Elite Doctor Friend Mocked Me When They Didn't Know Who I Was at Hospital

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one day at the hospital where I am employed I unexpectedly crossed paths with Jessica a friend of my mom with a surprise tone she questioned my presence stating that I seemed completely out of place she warned me that if I came seeking a job I wouldn't find one instructing me to go back home Jessica's unexpected comment left the surrounding doctors in a state of Frozen uncertainty I couldn't fathom what she was implying hoping it wouldn't escalate into a ser ious matter that might already be too late to rectify it appeared Jessica hadn't grasped that making an enemy out of me wasn't wise however silence was no longer an option addressing Jessica directly I couldn't help but wonder if she was fearless or simply clueless with a perplexed look as if she didn't comprehend the meaning at all she responded ha what are you talking about let me introduce myself I am Emily a 35-year-old mother with an active 7-year-old daughter and a mischievous one-year-old son my husband John is 2 years younger than me and works diligently as a nurse at the General Hospital caring for patients I had a job too but after the birth of our second son I am currently enjoying maternity leave our family recently moved from a cramped two-bedroom apartment to a secondhand house bought with a loan despite its age the house has a Charming appeal with a spacious Garden for the kids and a soothing view from the rooftop balcony there's also a lush park nearby where our family spends weekends turning it into our weekend Paradise the story of Jessica and me began when our daughters of the same age started playing together in the park Jessica a surgeon at the same hospital where John Works wore designer clothes and her daughter FIB suit in renowned Brands excited by the co coincidence she expressed a desire to meet my husband leading to a planned tea gathering at our house however upon Jessica's arrival she displayed blatant rudeness appraising our belongings and questioning the history of our house her impertinent remarks continued during tea questioning Jon's choice of being a nurse and suggesting Financial instability each word cut deep leaving us at a loss for words after she left I apologized sincerely to John for the uncomfortable experience concerned I contemplated keeping some distance from Jessica in the future John reassured me with a warm smile suggesting that while it's good to make connections with neighborhood moms it might be best not to get too involved with Jessica As Time passed our family experienced new changes after giving birth to our Second Son and celebrating his first birthday I contemplated returning to work with Jon's parents providing support with the kids I found myself with some spare time at the hospital where my husband works enjoying a hot coffee at the hospital Cafe I'd heard a familiar voice from behind it was Jessica oh my isn't that Emily it's been such a long time hello Jessica how have you been good what brings you here today are you here to see John I inquired yes just some errands maybe a job interview or something it must be tough on Just John's income right her words dripped with sarcasm and she grinned smugly wanting to avoid a Troublesome conversation I responded lightly well something like that however Jessica continued probing with a searching gaze this hospital has various stores right so where are you working part-time at the convenience store or maybe the restaurant after a brief silence I curtly replied sorry it's about time for my appointment I left the Cave quickly moving swiftly through the hospital I took the elevator to the top floor heading to the director's office for an important job consultation after about an hour of discussion I made my way to the large Auditorium of the university for my next appointment there was an important announcement from the director scheduled that afternoon with all the hospital staff gathered on the way to the auditorium I ran into John oh John that's great after the director's talk let's go for lunch together I suggested sounds good it's a bit of a walk but how about pasta he offered with a smile the pasta place behind the hospital sounds good I haven't been there in a long time I'm actually looking forward to it I agree happily lunch with my husband at the hospital was a rare treat in the hallway to the auditorium I ran to several doctors engaging in brief conversations while exchanging greetings John moved ahead quickly and I followed at a leisurely Pace toward the passageway leading to the auditorium along the way I happened to meet some colleague doctors Emily it's really been a while and I heard you had a child congratulations from the bottom of my heart warm words of congratulations were exchanged another doctor joined in Emily you were such a big help here we've been in quite a stir since you left he said with a laugh hinting at the struggles then another one asked with interest is your return imminent despite such inquiries the reunion was comforting filled with Nostalgia and relief to see my colleagues well but the atmosphere quickly changed Jessica suddenly appeared and asked curiously Emily why are you here are you heading to the auditorium by any chance yes that's right I have some business I responded modestly yet clearly due to the presence of several colleagues but Jessica's questions only grew but the Gathering is only for doctors and nurses right why would a part-timer be here she asked not hiding her skepticism her remark brought silence to the corridor a silence that seemed indicative a part-time lady like her a doctor muttered is she okay I wonder not doctor murmured worriedly not wanting to be involved in unnecessary commotion I tried to weather Jessica's words however it seemed to only incite Jessica why are you ignoring me it's like you don't think at all Jessica exclaimed with a sneer lost your way the auditorium isn't this way if you're looking for part-time work go the other direction now please leave she commanded looking down on me the doctors present were appalled by just I's Behavior but sympathetically they began to Stand By Me attempting to diffuse the situation the surrounding doctors raised their voices in unison against Jessica disappointment and anger were evident on their faces and their voices contained a strong sense of rejection toward Jessica's actions hold on you what kind of way is that to speak to Emily don't you have any manners apologize to her right now they demanded not just disapproving but reproaching Jessica's conduct the doctors gathered looking tense and confronted Jessica the atmosphere charged with tension Jessica faced with the united front against her appeared confused and at a loss for words um what's going on I just pointed out that she doesn't belong here the meeting is only for Relevant personnel and she doesn't fit the bill right she tried to justify her stance but my patience had reached its limit with a composed tone but with content sharp as a blade I addressed Jessica Jessica you really are brave aren't you or is it that you simply can't read the room I critiqued calmly unable to find a rebuttal she stared back at me perplexed huh what' you just say I calmly made my position clear you'll understand soon enough the actions you took against me and your careless remarks the serious consequences they could bring the doctor's presence showed no sympathy for Jessica look your future is now utterly uncertain they said cuttingly you might want to start looking for another job while you still can they nodded earnestly to each other clearly cornered Jessica was still unable to hide her panic and anger so why on Earth are all of you defending this non-regular employee so much I don't understand why you rate her so highly she raised her voice the conversation among the doctors echoed in the hallway are you the new Surgical Specialist one doctor inquired so that's why you don't know Emily that's quite pitiful while another added Jessica with anger on her face and indignation in her tone retorted can you explain what you mean by that her anger stemmed from the belief that judging people by their professional standing regardless of their duties as a doctor was against human dignity the fact that someone with such values was in our workplace was deeply shocking to me and I couldn't help but feel distrustful Jessica seemed unaware but in fact I was the very person she should respect the most the other doctors completely ignored Jessica's questions and left her with cold stares quietly leaving the scene then I stated calmly well Jessica we can talk more about this later you may find my husband position as a nurse pity B but no matter how hard you try you can never be like John besides the fact that you find meaning in competing shows a great misunderstanding on your part Jessica became flustered wait a minute who on Earth are you you're not just a part-timer are you she raised her voice I smiled secretly and replied as I've already said you'll come to understand shortly and with that I hurried off toward the auditorium as I entered the auditor Orum a large number of doctors had already gathered and the director stood in front of the screen thank you all for Gathering here during your busy schedules today I would like to discuss the future direction of our hospital he began and then proceeded to make an important announcement seeing JN in the crowd he approached me and whispered Emily good timing I happened to overhear a bit earlier was there some trouble with Jessica yes she did point out something minor but it's not a big deal I replied interestingly it seems she has misunderstood me for a part-time worker at this hospital I replied John looked incredulous and responded no way Emily as a part-timer we couldn't help but suppress our laughter at the absurdity of the situation amidst this the director concluded the explanation of the annual business plan and moved on to a significant Personnel announcement as you all know our hospital is well staffed with an adequate number of doctors and nurses to further improve the quality of our Medical Services we plan to actively Implement overseas training programs the first training is scheduled in two months and we will select five doctors and five nurses for it he declared this announcement was met with cheers from the attending doctors and everyone was excited about the prospect overseas training meant an excellent opportunity to learn about the latest medical practices in the world since it was the hospital's first initiative of its kind since its establishment everyone's eyes sparkled with the news the director continued solemnly yet with an undertone of expectation now let's proceed with announcing the names of the rest who have been selected as he spoke a Silence of mixed tension and anticipation fell and the names of the chosen 10 were called out one by one although Jon's name was not called this time his expression did not show disappointment he quietly watched with a sense of Celebration as each selected individual stepped forward addressing the 10 lined up on stage the director asked are all of you ready in spirit for the training please share a word about your enthusiasm and determination he gently encouraged them each gave a brief a Resolute speech reaffirming their strong intentions after everyone had spoken it was finally Jessica's turn with proper decorum yet confidently she said I am truly grateful for this valuable opportunity for training I aim to contribute to the further progress of our hospital with the cuttingedge medical techniques I will learn abroad she said with a polished reading afterward she turned slowly towards where we receive it and continued with her unique assertive tone however this hospital has inexperienced nurses who continue to fail the national exam and impedant individuals who attempt to attend medical conferences despite being non-regular staff I intend to improve and transform all these aspects Jessica's provocative declaration changed the atmosphere of the venue and the looks directed at her turn I see her words highlighted the hospital's tensions and how dangerous youthful overconfidence can be especially the director's sharp gaze seemed to freeze the room adding significant weight to the situation the director maintaining his composure asked Jessica that was about those two sitting there wasn't it his smile was calm yet did not reach his eyes you said there were unsuitable people mingled in hair right confidently nodding she answered yes exactly there are those unfit for this Noble assembly she answered with conviction remaining composed the director responded Street Emily could you come forward please with this unexpected invitation I who had been merely an observer suddenly found myself at the center of attention confused and starting to lose her confidence Jessica questioned why why are you calling her name she struggled to grasp the situation and the director showing disappointment towards Jessica said with a quiet voice Jessica I am disappointed in you Emily please introduce yourself to everyone taking a deep breath I recounted the beginning of my career important milestones and my temporary step back to become a mother I continued hello everyone it's been a while I am Emily the chief of the medical Department I apologize for any inconvenience my maternity leave may have caused but I will be resuming my duties next month I look forward to working with you all again Jessica's Voice couldn't hide her surprise wait she's the chief of the medical Department her eyes searched the room for confirmation indeed as the head of the medical team I had taken a 2-year parental leave to birth and raised my first son the director affirming the truth added quietly by the way Emily is my daughter his words resonated in the room with undeniable Clarity defining the reality of the situation Jessica's expression went from confusion to shock her mouth aape as if to object to the reality but no words came out out the room filled with Hospital staff could not contain its reaction and suppressed laughter Spilled Out at the unexpected turn of events the director began speaking in a relaxed tone Jessica for this upcoming overseas training you have been assigned to be the team leader your deployment will be in a conflict Zone in the Middle East there is a shortage of both medication and medical equipment and a very challenging situation is anticipated it will be interesting to see if your abilities will be fully utilized but don't worry Emily will be there to support you learn as much as you can under her guidance proudly Jessica responded with dignity I am a doctor too although I have no experience working abroad my clinical skills and treatment records are first class I will not allow myself to be underestimated I replied to Jessica with a calm but firm voice let me make one thing clear Jessica in the near future I am going to take over the directorship of this hospital from my father do you understand the weight of this fact Jessica's expression stiffened and seeing this I continued yes it seems you understand well depending on my decision your future in this Hospital may be affected Jessica could no longer hide her agitation and I calmly added I haven't heard such a thing Jen intervened calmly adding his words Jessica we had not informed you about that matter beforehand your disrespectful attitude towards Emily May well be something you deeply regret in the future towards the end of the meeting the director stated firmly please everyone a bit of Silence Jessica in the discussions here in the end results are everything no matter how excellent you may be that is just one aspect what's important is the results you can achieve in this hospital and on that front I have great expectations of you Jessica fell silent at the director's words bowed her head and nodded without saying anything the director concluded with with that today's meeting is adjourned as his words ended everyone in the auditorium stood up and returned to their respective places stepping out of the director's office leisurely I casually said shall we go for lunch I've got a crav for pasta today side by side with John I started walking towards our favorite pasta place in the backyard leaving the hospital building behind as we were about to pass the small smoking area set up behind the hospital I spotted Jessica who appeared to be deep in thought taking a drag of her cigarette the moment our eyes met Jessica awkwardly looked away at that instant a sudden event caught our attention a loud crash sounded and right before our eyes a car had rear ended another in an accident Jen and I sprang into action immediately the area was nearly deserted so it was crucial for us to move quickly to help are you okay John called out with concern and quickly checked on the people involved in the accident one was the driver in the car that was hit and the other was a pedestrian who happened to be walking by Jessica also rushed to the accident scene following us but seemed overwhelmed by the chaos acting on her medical instincts I began to give directions John quickly get that man into a safe position and check his pulse Jen moved promptly following my instructions and beginning his actions as an emergency nurse Jon had been granted special opportunities to accumulate Frontline medical experience including attending surgeries conducted by me I had trained him rigorously and he had developed exceptional practical skills I then directed Jessica with calm and Clarity Jessica check if that elderly person is bleeding and assess their level of Consciousness however Jessica seemed Paralyzed by the seriousness of the situation standing still without moving my voice grew firmer as I insisted Jessica do you understand what I'm saying please respond quickly her voice had a hint of tension as Jessica replied ah yes what should I do her Panic was evident and instead of helping it seemed to add to the confusion at the scene I rebuked Jessica firmly yet patiently don't you know what to do in an emergency I doubt you're even a surgeon Jessica responded with an attitude that could be perceived his anger saying that's not true there's nothing I can't do however her actions though active clearly lacked effective measures and she was just bustling about the scene I then looked to JN John could you measure that elderly person's blood pressure and make sure there's no bleeding I gave the orders with composure John promptly replied understood and began to prepare for controlling the situation the accident scene began to regain some order with a swift response from me and Jan JN spoke to Jessica with an unusual sternness Jessica come over here and help he directed Jessica complained what do you mean a nurse asking for such a thing but Jon cut her off this is no place for someone who can't do anything if you're not going to be of help in this critical moment where lives are at stake please step back he said decisively Jessica was at a loss for words and stepped back from the scene silently John reviewed the situation and reported to me the vitals are stable but there might be internal damage we should conduct a thorough examination as soon as possible as professionals they demonstrated Readiness to collaborate with other medical staff around them doing their best for the patients I directed The response with a steady demeanor letun begin the procedures then the driver over there seems to be disoriented but I don't see any serious symptoms letun move him out of here I then turn to Jessica could you please call an ambulance on your cell phone despite my words Jessica stood Frozen unable to move I addressed Jessica with suspicion Jessica I'm speaking to you do you hear me Jessica seemed confused hesitatingly murmuring uh what's the number for the ambulance again Jen intervened just give me that phone he stepped in and took over arranging for the ambulance about 5 minutes later police and fire department personnel arrived and the once chaotic accident scene started to be sorted out gradually people gathered including doctors department heads medical students and even professors but without being disturbed by this I spoke to Jessica with calm and Stern emphasis on the gravity of the situation to be frank Jessica your actions earlier were more of a hindrance than a help what exactly can you say you've accomplished I posed the direct question Jessica was silent unable to answer in the medical field every minute every second can determine the outcome this is not a place to protect your ego Jessica's voice was barely audible as she apologized I'm sorry the crowd at the accident scene quietly observed their exchange and the director himself was also present Jessica just seemed out of place and embarrassed I continued addressing Jessica you've looked down on Jan as just a nurse but the fact is your positions are different there's no meaning in comparing you and and John he is one of the most competent nurses in this Hospital can't you see now how powerless and insufficient your actions were in this situation I confronted Jessica with the truth Jessica retorted somewhat stubbornly if I had more experience in emergency situations I could handle it perfectly well but Jon sensed the uncertainty behind her words and calmly exposed her vanity you're always driven by a desire to have your accomplishments recognized however contrary to The Superficial appraisal your actual skills in the field are still immature you've just demonstrated that fact yourself he asserted he continued adding insult to injury you say you'll gain experience in emergency treatment in the future but this moment is also a practical situation given your current state it's unlikely you'll have further opportunities to experience the field in the future Jessica's confidence began to show cracks and she seemed on the verge of tears conscious of the surrounding eyes yet the medical field dealing with lives demands proper judgment and strictness therefore I had to convey a decision that would impact Jessica's future Jessica I regret to say this but your name will be removed from the overseas training program candidate list I declared Jessica was taken back I look to the director for confirmation father this decision is acceptable correct the director nodded deeply no problem this incident has given me a clear understanding of her we have always selected trainees based on their grades but it may be necessary to reconsider our selection system in light of this his quiet but firm response marked a moment that signified a complete defeat for Jessica with a calm but Resolute voice I advised Jessica it's important for you to relearn from the basics only then will you have the right to to compete at the same level as John also take to heart the dangers of judging a person's worth by their appearance while I considered letting you go from the workplace I have decided to give you one more chance the last chance make the most of this opportunity and show us your full effort I advised Jessica sternly yet justly afterward they quietly left the scene but the looks from the doctors around Jessica were cold filled with disappointment and disapproval their evaluation of her future was seemingly already set weeks passed and the long awaited departure day for the overseas training arrived Jen and I headed to the airport excited to acquire new knowledge and experience as for Jessica I had heard that she resigned from the hospital just a month after the incident she couldn't endure the cold stares of those around her and ultimately chose to prioritize her Pride personally I thought that it was for the best a doctor who puts Pride at the Forefront doesn't deserve to hold patients lives in their hands and no one would want to entrust their life to such a person on the way to the airport I spoke to John with words filled with hope John let's use our abilities to turn this Hospital into one of the most renowned places in the world Jen sharing that passion and reaffirming his determination replied that's right I need to work even harder and obtain my medical license as soon as possible and so I quietly vowed to myself once more my unweaving resolve as a doctor to fulfill my duties
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 34,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Id: W5dSeFqm62U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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