EMIC is LIVE with Sunday Service! 6.13.21

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[Music] [Music] good morning eagle mountain international church praise god are y'all ready to worship this morning say this after me we declare the glory of the lord over this service today the manifest presence of god the manifest power of god and say this one loud the manifest goodness of god in this house this morning in jesus name come on give [Applause] [Music] the walls god down [Music] oh [Music] he alone is almighty god [Music] oh the word of god [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] all the weapons foreign [Music] is [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here we go down [Applause] [Music] this morning [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in everything [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] generation [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] every nation [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] precious [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] generations [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] generations right here all the time you're good [Applause] all the times [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] give him praise [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] let the [Music] [Applause] somebody needs to shove the time all the time you are good all the time all the time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's why we're here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] god god you are good and your mercy endures forever god you are good and your mercy endures forever so father right now we do magnify you lord oh we thank you for your goodness lord you said you inhabit the praises of your people that means your goodness is in the house this morning so father we take that goodness father we bask in that goodness and we thank you for that goodness in the name of jesus amen all right high five somebody and tell them he's good glory to god you go back to your seat [Music] well good morning eagle mountain international church how y'all doing praise god any first time guest this morning anybody in here for the first time glory to god right here i see some over there some right here praise god if this your first time on the mountain we want to thank you for being here we want you to know that we love you we've been praying for you believing that you would be here and now you're here so you're a welcome answer to prayer there's a card on the seat back right in front of you if you'll take that card fill it out for us we want to have a record of your visit and also if you'll bring that card to the hospitality room which is right out these doors to my right which is your left we have a free gift we want to bless you with and i promise you like pastor terry says it's more than a lollipop amen amen and we want to also welcome all of those who are watching us from the top of the world to the bottom all the way around the middle we want you to know how awesome you are and how glad we are that you chose to spend this moment with us y'all give them a hand please praise god also if you're watching us wherever you're watching us from we want you to know that we are here for you if you need prayer for anything or just to give us a praise report a testimony of how good god has been you can call the number 877-281-6297 our licensed prayer ministers are are there they're standing by they're ready to respond to your prayer requests pray the prayer of faith but they're also ready to testify with you you might have one of them jump and shout and run around the building because you called and gave them your testimony amen well glory to god there's a lot happening around the mountain and one of the biggest things happening is it's graduation season glory to god so i'd like to invite all high school seniors who are graduating to the stage this morning if you're in high school and you are graduating we want to call you on up at this time come on up praise god glory to god coming from the back come on right up and line up right here i want to pray over you pastor stephen if you'll join me praise god praise god praise god what a good-looking group of individuals praise god pastor stephen's our young adults pastor and these young people will be graduating promoting out of 1440 and into the bridge glory to god so we just want to pray over you this morning lay our hands on you and as a church send you into the next phase of your life i know a lot of you and i know a lot of your plans and i can't wait to see what god's going to do in your life amen church amen so i'm going to pray and pastor stephen is going to come lay his hands on you let's pray y'all join your faith with mine okay father in jesus name we do thank you for these young people lord we thank you for the giftings the callings the anointings that are on their life and right now father we join our faith with theirs with their parents with pastor george and terry with brother copeland and god we activate them in the name of jesus we activate that calling we call that calling forward in jesus name lord i speak concerning them and i say every door that needs to open will open i declare promotions jobs and scholarships tuitions paid off paid in full in the name of jesus and father we do thank you for the goodness of god resting on their life god that they would walk in goodness all the days of their life and father where faith is applied the blessing will be received in jesus name and so lord i thank you for the blessing of god over them in jesus name amen all right young people if you would turn around i want to present to you the high school class of 2021 glory to god praise god praise god all right glory to god ladies and gentlemen you can be seated and y'all saw their faces so as you see them in the hallway shake their hand hug their neck bless them you know take them to lunch buy them a car whatever it is that the lord speaks to you however god moves on you to bless them then be a blessing glory to god as i said before there's a lot happening here on the mountain so watch your screens emic real life classes are extraordinary they're focused on intense discipleship building an uncommon faith and living in the victory there is still time to register for the summer sessions of real life classes there are options for everyone and you can select courses that align with your interest to register for the summer sessions of real life classes go to emic.org slash real life my healing is already an accomplished fact jehovah rapha healer he always is the healer he was the healer before there was a need for healing why because he's alive i've made up my mind i'm leaving with a miracle come to miracles on the mountain june 24th and 25th register at emic.org miracles it's time to power up this summer at vacation bible school 2021 super kids will power up with jesus the word and the holy spirit registration opens monday may 17th for three-year-olds to fifth grade this is a free event register online by sunday june 20th at emic.org vbs if you would like to volunteer stop by any super kid classroom we look forward to seeing your child with us in the power lab 2021 is the year of the local church and emic is on the move we're taking new ground expanding our reach and boldly stepping into new levels of faith love and authority what a time to be a part of this local church we want to invite you to become a member of eagle mountain international church our summer membership course starts on sunday june 27th for more information or to register for the course go to emic.org membership you're invited to eagle mountain international church sunday july 11th at 10 a.m central as we welcome special guest chaplain downing founder of al downing ministries come and learn how you can be rooted grounded and established in the word of god with chaplain downing sunday july 11 11 am 10 am central right here on the grounds of eagle mountain international church well praise god it's offering time ladies and gentlemen glory to god glory to god open your bible to jeremiah chapter 33 and while you open your bible to jeremiah 33 i want to just take a quick second to review 2021 is the year of divine healing divine health divine prosperity and divine what another word for that word recovery is restoration say restoration jeremiah chapter 33 verse 6 says this behold i will bring it health and cure and i will cure them and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth go to the next verse and i will cause the captivity of judah and the captivity of israel to return and i will rebuild them as at the first verse 8 and i will call and i will cleanse them from all their iniquity whereby they have sinned against me and i will pardon all their iniquities whereby they have sinned and whereby they have transgressed against me this is good verse 9 and it shall be to me a name of joy a praise and an honor before all the nations of the earth which shall hear of all the good say good that i do unto them and they shall fear and tremble for all the goodness say goodness for all the prosperity that i produce unto it so that verse verse six it says i will heal them that verse six that first word for heal is the hebrew word for restore i will restore them it's only used six times in the old testament and it indicates healing health repair and restoration and get this every time that word is used it is connected to prosperity it is not just connected to financial prosperity but of wholeness of life verse 7 says he'll rebuild them as at the first you can read that as if to say i will make it firm as firm as i intended it to be so here's the thought when god brings restoration he is not limited by how things used to look even if the way it used to look is okay his intention is to restore it to his not yours his original intent godly restoration looks like it never happened in the first place godly restoration looks a whole lot better than it did before restored things when god restores them he restores them back to what he first deemed it to be say deemed he what he first deemed it to be which means what he first named it to be or another way of saying that is he restores it back to emulate his goodness now what is the goodness of god it's his nature it's who he is it's what he is it's how he is and it's how he does things amen so verse 9 says and in the amplified classic says and it shall be unto me a name of joy a praise and a glory before all the nations of the earth that hear of all the good say good i do for it and shall fear and tremble because of all the good say good and here's how he defines good of all the peace of all the prosperity of all the security and all the stability i provide for it y'all know when i was young we used to say it's all good let me tell you something if it's all god then it's all good if it's all god then it's all good so here's the thing whatever god restores and when he says it's good he puts his signature on it when he brings restoration it bears his signature which means it's not just okay it's restored to what he wants it to look like it's restored to his redemption what he named it so here's a question what has god deemed you and do you look like what you've been deemed god has deemed you to be healthy he's deemed you to be wealthy he's deemed you to walk in wisdom he's deemed you to operate in abundance and he's deemed you to bear his goodness satan came to steal what you've been deemed to be so if you don't see your redemption in everyday life it's not god's fault it's satan's fault god is only good and his goodness is what he intends for you to bear but jesus the lord of the tithe came to destroy the works of the devil according to john chapter 3 first john 3 8 so when you see when you use your faith to take what grace has provided remember that you are saved by grace through what through faith in other words you are redeemed you've been redeemed despite what the devil tried to deem you you've been redeemed from what he called you he called you broke god says you're wealthy he called you sick god says you're healed he called you broke busted disgusted your money funny your credit can't get it and your change is strange god says i intend for you to walk in my abundance and demonstrate before nations my goodness my prosperity my peace and my stability let me tell you something about your money when you connect your money to what god's doing it can only be good and only good can come from it so if you want to see god do good in your money you ought to connect it to what he's doing i'll tell you something you get an opportunity to invest in the goodness of god this morning anybody want to invest in god's goodness how many of you want to see a good return press down good measure press down shaken together and running over glory to god if that's you make your checks payable to emic for cash credit or debit giving there's an envelope on the seat right in front of you if you're giving uh by text you can text 36609 keyword emic and the dollar amount or if you're watching us from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around the middle and you want to get in on the good this morning you can go to emic.org give and your information will populate there let's praise him while we give [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he didn't pass me away he stood right by me through all of my troubles [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] and he's been my lawyer let me tell you my god he's been so good to me was a comforter [Music] [Applause] jesus died [Music] it was [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh come on somebody wasn't a great thing for you was a great thing somebody gave him praise this morning hallelujah [Music] glory to god glory to god y'all ready join me in welcoming brother copeland [Applause] [Music] thank you john well glory to god hallelujah [Music] you have no idea how wonderful it is to see the house full [Applause] and we got rid of the magic six feet [Applause] you know that's the strangest virus i have ever heard of it can only go six feet and it goes i don't know oh brother copeland you old school that's right i'm old and i went to school and there's some things i just learned better than that you may be seated praise god now hang on here a second i want to read you something here from the classic amplified now also we would not have you ignorant brethren now in texas that's ignorant we would not have you ignorant brethren about those who fall asleep in death that you may not grieve now look up the definition of the word grief and it's a a sharp mental anguish and pain from from from loss and and misfortune depression is grieving when you haven't lost anything you just feel like you did that's illegal i know i suffered from that and thank god my wife delivered me from it hallelujah well jesus did it but her love set me up for it and she laid hands on me one day and it hasn't been back glory to god now also we would not have you ignorant brethren about those who fall asleep and death that you may not grieve for them as the rest who do not have hope beyond the grave for since we believe that jesus died and rose again even so god will also bring with him through jesus those that have fallen asleep in death for this we declare to you by the lord's own word that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the lord shall in no way proceed into his presence or have any advantage at all over those who have previously fallen asleep in death for the lord now here's what i wanted you to get for the lord himself will descend from heaven with a loud cry of summons with the shout of an archangel and with the blast of the trumpet of god and those who have departed this life in christ will rise first then we the living ones who remain on earth shall simultaneously be caught up along with the resurrected dead in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so always through the eternity of the eternities we shall be with the lord therefore comfort and encourage one another with these words it um it has become so um there's a quickening on the inside of me and i heard the lord say you start talking about this more you remember not too long ago the word of the lord came to me and he said he he said you have known me as your savior you have known me as baptizer in the holy spirit you have known me as your healer you've known me in in in the realm of prosperity but soon and very soon you will know me in the great resurrection lord he's comings he said this he that he said i am coming sooner than you think i'm coming soon he's talking to me i'm coming sooner than you think and there was a time when i talked about this all the time and the lord reprimanded me for it he said you start talking about it all the time why get people ready get excited about it oh yeah it could be today it could be today thank you lord do you believe that there's coming a day very soon it will be the voice of god will be calling me i walk the streets of glory i'm going [Music] home the horn will blow the angel will cry the father's love will fill the sky i'll see the face of jesus and that'll be worth it all i'm going home [Music] but until then i'll go on singing unto them with joy i'll carry on until the day my eyes behold my jesus [Music] until the day i'm going [Music] home now come on sing it with me this time now what watch the lyrics cause they'll they'll change a little bit that's the last of it but you you have the lyrics up and we're going home [Music] there's coming a day [Music] very soon it will be the voice of god will be calling me we'll walk the streets of glory we're gone holy the horn will glow the angel will cry the father's love will fill the skies we'll see the face of jesus and my mother and my dad my grandmother and my grandmother glory to god [Music] we're going deep breath now home we'll go on singing until then with joy we'll carry on until the day our eyes behold that here until the day and it may be this afternoon going [Music] home [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i can't quit here when he was on the cross [Music] the greatest gospel song ever written in my opinion [Music] he walked the street to calvary the rugged cross he bore the crowd stood by and they watched this man they'd heard him preach before no one could ever be worthy of such love i never find when he was on the cross i was on his mind the look of love was on his face thought on his head the blood that stayed his scarlet robe had stained him crimson red his eyes were on that crowd that day yet [Music] i was on his mind he knew me [Music] yet he loved me he whose glory makes the heavens shine [Music] no one's worthy of such mercy [Music] when he was on the cross [Music] when he was on [Music] bless the lord bless the lord praise his name praise his name oh give glory to the almighty soon coming king glory to god hallelujah hallelujah oh bless the lord bless the lord bless the lord praise the name of the lord thank you lord jesus praise god aren't you glad that jesus is lord and not some fool oh you know i i you know i say that but there are people that literally worship a form of government oh brother well then we we we now those of you that have lived as long as i have and you lived during world war ii when soldiers no longer pledged allegiance to the flag or the government that they served but they pledged their allegiance to a man what about japan the emperor was worshiped as a god until it was revealed it was revealed that he wasn't a god at all he's just a man a deceived man hitler was a deceived man and he deceived a whole nation of people for a while praise god think about this there is a religion that their god demands that they die for him but in christianity our god died for us [Music] yay glory to god hallelujah thank you father for your word this morning we give you praise we thank you that you are our lord and you are our god our soon-coming king you're our melchizedek you're our healer and we worship you and we worship none other but you and we thank you and we praise you and honor you we come before your word your covenants today with uh with humble hearts and we look into this book to find the ways of life we look into this book to find life himself and we thank you and praise you and worship you again today and i'm asking you in the name of jesus according to john 16 23 that whatsoever i ask you in jesus name you will give it me and you will give it us i'm asking you that not one person in the sound of my voice not one person in this room not one person on online not one person watching later not one person in the sound of my voice will leave this place untouched by the power of the living almighty god i believe i receive it and i thank you for it and for the anointing to stand in the offended office into which i'm called it's in the name of jesus that i pray and that's that name above every name that we ascribe all of the glory all of the worship his goodness is why we're alive today and we thank you for it in jesus name amen we are going to have a faith refresher this morning you need to go back and go go again over things that we've learned things we know and it's amazing to me um i do this and i go back over it and i've done it i don't know how many times now i started preaching this in uh glory to god in 1967 and later part of that that year and have continued for all of the rest of these years of my life and gloria's life about faith and when you know and understand what faith is that faith is a spiritual force not a mental force that faith is a spiritual force and you understand what feeds it faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god and how faith is released faith is believed in the heart and released with the mouth and then you understand the working of it you've you've arrived at a place now i arrived gloria and i arrived at that place almost well um 54 and a half years ago but now we're still growing in it amen amen now i particularly enjoy uh shooting i enjoy i enjoy hunting and uh oh brother copeland do you kill those little animals yes you kill them just for fun i do not i eat those little rascals don't write me any letters because i don't believe it and i'm not going to argue with you now if you don't want to hunt that's fine go fishing but you know it's it's it was amazing to me i just don't understand well what is it you don't understand i just don't understand brother copeland going out and killing meat to eat when he could buy it in the grocery store hey you you think i'm kidding and no i am not why you can those poor little chickens you can just go to the grocery store and buy them you don't have to kill them have you seen signs you've probably seen them around here because of a lot of deer in in this area that says deer crossing there was a woman that contacted the local authorities she said you need to move that sign they said why she said because you have put that right in the middle of the traffic you could move the sign and the deer could cross in another place excuse me sweetheart i didn't know dear could read you can't make this stuff up praise god thank you jesus thank you lord jesus all right now first of all we will go to hebrews 11 6. thank you lord praise you jesus the book of hebrews when i first you you understand and when gloria and i got saved we didn't know anything about the bible neither of us did and um i was amazed when i found out that matthew mark luke and john told the same story what are you laughing about i was and i said gloria look at this now that's and t.l osborn said copeland you he said you were born free i i i said what are you why brother osmond he said you didn't have any religion to unlearn first thing we ever heard was faith i never i never did hear growing up if i did i didn't pay any attention to it that god couldn't heal anymore i just thought well if he ever did he's bound to be able to now and why would he not want to heal me amen so now in hebrews 11 6 and this this this oh i got over to the 11th chapter of hebrews and i read that and i read it i mean the the sixth chapter of hebrews and um excuse me and and i began to read and i began to read oh oh my oh my oh oh my i got over here at this 11th chapter oh oh this is the hall of fame of faith here it is right here oh by faith by faith by faith god by faith enoch by faith without faith all hebrews 11 6 but without faith it is impossible to please him now why for he that comes to god must believe that he is that's not enough that won't do it and he is the rewarder of those that diligently seek him how by faith why because he's so good rewards are because of goodness love is good god is good now until then was a student stuart hamlin's song i'm i'm monkeyed around with those first uh little verses and so forth he also wrote god is a good god that was oral roberts theme song in the great campaign and that pastor came up to me and said i wish he wouldn't say that i said what the god's a good god i said why you want him to say god's a bad god no no no no no no this is back during the full gospel business men's fellowship days well i said why should he not say that god is a good god all the time he said because he'll give people the wrong idea about god no you already had the wrong idea about god now that goes back to you go back over into the first covenant talking about the curse and the blessing you have to remember you don't get it by just reading the 28th chapter of the book of deuteronomy you go back and read deuteronomy and you read past the 28th chapter in fact now that the lord has brought that up let's go to deuteronomy chapter 30. now these chapter these chapter and verses here's here's something we must remember the text from which the bible was written hebrew and greek the punctuation marks were put in there by translators and a lot of the time they got it wrong and caused erroneous ideas and doctrines to be based on something that really wasn't there at all so if you only read the 28th chapter of deuteronomy all you get is the blessing and the curse and god god will just curse you i heard now this is not hearsay gloria and i heard it we heard a man i still remember his name i'm not going to tell you but he stood right in that pulpit and with much force he said god will break your leg just to prove to you he can heal it he doesn't have to break my leg to prove that to me i have a book that says he will and everything in the book that i have every word of it is a blood-sworn oath the blood of animals the blood of a man in circumcision and the blood of god hallelujah that's the reason you must be covenant-minded all the time not part of the time all the time ever that's the reason now i have something called the shooter's bible no it's not what shooters it's not this book written for shooters it is every kind of caliber every kind of powder every kind of gun every kind of rifle every everything it's the whole history of firearms and so forth it's bigger than this book but it doesn't say holy bible it says shooter's bible this one is holy why god wrote it that's why and holy men inspired by him put these covenants on paper glory to god that's enough to excite you right there now then look at this chapter 30. now wait a minute that's just two chapters over from 28. deuteronomy chapter 30. now this is almighty god speaking through moses god said i call heaven and earth to record this day against you that i have set before you life and death blessing and cursing therefore you choose life that both you and your seed may live that you may love the lord thy god that thou mayest obey his voice and that you may cleave unto him for he is your life and the length of thy days he is the length of your days he is your life he's the length of your days that you may dwell in the land which the lord swore unto thy fathers to abraham to isaac unto jacob to give them why because he's so good now it the you is the unsub understood subject of the sinister so that the day i realized this it hit me with with the force of faith faith comes by hearing hearing by the word of god he's already chosen me he is saying kenneth now i'm setting before you life and death it's your choice well god will break your leg well that's your choice god is a leg breaking god no no no no no no no no he is not god is a good gun that's the white version you can't copyright a title you can copyright the lyrics you ready god is a good god yes he is yes he is i said yes he is yes he is yes he is thank you praise you lord jesus so to bring that into focus now what happens when i read that i believe it he has set before me life and death and a long time ago i chose life to choose life you have to choose life words first of all i needed to choose life himself in the first week of november of 1962 i did that gloria had done that in october of 62 and i didn't know it i came home that night from the trip that i flew a little over eight o'clock about eight o'clock in the evening and walked into our brand new furnished apartment gloria was fixing supper at the stove boy she's a good cook that's back when she used to cook hi gloria [Applause] i mean it her mother's a good cook and oh gloria used to fix this dish and the kids and i both always i'd say gloria i want more the kids said mama we want more of what more so we just called it more the kids would come in and say mama fix more tonight well gloria's a good mother and a good wife amen because god is good now then let's go to james chapter 1. the oldest book in the new testament written by the half-brother of jesus now notice something here james a servant of god and of the lord jesus christ to the 12 tribes which are scattered abroad greeting my brethren counted all joy when you fall in to divers temptations or different temptations tests and trials knowing this that the trying of your faith it didn't take him three verses to get to faith the trying not the trying of you tests temptations and trials are not trying you they're trying your faith they didn't come to teach you something they came because of the devil the scripture is good for teaching the word is good for teaching now i don't get the idea that that the spirit of god won't take an opportunity to teach you something out of something stupid that i did i didn't say you i said me amen and there's a lot of things i learned that if i just just waited a little while i just looked at the book i wouldn't have done it in the first place because i'm i'm com i'm a committed man to what the lord says in his book in both covenants so knowing this that the trying of your faith works patience that is a fruit of the spirit read the the nine fruit of the spirit in the amplified translation and instead of long-suffering it is patience and patience doesn't mean what the meaning that we've put onto it no the bible meaning of patience is not to put up with the bible meaning of patience is endurance in some ways the the king james translation of that is good longsuffering now that's the fruit of the spirit not you that's not huh what do you have when you walk and live by faith and you believe what the fruit of the spirit is one of them is goodness yeehaw what do you have when you put together love joy peace goodness long suffering soul of faithfulness when you cultivate that fruit and you live by faith the fruit of the spirit will bring holiness to the flesh the fruit of the spirit this inward fruit coming out brings holiness to the flesh now notice what he said you have to let patience do this by faith let patience have her perfect work that you may be perfect and entire wanting nothing if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of god that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not to upray just simply means to find fault and it shall the word will of the word shall is one of the strongest affirmations in the english language god said i will not i might. i shall i will i will hear from heaven i will heal your land if you do certain things so now here we are and what that wisdom shall be given him or her that wisdom will it will be given but it's conditional let him ask in faith nothing wavering for he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed let not that man think that he shall receive healing let not that man think he shall receive money let not that man think he shall receive anything of the lord a double-minded man is unstable in all of his ways well that means a single-minded man is stable in all of his words what is a single-minded man or a woman a single-minded person is a person to whom the word of god is final authority yeah but i thought it was yeah and i did too but i found out it wasn't it i had to believe that folks this is not hard let me demonstrate now brother copeland it could not be that simple yes it can and it is dwayne i think i'm going to go to the store i need to go to the store i know the weight of the store i think i'm going to go i really need to ah if the weather's good i don't know maybe i don't need it as best that's double minded dwayne munoz i am going to the store and i'm going at three o'clock do you understand me and if you have any reason why i shouldn't go the story you better get out of my way because i'm going to the store that's single-minded that's faith i believe i'm going to the store and i'm going amen now let me give you another illustration the storm is on jesus is asleep in the back of the boat they oh they they woke him up and said master we're dying here well now wait a minute you're calling him master but you believe you're dying he j he had to get up all right all right hush be still then what did he say where was your faith now he had said just before that we are going to the other side okay now jesus didn't mix up a bunch of words he intended to go to the other side he had given the command he's captain of the ship he went to sleep yeah but he's jesus well that's just that's his name that's his name yes that's his name well kind of that's the english eyes name of it his name is joshua yeshua and uh and he was tired and he went to sleep he intended for them to take care of things so what'd he say where is your faith why were you not single-minded on what i told you to do you just row us out here and when we die now now peter is is the big spokesman in fact he was the one that said don't you care you're talking to when i was a spiritual infant i said stupid stuff like that don't you care and then i realized i needed my spiritual jaws slapped and i got to where i'd slap it myself i'm not easy just slap them and don't you ever say that again the one who cares casts the whole of your care over on him because he cares for you now that's a command that's not a suggestion so this peter could have had he been more spiritually aware and adult or we could say this put it in today's spiritual atmosphere what should he have done now i'm going to put a little something in here and you you're you're sharp enough to catch it stood up there in the front of that boat and just hung onto it and said jesus said we're going to the other side and by the eternal almighty god we're going if i have to walk but he was the one that was bold enough to just crawl out of that boat and for a moment he was single-minded he had his eyes on jesus but he let his occupation get in the way he's a fisherman he raised on that lake it's a big lake he was raised on that lake made his living on that lake and it was a good living he's a wealthy man amen now single-mindedness is no good without faith because just being single minded doesn't mean anything right until you exercise your faith along with your mind peter could have been that single-minded and stood up there and just shouted and shouted and shouted and shouted and shouted but it would it would have done no good unless he believed that storm was set right when he said it not when jesus said then later in his life he became that bold man of god raised the dead glory to god that same jesus operating and functioning as a man now understand this this is something that must be not only understood but you you and i need to be so excited about this i mean this this needs to be more prevalent on our thinking and in our minds [Music] there is a born-again holy spirit baptized resurrected man in the godhead [Music] and it's important that he is the center of the godhead the father jesus and the holy spirit now why is that so important because all these covenants and everything god has done he has done in behalf of man mankind so man is in the middle of everything and particularly on this earth god created all of this whole thing before he created his man and all of the creation he saw that it was good and that it was very good but wait a minute something wasn't good the man needed a woman yes and so he took a bone out of adam and created a woman don't you know she was something to look at and adam said this is good she was so beautiful and he was so head over heels in love with her and he had the honor and privilege of naming her and she was so wonderful and so beautiful and so everything he could imagine in his whole being that he chose her over the word of god two things that you want to really watch out for and be cautious about the information that you read on wikipedia and don't don't google my name so far it's a hundred percent wrong they got my net worth more than the whole ministry all the buildings all the gas wells which i of course i agreed with but at the same time it's alive no just for the record i am paid a salary when we built the the headquarters building we fight we picked the highest point on the on the property on purpose i mean that before it should have been in the beginning and there was a woman that worked for immigration and she lived in this particular this area she was just absolutely certain that that was gloria in my home that they were building up there so from that point on she hated this ministry and people that um the man that that was our my trainer and and he he's gone now and hit but his son yvonne is now my trainer and prepares our food and so forth but and just like upon certain times he'd have to go back to mexico to renew his visa and she'd just block it just cause him more trouble what does a church need with a nutrition well we're out here out of the way and so we have a kitchen for staff and we've always run between four and 500 people on staff you don't have to eat there but it's good to know know that we're not feeding just just junk just macaroni cheese and crackers every noon but now see she became totally prejudiced over something she knew nothing about she we finally uh our legal department finally really got her in trouble and she they finally moved her somewhere else i don't remember all the outcome now you don't need to believe what you see on wikipedia any and i'm i i you know i question the biblical uh insight to an artist that paints adam and eve with a belly button cain yes abel yes but not those two it's slick adam yes a scar some of you had deleted yang didn't get it yet all right okay i know let's go why is it impossible to please god without faith what is his primary focus you have to go back to the book of genesis to find the primary focus of god the blessing well adam messed it up but that didn't mean he didn't continue to be blessed because he did but then you come down through the years and you come to a man by the name of abram what was abram his name was covenant changed to abraham the h in the middle of his name is hashem god in the middle of abram you'll no longer be called abram but abraham no longer a father but the father of many nations so and what was abraham's qualification he would teach his children and what was outstanding about him he did everything by faith he believed god and it was accounted unto him for righteousness now that turned that accounting turn to went over into the positive side of the ledger it was no it is no longer accounted to us for righteousness turn to to ii corinthians chapter 5. oh this great chapter verse 6 therefore we are always confident knowing that whilst we are at home in the body we're absent from the lord now here it is listen this is one of the reasons it's impossible to please him without faith for we walk by faith and not by sight if you don't know anything else you're on your way where faith is concerned we don't walk by what we see or what we feel or what we hear or what other people say we walk by faith faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god we walk by faith we walk by faith and not by sight now thank you lord jesus let's go over then to the 17th verse therefore if any man any person be in christ he is a new creature old things what old things that old nature that old devil nature before you before you accepted jesus and i it seemed to me like before i met jesus everything i liked illegal immoral or fattening i mean i now i didn't like things that were illegal but i didn't mind stretching it a little bit to get what i wanted and more than once like got me killed thank god for the prayers of my mother thank god for the prayers of my mother because i really did i i just tried to go to hell mother wouldn't let me go but that old nature is passed away and behold all things become new and all things are of god who has already reconciled us to himself by jesus christ and has given to us the ministry of reconciliation what is that to know that god was in christ reconciling the world unto himself not imputing their trespasses unto them and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation now then we are ambassadors for christ as though god did beseech you by us we pray you in christ's stead you be reconciled to god now look at this by faith righteousness by faith righteousness was accredited to abraham for he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that's a little scrambled up for he who knew no sin was made to be sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of god in him made you didn't grow into it there's a there's a religious idea not understanding what righteousness is righteousness is that that's the old way of saying right being right with god he made us right with him we didn't grow into that because we did so good november the 2nd 1962 in that little kitchen i accepted jesus christ as my lord and savior i became a new creature i didn't know it then but i was and at that moment i was made the righteousness of god in him now let me say this to you at that moment you became as righteous as you will ever be because you are just as righteous in the sight of of god as jesus is now that'll shake your ken folks up but if you go to jesus prayer at the covenant meal in the 17th chapter of john's gospel 13 14 15 16 17 chapters of the book of john all of that was over the last covenant meal before just before just just hours before he went to the cross and brought the second covenant into being amen thank you jesus now or have we arrived at some place huh god is a good god all of this had to do with god blessing adam the first words any human being ever heard now when god said man be in our likeness he didn't hear that but then god breathed i saw this in a powerful powerful vision i saw there was god you have to understand and this i don't have time to get through to you this morning but all things were created by and for him because he was a man he was the lamb slain before the foundations of the world now when you understand how god created everything by faith and find that right there in the 11th chapter of the book of hebrews he created everything by faith he believed it and said it and it was when you understand what the bible is saying what do you have to have to be scriptural scriptures [Music] i wasn't smart enough to figure that out keith moore said that oh i'd like to be like my my spiritual father in the faith uh oral roberts he said i was preaching on the on the name of jesus and he said kenneth that he said that's a wonderful sermon i want the outline to that i said okay and so i just gave it to him it's very easy just three-point outline and he said now the first time i preach it i'm going to say brother copeland said the second time i preach it i'm going to say someone said and after that you're on your own brother thank you jesus thank you lord praise god made to be right with god people have confused righteousness and holiness they are not the same thing we've been made the righteousness of god and we become holy as he is holy and that's what the fruit of the spirit it's not the fruit of the holy spirit of course it came through the holy spirit because he's in here it's the fruit born by your born-again spirit amen and here again the translators made a capital s there and there's no punctuation marks and there's no capital or small letters in either language concerning and and how they match up with the english language so you'll find things in italics and so forth that the translators added well if they can add it we can take it out and sometimes it's good sometimes it's not all that good and sometimes a comma can just change everything if i had time i would take you to a place where a comma has caused great serious problems i don't have time to do it now then ephesians chapter 2. now everybody's familiar with these verses but i mean john jester quoted one of them this morning but we need to put our eyes on these things ephesians chapter 2 i'm telling you this this second chapter of ephesians is oh it is so powerful and you say me you hath he made alive who were dead in trespasses and sins wherein in times past you walk i certainly did according to the course of this world according to the prince of the power of the air the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience among whom also we all had our manner of life in times past in the lusts of the flesh fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind and were by nature the children of wrath even as others but god who is rich in mercy for his great love where with he loved us because he is so good he loved us in the middle of that trash even when we were dead in sin has made us alive together with the anointed one by grace you are saved and has raised us up together and made us to sit together in heavenly places in christ jesus you are already in heaven you already have a you have a presence there now let me just let me just throw something here whether you agreed with the last election or not now my dad a.w copeland used to be a democrat and he changed over to being a republican do you think this election made any difference to him he's in heaven he doesn't care well i already have a presence there and so do you so quit worrying about it if you don't like it turn the news off get over it glorious whatever it is something happened in the family i don't care how serious somewhere you have to deal with it and get over it because you sh you and i should be thinking above and not beneath how by faith by faith that spirit let that spiritual force take over and do its work and the love of god amen thank you jesus now then we're not we're not done here yet that in verse 7 that in christ jesus so that in the ages to come the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through christ jesus for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of god well what brother copeland the grace of the faith both of them but it's referring particularly to the to faith not not that not not the uh ministry gift of faith no no this is saving faith this is saving faith and the moment that i sat down in in that in that chair one shoe of once you all i just flown a trip from a man with arkansas louisiana gas company by the name of weir and i just got back got back to our new furnished apartment and just i was so thrilled with this new job i messed up the other job and uh i was out hunting a job in a house that we were going to get rich off of this business other people did but it was not the will of god for us to be there in the first place we didn't know it so we bought this three-bedroom home on a lease purchase agreement and the product because i had sales experience that i was out selling this this stuff and it was a it was a particular type of home insulation that i'm telling you it it was an amazing product we and i i got out and sold a bunch of it and we we put the order into the company and the product was to come in and it didn't show up we couldn't figure out why it didn't show up we had the number of the of the freight car and and i was over close to the airport there in little rock and i saw the parked car going out of town well i didn't have a cell phone dum-dum so i ran to the first phone booth booth i could find if i hadn't had a nickel out i've been in trouble but i did and called harvey i said there it goes well he jumped on the phone and called it was headed to kansas city well they finally did get it and other people didn't make money but we were out of money gloria quit her job to work for us and we were in this three bedroom i mean this yeah three bedroom home thank goodness it was in the minute the winter god's goodness and no refrigerator we did have electricity my mother and dad had sent us a 25-pound sack of potatoes we didn't tell anybody the condition that we were in gloria and i made a pack in the beginning we don't do that we're not going home to mama or daddy we're i mean we're it and so we had a big percolator coffee pot and for you kids it's a big pot you boil the water in this percolator you stick it down in the top and you put your coffee in the top of it and it goes [Music] maxwell house used to have a little pot that said papa and you can see it boil up and go through the little glass thing in the top and you go guys are sitting there shaking your head well gloria was peeling those potatoes clashing them whatever you could do and boiling them in the bottom bath i got so tired of boiled potatoes but anyway in that room sitting there with a coffee table that i made in metal shop in high school now she talks ugly about that coffee table but i did a pretty good job on that coffee table i worked hard on that coffee table it had a glass top and a glass shelf underneath it and my mother sent me bibles all the time and and she wrote in the front of that bible ken precious seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you gloria read that she saw well i certainly need things now the church in which she was raised never mentioned born again i was raised in the southern baptist church i had heard that phrase well she said well i certainly need things lord take my life and do something with it well i'd say he did [Music] but she said that in faith she didn't say anything to me about it she's now she's praying that i find a job we got to get out of this house that has nothing she found a brand new furnished apartment never had been lived in now you think that wasn't precious looking to us so i flew that trip came back that night i accepted jesus as lord and i heard it and here the lord said kenneth if you if you don't get right with me you're going to a devil's hell boy and i said i know it i know it i know it but what do i do now i heard my sunday school teacher say boys you have to ask jesus to come into your hearts i just did it now i was i was i was from the time i was nine years old i was committed to profanity glory said i'm not going out with the public with you anymore that night it felt like i had a some i could physically feel in my mouth and when when it was released i never used profanity again not of any kind any time amen now i wanted you to see that because it was the gift of god jesus was a gift to the world and is a gift to the world the holy spirit is a gift to the church you can't earn either one of them they're both by faith so now you can't be saved without faith number two romans 1 17 galatians 3 11 hebrews 10 38 habakkuk 2 4 the just shall live by faith so you can't live the christian life with it we live by faith our lives are sustained by faith everything is by faith let everything be by faith there's nothing too small to use your faith nothing too big with which to use your faith i started to buy a pair of socks one time and i heard the voice of the lord in here put those back and get it by faith my socks you need socks i said yes i need salt well what have you been doing well um i still got some old socks i got from my dad he said you need some new socks boy so i did it by faith and here came the socks second corinthians 5 6 and 7 you can't walk the christian walk without it because we walk by faith and not by sight what first timothy 6 12 2 timothy 4 7 you can't fight the christian fight without faith fight to fight the good fight of faith now we need to look at that first timothy 6. [Music] thank you lord jesus praise god verse 11 but thou o man of god flee these things and follow after righteousness godliness faith love patience meekness fight the good fight of faith lay hold on eternal life whereunto thou art also called and has professed a good profession before many witnesses your confession is good before many witnesses and it is by the words of your mouth that these things come to pass now then first john 5 1 4 we overcome the world by faith so you can't overcome the world without faith romans 14 23 whatever is not of faith is sin what i didn't write that i didn't write that you have to believe that and shape up amen second corinthians 1 24 we stand by faith in romans 11 20 says the same thing and this one we have to look at this one ephesians 6 and i want you to notice the words verse 10 finally my brethren be strong in the lord and in the power of his might put on the whole armor of god that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places wherefore take unto you the whole armor of god that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand well what do you do having done all what is having done all you go get the scriptures you go get the verses that promise you what you need you go find those out before you even pray the prayer pray the word of god that's the answer to the prayer and pray it around what the word says amen because the word is good so and faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god therefore stand having your loins gird about with truth the word having on the breastplate of righteousness how by faith now this is the armor of god your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace well what did the apostle paul say he said that that the gospel is the power of god unto salvation having your feet your shoes are power you're walking in power why you're walking by faith glory to god every step of it in the name of jesus your feet shot with the preparation of the gospel of peace above all say above all above all above all taking the shield of faith wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked take the helmet of salvation which was by faith the sword of the spirit which is by faith which is the word of god praying always praying always with all kinds of prayer glory be to god and you cannot be blessed without it this final scripture in the third chapter of the book of galatians oh wow glory be to god oh if i could if i only had time to go through the book of colossians all strengthened with all might according to his power and all patience long suffering joyfulness giving thanks unto the father which made us hate to be partakers inheriting the saints in light who has already delivered us from the authority of darkness and has translated us into the to to the agape kingdom of his son in whom in him we have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of christ who is the image of the invisible god the firstborn the firstborn glory to god he is no longer the only begotten son of god he is the firstborn of many brethren you are born again you have you have firstborn status we are joint heirs with him we are not sub-heirs we are joint heirs and by faith we diligently seek him and by faith we walk in this and by faith we are his workmanship not our own lest any of us should boast [Applause] [Music] hallelujah well i just think i'll just stand here and preach faith a little while yes go ahead glory to god hallelujah glory be to god glory be to god code instead of easter jeremiah glory glory glory glory glory to god oh glory to god oh thank you jesus oh galatian this powerful powerful powerful faith book this whole book is just faith faith faith faith faith particularly the third chapter of the book of galatian and we well just for sake of time we'll start off with the eighth verse and the scripture in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god so god the scripture foreseeing that god would justify the heathen through faith through faith through faith preached god preached the gospel to abraham saying in thee shall all nations be blessed blessed with faithful abraham for as many as of the works of the lord under the curse for it is written cursed is everyone that continues not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them but that no man no woman is justified or made righteous by the law in the sight of god it is evident for the just shall live by faith the law is not of faith but the man that does them shall live in them christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written curse is everyone that hangeth on a tree so that the blessing of abraham might come on all the rest of us through jesus christ that we might receive the promise of the spirit through [Applause] faith and then verse 26 you're all the children of god by faith in christ jesus for as many as you have been baptized into christ have put on christ there is neither jew nor greek there is neither bond nor free neither is any male or female for you are all one in christ jesus and if you be christ or if you be in christ then are you abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise [Music] oh lord jesus don't even turn there have faith in god have the god kind of faith have the faith of god for verily i say unto you that whosoever i am a whosoever and you're a whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not down in his heart but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he says therefore i say unto you what things soever you desire when you pray believe that you receive them you shall have them and when you stand praying forgive if you have ought against him faith in god oh brother copeland you don't know what happened to me well have faith in god but what about my finances have faith in god hallelujah oh yeah but brother copeland i don't care what it was have faith in god stop what you're doing right now and start your faith working again put a rag in your mouth [Music] and if you can't speak faith shut up [Music] don't be saying anything else i remember someone that came up right in front of me that thing stuff don't work for me well before i could think and she came up out of me it just did now in closing this the reason it's so important to become an unaware is because there is a faith side and a cursed side your choice my choice to choose life you choose life words the power of death and life are in the power of the tongue it's one or the other and you and i are the of the mouth of two or three witnesses this is this is a spiritual concept you and i are the deciding witness i'm going to speak the word or i'm going to speak death i'm just going to say i'm thrilled or i'm going to say i'm thrilled to death well that's a lie you didn't die my feet are killing me no they're not now i've had sore feet i know how that hurts but i lived over it i got me some new shoes no i didn't got me i bought some new shoes but that didn't work for me are you that far gone what you think and say means everything. learn to not be so quick to take credit i'd learn that the hard way there are things that can be quickly over in the area of judgment and it is so sly jesus said judge not that you be not judged and one of those things is if i if i was her if i was pastor i wouldn't have done that if you had been pastor that's exactly what you would have done because you're not him you're not her so you're judging them and setting yourself up to be better than the pastor well i didn't mean that well don't say it my suggestion to stop and pray about it and think about it well now wait a minute i don't know what was behind that i don't know what the lord said to him i don't know what the lord said to her i cannot afford to judge that that's right now if you find you're just at odds with everything pastor said get out of the church you're in the wrong sheepfold that's right somewhere there's a pastor you agree with but if he denies the power thereof you better stay out of that brother copeland this stuff is complicated no it didn't it's an open book test it's an open book and it's in relationship to the amount of time that you spend in this finally know this and understand this the moment the moment the moment that little fella has a heartbeat a spirit being has been released from heaven into the earth the moment my heart began to beat in my mother's womb not just my body especially not my body but my little spirit stepped into eternity that's eternal life you cannot cause a spirit to cease to exist all your body does is give you authority in the earth but you stepped into eternal life you're going to live forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and a day and it was became your choice and my choice where we spend eternity and like gloria said if you haven't made that choice while you're in this body then the choice will be made for you and you're not going to like it now i'm going to speak something to you now that's a little scary judas is still remembering the day that he kissed jesus he's remembering everything that jesus said to him and everything that he saw everything that he understood all those years and years he's still remembering it why did i do that he gave me every chance to repent why didn't i do it why didn't i do it why didn't i do it why i don't i mean he's still there today the scripture says he is every head bowed every icon if you would say brother copeland i don't i've never made jesus christ the lord of my life i know that but i want him right now those of you watching me on television who are hearing this in any form jesus did all the hard part he bled and he died and he went to hell and he was raised again and now sitting on the right hand of the father glory to god hallelujah he ever makes intercession for you he did everything but pray your prayer and as i spoke of a few moments ago that day these many years ago right there in little rock arkansas i just simply said jesus come into my heart and he did gloria simply said take my life and do something with it and he did and it's for you right now and it's the easiest thing you ever did in your life just let's all of this pray oh lord in heaven i believe with all my heart that you raise jesus from the dead come into my heart lord jesus take my life and do something with it you said when you were on earth you must be born again i now see what that means i must become a new creature in christ i receive it right now by faith i believe it i receive it and i say it i am saved i am born again and now lord jesus fill me with your precious holy spirit to overflowing and right now i believe that and i fully expect to speak in other tongues just like they did on the day of pentecost you're the same jesus and holy spirit you're the same holy spirit my supernatural praise language my supernatural prayer language la supreme [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus praise you lord praise just come on come on come on just praise him just praise him now are we faith people [Music] say this i'm born of god i'm born from above i'm born again because of the goodness of god and jesus is the good shepherd he went about doing good he went about doing good healing healed he went about doing good and healing [Music] all that were oppressed by the devil for god who is so good was with him that same god that was with jesus is with me that same god who was in jesus is in me and what happened that bible [Music] languages were confused he has given it back to us in a heavenly language we can speak by the spirit of god melo bruce de la sacramento [Music] when you speak by the spirit you speak that which is ordained by god yes and it comes out of you into the atmosphere it creates what god wills to be created in the earth so use your prayer language to change your reality change your situation and not just yours but those who are around you and lift every situation to that high place where we are right [Music] when you speak out of your spirit you stir that thing up you stir up the spirit of god you stir it up you stir it up and when you say what god says you use your faith to create that which comes out of the reborn recreated spirit that new recreation stir yourself up yes stir up the gift of god that is within you don't ask him to stir you up you stir him up inside you gotta come on us in the back right now backs are being healed all over this audience and all over the world backs are being healed from the brainstem down to the very small of the back hips are being healed glory to god liver is being healed stomachs are being healed heart is being healed shoulders are being healed praise god come on do you think sugar diabetes is being healed glory to god glory and the problem with the sinuses and noise all part of this type this this this is a good epistemology this part of the face oil any kind of pain or problem in this part of the it's yours take it it's yours grab hold of it say it's mine i take it now i have the victory now i'm a believer yes a believer i'm not a doubter i'm not a doubter god is my god god is my god this is my mind this is my mind i tell my mind what to think i tell my mind what's the thing the devil doesn't tell me what to think the devil doesn't tell me what to think actually god doesn't tell me what to think that's what god doesn't tell me his word and i've been given the mind of christ and i've been given the mind of christ the mind the same anointing the mind of the anointed one that's what christ means the anointed one the messiah himself so we have the same anointing available for our minds that was available on the earth when jesus was 12 years old praise god i can think with his thoughts i can think with his thoughts yes as long as i have a book that's right yes i have a book somebody said we have inside information and it's inside the book of color i said one time i said lord you spoke to moses face to faith he said yes i did i said speak to me face to face he said why oh what he said i i lit john i literally pulled over the side of the road he said you have everything i said to moses you have everything i said to joshua you have everything i said to caleb you had you had everything that i said to the prophets you have everything that i said to jesus you have everything that i said to the apostle paul everything that i said everything i said to peter wow and he said now what do you want and i was i was praying one day oh god send the power well i heard the song send the power of jesus the psalms you can believe that song book not all of our song books are all that hot that's right that's right and i'm going on with that song it's a healing situation you know i wanted the expression of power and he stopped me right where i stood and right in here he said kenneth where am i going to get it huh he said i'm number one who am i going to turn to and say kenneth needs more power no no he said i'm living in you yes that's right he's not there he's here he is there but he lives here that's right the power read the third chapter of the book of ephesians he can do exceedingly abundantly beyond all we can ask or think according to the power that works within you that's right that's the greater one that's right you better take this thing away from me praise god i don't know if i won't [Laughter] right in here right at pain pain oh right right through this area oh god what is that oh i don't know what that is but i tell you it hurts right right through here and coming up through this part of your body whoever you are wherever you are it's healed right now just god lord i curse that pain i commanded to depart in the name of the lord jesus christ and as god and as the lord jesus representative in this earth i am authorized to tell the blind you don't need to be blind anymore i'm authorized to tell the poor you don't need to be poor anymore i'm authorized to tell the sick you don't need to be sick anymore because jesus is here he is there and you don't need to be there captive you don't need to be captive drug addict you don't need to be captive you're free i call you free i believe it and i say it by faith i call you free free i call you loose i call you now what do you say what do you call yourself glory to god i call things that be not as though they were like abraham that's right that's right i call myself well yes glory to god i call myself heath yes i do jesus i call myself strong yes lord not weak strong no strong strong let the weak say i am strong let the poor say i am rich let the sick say i am with ye glory to god yes we are his name is high glory his name is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] god loves you we love you and jesus is lord shout amen [Music] his name is higher all you have to do is call upon that name that's all you have to do all who call upon the name of the lord shall be saved if you prayed with brother copeland just a moment ago i want to encourage you to do something i want you to or you say i wish i would have it's not too late there's a phone number right now on the bottom of the screen there in the corner it's call them 877-281-6297-877-281-6297 somebody right now ready to pray with you to agree with you whatever it is for salvation to be filled with the spirit to be healed uh financial situations there's there's trouble in your marriage there's trouble in your in your family with your children call the number get somebody to agree with you these people are licensed ministers and they will pray the prayer of faith with you 877 one six two nine seven i want to tell you about a couple of the things that are coming up the 2021 columbia victory campaign with brother copeland will be and jerry savelle jerry savelle's with him in columbia june 18th and 19th you don't want to miss that just go to the website you'll get all the information about that as well all summer long kenneth copeland bible college is having summer community classes or courses and it's a one day thing and i want to tell you about one in particular that they've highlighted for me dr gene bailey and myself will be doing it it's the church's role in politics and government that's a saturday the 10th of july and the information is kcbiblecollege.org politics casey biblecollege.org politics is how you find out information about that particular one we encourage you to be here for that tomorrow morning we'll start the week off with morning prayer you don't want to miss that weekdays at 9 30 eastern time 8 30 central and then victory news comes on after that at noon eastern 11 central time and then again at five in the evening just stay on victory this is the victory that overcomes the world even our faith just keep it right here father i bless our partners i thank you for him i call him healed and whole in jesus mighty name we'll see you back here wednesday night and next sunday god bless you
Channel: Eagle Mountain International Church
Views: 5,308
Rating: 4.9344263 out of 5
Id: lPkFwRBPgCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 48sec (8748 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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