or distract you in any way but keep your eyes on me keep your eyes on what i said be rooted be grounded and you will see a production of fruit and this this time of harvest for remember i am the lord of the harvest and the word says that the return of the lord is simply waiting on the great harvest and in this time of harvest all harvest shall come in harvest of souls as well as all the harvests of seed that have been sown to the spirit i am faithful i watch over my word and i watch over the seed i am the one who will bring forth increase like increase you have never seen known or conceived of before for this is the day this is the hour when i will go infinitely beyond your highest thoughts your highest dreams your highest prayers your highest requests for i am the god of more than enough i am the god of the excess and abundance when it comes to my glory thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you lord praise jesus christ grace upon grace upon grace upon grace flourishing beyond your wildest imagination and your highest dreams i want to do that for you i want to demonstrate that to you all you have to do is begin to receive get into a receiving posture and you will see it you will experience it you will walk in it and you will flourish in places that you never thought you would flourish before i'm i'm reaching out to you right now i'm reaching out to you you reach out to me with your faith and you'll see it done you'll see it done you'll see it done and those husbands and wives who are believing for children lord we come into agreement with them right now for that fertility for that correction for whatever it is going to take to produce a child or children in their lives lord we are in agreement that they are flourishing their bodies are flourishing and i thank you that they will give birth they will give birth i see some that have such great desire to have children they've been disappointed but be not disappointed any longer but just speak unto yourselves talk to your bodies and see the goodness of the lord be delivered unto you amen thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus altar ministers come the first part of that the the the most essential part of that is being planted in the house of the lord it really and that's first and foremost being planted in the family of god being planted in jesus knowing him but then the next thing is to be planted in the house of the lord meaning that there's a sense of maturity that you don't jump and run don't give up don't don't just quit on things don't be a quitter don't be a quitter because you don't like something or you don't understand something but maturity is stable maturity stands strong and straight and says i'm not moved i'm not moved because there's something i don't like i don't move because it's not seemingly going my way i'm not moved by this there comes a time you've got to stop and face and repent over being wishy-washy you know not jumping and running there there should be such stability in the house of god the world is what's unstable and we have to be stable yes and strong stable and strong so thank you just look within yourself and ask the lord to tell you if there's anything that you you've been compromising in maybe something you left undone something you walked away from you quit too soon now let's all go before the throne of god and if there's anyone in the room or watching today in any way that you've never made jesus the lord of your life then you're not in the family of god we're not looking for the label christian we're looking for the the new birth being born again into the family of god being born of god and you can call the number 877-281-6297 you can call that number and somebody will pray with you directly and i want to open this altar for anyone in any need of anything whether it's healing or perhaps you've been shaky in your life and you need someone to pray with you get that out of your life repent of that and pray for you and then you do what you know to do but let's all let's all take this to the lord oh god in heaven oh god in heaven i believe that jesus is the son of god i believe that jesus is the son of god i believe that he died for me i believe that he died in my place in my place and he was raised from the dead he was raised from the dead by the holy spirit by the holy spirit the glory of god glory to god i received jesus i received jesus as my savior as my savior as my lord as my lord jesus jesus you're my stabilizer you're my stabilizer you are consistent you are consistent you aren't moved you aren't new i cling to you jesus i am planted in the house of the lord i am planted in the house of the lord i am immovable i am immovable i'm not uprooted i'm not uprooted i hear the voice of the good shepherd i hear the voice of the good i don't run after a stranger's voice i don't run after a stranger my eyes are locked on your word my faith is set in you my faith is set in you i'm not blown by winds of doctrine i'm not moved i'm not by what i see by what i see what i feel how i feel i'm moved by the word of of god and it bears fruit in my life there's fruit you bear fruit in my life you bear fruit am i i'm strong in the lord i'm strong in the lord the power of his mind so my seed is strong so my seed is strong so i'm rooted so i can bear fruit i can bear fruit thank you lord thank you lord for your fruitfulness for your faith and in my life in my life in the name of jesus in the name of amen amen amen amen sometimes it's just a little correction makes a huge difference praise the lord praise god what a day this has been amen it's good to be back i love that word you preach except for one little part but we can talk about that later it was just a fleeting thought it just came in and out well it didn't go far enough out because you brought it up in church [Applause] father abraham yeah don't anybody be calling me mother sarah well as we get ready to go just remember this god loves you we love you and jesus is lord god bless you have a wonderful week you're dismissed you can't have fun at church i have no words for that now if you're believing for children okay we're in agreement with you uh concerning that but hey before we go today it's greg stevens i want to thank you for being part of eagle mountain international church and all the things that are happening on victory on this network the only way you can see emic other than online is through the victory channel it's such a blessing i ran into people ran into people yesterday that recognized us from victory and said we love victory so thank you so much for being part and supporting and watching it you're reaching more people than you realize and people you wouldn't even think watch victory are watching victory okay so here's things that are coming up brother copeland is uh going on the road and you don't want to miss any of that the omaha victory campaign is october the 28th through the 30th and then washington d.c on november 11th through the 13th you can go to kcm.org events right there on the screen you can get all the information concerning that okay what's happening at the church let me tell you about some things here at the church mark and trina hankins will be here sunday october the 24th you don't want to miss that service and then dr terry mize will be here wednesday night october the 6th you don't want to miss that one as well so many things happening everywhere tomorrow morning morning prayer the news at noon eastern 11 central time and then again at five eastern flashpoint listen flashpoint should be very interesting this week with all the revelations coming out of arizona and different things that are happening want to remind you as always call the number on the screen at any time and somebody a licensed prayer minister will minister to you it's 877-281-6297 877-281-6297 i call you blessed healed and prosperous the favored of the lord in jesus mighty name pastor greg saying we'll see you back here next week god bless god's glory is flooding our nation's capital during our 2021 washington dc victory campaign come join kenneth copeland and jerry savelle
Channel: Eagle Mountain International Church
Views: 5,205
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Length: 131min 6sec (7866 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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