EMIC is LIVE with our Midweek Service! 4.7.21

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[Music] hey good evening welcome to eagle mountain international church i am greg stevens and you're thinking wait what what what just happened why are why are we in the back studio i'm telling you we have a very special program tonight for you you won't want to miss this if i ask you what's the one thing that's needed in america right now what would you say all different kind of answers i'm going to tell you it's honor tonight keith moore is here when he spoke at chapel to the to the staff here at kenneth copeland ministries we're bringing it to you honor with keith moore believe with me that we see more of him i'm talking about the father god now you that you don't uh you don't just want to hear from me and i don't want to just hear from you we want to see him and how many know there's always more to see much more to see of him and it's not just what you decipher with your intellect it's what you receive with your heart and a lot of things that you receive of him uh ultimately all of them are beyond your understanding you you grow in understanding of it after you've received it so let's release faith for that right now father in jesus name all of us reach out to you and we acknowledge that you are everything to us you you give us the air we breathe and the brightness of our mind and the gravity that holds our feet on the ground you're you're everything you are our life and our existence and we ask you for utterance that only you can give and we ask you for revelation and we ask you for answers and guidance and direction for right now in jesus name and we we thank you in advance for it and purpose not to just be a hearer only but to be those who put it into practice to implement it into our way of living to be doers of the word in jesus name amen praise god you can be seated if you got your bible or your ipad or your phone look with me in first samuel please first samuel the second chapter in seeking the lord about this subject and this these meetings i realize these are some of the most important things i have ever taught on are ministered on and i there have been times throughout the years that i would get some light on some of this and see something of the father in this and of the master and and weep just cry and i'm not a big crier i don't do it a lot and you know we train ourself not to be moved to tears by ungodly sorrow and that kind of thing but this is a totally different thing uh what happens when you get revelation of some of this you're getting revelation of the insides of god of what he is on the inside and you'll hear the word heart numerous times as we talk about this and you can't separate the subject of honor from the heart the heart of god and our heart a man who in the old testament revealed as much about honor as any you read about is david king david and they're just all kind of revelation about honor just reading after what happened in his life and what he did and didn't do he's also called a man after god's own heart can you see the connection between the honor and i'm wanting to get ahead of myself already but uh it's about heart and when you touch some of these wonderfully great things about god it touches you in a very deep way and that's when i've been moved to tears and not in a sad way but just because of the the depth of it the holiness of it the amazingness of it we're talking about god hallelujah who he is what he is and you brother sister you got the best job in the world because you're in the god business [Laughter] are you this ministry we're in the god business seeking him hearing from him knowing him obeying him accomplishing his will and plan fulfilling the great commission god business and the better we know him the better we can work with him the more we'll recognize and the quicker we'll cooperate and the better we'll yield one of the best known scriptures on this subject is in first samuel here the second chapter and the 30th verse i want us to read it the last part of this verse and then i want us to not just so many times people quote this and i've done it too and then just go on from there but i want us to read this and then back up and get as much context leading up to this as we can in first samuel 2 30 the last part of it said be it far from me for them that honor me i will honor and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed the lord said them that honor me i will honor he didn't stop there and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed is that alarm something we need to check on or okay it's what amber alert okay i got it i got it uh we got a definition of honor right here in the last part of the verse because we're giving the opposite of honor the opposite of honor is despising that's what it is and despising we need revelation of that as well because when we hear the word despise in modern vernacular we tend to think detest and that's that could that would be included but it's much more than that the word honor if we look it up in the hebrew and in the greek it's the word that means heavy heavy kabad to be heavy or kabode there's hundreds of times that this word appears in the scripture did you hear that hundreds of times it's also translated glory same word honor and glory i'm already getting stirred up about that actually the last phase of brother kenneth hagin's ministry who's in heaven now my father in the faith that's what we did he had a directive from the lord about the move of the spirit and he uh he had a visitation of the lord where the lord is amazing the lord appeared to him excuse me i didn't say that right he didn't appear he did appear to him but at that moment he was in his bed and the lord showed him camp meeting a few days in the future and what he would be doing what would be happening and so he did see the lord at that point but the lord was showing him what was not respect and what was not honor one of the things that he showed him that has been pretty much rejected by the entire word of faith movement is that the lord told him that applause is neither praise nor worship so that means giving the lord a hand is not correct now with me or not i'm telling you what he said the lord told him it's all in his book you can read it if you care to he said the lord showed him a camp meeting and he said all the people were doing this and he said the lord looked at him and said applause clapping is applause and it's neither praise nor worship and immediately sometimes people say well didn't the bible say clap your hands all you people shout unto god yeah but he wasn't talking about applause he's talking about this is song and it's entirely appropriate to clap with music huh but the scripture tells us i will that men pray everywhere lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubting this is praise and worship and it is not appropriate to do for men now with me i mean we love brother kenneth we respect him but it wouldn't be appropriate for us to raise our hands to any man or woman of god that's too much well if that's too much [Music] this is too little for god this is that's too little and i didn't intend to talk about this at all this is not in my notes but it's okay if we want to give each other a hand let's let's tell somebody how much we appreciate them but if we're saying we thank god for the ministry it's not time to clap because now you talk about anointing and revelation and they didn't give themself that right and if we want to thank god for the gift that they are to the body if we want to thank god for the revelation that came through them and the anointing that healed or delivered or set free it's not time to clap it's time to lift your hands and thank god the word honor means heavy and heavy well let me keep going it's contrasted here by the word despise and the word despise also means light or to lightly esteem in fact i think it's translated that way in some translations to despise something is to esteem it lightly as inconsequential as unimportant as insignificant you'll hear this a lot no big deal whatever beware of those words when you hear them if they're coming out your mouth or they're coming out the mouth of your child or teenager or whatever be on the look i didn't say get ugly and mean just be on the watch and go now hold on the enemy is the despiser he is the devaluer he does everything he can to denigrate to run down to despise and devalue everything that is good and right and holy including you yourself he is your whole life he's tried to convince you that you are worthless you know it's true and i wish i could tell you he'll quit but he won't but you don't have to believe it i said you don't have to believe a word of it and the next time he tries to tell you how worthless you are you ask him how come the highest price that's ever been paid for anything in the entire world and future and universe was paid for mwah me and you silver and gold could not buy us there's not enough precious metals on the entire planet are planets to be worth a soul the psalmist said the the the price of a soul it ceases forever we we have no idea how precious and valuable we are in the father's eyes that he was willing to pay what he paid to get us the highest price that has ever been paid for anything not with silver and gold you were not redeemed with corruptable things couldn't be but with the precious now we need to we need to get mind renewal on that word precious precious there's and it's the devil despising you have you heard people mocking going well isn't that precious that's that's the enemy's influence get rid of sarcasm it's ungodly do you agree or not let's get rid of sarcasm should you say what you mean and mean what you say are words important see if you practice saying things you don't mean it undermines you releasing your faith because you know half the time you're talking you don't expect it to come to pass you don't even believe it not even saying what you mean we want to follow the father's example the father never says things he doesn't mean right yes never ever let's get rid of sarcasm but precious when it says you were redeemed by the precious blood of the lamb that's talking about the exceeding kabad heavy weight of value this tells us how valuable the blood is you and i our souls and our beings and our lives are worth so much that there was only one thing that was worth more as much and more that could buy it that could redeem it and that was and is the precious blood or you can say it like this the exceedingly valuable blood praise god oh hallelujah well somebody say the precious blood the precious blood there's a phrase that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and there's a there's a concept there's a truth in that and that's true where value is concerned and that's one of the big reasons why you and i are here today this one thought people don't see things in the same value we don't have the same priorities our value system uh phyllis and i and my wife we went out to eat a while back and there was this new mclaren parked in the parking lot and i don't know that much about mclaren's but i had noticed that it was a 1.6 million dollar car and i was it's a little bitty thing i mean it's very small car very fast and i told somebody you know i saw mclaren and the price 1.6 and they said what 1.6 million for that tiny little thing they said there's no way that's worth that i said you're wrong do you know why i said that it was worth it to him is that right he paid 1.6 million maybe paid more a lot of times they pay over a list because they're so rare it's not true to say there's no way that's worth that you just got through saying it's not worth it to me but just like we say beauty's in the eye of the beholder value is in the eye of the beholder and the heart of the valuer remember jesus said where your treasure is that's where you what your what we value with our heart that means we honor with our heart thank you father somebody say thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord oh praise god the the lord said those who honor me how what's another way we could say that those who esteem me highly those who value me greatly i will value esteem highly now let me let go further those who treat my things as important i'll treat their things as important those who treat my things like they don't matter their things will be treated like they don't matter did you see that or not i'm just saying in different words what he said are you looking at the scripture first samuel 2 30. let's go over it again what the father say those who honor me what does that mean those who value me those who esteem me those who respect me who see my things as important valuable i will treat them as important and valuable those who despise me in my things treat them like they're inconsequential insignificant their things will be treated as unimportant and inconsequential i was only in the ministry for a year this would have been back in the very beginning of the 80s 80 81 and in a time of prayer the lord spoke to me because i i had no resources there was there was no ministry infrastructure there was no office there was nothing it was me and phyllis doing everything we could to believe for our next uh tuition and groceries and gas money it's taken all our faith to do that and in a time of waiting on the lord i saw that in order to do ministry you need stuff can you agree or not especially if your ministry is going to reach very many people did you know that in ecclesiastes it says wisdom is better than riches but a poor man's wisdom is not heard and his words are despised why not because the wisdom was good but because he was poor they didn't listen to it the wisdom was good but because he was poor he didn't have a voice can you see that so it's not you know it shouldn't be surprising to us that the lord directed brother kenneth and mrs gloria go on every available voice and how many have found out every voice takes money that's right every voice takes money and stuff resources and the most valuable among those i'm looking at amen the human resources you is everybody listening right now you are an answer to prayer somebody prayed i'm telling you somebody prayed lord send the word to us lord give us answers lord show us how to build a church how to build the kingdom and the lord raised up the copelands and for the prayer they needed help he raised you up you are an answer to prayer amen don't you say it out loud i am an answer to prayer without you all of this doesn't work and people say well it could be somebody else it could be but that's not it today it's you and without you it doesn't work i i was teaching on reward some time back at the church and i saw the passage where you know jesus said if you receive um a prophet in the name of a prophet you receive a prophet's reward and some of the language if you look at it literally you could translate it you receive the same reward as the prophet and i thought wow i'm not i don't want to say that unless that is 100 accurate you know we don't want to be loose with the word did it say that do you confirm it another and while i'm pondering the lord interrupted me i don't mean to hurt a baltimore voice but he said can you do what you're doing without all your staff and all your partners i said no way he said then it wouldn't happen it wouldn't get done without them if it wouldn't happen without them it's only right that they get part of the same reward because they were the difference in it happening or not happening ought to make you happy all day long oh is that right because the reward for this ministry the reward for this ministry and you're going to get a part of the same reward glory to god we have we have no idea how glorious this is going to be and it has it doesn't have to do with with trinkets it has to do with position place functions and places in the eternal kingdom and it's because the reason you got here i hope it's not some other reason but i think i'm right the reason you got here you could be somewhere else i could be somewhere else today you could be somewhere else doing something else you could've been motivated by other things but you must have seen value yes that's right that's right yes and what's going on here you must have seen value in the anointed teaching and preaching of the life-changing word of god right you must have seen value in the anointing that destroys yokes and remove burdens you must have you must have seen it something made you and i willing even to sacrifice yes that's right in order to do this and if that's your heart you are of the wisest people on the planet because you are and you're going to find out just how right you were past this life because most of the planet most of the billions on the planet they won't give god the time of day they see no value in what we do they mock us they spurn us they laugh at us they despise us and it's why they and their things are despised and also treated as inconsequential and unimportant that means they're without god's help in their life and that's a bad place to be without god without hope in the world but back to that thing the lord said to me that first year in ministry i saw i'm gonna need stuff and help and i didn't know how much stuff you know what i was thinking by then a computer that i felt like we needed a computer and back then they had the little green monochrome screens you remember that and and uh i was hoping i could get one with a 40 meg hard drive 40 meg [Laughter] and uh then i realized we had no thought about pastor and way back then we traveled for 20 years before we started church at branson thought we'd never do anything else and i saw we need you travel so you need a better way of going and um you know you could we start with a good car and and and then also i thought about airplanes you know and was so inspired by uh brother kenneth and and i'm laying there in the floor thinking man you know we could do more with more stuff and more help and more partners and reach out and the lord spoke to me he said keith the more important your time becomes to me the more help i will add to you and i saw that was prefaced by how important his things were to me isn't that what we're reading right here those that honor me i'll honor the lord has honored this ministry it's one of the biggest ministries on the planet it's one of the most powerful one of the most effective it didn't start out that way they started out what were the station wagon and stuff and eventually what a 172 or whatever it was this property we're on is glorious i said it's glorious yes it's glorious it's the honor of god all the resources all the equipment hallelujah a network not just everybody's got their own network right how many folks got a network that's god honoring this ministry in response to this ministry honoring him can you see that and the reason things have continued to enlarge and expand is a continuation of the ministry and the leaders honoring god and believing to honor god more that's true with all of us and if we ever stop then that's where we're kept and if we ever get jaded do you know what i mean by that get you get used to it and you get to thinking somebody owes it to you because of who you are that's not honor and the reason this built up to this phrase here is the lord corrected them that they had been honoring themselves instead of him and he wasn't going to tolerate that so it is vital this subject we're talking about and it is the entire process of godly promotion the entire process we we gotta miss terry read this earlier in romans we we must not allow ourselves to be conformed to this world but it's that passage in romans 12 to be transformed by the renewing of our mind the ungodly world teaches you the unscriptural proverb that the squeaky will gets the grease you got to speak up for yourself you know another way of saying that you got to honor yourself you have to tell people how valuable you are and that you're worth more than what they're doing and in this flow you would never be honored by god you'll only get what you can take to yourself go with me to hebrews if you would please y'all still believing with me oh thank you father hebrews 5. there's the world's way and there's god's way i'm moving too quick stop by luke on your way to uh to hebrews luke 16. can you do that luke 16. man we're going to get to be back tomorrow next day so we can just relax and take our time and let this get in us let it change us we are changed as we behold the glory the honor the glory of the lord we're changed hallelujah from from glory to glory oh hallelujah luke 16 and verse 13 the lord said no servant can serve two masters it will cause internal conflict with you it'll it'll irritate you if you keep trying to do it because you can't do both and if you won't turn loose one of them and focus on the other it's going to really exasperate you either he'll hate the one love the other or you hold on to one and despise the other you cannot serve god and mammon now mammon is material things and money personalized or deified money is a great tool a great servant it's a terrible god but many are serving serving it and the pharisees when they they heard this this these are the religious leaders top religious leaders of the day in the synagogue and and they were covetous and they derided him did they respect what he said no the opposite they did they scoffed at what he said because it showed light on their covetousness you know the lord had also said take heed and beware of covetousness because a man's life does not consist in the things that he possesses and that is absolutely the truth what you have does not make you into something else you buying and owning and wearing and driving and living in the best of the world will not make you a better person it won't make you anything these things are to be used preferably in a good way and that's it for a limited time uh jesus said to them you are they which justify yourselves before men but god knows your hearts everybody say hearts hearts he knows your hearts for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of god their problem is they valued money too much and the things of god not enough that's actually what happened in first samuel 2. we're going to look at that at some point but that's what led up to that statement when the lord said those that honor me i'll honor but those that despise me will be lightly esteemed he had he was talking directly to them about abusing offerings and disrespecting his offerings and his things and the only reason you do that is because you think money is more valuable than the word or the anointing or the presence of god or elsewise you you wouldn't do that and that's what jesus is saying to these guys he said he's showing two completely different systems right yes and what men think is so important and so valuable to many of those things god finds abominable to him it's not worth anything and the things that are highly valuable to god many men including religious people they treat them like nothing at all no time for them so this is where the not being conformed to the world but being transformed by the renewing of our mind comes in want us to act on this right now do you have a heart for this do you want to know god's priorities and what he values do you we know a little bit but do you think there's a whole lot more that we can we can stand up on your feet i want to lead you in a prayer i want us to release faith for this say it out loud just close your eyes so you're not distracted by anything focus on this it does no good unless you mean it from your heart but if you do say it out loud father god i believe in you i trust you and my lord jesus and your holy spirit open my eyes enlighten my heart and my mind reveal to me what's important to you and what is not important to you grant me to see and know your priorities your values and at any place where my thoughts have not been aligned with yours where my values have not been aligned with yours what i haven't seen reveal to me please if i've let anything slip remind me please and i purpose by your grace to walk in the light of it in jesus name hallelujah thank him just a moment father we thank you thank you for enlightening our hearts and minds thank you for showing us what is valuable to you what is precious to you glory to god thank you father you can be seated i heard a minister say something that i that stuck with me for decades now back many years ago he said he was in new york city and it was a beautiful spring day and a lot of people were out and about and he was walking around in part of the park there and and uh just communing with god and he said the lord asked him son what do you see now you know we have record in the scriptures of the lord asking prophets what do you see more than once what do you see uh jesus asked an individual one time how do you read that so he he's talking about our perspective of it and always included in this is how we value it uh when jesus says to him that has shall more be given he's talking about this very thing he's talk if you put put it together with the rest of the passage he's talking about that you value it that you esteem it him that has ears to hear let him hear take heed what you hear and also he said take heed how you hear for the measure that you meet with all that determines how it'll be measured to you again and to him that has shall more be given and to him that has not shall be taken away even that which he seems to have what does that mean how can you understand that you've got to keep it together with the how you hear how do you hear it can you remember where we were on this park thing in new york when i asked you here later we'll come back to that but after being in the ministry and things of god for i don't know at that time it was like 25 years it's been a lot more since then but i begin to see how favored and blessed phyllis and i had been oh and and who are we we're just little country pumpkins that nobody knew or cared or didn't come from any natural greatness and and i wound up at the feet of brother hagin and day in day out i'm right in the middle of things and then i got to be one of the first two people that ever worked in healing school and prayer school that that got to be trained as healing technicians well brother hagin was there and then got got deleted and i got to monitor his classes and was back up for him and part of my job was taking home the big you know they had those big video things back in those days not vhs the great the great big stuff and i part of my job was taking it home and reviewing it that's a good job now i had other parts of my job that wasn't this fun i won't get into that right now but you got to do what you got to do yeah there's a lot of stuff needs to be done but that part of my job i really enjoyed and healing school the way healing began the healing school began in the morning classes i like i said uh myself and one of the person with the first two involved what we did was we showed videos of brother hagin teaching on healing and once in a while we would interrupt them and we'd make a comment and of course then you didn't have to have too much to say and when you got through you just turn the tape back on and what a an amazing way to learn and a such a perfect place and and i realized all the conferences we'd been in and all the times under the anointing i mean just thousands and thousands of the best messages you ever heard and the best services anybody ever been in and and realizing there are millions of people on the planet who've never heard one good faith message not even one and i thought well why have we been so favored why i was genuinely desiring an answer because i thought who are we and millions never even heard one so i asked the lord in faith i said lord i'd like to know why have we been so favored i didn't get an answer that day but a few weeks later the lord brought it up to me in my heart and he said well let me say it like this before he answered me he took me back to the first tapes i ever heard of brother kenneth copeland this has been back in the late 70s when we were lived in our little mobile home in mississippi and we actually went to a kcm meeting in jackson i think it was 78 or 79 and we looked a lot different then than we did today a lot thinner of course long hair bell bottoms it's the 70s okay and oh man the reason we went was because we'd gotten a hold of some tapes by the ministry here and we had learned through the tapes that we'd been redeemed from the curse of the law whoo oh i got so excited i actually got in trouble in our local church they asked me to testify one night you know what happened next i i wasn't a preacher but i got up and told about how we've been redeemed from the curse of the law and uh some folks stood up and and told about how god had taken their loved ones through sickness and and tragedy and and then the pastor got up and and confirmed that as well and they said uh keith because i mean this is community church they need my family are you saying we don't have to be sick anymore and i said yeah and that was it i was done i had to go sit down and i didn't get asked to speak again but uh see six years later they invited me to come hold a meeting at that church shows what kind of people they are and i preached on being filled with the holy ghost and a third of the church got filled one night i mean it was an outstanding it was amazing because when people that don't believe in these things are falling out under the power speaking in tongues the piano player started shaking and quit playing everybody thought what happened to her she fell off the bench talking in tongues we're having church now so we got past that other thing but uh the lord took me back to that and at this point that had been that he's talking to me that had been like 25 years before and right after we got a hold of some of those tapes i tried to share them with some of my friends and they said oh man you got to hear this you've got to hear this and and so they said what is that is that is that some music some some new music because nobody in my area listened to preaching on tape that was just a completely foreign concept their question was why why would you do that i mean most of them are they want to see how quick they can get out of church not after once the service begins but so i said no no no i'm telling you this is different this is different you got to hear this and this was brother copeland and so i'd see him a week or so later what do you think i hadn't got around to it oh man come on you need to hear this sent them a week or two later did you i listened to part of it but i just don't i just don't know if i go for all that the lord brought me back to that like a flash he reminded me of that and he answered my question you want to know why you've been given so much i knew you would value it that's what he told me he said i knew you would value it and in a sometime after that he said told me further he said and i knew you'd do something with it you do something with it people are having opportunities all over the world to hear to believe to get saved to get right with god to come back to repent but by the millions people are spurning it they're treating it like it's nothing and it it be the worst mistake of their existence because everything in life and eternity is determined by how we treat his words i know that's a big statement but i want to say it again everything in your life including eternity is determined by our response to his words it's determined by how we value or don't value how we receive or don't receive we we believe or don't believe we act on it or we don't act on it every human being's life be judged by that and the reason why you're here and i'm here where millions of people look at us and can't figure out why is because we see something they don't we see value where they don't we see importance where they don't we see significance don't we yes sir hallelujah and you can grow in this i said you can grow in this i believe the lord heard our prayer a few minutes ago do you i believe he heard that prayer and and i i believe that right now immediately and throughout the day and tomorrow and next week and next month you and i will be noticing things we'll be seeing things and we'll go oh that's valuable uh that's not valuable there's no need to be spending my time on that huh getting insight from god's perspective now i mentioned hebrews 5. you want to go look at that now maybe we can we can commence to getting ready to start to to close [Laughter] the same thing happened in ministry is what i'm talking about with the word i can see now that when we heard this word back in the late 70s the word of redemption the word of faith i actually found out about brother hagin's ministry through this ministry through brother copeland's mission i didn't know about brother hagin until after i had been fed through this ministry and once we got to rhema let me back up there in mississippi in in the late 70s we had also become a partner wasn't a lot of money involved but that's one of the great things about partnership you don't have to have a lot of money with the hagan ministry as well and they sent us their monthly publication the word of faith and there came there was the graduating class on the front cover and they're all dressed in red and it said class of whatever 70 whatever it was and i remember in our little mobile home there i came by there on the way out to work one day and i noticed that we had gotten it a couple of days before it was laying on the table there i paused and looked at it something caught my eye about it and for a brief moment i thought wouldn't that be something to uh to be able to go there and do something like that wouldn't that oh and then the thought came are you kidding you better get yourself to work but the lord took me back later i valued that come on can you see this can you see this i i paused and i thought wouldn't that be something oh i had no idea how phyllis and i could ever begin to think how to do that that was just but it was something that seemed so important so these are people not going to go out and build the kingdom these are people going to fulfill the great commission these are these are answers to prayer hallelujah and they're not just wanting to do it they're equipped to do it same kind of thing that's going on here hallelujah oh glory to god but i saw not only did i get to go i got to be a part of healing school prayer school i got to teach there i got to travel with brother hagin i got why i thought why me and then i saw it more clearly in the spring of 80 or the fall of 81. i was there at rhema and i'd been going to healing school and brother hagin announced that we're going to open a new building called prayer and healing center and we're going to train people to minister healing and they showed the pictures of it that building's still on the campus today and they still have healing school there today and when he said it i've only been there for a year or two when he said it i thought oh oh what they're going to train people how to minister here and i turned around and looked and it was like 500 people behind me i thought well yeah i'm sure they all feel the same but oh god wouldn't that be so amazing wouldn't that be i didn't say all this i'm just kind of sitting there with my mouth hanging half open that and when that when that place opened up in may of 1982 they picked two people to start a lady and me why years later the lord brought that up to me he said when you turned around and you looked at the crowd and said i guess everybody feels the same way he said you're wrong they didn't all feel the same way are you seeing a recurring thought here guys i'm talking about me because i know about me but the same thing is true with any of us and every one of us you want more want to be used more you want to have access to more you don't get it by requiring more or demanding more or pushing people to give you place or or promote you that's exalting yourself and jesus said you do that you'll be a beast the honor of god you cannot take it must be given that's right come on can you say this you can't take it that's right you cannot hebrews 5 are you here hebrews 5 every high priest verse 1 is taken from among mens ordained for men and things pertaining to god that he may all offer gifts and sacrifices for sin verse 3 reason he also for himself to offer the lord didn't need to do this verse 4 and what no man takes this honor to himself but he that is called of god as was aaron this includes the master oh come on can you see this this is so holy this is so precious nobody gets this through pushing and shoving and demanding demand that you appreciate my gift demand that you give me place demand that you pay me what i'm worth come on all you'll ever get is what you can convince people to do for you but you won't get the honor that comes from god only because this cannot be taken the master himself did not take it although he is preeminently worthy of it what did he say no man verse 4 takes this honor to himself but he that is called of god as was aaron so also christ glorified not himself to be made in high priest see this this is such a contrast between the ways of the world right jesus told his disciples at one point and it's written for all of us his disciples he said you know in the world they're leaders lord it over each other but it shall not be so among you but he that will be greatest will be servant of all now this is contrary to the unregenerate nature of the flesh we all got flesh and whatever part of your mind hasn't been renewed and the enemy will come and and and push on you to try to influence you to to demand and to require and to you know tell people you you will respect me that's not how you get respect i demand that you respect me it'll never come that way never you may incite fear which is exactly how the enemy is the enemy has no honor none it is not in him he doesn't have it but he so wants it he created you see his big deal was he wants to be like god god is honored because he's good god is worshipped because he's so good because he's so great the enemy wanted that but he tried to take it and all he got is cast out tried to exalt himself and now he will be abased to hell in the lake of fire that is not how it works in the things of god many people want to be respected and appreciated and honored but are unwilling to give it to others can you see this and if you don't sow respect you won't reap respect that's right if you don't give honor you can demand it all you want people may do some things just to get you to shut up and get out of your way but it doesn't mean they truly respect you or value you or honor you if you sow the respect you owe did you remember roman says give honor to them to whom honor is due if you sow the respect you owe then you'll reap the respect you sowed it'll come back to you and i'll we'll probably say these things again as we keep going but but the master did not take this honor to himself he did not glorify himself to be the high priest but the father himself in front of the angels in front of all realms he said you are my son this day i have begotten you and in another place you are a priest forever after the order of melchizedek god the father the creator of the heavens and earth bestowed this honor on him and it is forever and he has a name that is higher in honor than any other name will ever be oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] and just to be in the same quadrant of the galaxy with him it's an honor come y'all going to help me with this or not much less to be called his brother come on now must less to be given his name we must not take these things for granted that's right we must not be used to them and jaded by it oh yeah we know that oh yeah we've been knowing that for years oh yeah i got that series at my house doesn't mean you got it in you because the more honor is in you it affects how you see everything it affects how you talk about everything how you refer to everything how you treat everything hallelujah and i'll end with this i think over in first peter and if this don't make you shout you must be asleep so so don't miss this wake up in time to get this one if that if that was the case jesus didn't take honor to himself what he did was humble himself and was willing to die the death of the worst criminals the death of the cross willing to let judgment come on him and go to the heart of the earth that's not exalting yourself that's wherefore god has also highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name that is named but at that name every knee bow every tongue will confess and that is a huge part of our witness with all the world we we may not be able to share everything with everybody if they don't want to hear it they're not respecting it don't cast your pearls before swine don't give that which is holy to the dogs if they don't respect it don't just try to shove it off on them because you're acting like it's not as valuable as it is by throwing it towards them but no matter what they receive or don't receive they should observe just watching you listening to you how respectful you are of the things of god how precious they are to you how highly you honor it and you're not going to dampen it down for their sake you will show your awe you will show your respect and even if you forget that they don't value you you might look over and go isn't that great isn't that great and they'll say don't you remember i don't believe you go oh yeah right right but it's great isn't it that is awesome that is amazing so because he was willing he had to see us as valuable as the father or he wouldn't have done what he did right he had to and he had to be willing to sacrifice to the extent that he did that he must have believed we were worth him doing what he did worth him going through what he went through that means he valued us he values us and he valued and values what the father said about us and what he wanted of us jesus valued that above his own life above everything he valued it above all and because he was willing to sacrifice to get that like that he's been exalted above all you and i are on the same track i don't know if you heard that or not he's the firstborn among many brother you and i are on the same track we are to fulfill the law of christ which is the willingness to sacrifice like he did for what god says is valuable and what he says is valuable as people especially his church and in so doing those who do this will also be exalted and praised with the honor that comes from god alone in first peter notice this he said verse 5 chapter 1 first peter you're kept by the power of god through faith to salvation ready to be revealed in the last time wherein you greatly rejoice though now for a season if need be you're in heaviness through manifold temptations that the trial of your faith being much more precious that's valuable than of gold all the gold bullion bricks in the world are not worth the faith that's in your heart do you believe it no the platinum and everything else not in god's eyes and if that's the way he sees it that's the way you should see it much more precious than of gold that perishes though it be tried with fire he's talking about the gold now that this faith your faith might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of jesus christ and there's no period there that's when it goes right into whom having not seen you love and whom though now you see him not you believing you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory receiving the end of your faith even the salvation of your souls what's he saying your faith past this life there's coming a time that god himself will honor your faith did you see this or not is this amazing to you god himself and the lord the master himself will honor your faith that you lived by that you overcame by that you received and served him by it'll be brought up in front of others but let's just back up let's back up to our text didn't he say those that honor me what i will honor and there's coming a time even after this life he's going to do that and that his honor will stay on you perpetually it doesn't wash off it doesn't fade off and that's part of why we are and we'll be the glorified ones and other beings that see us in time to come past this life they'll see that glory and that honor on us but we didn't create that where did it come from the father gave it to us he put it on us and it'll vary the bible said the the resurrected will vary in glory like the stars some stars are brighter than others and that comes back to those that honored him more and those who valued him and trusted him further stand on your feet everybody praise be to god praise be to god let's act on this just a few minutes further let's lift our hands and let's tell the father how important he is to us oh father come on go ahead lift your voice a little bit father we worship you so much you are so amazing you are so good you are so wonderful thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you lord how glorious you are how wonderful you are how awesome you are speak in tongues a little bit that it enhances your ability to glorify god oh father coco lopez name bokai you are oh thank you father you are oppa rebel oppa who you are uh you are oh [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are sown tried come on lift your voice sing to the lord sing to the lord [Music] break the soul [Music] with strife covetousness and backbiting [Music] in my word kicking petals out of the way and find out later they were diamonds until so not knowing the difference between stuff and junk just praise thank you jesus thank you lord thank you thank you thank you lord thank you jesus i agree amen with brother moore on that what a wonderful teaching now listen the next two wednesday nights we're going to do the same thing we're going to have brother keith moore in here teaching us about honor what the bible says about it because it's extremely extremely important and i know your life has changed listen just plan on right now the next two weeks getting your bible your notebook be with us every single week for that you won't want to miss a single moment of it what a privilege it is to be part of this ministry you know it where you can hear things like that thank you pastor george and terry pearsons for bringing this what was a private meeting to the staff of the chapel but bringing it to all of us and all of our partners i believe lives will be changed i believe ministries and destinies and families will be changed because of this teaching on honor let me give an opportunity to sow into this tonight in proverbs chapter 3 and verse 9. very interesting phrase i'm reading out the king james bible proverbs 3 9 honor the lord with thy substance and with the first fruits of all thine increase one of the ways we honor the father is with our substance and so tonight i'm going to give you the opportunity to do that very thing to put this in practice after you just heard that word there's no better time right now than to do something with it to do something about it and i just gave you the verse i'll read it to you again proverbs chapter 3 verse 9 honor the lord with thy substance one of the ways that we honor him we honor him with our praise we honor him with our words we honor him in the way that we treat one another but if you want to honor him proverbs says you do that with your substance and with the first fruits of all thine increase i believe this word has been sewn into you like jesus said it will produce it's going to spring up it's going to be a rapid thing that'll happen i'm giving you the opportunity to water it now with your giving it's very easy to do we've made it very easy you can go to emic.org give emic.org give the information is right there if you want to use your phone or device like that you can text to give you have to set it up the first time after that it's automatic text three six six zero nine three six six zero nine emic plus the dollar amount let me go over those again emic.org give text to 36609 to emic plus the dollar amount because now we're giving the opportunity to honor the lord with your substance thank you for doing that i just want to say thank you for doing that and i want to bless it father bless this offering bless the seed as they're being sown right now and i thank you that they're honoring you with their increase we give you praise for it in jesus mighty name now if you want somebody to pray with you and agree with you you can also give this way if you like you can call the prayer line here at kenneth copeland ministries it's available to you they look forward to you calling they really do the number is 877-281-6 were you blessed by keith moore tonight he'll be back next wednesday evening tell somebody about it have a little bible study with keith moore we'll see you next week
Channel: Eagle Mountain International Church
Views: 14,641
Rating: 4.9133129 out of 5
Id: WQxkq0khCKI
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Length: 88min 0sec (5280 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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