My Mother-in-law didn't realize I was covering all expenses for my in-laws. Now, 15 years later...

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mom what's that over there when I returned home from my parents house with my daughter we were met with piles of trash bags in front of the entrance as we approached I realized that these bags contained my daughters and my belongings carelessly packed as if they were actual trash confused I exclaimed what's this why is this happening my daughter tearfully pulled out her beloved stuffed animal from one of the bags and hugged it tightly frustrated I marched towards the entrance only to find that the locks had been changed while we were out it became apparent that my mother-in-law and sister-in-law were behind this ringing the doorbell and knocking several times yielded no response what is this isn't it terrible I muttered upon closer inspection one of the trash bags had a note that read parasites disappear never come back a surge of anger welled up within me and I couldn't help but expressed my frustration aloud the real parasites are you I muttered this was the worst treatment I had ever received from my in-laws in 15 years not only me but making my daughter feel this way too was unbearable my patience exhausted boiling with anger I loaded our belongings into the car and we returned to my parents house I will never come back to this house again I declared I'm looking forward to seeing what happens to the parasites when their host is gone my name is Sarah I am currently 43 years old I live with my husband daughter and my husband's mother and sister I can't say we live happily I work from home but this house is never peaceful the issue lies with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law Diane they have disliked and ignored me for over 10 years as my daughter Tracy grew up it bothered me less and less I mainly work as a personal consultant I started as a fortune teller but as my blog became popular I began receiving more consultations on attracting customers leading to my current job I met my husband Kent through a friend's introduction when I was training to be a fortune teller I'm working SES at a pharmaceutical company and I also do affiliate marketing as a side job which is finally starting to take off Kent gave me enthusiastic advice on attracting customers when I expressed my struggles with fortunetelling attracted by his kindness we started dating and got married a year later at that time our income wasn't great but Kent always supported me I'm so glad I married Kent I truly felt this way living with my in-laws began about a year after I got married it started when my father-in-law who had been healthy until then suddenly passed away my mother-in-law felt insecure about the future and asked my husband to live with us we agreed to live together in exchange for her taking care of the household chores initially my mother-in-law welcomed our living together and was happy I hoped we would get along well but I was mistaken 2 months later she began completely ignoring me perhaps dissatisfied with me not helping with the housework soon my sister-in-law Diane also started ignoring me I didn't mind being ignored but the challenging aspect with my mother-in-law was her tendency to involve others not only did D my sister-in-law hear about it but even neighbors and relatives were informed that my daughter-in-law stays at home but says she's working leaving all the housework to me if I stay even a little she talks back a h hundredfold so I just ignore her to make matters worse my mother-in-law would suggest to others you better not talk to her too it'll be Troublesome as a result people around the in-law House Began giving me only tepid responses to my greetings I felt isolated and it became very difficult despite my please to stop spreading strange rumors my words were completely ignored although my mother-in-laws attitude softened slightly when my daughter Tracy was born 2 years after we started living together her overall stance towards me hardly changed however she was very fond of Tracy and having her help with household chores and child care was a huge belief as my work became busier around the same time my husband Ken's side business started to struggle and he seemed unable to adapt to changes in the affiliate marketing Market he approached me saying Sarah can you increase your contribution to the monthly expenses a bit I agreed expressing that my consultations were increasing and the new methods I implemented were working well despite my willingness to collaborate on ways to boost his sales Kent insisted on handling it independently saying I think I'll try it on my own I'm really sorry from the beginning of our marriage we had agreed that Kent would manage the household finances initially my income was low so he allowed me to contribute more when my sales increased I transferred money to Kent based on my monthly earnings and he provided a fixed amount for living expenses in cash initially I could only contribute $100 but now I could transfer up to $1,000 though not every month I could contribute more if I dipped into savings I knew Kent was struggling with his side business but his pride prevented him from Consulting me he began spending more time at capes after work returning home later and later when Tracy was about 5 Diane got married and moved out since she lived nearby she often brought her son Ricky to our house during the day when Ricky turned one Diane expressed her her intention to start a part-time job my mother-in-law gladly offered to take care of him until the evening Diane was appreciative saying thank you I'm so happy however as my mother-in-law began caring for Ricky at home she became very fond of her grandson and started being cold towards Tracy when they fought my mother-in-law would scold Tracy comparing her unfavorably to Ricky over time Tracy started playing near me and began to dislike my mother-in-law's Behavior I spoke up saying talk to your mother Tracy and Ricky are both her grandchildren she should treat them the same Tracy is already a big sister in elementary school however my mother-in-law's Focus shifted and she approached me saying things are tough at the company right now we might not get bonuses so could you contribute a bit more despite the challenges my blog's client attraction was successful and I started receiving more consultations as a consultant earning far more than I did as a fortune teller when Kent requested additional financial support I responded I'm already contributing $2,000 a month isn't that enough yeah I'm embarrassed to say but my salary has decreased and the side business isn't going well don't be secretive we a couple we should support each other in tough times I'm really ashamed thank you later the amount I contributed gradually increased and eventually I was transferring $4,000 a month to Kent still not wanting to hurt his pride I let Kent continue to manage the finances when Tracy was in sixth grade Diane came back home with Ricky it seems Diane got divorced due to her infidelity but I don't know the details by this time Tracy could help around the house so household chores were divided among each family being ignored by my mother-in-law and Diane continued but it no longer bothered me it's unfortunate that I couldn't give Tracy her own room when she started middle school as Diane's return meant we ran out of rooms one night while discussing which tutoring School Tracy should attend for Middle School Diane suddenly said hey tutoring is expensive why doesn't Tracy study by herself could you stop making such comments I'm paying for the tutoring so it's none of your business what Sarah is paying impossible you don't earn anything Kent said he's supporting you you're just a leech aren you haha you married him because he has money right exactly Kent told me not to speak ill of Sarah who can turn but that's just Shameless my mind was filled with questions what does this mean what has Kent been telling his mother and the others Kent is the one supporting this house financially it's about time we put an end to the parasites lifestyle I feel bad for Tracy but if we pay for her tutoring we won't be able to pay my compensation not be able to pay are you saying our house is paying for your compensation Dan Kent said he would pay for it you should spend your money on Ricky I began to understand the deception and felt my anger Rising my husband had always managed our household finances and my mother-in-law had taken care of the household chores and child care until Tracy grew up so I thought they knew I was also contributing to the household expenses is Kent bearing all the expenses of this house including your living expenses and the compensation Diane is supposed to pay be quiet it's only natural for a family you're the only Outsider here not related by blood and yet you act as if living here is your right it really makes makes me angry I contribute money too don't talk back what you contribute is barely enough for your own food expenses you hardly have any income and yet you're so arrogant I could feel my body trembling with anger I could see Tracy on the side looking like she might cry I knew Kent had a lot of Pride but I never thought it would be this bad certainly in the beginning Kent was paying for the living expenses and pocket money for my mother-in-law and Diane but I had started contributing as well and now we were living on my income I needed to talk to Kent properly around midnight Kent came home he was drunk and seemed cheerful can we talk I didn't know you weren't getting any money from your mother or Diane they said you're covering all the expenses of this house H about that my bad it's a matter of Pride as a man you know when we started living together I was paying for everything there wasn't a right moment to say you were also paying and in front of the family let me be the eldest son a little please Kent with a light-hearted tone like in a comedy sketch put his hands together oh that's right I'm going to come in this Saturday I'll be gone for a week take care Conan why I got invited to a seminar in Conan by a friend I'm doing a side business with I'm going to make it a success so cheer for me Sarah well I'm off to sleep see you tomorrow my husband laid down on the mat in a cheerful mood and soon started snoring my anger wouldn't subside but recently with Kent coming home late we hadn't talked much and I had no idea about this I thought he was joking while drunk but on the weekend Kent really left with a large suitcase during Ken's absence I had the freedom to use the car so I decided to take Tracy back to my parents house the next day a shocking event awaited us mom what is that when Tracy and I returned from my parents house there were piles of trash bags in front of the entrance upon closer inspection these bags contained mine and Tracy's belongings carelessly packed just like real trash what is this why is this happening I don't understand Tracy crying pulled out her loved stuffed animal from the bag and hugged it Furious I headed towards the entrance ha has the lock changed it seemed that the locks had been changed while we were out this must be the work of my mother-in-law and sister-in-law Diane I rang the doorbell and knocked several times but no one came out what is this isn't it terrible upon closer inspection one of the trash bags had a note saying parasites disappear never come back I felt a surge of Anger from the bottom of my heart the real parasites are you I couldn't help but let out a swear word this was the worst treatment I had ever received from my in-laws in 15 years not just me but making my daughter feel this way too I finally lost my patience with boiling anger I loaded the luggage into the car and we returned to my parents house I will never come back to this house again I'm looking forward to seeing what happen happens to the parasites when their host is gone when we returned to my parents house they were shocked I hadn't told them about the ignoring for my in-laws the money issues and most of all their attitude towards Tracy not wanting to worry them my parents said there's no need to go back to that house you should claim compensation from them they cried with anger and told me to stay with them my mother's words you really had it tough made me cry too in reality I had been trying my best all this time enough is enough I finally decided to confront my feelings while staying at my parents house I contacted a friend who had introduced me to Kent she was connected to Kent's side business friends are you doing well I want to ask you something do you know if Kent's friends are currently in Conan that famous entrepreneur seminar right I was invited but wasn't interested so I declined Kent didn't go did he yeah that's right by the way I heard Kent quit his job and is now managing a business with his wife you two must be close ah yes that's right nonchalant I replied and hung up immediately after I called Ken's company what my friend said was true and to my surprise Kent had quit his job two years ago this meant that for the past two years I had been paying almost all of the living expenses for my in-laws looking back over the years I suddenly felt Hollow a week later I received a laid-back message from Kent saying he was back in the US after continuously ignoring him I stopped hearing from him altogether he must have heard the news back home expecting persistent contact from Kent I hired a detective to investigate him the investigation revealed that Kent dressed in a suit in the morning spent his afternoons gambling and evenings at a woman's house so I asked for an investigation into his infidelity as well 3 weeks later Kint called me it must have been close to his former company's payday and he was panicking Sarah sorry I couldn't contact you I'm sorry for what my family did I heard they kicked you out and I was thinking why did it come to this really did you tell the truth to your mother and Diane Ken quickly changed the subject and said something un unbelievable let's leave that house and live in a new home just the three of us I'll cut ties with those who disregard you Sarah I'm ready to abandon my mother and Diane so please come back are you really cutting ties with your mother and Diane was Kent planning to easily discard them after making them dependent on him I was disappointed in Kent and his self-centered actions so I told him I'm coming back for now so leave the door unlocked Kent seemed delayed at my message a few days later I returned to my in-laws house with Tracy Kent his mother and Diane were there but Ricky was nowhere to be seen I was relieved that Ricky didn't have to witness the adults ugly arguments when Kent made some remarks I ignored the displeased pair and took out a divorce form from my bag I confronted the surprise Kent I heard you quit your job without telling me since we're supposedly managing a business business together does that mean the $4,000 I've been transferring every month was actually your salary Kent tried to excuse himself no that's not it I told you the business was in trouble right so I decided to quit before getting fired Carly I heard you quit two years ago right I called your company and it's still not bankrupt Kent fell silent I pressed further by the way what role do you play in our joint business man management are you the accountant Kent became increasingly uneasy and started sweating Kent is supporting the whole family isn't he mother he quit his job his side business isn't going well and yet it's a mystery where the money is coming from I'm leaving but please continue to get financial support from Kent my mother-in-law and Diane's faces turned pale and Ashen but the other day on the phone you were crying and begging to save only yourself saying youd cut ties with your mother and sister haha but that won't happen I'm also discarding Kent here what do you mean I don't understand Kent hasn't been going to work that's a lie he leaves in a suit and Sarah was supporting the household it's true Sarah has been paying for everything for years I'm unemployed now and not doing any side business we're going to have a hard life because you guys kicked Sarah out we could have had an easy life without working if you hadn't done anything unnecessary what do you mean by that you were planning to abandon us weren't you Kent's response ignited the fury of my mother-in-law and Diane as the three of them caused a commotion Tracy and I began to take action I came to pick up some forgotten items I took a cleaning robot bought within the last 6 months an expensive microwave favored by my mother-in-law and the beauty device Diane had gotten from Kent wait that's mine this is mine since I bought it with my money or you can pay me back for it Diane fell silent at my words then I searched for and gathered my belongings from their rooms the belongings they had put out did not include my expensive brand bags and accessories why are you taking that too this is mine I ignored their complaints and sweet talk finally I dropped a bombshell on Kint oh I forgot I plan to claim compensation from your mistress Mary to tell her it's no use running away what how do you know about her I know you went to Conan with Mary recently good for you right of course I have all the evidence of the affair so no escaping that no way you've been deceiving me and having fun for the past 2 years I'll be claiming compensation for the affair child support for tra and oh you were secretly paying Diane's compensation too I'll be claiming that back as well as I prepared to leave my mother-in-law and Diane desperately tried to stop me I was wrong Sarah I'm sorry we just believed what kin said we can't live without you we'll do anything please help us I can't pay you back for the compensation I'm sorry too I apologize for everything you'll forgive us right I couldn't help laugh at their foolish faces they finally realized who had been supporting their lifestyle realizing too late that their non-blood related support was gone letun just ignore these people mom letun go home yes that's right Kent Youk be hearing from the lawyer soon please take care of it leaving a dejected Kent behind we returned home with the items we had collected later my divorce with Kent was finalized and I demanded comp compensation through a lawyer I received numerous apologies and pleas for reconciliation from my mother-in-law and Diane but I ignored them all surprisingly there was still some inheritance left from Ken's father the fact that they had been living off my money without using their own angered me again however the inheritance wasn't enough for the compensation and ultimately they had to sell the house to make a lump suum payment naturally this included the compensation I have been paying for Diane after selling the house I don't know what became of Ken's family I hope Ken can take care of his family but ultimately he will choose his path I also claimed compensation from Kent's mistress which led to an unexpected Revelation through the lawyer I informed her that Kent was unemployed and I had been supporting the family kin had deceived her claiming he was an entrepreneur with a successful business in the and they broke up after an argument Tracy and I moved to an apartment and I was able to give her the room she had longed for I don't think my 15 years were wasted but sometimes I wonder if I should have made a decision when I started being ignored now I feel happy that my home is a peaceful place
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 77,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Id: 4nSJTIrwhIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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