Angry Hubby: 'Why is Our Baby with Your Sister? I Respond: Our Daughter is at Home. Shocking truth..

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why are you entrusting our newborn baby to my sister every day my husband's call interrupted my day his usually calm voice was tinged with unexpected anger rapidly I sought to dispel the misunderstanding our daughter is at home sleeping I assure him surprised his tone shifted really he exclaimed confusion enveloped us both as questions arose I'll speak with my sister-in-law to uncover the truth I resolved I reached out to my sister-in-law Marissa and uncovered a startling truth let me introduce myself I'm Linda married to Bob for 3 years just a year younger than him our joy was recently doubled with the arrival of our daughter Hannah she's the epitome of cuteness but being a firsttime mom has its challenges with my parents living far away I didn't have the luxury of heading back home after child birth since leaving the hospital I've been navigating this new world solo during the day I must admit I've been getting by largely thanks to Bob's unwavering support despite his long work hours he's always there for Hannah and me never once complaining his gentle demeanor eases any parenting stresses I encounter whether it's struggling to soothe Hannah to sleep or tending to her cries in the dead of night his presence has been a lifeline and I'm immensely grateful for it so you can imagine my shock when he called his voice laced with unexpected frustration Linda mom just called me what's going on he demanded confused I replied your mom what are you talking about why would we leave our newborn with Marissa every day his mention of Marissa caught me off guard she's Bob's sister residing just a short walk away with their parents Marissa working from home also takes care of her mother making her quite flexible with her time my husband's critique persisted leaving a 3-week old baby I couldn't fath doing that Marissa hasn't cared for a baby before I get that you're tired postbirth but you should have talked to me before entrusting her to Marissa he expressed his worry palpable his distress signaled that this was no ordinary misunderstanding wait I'm lost Marissa caring for a newborn why did your mom call you why would I need your consultation what do you mean leaving Hannah with Marissa have I been doing that I countered utterly bewildered it's been nearly 2 weeks Marissa didn't complain not wanting to strain your relationship but Mom couldn't stay silent he clarified Bob's Revelations stunned me it was a narrative I had no recollection of with my daughter right beside me with numerous questions swirling I prioritized clearing the confusion swiftly I assured him ha our daughters at home asleep she's right here with me Bob's astonishment resurfaced what do you mean he inquired I'm just as confused as you are honestly I've been following the advice to keep newborns endorsed so besides medical appointments I haven't been anywhere I haven't even visited your family's house and it's been a while since Marissa came over after Hannah's birth I clarified then whose baby is Marissa caring for Bob pondered aloud I wish I knew why would Marissa fabricate looking after our baby each question seemed to spiral into another leaving us both puzzled as the lunch break Chim sounded through the phone I made a decision I need to speak with Marissa I want understand why she might concoct such a lie if there's a misunderstanding and she thinks she's caring for Hannah that's concerning I'll also call Mom I announced Bob paused before expressing his regret I'm sorry for doubting you I was just really worried about Hannah it's all right you're concerned about Hannah aren't you besides when I told you she's right here you didn't doubt me you trusted me I comforted him after our call ended I wasted no time dialing my sister-in-law number Marissa do you have a moment there's something I need to discuss I started Linda I need to talk to you too Marissa replied Marissa and Bob are close in age which is why she's the same age as me despite being my sister-in-law we've always had a good relationship even going up together when I was dating Bob so it puzzled me why she hadn't mentioned anything about this situation I couldn't fathom why she would fabricate such a story well now's a good time time Bob just filled me in Marissa what's this about you looking after Hannah I haven't left her with anyone I question bewildered huh Marissa's surprised voice followed accompanied by the sound of crying baby it seems she was indeed tending to an infant listening to Marissa's reaction a realization dawned on me Marissa wasn't fabricating anything she genuinely believed she was caring for Hannah to dispel her misconception I began to explain the truth truth to dispel her misconception I began to explain the truth Hannah's right here with me fast asleep I'm really baffled by all of this but how did you end up with a baby Marissa and why do you think it was Hannah I asked seeking Clarity Marissa replied shedding light on the situation last week dad dropped off a baby with me he said Linda seems overwhelmed so you should assist her with the baby this Revelation left me dumbfounded then Marissa disclosed another shocking detail I was terrified because I've never cared for a baby I hadn't heard from you Linda and when I considered calling you Dad warned if you contact Linda she'll just stress out show some consideration for your sister-in-law I have my own responsibilities even when I'm at home it appeared that my father-in-law's deceit initiated this chaos but the identity of the child Marissa was caring for remained unclear thinking that confronting my father-in-law directly might solve the confusion I inquired if he was home unfortunately he's out at the moment lately he returns home late in the evening takes the child mariss has been tending to claiming he'll return her to Linda then leaves again he usually returns in about 20 to 30 minutes Marissa explained frustrated by my father-in-law's manipulation involving my daughter and me I felt compelled to address the situation headon I understand I'll discuss this with Bob but we might visit tonight I decided before ending the call I promptly emailed my husband detailing what I learned from his sister we should ask Dad directly came the suggestion so when Bob returned home we made our way to my in-laws along the journey Bob recounted his conversation with his mother mom was also quite upset to discover that the child she thought was her grandchild wasn't that's a significant shock isn't it I didn't Envision Hanna's first family gathering unfolding like this it's quite a complicated situation he elaborated due to her back issues his mother hadn't met our daughter yet I had hoped to introduce Hannah to her once she was ready to venture out after a month but now I found myself disheartened that our introduction had to occur amidst such turmoil upon reaching my in-laws home we found my mother-in-law and sister-in-law both appearing bewildered as we entered Marissa spoke up Bob Linda dad mentioned he would return the child we've been caring for but he hasn't returned yet understanding the situation Bob intervened I see Mom despite the confusion this is our daughter Hannah with that I brought Hannah closer to my mother-in-law upon laying eyes on Hannah my mother-in-law's expression softened she's absolutely adorable she Bears a striking resemblance to B when he was a baby I'm thrilled to finally meet her and Linda you've done remarkably well I'm sorry you've been entangled in all of this she expressed with sincerity it's all right I'm just as perplexed as everyone else I responded just as I spoke Marissa chined in I'm baffled too who is this child I've been caring for I don't understand why dad would lie like this I've been putting in so much effort believing it was Hannah he should consider my feelings too Marissa's frustration mirrored my own towards her father-in-law attempting to lighten the mood Bob interjected but mariss said you've met Hannah before you should have noticed it's a different baby well don't all babies look alike I thought something was off but I assumed baby's appearances changed quickly Marissa hastily defended herself at that moment our father-in-law returned I'm back wait why are Bob and Linda here our father-in-law's Panic was palpable this deception stemmed from him the rest of us shared disapproving glances each silently accusing him struggling under the tension our father-in-law began to stutter ol Linda it's been some time what brings you here did you forget something he attempted to divert attention turning to Marissa he added Marissa what's going on I asked you to check for forgotten items I seeded with anger at our father-in-law's manipulation using mine and my daughter's names in his deceit and then Shifting the blame onto Marissa I instinctively held my daughter closer feeling the tension radiate through the room both my husband and sister-in-law shared the same sentiment there fists clenched in frustration it was me who broke the silence the anger evident in my voice death seriously are you honestly saying that this is beyond unacceptable even for you what do you mean my father-in-law seem startled by the intensity of my tone my husband and sister-in-law echoed my sentiments demanding answers dad explain yourself Linda has never left Hannah with anyone why would you fabricate such a lie there must be a reason for someone to care for a stranger's newborn right that's correct you manipulated me into caring for a child who is this baby I'm terrified even if it's my nephews let alone as strangers I won't tolerate it anymore Marissa interjected with rapid fire conviction my father-in-law was speechless while the three of us continued to glare at him demanding the truth however my mother-in-law's reaction was different she turned pale murmuring no it can't be you're not still involved with her her words left my husband sister-in-law and me stunned my father-in-law began to sweat figing innocence what what are you talking about he stuttered attempting to deflect but my typically calm husband had reached his limit dad enough with the act you've been playing dumb all along do you think you can deceive us we know you've been lying about everything just come clean wait Bob please calm down I attempted to intervene but my husband persisted dad you've been manipulating Linda and Hannah to cover up your deceit and you owe Marissa an apology caring for a newborn is a Monumental responsibility even if it's your own child consider how overwhelming it must have been for Marissa who has never experienced Parenthood before once he started my husband couldn't halt his tirade despite whatever excuses our father-in-law might conjure my husband remains steadfast perhap perhaps realizing he couldn't evade the truth any longer my father-in-law spoke softly and then he confessed to The Unbelievable Truth that child is mine at his admission my husband's momentum dissipated his mouth hanging a gape in disbelief Marissa and I were equally stunned into silence it was my mother-in-law who shattered the quiet her voice quivered tears brimming in her eyes I knew it you're still involved with her I was foolish to forgive you before involved with her her my husband query puzzled in response our father-in-law's complexion paled even further ignoring him my mother-in-law continued he had an affair it happened around the time you two were getting married about 3 years ago he promised me he'd never do it again and I forgave him but now that's why I thought Hannah bore a resemblance to Bob she's his flesh and blood after all I thought she was my true grandchild unable to contain her emotions any longer longer my mother-in-law broke into tears witnessing her distress only fueled my anger towards my father-in-law my husband regained his composure unleashing his wrath upon her father-in-law your despicable dad you not only deceived us but betrayed M twice How Could You stoop so low I can't fathom that someone like you is our father Bob's Outburst was followed by Marissa's incredulous response what do you mean by my child are you joking you had a child with your mistress and left it with me I can't believe this how could you do something so despicable I never want to see your face again despite the scathing remarks from his own children our father-in-law merely chuckled and remarked calm down there's nothing we can do about what's already happened the mistress didn't want to marry me or anything like that she just didn't have any money so she had to work in the meantime I had to take care of the child I couldn't bear Witness witnessing my father-in-law's callousness enough I interjected my voice trembling with anger this isn't a laughing matter a life has been brought into this world do you grasp the gravity of that at your age my father-in-law seemed taken aback losing his balance and falling onto the ground however instead of offering assistance Bob and Marissa hurled insults you worthless old man you're no longer a father I can't even stand the look at you get out of our sight they exclaimed even faced with their Fury my father-in-law attempted to downplay the situation saying don't say such things my lips tensed as I stared daggers at my father-in-law I no longer have the patience to tolerate someone like you letun get divorced I declared firmly my father-in-law's smile vanished his face contorting with wrinkles as he became serious but didn't you forgive me last time he pleaded however his attempt at manipulation was feudal yes I forgave you for your infidelity but I won't tolerate your disrespect any longer I retorted it having you out of our Lives brings peace to our home then so be it and as for my survival I'll manage just fine without you I added as my father-in-law clung to my mother-in-law's feet I watched him with disdain Bob and Marissa mirrored my sentiments their gazes cold and unwavering it was evident that everyone in the room had reached their limit with my father-in-law Marissa erupted in Anger I'll take care of Mom so we'll be fine without you but how do you plan to live you've always relied on M for everything from cooking to laundry Marissa's words visibly rattled my father-in-law he turned to my mother-in-law with pleading eyes you wouldn't leave me would you we spent decades together you can't imagine life without me can you however his hes were swiftly dashed as my mother-in-law shook off his clinging arm stop kidding yourself how much do you need to degrade people to feel satisfied who would want to stay with a cheater like you I'm filing for divorce right now if you're so fond of her why don't you go be with your mistress my mother-in-law snapped her voice firm and Resolute what wait let's talk we can fix this that woman meant nothing to me you're the only one I love my father-in-law pleaded clutching on to my mother-in-law once more but he was met with another wave of Marissa's Fury talking to someone who refuses to acknowledge their mistakes is pointless we're leaving this place soon and Mom is coming with us until we're gone stay away from home Dad I never want to see you again now get out Marissa demanded attempting to forcefully escort my father-in-law out when he refused to budge Bob had to physically drag him away please wait give me another chance just one more my father-in-law pleaded until the very end but his pleas fell on deaf ears as nobody paid him any attention as Marissa had foreseen my father-in-law's life spiraled into chaos struggling to manage even the simplest tasks he found himself unable to tolerate the growing clutter and filth in his home desperate for assistance he turned to his mistress only to be met with rejection at her doorstep it appeared she had no intention of marrying him either with no one left to care for the children his mistress was unable to work leading to financial strain she began pressing my father-in-law for Al even resorting to legal action to secure child support Meanwhile my sister-in-law and mother-in-law relocated to an apartment not far from ours as over a month had passed since Hannah's birth I started visiting them more frequently accompanied by Hannah I maintained my amicable relationship with Marissa acting as if nothing had changed and my bond with my mother-in-law remained strong moving forward I'm determined to raise my daughter to the best of my abilities with the support of my husband sister-in-law and mother-in-law by my side
Channel: Revenge Recall
Views: 104,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit recall, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Id: ZrIF6N238Z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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