EMIC is LIVE with Mid-Week Service! 4.21.21

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[Music] hey good evening welcome to eagle mountain international church the last two weeks we have brought to you keith moore teaching us about honor it's been so wonderful tonight is part three of that these are services that were done for kenneth copeland ministries and kenneth copeland bible college and you're getting to see it thank you pastor george and terry for doing this get your bible get yourself a pen and a notepad get ready to take notes keith moore talking about honor part 3. go again to our text please first samuel 2 and 30. and did you say you're believing with me to to get it right today exactly what we should first samuel 2 and 30 the last part of this well we'll just read the entire verse the lord was displeased with eli and his sons because they had dishonored and disrespected their offices as priests they stole the offerings they forced people to give when they didn't want to give they were involved sexually with a lot of different people and god was very displeased with them and what he what he said it didn't just happen a time or two i guess this has happened for years and decades the lord's very patient but there comes a point in everyone's life when it's your last opportunity to repent and this is one of the most grave sober serious things you can think about with every human being on the planet of all the billions that are here right now today all over the globe there come a point with every unbeliever where it's their last opportunity to repent and the lord will have been merciful to them and gracious and allowed them uh opportunity after opportunity after opportunity but there comes a point where there's no more opportunity everything in this life is that way even when you're saved there are windows of opportunity to do things like if the lord dealt with you to come to the the bible school here uh that doesn't mean you can put that off for 20 years and it'd be the same now i'm not saying it wouldn't be possible that you could come 20 years later but it may not be possible or things have changed and developed since then what i'm saying is if the lord tells you to go start a church or go work and serve in this ministry there's a window of time and opportunity to do that um there can come a point where you have waited too late and you run out of time that doesn't mean you're lost but you've missed that opportunity does the scripture tell us to redeem the time well why would he tell you to do that redeem the time i my wife phyllis and i are talking about this i guess has been five plus years ago now that you know we're not teenagers anymore and we've already been in 40 plus years of ministry and you look back and go wow that passed by pretty quick and so in another 20 years we'll be getting older like everybody does and so you realize we'll be out of here one way or another in a very short amount of time and you may if you're 18 you may think well i got all the time in the world uh folks that are older what can we tell them no you don't you're you're to be commended that you hadn't wasted 40 years before you got started in this that's wisdom and i'm thankful for phyllis and i we didn't wait a long time we got started early and i'm so the older i get the more thankful i am thank god because you don't have 20 years to waste you're missing things while you're doing that you're missing opportunities but what we saw is we want to we we want to and we we should we must if we're thinking right make the best use of our remaining time and opportunities we are a part of god's eternal family and we are the chosen of him for positions in his eternal kingdom and right now he is training us by his spirit to be led of his spirit he's teaching us things like honor and other things these things we will take with us past this life this is part of our grooming and training to rule and reign with him jesus is the king of kings and the lord of lords who are the kings he's king of you may not look that much like it now you may not have acted like that much now but you are and just think about this how many would say you have changed a lot in the last five years 10 years and all your friends said thank god i mean he would say you have changed a lot in the last 20 years how many would say that 40 years what the word has done in you changing you you're a different person what if that development and change continued for another thousand years what who would you be what kind of person i'm just about what what the change that has been happening in the last decades what if that continued for another thousand years well what if you broke free from all the hindrances and restraints of this life and you could really develop in another 50 000 years then you will look and sound like the glorified one that you are hallelujah [Music] so you know if you see some imperfections you're looking at us in very early stages we're very early stages here of our development and we're already looking better amen amen that wasn't too many amens but we are we already are and that is not in my notes anywhere what does the text say here the lord said you know he was displeased with them and he said i had said that your house and the house of your father should walk before me forever but now the lord said be it far from me for them that honor me i will honor a lot of people stop right there but that's not the whole verse and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed and we see in the latter part of the verse an actual definition to help you understand what honor is despising is the opposite of honor lightly esteeming something is the opposite of honor the word honor the words that are translated honor there's a couple of words especially in old testament and then there are other ones in the new but they mean basically the same thing heavy and heavy in the sense of value worth in those days if you bought something that was really expensive they'd break out the scales and you'd have to put a large amount of gold or whatever to equal the worth of it so heavy meant costly expensive very valuable and so to honor something or someone means you see them as important you see them there's a word that you'll see repeated too precious and that word the devil doesn't like that word and he's uh he's been able to twist it in a lot of people's minds and you even hear a lot of sarcasm with that word oh isn't that precious you don't want to talk like that precious the word love the enemy hates that word and so he's done everything he can to distort and twist that so that people love everything from hot dogs and apple pie and i love my sweater and i love this and i love that to try to take the weight out of it can you see that and the same thing with precious and years ago the lord showed me that and and i saw i i need to stop using that word love for anything except god and people i love god and i love people i don't love food i don't love cars are y'all with me i don't love motorcycles i don't love anything except now are we talking about honor honor includes how you reference something and your use of words certain words should carry weight with you and you don't use those words on everything is that okay and god's things if your heart's right you're thinking right they are weighty to you not that you're in fear all the time and not that you're so stuffy and stayed that you you know you're overwhelmed with uh technicalities and rules i'm not talking about that that's not the real thing that's an imitation of the real thing but the real thing is you love and you value truly from your heart god and every word that comes out of his mouth and everything he has done and everything he does and everything he's planned to do and you love what he loves which is his people hallelujah his family his church you you love his church you you love his things not religious junk but his things and you are willing to go to any length spend and pay any cost right make any effort why not because somebody's making it not because you're trying to achieve the tenth level of spirituality it's because you love it and you want to see it right look with me in the book of isaiah please isaiah 29 this is quoted in matthew 15. so if you want to find both places we'll perhaps look at both of them but brother kenneth copeland mentioned this yesterday that there are a lot of concepts about honor that are not right i may not be quoting them exactly but that there are a lot of different ideas about honor and what it is and that's certainly true and jesus said this about honor and it's worth worthy of a lot of meditation from us i he quoted isaiah but let's read what the spirit of god said through isaiah first isaiah 29 and 10. he said the lord has poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep has closed your eyes the prophets and your rulers the seers hath he covered the vision of all has become to you the words of a book that's sealed which men deliver to one and say read this i pray thee he says i can't for it's sealed the book's delivered and read this he says i'm not learned wherefore the lord said for as much as this people draw near to me with their mouth and with their lips do honor me but have removed their heart far from me for their fear and you see honor and fear are connected and another word for fear is reverence it includes actual fear of the judgment of god and if you're not right with god you should be afraid of what's coming are y'all with me now it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living god and you have not accepted jesus and you are lost and facing judgment it is a terrifying thing so in that sense fear means fear but it includes reverence and awe and those who know him and are in him have no fear of coming judgment none we have been delivered from the wrath to come and doom's preachers need to remember that verse we have been delivered from the wrath to come it is written he said this people i'm reading the amplified now in verse 13 this people draw near me with their mouth and honor me with their lips but remove their hearts and minds from me and their fear and reverence for me are a commandment of men that is learned by repetition listen to the complete jewish bible on this one verse 13 adonai said because these people approach me with empty words and the honor they bestow on me is mere lip service while in fact they have distanced their hearts from me and their fear of me is just a mitzvah of human origin god's word says their hearts are far from me and their worship is based on rules made by humans what you see is that honor like love like faith is of the heart and cannot be duplicated by imitation and here's something in ministry that you'll find will be one of the most what's the word unpleasant times in dealing with people you cannot give someone a heart for something if they don't have it i'm not saying they can't change because they can if they're willing to but you'll hear this uh in scripture sometimes god would say in the psalms he said oh that my people had a heart remember to fear me and to keep my commandments then i would have subdued their enemies i'd have fed them with the finest of the the wheat and now do you hear what the almighty is saying oh that they had a heart for me isn't he the almighty couldn't he give them a heart if they want it but we really do have a free will and he's not going to force you to have a heart for something that would be making you into some other person that be making you robotic and what is happening right now in life on earth is hearts are being tried and proven and the lord is giving human beings a space of time and giving exposure to him and his things and if you have a heart for it and you want to choose him and believe in him and love him then you are the chosen and if you don't there's only one other group to be a part of if you don't want god if you don't love him how many want people in heaven living beside you that reject god and don't love god then heaven wouldn't be heaven right and god's not sending people to hell if they don't want him there's only one other place to go but it was their choice and and they they saw things and they heard things but they didn't appreciate them you know sometimes i heard preacher one time say this he said you know boy to to really see and know god is to love him that sounds good but it's not true people saw jesus they heard him plainly right and hated him did people hate jesus yeah because of something he did wrong did he not do it right he did it right no this is the condemnation john 3 says this come into the world that light has come into the world and men love darkness rather than light this is a sad reality that there are people who hear what you heard and what changed your life and what you love and they hear the same thing and they hate it and i'm just going into some detail that you can't give someone a heart for something that they don't have and they don't want you cannot pay anyone enough to be loyal to you i don't care how much you pay them if they don't have it in their heart it won't happen you can't pay a person enough to be faithful or to love you you can't buy love you can't buy faith when the scripture says without faith it's impossible to please him then you see the value of faith the father wouldn't be this way over something that's not important why did god give adam and eve a choice why have a tree of knowledge good and evil in the myth i mean if it's not there they can't mess up just don't put the tree in there we're all still in the garden yay but then you cannot have love you cannot have faith which is trust they should have trusted what he told them is that right they should have loved him enough and trusted him enough we can't judge them all of us have done the same thing every one of us have sinned and come short of the glory of god that's what they did but jesus came and saved us our nature's been changed hallelujah we're recreated new new creations hallelujah and i got a heart for god amen [Applause] praise god i love my master hallelujah and i'm convinced when the scripture says you and i are the apple of his eye and you and i are his redeemed his his precious his special ones and one of the reasons that is is because his creation has rebelled against him over and over again i don't think we even know how many times but the angels have and human beings have and most of the planet right now is in full-on rebellion against him and he's never done anything against them except create them and give them life and love them and give them redemption and they have spurned him and despised him and hated him and blasphemed him he gave him his only son and they did not receive him he came and do his own and they rejected him and there are many that are lost jesus said but the relative few i mean millions among billions are few and the relative few we're special to him i said we're special to him because nobody made us choose him in this life that's right we've had free will you can walk away from him right now if you want to you'd be a fool if you did and certainly nobody made you want to come help and serve in the ministry huh that's special to him and being tempted for an entire human lifetime and living in we don't know it but this place is dark it's full of death and the curse that's all we know we were born into it soon we're going to get out of here [Laughter] let me tell you how bad it is it couldn't be fixed the lord has to create new heavens and new earths new earth wherein is no curse it won't be this one fixed the very elements of this thing are going to melt it's gone wow but the new one no curse no crying no sorrow no pain no death we've never been in a place like that oh it's gonna be wonderful who it's gonna be it's going to be so amazing you never get tired and you look amazing all the time all the time things don't get dirty [Applause] you don't spend half your life cleaning up and getting ready you just step out and you look amazing oh and it'll be god honoring you using you allowing you to rule and reign with him and develop what he's doing throughout the age to come because you honored him for a few years down here in this dark place hallelujah and i'm convinced that throughout the eons to come nobody will ever get us to separate from our god we've been here we know what death is we know what sin and curse is i'm convinced throughout eternity nobody will ever convince us to rebel against our god and you see you know paul got stirred up by the spirit in romans said nothing can separate me from the love of god uh jesus quoted this in matthew 15. and he was talking about how religion had replaced the word of god and this is a danger we should always be on the watch for don't think we word of faith and charismatics don't have any traditions we've been around long enough now and what you want to do on a daily basis is every time you think of something that you believe or some saying you quote like a scripture is it a scripture no where is it right where is it you know the lord brought this up to me the other day because i'm on the look for these and heard somebody say well it was in a song it was always darkest before the dawn and i thought is that true i looked it up it ain't true always dark is before the dog it's not true look it up for yourself but i'm just saying there are things like that all through our life sayings something maybe you heard somebody preach doesn't make it true i was riding a motorcycle through the mountains a while back just having a big time and blasting through you know doing my civic duty blowing leafs off the road and there's a lot of leaves that fall and you need a big powerful motorbike to to blow them off good so i was doing my civic duty and the lord the spirit of god you know when you get when you get quiet i wasn't thinking about a thing that's one reason i like to do that i was just enjoying the ride and the spirit of god asked me a question he said what's the difference between knowledge and truth i thought now that's a good question uh i don't know lord what's what's the difference between knowledge and truth and i pondered that for the next 50 miles and then it began to come to me truth is true whether you know it or not and this phrase that is popularized now your truth my truth bad stuff don't say that truth is true whether you know it or not whether you think it's true or not it's still true and knowledge just because you know something doesn't make it true and that's part of what we're talking about they had replaced the word of god with tradition he said god verse 4 matthew 54 god commanded saying honor you father and mother he that curses father mother let him die the death but you say you've changed it whoever will say to your father mother it's a gift but whatever i might have you might have been profited by me an honor not his father or mother he'll be free thus you have made the commandment of god of none effect by your tradition you hypocrites well did isaiah prophesy of you and he now he quotes what we just read in isaiah this people draw near to me with their mouth and they honor me with their lips many times people have equated honor with just saying the word we honor this we honor that doesn't mean you did or you do you ever heard this phrase uh what exactly that phrase uh i don't mean any disrespect but what are they about to do disrespect but see the enemy's crafty that way he prefaces it by lying and saying now i respect you but i'm about to disrespect you see honor is much more than mouthing words then using the word honor then lips the lord emphasized they they're saying all the things but their heart is way over there somewhere away from me said out loud honor is of the heart see if it's not in your heart it's not there you can you can learn all the talk in fact if you don't have honor in your heart you won't understand it when you see it and you won't believe it when you see it go with me you've got a few minutes go with me to i believe it's samuel thank you father thank you father thank you father thank you father do you love the lord hallelujah ii samuel 10. that's what it is thank you lord second samuel 10. now if you want to learn more about honor study first of all the life of jesus and study also the life of david king david it's no coincidence that the psalms and the lord used him to to write many of those just have scores and scores of references about glory and honor and the fear of the lord and if you look it up a lot of times the same word translated glory is the word we just read out of samuel honor it's the same word and so why would the spirit of god through david express so much about this honor and about this glory because he through his communion with god even under the old covenant he had learned that about god that god was honor and god was glory and power and that's what changed his insides that as a teenager he had the courage to face goliath and you'll find that one of the the fruit of honor is courage [Laughter] this should make even more interested in honor courage to be courageous is the opposite of being a coward but there's reasons why people are the way they are if people live in perpetual fear and they're they're always afraid to step out and to try or to do anything and it's because something's lacking on the inside something's not there that needs to be there and if you are always afraid of what might happen to you we might get hurt we might lose our life then that shows your value system you think your a few more days on earth is worth more than anything else you think you value your personal protection and your personal comfort above everything else and so you'll protect it at any cost but when you find something that's far more valuable than your own life then courage comes you'll even risk your life to get this done why because if i died doing it it's a good death it'd be worth it come on can y'all see that did you hear that word worth worth see honor sees the worth in something more than my few days of earth it is it's folly to sacrifice everything and spend every dime and go to the end so you might have another two months of subpar life on earth that's crazy and if i knew i was through with what i'm supposed to do i'd be ready to leave today yes i would but i'm not done and you're not done and don't leave early when you learned faith and you knew how to stand and you know how to fight because later on we liable to show up at your house because you leave early your work's undone who's going to do that some of us got to do it so he's liable to show up at your mansion later and go hey what's the idea of leaving 20 years early and we had to take up your slack we won't hold it against you of course it's just heaven but [Laughter] we may want to know what's the idea man and you couldn't say well i couldn't help it no you were a faith man you're a faith woman you knew you could fight you knew you could and there are times you have to oh man there are times yes these bodies not one of us have a perfect body because of the curse you put us under the microscope every one of us this is a little too short this is a little too long this little bit of alignment this is i'm talking about your physical body it is full of imperfections and when we talk about uh divine health we're not talking about physical perfection nobody has that on in this life and nobody's going to have that you're talking about good operating conditions now it's coming ah this body is going to be glorified it's going to become immortal incorruptible and it will be perfect hallelujah imperfections will be gone but not now and so we we actually require that's one of the big reasons the lord gave us the earnest or the first fruits of our inheritance why why would it give you a portion of it early or now it is the quickening of the spirit we actually need it just to complete our job and if that same spirit that raised christ from the dead dwell in you he'll do what help me out he'll do what quick and what well that's the condition it's in now mortal yes he will quicken he will zap he will infuse with life your lower back somebody's lower back's being healed right now in jesus name your lower back vertebra in the lower back and the sinew and the muscles around it and the disc itself the bone itself somebody needs to say i receive it in jesus name i receive in jesus name ha ha hallelujah and whatever you need as you go through life and like brother copeland was saying never look narrowly and judge somebody for some kind of challenge in their body come on you've got to be smarter than that how long have you lived you know how well you're going to be doing if you hit 90. if you hit 90. no there's so many folks bless their hearts they got big talk but they've never been through that and you see they just deal with something small and they go oh i don't understand why this is happening to me i'm a faith man no you're just now finding out what faith is but we are overcomers i said we are overcomers yes praise god hallelujah i want you to say this out loud i'm an overcomer i will by the grace of god run my race and finish my course with joy [Applause] with joy with joy means with strength because the joy of the lord i'm going to finish not with a whimper i'm not going out with a whimper i'm going out with a shout i'm going to run my race i'm going to finish my course and the lord's going to say you've done it you're through it i'm going to go ah hit the finish line and holler to the rest of y'all see you later i'm out of here second samuel 10 did you find that honor is of the heart it's not a product of the mouth it's expressed with the mouth words are important but remember what jesus said he said this people they honor me with their mouth and their lips but their heart it's not there not in their heart and you can't give somebody a heart for something that's why it's such a delight when you're around somebody enough to find out they have a heart for it because you can't buy that you can't pay anybody enough to have a heart for something and when you see that you know you've got something to work with ii samuel 10 verse 1 it came to pass after this that the king of the children of ammon died and hannah and his stun son reigned in his stead then said david i will show kindness unto hainan the son of nahash as his father showed kindness to me honor remembers honor remembers who helped you get started who was there for you when you needed something who came through for you i said honors honor remembers and so david remembered and he said david sent then to comfort him by the hand of his servants for his father and david's servants came into the land of the children of ammon and the princes of the children of ammon said to hainan their lord do you think that david does honor your father he sent these comforters to you has not david rather sent his servants to search out the city and spy it out and overthrow it so hanan took david's servants and shaved off half of their beards and cut their garments up in the middle even to their buttocks and sent them away there was a full-out war as a result of this and a lot of people died over not understanding a gesture of honor why'd they think that way it was a total lie these guys are not spies david hand picked them to represent him and to go show his respect for this man's father and to show kindness and to honor him and this man's counselors around him said no he he's got ulterior motive he's here trying to find out stuff about you and can you see how the devil works can you can you see how he talks and why because he has no honor he doesn't even understand it because if it doesn't benefit him it's no good david wasn't doing this for his personal benefit he wasn't doing this trying to gain anything from this man or his kingdom there were no strings attached do you understand why we say if if you don't have a heart of honor you don't even understand it right you you'll assume there's ulterior motive behind things i've had the lord deal with us to sow a seed or something on a thing and and people look at you and go why are you doing this uh because the lord dealt with us too what do you want nothing and people don't believe it they're like you got something going on if you if you're not a person of honor you don't understand honor when you see it you don't even believe it when you see it which shows you a part of honor is thanksgiving being thankful and it includes honesty it includes humility and can you see that with david he remembered what this man had done for him and he was thankful he was still thankful after all these years can you see that and even though he's king and he doesn't owe them this he's sending these people to try to express this now go with me if you would back up to uh first samuel 23. let me see i'm telling you wrong you you go to second samuel 23 that's the one second samuel 23 you see david understood about honor and was a man of honor who practiced honor and expressed honor honored others there's a lot of people who want to be respected but they don't show respect a lot of people want to be honored honored honored why would anybody honor me you don't get it by demanding it requiring it like we said on monday you you can't take it you have to sow give honor to whom honor is due is that right is that give means there's no strings you're sowing aren't you fro and it's not empty lip service you mean it it's from your heart honor to whom honor is due and this means a lot of times speaking up not just in front of people on a platform huh you're with your spouse you're with your child or your grandchild and you see something special in them say it come on are y'all with me or not look to the lord for the words and at the right time in the right way even though you know each other really well and you know each other's faults and all the more reason when you see something good say it what are you doing you're valuing that about them you're esteeming that and you express that this could be as simple with a friend who's saying you know you're the kindest person i really like that about you you're not trying to flatter them the flattery is totally the other spectrum from what we're talking about but just you saw it you noticed it some of the greatest things that have happened in my life are people that i love and respect saw something significant in me things i didn't even see and things more than i saw and they brought it out they said it they pointed it out they appreciated it come on can you see that and they verbalized it is this important in a world full of everybody criticizing judging fault-finding and posting everything on social media for the world to see how do we need the other side of this that we see something good or brother hagin say that uh in their town there was the guy that was meanest man in town everybody disliked him he was the meanest guy did all kind of bad things and so there was another fella came to his funeral and he had the reputation for never saying anything bad about anybody that's a good reputation and when they walked by the casket and he walked by everybody was quiet to see what he's going to say because this is a bad guy he looked around he said you know that fella best whistler i ever heard in my life you talk about whistle attention that's all he said went on seeking your fine depends on what you're looking for right if you're looking to find fault you'll find plenty of it but if you look for the gems you look for the diamonds you look for the treasures you look because every one of us have grace and graces given to us developed or undeveloped they're there and spiritual people can discern them and notice them and detect them even in their embryo level of development right and it helps people to realize i got that in me yeah you do one of the things we're to do is to acknowledge every good thing that is in us am i quoting scripture come on every good thing which is in us in christ jesus we can help each other with that we can help each other with that i uh i just talked to a young man a few weeks ago and he and i don't know each other that well but uh he's been mostly in the world but he's given himself to ministry and and i sat down with him just a few minutes and i was able to he he was showing me some respect well this opens the door can you see this and i said man i said you've got an anointing on you in this area and you could see the spirit of god just do something in him you can tell there's going to be bigger things next wrath is going to be stronger and we talked about it for 30 minutes and i wasn't trying to flatter him and i didn't wasn't trying to get anything from him i just knew i saw that i noticed that and again and again when we notice it we should say say it life is short how many times have you heard people standing by a casket say i never told them this and i should have told them this and i always meant to that's one of my grandmothers saying she's in heaven now wonderful woman of god she said give them the roses why they live that's a good thought when david ran from saul and was a fugitive in the wilderness uh people begin to be drawn to him and the scripture said don't turn there but in first samuel 22 1 over 22 2 i should say every one that was in distress everyone that was in debt everyone that was discontented gathered themselves to him and he became a captain over them and they were with him about 400 men are these beacons of honor these men not now not at this point let me read the scripture for you again they were distressed they were in debt they were discontented i can tell just by that one word alone honor didn't have a big place in their lives because honor's thankful but we're going to see in just a moment and if you've read the scriptures you know these men became famous famous i mean these men a number of them have their own scriptures in the word of god just referencing their name their courage their exploit and their honor mentions it repeatedly their honor what happened we've said if somebody doesn't have a heart for it you can't make them have it but we also said you can change right you can change if you're willing to and oh your associations and your environment which is why the lord would deal with you to leave where you were and immerse yourself in this right for a length of time you you're not just filling your head with knowledge that's right your spirit is exposed to spiritual things and they affect you they get in you and they start to change you and it doesn't all happen just overnight and some of the changes is gradual but like we were said earlier you've changed a lot last five years 10 years 20 years authoritarian teres is coming 20 years from now you could be almost unrecognizable from where you started in a good way so much more like the master yeshua hallelujah and this is a part of who he is first samuel uh excuse me second samuel if you're holding your place there these men didn't understand the honor when it was demonstrated for him they actually dishonored david i mean can you imagine david's hand-picked representatives and you hold them down these are wise men these are dignitaries and humiliate them the way they did that that was their response to a gesture of honor which shows you how foreign this idea is to the unsaved world so don't be shocked when people outside don't understand what we're talking about in here today or what your things that you do but you got to make up your mind i'm going to live this way whether anybody else does or not right and whether anybody else appreciates it or not i'm not doing this for their benefit only this is who i am i am made in the likeness and image of honor himself of glory himself that's who he is and he is in me and that's who i am amen and i'm being changed as i behold his glory honor i'm being changed from glory to glory honor to honor same word is used many times by the spirit of the lord well in second samuel 23 verse 1 said these be the last words of david so these are special david the son of jesse said the man who was raised upon high the anointed of the god of jacob and the sweet psalmist of israel you're going to get to meet him one day you're going to enjoy talking to him the spirit of the lord david said spoke by me and his word was in my tongue the god of israel said the rock of israel spoke to me and said he that rules over men must be just we'd say fair and right ruling in the fear of god this has everything to do with honor reference and the lord said about david that he was and is a man after his own heart after god's own heart honors of the heart honor is out of god's heart that's why so deep in verse 8 if you'd skip down to there he said these be the names of the mighty men whom david had the tacmanite that sat in the seat chief among the captains the same was adino the israelite he lift up his spear against 800 whom he slew at one time literary so-called experts they don't believe this at all they they they say oh that's just you know that's mythology and this no it happened but how in the world did it happen huh one man took out 800. in hand-to-hand some of the things that we read about here are not humanly possible but they are possible with the anointing of god keep reading after him was eliezer the son of dodo i bet you wouldn't call him a dodo at least not to his face the whole one of the three mighty men with david when they defied the philistines that were gathered together in battle the men of israel were gone away so the rest of the bunch had retreated he arose and smote the philistines until his hand was weary and his hand clave to the sword now that means he fought until he couldn't hold the blade and god welded his hand to the blade and the lord wrote a great victory that day and the people returned after him only to spoil they all came back when they saw he won the battle keep reading after him was shaman the son of aji the heroic the philistines were gathered together in a troop where there was a piece of ground full of lentils and the people fled again everybody else ran from the philistines but he stood in the midst of the ground and defended it he said ain't nobody taking my bean field no god gave me this bean field i don't care how many philistines and he slew the philistine he just stood in the midst of the ground he defended it and slew the philistines and the lord wrought a great victory you will never do that if you're afraid of dying and if the most precious thing to you is a few more days on the planet you will run and you will hide to save your precious life but honor means you have found something more valuable than your own temporary mortal life you there's something that means more to you is more important to you than life itself natural life and so you're willing to risk that to accomplish that it gives you real honor in the heart gives you courage boldness as a lion can you see it in these men why do we have these passages in the scripture what are they there for it's not to encourage you and i to take up hand-to-hand sword training but the spiritual part of it is the same it never changes god's the same human beings are the same the devil's the same the enemy's the same none of that has changed what has changed is our covenant amen but all this is the same wrought a great victory now let me remind you these men got every reason to believe they were part of the first ones that came did they used to be like this no they ran out on their debts they were running and hiding they were running away from liability they were running away from responsibility they were malcontent discontent but being around honor it got in them oh come on can you see that day after day month after month they heard david talk they heard him talk about god they heard him sing to god and everybody why would they come to him to start with let's just back up to that he's a fugitive you're really putting yourself in greater risk because he's a wanted man by the king why would you do that everybody knew about david and goliath everybody far and wide are you kidding that story had gone viral everybody knew about david and goliath what was so spectacular about it the courage of a boy going against this being with it it just it sounds like a legend a myth but it was true it really happened and you don't find courage like that unless it's coming from somewhere inside you come on can you see that and the honor of god and the love of god and the faith in god is what caused this courage to come up in him and as a boy even when all these men are cowering out there he came up and said who is this uncircumcised philistine defying the living god his confidence was not in his 17 year whole body or whatever it was right or his experience of being a warrior he wasn't at all he said you come to me with a sword and a spirit and i come to you in the name of the lord of hosts whom you have defied and blasphemed what this is about honor you're out here blaspheming the holy god of israel he was offended and thought somebody should be a man and stand up for the honor of god where are you well i'll do it myself now listen listen not to make a name for himself no not to prove his medal as a warrior no no not for just treasure and fame no you won't pay that much you won't risk that much for that has to be something bigger it was for honor and that means something more valuable than anything on this battlefield out here something worth more than all the lives of all these men in both camps what god's name his honor his truth and if you die endeavoring to stand up for that it's a good death you're going to die sometime right and if you didn't get it all quite right if your heart was right the lord knows it and who are you going to see as soon as you get out of here you're going to see him are you going to say lord i was trying to do it he says i know i know come here come here i know it some of the things we stepped out to do in ministry and this ministry has exemplified this it's one thing that inspired us things that seemingly couldn't be done he didn't know how and one juncture about 25 years ago that we did i could not see how to even start to make it happen and even the finances i spent a couple of hours each night with the calculator trying to figure out i finally just put the calculator in the drawer and shut it and i thought doesn't work and even had people kind enough to tell me you know you shouldn't do that you know you got it made you're in a good comfortable place and you know that's risky that's true finally something came up in me it's what we're talking about something's more important to me than my reputation come on y'all with me or not something's more important to me than the condition of my finances something's more important to me i said well i'm a man finally somebody tried to talk sense into me they said you know again and i said hey don't say don't say any more i'm a man i can miss it and if i do i'll repent and say that i did but i'd rather fall flat on my face in front of everybody endeavoring to obey god is that right than to be too scared to leave the house and attempting come on you see what i'm saying what is that that's some courage yeah but it comes from somewhere it's got to come from somewhere where does it come from it's connected to honor something in your heart whether you even understand it or not is more valuable to you than even your life itself and you're willing to what people say risk it all you're willing to step out continue reading this just just a few more minutes if you have it verse 13 3 of the 30 chief went down and came to david in the harvest time to the cave of adullam and the troop of the philistines pitched in the valley of rephiem david was in the hold and the garrison of philistines was then in bethlehem david longed and said oh that one would give me drink of the water of the well of bethlehem which is by the gate so the enemy has occupied bethlehem this is their property this is their home this is their place and you know it's like home mama's cooking and your favorite well water at that time you know you didn't have bottled water and uh he just you know he's he's annoyed and it being outside the enemy is is possessing our land he's annoyed we hadn't got this fixed already and he got thirsty for a moment and he said there's my well bethlehem well ah that i had some some good cold water out of that well and uh three of his mighty men heard it they overheard him he didn't ask them to do anything he wouldn't have asked them to do this but honor thinks differently honors these things differently and a side thought on this the more you learn about this especially if you become a leader and people are around you you have to watch what you say or people try to do things for you you just need to be led and you certainly never do it say things hoping they'll do it for you that's an abuse of your place but these three guys were there and for all we know they were three of the original 400 stands to reason that people had become the greatest and mightiest had been there the longest and the discontents the in debt had become the honorable and the mighty the courageous and one of them said did you hear what our king said i i heard that the other one said i heard it too our king wants some bethlehem water we going to do anything about this they looked around he said i'm with you listen i'm with you he didn't have to hold a committee meeting he didn't ask anybody what they thought about it or vote on it they broke through the host of the philistines they had to break through the front line they had to go behind enemy lines how many understand how they broke through the line with blood fighting they broke through and i can imagine that two of them are fighting while one of them's drawing water out of the well he said come on man what's taking you so long and they got this water and they had to fight their way now back through the line can you see this to get through and so they show back up at david's camp and uh they're bloody but it's not their blood and sweaty and breathing hard and one of them said o king yes did you want some bethlehem water sir yeah i'd really like to have some of that water and they said fresh from the whale and he took the water he said fresh from the well they looked at them they're bloody they're sweaty he knew honor thinks alike so many times with honor you don't have to explain things they know why you did it without you saying honor understands honor the ignorance of it doesn't understand it like we've seen he's holding the water you men just drew this out of the well at bethlehem yes sir enjoy and here's where a lot of people will break away from that he said i can't drink this i can't drink this now you can almost hear people in our modern generation going are you kidding me what do you mean you can't drink it after everything they just went through you not going to drink the water this shows you don't understand honor keep reading he said i'm reading in the new living now he said the three broke through the philistine lines they drew the water from the well they brought it back to david but he refused to drink it instead he poured it out do most people understand that he did what but he didn't just pour it out as an offering to the lord and he said the lord forbid that i should drink this this water is as precious as the blood of these men who risked their lives to bring it to me so david did not drink it this what we're talking about right here is totally foreign to most thinking all around us most people did not grow up like this at all do you think these three mighty men were upset with david over this they were not they they are honorable men they understand honor what david is saying this is a high use and an honor for me to drink this water but there's an even higher use of this water and that's to sanctify it to the lord and to give it to him so can you can you understand he is honoring these men he's honoring their effort and their sacrifice by making it of the highest use that he knows how to make it because god is real and if you do it in faith god will receive an offering hallelujah and if god receives it and it becomes his then they didn't just break through to give david a drink they gave the almighty god they gave the almighty a drink so god made what yeah but he received this i said he received this we knew he received okay he received uh grain offerings he received meat offerings didn't he all kind of things certainly he received this why because it was a true value thing he said this this water is like the blood of the men that went to get it you know naturally speaking they should have been killed 50 times doing that is honor a special thing is it a part of the inside of god do you desire it do you hunger for it do you want to represent god and show forth his honor and his glory to the world around you as you run your race and finish your course don't you love that word from keith moore what a what a rich treasure this has been finish your course and you do it with honor you do it with the glory of god they know the name of god i love it when he was talking about eli's sons in uh in exodus 20 they should have known this eli's sons should have known this verse every jewish boy knows this verse honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long and the land the lord has given you honor your father and mother we've learned so much over the last three weeks i want to give you the opportunity to sow into this teaching in the to the church you do it very simply emic dot org slash give emic.org give you can text to give at 36609 36609 emic plus the dollar amount if you'd like to do it on the phone line with the prayer minister or live prayer minister then call the number it's on the screen 877-281-6297-877-281-6229 7. they'll also agree with you and pray with you concerning anything that's going on in your life or in your family i believe god's best is happening in your life and your family and your relationships because you're a person of honor and because of that you will finish your course with joy i decree it in jesus name i call you blessed thank you for joining us we'll be back here next wednesday night this coming sunday right here at emic on the victory channel this is the year of divine healing health prosperity and recovery at the
Channel: Eagle Mountain International Church
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Length: 88min 23sec (5303 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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