Which Playable Race has the Coolest Lore? | The Elder Scrolls Podcast #4

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[Music] what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to fudge map but we've got episode four of the podcast and today we're ranking all of the playable elder scrolls races based on lore no gameplay stuff we're not going all bretton's great because they've got magic resistance yada yada all law or history culture all that kind of stuff and we've basically made ourselves each a personal list and then we're going to try and like debate and sort of put together a fudge muppet kind of list so um and as you said people are going to be mad people will be mad yeah well so what we're going to do is we're going to go up in sort of threes we're going to discuss a bottom tier and compare all of ours and then we're sort of gonna debate every single race so michael hit us with your bottom three first your bottom tier all right all right and i already have a feeling that i'm gonna come under fire not for my not for my bottom tier but for your bottom tier but uh my one that i've made is bretons in position number ten position number nine imperials and position number eight i'm sorry drew but i have the orcs okay all right questionable decisions there all right all right drill it to yours oh to be fair i've i've also got bretton's as number 10. despite actually quite liking them i have imperials at number nine and the high elves at number eight in low tier okay all right what have you got i've got ten argonians and then i've got number nine imperials and number eight ultima high elves oh so you don't have the bretons down near the bottom no it's a little bit higher that is interesting so what was your number eight uh high elves high elves yeah okay all right now i i guess i'll commentate a little bit on on the high of seeing as it wasn't in my bottom tier but i will admit it's in position number seven so i generally agree yeah you know what i mean yeah i think the high elves are pretty cool as much as people don't like the thalmor i tend to separate them from that faction like from the race but also how i would view something you know i don't know if i met a thalmor or had to deal with them trying to mess with my own life then that's kind of gross but as far as the actual faction sorry as far as the race is concerned in the game um and all the history and law i think they're really cool my thing is compared to the rest of the l's i think they're the most typical like they're the most classic d and d sort of lord of the rings like high elf kind of vibe thing there and especially like they had potential they would have ranked higher if they were that really cool like you know crystal tower awesome like glass armor kind of interesting kind of unique a bit more alien but the fact is they're not in somerset and somerset they are in the eso expansion they are just those you know lauder on the high elves kind of vibe thing they're not interesting enough for me and i think they yeah i don't know they just don't in a way in a way it seems fair to you in a way you kind of have to credit the ultima for a lot of what the other elven race is achieved you know like even the imperial pantheon is heavily impacted by you know the uldema and the ultima the high elves are the closest descendants to the old ma the original um old elves um but yeah like like you kind of just said there my problem with them is actually just that they haven't doubled like when they've made the games they haven't really doubled down on what's supposedly really weird about their culture so for example just to kind of get started on the high elves you see in the pocket guide they describe them the capital city of eleanor as made from glass or insect wings a hypnotic swirl of ramparts and impossibly higher towers designed to catch the light of the sun and break it to its component colours and instead of that we essentially just get art nouveau lord of the rings elves you know the idea is it says um the light is so bright that you're thankful for nightfall whereas that you don't get that at all when you actually see the sunset aisles although to be fair in elder scrolls online i don't take all the architecture and the land mass to be completely canon which is one of the reasons i didn't put them as low as you guys did like i put them at seven because of those things because it's cool and i also think yeah okay we've got disneyland basically in older scrolls online but i do like that you know we have venice from them you know the psijic order the isle of artem you've got everything from mata marco and all the dark arts stemming from there like there is a lot of cool stuff with the high elves that you have to appreciate but yeah in general i definitely agree that out of all of the elves they're probably the least interesting race to me for whatever reason i end up playing them a lot in like third and fourth playthroughs i kind of there are some races that i end up playing a lot whereas other ones i really like the law but i don't end up playing them as much but yeah i've got them as number seven but let's let's get down to talking about some of the other ones below let's uh so what did you guys did you have imperials in those bottom three yes and you did drew as well okay we all had imperials yeah okay well i had imperials at nine and um yeah we we kind of they're just they're just roman stand-ins i think they're not there's the cool parts that i do like about it and the reason they're not my bottom is that they have got you know the riemann empire is really interesting all of the incarnations of the empire are quite interesting and even though it's in the history more so and not so much in the modern games but the nibbanese clovian divide and so on and they've got a cool mythology about them like if you consider like that alicia and all of that is part of their sort of history mythology then riemann and all of that it's got like a impact in the mix of akaviri um stuff in with it as well and you know look roman kind of stuff the reason it's popular in lots of fantasy games because it's cool it was really cool but um yeah they still by comparison to everything else ah you know not that crash i think we all had them as nine yeah adamant's nine i think we all had them as nine yeah and uh yeah i was pretty much gonna say everything you said i i do think that cyrodiil itself has a lot of really interesting history but you kind of have to separate the province from the race with imperials like there are some races where the province is really interrelated with them like the argonians for example which we'll uh get into eventually but the imperials are definitely you can't give them credit for all of cyrodiil's history because a lot of stuff goes down there which is really cool but it's not like imperial race specific it's cyrodiil specific if you know what i mean yeah yeah i know and they they do get dumbed down a bit you know it kind of just becomes higher medieval england where you know about cyrodiil where is it it it doesn't really feel like that when you're reading the law like when you got the clovian kingdoms warring against the elysians you know it's rizlav who has a great story who pretty much said about the downfall of the the empire and he's an imperial technically yeah you could say so and then you've got the nibbanese who you know kind of created the role of battle mage and they have an aristocracy based around that um and it's like this none of this stuff is really portrayed in the games which to be fair it's hard to do but it's dumbed down yeah for sure um should we start talking about why i've got argonians at the bottom and why i'm not a big fan so for me what i value a lot in um in all of the races and culture in their law a lot of the time is uh theology and culture and stuff and their religion and so on and also their interconnectedness with the rest of the world so for me argonians to on one front they're the least important race to all of tamriel is it would be my take on it they're barely interconnected with anything their biggest like political interaction is basically being slaves for denmark for thousands of years and then they have a big you know retaliation it's like it's all cool and aesthetically like yeah lizards are cool but um what it kind of amounts to for me is they're just like lizard tree lickers and they just like in the his like their theology is not complex it really comes down to like cythus plus the hist and by comparison to a lot of the others i and i i really like the mythologies or theologies or whatever you want to call them um i really really appreciate that and for me argonians have one of the most stale ones it's very it's not i remember this is like all of the elder scrolls races are pretty cool in their own right this is another thing we'll have to put out a little disclaimer but like i don't hate them i just think every other one is more interesting and i just think the imperials like even justifying like imperials over them or something because imperials are typically like boring race their actual imperial culture and history and significance to the rest of the world is is vital it's it's the argonians could if you basically just took the argonians and then threw them away it doesn't make that much of an impact to the rest of tamriel like it's not like oh they're gone like you know what do you know what i mean yeah but there are other races where that's the case i mean arguably you could throw the khajiit away and it's not like wow so as replaceable as they could be the difference is their theology their biology is heaps complex and heaps different like that oh whoa whoa oh i mean yeah okay their biology is heaps complex and different but as far as biology being complex goes argonians are right up there with yeah they do it i guess it's mainly i guess maybe they're mainly for me the khajiits also all of their their religion their culture their biology into from a world building perspective are so well intertwined like everything matters you know what i mean and i guess i i guess maybe just comes down to personal preference at the end of the day but also their their field they do have a religion that's far more interesting than history left over from the previous calper and then they turn these lizards sentient and then you've got the argonians i mean i i think that's pretty cool i mean let me green peel you okay i'm gonna green fill you so i think i think the argonians would rank quite quite a bit higher i know i actually definitely agree with you that they are probably the least significant race like they haven't had a huge impact on history on the timeline and as much and and i definitely after making that argonians the weakest race video i did realize that they kind of are you know they have just been slaves they kind of get trodden on in basically every single military war or conflict ever but what i'd like about them is that in the sense that it's almost like they're slaves to the hist which i find really interesting because when the oblivion crisis happened right and everyone was getting destroyed by daedra the argonians rallied they went in and they defeated basically the daedra um with the help of the hist the history you know called them together gave them like superpowers basically um and helped them win and one of the interesting things about that is you can theorize the only reason that hiss did that is because the hist were threatened you know like no one can get into black marsh no one can fully conquer it because it's you know pretty inhospitable but the daedra could in theory and then oh the hist come and save the day you know it's almost like the argonians just serve the hist but i actually like that because this video is not what's the strongest yeah race you know it's kind of like and the his there's heaps of mystery to the to the hist and their true motives you know why don't they just help the argonians take over all of tamriel if they can just you know give them superpowers essentially um and and other things like in terms of um i agree that theology with the hist isn't as interesting as say dunmer theology but i mean it's it's still interesting to me and i like the whole biology like the ingesting of the sap and all the stuff related to their birth cycles they have heaps of different tribes each having their own customs about romance and different things obviously you've got all the shadow scales the stuff about swimming like tadpoles hiss up stimulating hormones and making them sprout sexual organs and all these alien concepts about hatching from eggs and it's just there's cool stuff but i just think it kind of becomes almost an argument for why the hist is a good race and the argonians are kind of just their errand boys you know what i mean yeah but i would argue that they're almost related sorry so not related but one in the same i know they're not but they're kind of like the relationship between the two is so strong especially in a time of need that it's almost like you know if the argonians are just kind of uh a way that the hist kind of used to interact with the outer world then they kind of they're not the hist but do you kind of get where i'm going with it and the other thing is if you've played elder scrolls online the argonians do have some pretty interesting architecture like it's not just a big swamp like there's i mean obviously you can't give them credit for all of the old imperial forts but the the aztec stuff is really cool and i know that's been done before like if you look at warhammer 40 uh not 40k actually but if you look at warhammer the lizardmen i think they're really cool but they also have the aztec stuff but there's also this sounds really lame but there's also mud huts which are not as boring as they sound if you actually go and look at these mud huts they're quite big they have like these telvani vibes they look like these big root vegetables almost planted in the ground like they're these big spherical kind of like houses that they live in there's also just normal wooden ones and stuff and also on top of their biology the aesthetic man like you've got all the feathered hair you've got the fins the horns the different colors and they also decorate their society with lizard hides feathers and um things like that which is funny because it's almost decorating your society in your own skin like it'd be really weird for humans to do that it's that thing where it's like cool enough for me it's like cool but like you know all of the aesthetic interest and all of the cult stuff like for me i can just for the imperials the whole nibbanese description of their society and so on all the intricate tattoos and different cultural practices and stuff they have like for every like little different tribe there is in like argonia that's like oh they've got these unique customs and so on that's kind of like often the case for a lot of other cultures it's just that the other co have such a they have such a dominating like sort of frontline culture that that that there is do you and i mean like sort of so like oh for sure i'm not arguing the argonians are the best because of the subcultures anyway um definitely i do like the biology a lot i don't think you can put them as no maybe not no way you can rank them above imperials i think you will change your so no i honestly honestly it's my bottom in terms of personal but i can completely like i i'm open to putting it above for a combined list like an aggregate you know sort of thing i i can put them above imperials for sure guys he's going to make it annoying but uh yeah oh yeah like i can't like a side note about those mud hearts is like the idea is that um it's not supposed to be beautiful but the idea is that nothing's permanent they don't get attached to things so they kind of let it disappear and it's and it's kind of like the way black marshes in general is that nothing everything is constantly changing and moving and it's why no culture can you know conquer them or properly um establish it as you know part of their empires or whatever but i mean like what i'm noticing both of you are saying which is funny because in a way you're kind of using the same thing to make different arguments is that the mystery of them you'll never truly know what lies at the heart of black marsh for example like whether you're talking physically or just about their culture you'll never truly know their relationship with a hist and you know scott you're kind of saying which makes total sense that because of that they don't really fit in like they've got the only language that doesn't derive from old maris from elnefex sorry um and yeah and then michael you're kind of saying the opposite which is the mysteries really adds to it and i agree with that personally but yeah i kind of like a balance like i just think there's a bit more of a balance with the mystery like there's mystery to a lot of there's other parts of other cultures that have mystery or like things that are up for the day up debate like origins of the khajiit um being elven or not it's probably his elven but like even like the whole ooze thing for the uh bosma in their origin story like i think all of them it's just my personal thing i just think a lot of others have as interesting origins but yeah like but a lot of the mystery comes to the hist stuff of things which kind of becomes less about the argonians and more about oh did they come from another realm like what's in the center of there some giant history that's super cool or something like you know what i mean yeah there's other things as well they've got their own special like drugs and stuff there's the whole thing with the blackwood company which was cool but but anyway let's let's move up i think i should what did you say why i've got orcs just for that yeah bretton's both got bretons and i both got them at number 10. so we can argue why we think they should be lower than the argonians for example i think one thing that gets forgot with bretons is the one thing immediately is people just go like feudal sort of like france or something like or like they're based you know what i mean like they're just so a bit more typical in that regard and there is that and there's all of the political intrigue and so on historically they're quite important but i also like their whole origin as the idea of them being needy you know they're basically uh results of forced sex with high elves that there any high elves and and what resulted of that and like you know little magical blood in a human shape is cool but one thing that i really really like and why it sets bretton's a little bit higher for me is the reachmen and all of their law and stuff because they are bretons by like blood and um and yeah they've got a really cool interesting um uh religion and cultural kind of stuff and i love their friction with the with the nords and also the other bretons and so on and like little bits and pieces like the the heroic culture kind of stuff and like they're still not near my top kind of thing but like i just don't think they're as bottom and also all of the nightblade kind of typical kind of stuff like i you know like you know big kingdoms and castles and secret nightblades going in and you've got all that game of thrones kind of intrigue and i remember reading about like king um emmerich and stuff and that and that was one thing i really did like that the original bass game of eso added and also the whole um thing with the dukarak the black drake the big reachman king who who you know came up from nowhere and united all these clans and then um ended up even taking the ruby throne and starting a short lived dynasty called the longhouse emperors and so on and stuff like that and then you know there's stuff with like red eagle and so on but still there's not my top top but i don't think they're not in my bottom three for those reasons yeah i think i think it's kind of they get the short end of the stick because they do somewhat in the games have uninspired character design you can you can see a bretton and just think it's just assume it's an imperial for example that not like you know the kind of the idea is they should have like maybe slightly long gangly fingers or you know elven ears and just that they look very fair is how i imagine yeah do you know um in the oblivion um rule book for like back when games had like little instruction manuals the pictures in there the breton there has like these sort of like live fingers and stuff like that and he looks a little bit different stuff and i agree it would even be better if it were they were more like that 100 agree it's actually something i wanted to say it almost looks in that oblivion art like like they could be swimming underwater you know like as this kind of weird almost mermaidy type thing not that that's what i would want them to be i i'm just saying i definitely agree i like the idea of them being a bit more elven a lot more like in skyrim they kind of just i don't know they had like this pug vibes like i don't know what to say the first preset i was just like and they had these really strong forehead wrinkles and i was just like uh yeah this is not the way i really imagined you know bradens to be especially when i was playing oblivion as a kid especially when i would play as a bret and i really imagined that i was this kind of you know human character but with this really cool tinge of magical like affinity and more of an arcane feel to it and that's something i really liked but i guess with skyrim's incarnation of them it does feel a little bit lost but if i do include the reachmen i can put them above imperials you know i'll make that a none i considered that but i still didn't think it was enough but i mean like it seemed it seemed shallow but at the end of the day what screws the bretons is aesthetics like even their architecture i was reading in the pocket guide that it's just their architecture is described as having an austere grandeur so basically like that's kind of a paradox in itself but it's like the whole idea is it's it's harsh and just plain and just purely for practicality purpose which at the end of the you kind of need that in a fantasy setting but it doesn't really set you apart kind of makes you a bit boring compared to all the other races but then again i guess they are kind of like they're the only ones that are kind of i guess i guess arguably imperials um in areas but besides that like being next to hammerfell and skyrim it's it's kind of it's typical because it's typical medieval but it's typical medieval in a world where everything else is not as right so it stands out because it's normal in a place yeah i want to say stands out but i just i it's not like all of the other ones next to them also look like it if you know what i mean but i know i know what you mean like i appreciate that classic vibe going back to that i'm also not set like this is how i feel about pretty much every anything below like number four or five or something i'm not like oh super set on positioning like i can easily cop argonians being higher i think imperials is probably a 10 is probably the better 10. would we agree on that i think it's individual people that make imperials more interesting so i think it's fair like as a race in general they could be number 10. and what nine bretons yeah and then would we put so we're going to have to discuss the orcs in a second so because it's basically ultima versus orcs right you have what about um i mean i would put argonians lower than orcs i i agree i agree but you you would have orcs pretty high t so that's that's probably the main one where it's like very subjective just because i like them but i can make a decent argument for why i put them so high but i won't do that yet well i guess i will kind of push you into doing that by giving my take on the oil all right let's do it okay so they're basically just shrek no i don't like green this is my swamp they've got layers that's the thing i i like the whole culture like the whole chieftain thing and and how it's very aggressive and they and they train to fight and and kind of the chieftain take it's a winner take all society you know the chieftain mates with all the females and then the sons fight and then eventually kill their father and become chieftain and so on and then i do find it interesting how there's the city orcs you know you have orcs who don't want that lifestyle and they go off you know they don't want to just be another chieftain's wife or they don't want to just live a violent lifestyle maybe they want to find romance and and have a wife to call their own and the whole malacath trinimac story is cool and don't forget all of that and orcinium's cool but i i guess that's one of the things at least to me is it's hard to compete with the other playable races when you don't have a solid province to yourself filled with cool stuff which adds to the law like hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on there's a lot of cool stuff with orcinium i'm just saying like it's a province does add a lot more potential for different things to be explored different factions within the races and so on and i mean the whole idea that the orcs are just warring with each other and and stuff is a theme you see in other places as well like warhammer 40k like if they could only come together they'd be so powerful but they always lose because they were amongst themselves and i do know it's not just a big monoculture i know that because they dispersed it's not just like they're all the same and they all believe the same thing but i don't know man they're just it's just shrek i feel like i know where drew's going to go with it in his defense and it's like me too but i'll i'll just throw out one little thing like part of their appeal to a lot of people is for the reasons that you listed is that they are these outcasts this prior folk that they and they have this sort of like stubborn resilience almost like this makes them sound horrible but like cockroaches they just won't die they keep coming back and stuff like that but drew you can extrapolate you know i like yeah let me try and explain why i like them after you just call them cockroaches basically this is going to be easy no but um i mean i think the thing is the reason i like them so much is because in my opinion they have the single best creation story so that's not everything about a race but that alone is why i think they're the best because they've you know they have the typical creation story of the of the aldema in general i mean this is putting aside the theory that they're indigenous and they're not related whatsoever to the um elves but if we assume that they are you know they have this yeah i mean you know what the high elves are like they're obsessed with purity and then you have a group of these people who follow trinimac trinimac goes through his ordeal with boethiah gets consumed and and how do i say this without getting uh demonstrated excreted excreted out and um you develop an entire culture based around that so they're the only culture that kind of they have their creation story imposed on them and no matter how hard they try to say oh you know trinimac's not exactly malakaff you know nobody's buying that not even the orcs are buying that you can i mean i think they all have their own creations imposed on them and i mean look if you creation story not creation just being excreted and kind of covering yourself in excrement and changing into something is like cool i mean i think it's i think it's fascinating in terms of like creating characters out of it i mean i i i don't believe orcs belong in the bottom tier like i'm not a bottom tier awkward did you guys have high elves both yeah i reckon i reckon uh like ten imperials nine bretton's eight high elf is a pretty pretty pretty settled bottom tier yeah well let's let's dive into like the middle tier and i'll just list what i had um so i had in number seven i had breton number six i had orc and number five i had bosma what do you boys have or did you in which position sorry sorry i had uh seven breton six orc five bosma i have in number five did you go five six that was seven like seven is seven for me was was ultima but i guess i would put aux there now yeah oh no just tell us what you originally had and then we'll sort one originally seven was was was high elves uh six was actually red guards okay and fives five was naughts right okay all right and then drew mentioned what were yours well this isn't set in stone but essentially it's bosma guard argonian 765 okay so so let's just get the vehicles like what's the uh the nord well why is the nords so low by comparison um they're not low they're five i mean five's pretty good still yeah i mean i everything that you're gonna say about nords i'm gonna agree with and i think nords are cool and i don't know if it's just because you get sick of them because of skyrim and because dragons dragons and you've just you know skyrim has been released a thousand times um but to me they're just not as interesting as some of the other races which i will justify later on i mean they're ranked pretty good still it's not like they're bottom tier they're the very top of my middle tier you know yeah uh i i like you know all the isgramor stuff and yeah savangard and mead and dance and the thumb and all that was cooler i liked the tongues in the past yeah a bit more before they made it like just like the dragonborn thing specifically like you know shouting down uh the wall of a castle in a siege or something like that's really awesome and obviously there's all the high testosterone badass viking kind of vibes um but to me again i'm not saying they're bad i'm just yeah they're just not in my top three for example yeah i just really like their um they're besides all their aesthetic like vikings and stuff are cool as much as there's a lot of it that is there but um a lot of it's all the stuff outside of the dragon cult for me and so on and all of the and also in terms of interconnectedness they are like champions of it they've been pretty much everywhere for every significant event they're really intertwined with morrowind i really like the dynamic i like them being having a dead god as their favorite god like by the imperialized talos stuff of like you know the last 200 years or whatever um for most of history um sure is their sort of top dog in terms of like they care about i like that it's very explicit and about about it and it's cool that they're worshiping this dead god and if you read the songs of um izmir wolf and stuff and him uh is talking about like he was sort of in their story in their version the battle red mountain they were sort of like tempted by by uh degoth er who came to them and said oh i know where the heart of your god is like we can kind of like basically in a bid to kind of resurrect him and so on and i love the story i love their their pantheon i think is the way to make the eight divines sound coolest i think um and i really like their more sort of hardcore kind of like having standard as a god of ransom as like a real like nordic thing um but yeah they've just got so many characters and um ballads and songs of history and i like the whole concept of creation of the voice like you can well at least as this is what i would think that the people who originally designed them as you've got the nords and so they're obviously based off you know scandinavian types norse vikings and stuff like that but one real popular uh part of their culture was bards and um and music and norse and uh so i already call in like songs and all that kind of stuff and then they sort of combined that and amplified it and turned it into a whole magical power called the thumb the voice then it becomes such an essential part of their their uh which just as a side note is cool because the red guard and the dwemer kind of did the exact same thing yeah yeah but yeah like yeah well yeah i don't think i can cop nord mid tier i don't know yeah i'd have nordstock as well i mean like just to vaguely go over it we'll probably talk about it more but yeah like the animal totems is like it's just such a cool pantheon using the form the way they do um but yeah like skyrim as a game kind of just made them vikings you know like yeah that's unfair but they they really really like took out some of the the character and i mean i don't want to talk about it too much now because scott you're pretty much finished with a video that's coming out very soon about some of their demon chieftains and things like this like you know these stories to be honest they're probably embellished a bit by people like vivec but these uh these chieftains who you know like eat mud and resurrect their dead soldiers from the from the ground and things like that it's just they have a lot of really cool law that you you can only find for environmental storytelling in in skyrim i mean to be honest that's the case with pretty much every race if you stripped all of the books and environmental storytelling and you just like hearing what you hear in the mainline dialogue it's not as none of the races are as good but i've got to admit you are convincing me and one of the reasons is when i first made my list i actually had nords as number three so i think i can compromise and put it up to number four in my list like this is the thing everything you're saying i agree like i think the nords are really really cool i just think there are other uh races that have law that's well by having having um we can come back to nords so for my list i had like bretons and so we've sorted their positioning and so on um interestingly let's we can go back to aux real briefly because i've got you had orcs lower i've got orcs mid but drew you've got orcs obviously higher so um is is there any like is it just a personal preference like you just i think it mostly comes down to the idea that that it's through their creation story essentially for their relationship with malakaff and their relationship with all the other elves it's the same reason i like malacath is because he's the one daedric prince who really doesn't get along with the rest of them they all look down on him just like the races look down on the l oh sorry the elves look down on the awesomer but um i'm not going to have them hired here even though i really like them so that's fine okay we'll put orcs would you would you cop middle tier michael oh yeah all right me yeah um yeah like bottom middle well let's oh sorry where did you guys have bosmer again i haven't said which means i have bosma quite high okay all right well i have i have bosmer at number five um to talk about them like i think they are they're one of the more interesting takes on elves in terms of they went and sort of against the grain the typical wood elf that you sort of hear in a lot of like fantasy stuff is oh yeah we just sit here and eat vegetables and and like it's all romantic and love and stuff but it has this very primitive like with the green packed and the cannibalism and the kind of um all being strict carnivores and so on and instead they've sort of twisted it a bit like you can't damage any of the vegetation of the forest because you love it so much so and you know because the deal with the god and so on and the wild hunt thing's really cool but like that culture it's just it kind of i'm a big fan of cultures that i would call like unpalatable like they're i don't like it when a culture is so squeaky clean that you love everything about them like i like it when there is that little bit like oh that's a little bit gross but like it's interesting so you know obviously like ritual cannibalism is a thing that doesn't you know really agree with modern sensibilities and so on so it's something that like it's intriguing obviously also little wood elves and masters of archery i also really love it in in they've they started bringing it back into eso a bit i like the idea they're playing a bit more on the um their origins as beastial sort of like crazy creatures and stuff before they made the green pact because you can have like little antlers and little like little sort of like animalistic decals that make them a little bit more um wild looking and so on and i i do prefer what else the wood elves men being really sure like i think that's also cool just being like light jumping through the trees with bows and stuff and yeah and then they've got some interesting laws which i haven't looked into in the biggest depth of but the the wilder king and so on he's like a sort of like a living god kind of thing i don't want to go too much into it but um still there i think there's a lot and also the whole concept of a moving tree city and stuff is pretty cool like i'm um yeah i do like the bosman they're like i mean they're my second favorite elf i feel like they're getting pushed up your list a little bit more i i really do like them like you were saying one thing that i really like about them is actually the polarity between the kind of side of them where they're like relaxed and romantic and chill and there's even this there's this piece of law from elder scrolls online that they're actually the most fertile elven race like they're quite fertile for elves and they and they have the highest elvish population because they are shall we say the most amorously inclined if you get what i'm saying so i can really vibe the wood elves as being spiritual and loving to each other but then also in war they're like super aggressive and freakishly agile and relentless and i just like the kind of mashup of those two ideas that they're you know there's this really nice side to them but then this really kind of i guess scary animalistic side to them and the whole thing like drinking fermented pigs milk as an alcoholic beverage and and fasting before battle because when they kill their enemies they're going to eat them is just is just i guess to it to add a little more into my appeal like it is it's the contrast of the unpalatable and the really good so like you know the bosma are known as one of the most friendliest uh races in all of tamriel and they have generally have had good relations with a lot of people yet at the same time they've got that like flip side like the the cannibalistic sort of um thing in the carnivorism and so on but i like also that you know in a typical world building scenario they go oh they're cannibalistic oh then they've got to hunt everyone and be evil and so on but instead they're um cannibalistic sort of uh tendencies have actually made them more peaceful because if they get into a giant war they've got to eat all the corpses and they've got to do it and this is it's more preferable to be you know chill and so on and not have people die and oh the other thing is too like they're weird customs the um the morning wars where they have that weird thing where they like kidnap someone and then like kind of adopt them as a member of the family like like so so say i'm you'll have to double check but it's basically like say you killed my sister i could then go and kidnap someone from your clan and then they replace my sister and live as my sister if that makes sense like a weird i mean isn't isn't that what the the vampire is it the krilth from veda oh no that's one of them that that impersonates one of them impersonates a child after eating it yeah there's some really there's some really crazy vampire stuff they've also got the wear creatures too like the wear vultures and so on yeah but i think i think maybe i will even cop putting him up high i don't know drew do you have anything to do wood elves themselves don't become weird creatures right no no it's frowned upon yeah okay that they just exist in in the region would you i mean yeah yeah look everything that's been said so far pretty much sums it up it's like they're probably some of the best in the best interpretation of what elves i've seen you know in most fantasy universes and they are really cool so i would absolutely be happy to put them higher what's the what's the deal with red guards again you guys we haven't talked about red guards yet i had red guards as number six yeah yeah i i think that there and i mean you can kind of guess why when you've heard about the ones that i've really enjoyed and talked about so far it just it kind of has to push other cool ones down the list but i think the red guards are still super super cool for me they're mid-tier but like they're so much more interesting than the braden's to me that i would be happy for them for elder scrolls six to be set if it was going to be in just one province in hammerfell over high rock as much as i think from the trailer it looks more like high rock i think the game in hammerfell would be really really interesting i mean come on they have giant spirit swords they manifest out of nothing but their own will and all of that i don't want them in elder scrolls six to just make sword singing like the dragon shouts and like oh you're a sword singer even if you're a mage and then you pull out some spectral sword and start slashing i don't want that and i like all the warrior stuff and that their pantheon's really cool like all the different cool names that's the and the law with that is probably why you like yeah i really like besides the you know so you know besides the fact that they're essentially just north african samurai like they've got the aesthetic trappings of like you know sort of um you know some moroccan stuff in there and probably things that stretch across like you know libyan sort of like i think i forget the tribal name and tuaregs or something um and then they've also got you know little bits of like middle eastern stuff but if you actually look at their culture and also their history of yokuda it's basically japanese history transposed into the elder scrolls like it's a pretty it's almost a pretty big rip but it's actually really really um cool it's like um but they're yeah their theology is also really cool and airtight and interestingly and it's for the similar reason i like dark elves a lot is they go against the cultural grain so as a general rule you've got the elves which are what you call like anuik which are they're basically in favor of um they they don't like what lore khan did essentially or you've got the panamaniac which is essentially like pro-lorcan groups of which are generally men um but they are interestingly like what you call anuik um men like they're the only race of men that their sort of theology they sort of see lorkhan or um as like a as a really bad dude for basically screwing them all over and so on and i love the idea of the world serpent like a big aura boris kind of thing and it like the world like for calpers like shedding its skin like stuff like that and also besides that like the red guards um are another real fundamental sort of part in um in history and yeah i just think they're uh and also like it's pretty badass when they just sort of they just rock up and claim a province like you know in the um in the early first era and it's like they just i don't know they're calling curved swords dudes curved swords well then gate and shinji is pretty cool but that's a cool thing about the sword singing in general it's like obviously they're warriors like you can just look at the book of circles and you know they've got i'd never be able to say the exact number but at 9000 different moves or stances or something like that but the idea is that back in yokuda um their creative passion was was you know they were artisans and poets and things like this um but because of the constant constant civil wars they meditated on their creativity and it kind of transcended into a new form of magic and that's how they were able to turn their like artistic energy into sort of spirit swords and the sheehan this was all born from that so it's kind of like there's potential for more than just we're warriors and we you know we will kill you if we see you to a you know a very sophisticated culture as well yeah for sure 100 the other thing that's quite cool about them is that like with races their weaknesses are cool like i talked about the argonians almost being slaves to the hist there's this cool little thing about the red guards where it talks about how they're so fierce fierce and independent to the point where they are said to actually serve better as like scouts or adventurers or kind of solo warriors as opposed to like rank and file soldiers and stuff which i which i think's i just like that little piece of law and by the way i just want to add scott and i did make the ideal elder scrolls 6 hammerfell so if you're interested in hearing about our ideal hammerfell game definitely check that video out so did you sorry you guys both had red guards mid tier yeah because i've got them in my like top tier like at the bottom so like yeah yeah i've got him in number four what if sorry we've got to find out where are we at with with the middle tier i think one thing about the red guards i don't really mind where they are but i would i would say they have to be lower than nords personally yeah i think nords are the best humans i agree yeah just because the one thing and maybe it's a little bit of um a little bit of done with bias leaking but the nords are just so interconnected to everything and i also think the voice and all of that is just way more epic and cool i prefer their pantheon i love i love the red guard pantheon but i prefer the nords ones and i'm i'm more fascinated by atmora than i am by yokuda personally yeah um well okay so but i like what have we got should we we could slot redguard in number four or five sorry five yeah i i could but what sorry and then where are we going to put orc though well this is the problem you're gonna realize that the the whole thing is all jumping okay sure yeah should we kind of discuss top tiers then first cause the top tier by the way guys excludes like the number one like it's the next it's the three grouped before our number one so i think we should probably try and like discuss the rest of ours and then kind of go so top tier for me is red guards at number four three i have number could you i have khajiit and then two i have nords okay what about you drew i've got orcs at four nords at um free and khajiit at two yeah right okay i actually have i actually like the bosmas so much that i will have them at number two okay i i i've got the um that would put the argonians at three [Laughter] i gotta stick up for my argonian brothers and sisters in the audience you know what i'm saying and then uh at number four i would have nords okay the argonians is going to be a real hard sell for me don't worry don't worry i i am actually happy to put them below nords like if i'm being really objective and not just like i like all the stuff i said i like about them i won't be a hard case to move them down has everyone i won't let you put them as ten or nine has everyone got one as done yes yeah you said the word the word you said dunmer we were never going to talk about them but they just didn't deserve a place on the list at all because they're below 10. yeah basically they're just boring look we'll just set all this now the dunmer just have the most interesting like theology they're vital to like the storyline of of tamriel i'd say like this just so important and they're just so awesome like because they also they have an interesting theology twice over so like i often find that you have a culture so say you have the nordic culture and then they've got that imperialized sort of they're just doing eight divines now and it kind of got worse for it whereas you have the clima sort of traditional uh daedric god culture that's really cool in itself and it's got a really cool like theology then the living gods come around and there's that whole conflict of battle red mountain and then they have an even cool like a really really cool mythology as well so they're like cultural change like they're cool consistently if that makes sense i think i 100 agree and and when i was doing the ranking i almost didn't want to put dunma as first because i know that you would and it's that kind of role for fulfilling thing where you're like well they're going to put that as first so i have to be different but then i just put out all of the criteria that i could you know and i'm like even like architecture they just win massive yeah you know architecture history pantheon like even what they look like all their armor styles and and stuff like that is really really cool their province is really cool they're just so high tier in so many categories that i couldn't rank them any lower even though i know it's a typical answer even though i said i knew you were gonna do dunma i mean there's a reason i was drawn to them when you brought to our primary school the guide yeah for oblivion like back when they had the little manuals and stuff i picked dark elf and that was my first character ever in any older scrolls game was it was a dark elf conjurer and even before skyrim i can remember talking about it how i was gonna make a dark elf character for whatever reason with two war axes i think i was just a little kid and i was so jaded to have dual wielding i was like yes i'm going to have two axes um but yeah they're just they're just two they're just the they're two i think we can we will save the talk on diamond they're the top they're they're the top one but it's going to be interesting ranking the two three and four and and the rest of it because i feel like people figured this as well that done was gonna be the top like it's kind of hard to okay so let's talk about our definites then number one is dunma for sure right and then eight number eight are high elves yep number seven orcs and that gets tricky i would put onions down i can't i don't know if argonians i i'm such a argonian's mid of the like i'm i mean i'm like i mince is the thing we're gonna have to compromise so i will put argonians if we're trying to make like a team list uh i'll put argonians as six but you guys know they were in my top three yeah okay or what elves red guards man come on regards okay come on um i want bosma bosma are the best i love yeah i don't like playing them for whatever reason i never end up playing them maybe i just don't want to be like a little dude but um i actually i've played balls i've played heaps of them um a lot i guess argonians and imperials would be my least played awkward is my very first character and i do like orcs like i had a skyrim character that was like my my most overpowered best one that i made was it was an orc i really i do really like orcs but i know that looked like ben stiller yeah yeah apparently like all your characters but like i had um yeah my very first character because i've loved orcs since just the concept of orcs from lord of the rings and um warcraft 3 back in the days strategy so my first orc character was called thrall after the main character which doesn't really make sense but you know it's not like an orc sounding name in the elder scrolls universe but um i get i get i don't know like bosmer is but i just don't know the cellar over the red guards necessarily because the bosma are really cool but red guards are well it's a voting system here i guess like if you two are going to make bosma 5 i will have to cop it i would put red guards probably lower than bosma after thinking about it by one me too i would do i would do bosma um sorry regards five bosma four same and then nord's free sure without voted you score all right fair enough um okay well with that listing then we've got three and two to discuss so which is nords and khajiit yeah really um so you guys have got what have you got number two what have you got higher michael uh out of nords and kids i had nords higher by one round yeah i have nords higher by rank too and uh i i know drew's just you know been working on the khajiit pantheon video and i i tell you what i've looked at the khajiit like i've read it all i'm very familiar with it all it's really cool it's like kind of i would even say it's like i said this to you guys but it was like my second favorite theology out of all of them but there are still things about i still think for the same reasons the elsewhere the khajiit they're not as interconnected they've got a little bit more of and they they've improved them so much with eso elsewhere beforehand they would have ranked way lower for me just because they're just oh i'm a cat it's it's a bit more me feeling like haha skooma or khajiit has wares if you have coin like it's very like not not doesn't didn't feel like i had a lot of substance but eso also has really changed that and i think their culture is really great but even in terms of the like biology and stuff like that i still just i don't know i just i think i'm biased because i generally play as a khajiit character and i just i just find elsewhere the coziest it's like every everything about elsewhere and khajiit culture i just love even though i think if i looked at it objectively i'd put no tyre but i like the khajiit plus i love all the stuff about the lunar lattice and how azura created them and how they're tied to the moons it's so significant to them um i mean yeah i did just finish writing or i know it's up on the channel now was it yeah um a massive a massive video on the uh the khajiit pantheon so i'm still on a bit of a high about them but that's the thing like this it also comes down to like the the what script you've just written the time of day all that kind of stuff that there can be small changes what's certain is dunmer is number one undisputed champion but but it depends on the positioning of the moons yeah where you put khajiit it does and i think you know yesterday my list was so different to the list that i built this morning like after really looking at things so i know it does depend on what mood you're in like i think the kijita really really cool and i like their societal system with the clan mothers who disseminate information kind of autonomously from the main and the main is also really cool i definitely think i've been struck by the memes in the same way of like hahaha could have wears if you have coin it's like and but i do like it it's not that it's a bad meme i just i've heard it too much i do like how they they one like it's a good world building thing is when every element of their culture is sort of interconnected like their biology is the p comes back to the moons their religion comes back to their moons the substance they ingest the moon sugars believed to be crystallized moonlight like it's all it's a very like like i said it's a very airtight interconnected sort of um religion and also makes me like um azura and boethiah so much more it's such it's actually quite an one thing i'll say about the khajiit the khajiit have when the reason the theology ranks so highly for me is because generally most fall into daedra worshippers or or ayleid worship um or aedra worshippers um and or they have various like namings of those pantheons like you know yokudans red guards are pretty much all they're just you know aedra same as the nords same as the imperial same as the elves um whereas and then you've got dark elves which is sort of all concerned with daedra um but they have got both aedra and daedra but have got them in a really um they've kind of got their own spin on them they're not like oh here's the imperial divines and everything else they're bad demons deidre it's like they all have this very like special place and some of them have like creative takes on them as well um and i like i like the divisions into um there isn't any age raw daedra because they're not concerned with our ancestors or this ancestors do they kind of have it as as like sky spirits wandering spirits earth spirits um what was the other one drew there's adversarial and like i mean to add to that they even have they they have some really cool unique gods so they're just essentially like ancestors to them you know like they've got rajin who's the thief god who stole the tattoo from the empress's neck and stole the ring off of um mafala's arm um and then they have the main so the mane is born under an eclipse and it's like you know the kind of like the idea is that they're forced to be the spiritual leader based on their birth and they don't have any choice in the matter and you know that one of them had this thing called a riddle fire epiphany where he realized you know our lives are dictated by the moons so why not our political governance as well so rather than rather than all these kingdoms warring judging by the moons that decided who was in charge at what time and it's why they don't really um war to nearly as much as the other races but then again that did change but but yeah it's cool how everything ties to the moons in the end yeah yeah it is real they are really it is really i think you're good but i just still like i think if i was to think too um about the history more so i'm way more in it for the nords and so on like all like there's just and they're just i don't know it's just um they're just cooler to me i i really do like the khajiit like it's a tight it's not it's not like nords by oh a mile it's just a little bit because the one thing at the end of the day is elsewhere in the khajiit are not that not that interconnected to the rest of the world um and i think that's how it kind of started when you start and i feel like a lot of like even fantasy worlds in general sort of suffer from this is they have all of their beast races and they go like oh here they're really cool like aesthetically because you can be a cat man or a lizard man it's really cool but then they don't really have that they don't interconnect them as much whereas for for other races when they make a human they're like oh well it's just a generic human we have to make them interesting some other way whereas the appropriate way to go about it is like here's the beast race and then make it so but because a lot of the interesting stuff has come sort of post eso elsewhere they're just still not that interconnected they're cool there's cool stuff with um uh i like their description of the of how they were kind of treated as one in the same as as the bosma kind of like similar people before azura changed um changed them but uh yeah they do have a i would definitely definitely check out the kajit gods video guys because it's really really good but i i mean unless you guys would change but i still think nord's number two what do you guys think yeah if i'm just looking at the list i've made i put nordstrom in kijit iii i mean i also agree that the kojita super cool somehow ended up as my first skyrim character it didn't end up as the dark elf that i had planned and i ended up wearing a poncho the archmage robes so but i think khajiit three kijit three nords two i really like the pantheon i really like that there's daedra and aedra specifically their take on the daedra like sanguine being more like a distraction than like a kind of evil god but and they're kind of hedonistic with all their moon sugar and stuff like that which is interesting um so yeah i think i've got a total list here if you want me to read it let's hear it okay so this is you've all heard our subjective takes which is very different from the final list but the compromised list is dharma nords khajiit bosma red guards argonians orcs high elves bretons and imperials yeah i think i'm i'm relatively happy with that list like like for my my original list was dunman nord khajiit redguard bosma so it's really not differing that much it's like a flip for the top five um what was the last five of it again argonians orcs high elves breton's imperials i really like you know obviously like okay he's just not my favorite subjective but i do like uh i would put orcs above but i can completely understand like as a whole like like if you actually look at the general ones along the bottom like imperials and bretons they're closer to more you know generic humans they don't have as much interesting about them and then you have high elves the ultimate which are like the most generic of all of the l's um it's still cool but yeah um as much as i love the orcs i think it's fitting that they're low on the list oh very mental very matter so i'm not against it it's uh you know we're prize after all yeah same as the argonians you know they're just out of the way of everything yeah keeping to themselves unless you threaten them which you did and they moved from number 10 yeah yeah to number six yeah not in your head not in my head i could i could like cop in my head i could cop him at like eight or seven but but but i mean that this is the thing if you go and look like i did some research i was curious what other people thought and you look up what's your favorite race and what's your least favorite race the elder scrolls community seems to either love or hate argonians i feel like you two could kind of be the rare the rarity when it's like oh yeah they're good but they're not the best they're not the worst i mean for you scott it was the worst but drew's happy to have him in the middle i think that's the controversial opinion because people seem to be really polarized people who love the dark elves just view them as farm tools and that's it but you know there's more to the argonians than that yeah yeah i just it just comes down to me i and i guess and and it's like i would have put um you know originally back in the day like i was never a big fan of the beast races because they were like not that interconnected not that interesting but khajiit else eso elsewhere just made them so good with like all of the extra infer they they added i remember being so like that's such a nice surprise because i remember being worried like oh i hope bethesda never does elsewhere or they don't touch elsewhere because they won't have all of the cool breeds and stuff and it won't be there but they actually did it just as they they had all of the breeds there and on top of that they really fleshed out the theology and culture and so on and they did a epic job they must have watched my video that's why i made it obviously i challenged them i said elder scrolls 6 else would be would be rubbish yeah it'd be a bad idea because they wouldn't do it justice and maybe they wouldn't as an actual single player game it would be harder than the online game but i have to give credit where credit's due they did uh they did come and do a good job for elder scrolls online with elsewhere so i think they did a great job with black marsh as well but i just think they i was a little bit let down with somerset the way it looked at least um and you know but yeah elsewhere and black marsh were incredible yeah and uh what about graeme i'll tell you what like i um i do this is a little bit of a tangent but as a general rule like i prefer like the um older so like eso has a very just like some of eso as a whole aesthetically like some of their armors they kind of like look a little bit more like modern or like warcraft world of warcraftish looking like they don't look as real i don't mind fantasy looking armors but i like them sort of within the realm of reality if that makes sense like oblivion for example had a writer like skyrim mostly had it right i think but at some points it even like pushes a little bit but i do prefer the more you know traditional looking armors you know because like you know look at the alternator armor set like you can make beast looking armor that's obviously not the most practical but it's not kind of i don't know it just i just don't like it looking like it's made in a factory if that makes sense you know yeah i i agree like you do see that when you're playing elder scrolls online but you kind of get used to it i mean in skyrim the daedric armor is all crazy but i mean it's daedric so you kind of give it a pass as like okay like you know there can be one super unrealistic fantasy armor or a couple yeah but when every armor you put on kind of looks a bit not every but a lot of them look very like flarey yeah it kind of feels a bit like am i playing am i playing the mmo i think i'm playing or am i playing wow here's a question for you guys who what what do you think and i'm curious even for people to answer this in the comments below what do you think is going to be the most controversial of all of our picks the one that is going to anger people the most like the most amount of people angered about a pick so obviously like one of the lower ones like i feel like there'll be a bunch of people out there that do like probably not the most angered but a lot of people do like bretton's and i think it's a lot i mean i like bro it's because they play as them as lot and so on and they like them and a lot of people do love the like i'm pretty sure as a popular d and d sort of characters to play the half elf the half man half elf like it's like oh yeah spicy it's like it's like human but a little bit better than you like that's what they like you know what i mean but then they're not a full haughty elf um we didn't put argonians that low so i don't think that will be a uh no i think people will just be mad at our individual takes yeah i think our our end list was all right but they'll be like oh scott how could you put argonians last yeah i don't know man they just they just don't people will agree with you people oh yeah they're loved and hated to be fair and this is the thing as elder scrolls has developed like all of them are pretty good like for example and obviously from all our skyrim builds we've played i've played every single race multiple times like you can make i can play argonian characters and have a heaps fun time like this is really cool and i get into their lore and and and make all the backstory and and the role playing for them but they're still my least you know i don't know man just just some lizards bro yeah i mean i pray i played a bretton in the d and d we did ages ago and i still had them last so it's like all of them have really good law yeah some have more and i mean the denmark the reason that dunmer the best is because there was the most the most law and the most inspired law it was like that bethesda were just at their peak for world building at that point yeah so you know and it's just it's it's why they turned out the best i think the high elves could have turned out the best had they just made somerset instead of morrowind yeah it was a game that's kind of the um the thing like um with a lot of them like if you if you were to view what all of tamriel looked looked like through the lens of morrowind it's so much more epic and so on like even the the nords and and um stuff like that is they're just just you you just had a different idea of it because nords was actually a while like when i was younger playing oblivion i had this nord character and nord sort of became my favorite because i was writing to all of the vikings and and stuff like that and funnily enough like i was into like scottish stuff as well and i really conflated like a highlander sort of thing i had this like highlander character with the claymore and stuff that was but i was just so um into it and i just remember like thinking about oh it's gonna be so mountainous and rugged and snowy and stuff like that and and yeah i don't know i feel like it's the kind of cynicism that comes about when you start really getting into law is you realize how much cooler it sounds in the books yeah versus the actuality but and people go oh well you know oh because it's just exaggeration or embellishment or whatever yeah but morrowind was as cool as it sounds in the books you know what i mean like that's the problem like it's obviously can be done well to be fair though skyrim is very rugged mountainous and snowy just not as much as they see yeah well they didn't have like they didn't describe in the way that like they sort of had like um they used to have like a big you know they'd have forts and stuff at the top of mountains of valleys and that's where they'd look over over and then there's these big you know like just like it's supposed to kind of be all mountain like originally the reach was so fought over and this is a crucial law reason for the reach is that it was like the only big fertile land in all of skyrim the rest was all rugged and snowy and you know borderline inhabitable unless you're a nord who's basically immune to the cold i mean you could live there but you know you had to rug up whereas the reach was fought over by um by everyone because of it because of how fertile it was and so on but when you actually come to it in skyrim it kind of looks like one of the less like least fertile places it's heaps rocky and kind of barren looking and stuff and and they kind of did the reachmen dirty a little bit and they make them way more savage than they kind of which you can all you can also see like how like the evolution and stuff happen but i feel like there could have been a little bit more nuance to them like running around in tribal rags is you know unwise against fully armored enemies but whatever to be to be fair though i and it could be because i played skyrim before knowing all of the law about it from the past i think i prefer the current like makeup of it in terms of actually playing it like while yeah it being all rugged and inhabitable sounds cool in a story and there's the reach that's the only first-half place i kind of like that here are the planes of whiterun you know here's this beautiful forest in rift and here's this and that it makes it more interesting to play the game with all the different biomes makes it more approachable to to to the mainstream audience as well and i mean like you look at whiterun and you kind of he's calling me a casual but when you look at whiterun hold you see how clear it is that this is rohan you know like it's a lot of it is is inspired by you know you want people who like fantasy who obviously like lord of the rings to want to play this whereas if it's a frozen wasteland it's like it's it's impressive that morrowind was so consistent in visual like obviously it's really unique but it does look like one island it looks realistic that that's all where it is whereas yeah skyrim and it fills every niche yeah i'm in like full of greens like sometimes i feel like they straight like i do like the game world of skyrim like i don't know hate it at all but i feel like they can do a little bit more consistently like if you were to take the island of arden fell for example there are still the distinct biomes and stuff like you know even just off the so you got the bottom which is kind of like it's like a bit more temperate sort of normal stuff you've got the whole left side the bitter coast which is really swampy and stuff and you've got like you know these kind of like boiling little areas and so on and then as you got that north in the north um west you've got that rocky sort of area around nissis and so on and you've got a little bit more canyons and winding rivers and stuff in the west gash and um then you've got um at the north when you get to the really north there's like lots of like archipelagos sort of like spread out islands and so on of course in the middle you've got all of the the big um red mountain and all of the volcanic volcanic sort of rivers and stuff like that around it which takes a big chunk but you know around vivec it gets all like lush and rivery and you've got the winding rivers that like lead you back up to um uh suran i think it is and so on but um and then on the on the east coast you've got all of the televani archipelago kind of stuff and you've got the grayslands which is where you have like a bunch of the ashlanders down trail like it did actually have a decent amount of diversity in it while somehow feeling like a more consistent tone over it not that skyrim doesn't have a consistent tone but i just feel like you can i i always prefer like go and try and make it as much like i try and make it as crazy as possible then like dial it back for for you know casuals or whatever like start from that point rather than going oh we've got to make it to a cat approachable for casuals first you know dial it back i feel like you is a better way like peeling back some layers of the craziness in the same approach to law and sometimes it's good um mate the same approach to life yeah subtraction not addition yeah yeah so yeah but uh there you go there's the list you want to give it one more read all right one last read for everyone so in position number one dunma two naughts three the khajiit four bosma the wood elves five red guard six argonians seven orcs eight the high elves nine bretons and ten the imperials yeah that's a good list i actually i feel like i don't know why i feel like it's a very democratic list like i feel like a lot of people should be like besides like one or something they'll be like generally like agree with it i think but we'll see in the comments below that's it so thank you everyone so much for watching we really appreciate it keep watching the podcasts sharing the podcasts liking the podcasts and let us know what you think and you gotta do it you gotta say and we'll be back to nerd out with you again okay with you again very soon bye
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 170,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, morrowind, elder scrolls, oblivion, altmer, argonian, khajiit, dunmer, bosmer, nord, redguard, imperial, breton, orc, high elf, wood elf, dark elf, elder scrolls lore, elder scrolls races, skyrim races
Id: uoH17hTF0Uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 8sec (4388 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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