David Harbour Feels Out of Control While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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What an absurdly charismatic and likeable man

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 256 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/P4NK-TP πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

David was basically spice-drunk the whole interview and it was great. You could tell he loved the questions and enjoyed the hell out of the experience.

Now bring back Stranger Things before the kids are in their 20s :)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 156 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheBoyisBackinTown πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I could listen to David talk all day about anything he wants - underground gambling, intricacies of acting, oddly specific frog breeding... I love it all

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 93 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/judgementallurker πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

David struggling to answer Sean's top 4 cured meats question after answering questions about Shakespeare and acting methods, then going for a second bite off an adrenaline rush is probably my favourite reaction to Da Bomb ever

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 93 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mig1997 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This episode gave me the same vibes as the Paul Rudd episode. Just two bros hanging out, having a fun conversation over some hot wings and genuinely enjoying it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 70 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EntropyFighter πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Loved this ep. Honestly just seems like two friends shooting the shit aha.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 57 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/UpYourFidelity πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

What a wonderful episode! He was so fun, and loving each sauce as he went. Think he shaved his head to match Sean?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ralph-Hinkley πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh yeah, this is one of the most enjoyable interviews on the show in the past year. What an awesome dude. His enthusiasm and energy is infectious.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 35 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MrAwes0m3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Perfect interview. Pleasant guest. No expectations or knowledge of the show (so he was always surprised). Couldn't ask for more!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 38 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thadude42083 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
it's still working that last one but why not press forward right why not [Music] hey what's going on everybody for first week feast i'm shawn evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by david harbour he's an emmy and tony award-nominated actor perhaps best well known for his portrayal of jim hopper and the netflix mega hit series stranger things his latest though is the highly anticipated marvel studios action spy thriller black widow which is set to hit theaters in disney plus premiere access on july 9th david harbor welcome to the show thank you for having me i think yeah what is going through your mind right now prepare for this adventure concerned i'm very concerned i was uh walking over here and i i wasn't eating a lot today you know i was preparing my stomach for this and then i decided to have a really big chocolate chip cookie right before i got here which i think was a terrible idea for hot sauces so i'm i'm kind of nervous but we'll see how this goes oh see there goes the alarm that's it everybody out of the building can't do the wing challenge [Music] conserve energy conserve energy turn off those cameras then this is the one this is the one okay [Music] now that's not bad there's no problem man i got this [Music] so in black widow you play the role of alexis shazdakov a russian counterpart to captain america who's hilariously void of the conventional superhero virtues and i'm curious how do you as an actor think about the traits that make a heroic character a hero versus the weaker qualities that make them human that's an interesting question um i guess i'm always interested in flawed characters much more than i am incapable characters the people that i tend i tend to fall in love with people or my heart goes out to people who are i find beauty in people's flaws i find beauty and their inadequacies and i think true like love and when you think about someone and sort of obsess about them it's because of their frailty i think it's what binds us and like alexi has a lot of that you know his neediness and his remorse comes out in this very bombastic egotistical way where a lot of people that feel less than sort of act big like they're big big shots and so i found that really charming about him i just find a lot of these little you know moments within him that are kind of as you say weaknesses or flaws i think that's what i always start with and then the superpowers kind of take care of themselves you know like i gotta jump 40 feet in the air and there's a guy with a wire who like pulls me up so that's you know that's kind of easy [Laughter] [Music] okay okay i see where we're headed but i'm good with this so i've heard you talk about playing hamlet at 19 in a way that sort of feels like a fever dream of angst and artistic expression i'm curious what do you think what do you think is the best on-ramp to shakespeare for people watching who've sworn off the works after reading macbeth in 10th grade that's great an on-ramp to shakespeare i love that car i don't know you know i mean i'll tell you my personal connection to shakespeare i don't know i wonder how it holds up but when i was in eighth grade [Music] a buddy of mine dragged me to see henry v that kenneth branagh directed and starred in and that like changed my life and changed my experience in relationship to shakespeare and it really was my on-ramp to shakespeare i didn't know much about shakespeare except as you say like reading romeo and juliet when i was in high school and hating it like everybody else so this really changed my something about the swelling music and you know derek jacoby comes out with a match in the beginning and lights i mean it's just really it's very well done so i would i'd recommend that one and then you once said that as a young actor you're broken into two types a romeo and a mercutio can you break that down and which one are you i mean i'm definitely a mercutio and i guess this is my relationship to film in general there's just dudes that are just good looking and they sort of they're kind of the popular kids like i was never really that popular in high school there's that table of like guys who like played football and there's that table in the actor world too where they just look great they're always kind of in shape and they just show up on film really well and then there's guys like me who like you take a picture of them and they're weird they have like one eye open kind of and like a little bit of a double chin and i've always been that way but you use that freak in you to bring something special because things don't come as easily to you but i do think in in general you tend to find those actors along the way and you can spot them and you can be like oh hey man you're my fellow weirdo my fellow mercutio catches up with you a little bit oh yeah it does kind of hit you a little bit later though yeah yeah i'm okay though this is only number three though of 10. okay base my confidence here what's the most harrowing experience you had as a young man and member of an underground new york city poker club like did you ever see oh my god how do you know did you actually research thank you play together no no no i i wish i wish did you ever see like a brazen armed robbery attempt or like played an especially high stakes game or anything like that yeah i explained some high sick game i never saw go down one of the reasons those places got shut down because they were sort of sanctioned i mean under the table by the cops for a long time and then what happened was guys would break it and the guy broke in i guess a couple guys broke in with shotguns and just accidentally one of them went off and shot an old guy it's not as romantic as you think it is like like actually that movie rounders right that's like what's in my head those guys who wrote that movie i used to play with and i know the guy who is teddy kgb and he does not look like john malkovich he looks like a kind of dumpy like little dude but yeah there was a real real beautiful moment in the underground poker scene in new york that i wish lasted forever i didn't know you'd be asking me like real questions [Laughter] this is what is this hot ones barbacoa okay [Music] almost like a pleasant downshift from the last one there's a different quality in the hotness right that's there's no measure of that but this one feels more peppery and this one's more like i don't know like a just different quality yeah like a morning fog kind of spice or something exactly a morning fog type of spice yes so there'd be anarchy in the comments if we didn't take a wing to discuss stranger things the pop culture phenomenon that's won more than 60 major awards since premiering in 2016. wow why did you call the buyer's family dog chester one of the worst actors oh my god i hated that dog i hated that knockover take after take it would like wander off or do something and then i just remember the trainer like on the sidelines going come on we gotta make our money we gotta make our money um yeah i walked up to them and i was like you know the buyer should probably have that dog put to sleep we never talk about it the whole rest of the show but they just wind up not having a dog the dog's gonna dwell on there you should find it upside down though in one of these future seasons there he went he crawled through the tree and then and working with winona i've heard you say that sometimes to get into the hopper character you'll you'll get angry and she'll intuitively go there with you what does that actually like mean or look like on set for acting to happen and for it to resonate in a real way like i think the reason why you go watch a movie and you'll be like ooh that was good or like that's cheesy it doesn't do anything for you it's because like actually drama happens the only way drama happens is if two people actually experience something real together so in a sense like you have to bleed a little bit and like you know the construct of this is very heady but the construct of character love petty okay okay okay i've been doing so much press where it's just like you know who would win in a fight with captain america i'm like i'm like do i talk about real stuff i'm so confused right now okay okay i won't apologize so the um the construct of character exists only in on the page and in your mind and in the structure of the piece what exists on the screen is david and winona theoretically at its best dramatically is when david and winona are actually mad at each other a lot of work nowadays i feel like people don't like that as much they everybody wants you know everybody get along and i feel like there's a lot of there's some danger in that interaction and so what i find with winona she knows that beauty comes from mess the lotus grows from the mud right so let's sling some mud at each other she's very willing to do that and it's i've found it sort of hard harder and harder in a certain way to find people who are willing to do that [Music] pineapple and ginger all right [Music] this one's good i like this one i like the ginger a little pineapple ginger mm-hmm [Music] oh that's good all right david while you enjoy that wing we have recurring segment on our show called explain that graham we're do a deep dive on our guest instagram pull interesting pictures that need more context so we'll pull up the picture on the mind wow just tell us a bigger story do you have a favorite penguin fun fact or observation about wildlife in the arctic i got a i got a penguin fun fact penguins are very necessary i love penguins they're very necessary for the environment i love and dark sky i love penguin they want to protect the pants they're disgusting creatures they are absolutely disgusting because when you go on these antarctic glaciers and you see penguins it's nothing but and blood there was another really cool thing about penguins when so they have these things down there in antarctica called leopard seals do you know what these are they're they're vicious vicious so they're like there was one that you know they grow like 12 15 feet long these things and they eat penguins and we were on one of these glaciers walking around and literally from the ocean like 20 feet away from this leopard seal just came out of the ocean like the biggest thing i've ever seen looked around guys and then proceeded to puke up a uh penguin skeleton and then like slither back and see it going it's like terrifying terrifying [Music] what are we on number six we're on number six oh i'm kind of enjoying this tiki hot masala yeah that's good that's good we started we're starting to get there yep that's good yeah we're not messing around anymore no we're going forward it's not starting to happen now i see why people are so upset about this show so elizabeth olsen who was actually on the show recently she did a semester at the moscow art theater school when i talked to her if she had like a preference between the stanislavski method or the check off organic performance and i've heard you likewise talk about russian influence is there a playwright or a theater practitioner that you think informed your technique or process more than others for me it's like lee strasbourg or bust like i'm a devotee he's american method it's the actor's studio where lee strasberg taught everybody's relationship to things is different so the literal relationship is not very important what's important is the metaphoric relationship and that is very much the american method it's not about actually like being the character because you can't it's about your metaphoric relationship acting as if you're the character but yeah it was very much strasbourg what came out of the group theater probably the greatest theater of america and then like lee strasberg sort of took it in this other direction where they all argued with him and hated him and fell out but i think what he was doing you know through the 60s and 70s was just the is just the best acting training there is [Music] i'm starting to feel it like leave its thing on my tongue though there's a cumulative yeah here we go [Music] okay a little more serious this one yeah yeah yeah yeah [Laughter] wow i've been drunk in like uh 15 years when i'm starting to feel it gets trippy good wait a little bit it's trippy yeah okay so growing up in white plains i know that you connected with the outcasts your dnd and video games and graphic novels what are the necessary components for the perfect dungeons and dragons party um oh god the necessary components i mean i guess you have to have like a good party of people and that means a mix like you need people that are gonna play by the rules and then you need people that are gonna break the rules and be horrible and you know not do what you tell them to do if you have too many good students it's just not that fun and if you have too many rule breakers you can't get anything done and nothing moves you can't have any fights it's all just like sitting around looking at curios in some shop or something and then you do need like an indefinite amount of time you need just like a day where there's no limits you can go to like six in the morning and just like dig in like any degraded activity like poker or whatever like you want to get that sweet spot where you feel like you should be doing something else but nobody knows you're doing it still so you can just get lost in the degradation that's part of the joy yeah that's good well this next one should we go for number three this is the bomb this is the one don't psych yourself out okay [Music] child's play yeah you breathe differently without you it affects your respiration and i don't think it ever goes back i think forever forever changed over here david wow i'll breathe like this for the rest of my life god that's what's happening damn i mean yeah well it's serious um oh yeah it's still happening it'll grow full it just yeah yeah i like that i like that unfolds i like that wow oh yeah oh wow wow wow okay ask me more questions so i can show you talking i've seen you post uh pictures of barrico ham in spain and then you were posted prosciutto in uh venice what is your mount rushmore your top four cured meats of all time [Music] your top four cured meats of all time wow god damn that is the hardest question i've ever been asked and you saved it until we're almost done with the hottest sauces i knew you get harder as you go top four cured meats i can't even think of a single cured meat right now i mean i mean like i can't even think of a single one like there was a pepperoni pizza i had like a million years ago that i remember was nice ah this is still happening it's still unfolding i haven't even taken a second bite yet is there a dive bar or restaurant spot that you missed the most thinking back about your inglorious days in the east village oh yeah god yes i can have one more bite of this just because i'm then i'm going into crazy right come on what are we gonna do die maybe um yeah i got one oh man i got some good ones okay oh my god oh my god okay on on avenue a i lived on 12th street between a and b and so on avenue a between 12th and 13th there was a place called karova milk bar corrova milk bar used to make milk drinks that were that were a very alcoholic and they were all based on this is horrible but this is the east village we can go there right yeah let's go they're all based on on dead like child stars or whatever i used to love that plate and they would play clockwork orange in black light it was a horrible place those are the days those are the days in manhattan it was also yeah i mean that was back when we were still we were still dark you know we weren't the mall we are today oh so good i'm very proud of myself i have to say i'm very i really did not think i was going to be okay with any of this and it seems like you're downright enjoying it i am kind of enjoying it this is actually a lot of fun [Music] it's still working that last one but why not press forward right why not where else do we have to be okay this one is the scorpion disco the scorpion those of you keeping score i think that was a bar in the east village i think [Music] still a labor still intense no it's really hurting what's your best advice for how to care for white's tree frogs as pets you once said in a q a with playbill that you're very passionate about keeping and breeding them as a child oh my god you do your research not only do you cook amazing wings but you do your research yes okay i love white street frogs australian white street frogs i build your own terrarium i build my own terrariums oh yeah i wanted them to breed the only way a white street frog will have sex is if they're rained on for 20 hours a day and if they have a foot of water so i had to make a terrarium with a sump pump and rain pipes and it would rain on them for 20 hours a day and they still didn't have sex because i guess they have to like each other too all right david what are you doing shaking that up [Music] this is the last dab we call it the last dab because it's tradition around here to put a little extra on the last one you don't have to if you don't want to oh but don't do that oh you're insane yeah it's affecting my whole i like it i seriously haven't like i'm sober for a long time yeah and that's been drunk for a long time in this kind of it's bringing you back yeah i feel like a little bit like out of control yeah not sure what i'll do next oh oh my lips [Music] come on baby here we go [Music] all right man let's do it right cheers david hey cheers cheers huh [Music] i love on the super hots how you kind of smile and laugh your way in it's just so crazy [Music] oh oh wow [Music] but thankfully david we've reached the conclusion of our spicy food adventure today and just one more question for you you know we've covered a lot of ground from broadway to frogs to marvel and what i really like about you is that you're so honest about the journey so honest about the highs the lows the rejection and the pain and the humiliation that can come with pursuing a career in acting so now with your blood slowly roasting inside of you your tongue and brain on fire i'm curious what words of enlightenment or caution do you have to other creative young people who are interested in a calling in the arts i remember hearing this when i was coming through and i would hear actors come speak to you at college or whatever and they'd go only do it if you have to do it and i'd go like i will never say that when i become an actor because even if you want to do it you should try it and now i feel like i say it all the time only do if you have to do it because there is i feel like i i could have had a very happy simple life doing all kinds of other things but at the time i just couldn't imagine myself doing anything else only do it because you need to do it not because you want to be famous do it because you have something to express and then just be tenacious you don't even have to be that good you just gotta like stick with it and speaking of sticking with it working your way through the gauntlet the hot ones gauntlet came in here with mixed confidence coming through the other side dominating the board and look at you david harbor taking on hot ones and living to tell the tale now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you this camera this camera or this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life what what is that this is the confessional you get me drunk on hot swings and you okay hey uh i got uh some movie on hbo max directed by soderberg called no sun move which i'm very excited about but of course the big one is go see black widow marvel suit as black widow in theaters and on disney plus july 9th good job david good job thanks guys wow hey what's going on everybody this is sean evans checking in with some very exciting first week feast news now when i'm not over here choking down chicken wings on hot ones i happen to be a huge pizza guy sicilian neopolitan deep dish dollar slice frozen pizza i love it all which is why i'm excited to announce that first we feast has a brand new show pizza wars where pizza master nicole russell takes on contenders in a battle royale of different pizza styles i'm on there judging the deep dish episode naturally but the show has other great guests as well including buddies like babish and frank pinello but that's enough chit chat let's let the sizzle reel do the talking alright roll the tape [Music] the misconception is that if you get a lot it's good bite for bite this is the best eating experience i've ever had on one of these things my opponents and i will be taking on a new piece of theme challenge every episode i wish that i could give you both trophies but they only gave me one do you guys have an extra they don't have an extra don't get it twisted this is a competition and i want to win but i'm also here to catch up with a few of my friends i couldn't have done this episode with nobody else to learn some new tricks to use at home you gotta slice the garlic thin so thin that it liquefies in the pan no no thank you for that thank you nona and eat a whole bunch of pizza oh so get ready people peace awards is [Music] coming you
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 3,051,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession)sean evans, complex networks, david harbour, sean evans, spicy wings, hot seat, sean evans david harbour, hot ones, hot ones sean evans, hot ones david harbour, black widow, black widow david harbour, Stranger Things, jim hopper stranger things, jim hopper
Id: ZOfVbtOUhU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 58sec (1558 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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