Learn English in 45 Minutes - ALL the Grammar Basics You Need

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want to get cheat sheets audiobooks lessons apps and much more every month for free just click the link in the description to get your free language gifts of the month hi everybody my name is Alisha welcome back to our English class channel today we're gonna be talking about the difference between bye and until so let's get started okay so first we're gonna talk about bye-bye marks a deadline for an action to finish by marks the point where an action completes or is replaced by another action so really think about using bi to express a deadline something is going to stop or you must finish an action at this point in time so we can think about bi as marking some point in the future so by mark some point in the future where an action is going to finish an action is going to be completed so in an example sentence I have I'll be at the office by 7 p.m. so in this sentence the speaker is not at the office but 7 p.m. is the deadline this is the point in time at which the speaker will be at the office the speaker is not at the office now but by 7 p.m. by the 7 p.m. deadline the speaker will be at the office this will shows us this is a future tense expression and by shows us the deadline the point at which that expression or the point at which that action is going to be completed so this is how we use bi to think about it like a deadline at some point in time at which an action will be completed or finished okay so let's continue on to the other grammar point for today which is until until also has a more casual form we can use till TI ll or apostrophe TI l you might see both spellings used for until til or til in most cases it's good to use until in casual speaking and maybe in casual writing you can use the casual form but until is always polite and is always correct okay so when we use until let's talk about when to use until we use until to talk about a continuing situation or a continuing state now in the present or in the future but it's going to change or stop so the key difference one key difference here perhaps is a continuing situation a continuing state with by the nuance is a deadline something is going to finish at a deadline here however until gives us the nuance of something that's continuing something true now for example but that may not be true in the future until marks the point where that action or that state is going to finish or change hmm okay so we can think of it rather than as a deadline as a key point in the future somewhere where action a continues until a point where we use until and then a second action begins something is going to change at the until point with by however we don't have the nuance of an action changing we only have the nuance of a deadline so here until is used to show that something different is going to happen or something something will finish but there's going to be a change after the the until point so for example this sentence very similar to the by example sentence is I'll be at the office until 7 p.m. so here we have the future tense I'll I will I'll be at the office until 7 p.m. this sentence shows us the speaker is at the office right now however at 7:00 p.m. until shows us that 7:00 p.m. is the point at which the situation or this state is going to change so at 7:00 p.m. the speaker is probably going to leave the office until shows us that right here the action or the state is going to change so please keep that in mind until shows you a change in something by shows more of a deadline for an action that is continuing so I hope that we can practice this in a few example sentences now okay so let's try to choose the correct word to use in these example sentences should we use by or should we use until in these cases so the first one I have is he has to find a new job bla bla bla March so in this case we see a point in time we can think about it should we use bi or until here if we use bi we see that the deadline the deadline nuance matches here he has to find a new job by March if we use until he has to find a new job until March there's no information in this sentence that shows us a hint or that gives us a hint about how the action is going to change until does not make sense for this question so we should use by in this case he has to find a new job by March is the correct answer for this sentence in the second sentence I'm not going to go to bed bla bla bla I finish this movie so in this sentence we have at the end I finish this movie so there's some action maybe that's continuing here and we have another action I'm not going to go to bed in this case it's a negative so there are two actions here this is a pretty good hint that there's an action that's going to change at some point instead of the new of a deadline so for this sentence until is the best answer I'm not going to go to bed until until I finish this movie this shows us that at this point the point where I finish the movie I'm going to go to bed this marks the change in the continuing state or the continuing situation so the next sentence is they need to write their reports blah blah blah tomorrow so this sentence there's no change in the sentence we don't have any hints about some kind of different action that's going to happen instead we have maybe what seems to be a deadline some requirement here too so if we try to use until it doesn't make sense there's no changing action we can't guess about what might happen in the future or a change that might happen so by is the best answer here they need to write their reports by tomorrow tomorrow is the deadline so we can guess that tomorrow is the deadline here by shows us that it's the deadline in this case for this task all right let's take a look at something a little bit different here we have we can't leave the house bla bla bla your mother calls so again there are two situations there are two actions involved in this sentence we have leave the house and your mother calls makes a phone call so because there are two actions here we can guess that there's some change that's going to happen so because we learned that until marks a change in actions we know that until is the better answer here okay we can't leave the house until your mother calls would be the correct sentence here alright so let's look at the next sentence though this one is a tricky sentence this one is a little bit difficult we have I'm not going to be there something something 8 p.m. mmm so here we have 8 p.m. at the end of a sentence which looks like a deadline right we have going to be there mmm so should we use buy or until for this sentence it's difficult because actually both are okay for this sentence I'm not going to be there by 8:00 p.m. is correct and I'm not going to be there until 8:00 p.m. is also correct however the meanings are very different just as we practiced in these two sentences I'll be at the office until I'll be at the office by 7:00 p.m. the same is true here I'm not going to be there by 8:00 p.m. means I'm not going to be there at 8:00 p.m. it's not possible for me I can't go however I'm not going to be there until 8:00 p.m. this sentence means after 8:00 p.m. or beginning at 8:00 p.m. and after I'm going to be there so please be careful in some cases both bye and until are correct but they change the meaning of the sentence okay let's continue to another example so the next example sentence is also a little bit difficult it's if my date doesn't arrive something something 7:00 p.m. I'm leaving okay so here we have we do have two actions doesn't arrive my date doesn't arrive a negative point and I'm leaving so it seems like there are two actions here however we have this 7 p.m. this marks a deadline right so if my date doesn't arrive there's some deadline here if this is not completed something is going to happen the person is going to leave so in this case 7 p.m. is showing a deadline so we have to use bye if my date doesn't arrive until 7:00 p.m. we could use that but it doesn't sound so natural so the new once again here is of a deadline there's something that is going to happen at 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. marks the endpoint in this situation so we use by here okay let's go to the next pair again these are very interesting points we have to leave the beach but bah blah 10:00 a.m. and we have to stay at the beach blah blah blah 10:00 a.m. okay so these two sentences I included because I wanted to show the emphasis of changing actions and continuing actions so we can see the verbs are different here in the first sentence we have leave so this is a change leaving a location in the second sentence I have stay which shows a continuing action stay in one place so here as you can guess then we have to leave the beach blah blah blah 10:00 a.m. some change some deadline so we'll use by to show our deadline in the second sentence we have to stay at the beach stay shows a continuing action and then it's going to finish here so we'll use unto we have to stay at the beach until 10:00 a.m. this shows us a continuing action and maybe at 10:00 a.m. we'll leave the beach all right let's go on to the next sentence I'm not going to travel abroad bla bla bla I learn English okay so here there's no time point there's no 10:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m. tomorrow and so on so this is a little more complex maybe we have travel abroad and learn English so it seems there's no real deadline here but we have maybe a change maybe this shows us some kind of change learning English marks a change so I'm not going to travel abroad and I learn English hmm this shows us that something different is going to happen in the future so we should use until to mark that change okay our last example sentence for today is we told him to wake up bla bla bla 6 a.m. so once more our last sentence may be a little bit simple but 6 a.m. shows us an action sort of this deadline you can see a lot of these use a time to mark a deadline for an action so here we told him to wake up by 6 a.m. this is the point at which something must happen so we should use bye ok great so those are a few examples sentences that you can have a look at and think about when you're trying to decide whether to use bi or until keep in mind however there are some cases where both by or until are correct but the meaning is going to change significantly depending on the one you use want to get cheat sheets audio books lessons apps and much more every month for free just click the link in the description to get your free language gifts of the month today I'm going to talk about the difference between really and very these are sometimes confused or it's difficult to know when you should use really or when you should use very so today I'm going to give a quick explanation that hopefully can help you decide when to use really and when to use very so let's start ok first there's one thing that's common one thing that both of these do really and very are both used to add intensity or to add emphasis to what you're saying so both of them have the same effect ok so but let's start with really really is used to modify so to add emphasis to to change verbs we also use really to modify adjectives and adverbs so a few examples here this sentence you're really funny so funny is an objective we use really before the adjective to modify so this gives emphasis to the word funny then we have this word fast this is an adverb in this sentence he runs really fast we add really to show he runs really fast it emphasizes the speed at which he runs finally I have the adjective tired I'm really tired so we emphasize tired by placing really before the adjective so we can use really to modify verbs and we can use it to modify adjectives okay we'll talk a little bit more about the verbs part a little bit later okay let's go on to very though so very is used to modify adjectives and adverbs only we cannot use very to modify verbs so please be careful you cannot use this with a verb we'll see this in just a moment for me however a recommendation I tend to use very more in negative sentences I don't use really so much when I'm making a negative statement so let's look at a few examples first this sandwich is very good so good is my adjective here so I use very to modify it yes I can use really here as well this sandwich is really good is also a correct sentence the next one you are not very funny so here's a negative that I was talking about funny is the adjective in this sentence and saying not very is a negative statement you can say you're not really funny but to me it sounds a bit more natural to say you're not very funny here's one more example he doesn't run very fast so again I have the adverb fast here with very and my negative so he doesn't run very fast emphasizes that he is not a fast runner okay and finally they're very rich this one uses an adjective rich they're very rich we can say they're really rich both are correct so let's take a look at some example sentences and in particular I want to point out a few cases where we can use really with verbs as I talked about here so let's take a look let's look at the first sentence the sentence here is day something something like vacationing in France so here I have the verb like like we know that really is only used to modify verbs we cannot use very to modify verbs therefore the correct answer here is really they really like vacationing in France okay the next sentence my schedule is something something busy we see that busy is an adjective my schedule is something something busy so really and very are both correct I'm really busy I'm sorry my schedule is really busy or my schedule is very busy both of these are correct in the next sentence that restaurant wasn't something something good so I mentioned that this one very is I something I tend to use more in negative patterns so here we have a negative we have the negative wasn't in this sentence so that restaurant wasn't very good sounds nice okay the next sentence it's something something rainy today so rainy we have an adjective here it's rainy that means we can use really or very also it's a positive statement here okay the next expression your boss seems something something angry with you again here's an adjective and the sentence the statement is a positive statement so again we can use either really or very okay let's go to the next one she something something eats a lot here we have the verb eats she something something eats because it's a verb we know we can only use really in this situation so she really eats a lot is the correct sentence here okay similar we have he something something cats so hates is our verb here again the same rule applies we can only use really with verbs so really is the correct answer he really hates cats okay one more i something-something hope we can take I'm sorry I something-something hope we can catch up soon so once more our verb is hope I hope we're emphasizing I really hope so these three all have the same pattern they're all modifying a verb here okay final one this is something something easy so easy is an adjective we can use really or very in this case this is really easy or this is very easy both are correct in this case all right so that's a quick overview of when to use really and when to use very please remember you can only use really in front of a verb and if you're making a negative statement try to use very instead of really it'll sound a little bit more natural today I'm going to give a short explanation of the difference between look watch and see so let's get started okay the first verb that I want to talk about is look we use look when we simply want to explain that we are moving our eyes to something just moving the eyes is to look at something there's no expectation that the item or the object we are looking at is going to change there's no expectation that some change is going to happen we're simply moving our eyes to something finally when you use look and an object follows the verb you need to follow look with at so for example look at that look at me look at that look at her look at him all of these use at because an object follows the verb look so look at that thing when you use an expression like look over there there's no object there so only when there's an object after the word look you need to use to connect the two okay so remember look is used when you're simply moving your eyes to something okay let's talk then about the verb watch so we use watch when we want to focus our attention on something so focusing your attention can be on something happening in front of you like a performance can be movie TV but the nuance with watch is you are watching something that is changing or moving something is going to happen there's an expectation of change or movement evolution in some way we use watch in those cases focused attention on something that is changing or something that is moving is when we use watch then finally see the verb see is used when we just notice something we happen to notice something maybe a person has come into the room and we see that person we notice something but we're not necessarily focusing so maybe we see it our eyes catch it but we don't focus on that thing that is when we use see so to recap we use look just to move our eyes to something we use watch for focused attention on something that is moving or something that is changing and we use see when we just notice something but we don't necessarily focus on it okay so this is the basic use of these three verbs but there are a couple of exceptions so here I have special cases especially for performances so for example movies TV shows concerts sporting events and so on these have slightly different rules we will only use watch or see for these cases please do not use look in these cases please use watch or see if you're having trouble deciding when to use watch or see a good rule or a good guideline is if it's something outside the house something outside your home your apartment use the verb see if you're at home doing something at home like watching a movie for example used for watch so for example over here you would see a movie in a movie theater see a baseball game watch a DVD at home or watch the awards show at home so these are at home actions and these are outside the home action so we use see and watch in these cases okay but let's try to choose the correct verb in these example sentences that I've prepared so first one tonight I'm going to something something Game of Thrones Game of Thrones is a popular TV show so we should use watch because we learned that watch is used for things outside or I'm sorry because we learned that watch is used for actions at home things we do at home it's more natural to use watch I'm going to watch Game of Thrones ok the next sentence I want to something something that new movie new movie probably means going to a movie theater so we should use the verb see I want to see that new movie is the correct verb here something something up ahead traffic is terrible so up ahead means in front of you in front of the car in this case it's car it's traffic related so up ahead in this case the speaker is asking the listener to move his or her eyes in front of them to to go up ahead with their eyes so you can use the verb look look up ahead traffic is terrible so move your eyes up ahead it's the command okay next one last night I stayed in and something something a football game so stayed in means stayed home I stayed at home we use the expression stayed in so I stayed in and watch this is an at home action past tense I watched a football game last night ok next one I can't wait to something something my favorite band next week so again this is a performance outside the house my favorite band so we'll use see I can't wait to see my favorite band next week ok next sentence when I something-something into the forest I something-something a deer okay there are two verbs in this sentence we're going to use looked so when I moved my eyes into the forest I moved my direction my my my eyes moved in the direction of the forest and I something-something a deer so we noticed something I saw a deer I saw a deer a deer entered my eyes is a weird way to say it but that's the nuance here I happened to notice I wasn't focusing but I saw this in my eye I saw a deer okay let's look at a really difficult one i something-something up from my book and something something you you were something something a video on your phone okay so similar here I something something up I looked up I moved my eyes up from my book so I was reading I moved my eyes up from my book and something something you so here I noticed I saw past tense I saw you then here you were something something a video on your phone a video on your phone so maybe we need to use the verb watch because the person has focused their attention on their phone on the video you were watching past progressive tense you were watching a video on your phone so here in this situation we have all three verbs finally let's use it in a question when did you last something something your roommate so when did you last notice your roommate we would use the verb see when did you last see your roommate when was the last time you saw your roommate you noticed your roommate so these are some great examples of sentences where it might be difficult to guess should I use look should I use see should I use watch but keep these rules in mind so remember when you move your eyes to something use look don't forget to use when an object follows the verb to when you want to focus your attention or talk about something that's changing and moving use watch like movies and TV shows when you want to just talk about noticing something but not focusing your attention use see so this is a basic introduction to the differences between look see and watch I hope it was useful for you if you like you can try to leave a comment with one of these verbs in your sentence or if you have any questions please let us know as well want to get cheat sheets audio books lessons apps and much more every month for free just click the link in the description to get your free language gifts of the month today I'm going to talk about say tell and speak I'm going to talk about the differences between when we use these and also give some examples of how to use them as well so let's go okay the first one I want to talk about is say say so we use say when we want to have a very neutral feel to what we're talking about we use say when we report speech were reporting information reporting something we heard reporting something someone else said to us so as I just use the past tense of say is said please be careful it is not say IDI say IDI it should be said the spelling changes said he said she said we said they said okay so when we want to report speech we can use the past tense like I've just done for example he said dinner was delicious this is a past tense statement so maybe previously before the conversation someone he said this statement dinner was delicious think of this like a quote dinner was delicious he said dinner was delicious another example you said you were tired you said you were tired so again before the conversation the other person said he or she was tired but here to report you said you were tired and we use the past tense say said to do that okay one more with the present tense then remember we use the present tense when we're talking about general facts or things which are always true regular actions so in this case I've used present tense I said I never say mean things so here I have present tense this is a general fact in this case I never say mean things so again a very neutral way of talking about verbal communication okay so that's how we use say an introduction to how we use say then let's talk about how to use tell we use tell a little bit differently from the way that we use say so we use tell when we want to show kind of a one way nuance there's sort of one-way communication happening so by that I mean that someone is passing new information or giving new information to another person something I do not already know I'm having someone tell me someone is going to tell me new information so we use this in past tense a lot the past tense of tell is told he told me she told me they told me this gives us the nuance of new information something I'm learning something I am hearing for the first time I can use tell or told in past tense also one point about to tell the object in many cases is a person so by that I mean after the verb tell the item coming after it in the sentence is usually a person so the person receiving the information so please tell me please tell her please tell him the person indicated here or the group of people indicated here after the verb tell that's the person or the group of people receiving the information learning the information okay so let's see I told you to call me here I have the past tense I told you to call me so you this is the receiver of the information I told you to call me I asked you to call me here okay so this is the report some some command we can use tell and told to give commands I told you to call me I gave you the new request to call me in other words okay one more a request this time can you tell me where the bathroom is so here tell me so this is a request for information can you tell me where the bathroom is I don't know where the bathroom is please give me new information please tell me where it is okay here we also use present tense yeah so when your geek when you're making a requests please make sure to use the present tense can you tell me something one more why didn't you tell me the party was cancelled another question why didn't you tell me so you didn't give me new information about the party why why didn't you tell me bla bla bla we can use this pattern for if you miss information or if someone forgot to tell you something if someone forgot to give you information that you needed you can say why didn't you tell me bah bah blah to make a different sentence you could say why didn't you tell her or why didn't you tell them why didn't you tell our boss some other examples a positive sentence could be why did you tell him why did you tell her for example if someone tells a secret hmm so we can use tell to give new information to pass new information along okay so that's tell so the next verb that I want to talk about today is the verb speak so we use speak to mean a conversation yes so speak has the nuance of a conversation but it has the nuance of a more formal tone we would use speak in more formal situations like a business meeting or a work setting for example or for maybe a more serious conversation but we can use speak with either with or two so I mean speak with someone and speak to someone so the difference between these two is very very small if you say speak with my boss it sounds like you expect a conversation with your boss speaking with someone sounds like there's information passing back and forth between the two of you speak to your boss sounds more like for example you're going to say a lot of things you're going to give a lot of information and your boss will participate a little bit but there's more nuance of giving information than passing information back and forth so if you want to make a more conversational nuance use with speak with someone if you want it to sound a little more one-sided a little more one-way use speak to someone okay so we also use speak four languages like I speak English I speak French I speak Japanese I don't speak German I don't speak Thai so please you speak four languages as well the past tense of speak is spoke please be careful it is not speak to please use spoke the past tense is spoke I spoke English every day when I lived in America for example so please use spoke as the past tense here also the past participle form is spoken spoken so we'll see that in a little bit maybe okay so some example sentence is you should speak with or to your boss so here you can choose with sounds more conversational to sounds a little more direct you should speak with your boss you should speak to your boss okay past tense sentence I spoke with my manager I spoke with my manager we shared information last have you spoken to HR have you spoken to HR here's a present perfect tense sentence I've used spoken here okay good so that's a nice maybe a wrap up of a few different verbs that are commonly confused when talking about speech let's go to some example sentences all right the first example sentence is my friend something something me my cooking was bad okay my cooking was bad this is probably new information for a person another hint we have me there's a person here in the object position of the sentence so we can guess this should be the verb tell however we have this hint my cooking was bad was bad a pass tense so we should use the past tense form of tell told here okay next one they something something I have to work tomorrow so here I have to work tomorrow this is maybe just information it sounds like somebody passed some information to me so if I want to think of this as like reporting speech I would use the verb say in the past tense said so I know this should not be tell because there's no object here I know it should not be speak because there's no width and there's no two here either so I know this should be they said I have to work tomorrow of course this sentence could be they told me I have to work tomorrow it sounds more like a command in that case here they said I have to work tomorrow is very neutral and just a simple report of speech okay next one he really needs to something something with his client so here is a big hint word we have the word with here and we also have client here which shows maybe a business or a work setting therefore we can guess the verb should be speak he really needs to speak with his client okay great next one have you something something your mother the news the news so here news is a big hint new information new information and we have a person a person in the object position a person is going to receive new information so have you told your mother the news is the correct sentence here so have you told bla bla bla is actually a really good sentence for you to remember have you told your mom about that have you told your dad about that have you told your dog about your new park I don't know so anytime you want to pass information or ask a question about information being passed please use tell to do that like we've done here have you told someone okay let's go to the next one we something something about this at the last meeting so again meeting here is a big hint that it is a work or a more form situation we see that this is the last meeting so something that has finished already so let's use past tense spoke we spoke about this at the last meeting we spoke about this is the last meeting here I have introduced something slightly different from this speak with or speak to if you want to mention a topic rather than about a person we can use speak about a topic speak about something hmm we spoke about this at the last meeting we can use speak to introduce a topic as well so please note that this is an option ok let's go to the next one you always bah bah bah nice things nice thing so always here I have a word which indicates a regular action something that is always true we talked about an example over here though I used never here however the grammar is still the same we should still use the same grammar nuance the same grammar point here so let's use the present tense say you always say nice thing so someone always says positive things or someone always makes very positive comments like for example everybody in the comments on these videos everybody always says very nice things we can use always say to talk about something that a person always says ok finally same thing he always something something the truth ok now this is tricky I've used always here I used always in the previous one as well but the thing I want to point out is this the truth at the end of the sentence there's a set phrase in English we don't use say we actually use tell with the expression the truth he always tells the truth so the expressions tell the truth and the opposite tell a lie we always use the verb tell with this you might hear I sometimes hear non-native speakers of English they say a lie or say the truth but this is not natural please be sure to use tell the truth or tell a lie we always use tell in these cases so please be careful of that okay but we've talked about a lot of different ways to use these three verbs and I hope that it's a little bit more clear now when to use them especially say until many people have a little bit of confusion between these two but speak is also quite useful as well okay so I hope that was useful for you if you have any questions please be sure to leave them in the comment section below this video if you liked the video please make sure to give it a thumbs up it's super helpful for us also subscribe to our channel if you have not already check us out at English class 101.com for more good stuff - thanks very much for watching this lesson and I will see you again soon [Music]
Channel: Learn English with EnglishClass101.com
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Keywords: English Language (Interest), learn english, Language (Quotation Subject), Teacher (Profession), american culture, english culture, EnglishClass101, how to, speak, write, read, english, native speaker, english grammar, grammar lesson, grammar basics, english compilation, yt:cc=on
Id: zRHimYPyRL4
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Length: 43min 15sec (2595 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2018
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