Elijah Wood Tastes the Lava of Mount Doom While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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I really like Elijah. Dude seems like a great combination of really smart and really cultured and genuinely kind.

👍︎︎ 255 👤︎︎ u/ObeseBumblebee 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

Another added to the list of people surpassing DJ Khalid. Elijah seems like an very enthusiastic guy.

👍︎︎ 52 👤︎︎ u/zombiesatthebeach 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

He hasn't realy thrown a ring in the lava of mount doom, but now the lava of mount doom is gonna pass through his ring.

👍︎︎ 43 👤︎︎ u/fatalicus 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

The older Elijah Wood gets the more he looks like Jude Law.

👍︎︎ 91 👤︎︎ u/HunterGonzo 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

Seconded on his shout out to El Primo in Austin. Some of the best tacos I've ever had.

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/libroian 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

video showing the forced perspective table in lotr

👍︎︎ 60 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

This was a such a fun interview. Elijah seems like he was having fun.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/AK4Real 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

For some reason I thought Elijah Wood was British.

👍︎︎ 69 👤︎︎ u/poopyheadthrowaway 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

Any interviewer who doesn't ask him if he wears wig, has worn wigs or if he'll ever wear wigs, clearly don't know how to ask questions.

👍︎︎ 133 👤︎︎ u/Canvaverbalist 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
now i feel like i've i've drank the lava of mount doom [Music] hey what's going on everybody for first week feast i'm shawn evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by elijah wood he's been in more than 60 films over the course of his more than 30 year long acting career from academy award-winning indies to one of the highest grossing box office film franchises of all time his latest project though is no man of god which is set to release in select theaters and on demand august 27th elijah wood welcome to the show thank you so much for having me this is a real honor and you know i've heard this story second hand but i'd like to just bring it to you directly okay so as i understand it you're doing an interview or a podcast on this floor in this building yes see the hot one sauce is on display and you're like out of curiosity i'd like to try those out is that more or less how the adventure starts and then where does it go from there more or less uh yes i didn't realize that hot ones was filmed in this particular location so when i got here i was like oh i've always wanted to be on the show man that'd be amazing and they're like well if you want to try some of the the hot sauces just as like a separate little like internet bit we can do that i was like sure let's do that and so we tried a couple of sauces including this one here the bun i'm very familiar with this the friend and colleague who i was with tim league who created the alamo drafthouse theater which you may know he then has a very severe reaction to this sauce to which we the ambulance was called i'm outside my friend's doing better having a conversation with some of the people that work on the floor and i start to get this warm sensation in my stomach that just continues to grow and grow and grow and i thought oh and this is it and i ended up also on my knees in a severe amount of pain well respect for coming back to try it again elijah are you ready to get started yes [Music] almost fantastic heat with heart it says that's great i mean that's a that's warm it's nice so your new film no man of god chronicles the interviews between serial killer ted bundy and fbi agent bill hagmeyer who is credited with coaxing the criminal confession out of the campus killer thinking back on the real-life consultations that you actually had with the real bill hagmaier what interested you most about the chemistry or the psychological interplay between fbi agent and serial killer oh man i think the ability to be in a room with someone like that and find their humanity to a degree so it's it's one thing to go into that room looking for information from a psychological standpoint which is what bill was doing but it's another thing entirely to also see that person as another human which he also had to do in order to have those interactions for ted to feel safe to be able to express and sort of reveal the things that he needed him to reveal we know a lot about ted that was a thing i didn't know i didn't realize that there was this agent that had spent this kind of time with him over the course of the four years prior to his death yeah like like calling him his best friend and stuff like that ted literally said that he was his best friend and i think you know for ted the reason why he considered bill his best friend is that unlike other fbi agents and law enforcement whom he didn't trust it's because those guys had an agenda more often than not he assumed that they would go off and write a book about their conversations bill never did and i think that's why he he trusted him and why he considered him a friend at the end because he didn't come in with an agenda he really wanted to understand well that's nice artisanal chili sauce so beyond the frozen pizza aisle i know that you're somewhat of a gourmand and you're oftentimes taking pictures of ramen and then researching the restaurant scene fanatically wherever you go yes if you had a food obsessive visiting you in austin what would be the most mouth-watering itinerary you could put together like the best breakfast lunch and dinner move you could make in that city breakfast tacos um at el primo which is a taco truck on um south 1st street near mary pizza via 313 for lunch it's probably my favorite pizza in the world it's a detroit style pizza it is exceptional and then dinner ramen tatsu is incredible uh that would be a great one their shoyu ramen is amazing the tonkatsu is incredible and they have a slider that is a pork katsu slider that is the stuff of dreams it it honestly if i could eat one every day i would it's a it's a pork katsu very small it's on a little little slider bun with um a kind of coleslaw and it's just phenomenal do you have an all-time favorite elijah wood movie scene involving food the hot sauce and lime scene in the trust is you know special for me personally that's a very good one that's a very good one involving food i i mean you've sort of stolen it that's a great one that's a great one for a couple of reasons one it's opposite opposite nicolas cage which was for me the first time as an actor genuinely that i had an out-of-body experience working with another actor and i remember being in scenes conversing with him and he would say something to me and i would think in my brain as i'm acting opposite him oh my god that's nickage the way he said that was like so like nick cage oh my god so one of my favorite experiences as an actor was working opposite him he was a delight and to get to see his creative process was a joy um and that scene is hilarious so yeah i i i'm sorry i don't have a better answer you really kind of made the answer perfect [Music] oh intensely spicy just one drop hot sauce that's good way more awesome very good wings shout out shorties hey shorties it's your birthday so at this point i know that you've done more than your fair share of necropsies surrounding lord of the rings but on this wing what we want to do is fact check some of the fables that have made their way onto internet message boards and into the headlines and just fact check them somebody with somebody who has boots on the ground great is it true that after winning 11 oscars at the academy awards in 2002 you director peter jackson and the crew ditched the traditional post-show celebrations to instead go to a lord of the rings fan party that was put on by the one ring website correct yeah we went around to a couple of parties and then we ended up there and spent the majority of our evening at the onering.net party it was truly the end of the journey for us being able to then go back and celebrate with the fans was the only thing to do and nothing against the vanity fair party and those sort of you know events they're fun but this was like it didn't have any of the pressure or the fanfare we could just hang out it was really nice it was really nice maybe you're privy to this maybe you're not is there any truth to peter jackson orchestrating twenty thousand cricket fans between inning breaks to put on the sounds of the yurakai army whoa is that a thing i don't i don't know if that's true it would most likely be rugby cause rugby is really the game in new zealand and new zealand i mean they do play cricket but i feel like the rugby crowd is a far more boisterous crowd than cricket i would have thought but i could be wrong i've never been to a cricket game it's a weird one isn't that it goes on for days goes on for days and sometimes it's a tie and no one wins three days and then finally is it true that you let out the fart heard round the shire doing a hillside roll with your hobbit cast first day of filming day one uh so yeah we're in the scene is um we are rolling down the hill after uh mary and pippen run into us running away from farmer maggots field having stolen a bunch of vegetables they bang into us we roll down the hill so it's picking up that moment of falling down the hill and falling on top of each other in a very comedic way and i think it was like take two and i i had a a a can what is that a a concussion fart a fart that is uh brought on by pressure and yeah i literally fell and everybody burst out laughing it was great it was very funny [Music] it's a hell of a way to start filming lord of the rings you got to announce your presence somehow i have to say all of these have been delicious that one has a kind of sweetness to it and a little barbecuey sort of flavor to it a kind of smoky barbecue that's what we're that's what we're going for kind of like a summer sauce like a slow roasted meats or like like grilled vegetables kind of hot sauce that's great love that one so you're the voice of spyro the dragon likewise made an appearance in god of war a few years ago were hand selected by microsoft to unveil the xbox 360. as a video game obsessive and someone who i'm sure thinks about these sorts of things is there a game that you think is especially ripe for a screenplay adaptation the universe of gta lends itself beautifully to a screen adaptation or a tv show um i mean i think vice city could be amazing although that already is sort of inspired by miami vice but gta 5 i mean the kinds of characters that are present within the context of that game very much lends itself either to a film or a tv series that would be amazing another thing that's happening in the world of video games in terms of adaptations is they're going back to um resident evil yeah and i'm very keen on that because the the original resident evil whether it's your thing or not is very different from the game from an aesthetic standpoint it was always a shame to me that they didn't lean on the sort of world that had been established in the game and i think that's coming up which i'm very excited about well you know speaking of that you know games like silent hill or resident evil sometimes they can be a more frightening experience than even the most suspenseful thrillers totally like psychologically what do you think that they can do that maybe films aren't able to well it it's an immersive experience um unlike a film which is passive you are a participant in the game you're playing the character there are moments playing sequels of silent hill that were genuinely disturbing to play you're not sitting back and watching something you are making the choice to go down that hallway you are making the choice to you know what i mean and i think in that sense there's a there's a level of suspense and sort of within the context of the interactivity that makes it maybe more scary [Music] all right ginger goat the original goat yeah i feel like the habanero like kicked us into gear and then we've kind of been coasting a little bit yeah the the three in this season is a little jarring and then it does downshift a little bit it's nice though but it's about to kick back up enjoy that feeling while you can right great i'm not gonna i don't need water yet i'm all right all right elijah we have a crane segment on our show called explain that graham we're doing a deep dive on our guest instagram pull interesting pictures that need more context so we'll show you the pictures over here on the monitor you just tell us the bigger story and in preparing for this interview i read a little bit about forced perspective and motion controlled camera range can you give us one piece of cinematic wizardry that really blew your mind when you actually saw it in action onset thousand percent so there's a scene at the back end kitchen table and it was split um into two pieces where he was um ian mckellen as gandalf was sitting at one portion of the table and i was sitting at another portion of the table and scale appropriate elements were at either table and the table would move along with the camera to make sure that the angle was always appropriate to make him look like he was sitting in front of me and i was sitting opposite him and i'd look at a tennis ball so anytime ian was talking to me and we're having the scene play out and we're talking to each other i'm looking there and he is looking opposite him at a tennis ball and in camera it looks like we're sitting opposite each other and he looks giant and i look small and that was incredible and there was also the cart so when i jump into the cart at the very beginning of the film when when gandalf's coming into the shire for the first time and you know you're late and the wizard's never late uh they've arrived precisely when they mean to frodo jumps into his arms and then they're sitting opposite or they're sitting side by side going through having a conversation about you know bilbo's party and so on and so forth and that was a similar thing i was sitting behind him and he was sitting in front of me and the camera was set at such an angle we were going back to real basics in regards to the magic of cinema it was awesome we also had scale doubles so for any wide shots there would be there were um people that we had um uh many of them that were that size so about three foot eight three foot six um that would be our doubles for anything wide and they would wear masks that would have like your face a silicon mask with our face but the mat the masks wouldn't move excuse me so that was a bit jarring because you would see someone walking around with your face but it was inanimate it was just in a fixed position made in tucson the old tucks in arizona oh there we go yeah there is a bit of like a hot curry vibe oh yeah and the um the peppers are sitting right on top pretty hot as well oh that's good so i know that you have a deep connection to scary movies it's a hobby that began when you were a child and then it's grown into you co-founding spectrovision in 2010 a production company that focuses on horror movies what can you tell people about truth or dare a critical madness sir you've done your research um truth or dare critical madness it's one of the first horror movies i remember seeing it's a great and the movie is about a guy who who's uh at the very beginning of the movie he catches his wife sleeping with his best friend uh and colleague um and then he he freaks out has a pretty traumatic reaction to it and leaves in a huff and then he goes on this road trip and loses his mind and he he uh picks up a hitchhiker and she says would you like to play truth or dare and he's like yeah okay truth or dare all right play truth or dare and it goes from like throw your wallet in the fire you know uh pretty intense thing but all right he's you know he's on this journey to cut your tongue out it's sublime it's so great the performances are not good it's just i'm i got a warm hug all over right now it's great so this is really fun you're having a good time i'm loving this all right number seven i'm waiting for you man all right all right i'm in yeah of course [Music] oh sure oh man when you get to that level that kind of like i know that i know that flavor i know what's up i know it's about to happen yeah i know exactly what you're saying by that like i'll know when something's a super hot 1000 second i smell yeah yeah the scent and that first yeah that first taste on your taste buds wow that's good man that's good now we're now we're cooking with gas yeah there we go i'm always curious with an actor who's as prolific as you are is there an under the radar project that when a fan brings it up to you on the street it maybe hits you emotionally a little bit differently yes that is such a great question by the way that is not something that i hear often but it is in relation to a reaction that i often have which is when someone brings something up that isn't as common as say lord of the rings which is obviously the most common thing uh there's a couple um over the garden wall is a big one um there's an animated mini series on a cartoon network this sort of beautiful 2d animation style that feels very much like it evokes something from the past it's really stunning grand piano that still remains one of my favorite experiences working on a film and on the production side of things uh i get really excited when people uh reference the greasy strangler because that is not something that many people have seen and it's a polarizing movie it's a movie not for everyone and so when people are enthusiastic and have seen the movie i get very excited because i think it's incredible you recognize that wavelength it's a specific wavelength and i am very much on that wavelength all right it is that time oh all right here we go back all right tim league this one's for you avenging yep okay [Music] there's a sort of dryness to it it sort of feels like someone's dusted it with hots that's a good way to put it because that's how i feel right now i think i inhaled just the right way oh and just yeah caught like a pepper buck shot right in the ass oh yeah i mean i definitely had yeah right in the back well just this is gonna suck later it really is so i know that you have a passion for music djing for more than 10 years and over that time built up a massive vinyl collection what's the last retro 45 that you bought off ebay um i'll tell you what the hot sauce really with your brain it does and it's capability of being able to answer which is really a clever aspect of the show see what you've done here um yeah you've really kept the interview on its toes um the last 45 that i bought was actually a kanye west 45 wash is in the blood that's the name of the song wow that is really hot that's it's weird because i've had that before but maybe not so much i think i only had like a little dab last time this is a whole wing it's like what's fascinating what's happening right now is that it actually i feel like the capillaries in my face are on fire and maybe that's also because i touched my face with that yeah i think i did two around my nose we're suffering together in this how about oh yeah of all the original impressions that you own wow which one required the most time and effort to track down there's a 45 from a welsh band called bran it's like a psychedelic welsh brand band that i've had a difficulty tracking down and that's very good i have that now wow yeah and that's not even the end that's great this is great but this is why we do this you know we go this is why we go through it yeah the experience well i may have i may not have actually physically thrown a ring into mount doom but now i feel like i've i've drank the lava of mount doom [Music] apologize there's so many burps yeah i mean once you've like destroyed your mouth everything else just like whatever more of the same you know you've lit the fire right fire's going can't get hotter no it's an inferno so in 2006 you're ranked number seven this is my favorite part of the show it's like magazines let's let's try and let's try and break synapses fire and communicate with your mouth an autograph collector magazines list yeah of the 10 best hollywood autograph signers what's your guiding philosophy when it comes to dealing with the autographed hounds of hollywood this is so flattering um with autograph hounds specifically yeah oh bud that's a tough one um because there's a there's a separation between fans who genuinely genuinely want to meet you and have an autograph and then the people who collect it and sell the photos i know what's going on but i can't bring myself to say no because i don't want to be a dick sometimes they they can make it excuse me a bummer for fans because they'll crowd a space and you know if there's a if there's an event that people know that they're going to be there there's loads of fans but then there's also tons of autograph hounds that will have like multiples and that can ruin it for people who care um so that's kind of a bummer but i'll always sign because i just you know i like to be nice it's hard for me to be a dick i don't want to be a dick all right elijah wood oh is this the last down [Music] hey it's the last dab this is a it was a hot session i feel like i'm i'm noticing i'm seeing you react more than i feel like i've ever seen you react which i'm honored just for you elijah i'm honored just for you oh did i do was that too much someone just said oh god what did i do what did i do yeah yeah they've been we've seen it all before okay ready cheers cheers my friend nostrovia [Music] what's the story with the last dab so smoking ad oh is this a creation of his yeah so this is made with pepper x which is his next generation reaper but it's just ad growing it on just this farm he's a madman we we got in with ed to get like the pepper x and just make this sauce with it that's wrap so that's a little ass dab yeah that's ram that's um yeah man [Laughter] but again i think once once you're once you're primed i mean this is beautifully curated i must say it's like it's like a symphony you know starting off really slow i mean maybe it's like a little single cello here and then you just keep adding elements and elements and this kind of there's a ramp up i mean it's beautiful it's like a conductor and this guy i mean this is like stravinsky comes in with the you know what i mean it's intense and but once once that starts i just don't feel like this was the absolute destroyer yeah this is when things were brought to a new level but i'm there now so i'm like well whatever last time well you know what i mean like you're primed you're you're sort of it i feel numb elijah it's because you know maybe it's because you see through this whole thing but that really uh connected with me really spoke to me because that's what we try to do we actually call it a spice symphony you do yes internally behind the scenes and then the other thing about it is you know we do think of it like a story arc yeah like once we hit this we do want to kind of land it a little bit i don't even know if yeah oh man and this is a beautiful way [Music] this is a beautiful way to do that this has been awesome and we're not done yet well you know what i had a question but i don't even know if it's you know because this was such a beautiful conversation to encapsulate the experience yeah that i almost want to just like snap it off right there for elijah wood who's somebody who's who's seen the show watched the show experienced a practice run of the show yes and now sitting down for the real thing yeah this has been really fun and i am honored and i have been a long time watcher and uh this is very cool for me this guy old trusty forever the benchmark in the show for years and it had to stay here because it had to be here for you elijah would thank you look at you taking on the hot ones gauntlet conquering it the second time around this time with some steaks and a few million witnesses and now elijah would there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life um well you can you can yeah you can go see uh either in theaters um or on demand a movie called no man of god about ted bundy and his relationship to bill hagmeyer the fbi agent and i'm about to make a film uh with a certain maken blair called the toxic avenger uh which will be super fun we work together on a movie called i don't feel at home in this world anymore which i i adore uh and he is remaking uh toxic avengers so we're about to go shoot them camera guy bill i can't tell you how hyped he is no i'm just talking about that namaste this is awesome thank you so much it was really fun thank you so much is there someone that has anyone vomited not like on set but we've had some people like where's the restroom like on cut or like yeah whatever or like people are like i need to take a break in the middle or something like that and i don't know what they do sure sure hey what's going on hot ones fans this is shawn evans checking in with a quick reminder of the hot ones season 15 sauces are currently available at heatness.com that's right heatness.com to get your hands on the season 15 hot sauces i know you're sitting there you're wondering at home like oh it can't be that hot i think they're overdoing it they're exaggerating i've had spicy before i can do it well put it to the test now available heatness.com heatness.com to get your hands on the season 15 hot sauces be careful around the eyes [Music]
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 5,656,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession)sean evans, complex networks, elijah wood, lord of the rings, frodo, my precious, elijuh wood
Id: 2-cQ_Wtv0sQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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