Johnny Knoxville Gets Smoked By Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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I love Knoxville's answer to the 'Prank Rules' question. It sounds so weird but he's basically a leading expert on pranks, hearing this from him is like listening to a biologist talk about photosynthesis.

"We try to aim everything at ourselves. The stuff you're talking about, it's dark, and it's not funny when you bring all that anger into it. There's a way to do a prank and get a big reaction and not have to go to those places."

I despise all these pranks that bait you into watching and thrive off of pissing off strangers or nearly giving them a heart attack. Knoxville's way of using someone random off the street is more like when a Magician pulls someone from the crowd.

👍︎︎ 3846 👤︎︎ u/onedostresariba 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2018 🗫︎ replies

I love his Steve-O impression

👍︎︎ 933 👤︎︎ u/wlydayart 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2018 🗫︎ replies

Johnny is an American treasure, he's just so effortlessly charismatic.

👍︎︎ 3383 👤︎︎ u/TyJaWo 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2018 🗫︎ replies

So has his eye always been googly moogly or is that just a result of his latest injury?

👍︎︎ 393 👤︎︎ u/Oradi 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2018 🗫︎ replies

I enjoyed how relaxed Knoxville was. Even though I was hoping he'd be hyped and off the wall, he gave a great interview.

👍︎︎ 685 👤︎︎ u/ilumlia 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2018 🗫︎ replies

I will be disappointed if Steve-O doesn't call in the middle of the episode.

Edit: Was disappointed.

👍︎︎ 1059 👤︎︎ u/LegendarySpark 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2018 🗫︎ replies

A lot of his answers were repeats from the Vanity Fair interview

👍︎︎ 865 👤︎︎ u/riptide747 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2018 🗫︎ replies

Johnny knoxville is not a American treasure. He's a treasure unto humans.

👍︎︎ 1270 👤︎︎ u/A_WILD_CUNT_APPEARED 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2018 🗫︎ replies

Anyone else get the feeling like you were listening to a wise old grandpa who's been through some shit dropping some wisdom on the youngins?

👍︎︎ 364 👤︎︎ u/GammyIsGettingUpset 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2018 🗫︎ replies
Jesus Christ yeah no good to go okay what's going on everybody for first we feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we open up season six with Johnny Knoxville you know them as the star and co-creator of Jackass hit films like bad grandpa and the ringer and speaking of you can catch him in his latest movie action point now in theaters Johnny welcome to the show you talked so much faster when the cameras are rolling than when you do when the cameras aren't rolling yeah and I just I just had to adjust and now I'm adjusted I'm doing wonderful thank you for having me I think you've sped up a little bit too yes yes yes as someone who suffered countless concussions and broken their Jim dog all in the name of entertainment my guess is that today's challenge will be a walk in the park but I do have to ask how are you a spicy food I'm okay I'm okay you'll start getting funny for me around here I think so we'll see how it goes all right well new season new sauces I'm doing this gauntlet for the very first time right along with you Johnny all right you ready get it going yes [Music] all right so this first one is the howler monkey the howler monkey mm-hmm okay I have to eat on the side sorry [Music] your hasn't got funny yet very good dog so I'm gonna start by rolling back the clock because as I understand it you inherited your love for juvenile pranks from watching your father staged gunfights at Christmas or serve his buddies laxatives milkshakes what was it like growing up with a joker for a dad did he have an all time prank I used constantly doing things he has such charisma and he was so loud and and yeah and I think he maybe should have been in show business my dad had all these crazy guys working in his tire company ass-kickin robber big George big Sam ww Woodrow Wilson boxcar Johnson jr. so I grew up with a lot of big characters in my life and my kids have the same type crazy uncles around so I've kind of recreated my childhood a little with my kids what's the johnny knoxville prank or stunt that you hope your kids never find on the Internet my oldest didn't see jackass until she was 14 but even then I made her sit next to me in the theater and sometimes I made her cover her eyes ears or both it can be alive if you're young didn't see that especially with your father doing it it's this next was the heartbeat hot sauce okay a little hotter a little hotter it's how it's designed so I switch gears and talk about action point because I know that the movie it's inspired by this real-life theme park in New Jersey that featured 50 mile-per-hour go-karts and the infamous cannonball loop waterslide what can you tell the people about the original action park how was a place that was just stacking up hundreds of injuries per summer able to stay in business well it was a different time it was the late 70s early 80s and you know the lawyers hadn't come in and made everything safe for everybody even for the 70s it was a control they had this genius owner gene Mulvihill like I'm not gonna hassle the kids with a bunch of rules I'm gonna leave safety up to them and he did and it was insane it was Lord of the Flies with booze and weed and it's like the kids would design the rides and the kids work the rides and they were usually high or drunk there was there were no adults around and it was a magical place one that can't exist anymore all right you ready to move on Johnny yes we have this little garbage can if you want to ditch if you want to keep it around that's up to you what's more aesthetically pleasing I would say tossing it but you know okay well the Pirates Lantern they really shot the moon on that title there's one just kind of mustardy maybe that should have been first so I probably speak for a lot of our viewers and I say that I grew up watching you to take nut shots so if you'll humor us I want to hit you with some questions that I've always been dying to ask you about jackass is it true that you had to talk Brad Pitt off the ledge when he wanted to do a prank that was just bigger than the one that you guys had planned for him well yeah I mean he showed up ready we had him in two bits one we kidnapped him in front of Pink's hot dogs which went really well and the first time we had him for one night we were doing these go-karts bombing the hill on vine and we were all really like oh we don't want him to hurt because he's Brad Pitt is so but he was he did not care he was ready to do it and he was the first one in the middle of the street we're like no no no don't do that but he eating here when you think back on all the pranks the stunts that the cameras didn't catch the onset things that the cameras didn't catch is there a story that stands out well that happens all the time it is frustrating though especially if you just got smoked yeah no no you can't because someone clicked off this camera this person was shooting at the sky and it's just part of who's the person the Jackass cast her crew that you think deserves more credit I don't know if any of us deserve any credit we give Aaron Magee he'd a lot of [ __ ] but he Heat what he gets great footage yeah there I said it what's the key to finessing or release out of an unsuspecting member of the public because but some people might not realize is you not only have to execute this stunt this prank then you also have to get your mark to agree to appear on camera that's a very very tough thing to do sometimes you have to wait a day sometimes you can get them to sign later and sometimes they just won't sign and that's frustrating too that's just like missing a shot right because then you're like I can't use this yeah we yeah so that that doesn't happen that much anymore but it does happen and that's very frustrating so this next one is the torchbearer son of zombie that's a mouthful I feel it more on the tips of my lips if you know what I'm saying I don't feel it in my mouth I feel like it's tingling on the outside of my lips so I saw an Instagram post were in 1995 you wrote a story for bikini magazine called how to survive in Vegas on no money a day do you remember any tips from that story yeah never write for Ryan a union because every article he would give me is like hey you're gonna go to Vegas on no money a day how about hitchhiked to Dallas or no money a day cheap bastard just didn't want to give me any you've gotta depend on the kindness of strangers but I don't remember it's been a long time there's been a lot of concussions since right right you can't expect me to remember from 95 digging deep because you know that's what you're doing you're pitching these articles and I do wonder when you think back on some of these lesser-known gems are there any that stand out well the one that kind of started my involvement in stunts is the one wide tested self-defense equipment on myself for Big Brother Jeff Tremaine was the editor of Big Brother and he was the director of Jackass and most of the guys came from Big Brother you know and as somebody who took red pepper spray to the face and shot themselves if you needed a self-defense tactical device if you're in a fight for your life which one would you reach for pepper spray have no questions because stun gun you have to get close to someone within reaching distance that's dangerous and a taser gun the first time I got shot I had didn't have a shirt even have a shirt on and one bounced off and then they both have to be in you for the circuit to connect pepper spray you can be 15 feet away and just blast someone in the face it just does not go away and they're like all use milk that'll help me be milked as an owl people say the same thing to me about the wings yeah does it help I'm kind of like no but thanks for the tip it's like bulls they hate the color red Bulls don't care about the color red they just hate movement they just hate you [Music] oh is this your guys own brand mm-hmm oh but if you think it's trash told me it's the trash daddy mine mine mine OHS has been broke a few times so my taste buds don't work that well so like my own position but this stuff let me tell you most calientes delicioso all right Johnny will River current segment on our show called explain that grande where you do a deep dive on our guest Instagram poll interesting pictures that need more context so I'll bust out the laptop I'll show you the picture then you just tell me the bigger story does that sound good I'd love that Thank You Phil there's some damn tough wings yes what happened here that I got hit with the water hose with the air cannons attached to it and it knocked me back and the only thing stuff the moment my momentum was my face hitting the slide and I got stitches of my right eye I got gnarly whiplash for like six weeks in the concussion from that one it was the most injuries I've ever had on the film and I asked the stunt men and women to do the stunts like me as well like no pads no wires like every other film you're going to see this summer this is we're doing them for real now Carolina Reapers at the hottest pepper in the world it is the hottest pepper in the world very impressive you ever put one in the boot no I think I'd be a bad idea I think I think I just wrote a really great bit for this show for you yeah yeah there's no going back you know as somebody who's just eaten it twice the conventional way I'm playing that out in my head and then combined with like the taste of this wing and I'm having PTSD mmm it's better if you have that on camera that's true got it afterwards you know spicy yeah very spicy so last August we had steve-o on the show and he actually picked up a call from you and answered it on speaker do you remember that remember yeah yeah don't answer your phone in the middle of doing a show okay he was very excited to get a call from you I love Stevo he made it through as well right he did no problem and when he explained the concept of this show to you you said I'm getting harder than Portland cement just thinking about it how does the reality compare now that you're here oh man I'm yeah harder than a turnbuckle now and then just even listening to you guys talk for that brief moment it's clear that you have a very special relationship what was your impression of Stevo and he first met him well when we first met him he drove everyone up the wall you know because he's a lot he can be a lot I think the first time Dimitri and Tremaine from Big Brother Magazine shot was steve-o they were shooting with him and they were going somewhere house and on the way to the next location they're like oh god [ __ ] this guy let's lose him like they were trying to get away from him but they couldn't shake him he's unshakable and he just grows on you he knows he can be a lot and he's uh he's something else bun stirs black label mm-hmm thought was instantly hot mm-hmm it's getting real mm-hmm can I get some more water the water in the can thank you can you draw back the curtain on what it's like to master - stunts like is it something that starts off as a sketch and then it goes through some sort of writers room process is it more complicated than that is it less complicated than that I don't know if there's any master Minds working on those stunts but sometimes we get together and write like in the case of the prank on Aaron McGee at the end of jackass number two that one just everyone just kept piling on and it kept getting more ridiculous and more ridiculous and he's not gonna fall for this but if he does then maybe they'll fall for it just kept snowballing that one is one of our favorites and then in YouTube there's a little bit of a controversy around this prank culture because you'll have people getting millions of views faking terrorist attacks or race-baiting in certain neighborhoods and I'm wondering do you have any prank rules are there lines that you won't cross we try to aim everything at ourselves the stuff you're talking about it gets dark and it's not funny when you bring all that anger into it there's a way to do a prank and get a big reaction and not have to go to those places God my lips are really hot yeah [Music] the bomb instantly hoppy I felt like I could choke for a second hmm very interesting [Music] Jesus Christ yeah no dude ago so in addition to the countless surgeries and broken bones it seems like one of the pitfalls and being johnny Knoxville is having this public persona as this indestructible man do people still crack you over the head with beer bottles or is that sort of chilled out over time oh [Music] wow glasses fogging up a little bit yeah that was hot well when the show and film first came out people would try to challenge me to fights and mm-hmm-hmm I can't fight if you want to prove you're tough why don't you go you know jump on that guy over there with the the cauliflower ears you're not gonna prove you're tough by beating me up that's happened a lot how you feeling I'm feeling wonderful lips are a little hot are you gonna do that Carolina Reaper thank you I'm bringing that to the finale yeah keeping the eyeballs you know okay all right poof all right we're ready I'm ready all right [Music] yeah this one doesn't feel great [Music] hmm still harder than a turnbuckle yeah yeah I think it's probably like pushing a chain right now so I understand that you're somewhat of a theme song aficionado and used to cruise around with a mixtape full of songs from the Godfather and Breakfast tiffany's if you were stuck on a desert island what would be three movie soundtracks that you need to help hold you over Wow movie soundtracks well of course Breakfast at Tiffany's I love The Godfather but I don't know what sitting around listening to the Godfather soundtrack is going to put me in a special place the last song in cinema paradiso is really pretty I think I was on there with The Breakfast at Tiffany's not the most butch stuff is there a story behind how Corona by the Minutemen became the theme song for jackass and we was just indistinct to a bunch of songs and I I submitted that and bastards of young by the replacements and everyone liked Corona by the Minutemen all right Johnny Knoxville and now this is one of your guys hot sauces it is one of our hot sauces so this is a new one it's the last dab redux which not only has pepper acts from our original recipe but also ate chocolate pepper ice Oh crazy add pucker button alright alright so this is the last dab products and because it's the season 6 premiere I'm going hard in the paint so it's not just one little extra dab what I'm doing is the first ever quadruple dab from four different bottles yeah because there's four different kinds you don't have to go over along for the ride if you don't want to I gotta be care that was a little bigger dab than I anticipated it's a dangerous game then the Carolina Reaper oh yeah you got to mix it all up mix it all up you've done this before oh man should've went to college is eye contact weird I'm into a five-figure there I go I got it now there's no fun no all right Johnny here we are at the top of spice Mountain as we've talked about today there's a lot about the influence of Johnny Knoxville from the star spawn from jackass to the outlandish sense of humor but I think was most subversive about the whole thing was this embracing of failure it's a walking counterpoint to America's obsession with winning so I have to ask you what's your advice to the people out there who think that they have to be perfect in order to succeed that if they're not the best of the best that there's no point in going on well if if you're not failing at something you're not trying hard enough failing is part of it you know if you're not trying hard enough to even fail then I think you're in trouble because that you know teaches you more sorry I just noticed my beer was empty and there it is wise words from Johnny Knoxville the season 6 premiere 10 chicken wings up 10 chicken wings down so impressive from this side of the table now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you my friend this camera this camera or this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life whoo well action Point comes out June 1st and me and my cousin have a radio show on an outlaw country channel 60 called the big-ass happy family Jubilee God my lips are burning [Music]
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 13,422,923
Rating: 4.9426918 out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession)sean evans, hot ones, hot ones season 6, hot ones johnny knoxville, jackass, johnny knoxville jackass, johnny knoxville interview 2018, johnny knoxville action point, hot ones hot sauces, hot ones hot sauce challenge, food challenge, spicy wings, hot wings challenge, sean evans, sean evans johnny knoxville, action park
Id: 8Od-IMIGjfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 07 2018
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