The Holy Spirit—Part 1

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[Music] good morning eagle mountain let's lift our hands and give god glory together praise god hallelujah glory to god well good morning it's so good to see you this morning uh how many of you got to watch the detroit victory campaign with brother copeland what a time that we had that was amazing praise god and so um we got in last night david jacob we got in at uh very late got to bed about 2 or 2 15 this morning and look at us we're bright we're awake we're here and uh it's so good to see you and it's so good to have you from the top of the world to the bottom all the way around joining us today from eagle mountain international church you know when a man finds a wife he he finds a good thing and it's a good thing that pastor terry is preaching this morning i'll tell you that [Applause] and it's a good thing that pastor terry is receiving the offering this morning so i'll tell you what let's go before the lord right now and let's just receive his presence into this into this time together father we honor you and thank you what a joy it is to join together with the body of christ the family of god to worship you to give to receive the word and to move in the spirit holy spirit you are welcome into this service today and we thank you for your holy presence say this after me in jesus name the glory of god is here among us the presence of god heavy with everything good the lord is good and his mercy endures forever say it with me for the lord is good say with me for the lord is good and his mercy endures forever for the lord is good and his mercy endures forever for the lord is good and his mercy endures forever give him praise everyone [Music] hallelujah love is traitor your love is stronger your love awakens awakens awakens me your love is greater your love is stronger your your love is greater your love is stronger your love awakens awakens me [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are no longer [Applause] [Music] your love is greater [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] feel the darkness shaking all the dead are coming back to life i'm back to life hear the song awaken all creations [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hold us down your love is greater your love is stronger your love awakens awakens awakens [Music] [Applause] [Music] is is [Music] you know oh the bible says in psalm 122 i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord can you just put a smile on your face this morning is anybody glad to be in the house of god come on we worship we worship the god of us we worship the god who is we worship the god whoever he opened the prison doors he parted the raging sea my god [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and we won't be quiet [Music] but now we're royalty we used to be prisoners but now we're running free now we are forgiven accepted redeemed by his grace let the house of the lord sing praise sing [Music] by his grace [Music] is [Music] we won't be quiet [Music] and we won't be quiet [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] you know what we need to do that right now we need to give him a shout you need to give him a shout of praise we need to lift up our hands we need to lift up our voice on this resurrection victorious glorious day a glorious day a glorious day a magnificent day hallelujah hallelujah now take both of those hands and lift them up one more time and just with your words with your heart of faith just worship him right now not because i said to be because it's in your heart to do go ahead and cut out brian just just play in the key of g here on your acoustic and let us just sing g flat yeah thank you jesus [Music] oh [Music] [Music] who am i who [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how many of you know that we're sons and daughters of the most high god we're seated at heavenly places so we're here to worship the lord remind ourselves who we are remind our circumstances that we are seated on high with him amen [Music] [Applause] i am [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] praise the lord freedom whom the sun sets free that's what this weekend memorial weekend is about it's about freedom spiritual freedom political freedom freedom how many of you served if you would raise your hand i know everyone's standing you've served in the army the air force the marines the coast guard the navy bless you bless you bless you i was in the air force i'll never forget the first time in in it was in war we had a mission brief and the commanding officer looked to me and he said greg i want you to pick out the alpha squad that'll go on this mission i need five individuals and get that to me as soon as you can by as soon as you can he met within the next two to three minutes i had to decide who was going and who might not be coming back everything changed long ago the father decide with the sun i'll go i'll go you knew i had to do it the hebrew word for remember is zakar and it means two things it means to bring to mind it also means you can't god can't just remember something and not go to action he remembered noah and had to go to action he remembered abraham and went to action when we remember we can't just remember church because we're like him we have to go to action it also means to boast to talk about people say this to me all the time thank you for your service there are a lot of guys that came home and still have scars from what things they saw we pray for healing for that there is healing for that there are many that memorial day we we celebrate we remember them that didn't come home that won't have birthdays that didn't have grandchildren i'm going to speak for all of us that served because i've been changing the way i think about this if you want to thank me for my service then be a good american love the constitution defend it vote for it and remember move to action [Music] blessing is a nation whose god is the [Music] lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] when the [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] his righteous sentence [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's [Music] christ was born across the sea [Music] you and me has he died to make me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] glory glory [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] praise god praise god praise god father we do thank you for freedom god we thank you for freedom in this nation lord we thank you for freedom in the kingdom of god we thank you for freedom in our mind our will and our emotions god we thank you for freedom from sickness in our body we thank you father for freedom from tyranny and depression lord we thank you for freedom yes father i'll do that and lord we thank you for this great nation the united states of america father i thank you for those who fought and gave their lives for this nation lord i pray peace for their families i pray peace in this nation and father just as pastor greg said this morning we do remember and we remember with our action lord we purpose ourselves to be good americans god we purpose ourselves to not let that price be paid in vain father we won't let the price of jesus's blood be paid in vain and we won't let the lives of those who fought for our nation be paid in vain so lord teach us show us instruct us as the church instruct us of how we are to conduct ourselves both in the kingdom of god but also in honor to a nation that was founded as the cradle of the gospel we give you glory sir we thank you in jesus name amen do you agree with that say amen all right greet someone in the name of the lord you may be seated praise god hallelujah well good morning eagle mountain international church praise god i want to welcome everyone who's in the room and all of those who are watching us from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around the middle we are so excited that you've joined us this morning wherever you're from and wherever you're watching from we just want to give you a big god bless you y'all give those a hand who are watching us praise god glory to god y'all look good this morning can i just comment y'all look really really good this morning any visitors this morning anybody here for the first time it's your first time on the mountain i see hands oh my goodness yeah hands over here hands over here folks waving at me over here people back there praise god praise god well if this is your first time on the mountain we want to pray for you we want to have a record of your of your visit here there's a card on the seat back right in front of you if you'll take that card fill it out uh for us and bring it to our hospitality room that is right out these doors to your right we have a gift for you and it's a free gift and it's a really good gift you want to come and get it i promise um yes ma'am to my right to your left yeah it's out this door and it's got a sign on it it says hospitality room on it to my right you're left amen it's one of those you kind of got to hold up your you know how you hold up your heels and feet don't worry about it anyway so bring that card and we will exchange it for a free gift because we want uh to give you a big god bless you also you'll get to meet some of our uh pastors and from some of our staff that are in there that uh that are there to uh greet you additionally if you're watching us wherever you're watching us from the top of the world to the bottom all the way around the middle and you need prayer for anything we want you uh to give you some information so that you can reach out you can call the number 877-281-6297 we have licensed prayer ministers who are standing by to pray with you agree with you in faith when you pray the word of god you get results and these are people who are trained in how to pray the word of god praise god amen all right we've got a lot going on around the mountain one of the things we've got going on going on i want to let you know about is next sunday morning say next sunday at 9 a.m we kick off classes pre-service classes on next sunday morning let me give you some of the topics praise god faith finance healing school miracles and pre-service prayers so you'll be able to come at nine o'clock in the morning and choose from one of those subject matters and we'll have classes on those subject matters at 9am praise god all right if you need any more information about those classes go to events also today our super kids are checking in for super kid camp praise god excited about that let me tell you they are excited i see smiles all over the place faces that i've never seen before are traveling here for camp and this morning in addition to our video announcements we also have a special transmission from commander jennifer from the campgrounds so for everything else that's going on in the mountain take a look at your screens and for a special transmission from super kid academy camp watch this good morning emic church family we are on the grounds of forest glen and we are excited to see your super kids at super kid academy camp tomorrow and here we have these countries represented we have mexico israel canada greece madagascar jamaica italy spain and usa usa usa super kiss we look forward to see you let the treasure hunt begin it's time to power up this summer at vacation bible school 2021 super kids will power up with jesus the word and the holy spirit registration opens monday may 17th for three-year-olds to fifth grade this is a free event register online by sunday june 20th at vbs if you would like to volunteer stop by any super kid classroom we look forward to seeing your child with us in the power lab summer on the mountain is back join us wednesday june 2nd at 7 pm on the emic front lawn for our kickoff celebration this will be an outdoor worship night with fellowship plenty of fun and food available for purchase for more information please go to events big news real life classes are returning this summer as a part of summer on mountain the classes will begin on wednesday june 9th at 7 00 p.m and will run until wednesday july 14th there are class options for everyone so you can select courses that align with your interest to register for summer real life classes go to real life calling all married engaged and dating couples of emic on friday june 11 we will have a couple's fellowship event in the chapel registration is required to cover the cost of the italian meal free child care will be provided for more information and to register please go to events experience kenneth copeland bible college beginning may 21st join us for our summer community education series special interest classes that are designed for you during these free one to two day seminars learn about a variety of unique topics taught by anointed teachers and instructors courses run may through august option for college credit is available for these special classes for more information and a register for free go to summer you're invited to eagle mountain international church sunday june 6th at 10 a.m central as we welcome special guest mylon lefevre who do you believe and what do you believe because if you believe god he promised to supply all your needs according to this rich and glory by christ jesus come and learn how you can have a victorious life with covenant rights and privileges with mylan and christy lefevre sunday june 6th 11 a.m 10 a.m central right here on the grounds of eagle mountain international church good morning good morning it's so good to see you this morning so i asked pastor george this one said you have to do the welcome and tell everybody why that you're sitting on the front row and that there hasn't been a coup and i haven't taken over but rather today i we to give him a break he came in so in the middle of the night and some of the musicians on thank you guys for coming back and joy i appreciate that but i'm going to play pastor george and do everything today and so this is offering time glory to god yes amen what a wonderful group you are how many of you have tasted uh the promise of god that when you give that the blessing rides upon that giving and his faithfulness is sure can i see your hand amen that in itself is a testimony in revelation chapter 1 and verse 4 also in verse 8 and also in chapter 4 verse 8 it refers to god as the one who was and is and is to come i got kind of excited when they sang that one of the songs today god was is and is to come and isaiah 57 says that he is the god who inhabits eternity and here's why it's wonderful about that if we will continue to allow jesus to be lord of our past he will continue to work the past for our good today and turn it into a benefit for the future now only he can do that that means even the mess you made he can fix it and use it somehow to turn it around and make the devil wish that he had never bothered you hallelujah amen so this is ethan cerrone he's standing up here with me i know some of you thought it was my angel he looks like one standing here but this is ethan he is our maintenance director here on the property of the revival capital of the world and so he has what i like about ethan he not only knows how to do his job and he's a great leader but he also has great vision for revival capital of the world and that means that whatever we're looking at we're thinking of the past we remember it as brother greg told us we have remembrance it's a call to action we're living in the moment right now but we have our eye on the future and everything that we're doing not only in vision but in our expectation of the blessing of god to increase and multiply in our lives so we're going to talk a little bit first about the past and what happened as you know in february there was a little weather event that we had here in texas you can see some of the scenes you guys can put some of that on you might remember this just the other day i was standing or that yeah i was standing in my kitchen in short sleeves looking outside the beautiful sunshine and i had a cold chill run up my back and i thought oh only three months ago i was standing here freezing and our house was below freezing in the house and we were chopping ice blocks out of the pool to get to get water to run through the filters so that we would have water in the house praise the lord that did thank you jesus that came to an end but you know we had a lot of damage here on the property major damage as well as a lot of minor damage and so what like tell us real quick ethan just remind us all what happened during that time uh in the headquarters building we had a fire sprinkler burst which caused a huge amount of damage up there walls ceilings on top of desks carpets but then across campus most uh all four of our cooling towers took damage power plant took damage sewer plant took damage um water lines burst froze so um yeah yeah so keep going has your team been busy they're they're all uh really looking forward to a vacation not anytime too quick so out of that came this um the word of the lord and and some of the buildings of course were uninhabitable for a short time others we still aren't back in we're working to get the headquarters building where we can get some people back in it because we still have people that haven't come back to work yet working from home because we don't have a place for them we were able to squeeze almost all of us into the partner service center which has been very inconvenient but we've all learned to really be very chummy and we've enjoyed the fellowship but in the middle of that the lord said to us you are standing at the golden gate bridge of opportunity the golden gate bridge of opportunity and since that time seen so many things in that word that he gave to us and suddenly we saw that this was not just an opportunity to fix something or just okay now we've got to fix what the storm messed up fix what the freeze did fix the pipes fix this fix that but but the lord just opened our eyes all of us that were dealing with this we suddenly saw how this was an opportunity to go to go further into things that needed to be addressed now to talk about that we have to go back to the past again in the past so in 1979 the end of 79 going into 1980 we took possession of this property we moved some aspects of the ministry out here we were still a very small organization by comparison and so we moved moved our storage out here and some of our tape duplication and distribution a little bit of that out here and we began design on the headquarters building the buildings that we were occupying out here were from world war ii so you can imagine all the facilities was world war ii well we thank god for world war ii but that was a while ago so we were occupying those buildings so we started the design on the headquarters building which means the design for that building is just right at 40 years old we occupied in 1986 it took a while for design took a while for construction and so forth so we occupied at the end of 1986. so no real upgrades to the design or the function no real upgrades to a much of the equipment we had ac units how old how old were a lot of the ac units in the building ethan they they weren't original but at least 17 18 years okay so many and i i know that there were some perhaps older than that in some places and so it's not like replacing one at your house we had over 120 units in the headquarters building alone that's a lot that's a lot of units that needed to be replaced so about five years ago we started making some changes the money we had a little bit here a little bit there upgrading a little bit uh doing what we could because things were really really way behind and things frankly were worn out we had uh tell them about some of the just the general condition just worn out before the freeze oh uh yeah we had to replace uh almost every air conditioner on the third floor almost every air conditioner on the first floor we had started we had part of the second floor done but we still have uh three quarters of the second floor to do but all the bathrooms need to be renovated i don't think they've been renovated since the you know since 30 years 86 yeah there's old wallpaper there's old carpet there's old stairs there just delicious goes old ceiling old light still using fluorescence so yeah lots of old lots of old and lots of worn out so little by little we had it had come to look more like poverty than it had prosperity well pastor harry how could this ministry allow that to happen well anybody can allow that to happen the bible says to pay careful attention give heed to these things so while we were focused on outreach work focused on getting the word out more getting the word out more we allowed we allowed uh the environment that was surrounding us to become just become accustomed to it have you ever had that happen you just wake up one day and went wait a minute this is old or this doesn't work this is worn out who wants this old thing anymore and you can have so much of it this old or worn out that you you um it's hard then to catch up it gets ahead of you it can snowball and get ahead of you so between the leaks and the floods the extreme cold the worn out the the old the broken it was just a mess really and a lot of it was subtle but then we started really looking very close and that's what happened the the damage that we experience causes to look more closely i never noticed that look at that paneling look at that carpet look at that wall and then we started to evaluate even our productivity and how we were were working with one another so that's how all of this emerged then the lord said repair what you need to repair some things you have to repair immediately but then later you're going to still have to come back and replace or upgrade it so repair replace and expand what is the expansion well expansion can be not only the space i mean look around in here ladies and gentlemen would you say there needs to be some expansion in this sanctuary i would say yes and amen yes and amen i said yes and amen so be it but there's expansion that needs to happen our television production we are maxed out completely we are actually creating very small rooms into studios it's kind of crazy if you can see some of it and they stay at risk for leaks and floods even even yet even this past week with we had a studio that had took on water because of the heavy rains and so we're looking at the repair and replace and expansion but beyond that was the expansion of our thinking not just expansion of oh we have vision to do more but we also have vision to be more and to be better to be more productive to be to be up-to-date and cutting edge department to department to department and the way we did business the way we operated 35 years ago is not what we do today and thank god right so we we've endeavored to modernize but now we need to modernize not only our equipment our cubicles all those old cubicles are so dark and dingy and we're able to salvage some and we're putting them back together to be able to use them for right now but we're replacing them with all new state of the art number one grade eight you can see the new ones right there so we got a little start on it we have half of one wing that's done but we're doing all the other five wings completely to be done but this big piece though that i'm most excited about is this work we're doing with jacobs the jacobs group and tell them about that and what programming and what that means sure uh so we hired the jacobs group we've used them before they're a large engineering firm one of the largest in the world i think they currently have about 55 000 employees but they have their dallas branch here specializes in what they call advanced planning pastor terry hired them a couple years ago and actually did a whole campus revival capital of the world master planning exercise it was kind of a first pass and some things will change but it really started talking uh you know putting places on the map where does the bible college go where does wisdom heights go where do we you know our our tv our whole tv department needs to be upgraded in facilities so where does that campus go uh we're now on network not just you know a tv show so we've hired uh uh two of the advanced planners from the jacobs group to start looking at our headquarters because we pastor terry didn't just want to put people back okay well you were there so let's just put some new carpeting and you go you go back she really had the heart to talk to the employees what does your department need is your department growing who do you work close to so that we get synergies and you're not having to drive up and down the hill to meet with the other half of your staff so we've hired them it's called programming where you sit down with each department ask those questions dig deep in find out what kind of equipment space conference rooms you know uh additional things that they need to do their job well um we started last week and this has been so exciting and there's a real buzz among the staff because they're getting to voice their input and here's what i need and here's what i'd like to have and i could do better and if i was working with this group and ethan said you know some of them were a surprise to him he had no idea that these two groups really needed to have access to each other on an easier more productive for more productivity so this is a really big thing it's not cheap that's for sure but jacobs is coming in so we are working this overall expansion as repair replace and expand from the inside out so what goes on on the inside will help doesn't this make sense and makes sense to what is happening on the inside to get the job done what's happening on the inside to get the word out to be more effective in our ministry in the church our ministry through media our ministry to the community all of these things have to be taken into consideration not just paper flow not just paper trails but communication and ideas and the things that we want to be able to come together and communicate with each other on a much higher level of productivity and so from the inside out that will drive the new design for the headquarters building new design new buildings new placement well all everything is up for for discussion hallelujah it means we're inconvenienced for a little while you know we're kind of crowded together but we can do it and it may take us actually a year and a half even to get it all in place the way we want but it you know you ought to upgrade every 40 years whether you need it or not right hallelujah hallelujah so so here we stood at this golden gate bridge of opportunity and this is the way it works you know it's the way it works because you know what the way the lord works and the way he thinks and the way he thinks is we get on board with him he's on board with us he wants to be on board with you he wants to be on board for this that so that the whole body of christ can prosper and increase so that we are living testimonies of his faithfulness of his goodness and of his ability to sustain and prosper and increase in the face of the rest of the world coming apart hallelujah and so uh he does that by giving all of us opportunity to get involved into his work so even while i was standing in my kitchen in sub-zero temperatures back in february early march standing there and that word of the lord came about the golden gate bridge of opportunity right behind that came the word 6 million dollars i thought 6 million is that right how would i know how do we know we don't even know what this we don't even know what all's broken yet all this began to unfold and so over the next few weeks is speaking with ethan and we're putting some figures together and here's what we think and here's about what it will take and so he said to me well you know i think it's gonna be about six million dollars plus whatever we get from insurance which by comparison is not a lot but it will be a help right we'll we'll take it and we're believing they're gonna they're they they will be in full agreement and ready ready to uh help and to comply so that's part still being talked about we looked at that and so we set a goal for six million dollars praise the lord and so last time if we can show our placement place where where are we at our last report here at emsc what was it help me play play there we go there we go six milliseconds like [Applause] that's amazing that's amazing 5.2 million and that is after tithe that's after time praise god [Applause] that means we're pressing six hundred thousand dollars of tithe that we're setting aside and i had something i meant to show you today and i forgot about it but i'll we'll show it to you as a little update next time but pastor george and i went to jeremy's dedication to his building last sunday last saturday night we were there some of you may have seen it and they were doing their own version of repair replace and expand and their new property they were they were dedicating their sanctuary this last weekend we were there the first phase of their project was for their tv equipment and they were needing and ten thousand dollars and pastor george and i while jeremy was talking and we looked at each other and i said i could jump up right now we could pay that he said i thought the same thing and so i said well let's just do it he said okay let's just do it and so we jumped up on our feet and we said excuse us excuse us we'd like to interrupt this message right now and we said we want to pay for phase one consider it done so you can imagine that congregation they jumped to their feet they shouted they screamed they celebrated hallelujah and jeremy looked at us and he he blinked a lot and he said well praise god he said that makes this next part just a little awkward and uh he said because we have been saving our setting aside our tithe off of what's already come in and we're sowing 50 000 into the victory channel hallelujah as our seed hallelujah and uh he he said well people say well why don't you just keep your money why don't you just forget this exchange thing oh no no no no no no no no no no because the way of god is that it's not about the money it's about the faith and heart that's invested we're investing our heart into what they're doing they invested their heart into what and that's why the dollars didn't matter that that ours was more than theirs dollar wise but their heart is every bit as much in this as our heart is in theirs and you had a part in it and that's amazing isn't that amazing so last week as we got prepared and we're waiting for that about that six million dollars and then last sunday morning i woke up and really really in the middle of the night uh it's i don't know 2 30 3 o'clock in the morning and i woke up praying in tongues and laid there and prayed in tongues prayed in tongues prayed in tongues and then the interpretation of that came to me and the lord said to me are you are you willing to take the challenge that you will you will rush to six million dollars celebrate wildly and then press on quickly to seven he said he asked me why are you willing to take that challenge and i brought that challenge to you if you remember are we willing by faith are we willing to set our faith to press on to six million dollars and when we hit six million celebrate wildly and then rush right on to seven million are we ready and willing to do that i want to know can i hear do i have the voice of faith in the room hallelujah because for us to get to that you have to prosper you have to prosper we have to prosper god has to multiply and he's doing it he is doing it hallelujah thank you jesus well why seven million because what we've seen through this is that yes we now we know 6 million gets us to a place but oh we got excited about some things and some possibilities i i can't tell you just yet but oh i wish i could so it'll come really quick so praise the lord anything else you want to add to that brother brother ethan well uh as we're standing here what the word of the lord came to kenneth uh copeland your father yes for for those of you that don't know yeah uh and two years ago he said to get your house in order that's right he did and this is just part of that is what was just going through my mind and it's a big part of it because it's going to help us as it pertains to buildings really take a huge step forward all across absolutely will absolutely get it in order and get it in order or get it in line with how big plan god has does god have a big plan for you yes he does and whatever you're doing i promise you you're not thinking big enough you haven't seen enough so the first thing to to believe to receive out of your sowing what you've already sown what you're sowing into this today the thing for you to reach for first and foremost is that that vision what god sees for you what he sees grace is god's ability to be all that he wants you to be it's god's ability for you to do all that he wants you to do and it's his ability and power for you to have all that he wants you to have but you can't receive his grace for those things if faith doesn't see it and reach for it so we are believing for eyes that see ears that hear hearts that reach out and take for us exactly what god has for you in your calling in your life in your job in your ministry in your family and in your house in your business in your your your finances everything whatever it is there's no limit to the goodness of god that we can expect now in this time hallelujah one last thing i want to read i'd like to read much more to you but i just want to read one verse and i was with ethan and his wife julie yesterday and she brought this scripture out and i thought it was so good i'll share it with you today and it says in ezra chapter 6 verse 14 in the new king james it says the elders of the jews built so the elders here were building we're building and they prospered through the prophesying of haggai the prophet zechariah the son of edo and they built and furnished it according to the commandment of the god of israel and according to the command and it goes on to list all the leaders praise the lord and so according to the prophesying the prophecy prophesying of the revival capital of the world the prophesying of get your house in order god wouldn't ask us to do anything he wouldn't equip us to do fund us to do empower us to do bless us to do you know whatever god tells you to do when you do it there's a great big flow of blessing that come not just a blessing but a blessing flow that's right behind it but in addition to that we have the the sure foundation of the scriptures and that sure word of prophecy says you give and it will be given unto you good measure press down shaken together and running over and the bible tells us when we sow to god's house when we sow into his house with our hearts he not only will see to your house but he'll fill this house with his glory and that's what we all want to see more and more of his glory and his presence in the place thank you so much ethan for standing here helping me with that glory to god give ethan a hand so this morning as you are giving into this special offering i believe we're going to shoot past 6 million this time but next time i come to report to you i'll let you know and ahead of time and you can come with your your celebrating wildly clothes on i don't know what we we might have we might have a dress wild service or something i don't know but we're going to celebrate get ready get ready get ready team because when we do that we are going to celebrate well i don't know what that looks like yet but it's going to be wild we're going to celebrate and on the heels of that we are going to rush to 7 million and i don't know that we have to stop there let me just let me let me just see if you can handle this everything that we have plans for on this campus the minimum for it right now the minimum reach for it is 400 million dollars at least that much but you know what when we looked at we decided the golden gate bridge i thought lord that i made me think exactly of the golden gate bridge you know so my my husband was quickened and he looked up to see what did it cost to build the golden gate bridge in today's funds 1 billion dollars [Applause] why not that's just a little bridge but we are walking a bridge of opportunity hallelujah so i'll let you ponder on that i felt i felt your scream go up i thought you like [Applause] he didn't ask you to pay for it he just said believe for it hallelujah hallelujah we'll come back to that sometime okay so if you are in the room all the offerings will go to rre today okay all of them rre so there's an envelope in this chair back in front of you if you need one raise your hand the ushers will be glad to get an offering envelope to you for your cash or credit card debit giving if you're texting you just put in the text line you go to 36609 and put in the text line rre and the amount that you wish to give rre and the amount if you want to give on the website rre slash rre now if you go to the website you should know this you can actually do recurrent giving you can do recurrent giving for just regular donation or you can do recurrent giving for rre and as some of you are looking for this to be your made a commitment along with brother charles for the three one thousand dollar donations we had a number of people do that so i know some were putting in their last installment of that and we're very grateful for it you can also call 877-281-6297 now these prayer ministers they are so good they can they can take your order they can fix your order they can take your offering they can pray for you get you saved filled with the holy ghost and healed now i tell you that's a powerful group of people waiting on those phones right now so they're there for you all during the service amen god bless you lord we thank you for this fabulous fabulous opportunity that we are standing at together and we're expecting lord to we are taking our steps across this bridge of opportunity to see the windows of heaven opened up and poured out over this church over this ministry over this school over this network over this community hallelujah and over this nation and the world we thank you for it in the name of jesus bless your people amen amen breathe on me breathe on me holy ghost power breathe on me [Music] come on [Music] today i received today [Music] rain on me [Music] oh [Music] breathe on me lord breathe on us [Music] [Music] thank you lord thank you jesus lord we thank you so much for the blessing of the lord that's on us and lord we recognize that the greatest blessing that ever could come into the world is jesus but then the blessing that followed to the church is the holy spirit how thankful we are and lord i'm so grateful that you have called our attention you've called our attention to him you've asked us lord to speak about him to talk about him to be mindful of him and to learn of him and so lord we give it ear today to hear what the spirit of god is saying to the church the lord we will not be dull of hearing but our ears are open we're not stubborn we're not hard-headed we're not we're not difficult we're not dull of hearing but rather lord we are sensitive to the voice of the good shepherd we are following the leading of the holy spirit as you enlighten us you enlighten our thinking enlighten our understanding so that we might know you lord and know the fullness of the spirit and the fullness of his ministry we give you praise for it now and we bless the people and their offerings once again in the name of jesus i speak increase multiplication wisdom counsel insight understanding and lord lots of opportunities not only the opportunities that we have taken to sow but opportunities for harvest i pray lord that none of us would miss the opportunities you provide for harvest opportunities for new new ways of income new ways new jobs new opportunities uh things to do create that create wealth and create income that lord would not be limited in what we think but our vision lord would increase and expand you are faithful and you will do it we thank you for it lord that we of all people should prosper because we we count you faithful and we count you capable we count you willing and we worship you for it in jesus name amen amen amen you may be seated hallelujah thank you jesus thank you guys i so appreciate that song this morning so yes we're going to continue to talk about the holy spirit pastor started talking about that about three weeks ago and then pastor gene last sunday i didn't get to hear the service last sunday but i i called him and i said pastor gene tell me a little bit about what you you preached on tell me a little about your service so he just i guess his notes were somewhere right in front of him he re-preached the whole thing to me right there like hallelujah i'll send you an offering brother that was good that was good how wonderful how wonderful and we don't really you think about it you come start talking about the things of god and he puts focus he puts a spotlight on something and you're thinking why haven't we been talking about this more we ride along and so often we we get into a place where we assume we know something we're thinking we know something and we just we just glance over we glaze past the the really rich rich uh aspects of our relationship with god and knowing and understanding more about him god is god wants to be understood how how how he is he is god in the trinity god the father god the son god the holy spirit the holy spirit is not it he's not an it he is that third person of the trinity a person the person the spirit person of god who has said he sent here and jesus turned his focus the greater part of his ministry was on the kingdom of god and he pointed to god and the nature of god the fatherhood the blessing of the lord the covenant the kingdom and then he talked about his place and what he was coming for but then the last part of that those last most important days before going to the cross and then even those 40 days it was all so focused on the being the person of the holy spirit being in and among them they were clueless they hardly had they were just any concept or idea they they hardly even responded to what he had to say because they didn't know but what is the purpose of the holy spirit so as i would talk today pastor his so graciously allowed me that if i don't finish today and i remind you i'm terry copeland pearsons [Applause] not finishing might happen okay just warning you and if that's the case then he said i can come back and it'll be three weeks can you all if we get somewhere today and it looks like we want to come back and talk a little more if you would have me back then in a couple three weeks now next week is brother marlon lefevre praise god that's going to be exciting mother mylan and christy will be in the house and then the sunday after that an upstart preacher that's coming and i hope y'all all show up and encourage him in his ministry brother kenneth copeland will be here it's a week from sunday so so we pastor george and i are taking some time away we're really excited about that and so we're leaving it in really good hands but then the next sunday if we don't finish today i get to come back praise the lord so maybe i'll stretch this out just so i get to come twice in a row but what are the purposes of the holy spirit in john chapter 14 verse 16 jesus said and of course i'm using the amplified classic and jesus said he's the comforter he's the counselor don't run past those words a comforter and whatever you need comfort from the counselor he's a counselor a guide he's a the kind of counselor whether it's a counselor a career counselor a school counselor a legal counselor he's counselor because he sees and he knows all he not only sees and knows everything now he sees and knows everything in your future and he knows about you and he knows how you tick and he knows how you work and he can work all that together and factor it in and just tell you what to do how marvelous is that he's the helper he's the intercessor he's the advocate he's the one that'll stand up for you before the father he's the one who's ever ever making intercession and pleading your case he's the strengthener he's the standby and he remains with us forever never to be separated from him never to ever be apart from him his assignment is you his assignment is you in john 14 26 jesus said that he said i'm not leaving you as orphans i'm not going to leave you when when jesus left he said i'm going to leave which is very troubling to them as you might imagine very troubling he said i'm leaving but i'm sending the counselor in my name or in my place well some people might think well we're getting the b team not hardly not hardly because he said i'm not i'm not going to leave you as an orphan but i am sending the one who will never leave you and by his presence i will never leave you and you will never ever be forsaken hallelujah he said the holy spirit will teach you all things i've been working with my my granddaughter ailee in her some of her studies she hit a couple of things that she was struggling with a little bit we were working on some homework one night and was working with her on that and she you could tell it just it was wasn't clicking i said hi let's pray in tongues just for a little bit one minute one minute let's just pray in tongues so we did and we sat there together praying in tongues for one minute bless the lord and i said now let's go over it again and we did and she got it and i said now never forget this now not everything comes in a minute but he will teach you and show you all things he will cause you to recall everything that you have been told and when the holy spirit recalls things that word remember love that again pastor greg thank you so when he recalls or causes you to remember what jesus said it's not just to remember words or to remember a phrase but it when you recall it it empowers you to take action on what you've heard the empowerment that's in those words is quickened to your heart by the holy spirit john 16 8 says that the holy spirit is sent to convince or to convict which means to convince the world with demonstrations to convince the world with demonstrations what is he going to convince them about jesus said about sin you know there's a lot of the world that's that's sinning and the wages of sin is death and they don't even know that it is there are a lot of christians that are engaged in sin and don't know that it's sin and the wages of sin is still death so he wants to cause them to understand what sin is what it does and what an enemy to you it is and sin and its its partner death is the enemy of god so the holy spirit through demonstrations of his presence demonstrations of his goodness because the goodness of god calls men to repentance and he said he comes to convict also about righteousness and to let you know and convince you that righteousness has a far greater payoff than sin does righteousness has a far greater greater result a far higher life righteousness doesn't restrain your life righteousness liberates your life righteousness empowers your life righteousness bears fruit of peace and prosperity when you have the righteousness of god on the inside of you then his righteousness that's in you can flow out of you by the power of the holy spirit and it will begin to make other things around you right it'll make your circumstances right it'll make your finances right it'll make your family right it'll make your thinking right it'll make your your life right it'll make your church right your nation right your city right your job right your business right the righteousness of god on the inside of you coming out of you by the power of the holy spirit who is the spirit of righteousness in demonstration and in power will be the thing that shakes the world hallelujah wow and it says that he is sent to convince the world of judgment what does that mean it's the consequence to understand there's a consequence for sin and there's a consequence for righteousness there are short-term consequences and there are long-term consequences and there is an eternal consequence for either for sin and for righteousness hallelujah and the power of the holy spirit is here to work that and demonstrate it and to constantly make that make quicken that in your life and in your family and here while i'm preaching on that i think i'll just say this as well that power of righteousness that's on the inside of you which is there because of the the stirring activity the the because the holy spirit he's he's not just something that's just sitting on the inside of you he he's the breath of god and just like you have breath that's you are if you are living you have breath and the breath that you take in is moving throughout you it never stops and that breath comes in and it goes out and another breath comes in breath is constantly moving and moving the holy spirit the breath of god should be stirring and moving and moving in you all the time and when you allow him to do that and we come together as an assembly we come together as the church we come together and to join together it makes a difference when you're here it makes a difference because that power of righteousness that's in you hooked up with the righteousness that's flowing and all your brothers and sisters around you we come together and in agreement we hear the word in agreement we believe the word in agreement we receive what he has for us in agreement we walk out of here emboldened strengthened encouraged stronger in the lord than when we came and that righteousness of god that's in us it does something hallelujah it changes things even if you don't know it all you have to do is just go breathe on some stuff just let the holy ghost's breath come out of you hallelujah okay hallelujah back again thank you jesus so back to my regularly scheduled notes here so in john 16 13 through 15 jesus said he will guide you into the truth he'll guide you into the truth in a day and in an age right now we are we are in the time where jesus warned peter warned john warned jude warned james warned paul warned enoch warned the prophets warned that the number one sign of the closing of this age would be deception it's the number one jesus out they said jesus tell us when when uh these things are when you when when will you take your kingdom and he said be careful be sure that you are not deceived and you can wag your head up and down and say i'm not deceived well how do you know nobody that's deceived knows they're deceived that's very sobering but thanks be unto god who we have the word of truth but thankfully we not only have the word of truth because it can be misconstrued and and misused i heard some things just this past week they had a lot of scripture in it and it was wrong it was wrong very wrong just because you quote chapter and verse you can wrongly divide what is it the word of the word of truth so you have the word of truth but thanks be unto god we have the holy spirit who is the spirit of truth who will guide us into the truth and that truth will continually and constantly keep us free from deception and and the lies that are floating out and around hallelujah amen thank you jesus bible says in john 16 he will tell us what he hears from the father he will announce to us the things that are to come he'll show and let me just say let me say this about that so when it says he'll tell us things to come that's not all just in the words of like well this is going to happen or prophecy that's going to happen no but he will start leading you and preparing you for what's coming i had this sense about a year or so ago that i just needed to buy a few things i thought about it we had a few tornado situations last year that we kind of had to be very mindful of we were sure talking to it but but it and around in the area and so i went ahead and i did some preparation for things in our home should we be have be without water power or food well that came in real handy long about february last year amen you know i would not have wanted to be drinking pool water just straight out of the pool but i thank god i had a i had a filter system that i had bought and so it still wasn't the greatest thing i don't recommend it but but we we were able to do it praise god it didn't affect me at all [Applause] oh something got on me up here praise the lord so he leads you in things that are to come he said that the spirit of god will honor and glorify jesus as i love this it says he reveals what belongs to jesus from the father that he is giving to you that's a huge revelation always knowing what has god given to jesus that he has empowered jesus to give to you my goodness and the holy spirit is sent to reveal that amplified says he'll declare it to you he will disclose it to you he will transmit it to you if he can't get it to you one way knucklehead he'll get it to you another he can get it through even to you hallelujah say even to me he can get it through and he says that twice he will declare it he will disclose it he will transmit it if he has to knock you upside of the head he will get it to you if you just will be hungry to hear from him i want to say this to take this moment because of some things i heard last week i uh someone uh asked me to listen to someone's uh teaching as a woman and this woman had actually sent me one of her books some time ago i'd forgotten about it and so i looked at it and i didn't read the book i didn't have time but so i was a little curious about it so i decided to go back and look at some of the teaching which i won't need to go into that but it it what it i saw in it is there are things that cycle around i've seen things brother hagin used to say this and now i've been around long enough to see it myself there are things that surface in the church about every 10 15 years or so it's like ever so and they'll cycle and emerge and people follow after it but i want to tell you this the holy spirit is the revealer of the church not an angel okay not an angel the bible says clearly that we are to seek god god reveals himself you cannot reveal him to yourself you cannot make a revelation come you can't create a revelation out of your opinion out of your thoughts that's the very core of deception and you can't seek revelation of god through any other source or being than god himself by his word okay i would say don't even seek revelation from the holy spirit apart from his word because the holy spirit will never depart or disagree when we just say he is the leader and the guide into the truth and you've got to stay with it long enough to know for sure that you are on the track of the truth and not error now he will and can and will speak through people because jesus put it that way in the church he anoints people but people are not the source of revelation and you don't even seek people for a revelation for yourself we listen to people who are anointed by the spirit that let that anointing that's on them bring revelation to you hallelujah there is no promise in the bible of being led by an angel there's no promise of being instructed or interacting with angels there's no promise of that it does happen it's at god's pleasure and at his discretion they are his servants doesn't the scripture say they are all ministering servants sent to for the heirs of salvation yes it does but who sends them that's right he sends them and so by his and we can only stand for their use in what the scripture tells us they are for and just because you see them do things in the bible doesn't mean that's a promise for everybody to have you can't command an angel to come down and trouble your bathwater so that everybody can come and get healed out of your bathtub or your swimming pool just because that's in the bible ain't happening that way okay so we look to him we look to the word and i would say this if you think you've been led by the spirit but it keeps not working for you and it's not working out you find yourself well i thought well i thought well i thought but it's not working out go back to the basics don't get under condemnation about it just go back to the basics go back to the basics of sound doctrine and the word of god and let someone who has a life of proof that's what paul said to do he told timothy that he told titus that told others that it says it also in hebrews follow the conduct of those whose lives have proven that they are worthy of being followed and so as for me i go right back to the teaching that we originally got from brother kenneth hagin on how to be led by the spirit with my bible open and feeding on that and fine-tuning to be sure that you're on course with sound doctrine and the holy spirit will lead and guide you into that in john 16 12 and jesus was talking to his disciples he said i have a lot of things that i would say to you but you can't bear it now but oh when the spirit comes when the holy spirit comes he will show you and reveal to you all things so the holy spirit is there jesus himself could not communicate things to you apart from the holy spirit but he has sent the holy spirit to take all the limitations limitations of your intellect limitations of your experience limitations of your knowledge limitation limitations of your background limitations of wrong things that you taught things that you weren't taught the gaps that you have in your life all the limitations that would keep you from grasping what god wants you to know all those limitations are taken away and he fills all the gap and he comes to talk to you and to tell you and to educate you and give you the answers that you need to know you you don't even have to be the sharpest knife in the drawer you don't have to be the brightest lamp on display because the holy ghost on the inside of you he can he can make you to be what he wants you to be make you to do what he wants you to do and cause you to have what he wants you to have hallelujah hallelujah it's not because you're able it's because he's able and it's because you have to be willing any ding-dong can be willing hallelujah praise the lord thank you jesus so there's my introduction that was supposed to take me about three minutes but it went a little long [Music] now there are three dimensions of the holy spirit notice how much the scripture is in threes three dimensions of the holy spirit we see the first dimension of the holy spirit in the old testament and that's when you could say he was with them and when we say he was with them that that's in two ways he he was present you know he's the holy spirit's been hovering in the the the um atmosphere of this creation since the beginning so he was with israel but it also means with them in the sense of he was with them he was with them as long as they were walking in their covenant with god they were behaving themselves in line with the covenant and and most all of it was based in an outward and outward work here's here's the difference between old testament new testament in the old testament they were working on the outside towards to work towards righteousness they were working on the outside it had heart but the only way and there was faith but it was only external that they could perform but when you come through the power of the cross the righteousness goes from the outside to the inside and so while the old testament was reaching towards god that it could not attain the righteousness of the new testament is reaching from god to do the good works so good works were reaching for righteousness in the old testament in the new testament righteousness is reaching for good works yes that's right by the righteous we are not made the righteousness of god in order to do no works right that's right that's right i got a little bit better amen right over here than over here the bible says we were recreated in christ jesus that we may do the good works which he predestined before for us some people think it's not about works oh no it's still all about works but the difference is what we're doing them for they were working works to try to become righteous and it lifted them in stages of righteousness never to the righteousness of god but when you're made the righteousness of god you are empowered by him by his spirit unto all the good works that he has for us to do hallelujah praise the lord so in the old testament the holy spirit was among them but he was only actually on a few the king the priest and the prophet and once ever several hundred years maybe somebody else the spirit of god would come on them in battle spirit of god would come on them for an assignment come on them to build the temple came on them to build the tabernacle came on them as a nation to deliver them and to prosper them as a nation but it only went so far but jesus said when the holy spirit comes he will not only be with you but the second dimension he will be in you oh how powerful is that when did that happen when did that first happen was it on the day of pentecost no it was not jesus came he had done all the work that redemption required he had suffered the cross suffered the punishment of sin and death in hell raised from the praise from the dead seated at the right hand of the father purged the heavenly utensils of worship with his blood and returned for a 40-day come-and-go visit for 40 days he did touch and go he was in he was out he was in he was out sometimes through a door sometimes through a wall whatever it took he was there coming in and out among them but the first time he came upon the disciples he came in and he showed him his hands he showed them his side they could see the scars they could see that he was alive and he said that he was and then he said to them what received the holy ghost and he breathed on them why would he breathe on them why would he breathe on them think about genesis what did god do when he created adam he breathed on him so when jesus breathed it was the release of the new birth the release of the new birth of the spirit they were born of the spirit at that time they were born of the speed on them received the holy spirit galatians 3 13 christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law he became a curse for us for it is written cursed is everyone who hangs on the tree why so that the blessing of abraham might come on the gentiles in christ jesus what's the blessing of abraham well we know deuteronomy 28 and all the things of blessing but really what is it pare down to especially in light of what we just said what does the bible say that abraham did abraham reached beyond his dispensation and it was because of his faith it was accounted to him as righteousness christ redeemed us from the curse of the law being a made curse a curse for us so that the blessing of righteousness which is what opens the door to all the blessing of deuteronomy 28 righteousness is what did away with the the death of the spiritual death and work of the curse hallelujah so that the blessing promised to abraham righteousness which qualifies you then for all the blessings that god has for you but it doesn't stop there the blessing of abraham righteousness next part so that we might receive the promise of the spirit through faith so we had the work of the spirit and that they were born of the spirit but jesus said there's a promise of the spirit and he referred to that right up until the time that he ascended go and wade in jerusalem for what the promise of the father the promise the promise the promise so even after they were born of the spirit there's something more there's another dimension another dimension of the spirit and what is that third dimension of the spirit it's the explosiveness of the fullness of the ministry of the holy spirit to not only have him in you but to have him on you jesus said you will be baptized with amplified says in the holy spirit you will be immersed in him he will be on you he will be in you you will be filled with the spirit it says in acts chapter 2. so he's the whole the ministry of the holy spirit became not only the work of grace for you to be born again but the work of grace for god himself to sit upon you and to live in you and on you and to empower you to walk in the dimension of the supernatural with the almighty god himself far greater than even adam did but to walk with him on the same level and plain that jesus himself walked with god hallelujah and how big was that what did that look like that did it come in was it quiet did the holy spirit just come and one day they said there he is look at that no no no what happened and when the day of pentecost had fully come they were all with one accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven heaven got involved heaven moved into earth's atmosphere jesus said thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven and where's god almighty answered that prayer and on that day of pentecost the the the atmosphere the spiritual blockade that had been around this earth the blockade that had kept heaven out was torn open and heaven blessed its sound and it rushed into that room it rushed into the atmosphere it rushed in around the whole world and the holy spirit came and it came and it blew like a rushing mighty wind it washed it into that room it blew in there in them and it filled the house where they were sitting and there appeared to them tongues like a fire have you ever if you've ever been around a really big fire a really big bonfire or a house fire and that wind when that heat starts moving it creates its own wind it creates its own wind and it creates a sound and when those big forest fires are coming it sounds like a giant rumble rolling in rolling in but this fire didn't come to do damage except to the kingdom of darkness and this fire came in and it was no longer a burning bush it was no longer a pillar of fire by night it was no longer just a cloud by day but it divided like like tons of fire that left leap from the surface of the sun and it jumped out and it landed on each and every one of them and that pillar of fire landed on each one it wasn't a little little flicky flick thing up here but it was a tongue of fire and it came on them and it came on all of them every single one of them nobody was left out it was for everybody it was for everybody and when the power of god came on them what happened what happened they began to speak with other tongues hallelujah hallelujah oh hallelujah the power of the holy spirit and his first expression that they didn't baptize themselves god baptized them they didn't bring the fire on themselves god brought the fire they didn't bring the wind god brought the wind they didn't bring the sound god brought the sound but when they yielded to him and yielded themselves yielded their mouths god restored to them when they yielded they spoke with other tongues and when they spoke with other tongues the the portal that had been closed to adam the portal that had been closed to eve the portal that had been closed to mankind with an angel with a sword of fire that kept them out was now the fire of god on all of them and the most important thing we have in the kingdom are words and to be able to speak words born out of the spirit action of the holy one with the tongues of men tongues of angels all all with the fullness of expression to him oh regular namaste and then when they began to speak with other tongues there was so much more power released after they began to speak with other tongues it drove them led them they stumbled themselves out into the street and they're watering under the power of this on their faces and they're speaking and boldly out loud well just minutes before they were hiding in an upper room but they came out of the room they came out of the closet and they came out into the street hallelujah praise the name of jesus hallelujah praise the lord they began to speak with other tongues and out of that out of those tongues people are looking for where where'd that sound come from where'd that wind come from where'd that noise come from and they're coming and they're coming from all over jerusalem and they're coming from all parts of the world god had brought them i tell you there's no pr agent like the holy ghost he brought them all in there he brought them all in there and they all came to see this fire that's burning and they heard these people speaking speaking the glories of god the testimonies of god the things that god has done each one of them in their own dialect and in their own language hallelujah and then they said what is that some people say well those idiots are just drunk who gets drunk at nine o'clock in the morning and they said whoa but the boldness of god rose up on the inside of peter said oh think about it all these people hundreds and thousands of people thousands now thousands of people gathered together and peter stood up and he said whoa and all of a sudden they quiet down to us they're going to listen to peter and they looked at him and he said these people are not drunk like you think they are but now remember remember they had asked jesus we see it in acts chapter 1 they had just asked him when will these things happen and jesus said people misunderstand this scripture they said uh that it's not for you to know that seasons and the times that are appointed by the father but when the holy spirit comes you'll receive power that doesn't mean he's not ever going to show you but he'd already told him i'd tell you things but you wouldn't get it anyway but what's the first thing that happened peter reads the sign in the season this is that which was spoken by the prophet joel this is that sons and daughters and maids and and your servants and men and women prophesy and dream and have visions and we're going to see all kinds of things and the people ran what they're screaming out what do we do what do we do what do we do what had happened the holy spirit had just convicted them of sin had just convicted them of righteousness they saw something they saw righteousness at work and they wanted to let go now these are people religious people these are the leaders all over the jewish world these are people that do their best to live under that law but what did peter say he said repent you can be saved and you can be filled with this spirit they said we want all of it and 3 000 of them rushed to the altar at one time three thousand hallelujah now all around that part there are the steps there the with around the temple you see all these mixes and that's where people would go and dip for a baptism because baptism didn't start with john it was in the old testament and so they would go for ceremonial cleansing so three thousand of them three thousand of them are dunking right then i mean talk about duncan there's dunkin donuts going everywhere so they're all being baptized and fit saved and filled with the holy ghost and it didn't stop there there are so many signs wonders miracles and the authority and the power and the glory of the church was lifted up hallelujah and out of that started a financial move of god that absolutely rocked the world and in that financial move that was started by a young man named barnabas and there is substantial evidence that barnabas is the rich young ruler seeing how that's page two [Applause] praise the lord [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus ultra ministers come if you've not been filled with the holy spirit you know jesus as your savior and you've not been filled with the holy spirit i just want to know why not i want to know not why not it's not god holding back on you it's not jesus who is the baptizer in the holy spirit it's not the holy spirit who has been sent you are his assignment you are and he he is able to to be totally devoted to you as though you were the only one that he had to get to give attention to how can he do that he's god that's help and that's his assignment he is sent the very heart of god to you to get the will of the father into your life the will of the father the bible says in ephesians that it's the holy spirit who gives us access to the father through jesus hallelujah jesus jesus unlocked the door but the holy spirit is the one who ushers us through it the blood made the way but the spirit carries us there it's the holy spirit who reveals the holy spirit who guides the holy spirit who who who teaches the holy spirit who warns the holy spirit who confirms in our hearts that we're we are the children of god knowing him walking with him loving him and most of all letting him love you and love through you the love of god is shed abroad in our hearts by the holy ghost you're having trouble loving someone he can help you with that but don't just have him to be born of the spirit become be filled with the spirit be baptized in the spirit hallelujah to overflowing and be what jesus said a believer a believer that speaks with other tongues these signs will follow them that believe if you're a believer then he said this is what ought to be happening in your life and i believe we'll get to talk about that just a little bit more in a couple of weeks praise the lord three weeks praise the lord so let's stand hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus praise the lord that's you today this is your time this is your this right now for everyone that's watching the number is on your screen 877-281-6297 call call call call don't wait don't put it off if there are things that g if jesus was standing in front of you and said to you there are things i want to tell you but you you couldn't take it if i told you and he walked away from you you knowing that he had something to tell you jesus himself he said but the holy spirit when he comes his fullness he'll tell you he'll help you hallelujah he'll help you would you say if that's your attitude then you're a fool and i don't believe we have any of those in this room today no one watching this this service right now every one of us with hearts burning burning to know him whatever whatever he's got you want my dad he hadn't been saved very long he was in a church service and they had an altar call to be filled with the holy spirit and his own testimony is i like to went to hell and so i tapped my mama on the shoulder and i said mama is that something a guy ought to have she said you ought to have it he said well i don't know what it is but i'm going for it hallelujah yeah it's something you ought to have it's not a thing it's the fullness of this the earthly ministry of the holy spirit do you ever think about him having an earthly ministry this he that's what he came to do jesus had an earthly ministry jesus earthly ministry he that ended he's now in his heavenly high priestly ministry thank you jesus but the holy spirit is here in his earthly ministry and it's it's in when we let him have his place that we are fully empowered for our earthly ministry and without him you are you are shallow in your ability to do what god has called you to do so i invite you come right now come right now come right now praise the lord play something dave but come right now come right now yes yes come right now if you've never made jesus the lord of your life come to this altar you need to walk a walk you've never been through with the holy spirit speaking with other tongues you come right now come down here there's somebody next to you ask them are you filled with the holy spirit speaking with other tongues and invite them yes come right on down if you go you call the number that's on your screen if you need healing in your body he is the healer he is the healer and he's in the house today everyone else praying in tongues this morning pray in tongues wait don't don't pull that come on [Applause] to be filled with the holy spirit praying and speaking in other tongues the heavenly language we'll pray with you right now come on whatever you need maybe you've been troubled in your mind he is the spirit of peace maybe you've had confusion he is the one to sort out the problems but come down here and pray in the spirit with somebody right here if you've been struggling in your prayer life struggling and praying with the other tongues come right now and let someone pray with you come on down i see people coming don't hesitate don't have you came after what his demonstration in this room today come right on down and let the holy ghost fire come on you today glory to god come on sing it okay [Music] yesterday [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus well praise the lord this altar will remain open for a while maybe you were a little too shy maybe you're sitting there thinking about it but don't leave this building today don't walk away from that telephone ipad television or computer screen don't walk away without making that phone call today to let somebody pray with you to know jesus and to be filled with the holy spirit speaking with other tongues and i remind you that it's you speaking with other tongues but he gives you the words and you don't have to be afraid of that you know it's not something you learn with your head but it's a step of faith that you just reach out and do it's the most wonderful thing because he takes hold together with you hallelujah pastor are you coming hallelujah's about to ask you to come hallelujah praise god before we go i want to pray over our children for this camp that they're going on i just had a real quickening that there's going to be some significant change amen amen in our children at this camp they'll be filled with they'll be filled with the spirit they will walk in a new place of understanding god and understanding their relationship with him and also for vacation bible school the same thing the same thing it starts really early you you were filled with this with the spirit at a very early age i was thank god early age eight years old father in the name of jesus we pray over our children right now [Music] i thank you lord that during this time of super kid camp these young people will be touched in a way that they've never been touched the fire of god is going to fly through them this holy ghost power that we're talking about the ability to pray in another tongue lord i thank you that they will experience you as we are experiencing you right now experiencing heaven heaven coming down into them directly guiding them showing to them and revealing to them their calling their anointing and pointing the way for them to be able to fulfill their calling without any of the junk that they have to go through that people have gone through but we are in agreement right now that utterance will fly through all of those who will be teaching and ministering during this time and i thank you that the wave of the spirit the wave of the spirit is coming upon us the wave of the holy ghost is upon us at eagle mountain international church and it's getting stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger oh lord we just take a few moments here and pray in the spirit come on pray in the holy ghost [Music] [Applause] glory to god glory to god when we pray in the holy ghost we magnify the lord they prayed in other tongues and magnified him oh we magnify you we make you big we make you big in our eyes that's what we do we make you big in our lives we make you're big big you're big in us god so big in us you're big in this church you're big in the people thank you jesus you're big in the nations oh lord thank you jesus hallelujah thank you lord thank you jesus yeah i figured i i'll be back sometime in the fall all right no no we won't leave three months listen to them clap isn't that great we won't let you play hooky that long uh but i the next part of this we're going to talk about the purposes of tongues purposes of tongues now i talked for 14 12 12 weeks 12 weeks i taught on that in the bible school just 12 one-hour sessions on tongues miss iva talked 14 hours in her class and we didn't get through it all so we're just gonna skim a stone across it but we're gonna look at purpose the purposes for tongues and how to apply that purpose specifically uh as well i don't know how much more to say about that but anyway that's what we're doing tell us talks about being be being filled continually with the spirit so it's a continual continual filling that we walk in and i really do believe if we pray in the spirit this week we will come back next week and and we'll look different yeah we'll act differently you think different yeah and just make it make the habit pray in tongues my grandmother prayed in tongues so much on purpose you have to do it on purpose prayed and telling so much i slept with her till i was 11 or 12 years old when i'd stay with him i'd sleep with her and she prayed in tongues in her sleep she would be praying in tongues and sometimes she'd pray in tongues you know breathing out and snore going in or sometimes it was tongues going in and snore going out but it would i would lay there thinking and listening listening to just tongues praying in tongues praying in tongues praying in tongues and she did not fail to get all of her family born again and kenneth copeland saved filled with the spirit and in the ministry that he's in and i i know i'm very very aware that every step that we take in our life and in our life our children our grandchildren we are still walking out the stone on the stones that she laid by praying in the spirit hallelujah i'm i'm convinced terry i'm drawn to these two right here i kind of was too on the well why don't you and i get drawn to them and see what's going on here they're so beautiful they are they really are there's something very stately yes there's something very honorable about the two of you amen there's something that has been working in you for a long long time and it's getting stronger and stronger and stronger you have not yet reached the pinnacle you've not yet reached the height of what it is that god has for you what he wants to do in you and as you pray in the holy spirit it will be revealed it will be so uncovered to you but it really has to do with something of a stately nature a great honorable integrity filled nature of an assignment an assignment that the lord has given to the two of you in this earth oh thank you jesus there's a threefold court there's an assignment in you there's an assignment in you but when those assignments are brought together it creates a third not just a stronger like you have happen you have no you have a hole you have a hole but when they come together it creates something totally different there's a combustion of what's in you and what's in you and it has yet to reach its full state of igniting but we're going to set our hands on you and when we do it will ignite the burn it will ignite the burn of what god has for the two of you in jesus name amen hallelujah in the name of jesus christ thank you jesus oh take hold of that glory oh yeah yes yes hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus and don't disregard the value and the weightiness of what you do towards him that nobody else sees don't disregard the value in the impact of your prayers your intercessions and the life that you live that only he sees and only he knows but that impact is seen and the impact is known and will be seen and known even greater still praise god come on give god praise everyone thank you lord praise god thank you hallelujah thank you lord thank you glory to god thank you jesus hallelujah what a day this has been you lord [Applause] kind of got the preach on me today oh you sure did boy to see a prophet preaching is really quite a sight that really is that's an amazing thing to behold father i pray over all of these here and all that are watching us and i thank you that you obviously have us walking in a place of the divine infilling of the holy spirit we are a we are spirit filled believers this is a spirit-filled church yes it is and lord we're pressing into the demonstrations of the holy spirit the operation of the gifts of the spirit the development of the fruit of the spirit and lord we press into this by faith by faith we receive we receive the miracles we receive the divine healings we receive the wisdom from on high we receive lord all that you desire for the church to have as you spoke to me in 2014 you said i want my church back yes i want my church back i want signs and wonders and miracles demonstrations of my spirits i want that i want the demonstration of the gifts of the spirit out front where they can be seen and not hidden back behind the curtain oh lord i thank you that we are coming out as pastor terry said we are we have come out of the closet and we are being who we are in christ jesus and i thank you that today we've come up to a higher place we've accelerated up to a higher place and we will continue to do so and we will continue to pray in the holy ghost in jesus name i pray over their weak and i thank you that it will be absolutely the finest wonderful the most the most the most glory filled weak with divine appointments divine connections and accelerated provisions yes yes yes like we've never seen before lord we press into you with a hunger and with all of our hearts and i say that these people are blessed coming in yes they were blessed coming in today and they are blessed going out of this place in the name of jesus hallelujah so as you go today please do remember that we love you god loves you and jesus is lord god bless you have a wonderful week you are dismissed thank you for being thank you for being with us today uh what was all this about i know some of you have questions listen if you prayed and received jesus as the lord of your savior i want you to call the phone number 877-281-6297 tell someone about it they'll pray with you in depth they're also going to put this in your hand we're going to give this to you absolutely free of charge here's the thing it's going to say welcome to the family and it's going to talk about love and it's going to talk about the force of righteousness what she talked about it's going to talk about who you are now in christ your brand new identity that never existed before and it's going to tell you that god's will is the holy spirit let me help you with something the moment you were born again you were filled with the spirit the spirit of god is in you it was done by faith that's the same way speaking in tongues is the holy spirit is in you you've just not released him to pray through you and you do it by faith it's a very simple thing all you have to do is by faith the way you believe jesus to come into your heart cleanse you off from all unrighteousness is the same way you pray in the spirit by faith if you need somebody to agree with you and help you with that we have people that are right now trained licensed ministers ready 877-281-6297 listen take advantage of that take advantage of it do it and then we want to give you this information welcome to the family of god it's so simple you're uh you're filled you're allowing him to pray through you which is never maybe that's never been done before but it's not a difficult thing same way you're healed by faith all right let me tell you about some things that are coming up miracles on the mountain billy burke will be here you don't want to miss that june the 24th and the 25th go to the website register you're going to need to register for this we don't have enough time for me to show you the video about it you can probably see the video online as well june 24 and 25 we're there june 24 and 25 miracles on the mountain if you've never seen a miracle tune in anywhere on the network you can watch it there where you're at i invite you to have people over and have a have a miracle party it's your at your place and and watch the power of god move if you can get here we want you to get here that's why we're asking you to register so we know how to prepare for everyone that will be coming it's the most splendid time and i don't want you to miss that don't forget all the things that are happening on the network morning prayer tomorrow morning even on memorial day the morning prayer will be here the news will be live tomorrow i want you to know that at noon eastern 11 central time and again at 5 eastern 4 central time news will be live so you'll be kept up to date on everything that's going all right lord we bless you we thank you for these people in jesus mighty name know this pastor greg says god loves you i love you and jesus is lord [Music] you
Channel: Eagle Mountain International Church
Views: 4,289
Rating: 4.6986303 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 41sec (7961 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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