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hey welcome back to tripod's garage yeah it's been a few hasn't it um well the last three and a half months I've been um not feeling that well it was covid related and then I was violated my colonoscopy had more viewers in this show but all is good now because now we get to talk about the elu Neptune 4 Max yes this is an updated version of the three Max uh what is the differences well mainly this is running Clipper and it has a few odds and ends that we'll cover a little bit later currently it's at $470 on their website so let's go ahead and uh see how this uh machine is assembled and talk about some of the features at the same time the Neptune 4 Max has a print volume of 420 420 by 480 as a Max printing speed of 500 mm per second the hotend can reach 300 C it runs Clipper has 64bit 1.5 GHz processor dual gear direct drive with a 521 gear reduction a curtain cooler one 121 Point bed leveling has dual Z stepper motors with a timing belt also has an intuitive touchscreen display this is one massive printer also has a textured Pei sheet and make sure you switch the power to uh reference where you live first thing we're going to do is level the bed and we're just going to hit confirm and it's going to home the printer after it's done homing we could actually take a look look here and see uh with the curtain fan how out of level it really is I see daylight on the left and the right here seems like we got some adjustments to do first we're going to do the auxiliary leveling this is manual process where we're going to use the six knobs underneath and a piece of paper going one through six and doing the scratch test here I had to go around several times then once you get it to where barely drags on all six then we're going to do the automatic leveling this could take some time and um after you're done with that you're going to adjust your Z offset and we're off to printing so to speak well assembly was easy and straightforward speaking about easy and straightforward let's talk about today's video sponsor PCB way are you looking for a PCB manufacturer are you looking for rigid flexible pcbs are you looking for them to assemble them for you well they can and they also offer other services such as 3D printing injected molding and CNC heck they even have a community section where you could buy a project and assemble it on your own if you're looking for any of these services please reach out to PCB way and you get save some additional money there's still super savings going on from now until the end of November and plus if you act now before the end of next month you could use any of these coupons to save additional money i' would like to thank PCB way for sponsoring today's video now the major differences between the Neptune 3 Max and the Neptune 4 Max is some hardware and software too so the the 4 Max has a updated board that's running Clipper and plus um you have this big curtain blower on the back and then you also have a Wi-Fi antenna on the side with ethernet port but otherwise they really kind of look the same don't they now let's go ahead and um plug it in and get this machine up and running now I did start printing what was was provided on the USB thumb drive and we have this Buddha now this was printed at uh normal print speeds I well normal probably around 70 mm/ second and it came out pretty good um overhangs look good and very little stringing now I decided to print their uh speed Beni it's a sub 20 minute uh Beni and um some streaming going on here and we have a layer shift so I'm going to go ahead and print out another one here so I printed out another one of these benches and uh looks to be the same layer line here and um H so did one more same spot so I don't know if it's a file or not so let's go ahead and do another test print on the SD card there's this uh planter and from here I can already see that layer shift there's one right here at the bottom otherwise the rest of the print looks really good I wasn't watching the print as it was happening otherwise I would probably stop the print so either way this took about 3 hours it was not on their fast mode again print looks good otherwise let's go ahead and connect it to Wi-Fi click on settings and then you're going to just click on W land you're going to go ahead and connect to your Wi-Fi source and we're going to grab the IP you're going to take that IP and enter it to a computer web browser and then you could actually go ahead and see the fluid interface for Clipper here you could go through all the settings see all the files that you printed you can reprint from here you can check all of your history of all the files you printed you see your awesome B mesh that looks awful yeah I mean this is one way that you could control and watch your printer through a web interface now Lou does provide uh their skinned version of cura for their Lou printers and it's included on the USB drive you're going to still need to add the printer after you install it and we're going to just go ahead and choose the Neptune 4 Max and this is how you go ahead and get started with slicing your own files now these are supposed to be the settings that are optimal for the elu Neptune 4 Max using Cura and this is actually pretty outdated so let's go ahead and see how we can use Orca slicer seems like a lot of people like Orca slicer and all we have to do is install it start typing eligo and we have that look at that elu Neptune 4 Max all ready to go on there just select it and hit confirm now let's go ahead and kick off some test [Music] prints [Music] [Music] and this is tripod's garage boarding calibration Cube this is done in profit 3D red translucent and yeah you can see some uh little bit of undere Extrusion here some little uh whisps going on here it seems like that underere Extrusion was all on that layer line top is a little sloppy bottom looks pretty good the corners look halfway decent so not too bad next I did it in h slice works this is a dual Extrusion filament and mostly came out in purple and um yeah this still doesn't look that great we got some separations here U the corners don't look too bad the top is okay bottom has a little bit more of a Squish and all I did was swap out the filament this is at 205° at 3 mm um retraction and I did a Beni with the same filament and yeah it's uh pretty Dreadful uh you can see the Extrusion of the red again is a dual Extrusion filament and this was a 50 minute Beni 55 minutes to be exact looks pretty darn awful if you ask me so let's go ahead and continue on and this is a printed solids uh dual Extrusion filament this is a another Beni here and this was a another 55 minute Beni at 205° 3 millimet under retraction and this is pretty darn awful from I do like how it transitions from one side to another from yellow to uh blue but um yeah does not look great at all let's move this over a little bit tell you why later so I ventured over to ELO's website to look for their print files and lo and behold there is a new firmware update as well so let's go ahead and update the firmware and download the new um files too now I did a retraction um file here and I just want to reduce my stringing and basically from 0.1 all the way to 08 it looked really good which is odd because in the slicer it says 2.5 and three so yeah I think we're going to need to go ahead and change that and uh see if that helps with my printing because right now all the prints just look pretty darn awful and I also found that uh printing the pla at 200 seems to be pretty optimal and here are some comparisons uh this is a polymaker purple PLA and this was before I did all the changes now this is a about a 55 minute Bene at 200 mm/ second and at uh 3 mm retraction now I actually put down to.5 five on the retraction and look how much cleaner this looks again this is about a 55-minute Bene and there's still decent amount of uh stringing but not nearly as bad and this is the printed solid dual Extrusion and here we have the retraction at uh 3 mm as you can see it's not that great we got some undere extrusions here and definitely has still it's fair share of uh you know whisps here or you know it's a little fuzzy let's just say that it's fuzzy and um it's not as consistent and here we have it at uh 0.5 on the retraction looks a lot better again we still have some of that stringing going on here seems like I cannot get rid of it no matter how hard I try but the prints do look a lot better now I did replace the files that were on the USB drive that were included and look the layer shift is gone so it's definitely was a corruption on the files that were provided because this actually looks really decent I mean it very consistent around all the edges here and on the inside looks really nice and crisp so yep not too bad at all uh first layer not so much but the rest of it looks really darn good and let's move that over again so there was a lot of testing going on and uh there was definitely some concerns I have with the print quality of this machine and because there was really not one print that came out really really good except for maybe the Buddha and that was it I would definitely like to see better results especially if I'm printing slower now we kind of fine-tuned it a little bit and we got some of the issues kind of resolved and some are still lingering like still furry and we're getting some undere extrusions and some ere extrusions and things AR just not looking well but maybe we could print something big I mean that's why you have this right to print something big and massive and you know maybe cosplay or something so let's go ahead and load something into the slicer and print something really big let's go ahead and open up Orca slicer and load the stair jumbo Vase by clock spring we're going to do 400 MM on the Z practically maxing it out on height and this should take um 1 day and 14 hours to complete and it's basically in vase mode here and this is going to be the first time I ever used a tricolor filament this tricolor filament is from printed solid and it transitions so nicely but that first layer is definitely looking kind of weird and the bed was leveled right before this print I mean you can see how really cool the transitions are with this filament absolutely amazing I would definitely try to print with this again this is about 3 hours in and it's not looking too bad until about now yeah something definitely happened here and I'm not happy about it whatsoever it it was just coming out so great well I was really excited honestly the sides were looking great and then I was in the living room for the first print and I heard a crack I come out sure enough it just the nozzle hit the side I thought it was going to recover I'm like okay you know what as long as it has a little bit of a crack on the side maybe the print will finish nope then we had a huge layer shift and it was done for so I releveled the bed again and I kicked off another print and let's just say that first layer looked like garbage but let's see if it can recover the sides were looking fantastic once again I left and I had the garage door open into the garage from the house and then about 3 hours later heard the same big crack noise and um did the same thing pretty much on the same layer height and it did a layer shift and then it was done yeah I don't know I don't know if I got the Friday after work special people rushing to get something out or if this is an experience that other people are going to have but uh I've really only had somewhat too little successful prints and the rest have not been so let's go ahead and go over some pluses and minuses let's go with the pluses first internally it has a 64-bit processor at 1.5 GHz and 8 gigs of storage has a titanium heat throat that can reach temperatures of 300 C it has a 121 Point bed mesh leveling um it has a uh build volume of 420 X 420 by 480 and it has Fast Printing make it reach speeds up to 500 mm/ second um it has a direct drive at 521 gear reduction and it has a built-in accelerometer on the X and the Y AIS and it's kind of seamless so if you're used to just being able to slice a file throw it in a printer and hit print you can do that or you could go ahead and go into it remote into it and go to Clipper route okay now it's time to talk about the negatives if you are of the correct drinking age for adult Frosty beverage may want to get one right now and heck maybe even pop some popcorn because this may be a little while first let's talk about homing of the machine this machine does not have any limit switches whatsoever it uses 2209 silent drivers with sensorless homing so it just you power it on and should just home you hear a bit of a kind of a thud as it hits no big deal but almost every time out home machine one of or multiple aises would crash and that is even after the firmware update now the only way that I could kind of relieve it a little bit was to have the bed moved forward as much as possible and have the hot end as much to the right or Center and then for the most part it would home but even the Z would hit the bed and that shouldn't happen because it has an inductive Probe on there and that inductive probe is for the bed mesh leveling and when I first started the bed bed mesh leveling I would sometimes see the headend flex a little bit but most of the time I would actually hear it hitting the bed and that shouldn't be the case and most likely that's why I'm having so many failures on my printing speaking about the Z it also seems like that it cannot retain its memory for the Z offset look at these two calibration cubes these were just printed one after another all did was swap out the filament and you can see that one is squished more than the other now let's talk about the power supply yeah it seems like the power supply might might be inadequate and what what do I mean by that well after the first layer is down all the fans just go up to 100% power and it tends to kind of like cycle down and cycle back up like it's struggling and to me I believe that the power supply for this machine it's just not adequate it could be a software thing too but again it's just me thinking that it may need a bigger power supply in the machine could be wrong just throwing it out there let's talk about um the mass the movement of this machine I had this on a on a table and it would just shake the whole table I had on this workbench it would shake the whole workbench and mind you this was at 200 mm per second I really think that you need something really stable to put this machine on heck maybe even the concrete floor of a garage or Workshop because this thing is seriously moving around some serious weight on this bed and I think that 500 mm just may not be totally achievable and speaking about the bed itself that this should just be on linear rods or rails and it should just be that's it no no leveling knobs or anything and maybe maybe even a thicker build plate because this it it just isn't working for me and I don't think it will work for most people or there should be a pro version that has that um you know if you're going to have a printer of this size it should have a nice movement system built in not these V rollers also this bed takes a long time to heat up you're talking about 8 minutes just to heat up to 60° yeah and then if you want to do the bed mesh leveling too on top of that you're talking 17 minutes now do I believe I have a Friday special on my hands meaning that's a one-off that the employee just rushed out the door to get it out after their shift no I don't think so I think that uh this is a R&D issue that they kind of rushed it out without doing the proper R&D on the machine I mean there's just too many problems um I applied the firmware update I still have the same problems could it be a couple failed components oh absolutely but here I review a machine as I get it and I want reviewing it does it work out of the box and unfortunately this did not work out of the box sure there's going to be some of you that say did you try this did you try that well I I think that kind of puts a problem in there why should I have to spend the time to fix the issue when it should just work when you get it don't you want products to work when you get it why should I put you know know tinkering time into something to make it work it should just work out of the box I mean that's my belief I mean if that's not your belief well that's your opinion but this is my opinion things should just work when I get them like the Neptune 3 worked great out of the box I mean it was a great experience this no absolutely not so it gets a do not recommend so I really appreciate you tuning in to tripod's garage please have a wonderful day evening or weekend or whenever you decide to watch this video thanks again for tuning in and we'll catch you the next time on tripod's garage
Channel: Tripods Garage
Views: 12,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D Printer, Unboxing, Assembly, One Leg, Disability, Cancer, bigtreetech, creality, CR6-SE, Creality CR6-SE, CR6, 3d printing, 3d printer, Ender3pro, Ender 3 Pro, Ender 3, Creality Ender 3, Ender 3 Max, Ender 3 Max Neo, Creality Ender 3 Max Neo, sovol, SV07, Elegoo, Elegoo Neptune, Elegoo Neptune 3, Elegoo Neptune 3 Pro, Elegoo Neptune 4, Neptune 4, Cheap 3D Printer, Cheap Printer, Budget 3D Printer, Best Beginner 3D Printer, New 3D Printer, Neptune 4 max, Neptune 4 Pro
Id: yWxNP6eCmT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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