Jon Bernthal Gets Punished By Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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i'm just going to do one like circle yeah yeah whoa hit a lap head oh my lordy all right come on let's go let's get it [Music] hey what's going on everybody for first week feast i'm shawn evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by john bernthal he's an actor you know from films like fury and ford vs ferrari to mega hit tv shows like the punisher and the walking dead as well as award-winning plays like small engine repair which he now stars and again as a film adaptation you can also catch him in the much buzzed about king richard which tells the story of tennis superstars venus and serena williams and their father coach richard williams set to release on november 19th john bernthal you've been a very busy guy thanks for taking the time for hot ones and welcome to the show thank you man i i really appreciate you having me man i'm i'm excited to be here before we dig in how are you around the spicy stuff but you know it is not my bag man it is not i'm i'm be completely honest uh so uh i'm a little bit nervous uh i i come with uh reverence respect and uh humility but i am i'm intent on on on conquering today i hope i don't have to swallow those words but i will swallow these wings [Music] that's delicious yeah man i saw matt damon eat like the whole win i have a lot of respect for that i'm not gonna spike it like he did but very good [Music] whoa that's good [Music] all right whoa holy [ __ ] give me just this take your time man yeah that was new yeah yeah i'm good yeah yeah one sec just caught like a on the windpipe all right i'm back yes sir so one of the many highly anticipated projects you have on the way is king richard which recently premiered a telluride and in it you play williams sister's tennis coach rick macy and as an athlete i know it incenses you when movies feature actors who've clearly never thrown a ball before what was your preparation like for this film in order to avoid similar admonishment from tennis fans yeah it's the same way as if you're training with weapons or with like you have to have that stuff on point and yeah man like being being a baseball player i played football as a boxer you know when you see those things not working you've got to make it so the experts look and they say okay they did their job i buy that that's what you're going for so you know i trained i got really lucky in in my hometown of ojai california there's a tennis academy great tennis academy right there and so i trained with those guys when you have like five or six coaches that your entire day is devoted to learning something it's really one of the things about this profession i'm most grateful for and i have a little brother who um he was an all-american at football and basketball he went and played you know d1 college sports and he kind of has been whooping my ass at every i can whoop his ass in a fight but he can whoop me at every spin he's was killed me a tennis woman for but now now i got his number so yeah yeah yeah i'm i'm excited about that [Music] oh that's so good hey taste that vinegar so you start on the new independent film small engine repair a passion project of you and director john polono which started off as a small play in a tiny theater of 40 people in los angeles what is it that you find sacred or most exciting about late night theater productions like what was special to you about the 10 30 pm show at the rogue machine theater oh man that's a that's a great question i i um it's so um you know theater is uh it's it's there's nowhere to hide you know it's it's uh you get this uh this period of time where it's just rehearsal where you can just go and you can fall flat on your face and you can push each other and scare each other and and challenge each other that play started in the most humble way and what's really beautiful about that play in particular is a lot of my buddies who are who are cops and firefighters and and uh you know pro fighters they were coming with sort of the la theater audience and it was it was um this opportunity everybody kind of dug it in their own way and it was a real sort of melding of of folks and we knew we were kind of onto something special and yeah it was it was it was a beautiful time in my life and and meeting john uh you know he's he's one of my best friends i'm just i'm super grateful for it what role did the venue cafe lena in saratoga springs new york as a venue and building your confidence as an actor how do you know about cafe lena man holy moly guacamole dude i cannot so uh cafe lena is everything man that's my heart man so cafe lena it's the first coffee shop in upstate new york bob dylan played had a teeny little black box theater uh in the back and um you know my first theater company is run by uh this beautiful uh artist named josh chambers we just lost him a a couple months ago he was one of these guys that i just he like burned too bright for this world man uh real genius and and i started you know doing these plays in the black box of cafe lena uh you know where we'd have sometimes more people on stage than in the audience and um doing the most outlandish insane experimental theater cafelina what a sacred special spot man and above a place called hatties which is one of the best fried chicken restaurants in the world and i could never afford it when i was an actor there but uh i would love smelling it you know what i mean yeah just smelling that fried chicken man [Music] hmm that's great i would definitely i would definitely use uh any of these so far i would love to use these so far we'll see if i will see if that goes the punisher it features some of the most brutal extraordinary fight scenes ever on tv what are the hallmarks of a good action sequence to you like from an actor's perspective what separates a good fight scene from a mediocre one i really want to be with the characters i really i i don't want it to be one note i want to see when they feel uh when there's fear i i i love that uh when they feel like maybe someone's getting the better hand desperation um i think there's there's potential for like real comedy um but but i think like at the end of the day what everybody is really craving in those scenes is that you buy it that that you buy it so it's the physicality of of both delivering and selling the blows or if you're playing somebody who doesn't have those kinds of skills you just got to play the emotionality of it you got to kind of meld all those things together and there's nothing i like better than dancing with the stunt guys when you get a group of guys that trust you and that you trust you can take it to a higher and higher level and turn it up and it's it's uh i i love it man i love it i'm so grateful to be kind of welcomed into that community and my friends in that community i i really care about [Music] sweet huh that's good do you eat the whole wing i kind of mirror the guest you know so i don't want to be like you know if i guess i'm just taking a bite i don't want to just be like cleaning wings i don't want it to be like i'm showing off on my show or something yeah but you're you're the champ and i mean i do think like i i dug out with matt you know he was like eating the whole time like he was really doing him yeah like i did promise dom like i was not gonna take baby boy but it's like i'm i'm really gonna try to get it i know it's easy to say on this half of the tray yeah i mean i'm not trying to be you know cocky or nothing but i'm i'm gonna try to eat you know what i mean then i'm i'm right with you then i'm right with you so elizabeth olsen who we had on the show last season likewise went to the moscow art theater school and i was really fascinated to learn about her time there in particular getting a crash course in fitz morris work thinking back on that time what's an acting exercise that you remember being an enlightening eye-opening experience for an actor and can you give me another one that was just plain bizarre a cool exercise that i always think about you know they're constantly training your your attention and your concentration right so one thing that they would do is they would give you a newspaper right completely mundane article and you would have to read the first paragraph of that article and you would just sit in front of the class reading it and while that was happening people would ask you questions what'd you have for breakfast today somebody else said what color are your socks and you would have to answer each one of those questions while you were reading the the article at the same time excuse me i'm good uh so good uh uh um while you're answering those questions and reading the article the teacher would snap cough and clap when it was over everyone in the class he would just point at people at random and you you would have to say how many times did i clap how many times did i cough who asked you this question what was the answer and everyone had to know those answers and then you would have to recite the the monologue the russian theater is really all about ensemble building about how do we strengthen this team how do we all work together and the movies and the projects that i've been in that i love and that i think have been successful have all been celebrations of that i will say i took a clowning class and that first exercise was to come in and make everyone laugh but you couldn't use any words and uh everybody was failing miserably nobody could do it so i put on my girlfriend's sweatpants she had these like tight-ass gray sweatpants i got in front of the class you couldn't use any words you had to make everybody laugh and you had two minutes it was just people failed miserably so i stood there and i started like acting like i had to go to the bathroom really bad i was like you know i got and then i just like pissed myself in front of the class you know what i mean and everybody did laugh you know but like why the [ __ ] did i you know then i had to sit there with like you know it was totally so that i think it wasn't a bad exercise but i handled it in a stupid way [Music] scorpion peppers huh where's this from it's uh it's from pennsylvania wow a little bit of a step up yeah i can see that all right john we have a recurring segment on our show called explain that graham where we do a deep dive on our guest instagram pull interesting pictures that need more contact so we'll pull up the picture over here on the monitor cool you just tell us the bigger story yes sir and then i know that you're passionate about shutting down fighting kennels and rescuing pitbulls like bam bam over here yeah a little bit do you have any words of wisdom for people who may have rescued during the pandemic but don't really know what they're doing listen uh look i think like the pitbull like the breed specific legislation is uh completely bonkers i think you know the breed of your dog does not make that dog any more or less likely to be aggressive what comes hand in hand with is you do have a responsibility to train your dog my dogs are on set with me they come with me everywhere i don't need leashes or collars my dogs don't scare people they're great around kids they're upstanding members of the community there's nothing like going to a dog park and seeing a dog that's fighting other dogs and then the human being is like holding that dog after the fight petting it and saying don't do that that's a really really but like what do you think that dog is you know you're you're telling that dog to go do it again you got to be clear with the animals so um that's that's kind of the advice that that i would give and good advice all right up next for an active what was the most challenging thing about shooting for eight months in the close quarters of a sherman tank for fury i love those guys man so look when you first get in a 75 year old sherman tank you know they say there's more things that can kill you inside the tank and outside of the tank you know the turret moves people you know in training you know horrible accidents happen all the time and you know when you get in there with five guys there's you know i know what each one of the i know every smell that any one of those guys is capable of like anything brad pitt can do i know exactly what you understand and so you know by the end of that movie none of us would leave the tank when it was over they say there's no bond like a tank unit and that's really how i feel about those guys you know it's such a blessing to be able to portray these things but do it under the umbrella of safety and and then then it's our job to sort of push it and make it as as kind of dangerous as as possible under that umbrella and i think you just leave with unbelievable and deep reverence for for for the guys that that do it for real that's that's that's how i am but yeah that's that's just a typical that's that's just a typical day in the mud there yeah ghost peppers huh yeah yeah dude all right stuff all right let's go when i said that i realized there's a little bit of cockiness and arrogance i want to take that back you don't have to edit it but i'm self-evident editing i'm not being cocky or area not me because i am like i'm really into the wings you know man but i know it's about to get real you're doing great though you're doing great um amazing so you played tony soprano's father johnny boy in the new prequel to the sopranos the many saints of newark an endless ink has been spilled about how tony soprano helped usher in a whole new era of masculinity on tv and i liked a quote of yours i heard when you said the least manly thing is to be the loudest voice in the room what's your relationship with the tough guy characters that you play on camera i just think that there's this thing that's going on right now uh just kind of um you know it's everywhere it's it's in our politics it's in our entertainment it's in it's in how it's in our media where sort of the rigidity and and and um unbending sort of uh uh just just inability to move off of your opinion um that is being confused with sort of patriotism and strength and masculinity to say it's my way or the highway where i think that for me that's the most un-american thing in the world and and i think um as far as being you know a man i think you need to be able to talk to anybody you need to be confident enough in yourself um that you know that you can make a mistake that you can learn from everyone that you should approach and engage in dialogue with people that think completely differently than you um the people that i really respect and admire in my life all have that i think people who actually walk the walk that don't just talk about it they all kind of live by that code that you're constantly trying to get better you're constantly trying to grow it's not about implementing my will on you and i think that you know with this kind of masculinity thing it's just i feel like it's sort of been bastardized in this way that again it's about the bombast it's about looking tough and talk but you know having empathy for people having compassion for people helping people being somebody uh wanting to be the kind of person that will be there for someone in need that what that's what i think you know being being a dad's about being a man's about and i certainly that's how i'm trying to raise my my boys and um to have an open heart uh towards everyone [Music] there's chocolate not yeah but holy [ __ ] not the kind i think you may be like hoping for [ __ ] you don't get chocolate pepper holy [ __ ] dude [Music] yeah man i'm gonna eat this whole [ __ ] thing doing what i said i do holy moly i understand that in ford vs ferrari director james mangold kind of shied away from green screen and embraced classic hollywood filmmaking techniques when you think about the creative ways that he was able to capture the chaos of car racing yeah what sorts of things stand out across the board look he's a genius you know he's he's he's a he's a national treasure you know and and i think what really um was this uh homage to to kind of classic filmmaking for exactly what you said i think it's more than just sort of the lack of special effects and and and what that does to have real race cars screaming by the actors even if you never see the race cars the sound of it the energy the palpability of that informs all the performances they're all really there and you can feel them and i've been so blessed uh to to to work holy [ __ ] that's hot you know i've been so blessed maybe i gotta make my answer shorter holy [ __ ] bro and then martin scorsese is a director who embraces improvisation i'm curious how you think wolf of wall street might have benefited from that approach i mean it's the mountaintop you know it's never there's no one better never will be uh you know that process i learned more even with that sort of limited role my whole acting style kind of changed off of that um no two takes were alike everyone on that set everybody who steps foot on that set you know is literally the best in the world at what they do there's such reverence there's such um solitude and solidarity on those sets a lot of times people talk about that sell me this pen scene and i use it as a really good example of the way that marty kind of works when leo was walking the set that day uh you know his security was a new york city detective and he said that he had had a job interview with the real jordan belfort and leo said really just walk into set that day that we were shooting that scene he said what was the interview and he said he handed me a pen said sell me that pen so leo just he didn't tell anybody he just threw that into that scene and then everything was sort of reactive off of that it just made it that it was electric and you never knew it was going to happen next it changed the way i worked on everything did they throw you a death day party during your time on the walking dead or is that a tradition that started after you'd left no no it was right no it was uh there's a place um i forget the name of the there's a there's a soul food restaurant in atlanta that i remember the waitress the first time we went there she said this is going to make you uncomfortably full and and so that's where we always would do our death dinners we started with the very first one with amy and uh that group all those guys from the originals um they're they're they're family to me and i'm i'm so i'm so grateful i got to be on that show it it it it helped me in so many ways well speaking of eating until you're on this next one is the bomb beyond insanity yeah [ __ ] i mean what is that beyond and say so like somebody reads that and they're like oh yeah like uh yeah you go to insanity then you gotta go beyond you gotta go beyond bro [Music] oh [ __ ] dom i want you to see what i'm doing mother [Music] what's going on if you're gonna be a bear be a grizzly you gotta be a grizzly huh [ __ ] i mean that doesn't even [ __ ] there's two more hmm i can't believe you can get well yeah and it kind of just grows on this one kind of just grows oh yeah oh mother ever yeah so in addition to training overseas i know you're talking bro how are you you just keep you just keep rolling okay okay let's go i know that you also played catcher on a pro baseball team yeah russia yeah can you pull back the curtain i hate it too fast what a mound visit with john bernthal was like like what would you say to a pitcher having trouble spotting his fastball you know i i love that position you you know you're the fuel general you know there's psychology that you're constantly playing with the batter and with the pitcher i'm gonna go into the milk bro yeah me too me too i already beat you there that's beyond insanity i got intense sometimes as a catcher brother that's all i got to say about that what's the most intense high school football game you remember playing in during your undefeated season [ __ ] with the sid well friendship those guys are my best friends in the world dougie thornell greg zumas we were undefeated man we grew up playing together you know wow bro dude i can't believe there's two more as an actor who frequents the petromali boxing gym what do you think you know dude what do you think is the greatest boxing movie of all time oh uh raging bull raging bull you get right inside there with it and and the character piece um it's a hard sport to get right not too many people like what we're talking about with tennis yo what we were talking about with tennis there's not that many people who actually have gotten in there but they are unbelievably meticulous and there's movies i think a lot of people consider great that are full of boxing flaws it's a tough one for me there's like it seems like there's a million boxing movies about white fighters it's not a white sport and that's always been sort of a source of contention with in the boxing world um but uh yeah i i think raging bull for me is is the best [Music] i'm catching a little bit of a head okay yeah yeah just catch a little bit of a head buzz i think off that last one it's weird man i'm so [ __ ] nervous that he's next to but i'm also i'm curious how we could get [ __ ] stronger am i allowed to curse go ahead let it fly let it fly bro i've never seen you struggle dude like this i like how you came up in your you're like i come here with humility i come in here yeah and you know me doing been around the block so many times maybe sometimes i take this for granted but i think that first one reminded me we're playing a dangerous it's not yeah this is not this is not for uh babies all right so this is gonna do one like circle yeah yeah whoa hit a lap head oh my lordy all right come on let's go let's go so this is hellfire's cranked come on he'll fight dude look at this mother look at him look at him look at him i mean look at i'm literally going to have nightmares of this dude on here what says eat me reaper sauce let's get it dude let's get it i'm just doing one bite okay i'm good just go one bite let's just call it one let's just call that one should we do two yeah okay let's do two do you like to swallow quick that was traditionally what i did because i got to choke it down to get the question yeah yeah but then after that first one now quick i think it's a mistake maybe i should slow it down it's [ __ ] stupid man i'm sorry i'm cursing so much sloane's gonna choke me out whoa all right come on so you're a film buff who counts true romance good fellas silence of the lambs amongst your favorite but you also speak very highly of a little-known movie called dc caps oh mr t yeah why do you refer to that film as you call it the only honest dc movie that's ever been made dc's never portrayed the real dc is like never portrayed in movies you know dc growing up there it's very much a studying hypocrisy you know you've got like the federal government there and it's all pristine and it's uh you know patrolled by the capitol police and the secret service and then you know historically then you go a couple blocks either way and it's a very very different city and there's so much vibrance and culture and vitality to that city it's got its own vernacular its own music i don't know if you've ever heard go go music yeah hell yeah but like [ __ ] it's so good where'd you grow up chicago um what's crazy about [Music] dc cab showed the real dc i love that movie you know i mean i just love that movie yeah well if nothing else we got a shout out for dc cab today all right john bernthal [Music] let's do this [ __ ] bro i'm trying to watch you dude oh my god i'm going to run wipe off yeah and then what you just you you you start with the bite that you just you got it good luck brother i appreciate it thank you for having me man thanks so much for coming dude seriously holy [ __ ] cheers jon yeah respect bro come on come the [ __ ] on who would do that you go over there come on let's go let's go let's [ __ ] get it all right i love it i love it you can't talk about dc and then not do that the hell yeah yeah i mean i know that's you that's how [ __ ] genius he is dude for dc okay john bernthal long last we've reached the conclusion of our noticing journey yeah if we've learned anything along the way it's that your path through acting has likewise been a roller coaster from russia to the states to waking up at 5 00 a.m and driving to actors equity for open auditions in a ruthless jeep for someone whose path to the silver screen wasn't the easiest what do you think is the most important trait an aspiring actor must have in order to grind and make what make the way through the unknown it's pretty simple man i i think the mistake that so many people make and i think you can do this in professions across the board to constantly worry about connections getting in the right room you know knowing the right people uh uh you put all this time and effort as actors having the right headshots you know reaching out to people that you know that might be in the industry it's not about getting in the right rooms it's just not it's about what you do when you get in there you have to love what you do and you have to work at it like crazy because you love it and so double down on that and uh give it everything you have man and and uh and never ever ever ever ever give up wise words to live by from john bernthal and look at you my man taking on the wings of death we did it and living to tell the tale and now john bernthal there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life many saints in newark that uh that comes to theaters and hbo max uh oh man i'm sure this is exactly what they want you know i mean maybe i'll puke one while i'm delivering this it's coming on october 1st king richard's coming out i'm super proud of it please go see small engine repair it's it's a labor of love i guarantee it'll make you laugh it it might offend you it will push you will challenge you um but just uh be good be good to each other just be good to each other that's that's really what i want to say let's be good to each other thank you for having me man i have so much respect for you man this was awesome thank you john what a ride that was awesome holy moly man yeah i actually think the the hellfire was it was the worst really you did not well you know everybody always says to bomb but i think that what happens is people get shocked by de bomb they kind of like don't see that next one coming but yeah this one this season hit that's all it's just like strength to strength the strength yeah yeah yeah and we were taking those big bites so we'd like get you on the yeah wow just gotta do one more glass of water [Applause] hey what's going on everybody this is sean evans i just wanted to say thank you so much for watching today's episode and as you know every season it's out with the old and in with the new hot sauce lineup and i know you've been watching this episode and wondering to yourself i wonder if i would cry like that would i sweat would i scream well now you can find out because the hot ones 10 pack is available at that's to get your hands on the hot ones 10 pack remember with the last ab you don't have to if you don't want to keep milk on hand keep ice cream at the ready you can do this [Music] you
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 7,741,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession)sean evans, complex networks, jon bernthal, jon bernthal punisher, jon bernthal intervoew, jon bernthal workout
Id: KCVjsbmVi0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 4sec (1684 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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