Maisie Williams Shivers Uncontrollably While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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I feel like these Hot Ones titles are starting to get a tad out of hand.

Dean Kunitz Straight Up Dies While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8423 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Vaalrn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love that they use Da Bomb. One time many moons ago I went to restaurant in Duluth Minnesota near the navy core of engineers museum. They had lots of hot sauces and I tried a bunch and deemed Da Bomb to be the hottest of them. Well I was a kid and didnt know any better and went to the bathroom and didnt think anything of it. Fast forward 10 or so minutes and we've paid the check when my dick and ass just fucking catch on fire. My parents thought I was messing around and made me keep walking. By the time we got to the car I was just rolling on the ground. All of my parts had turned bright bright red and my mom just starts pouring water on my bright red naked ass in the parking lot. And that's the story of my Minnesota butt rash.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1308 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/forestdude πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

What a title lmao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 574 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheMightyWill πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

When Sean said "I'm hoping that you can add some Bristol-isms to my growing Arsenal" right after talking about Idris Elba, that was a fuckin banger bro.

(for anyone unaware Elba is a huge Arsenal fan)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1585 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IwishIwasGoku πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

sean after getting made fun of for his bristol slang:

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 641 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/General_Juicebox πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

It'd be really funny if the next episode is actually Sophie Turner. Also, is she wearing pajamas or am I just blind in fashion?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 566 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pvt_aru πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

She looks like an anime character that comes to life as a white woman

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 191 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LedZeppelinRiff πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1152 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DjangoBaggins πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm always super impressed with how gracious Sean is with his guests. When she says it's not so bad, and he says, "A lot of people say that after wing 4," that's as close to a sick burn as I've ever seen him go. And in some way, the understated approach makes it an even sicker burn.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 115 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/_jbardwell_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
I think I'm losing my mind how long have we been here how long has it been since I ate that wing we've been here for three days Oh God hey what's going on everybody for first we feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by Maisie Williams she's an Emmy nominated actress you know as Arya Stark in Game of Thrones she's also a tech entrepreneur an animal activist but how was she fair today against some of the spiciest vegan snacks in the history of the world we'll find out today Maisie Williams welcome to the show thank you for having me I'm very excited you're excited no I'm terrified I can see it a little bit but let me calm you down just a bit how do you handle your heat my stepdad actually one time at Christmas thought would be a good idea for us all to have like a little spoonful of hot sauce and I just remember like wanting to put the hot hot sauce the milk in my ears where it was like burning so much well are you ready to relive some holiday memories oh yeah I can't wait [Music] [Music] okay okay no problem now [Music] so you come to us from the big budget world of HBO but I know that YouTube has a very special place in your heart you grew up on vloggers like jenna Marbles and Daily Grace are you still notification squad or do you find yourself watching less YouTube these days no I'm still there every Wednesday / Thursday for jenna Marbles it's really sad because her dogs are getting older now and I've watched marble-like grow up and you know I'm gonna it's gonna be painful when that day comes right but yeah I know I'm still in for her channel on this channel called robot it's fun up tea and that's like where I'm at you have good taste Maisie thanks can you tell us what it was like to shoot with binging with babish she's a friend of ours I'm shot with him a couple times and I find it challenging because you're working off that monitor and then it's framed up like this I'm always going like opposite my instincts and reaching out of the frame and everything yeah and he's like such a pro at it now cuz like his setup and it's his house and he's like very chill about it I'm like yeah it's still kind of nerve-wracking when there's a camera on you anyway and then you've got a like try and do all these technical things and yeah it was like a little overwhelming but I just wanted some good food I honestly just kept messaging people I was like messaging Bon Appetit and I was like messaging him and I was like does anyone have any food I'm in New York and I'm really hungry yeah and he pulled through and we ate some bread [Music] that wasn't as bad as the one before we're playing mind games with you over here okay what happens if you like gets in my throat and then like half and it's like aggressive that would be that's good we'll put some like deep bass sound effect yeah maybe hit you with a fast zoom and shake the camera okay okay cool no I'm looking forward to save that one up yeah this is true that you almost missed your game of Thrones audition because you didn't want to miss a class trip to the pig farm yeah that's true when mom was like really put her foot down and I was like kind of mad about it just really wanted to go on that school trip but you know I wouldn't be here today good then you didn't yeah he wouldn't have want me on the show if I'd have gone to that pig farm maybe we would have you gotta get that girl from the field trip her hyenas misunderstood I know that you worked closely with them when you were doing heatstroke day of Africa but the guy who was like handling them and like training them he was very clear that like you can't really train a hyena and like they are wild animals and they will do what they want to do and you have to really respect them and so like we tried our best to do that you know we said please and thank you and yeah no but they're incredible animals unlike very neck heavy and I can play [Music] well as you'd expect from a show that's racked up more than 150 Emmy nominations and broken almost every ratings record Game of Thrones it's like the most fabled show on the Internet so here we went a fact check some of the rumors that are swirling around in cyberspace okay factored fiction Game of Thrones writers would prank the cast by handing out fake scripts involving their deaths and then sometimes let the joke play out for weeks before come and clean yeah that's true they did that they I think they told Alfie Allen that he was killed by bran in like a really anticlimactic way but then they didn't tell Isaac that they were doing the joke so then he texts Isaac like it's cool about that you know and then Isaac was like I don't know what you're talking about and then it all you know they did another one on Kent Harrington where they said that he got like really aggressively mold on the face and he was gonna have like a huge disfigurement on his beautiful you know chiseled jaw and that was quite [Music] true that when Queen Elizabeth visited you guys on set she refused to sit in the Iron Throne because of an esoteric rule barring her from sitting on a foreign seat of state yeah I mean she didn't necessarily like refused no one said sit on that chair because it's gonna be funny we all just sort of smiles and were like is she gonna do it you know everyone's like that and um yeah she sort of looked to it and said that doesn't look very comfy comfortable she wants that coma faked on this Queen Elizabeth and then finally is it true that you're right-handed but did most of the sword work left-handed to be true to the original novels yes that is true that was 12 year old me being I don't know a feminist I guess yeah no I just like seen on the internet cuz I wasn't most exciting thing that ever happened to me so I'd read everything about Game of Thrones online and everyone was like oh that horse is supposed to be black not white and like you know getting really upset about the most trivial things so I was like cus I'm gonna have to do this left-handed and at the beginning it was like very exciting but I'd always come into the choreography and they'd start teaching it to me and I'd be like you've done it and it haven't you and they'd be like yeah we did and I'm like well you gonna have to change it all I'll be back at noon mm-hmm no I doesn't like that I wish I was though travelled me like that that would have been funnier are these getting hotter I don't seem like they're getting hotter well maybe it's a psychological thing mm-hmm I'll be trapped so I want to take a wing to talk about the launch of dayz which as I understand as a talent discovery app designed to help artists collaborate yeah it's for people who are up-and-coming and like you have a great idea but you just don't have the contacts with people that can help you do that because it's all about collaboration you know like it's me and you on camera right now but there's like 15 other people in this job so it's basically a platform where it's really targeted towards um like the skill set that you have and the discovery for that I thought it was interesting that you decided on the app to not use like upvotes and likes as someone who has your unique perspective someone of your age do you find that the ill effects of social media and young people are they overstated or understated in your opinion I don't think is either I just think that it's not taken as seriously as it needs to be people are either talking about it like it's awful we should get rid of all of it and like they hate the internet and like hate what it's doing to their children or people talk about it like Oh kids are so stupid that they think that this is like you know and no one's actually just taking it seriously enough and understanding that it's not gonna go away but we just need to like figure it out I'm like excited now I feel like I'm gonna kill this you are killing it you know people say that after four wings sometimes yeah oh okay that was quite hot I amazing we have a recurring segment on our show called explain that grammar we do a deep dive on our guests Instagram pull interesting pictures that need more context I'm really excited to see what you chose all right well you know it's season ten we're doing a big we have a monitor now we've retired the laps oh my gosh cool here you are with a plays well with others t-shirt at comic-con it really sad about it yeah do you know what it is so someone at comic-con they like do questions for them from the audience and someone like stood a pose like I have a question I just want to give you my shirt and the reason why I'm frowning so hard is because their little area on the because I've got like a real harsh brown line and they even drew it on on the t-shirt and so I was like look she's got the frown line so that's why I'm frowning what's the re s star catchphrase like the things we know today and they're like what's your name one time this person goes what's your name and I was like amazing Williams and they went no and I was like oh [ __ ] yeah sorry I have no name up next here you are at Wimbledon giving a hug to Ellen DeGeneres : yeah that happened why was Ellen there I mean we're in the Royal Box I guess you like got to have Alan in the Royal Box everyone's like on their best behavior and light but they're also like plying you with pens so you're like getting more and more drunk but like you have to keep it together and be like really serious and then like it got to like the end of the day and like it was then that the TV cameras were like who do we have in the Royal Box today and they were like Maisie Williams and I was like whatever whatever I was dealing at Wimbledon who didn't come on [Music] okay that's not very nice okay he's gonna get hot now isn't it you would get real oh no I'm sad put some bass on that okay I just need to know yeah yeah hit that oat milk hit that oat milk so we've talked a lot about the behind the scenes of Game of Thrones but we should talk about the broader cultural impact because it's a show that's dominated water-cooler conversations for close to a decade yeah what was your reaction when Drake said shout out to Arya Stark for putting in that work last week at the Billboard Music Awards it was like wow it's really exciting but like I wasn't that so I was like afterwards in my room like she was never quite as cool like I wish I was there to be like do you feel like Taylor Swift's look what you made me do is a good musical interpretation of arias kill list absolutely that came out and I thought I'm relevant I know but that's crazy it must be surreal I know I know that one of the biggest pop stars in the world would put together an album that was basically inspired by binge watching Game of Thrones yeah for sure it was cool I love that album as well it was like a real turn for her you know she like did that thing that pops I'll stay here anyway and then in 2011 the u.s. Social Security Administration reported that aria is the fastest growing baby name for girls is that a badge of honour for you it is that's cool that's really cool I think if I wasn't on the show well yeah if I wasn't on the show it would be like a name that I'd think of for my child because it's like there she's such a great character be weird if I did it now though you're like this is aria mrs. Sansa made my children [Music] open go-for-broke repeat okay let's do it they just creep darling that's the other thing that you have to worry about oh no and how many days you have to go until you do another episode well it's funny that you ask that you know because we are opportunists here at hot ones you know like wherever the thing happens we chase that thing and they pop up this set wherever full of them so for example we shot yesterday with Ashton Kutcher do you are you like do you have to go to the doctor's make sure you don't have we should again on Friday and then the following Tuesday it just stacks hopefully I'll make it so last season I got a crash course in cockney rhyming slang from Idris Elba so now that you're here I'm hoping that you can add some Bristol isms to my growing arsenal do people in Bristol like do locals call it brizl or would that be like a New Yorker callin New York the Big Apple yeah they don't really do that right I never met anyone that's done that maybe there's like a weird portion of Bristol that do that I couldn't believe that but I've never really heard want to actually do that what does it mean to say these wings are gert lush oh just means that they're really good they say it right yeah got last gert lush I mean I love that we're doing this on this side like putting breasts on them up on hot ones right yeah she just messaged my family group chat we're going away for Christmas and I just like put like it's gonna be good luck Arkadiy Arkadiy you ever heard that but you know like when you say a word over and over again and then you're like that doesn't sound like a word anymore though you're naughty Arkadiy Arkadiy in that sweatshirt oh oh that means I did not [Music] that means I didn't I didn't Cheryl I didn't barrel that one up like hawk at hey I guess it's kind of like look at him hard at he but you say like our key because it's like flying marker yeah just like that just like that you know say that in London and they'll go wow he is a wonder all right Maisie you know the show this is the bomb [Music] I'm really proud of myself by the way you're killing it you're doing great oh it's hard I just got a little oh okay I just wanted to help I don't know if that's better or worse but I'm not cheering that donkey as bad it's still bad it's bad Oh God mmm I think I really like dodged a bullet there though it's just follow at home and just risk choking well let's see how this goes okay you know yeah we put the cart in front of the horse here sometimes Oh the build okay but maybe it is maybe that's little you know I think I got it Russell oh it sucks oh it's like it's like coming from within yeah it's like actually no it's good yeah I know I think it was just like oh is it true that for most of your life you thought that graham crackers were called cram crackers yeah because you guys cool gram gram gram oh yeah so I thought they were just called cram crackers for the uninitiated why is the cream they have one that's not covered at all yeah DOM is fast on the draw here Dex it's Christmastime right here like yeah right here with you okay but the uninitiated why is the Great British Bake Off the best cooking show on TV Oh cuz marry Barry but now it's Prue there's no offense to prove like poor girl remember Mary was just you know she was so sassy you know like she really just like when Paul was being a beber dick just was like you know we like that yeah why are we crying over here is cauliflower Oh crying I don't know so when someone when someone when someone does cauliflower and oat milk do you do cauliflower dan Oh milk cauliflower oat milk whatever that gas goes what that's Nagaland and then you know and the lead-up to Game of Thrones Season eight there are so many Game of Thrones food products from the Drakkar yes burger at Shake Shack to these Oreos that are stamped with the stark sign Oh God people go to but when you order a coffee sometimes they'll put like you know a nice like your face well I don't have that but like you know a thing yeah yeah people do things like that a lot but I've never had any of the things that you said I think I'm losing my mind how long have we been here like how long has it been since I ate that wing it's we've been here for three days Oh God [Music] shivering no I don't know what it is I don't know what's happening to me I don't do it oh it's a bit red there it's just sucks on every side okay I'm sorry okay I mean okay take your time take your time okay not right banded rip it yeah totally just follow it at home at this point I did the rest of them without swallowing the hole that they've had so much like chili on that now it's just like don't put more chili on your lips right you once said that if you had a career and dance that you would leave acting is that still true yeah I just I would owe every I would do both I would never like do it over acting anymore like oh I love it but like having something that you really love as a hobby while still doing something that you love for a career is like a win-win because sometimes if you make your tobe a career then like you can start to hate it because it's like that's what you know your brain does because it's annoying was the dance party as sophie Turner and Joe Jonas is wedding up to standard I'm sure that that was part of your responsibilities on the maid of honor checklist it was quite the party Diplo came in Spahn the decks have Diplo at your wedding that's like that's the hack apparently was supposed to be at Glastonbury and he didn't go cuz he came to the wedding Wow and that's the tea [Music] all right no we're here we're here we're here which is a good thing you did know law you know I wanna do the dab you don't have to do the death no I should yeah be careful wait I just I can't you think straight that's fine it's my engineering the bunny thing again for the first for the second time in your life yeah this is like no joke yeah you told me it was more for that benefit yes it's no joke as someone who's seen the show watches the show is it what you thought it would be in terms of spice is a hotter than you thought it would be is it not as hot as he thought it would be you know the freaky flavors are a real nice touch because I thought it was very nice touch that makes it you know it's like calms your nerves as you like go into it that was like something I didn't expect by I'm grateful for but you know coming into these last four wings here where it becomes a different experience yeah okay sorry is this better for camera here bro what up bro careful though yeah it is so it sneaks up on you yet it does our old last tab Oh dick yeah smart I'm gonna start doing that can I do that I'm dip it dip it okay and not kid like you know mentally feel like it's ketchup but it's not do you hear me I'm like I feel like I've got like like there everything's swollen okay yep I hope no one gives me [ __ ] for that come on that's fine that's a big death it's very quiet okay no I don't oh oh no I feel like we're about to jump yeah and then I jumped and you just like you just went and I'm like oh sorry okay [Music] well I'll come home oh no I mean all right Maisie Williams the bells they're bringing here on our battle against the wings of death but we just have one more obstacle before we get you out of here we'd be remiss not to mention your BFF and co-star sophie Turner I know that you guys were attached at the hip for the last 10 years on set even getting matching tattoos to commemorate the day that you guys got your roles together it is so beautiful so when I was here and so do I which is why I'd like you to look into this camera in either try to convince sophie turner that hot ones is a good idea Oh either persuader or dissuade her from doing the show depending on how you're feeling right now we've never eaten hot food together so I don't know how you're gonna do it this so I want you to come and do hot ones I'm calling you out come do hot work do hot ones and then like maybe I'll be better than you but probably not well you know what you've gone to the top of the mountain today Maisie Williams you are nervous the red flag that's that's they waved a red flag when someone's a champion Yeah right just let it go Moisture everywhere it's not chicken and look at you at the end of the line and now there is nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you I wanna do it again that was so fun this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life oh nothing really just eating hot food happy holidays everybody okay hug hi tag I'm on hot ones no that's right I think I got a milk moustache that's good for the pig hey what's going on hot ones fans this is Sean Evans checking in to say if you do not have plans on November second or third come out to complex Kanban Beach hot ones will be bringing it for our fourth straight year doing a live episode with the baby the first we feast food zone I'll be making the rounds taking pictures slinging hot sauce you don't want to miss it again that's November 2nd and 3rd in Long Beach California hot ones round 4 baby [Music]
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 6,866,239
Rating: 4.8989182 out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession)sean evans, hot ones, hot ones maisie williams, maisie williams, maisie williams game of thrones, maisie williams interview, maisie williams hot sauce, maisie williams spicy wings, hot ones hot sauce, da bomb hot sauce, the last dab, sean evans, spicy wings hot ones
Id: bzMMDNiaBo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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