EMIC's 9am Sunday Service! 2.21.21

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fireside church eagle mountain international church coming to you from the the revival capital of the world yeah the bvov studio is so wonderful to be here it is this what a week oh my goodness they knew we'd be back here again this week no i i enjoyed last week though i had a great time doing this i know i did too this by the way is my pioneer woman yes oh pioneer woman strong teeth our windows nobody knows what that means you know i wish i wish that the folks well maybe not could have seen us this week and especially you you are really something wow pioneer strong woman well maybe in a little bit we'll show some pictures well we could but but i also helped out too i i was getting water out of the pool breaking through the ice yes all that to say what a week this has been and we're so thrilled that you are with us today we're going to be encouraged in the word share some things with you and we're going to worship the lord too yeah you know i know we have an audience that that really spans the globe and but i bet everybody has heard about uh what's going on here in texas now of course our the whole united states just about got an arctic punch it was funny i got a a text today from my friend brownie bounds who lives uh up near the tree line in canada and she's but from texas and she said wow you guys weren't ready for it she said now sunday here it was 56 below zero wind chill but you know we can handle it so she said we don't like it though but it was tough here we got down to zero below zero i think george so you probably have heard the news all around what all was going on here and it really was severe it was very severe situation we had a lot of people in tough situations so we're very thankful though we're thankful to the lord we're thankful for the great things that he did and i'm really thankful for our emic congregation i tell you they they jumped on it they were so demonstrating the love of god they called people we had something like 400 phone calls to congregation members they felt were at risk we we had guys come out here and super cold day and chopped firewood split firewood and the three i think it was three pickup loads and a flatbed that's a lot of firewood and went all over the metroplex area delivering firewood and water we had volunteer teams that were taking food and supplies to people that couldn't get out we had shuttle services for people that needed to get out but were concerned about driving we had families many of them without power without water and so we helped them find places to go especially some of our kcbc students maybe the whole apartment complex was down so emic really came through and we thank god for the love in action but then our kcm staff our our teams here if you were watching the victory channel wasn't it amazing that we never went off the air our facilities we lost power here to the the whole campus we lost water we lost a lot of things here on campus and our maintenance team was out here they were in that near zero below zero weather with blow torches trying to keep pipes from freezing to our major heating units and our cooling towers and so forth and so some of that worked we were able to couldn't get to everything and we'll tell you a little bit more about what happened but i'm telling you now that those teams were amazing and then our network crew boy they found a way to keep the news on the air they had had a plan that if power went down here on campus which it did but then everybody lost power at their homes except pastor gene bailey and so they did the news from his house yeah and if we had a few reporters in other states i think that were actually able to to broadcast from their home so you know we we were there so our cleanup crews our maintenance teams just so much so many people so faithful and so diligent and there would have been a lot more people ready to help if there was something they could have done so we had a lot of people checking on us people checking on each other it was really something we were a church we were a are a church of an attack of the devil so so we're going to worship the lord i think it's a great time to thank god for it thank you for joining us this week we took some hard hits here at kcm and emic but i like what mark hankins would say about this very profound you know what he would say what would he say so you and i did one of those yeah we did i think it was maybe today earlier today something happened around the house and we just ah because you know we didn't have power until today and we still didn't have water by the we were coming to the studio so we were camping out pretty pretty seriously ourselves you know some of the house was freezing or below but we we made it we'll tell you more about that but i'm telling you being able to just thank god and worship him with a ha ha in your heart and maybe you're still in a tough situation and maybe it doesn't have anything to do with the weather but god is god his word's the the same he doesn't change and so together we can have a global ha-ha-ha and then we can worship god for his goodness let's pray over this service and father in the name of jesus we do glorify you thank you for taking care of your people and lord we thank you for the manifestation of your glory right now the outpouring of the holy spirit the manifestation of everything that your people need we praise you for it we worship you and lord we just lift our hands to you right now we glorify you and and if you're together with a family just gather together right now and see yourself close your eyes and see yourself in church with all of the other congregation members worshiping glorifying and thanking god for all that he's doing in our lives in jesus name we pray amen amen let's worship the lord [Music] i count on one thing the same god that never fails will not fail me now you won't fail me now in the waiting room [Music] [Music] lowest is yes i will bless your name yes i will sing for joy when my heart is [Music] [Music] i count on one thing and the same god who never fails will not fail me [Music] [Music] he's [Music] yes i will bless your name [Music] [Music] oh yes i [Music] to glorify glorify the name of our names that nothing can stand against [Music] [Applause] [Music] names [Music] [Music] glorified [Music] yes i will bless your name [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yes i will [Music] oh yes thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you other name lord jesus oh there's no other name but jesus oh the sweetness of your name jesus oh the presence that comes with your name when we say the name of jesus oh jesus jesus jesus [Music] lord jesus jesus jesus oh my jesus [Music] most high hidden glory in creation now revealed in what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ you're my king what a beautiful name it is and nothing can stand against what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus [Music] you didn't want heaven without us so jesus you brought heaven down sin was great but true love was greater and what could us know what a wonderful name it is what a wonderful name it is the name of jesus christ my king what a wonderful name it can is against what a wonderful name it is the name of jesus what a wonderful name it is [Music] you silence the post of sin and grave and now the heavens are roaring in the praise of your glory for you you silence the most and now the heavens are roaring and the praise of your lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what a powerful name it is the name of jesus christ my [Music] [Music] it is what a powerful name it is what a powerful name is the name of and jesus a powerful name it is nothing can stand against what a powerful name it is the name of jesus what a powerful name is the name of jesus what a powerful name it is the name of jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] cause yours is the kingdom and yours is forever [Music] [Music] what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus jesus oh my jesus [Music] oh thank you father thank you jesus thank you jesus we glorify you and praise you lord lord us thank you you're so sweet thank you thank you for your goodness in jesus name glory to god you know pastor i have a sense that there are people right now perhaps that are near your breaking point and honestly i i get that you know five days without power or water and cold and and you know we could laugh about it now but the pressure builds and then there are other situations people in the congregation and close friends and family that that had hard hard spots so i understand but listen said my peace i leave with you my peace i give to you and you know a lot of people think about peace they think about peace like that it's the after effect of peace and the after effect of peace is calm and and nice but peace itself is so aggressive think about it a storm so violent that seasoned fishermen in a boat fearing for their lives in a storm that looked like there was no way out of [Music] and jesus said peace be still and the peace that he released when he said that word was so authoritative so so intense and so strong that it superseded the storm that was swirling around them it took hold of the atmosphere it took hold of the situation slammed that thing into a halt [Music] and they said my god my god even the wind and the seas obey him [Music] but the wind in those than the seas what they actually obeyed was the peace of god yeah jesus released that peace but the peace got a grip on that storm so i speak peace to you thank you jesus some of you may have been thinking i can't wait till they pray at the end that god is now jesus is now and that precious place that the musicians brought us to yes thank you jesus there's no other name like that name no other name like that name and it's fearsome yeah it's fearsome in the face of a storm hallelujah amen amen praise god praise god oh thank you jesus for the peace of god that passes all understanding we glorify you for it in jesus name thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord terry it's been very interesting going through this week with you oh uh we have really been a team with each other we've worked we've worked it we've worked together we've worked it and worked and it was work it was and you know in anything like this we have to stay in faith and what i noticed was about about myself i would monitor myself because we lost power it was in the early hours of monday morning and we didn't get power back until early this morning so this was a week long that we were thinking every day it was going to be today today today and it kept moving on and i as the week was progressing i could tell i don't know if you could tell i could tell that i was monitoring myself and i could just tell i was why don't you go to one of those cold rooms out there well what really really what really got to me though was the the evening that i got out in our little neighborhood and our neighborhood's pretty small and i got out and i drove around and everybody else had lights except us oh and and the neighbor the neighbor next door there were what four houses there but the other houses were nobody was in them i kept driving i kept driving around the neighborhood and it reminded me terry of when we were getting ready to give our that house that we had left the house one night and i'm driving around the neighborhood looking for a house to live in because i'm thinking to myself if i don't find a house and we give this house we're gonna have to sleep in the car and that was crazy it was just crazy and i found myself that night i was driving around the neighborhood going they've got lights they've got lights they've got lights but you know i'm i'm thankful and what you know one of the things faith says i'm the head not the tail yeah but on the other hand you know what we had it better than some and we had yes that's exactly right we blocked off the living room we put we did look like a third wall country we had blankets all around the windows we sealed off the living in kitchen so we had our fireplace to keep keep the heat in and that that was good some people we talked to people didn't have a fireplace no they didn't and didn't have it didn't have power didn't have water so you know in some ways we were in the lap of luxury so i'm okay that others got theirs got the attention first because we you know and we had faith well i could tell when i was going that direction i just said i got to sit down with my bible and i have to i just got to go to the lord about this because it was really agitating me and you could tell no you did good i did i do you did good okay well i i could i could feel it on the inside but so what i did was i sat down with my bible and the lord immediately impressed a scripture on my heart and i went to it and i want you to open your bibles to the 34th psalm psalm 34 and this scripture just came up in me and the moment it came up in me i just started i took a deep breath okay this is going to be all right this is going to be okay and so the lord took me to this and it was psalm 34 and verse 19. listen to this many are the afflictions of the righteous but the lord delivers him out of them all the word afflictions there is also the word pressure intense pressure and there are pressures that we face there are things that go on in our lives many are the afflictions of the righteous we've got the devil trying to destroy us and to take us out but then he said but the lord delivers him out of them all and i just sat there terry and i just meditated on that and i thought about it over and over and over again just read it the lord delivers him out of them all and i just started thinking about our congregation and i started thinking about the people in fort worth and the people over all over texas and i was thank you lord thank you lord that you deliver them out of them all and we receive that and so as i meditated on that the lord said why don't you just start going through psalm 34. so i started at the top and i just we don't have time to go through everything that i was reading in this but the more i read about this the more that peace came over me and when i got done with that prayer time i was okay i was okay i was even laughing at some things because we had encore was our service for for the electricity and and i i got to know the crews that were coming through multiple crews multiple crews that were coming and they put up a transformer behind our house and then 15 minutes later it blew up it blew up we had power for 15 minutes and so the house shook and we smelled fire oh my goodness i'm telling you and then and then i would there was one night that we'd gotten into bed and i thought to myself i'm going to put my bible out by the in the living room so i want to read it first thing in the morning and so i i got up and i saw a guy this is night time 10 30 there's a guy with a flashlight in my backyard and i looked around and these giant lights were up coming up well it was another one of the trucks i went up there and he looked at me and he said i can't find the transmission the transformer transformer always wanted to fix the transmission but the transformer he couldn't find it i said it's right there it's back in the woods right there and then and then another time i had to get in my car and chase them because they came by our house they parked they looked and they got back in and they left and george is out chasing them in my car and i chased them down and i stopped at him come back come back to my neighborhood i said follow me and i took them to where that transformer was and they went oh it's up there so i'm like this is crazy but the lord really helped turn when i read psalm 34. and it said when you start at the beginning i will bless the lord at all boy that really got me i will bless the lord at all times did you feel corrected oh did i ever oh man i was getting it i was getting it really fast and furious well i would have listened to you right yeah oh so i will bless the lord at all times all times it doesn't matter if it's cold in the house it doesn't matter if there's no water been there at this point still doing it i know still dragging pull water in to flush the toilets that's true so but i'll tell you i'm so thankful we had a pool there were people that were melting snow they were mountains and they were anyway my it says but his praise shall continually be in my mouth praise you lord praise you lord because we know that praise stops and stills the enemy and it brings victory into our lives verse 2 my soul shall make her boast in the lord the humble shall hear thereof and be glad so i had to get glad i didn't matter to me and you know what i did terry i was i don't know if i told you this tonight i didn't tell you this but i was i was thinking well it was something that you and i i think you said that you were thankful for all of the people in the neighborhood who had lights did you say that or was that the lord saying that to me same thing that's true your your wife is the female voice female voice of god so i was thinking about this and i started praying for my neighbor's life thank you lord heavy thank you lord that they have lights even though we're the only two houses in the neighborhood that don't i want to thank you for them because they're in and i know because i was driving around looking in their windows i could see i could see television and i was like oh i want to watch tv can i come in and they were all i saw one one person in the window and they were washing dishes with real water i've been washing dishes with pool water and ice in the top of it well i just i really was i was so thankful to the lord for that and it helped my heart and and then in verse three oh magnify the lord with me let us exalt his name together and i began to exalt the name of the lord i sought the lord and he heard me and he delivered me from all my fears praise god and i saw something i saw something in this scripture when i read that verse he delivered me from in the operative word his all oh all my fears because if you look down at verse 19 where it says many are the pressures of the righteous but the lord delivers him out of them all and i began to think about everything that was going on and and terri and i were on the phone with the office here and the stuff that was going on on the property yeah that's right there were a lot of things a lot of things going on here managing that here having to make decisions about are we going to have church or not there's no heat in the church and so yeah and then all of that and then family situations that which everybody deals with all of that that's going on but many are the pressures of the righteous but the lord delivers him out of them all say this after me in jesus name in jesus name the lord delivers us the lord delivers us out of them all out of them all and he delivers me and he delivers me from all my fears from all my fears um george verse 20 yeah if you're just reading through this it kind of stands out in a different way and verse 20 he keepeth all his bones not one of them is broken and you think why is that in there that's kind of a funny verse to throw in there but that is that points to jesus they couldn't break the bones of the sacrifice jesus had to be the perfect sacrifice so this is prophecy right here about jesus and i like it that that's right there i mean the whole thing because how how thoroughly does the lord deliver you from all as thoroughly as the resurrection oh praise god thoroughly as he delivered jesus that's right thoroughly jesus christ jesus was thoroughly raised he was thoroughly victorious over over demons he was thoroughly victorious over sickness disease the grave hell sin it's really the victory over sin because sin is the the wellspring of all the curse so that scripture right there points to the the all fullness of the resurrection yeah the fullness of the resurrection and he does that same thing for us everything we're believing for everything to be restored in your life in our lives a lot of things have gone on and that restoration process is beginning well i was reading through the scripture and it was really helping my heart and i would recommend that you do that too you look through psalm 34 and let the lord speak to you over it and obey what he's saying here in verse 5 they looked unto him lord i'm looking unto you and we were lightened and their faces were not ashamed this poor man cried or the humble man before the lord cried and the lord heard him and look at this saved him out of all all his troubles all his troubles all his fears uh and all all the pressure and the affliction and i saw a pattern in this he takes care of it all he's taking care of your business he's taking care of your home whatever repairs that need to be done he's taking care of it he's going to handle it and we trust him in it we trust him in this so it delivered them from all of their troubles and then look at this the angel of the lord encamps around about them that fear him and delivers them that day terry that i was chasing after that encore truck i began to speak this out of my spirit i said angels i did one of these in the car angels yeah go get my transformer right now bring it to me now in the name of jesus yeah and you know i think which was it translation george i think it was the passion translation which verse is that um that one verse seven angel of the lord encamps around about that's interesting 34 7 the angel of the lord stooped down to listen as i prayed encircling me empowering me showing me how to escape now in our situation and it it's not that it was a dire but it was important so you're we're trying to get these guys we have been told the transformer blew and we had been told that it was um a fuse they came back and replaced the fuse two minutes later it blew up again i mean it was an explosion okay so then they said well it's an underground wire right it's an underground market and uh but we're going off cruise so we'll send another crew that's the thing they were saying well we're going to have to dig a trench here and dig that up and and you know those tree roots they'll they'll just break those things in like well but we're seeing it's a shift change so the next crew will get it and then we don't hear for a day and so then the next crew came out and the guy said no no no no that's too small that transformer is too small bigger one to get a bigger one we need to put an order in so we wait for a day we call back call them and say oh your case is closed your your your power's back like i don't think so so but my the final the last group that came out god bless them the angel of the lord stood back down and showed us how yes he showed that man that last group that he said no no he he had a he had a peace about him he did there's two guys together he really did a very calm really did he said no we had some issues getting to it he had issues getting around there he said i'm going to find we're going to replace it he made some calls yeah found one they were having a hard time they were running out i guess found it brought it back put it up on the we we didn't know sometime in the night we were asleep sometime in the night the power came back on but i believe this so an angel of the lord showing me how to escape well right honestly it wasn't us that needed to be shown it was mr electricians and he showed him he showed up we finally got a guy that that did and the neighborhood was blessed they ordered it so and and so in verse 8 taste and see that the lord is good taste and see that the lord is good blessed is the man that trusts in him now that really jumped out at me the trust we talk about trusting the lord but do we really do we really trust him and i sat there with my bible and said lord i trust you i trust you in this you're going to work this out in verse 9 oh fear the lord ye his saints oh this is good for there is no want to them that fear him the young lions do lack and suffer hunger but they that seek the lord shall not want any good thing again whatever restoration that needs to be done in your household in your business stand on that scripture right there they that seek the lord shall not want any good thing praise god i was reading on down through this gosh it's just all also good children hearken unto me i'll teach you the fear of the lord then it says in verse 12 what man is he that desires life and loves many days that he may see good and i got this out of the new living translation does anybody want to live a life that is long and prosperous i do i do yeah a life that is long and prosperous verse 13 if you want to live this life of prosperity keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from speaking dial i think we should talk about that just a second okay now a moment yeah speaking evil well of course the obvious don't don't say evil things don't don't catch uh don't let yourself be caught saying uh negative things about other people evil not walking in in love but also speaking uh agitation things um or speaking contrary to what the word says because it all goes back you see how many times he talks about the fear of the lord right and the fear of the lord is is an extreme measure of honor and respect yeah respecting him and understanding he's god he's for you but he's god it's not like you're a father in a house you know you have respect for a father and you don't want to don't want to make him mad you know you don't want to get out of line with him it's a better way to put it but my goodness when other things are going on against you you can count on your father a good father you can count on him to be your defender to be your protector to be your provider to be your help so when you've got that attitude towards god then he says keep your tongue from evil your lips from speaking guile depart from evil do good so it's it's staying in line with him it's really god doesn't speak evil he doesn't speak evil so i know you got agitated at those guys but you know you weren't i never heard you once say one ugly thing i think about the worst i saw you get was why do they have power you know i decided it was because we voted for trump but beside that we i thought that for just a moment i thought they're on the grid and they're because our neighbor voted for trump too anyway you can tell by the street signs yes so it goes on and i'll read quickly through this because we we need to start finishing up but depart from evil do good seek peace pursue it the eyes of the lord are upon the righteous thank you lord and his ears are open to their cry the face of the lord and i wrote down in my bible the new living translation says his ears are open to their cry for help for help he'll give you the help that you need verse 16 the face of the lord is against them that do evil to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth the righteous cry or declare his word and the lord hears and delivers them one translation says rescues them out of all their troubles listen to this the lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart and saves such as be of a contrite spirit again that's a repentant spirit that's one that that stays tender real tender to god and don't do anything that's against the preciousness right of the name and the blood of jesus listen to what the new living translation says of that he rescues those whose spirits are crushed and maybe some of you have felt like your spirit was crushed through this whole thing ordeal or other reasons other other things that are that are going on in your life i was thinking i was listening to mark hankins yesterday just encouraging myself and the lord he was talking about the woman with the issue of blood and he said well you may not have an issue of blood hey that sounds like him but but you probably got issues mark hankins you probably got some issues that you need to have taken care of ha ha that's a pretty good imitation of him yeah yeah so don't do that anymore we have to send him an offer i know so whatever whatever issues listen listen the lord is nigh unto them of a broken heart such as be of a contrite spirit he rescues those whose spirits are crushed many are the afflictions of the righteous but the lord delivers him out of them all he keeps all his bones none of them is broken evil shall slay the wicked and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate the lord redeems the soul of his servants and listen to this none of them that trust in him shall be desolate here's the different definition of desolate devoid of warmth oh wow comfort or hope empty without hope the feeling of abandonment and you are not abandoned you are not without hope you are not without god you have everything that you absolutely need to ride the wave of the glory over this thing and we are coming out on top both terry and i personally in our own household and right here at kenneth copeland ministries you want to tell them about that you want to talk about the events here yep okay let's see what did i do with all my my notes so you know a lot of you may not actually realize that we have quite a campus here and uh back in 1970 brother copeland my dad he was actually in flight over the property didn't even realize you know thinking about that and he heard a voice that said coming to you from the revival capital of the world so where's the revival capital of the world he didn't know but then about three years later someone said i want to take you and show you some property north of fort worth so he came out here the moment he stepped on this property he heard the voice of the lord that same voice that said this is the revival capital of the world and you are going to build it and then the lord showed him a tremendous property advancement of of um ministry every day and headquarters building in a hotel and a lot of other a lot of other things so we started building on that and the lord really caused us to revisit that a few months back your dad's calling me it's my dad calling and telling him we're on tv right now oh oh he just left me i think we should wait a minute are you serious i'm serious okay i think it's great that he calls yeah well you better tell him right off what you're doing anyway revival capital of the world brother copeland we're on television what are you doing about tv well we're doing it right now we're actually taping right now you're on the air you're on the air glory to god well hey we've been encouraging the people kenneth about overcoming and walking in faith and and he delivers us from all our troubles you got a quick word for us here well i do tell me tell me by the power of god let's overcome that's overcome i'll tell you what let's overcome rebuild ex expand and will those pops those pipes swelled up and popped well we're gonna swell up and pop all over the world god hallelujah well terry was just starting to tell the folks about what has happened on the property and uh what we're about to do with our offering today so uh you called right at the i mean right at the right time well i just had this urgency in my spirit to call and see about church well so nice of you to join us praise god welcome to um hallelujah well the whole world knows by now we got cold in texas parade yeah we sure did we should hey hey we're texans we don't ever quit that's right that's right we just get back in the saddle and go for it again hallelujah praise god well thank you brother copeland for calling us you're live right now on our broadcast amen that's wonderful well thank you sir thank you we thank you for the resilience of of this church and the people of this church we thank you for the power of the living god that's more than enough and i remember in the 91st psalm he that dwells in the secret place of the most high the most high god the most high god shall dwell under the shadow of almighty praise god that word almighty there is shaddai yes in the in the 91st psalm we are dwelling in the in the shadow of shaddai the most high god the all-sufficient god the more than enough god he has more than enough equipment he has more than enough power he has more than enough his will is for us to prosper and be well and stand strong in his word thank you jesus we're people of faith we're people of god and we count it all joy praise god to be re-equipped and re re-gather and regroup and be like david of old restore all yes recover recover all right the name of the most high god and his name is jesus praise god we belong to him yes we belong to you lord you're our refuge and you're our fortress you're our god and in you we do trust and surely you shall deliver us praise god in the name hallelujah amen amen amen all right thank you for joining us brother copeland talk to you later okay bye-bye bye you just never know do you so i'm glad he said that george he was inspiring us to i think before we go off into the property information and back up just a little bit yeah it is time let's do pray you you the bible says guard up the the your loins with truth that that you know that's this this core part that just says i'm not going to quit i'm not going to quit trusting god i'm not going to quit walking this out god is faithful he will supply he's going to make it i'm going to make it because he's here he's in me oh but you just don't know what all happened to me no i don't but he does he knows everything and i it doesn't matter even though the things you have encountered maybe maybe you maybe you've had coven through all this i know some who have i know some who've had family members in the hospital with covet i know some who had somebody pass away right through the middle of all this but jesus is lord his grace is sufficient and if you will engage your faith in trusting in him he'll bring you out and you'll look back on it and thank god say i am tougher now my grandmother used to say you just got to be tougher nails you just got to be tougher nails and he hid it in tongues honey just say that he hit it in tongues and so we did yeah we did so lord we agree with brother copeland yes right we are not quitters we don't give up we don't back up we trust you thank you father and we're looking to you over all things on this campus in jesus name we agree together thank you for the people amen praise god so now let me get back to telling you a little bit so a revival capital world which the lord told dad back then that you need to be self-sufficient on this property well now we're understanding more and more why we do we have been blessed to the lord we have gas on this property there's such a huge stream of gas provision in the from this part of texas you know extends miles and miles and miles natural gas we have some here we've used that gas to power our power plant that we've had we've had a good sized power plant to power the property we have a water treatment now this facility was built in the 1940s as a air airfield army airfield training so there were a lot of things here we had airport here a lot of those things have become started to degenerate significantly but like the airfield and so forth but this storm really wow it we took some hard hits so in our headquarters building it's three fours and half the building on all three floors had flooding so we had pipes bursts we had i mean just waterfalls the sprinkler herds yeah they just burst open the pipes burst and it flooded the top the top floor of the second and down to the bottom floor but praise god only half the building not the other half it affected our major cooling tower which circulates heat through the building so there's no heat there same thing for the sanctuary that building that's why we're here today and not in the sanctuary no heat and no water okay so our water treatment was affected it's operational but minimally we brought a pallet of water for the crew today so we've been distributing water and taking water out so we had that we had pumps break on the gas wells on the and and just come apart due to the the water that was inside those pumps froze so hard and expanded they just blew apart literally it's amazing so pipes and pumps on the gas and on the water the cooling tower uh the diesel engines diesel engine yup all kinds of things of mechanical some one of the pieces of equipment that was affected pastor george it's 18 feet by 18 feet by 20 feet so we're not talking just you know like a little thing in your backyard massive pieces of equipment that were affected and then we're very thankful a lot of our buildings uh took no damage maybe had no power or no heat but took no damage or was very minimal some of the some of the it's our crews before they were on the property so fast fast as they could could physically get here actually were standing in buildings evaluating when the pipes burst so they knew immediately so it happened explode yeah so we've had that happen praise god and they were immediately able to fix it and or shut it down to where so we've had miraculous things happen but through all of this we didn't stop we didn't quit we're not going to here is the the time right now this was the word the lord gave us that was of course the lord told dad going into this year this is a year of divine prosperity divine healing divine health right but the divine prosperity divine recovery recovery so divine prosperity leads to divine recovery so this was the word the lord gave us for this repair what you can repair but replace what you should replace now when you replace things in god you never it never he doesn't replace things the way it was it's always better he never comes to an end of how much better he can make it right yeah but then there are other things we need to work towards expansion we don't ever want to be caught where then we're scrambling to keep the network on the air we don't want to be caught where we're we're you know we're just young network we're building things but it's time it's time to repair things but replace and replace it bigger replace it better and then expand expand it expand the equipment expand your outreach expand the possibilities and of course in as you're in media whether it's in the church building or in the network as we're in the studio here uh expansion always begins with technology and equipment it's just what the nature of it so this offering today for the next two weeks and before you say that i just i want to mention that we had to evacuate our headquarters building everybody's out of the building they moved us out of the building we're now in the partner service center as we go back to work on monday um and and so there's a there's a lot that's going on here that that our our team we are so thankful for maintenance we're so thankful for team i.t the network team all of the goats and then all these departments that have been displaced we're moving computers we're finding office space we're doing everything we can to to get to them a place where they can work and then we of course through all of this one of the things that has happened in 2020 is we did learn how to work from home a lot of people so we'll do that where we have to right we had no mail this week no mail delivered no mail could be opened and so you know we've got a lot of work to do to catch up on to open up to answer prayer requests and you may have noticed last week we told you to call the prayer line what i didn't realize at the moment was nobody was there it was there because they couldn't get in by the time the broadcast was on it we couldn't get people to and that we were already suffering under the brunt of this storm so everything we're doing today we are sowing towards divine prosperity which leads to divine recovery so it's all going into repair replace the whole offering and expand all of it the whole offering for today is going for that purpose to to get us not only back up on our feet and but to expand and to do what god has called us to do you were so wonderful you know i put a post out yesterday we did and so ministers our minister friends have been calling you said this is like jimmy stewart and it's a wonderful wonderful george bailey george when all the the neighbors brought yeah george pearson we've had minister after minister calling broadcaster from the network we're praying for you yeah and so and really you think about it of course we've said this before but when you support victory channel or you support emic you support kcm it's 30 other ministries that we partner with yes we're getting the word out and we're boy so we're slicing this message 30 different ways right now and supporting them and keeping their their programming not just on the air but in an upgraded fashion and greater outlets and and different ways so as you sow then you remember this what what do you need to repair yeah what do you need to replace well now we have things at our house we had some broken pipes and such as that but i know some people wow a lot more than a pipe major damage major so repair replace expand and it's all about the kingdom of god put first the kingdom of god we get the word out first but then we also have our personal callings our personal missions sure so that's important too your personal mission is important now if you're part of this church congregation or a partner with the ministry or a viewer for the victory channel then you're hooked up with us here and that's part of your personal calling it's not all of it but it's part so we're hooking up together now one of the things we got really excited about this i want to share this part so about three days ago we're getting these phone calls this is broke and the water's flowing and this is frozen and and you know that they're having to tell us and but george this excitement just dropped in me i got just right right in here so excited i just saw these wild doors of opportunity opening up we're going to have bigger we're going to have better we're going to be stronger we're not putting old stuff back we're putting in the newer the best the best power generators that are available that create more energy for less money praise god we're doing it we're building the revival capital we're providing a place we had to postpone miracles on the mountain this week i don't like that but we didn't have the facility no power no water you know we just so bless the lord we will have generators and we'll have back up and we won't be depending even in part on outside help and whatever else happens we are going to be better prepared to help a lot of people i like what you said because i have this the things that you wrote here um kenneth and gloria terry and i are actually very excited all of us truly believe we are positioned at the golden gate bridge of opportunity i thought that was so it is i saw it it's like we're at this bridge but it's a golden bridge it's a brit and the bible talks about the first time it uses the word glory it's referring to gold gold is uh symbolic of heaven's provision it's not about just why why gold because gold gold is a standard no matter what it becomes worth in dollars it's always worth the same it's the same it'll still buy the same thing it's the heavens standard so this golden gate but then oh no no not a golden gate it's a glory a glory gate i thought that's so good glory gate glory bridge bridge of opportunity and we're crossing it now we are always thinking about our partners we're always thinking about our viewers we're always thinking about our friends we're always thinking about our staff all the time all the time all the time that's our personal calling to think about you pray about you i could see us just holding you know we're all in in the heart of god and he can supernaturally do that i could just see us holding you all of you just holding you and we are walking together across that bridge and we are stepping into the newness of life amen we're stepping into new stuff but greater than that i like stuff i like good new great stuff but there's something greater than that we are stepping into what the stuff is for right what's the purpose of this stuff what's the purpose of it what's the big deal to have stuff the stuff has purpose and the purpose is the outpouring the purpose is the awakening the purpose is the revival capital of the world the purpose is ministering to people the purpose is expanding the church the purpose is expanding the network the purpose is is reaching out with more more ways that we haven't even thought of yet but sometimes you can't even think about new things when you're busy trying to just manage and keep up the whole so all that to say that's what the lord put on our heart for our congregation to be a part of this uh we need to get the the building the sanctuary building back up and running again uh so that we can have church with each other but also that this the lord spoke to us this offering in its entirety needed to go towards this this project of replace re repair replace and enlarge yes enlarge and expand and so one last thing i wanted to mention before we receive our offering i like this phrase that you had and i don't know if this was yours or not but unprecedent we have unprecedented grace for unprecedented times yep i saw that you know all this trusting in the lord if you go through psalm 34 again you'll see it says over and over in him in him in him well we are in him and that in him is the work of his great grace yes his great grace his great provision here's here's the way i see grace there are a lot of different definitions of it and they're all right you could never come to an end in defining grace but listen to this grace is god's willingness to give you his power for you to be what he wants you to be amen to do what he wants you to do and to have what he wants you to have that applies to you individually it applies to you and your family it applies to you in your connections in your church you know you're as much called to your church you might see if you're a part of that you're as much called to be part of that as we are you're as responsible for your part as we are your grace and the and but god will supply abundantly so i george you and i haven't really fully talked about it yet but well i want to sew a breath i want to sew a big seat i'm thinking a big one i i you didn't know but i i teared up yesterday because i was talking to chaplain downing on the phone and he said he said to me that he said we're going to send you a check and then you had another couple yes that you were texting back and forth that we're going to send you a check and then another one and another one and that's when i all of a sudden it was like a wave that came over me that the bill bill winston is another one the kunam is another one billy burke is another one he was he's trying to call me today i had several things going on trying to get the water on in our house and and think about this and billy burke is trying to call me and i said i will call you back trying to get water fixed and he said i just want to know if you're up and able to take gifts online so i checked on it he wanted to get that seat how to get it in the ground got to get it in the ground it came like a wave over me that that scene from it's a wonderful life yeah that's right when george bailey was just at the most destitute point and we're not at that destination no no but in faith it was the re the rallying of the families and the friends that came and brought and was dumping that money on the table i saw that image i saw that same image when we've done the victorython yeah that they're gathering around kenneth and gloria in this ministry to help get that word out there because here's the beautiful thing about that even in that movie george they brought all those funds in to help him one because he had helped all of them yes they had yeah they wanted to help save that that that savings and loan it was actually an investment for themselves so that it could continue exactly to help help them that's what it yeah and that's what all these ministers have done is they've sewn into this you know billy burke sees the revival capital of the world he sees it he calls us about it all the time it's he calls it he said it's revival it's it's just the lord shows him visions about it he wanted to get a seed he wanted to get us this as fast as he could he told us he told us a few weeks ago when he called us he said he said this is revival island i can see it we're headed for revival island so as we prepare our seeds for this amazing project i just wanted to read this scripture to you and remind you in second corinthians 9 6 this i say he which so sparingly shall reap of milo and lefevre okay he which so sparingly should have gotten him on the program too shall reap sparingly he which sows bountifully shall reap also bountifully every man according as he purposes in his heart so let him give not grudgingly or of necessity for god loves a cheerful giver and here is the result of that guys come on over and and let's get ready to to worship um god and i'll read this to you verse 8 from the amplified translation god is able to make all grace every favor earthly blessing come to you so that you may always and under all circumstances no matter what's going on all circumstances there's that word all again all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient we need to stand on that one self-sufficient possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work in charitable donation the lord put it into my heart that we as a church need to sow towards this the entire the entire offering of this going into that for this purpose and to see to it that kenneth copeland ministries is moving full speed ahead and that we are enlarging and we are we are reaching out for every available voice so isaiah 54 yes two enlarge the place there you go of your tent let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out spare knot lengthen your cords strengthen your stakes see that strengthen that's infrastructure strengthen your infrastructure it's important for you will spread abroad to the right hand to the left and your offspring will possess the nations and make the desolate cities to be inhabited fear not for you shall not be ashamed neither be confounded or confused or depressed for you shall not be put to shame you shall forget the shame of your youth so what's he saying you're not going to be ashamed moving forward and if you're ashamed of something in the past that's not going to stick to you nothing is going your past is not going to stop your future amen this storm's not going to stop that's right our network that's right this is not going to stop our building it's not going to stop our church service here we are heaven church having churches but we will get back in this building you shall not be put to shame you'll forget the shame of your youth you'll not be you'll not remember the reproach of your widowhood for your maker is your husband the lord of hosts is his name why the lord of hosts the lord of angel armies he's got angels at work he will see to you is the lord being your husband what's that mean it means the total he's carrying the weight of the provision you just have to work with him get in on his plan get on his system sow that seed bless the lord i want to hear i want to hear your testimonies i want to hear your testimonies how you made it through the storm i want to hear the funny things don't write me pages and pages we don't have time read all that but give me a little short paragraph tell me the great stuff you did but also the things the way the lord has come through for you and then we're going to hear testimonies over this next period of time pastor this money that's coming in we're looking at millions of dollars here but that is that's not very much in the kingdom this seed that we're sowing today uh rebuild repair restore this seed is going towards that and here's the scripture that we're standing on there are things that we need to get done at our house i know there's probably some things that you need to get done as well even if you're in some other nation watching this stuff that needs to be repaired and and restored and expanded here's the scripture genesis chapter 1 and verse 28 this is what god said this is the blessing this is the blessing that god spoke over mankind the very first words that mankind ever heard the blessing of the lord and this blessing is on us now in christ jesus so god blessed them and said to them be fruitful multiply replenish the earth and abs and subdue it now that word replenish if it i wrote this down this was jerry savelle preached about this one time if it gets out of line put it back keep it under subjection and the amplified bible says using all of its vast resources in the service of god and man using the resources of this earth for the service of god and man so it's time to replenish it's time to get back stronger than ever before so those of you that want to participate in this emic.org amic.org give and then the text to give information is up there on the screen for you and we're excited we're excited about what the lord is going to be doing in your life as a result of this seed so father we pray over this seed right now and it is a lord jesus it is a burden breaking seed in the name of jesus restoration is taking place repair is taking place rebuilding is taking place and expansion enlarging it's taking place right now in the name of jesus jesus now while you're you do that we're going to have a wonderful song of victory but when we come back pastor let's pray over their health and their healing let's pray over that i know some people are still dealing with some nasty stuff out there right so we can do that and we'll also show the announcements because i forgot to okay bye golly i'm gonna see your victory i'm gonna see your victory for the battle belongs to you lord and i'm gonna see a victory i'm gonna see my victory for the battle [Music] belongs to you lord you take what the enemy meant for evil and you turn it forward you turn it for good yes you do you take what the enemy meant for evil and you turn it forward you turn it for good [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and you turn [Music] i already see my victory [Music] already to you lord i already see my victory [Music] already see my victory for the battle belongs to you lord [Music] praise god it is time to pray right now we are going to i'm going to read psalm 103 to you 20 21 is the year of divine healing divine health divine prosperity divine recovery it's time to recover whatever it is that's going on it's time to recover bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name bless the lord o my soul and forget not all of his benefits one of the words for benefits is treatments god's treatments who forgives all your iniquities who heals all your diseases who redeems your life from destruction who crowns thee with loving kindness and tender mercies who satisfies our mouths with good things so that our youth is renewed like the eagles let's pray the prayer of faith amen over them terry i want to what she was saying in that song i already see my victories i see it see it i don't see it i don't see it what do you do go look at it right here's where you see it here's the picture of it the bible says that we look into this like a mirror and if you'll keep looking in it looking in it looking in it you'll see yourself he was reviled and insulted insulted but he didn't revile back abused and suffered but he didn't make threats of a vengeance he trusted himself and everything to him who judges fairly he personally bore our sins in his own body on that tree that we might die to sin live to righteousness by his wounds you were healed that's spirit and soul he bore our sins to cleanse your spirit for righteousness and by his stripes your body is healed you were going astray like sheep but now you've come back to the shepherd and bishop of your soul that is spirit soul and body that is spirit mind emotions body see your victory see yourself well see yourself healed see yourself free shackles thrown off in jesus name say say this with me i do see my victory lord i do see my victory lord cause i'm looking at you because i'm looking at you jesus you are my victory jesus you are my victim you are my champion you are my champion you're my healer you're my healer you're my you're my peace you're my peace you're my strength you're my strength you're my righteousness you're my righteous you're my boldness you're my boldness you're my confidence you're my confidence you're my friend you're my friend you're my help you're my help you are my savior you are my savior and i trust you and i trust you i look to you i look to you i live for you i live for you i roll all the care on you i roll all the care on you i roll all the sickness on you i roll all the sickness on you and i take your life and i take your life i take your healing i take your healing i take your wellness i take your weight for my mind for my mind for my body for my body for my my family for my family for my situations for my situations i thank you lord i thank you lord and if you've never made jesus the lord of your life thank you then say this i take you as my lord i take you as my lord be my savior jesus be my savior i give you my life i give you my life amen amen amen amen amen and i believe today you should be able to call that phone number and let somebody pray with you praise the lord praise god praise god well before we go we're going to take you to our video announcements there are great things that are happening this week at eagle mountain international church are they updated huh are they updated well i don't know are they updated yes they are okay okay i don't want to tell them to if our building's not open just check it so like i was saying we've got announcements for you you know when when the world comes to a halt faith never stops nope let's take a look at what's going on at emic have you wanted to begin reading the bible but don't know where to start the bridge dfw is excited to announce our 2021 reading plan and devotional series we will be reading the bible one chapter at a time together we have daily videos with different speakers including pastor steven shelton charity shelton pastor john jester aubry oaks and more download the bridge dfw app or follow us on instagram to listen to an encouraging message each day come home to faith come home to family come home to the bridge calling all 6th through 12th grade students get ready for 1440 spring retreat 2021 kingdom culture sunday march 14th through wednesday march 17th let's be a generation that builds a kingdom culture that cannot be shaken forest glen camp in huntsville texas sunday march 14th through wednesday march 17th for more information and to register visit emic.org spring retreat miracles on the mountain is postponed due to weather-related facility damage on our property and we will be setting new dates for the event soon check back at emic.org and kcm.org for updates [Music] already seen my victory [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] you turn it [Music] right [Music] i already [Music] [Applause] [Music] i already see my factory [Music] i take my victory i'll take my victory [Music] i take my victory [Music] i take my [Music] come on give god praise everybody we're so thankful thank you guys this is so wonderful to stand up here we do see victory did you have a victory david yes absolutely did you but absolutely well i i don't want to make anybody feel bad but i never lost power and i never lost water and i never was without heat praise god [Music] without water and we all survived and three little girls [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] we didn't have power in that water we good in-laws that's awesome praise god well pastor jerry are we ready to wrap this one up i guess that we are they're giving us you got it 15 more seconds praise god we see i see the victory i see the victory in your life see it with the eye of faith keep your faith focused on god's word and you will see it manifested remember this god loves you we love you and all together jesus is lord hallelujah praise god glory to god [Music] the local church that's the most powerful thing on the face of the earth 2021
Channel: Eagle Mountain International Church
Views: 4,471
Rating: 4.9306359 out of 5
Id: XInEOFgXixg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 4sec (5284 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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