Why Did the Dwemer Disappear & Will They Return in Elder Scrolls 6? | The Elder Scrolls Podcast #1

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[Music] what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome to the elder scrolls podcast with fudge Muppet my name is Scott and we're here with Michael and drew and today we're discussing the Dwemer in their totality so for those of you out there who are confused there are three of us and you do hear separate voices sometimes but sometimes you can't tell the difference between Michael and I but yeah we made a community post announcing the podcast and to give you the short of it this is an open discussion podcast where we discuss all different parts of the elder scrolls a lot of law discussion but also other elder scrolls related topics we encourage you to ask questions and so on and we make community posts about it before they come out but let's get right into the Dwemer boys how would you describe the Dwemer to someone who has no idea who they are gosh I'm not dwarves that's that's a good way to start it they're not literally dwarves yeah that is that is true and then like actually there was some recent I think it is from elder scrolls online stuff but there was because originally there was they're called dwarves because people speculated because the giants that were there called them dwarves because they were small to them but and then there was translations to deep elves made women might but then there was another translation calling it I think it was smart elves or something like yeah I've actually I've actually heard that the deep elves could also reference that they're deep as in like intelligent like mentally deep yeah not even as a joke this is it was somewhere it was somewhere legitimate I think it was an in-game text even although no but when I kid deep there oh I guess it applies but when I feel like deep I usually think I'm the grass off a cool no oh I'm thinking underground well I don't know I mean text yeah yeah sort of the Dwemer as the deep ones yeah yeah I feel like everyone here who is watching a podcast dedicated to the Dwemer has some idea of who they are but essentially they're just they're sort of like the thematic antithesis to the climber and Donmar they're like these super Fedora TV like they will talk about this but they're not atheist or I guess how you divvy up the the definition of that because atheist is just sort of like not having we're not believing you know God but the way that they look at God's eyes they don't see them as gods they just see them as larger powerful Souls if that makes sense they don't deny that the Daedra and the Adria for example are really powerful beings it's more they just choose not to revere them not to worship them you know they're they're off to make their own God and you know worship they they say the gods of logic and wisdom but not actual beings just like because we actually they interact with guys like Asura in usually tricking them if anything so they they wouldn't be atheists because they acknowledge their existence they just don't exactly you know worship them yeah they don't it seems that they don't have like like a theology around it kind of stuff there's not like they kind of do away with well I mean all of them would have traditions and stuff too a whole bit like um they don't have all of the I guess like spirituality is kind of thing that the can't have you and I mean kind of yeah I mean they do try and make their own God which we'll get to that's the thing to me I always see the Dwemer and that's a good way to describe it to someone who doesn't know what they are they're the elves who have that kind of scientist theme that you've seen a lot of movies where they're trying to you know play God and and and go too far almost with technology I mean perhaps they did and that's why they disappeared but yeah they're all about their tech superpowers and just pushing things to the limit using their own abilities their own brains their own knowledge and practice of magic as opposed to you know getting on their knees and kneeling but before some God and saying please give me power they're like I'm gonna get power myself so they're kind of taking I guess their fate into their own hands yeah like we were actually I was discussing this with Michael um yesterday actually and it was about just how you know we'll get into the metaphysical stuff now we may as well like we're on alright so but that most of the civilizations and cultures and so on they're all kind of looking for like transcendence I mean you could even argue that people like today in real life world look for some form of transcendence or like greater purpose meanings so on but in the elderscrolls world that's usually through like attaining sort of like spiritual kind of power or enlightenment or so on and then so for example the idea with the Thalmor is that or the big that sort of it's not exactly strictly canon but the one of big theories they want to unmake the world so they can go back to being spirits and stuff like they were before before law can trapped them in this realm of mortality but most of them are concerned with most cultures or can have some form of Lac seeking of enlightenment and for the climber it's the sort of the decision endeavor so they're trying to find like they're trying to get outside of it by beating sort of its kind of comes from like a spiritual introspective sort of philosophical way of beating it where it's like the dwellings kind of theme on the opposite is kind of using tools and technology to beat transcendence in this other way which is all related to the new medium that they're trying to build themselves their own God and and that ruins a lot of things for the future of the not in a bad way but I mean it just does a lot of I think it's a common theme with the races of elves to you know where a lot of humans will just be grateful to the gods for giving them existence the elves in their own unique ways like no that's where we want to be we want to get back there and they kind of have their different approaches as you said with a foul more they kind of are almost trying to undo the world they can get back there the comma and the Donmar they're trying to overcome it and you know become above it whereas the dwemer you know they're using tools to kind of rival the gods the kind of going their own way with it which is they have all of atheism like the Dwemer and climber sort are on the same track in of lack they're trying to beat law cons kind of prison whereas the High Elves or I guess probably just traditional old methought derived thought is just let's break down his prison if you can like basically they just kind of they don't want to do you want to mean it's like kind of tossing the Monopoly board aside rather than trying to just win it monopoly yeah sure 100% but um let's do everyone we'll talk about how so the Dwemer aren't actually originally they're not just in Morrowind they're sort of everywhere that basically all elves are supposedly derived from the old man like the big proto elf from ancient witch and then before that is kind of like the old Elna face so all that's where they all come from supposedly like we still don't know about like left-handed elves strictly or some of the other varieties and so on but most of them we can track to a degree like even though it's still all up in the air like even the wood elves or the or the Khajiit and whether they are or not whether they are or aren't elves is kind of tricky but the Dwemer we kind of don't know strictly if they're elves or not or well not if the elders I was gonna say that it's whether they desperately ill from the old maligne like explicitly come from the sunset I'll slash old illness a you know how they got came from old Elm FA which is debatable in itself if it exists plus another topic altogether getting to some said aisles and then spreading out where they go you know there's the idea that the bosmer were always in Velen wood and there's the idea that the Dwemer were always underground in the north from whatnot so it doesn't it's not really clear whether they make their Exodus like the climate did for example yeah well there is let's like put to rest one of the ones that I think's the least likely based on everything else but there are some people that refer to some sources and so on that refer to them as a sort of like great house or a clan kind of thing it sort of kind of gives you this implied idea that they're kind of like a split off of the climber that was a particular secular house and they were very but there's other things just in the timeline and so on that kind of imply that they were there already before oh they were there with the velocity before they degenerated into like the later climber culture kind of stuff but so if you can dis me not dismiss that like it's a potential potentially an option but I reckon we should talk about more so where we think they came from so drew he does way you think they came from let's see your head Canon well I don't think they came from old LFA that much is certain I mean I don't think any of them did you mean like geographically well how about how about we hit with you so for a classification will properly probably help a lot is do we do you go with the idea that that Tamriel itself is old Ellen FA or like al Damaris like it's it's sort of the idea of Al Damaris is it's not this actual separate location there came from it's just as a result of the war between the old Ellen FA and the wandering Ellen FA there's like a big scattering and they're all split all over the place like personally I sort of subscribed to the theory that al Damaris was tamriel like it's just challenged and broken in the big godly wars and so on so yeah pretty much the reason I think the Dwemer definitely didn't originate from the same place as the old mare is because I've talked about it in a few videos but I subscribe to the idea that all Damaris is a mindset and the Dwemer don't have the same mindset as the High Elves and because the hails are the closest you'd say to the earth to the initial oldham a state of mind so if if old Marius aldo in a Fae is a state of mind and it just means Tamriel but it's just you know they're big spreading out from the initial culture then the Dwemer couldn't be anything further from old MA and therefore couldn't be anything further from old maris well the interesting the interesting way that I would look at things though is definitely if you look at their alphabets like if you go and you look at the dilemmas alphabet the aliens alphabet the Falmer alphabet the Ultima alphabet they're all extremely similar so in my head Canon that they're all descended from the old MA I just get the vibe that they were in other places before the climber got there yeah like if we were if we were to play a probability game they they're most likely derived from the old MA in some way and most elves are it's just kind of a matter of when and how but I think some of the divisions might have actually happened a lot earlier then you're led to believe sometimes just for example like where do the snow elves come in like where when were they there or were they always there from the times when Tamriel was old Elna failed mare so just use the term and that's if we that's if we take that as canon as well because we don't know for sure that all know yeah almost place that's separate it's just kind of it makes a lot of things make sense if you treat it as if that were the case yeah perhaps it's a video idea that we should do is a bit trying to reconcile all of the early myths and so on and try and make it all work and gel together like because I know that it's easier to explain Wood Elves and Nords of snow elves and so on in a bunch of their mythology's if the idea is that Tamriel is al Damaris originally was and there are like directs drew you'd know there's direct quotes and stuff that do say that yeah yeah it alludes to the idea that the Sun during about Maris is literally just people like the climber going away from the initial culture that's the Sundering so that's the sinking of old Maris rather than the continent literally sinking under the ocean right right that's interesting mm-hmm yeah because this is what's gonna happen like with these discussions geysers we're going to end up they get hyper theoretical because you're dealing with elder scrolls and there are no straight answers there's basically you can only play with what evidence you've got in this unreliable narrator but it's also just you kind of just got to play the probability game and sometimes the way we tell certain videos and stories is we kind of tell it through the lens of certain races and so on and sort of their understanding but like yeah just cuz you read in a book doesn't mean it's a hundred percent true you've kind of got a lack contrasted against everything else and try and Sarah goes but well let's say we know that they were there the Dwemer were there at the time of the velocity so when the velocity culture so after the climber came well by the way for everyone who doesn't know so Kaymer is just that's the changed ones which are basically they were just like Ultima they left the summerset isles because of the three Daedra as Irma Philo and boethiah following Vella the prophet names fell off and then they went to they found res Dane which was morrowind it's just ancient morrowind and that's why they're often called the velocity poland' then hence the culture that was there was high velocity culture but around the same time there was two Weber's strongholds and stuff being created so the Dwemer was sort of it seems that they were there already before the climber came so that's another thing too it's like it's trying to mass out when when the wood elves came and then when the like if they all came from High Elves you know what I mean like if they're all from Somerset I was like when did the snow elves arrive in Skyrim for example one thing that's interesting is you can kind of look at it like you know say you've got the theory of evolution for our world you can almost look at the older scrolls like a reverse of that it's a fear like the fury of devolution that they come from you know the Adria at the gods then becoming the Elna fade the original spirits the Itard are so the idea is that you know are the ultima the the joining block between the Attar de and the races of elf or did the old mer kind of come out separately from the Bosma separately from the snow elves and and all of that so it's kind of difficult to say because you know the earlier you go back be more confusing everything becomes and you can't see the lineages but of course they're all mer so you'd think they're more related than the humans and whatnot so that's why I'm not sure whether they're all damar it's kind of tall like I think it was in the book before the ages of man does mention that the Dwemer were from I would just double-check it was you from they set up strongholds and stuff in the philosophy Mountains and that's all including up sort of parts of sort of star m and morrowind and so on so let's just talk about because trying to determine like a lot of people who played Skyrim mainly so a lot of the listeners and so on that's how they got introduced to the dwarves and so on and they're spread all over Skyrim and underneath but there's a lot of lack stuff to discuss about when they exactly sort of arrived in Skyrim so if they were originally there when the climber arrived they were in the velocity mountain region at least so they were in parts of morrowind parts of Skyrim and you could kind of assume that the eastern strongholds of of Skyrim the Dwemer strongholds there that have kind of been there for a long time but then it's also like that the snow elves were also there at that point like I think we'll probably do where Elvis if we start going too far back and trying to determine exactly when snow elves and and the Dwemer was sort of there but we kind of just have to accept I guess that they're there for the point of discussion at that time but the interesting thing is that they they were also in hammerfell but much later on like this is all first error kind of stuff when they when they come in hammer fell so I don't know boys what's your thoughts on DOMA expansion well I mean in terms of the snow elves you know I was writing about it in the briefs and snow elf video it seems like they were coexist well you can call it coexisting but it's pretty easy to coexist when one of you wants the surface and the rest of you want underground but it seems as though they were getting on pretty well or like fine before the morons came but I don't know some need except those would have come earlier obviously then then the at morons but the idea is that Skyrim would have been pretty well inhabited by a Dwemer a fair bit before is grimore and his companions yeah it's really hard to tell actually because a lot of the Dwemer would because if you read some of the books and stuff in game they talk about how some of the Dwemer you know cities and stuff they really just looked like outposts on the top unless you could find your way inside and they specifically would build kind of it depends where geographically but they would specifically build kind of like you know they've got some supply room some basic stuff on the top but it's not until you dive deeper using I guess secret mechanisms that you find like you know all the big rooms and all the cool stuff so a lot of explorers would kind of come in look around be like oh it's just an outpost and leave but you just don't know how big each of those places could be you don't know how long they've been there so you could kind of talk about it all day but at the end of the day it is a mystery well one thing to consider too is that most of the Dwemer strongholds all over Skyrim like right across are filled with Falmer and so on and so you assume that the snow elves were there like and throughout black region you know how far that reaches especially with the gray more DLC showing that it expands even further yeah but so you have you have the Dwemer there and if there are Falmer there also it kind of to me a beat that that kind of implies that the that the Dwemer were stretched to that extent or over Skyrim when is grimore and stuff first showed up and then started getting rid of all of the snow elves and the snow else had to find somewhere else to go and then they went you know underneath to to the to the Dwemer and made their their deal and they go to blinded and so on but like Styron was pretty solidly Dwemer at that I hundred percent agree 100 percent you even think about the war that happened the War of the Krag between the FOMA and the the Dwemer like when when they finally rebelled that war is meant to last for decades right it's it's not like a little skirmish that went on in the black reach that you can explore in Skyrim it's a decades-long war in black reach which based on Elder Scrolls online now stretches far beyond what anyone thought just by playing Skyrim right so you have to have a lot of room I mean I'm not a war expert but I can only assume you need a lot of room to have a decade-long war and a lot of a lot of units fighting a lot of Falmer fighting a lot of Dwemer otherwise it just wouldn't last that long yeah I mean it's just my take yeah III agree I think I think Skyrim being settled by the Dwemer for a long time makes more sense and in yeah I don't think it was mainly read like I'm the whole clan rockin clan crag and stuff I don't think their expansion into Skyrim was too from hammerfell was too significant Oh like super new and they're like oh well mo coming in and there's never been heaps of Dwemer here before yeah I think there was plenty of them of there I mean the other part to talk about Skyrim is there is the etherium Wars and so on like a and I guess really we won't go too much into that but I think it is just a point to something to point out that just the Dwemer weren't like completely unified obviously I like playing all these separate clans and different strongholds and callings at fought amongst one another and just as a point I just want to throw out there is that you when you're looking at law and stuff like that you don't want to treat races as like monocultural like Dwemer that like you so you know arguably like some Dwemer might be the religious types they might like to pray to some gods or something like that even if it was just among the commoners or something like it what I'm just saying is you can't expect an entire race to be ideologically consistent like there's always going to be variation yeah they'll be mainly consistent but there can absolutely be offshoots yeah like I I've actually lost the source now but I saw someone ages ago try and make some kind of theory that maybe the Dwemer worshipped zark sees right like this aedra quad evolved with knowledge right so that could be the case that a little offshoot did but it doesn't mean that they all did there's an interesting thing too with just is it's easier to identify a kind of going back to the sort of genealogy kind of thing when you can kind of look at like High Elves and infidels and like all they have these similar gods and so on and we sort of know the veil off story so we know how the velocity taught there got to resonate or morrow end because the Dwemer don't have gods or they don't really talk about them or much we we don't really see that like common connection like cultural connection there so it's harder to kind of determine where they're from like even the snow Alps you like they sort of seem to have or al and and and that kind of thing going so you're like oh you know pretty high oven sort of related but oh for sure for me the biggest connection between them and the other elven races is the language to me that is the number one giveaway the chances are slim to none that they would have the same you know marking 44b for em like for whatever yeah all across Tamriel across different you know provinces different races I mean I'm not sure if the the Falmer riding is kind of like the same as snow elf riding or if it changed and they kind of learn I'm not sure but from other races like even a leads they wrote very slowly yeah but yeah I mean we'll get caught up on that but I just want to bring that up but let's talk about tonal architecture because that's the that's the the key to so much of Dwemer technology and and epic craziness you know like all of their cool stuff like them being able to like dwarven metal for example so let's talk about tonal architecture I'll just give a quick framework and then I'll let you guys start explaining the the gaps but turnlock basically there's the idea that the Elder Scrolls universe is like musical it's all vibrations and so on right I mean there's such theories about our own universe everything's all vibrations man yeah so the same kind of deal but a lot of the so there's that there's your magic ah there's magic which is from a serious that leaks in the Sun and the stars and that's your traditional magic or sort of magic but then you know there's these special power things like the Thor more dragon shouts it's a vocal sound it's the voice but it's not using magic oh it's it's it's literally manipulating the universe's rules and the same sort of thing goes for sword singing which is like this idea of singing in a you know in a play in this big spirit blade kind of thing so tonal architecture atonal it's the idea of they're using they're bending the universe's rules with these sort of tonal tools and stuff and tonal it's kind of an interesting thing to just to talk how the Dwemer are like these sciency sort of engineering focused ones and they're kind of using all of these tonal architecture and tools and stuff to they're using technology to bend the universe versus something like sword singing or thorn which is kind of using the bending the universe's rules from a lack inner enlightenment because the gray beads are all up there like you know practicing the voice and all that kind of stuff well the sword singing is a high form of enlightenment and then even like getting to more obscure things like Kim and so on and that kind of in light minutes it's all coming from a you know development whereas the Dwemer is sort of like tonal actors like a you know it's like using technology to change thing it doesn't require the inner development besides on an academic level which is obviously a huge accomplishment anyway but yeah yeah for sure I mean even like you look at the Dwemer weaponry and armor there are some contradictory sources but generally speaking the idea is that it's retained its quality and that has entrusted and degraded because and same with some of the automatons and stuff like they're all still working and they talk about how the metals don't obey the laws of time because tonal architecture kind of made it so that it didn't have to write the reason I say it contradicts is because some of the sources talk about Dwemer dwarven weaponry and say like oh it retains a pretty good edge considering how old it is and I think that's just the way they wrote the text but when I hear that at least I kind of think oh so it's like a tiny bit degraded but not much yeah but if it was if they use toner like actually in theory shouldn't be in perfect condition or oh well could I mean it can still be chipped and damaged right overtime like because you can still use a dwarven it's just kind of I guess the main thing is that the the rust it doesn't corrode and stuff cuz even if you go through the Dwemer ruins if they use that stuff for the for the stone buildings the stone buildings will still have like chips and stuff like that it doesn't make it invulnerable it's just kind of there taking out the the effect of time on it so it's not kind of go north it's not even necessarily time it could be all kinds of crazy universe bending not understand you know what I mean like it's not yea these kinds of things aren't meant to be understood a lot of the time they're a little macguff and they're just like she's you know click super-powered metal wire cuz I'm bending the rules of the universe but with tools so it's cool but but tonal architecture is basically the you know Bethesda or the writers way of explaining how all of the cool Dwemer ruins still around and not degraded and all of their machines still work because at the core it's mainly remember most the time it's in reference to their metal why it lasts so long and like doesn't rust and destroy and so on but obviously we know that tonal architecture or variations or whatever have been used to to go for other goals and so on like leeching divine power from the heart of lorkhan and you know the tools of kagrenac and and stuff like this as well I mean that well that's one thing that I was just going to say it's one thing I think is interesting about the idea of them migrating around and still seeing them pull off ingenious fates because when I think if the Dwemer initially I'm thinking you know they they channel steam they channel the power of like you know geothermal power so being near volcanoes and active lava sources but I always thought that part of their magic part of you know perhaps even tied to their tonal architecture is kind of just coincidental because of their proximity to the heart of lorkhan for so long you know like being close to the heart of lorkhan would have helped kind of power them when they were focused around Vardhan fell and morrowind and then spreading out oh i thought you'd see the if the powers right you know yeah cuz well like you know the idea is that they use steam and then you know like lava geothermal power to essentially like that was their way of creating life so you know they're spheres and Centurions and whatnot would be you know almost like that's their equivalent to creating life but you know like the power of the heart of lorkhan would have explained why they were so capable of creating life by she approximately you know there is I'll just cut in and say I can't remember which game it is could easily be morrowind I mean it should be I don't think it's Elder Scrolls online but they were saying saying something about if you take a dwarven sphere far enough away from the heart that it shuts down I remember hearing that yeah I don't know yeah that's cool it's so it's kind of like a so I guess the the theory there would be that the heart of lorkhan sort of helps them develop the automaton technology and so on and then that's and that's how its spread from there but then I guess they're better yeah yeah and there's automatons and stuff and all the Dwemer Rowan's in hammerfell and stuff as well yeah exactly so seeing them spread I you know it's interesting to see I mean we haven't really properly explored Hama fells Dwemer ruins except maybe in here so view naso but it's hard to see clearly III think I think it could also be a little caught up in like game design intention like originally morrowind glamour were more like just sort of Eastern Skyrim morrowind kind of thing and then gradually well I mean plan rock and stuff was there from ages ago but but the yeah there was never any mention of how clan broken adapted to their new environment into at least in terms of their magic but you know that's one of those kind of awkward things about having new people follow up with a law that something that may have initially been intended may just kind of no longer be relevant as well I've actually got the source here from morrowind it's analysis report and he's talking about and stuff but he's saying I also heard a strange story about the centurion spider that we captured and sent back to sir Adele the ship captain I hired wrote to me with an odd story he said that the spider nearly broke through which through its cage several times while near Van fell but once he left the sea of ghosts the Centurion suddenly stopped working what happened next shows that he had more wits than I gave him credit for he ordered the ship turned about and as they approached Vardhan fell again the Centurion began moving just as suddenly this is a curious phenomenon and certainly deserves more investigation so that's where it's from it was a morrowind law thing so maybe at that time they weren't thinking about having dwarven Centurions and automatons in other games I'm not sure though he's a little I'm just checking through just remember he's a little a little theory boy so I've just looked at one so it the steam Centurions in Morrowind if you like kill them and scrap him right they have just scrap metal on them they don't have souls checking this insurance fear as well yeah scrap metal so they don't have these soul gems and stuff so maybe the use of soul gems in the Dwemer automatons is like the workaround for not being close to the heart of lorkhan yeah so there's a different power source yeah that makes that makes a lot of sense that one I think yeah that's cool that's really cool and I also wondered as well how the soul gems kind of lost it so long but then I wondered maybe they manipulated I mean we don't know exactly how it all works but maybe they manipulated you know time itself with tonal architecture so the soul gems don't like run out yeah soul gems soul gems are a tricky thing in themselves yeah so the whole interplay with the soul can and and how they dream them and all that kind of stuff but yeah so so the epitome of tonal architecture kind of like they're the craft Lord kagrenac was built keening Wraith guard and sunder the three tools used to tap into the power of the heart of lorkhan and and this is this is a pivotal moment for the duomo because this caused the war of the first council so the originally just for a little background so Dwemer and commie didn't like each other at all then the Nords empire comes along and they're they're spread out and they've conquered everything they've conquered all of resonate but then lord inderal narrow VAR and do mock dwarf king the leader of the dwarves they become buddy-buddy team up together and together they push out the Nords and they liberate residen from the nordic empire and then that collapses and stuff later on but so there's about I think it's around 300 ish years or just under I'll actually find the exact date it was yes so force 416 of the first era so it's gonna be just under 300 years but the war of the first council breaks out in 668 of the first era right and then that culminates in the Battle of Red Mountain near 700 but the reason the war of the council first where the first council broke out is because of basically kagrenac messing around with what they would what the Kaymer considered who were quite a religious people as like this is like profane this is this is heretical so and also i don't think you'd like the idea of you know because they were as much as they were allies at the time it's like they are also that there's rivalries and stuff and you don't really like the idea of them creating their their own super God because it's it's it's like if one country made an alliance with the other and then found out that the other one who they used to be enemies with oh we've got nukes now like you don't but we do it's it kind of creates a uneasy tension because there's a big power balance yeah yeah so so then the water big [ __ ] or other council breaks out then there is the completely very confusing thing called the Battle of Red Mountain which because of dragon breaks and all kinds of staff various versions of events or or that could all be [ __ ] you don't know but basically the result of the Battle of Red Mountain is that three tribunal gods the tribunal gods armed alexia sotha sil and vivec I appear and they're there all the you know super-powered gods of morrowind now and the Dwemer just went poof they're gone everywhere on Tamriel seemingly so that's in hammer fell that's in Skyrim they're all just disappeared all of a sudden but there are exceptions so there's Jaeger and began who was in Oblivion at the time of that so there's there's a lot of so well let's talk about the the disappearance I think as a whole so I'll let drew it hit me with what what's your take on their disappearance like what what do you think it is I mean this this is a rabbit hole and to be fair like a lot of people would argue against this because as far as I can remember most of this is coda so it's like outside of confirmed in-game law but there's the concept of the zero sum so the idea is that you know put put simply with the with a power of the tools and the heart of lorkhan the ability to achieve divinity the reason I like this fear is because the Dwemer is so logical so the idea is that you know they've achieved divinity essentially in one moment when they channel the the heart of lorkhan with these tools and then they're faced with the reality that they know look that they don't really exist they're just part of the godhead stream which is you know another 20 minute discussion right there but so what happens when you're faced with the reality that you don't exist do you continue to live on and become a god and you're all-powerful because your lucid dreaming essentially or are you so logical and intelligent that you're like well I don't exist so I can't possibly it seems a part so then you zero like they can't in a non contradiction because to both to both like so fervor Veck achieving Kim it's like he could both go I'm just part of this godheads dream but then at the same time contradictory he has to be able to be like I am me still I'm still engineer you and I mean so you know and for someone that's so you know the dilemma being so logical and they're like they need these perfect framework and everything needs to make sense yeah they zero-sum there are okay there are look there are some flaws with that idea cuz I I usually that's usually what I leant to before but and it's still plausible but the thing is there's with the zero summing like how like so obviously well I mean obviously only some of them had that like so the idea was that they all reached that divinity moment or something with us with a huddle or kind of the activation of the media new medium that simultaneously all of them kind of got that understanding the idea was that it was because of that like telepathic ability the calling right but ASO is elaborated on that further where they've basically that the calling is not an innate telepathic ability that it's like essentially like a fire to helmet you know like like what Michaels wearing right now is just a dilemma hat and they're communicating like like us and that's so you know they hop on skype and they're like having a conversation didn't didn't drew say that DJ kagrenac dropped a remix that the entire race - yeah that's my that's my time and that would explain why - that would explain two things why Yeager and Bergen didn't because he wasn't he wasn't he didn't join the call so he because he was off in Oblivion he didn't have reception and then the go cuz all nothing they point to as the ghosts but like the Dwemer who are ghosts are dead already like you know what i mean they can die before I could have died in the war of the first council before that they all got together so their souls or consciousness is sort of like separate from you know they're not receiving the Skype call that says so where you sit so what you're saying is basically it only makes sense for people to disappear who are kind of truth so if they weren't face like it doesn't mean the whole race has to disappear for example you could come to the same conclusion you could achieve divinity through something and then you can't rationalize your existence but you could you could even have that you know and maybe at the same time I come to that conclusion maybe we both disappear but Michael doesn't to disappear then yes he's just like well no but like but you're a human doesn't mean all humans have to disappear because you can't rationalize their existence is that make sense I I guess you're kind of saying is like unless this calling thing telepathically mind controls them all as well they don't all have to think the same way about the same experience like some some could disappear some couldn't and so if the still actually has a quote he says something like don't think about why the Dwemer disappeared think about why not all of them did yeah well there is future grimore ESO stuff there's this time traveler dude like at the ferry Thaddeus Kozma or something like that it adds more time travel like leniency so so the whole time-travel thing is another explanation is that the Dwemer either they could either go forward or back in time right let's just assume they go forward but the because then we haven't interacted with them and it doesn't like retro actively change the past either but that is kind of that is on on theme with them like consider that the new medium their big God that they created is giant brass golem is like a time wrecking machine and in the future it's used multiple times to cause a lot of problems with the timeline now a giant time it's like a time machine combined with a nuke and so it would be on theme for them to have like time breaking time-traveling things like in this dragon break kind of thing that the new meaning the new medium does it might like send them for the future or back or whatever so there is sort of like this you the whole like going forward or back in times another kind of theory for them which which fits the other one is also that they just became literally became the skin of the new medium so they the Dwemer race as a whole sort of became part of the new medium and made the new medium what it is and be able to be used but yeah I mean it kind of gets a little hard yeah I mean feel free to tear this down because I'm only just thinking of this right now and I don't think it would work with the idea of ghosts not disappearing but you can also draw a parallel to what and when the tribunal alexia so vasila and vivec channeled the heart of lorkhan is that they were punished by Ozora so then their whole race suffered something but obviously they were told in advance don't do that or I'll punish you essentially whereas you could almost think oh it was a kagrenac great blasphemy punished by someone and you know you it's hard to say who because you know law cons are dead god but like you know save rings it for instance he would have punished them it would make sense why yeah grandma GaN wouldn't be punished because he's not in the mortal realm so he's not subject to the physics of disappearing from the mortal realm for example and in any kind of aligns with the idea of the dummer being yeah sure you mean but even then it's pretty harsh to punish you know some random Dwemer fighting in the war of the crag right now by you know kagrenac doing something and you get punished for it that would that wouldn't be unusual for the oldest girls universe I mean yes that's the other thing where I throw and I don't really buy necessarily the calling thing like that they were all just hooked up on this like big Skype call because clan broken has you know there and over in the hammerfell side want nothing to do with the with the ones that are over in res dane Orenstein I mean obviously with things like the etherium was they're not all like politically unified so this idea that they're all are copped Updike into this big mind and they've all got different goals as well like you know they're all dealing with war or the crag kind of stuff like they're not kind of not on the same like political wavelength as the ones that are dealing with the Chimera and res Dayne so it kind of seems but then they also disappeared though that's what's interesting so I don't I don't necessarily and especially the idea that now they're bit expanded on it more and then the the calling is just putting on a headset and calling I think it's like what they all put on a headset at one time or they're like me me me me and then they all disappear like it kind of sounds a bit silly so that to me maybe there is a bit more credence to that that it is some sort of chosen kind of punishment or something but like yeah there's also the idea that there was um or just that the fact that there was Ash found like kind of these ash piles in one of the Dwemer ruins in Morrowind in tribunal but I'm not entirely sure it's related just because you don't really see it everywhere else like they all disappeared and then there's ash but I guess without going to off-topic just to sort of distinguish zero something like leaving remains would not be a very zero summing kind of that's what I'm searches just so just proof of that for people is that how de Gotha uh so the idea is he's in the dreaming dreams leave world and he's imagining himself as reality when you kill him he just disappears there's nothing he's just gone because he's he's not he's not even dead he's just non-existent it's it there is a difference what I mean like cuz he kind of it never was real that's a whack well you can't you can't not bring up annual gain from Skyrim yeah I mean when he starts tinkering around with caning he just vanishes to nothing just there's another thing you can summon him as a ghost back but then there's also the dilemma ghosts all around so maybe there is like that like do you know what I mean like it's kind of it was like when you zero-sum your soul stays behind yes yeah it's one of those things in mystery I guess this is a good like we I also want to reiterate to everyone that like there are no definitive answers it's really hard you can only base off probabilities and sort of evidence and stuff like it's not you just don't know and it's really whatever the writers want to do like that'll end up being but at that let's actually talk about the the future of of the Dwemer because a lot of people like we want to hear more about the disappearance or you know get little more tidbits of information and Elder Scrolls six and I and I guess I can just throw out right now that if you were to pick hammer fell hammer fell is like the best Elder Scrolls six location if you want to explore the DOMA further because they have dilemma ruins and stuff and you'd also see a different kind of political climate like a politically separate glamour than compared to the ones we've kind of seen before for sure for sure I mean look everyone knows the the concept that is similar with argonians where it's like you don't want to ruin the mystery too much so like the idea of the Dwemer coming back on mass like hey where the Dwemer world back now or civilization is not really something that I want in autoscroll six however what I think is a really cool idea is actually if you had an experience with the Dwemer that was similar to what happens in Skyrim with vaiman is torpor when you go into the dream stride and you have like all this kind of vision that's a you know it's a linear set it's not like here's your open-world of the past go explore it but it would be really cool if there was a quest we're using some magical device you kind of get transported back into that vision where you're looking around and you actually see drama so we'll get to see what they look like you'll see them in some really cool settings so everything's lively and moving around maybe there's some weird floating Dwemer thing off to the side that you don't really understand but you don't really get any answers like the whole concept of it is that it pleases people who want to see more of the dwama but it also adds way more questions than it answers and that is what I think would be really cool yeah talking about this before is that I think the best way so the the problem is if you just answer everything it kind of you lose the charm of Elder Scrolls because the charm of Elder Scrolls is that nothing is honey you can be 90% sure but there's that 10% wiggle room like you don't know but so that every question I think a good design decision would be if you're what if you're going to answer a question you need to leave the person with like five more questions you know what I mean or because then it keeps expanding the wonder so a really cool thing I could imagine is if you if you did have like what you're talking about like imagine if you even just got to have some dream stride kind of vibe thing but like whoever the the the leader of the clan of rock'n or whatever at the time you see the leader having a conversation with a craft Lord about building something or whatever just little tidbits but do you know how cool like I think people will be so satisfied to actually see a conversation between two Dwemer and like conceptually you know I mean like I think that would be a really cool thing and it would just sort of leak out a little more information but then then you're asking more about like whatever he says might lead Lee Jiwon to ask more questions and like you know mmm I think the only situation would be better than that is if they become NPCs for example like I I'm not a fan of the Dwemer coming back as an actual race I mean I know they phalion reckons there's some in a bloomin he sees he's seen some in oblivion I of course he could have like just like Peugeot and especially because time and oblivion doesn't work the same like you know me rock was hanging around in Emmaus Moore's room forever same deal could kind of happened like just because Jaeger and began came back maybe the others are still chilling in Oblivion I wouldn't mind that if they came back as one NPC or something but I kind of like it's a good that they don't have the answers like even you know how Jaeger and but God didn't understand the like what happened to his entire race like he wasn't completely and what's interesting is he had the the book divine divine metaphysics or whatever had how to build the Numidian basically that he could he could translate pretty wouldn't pretty sure it was Apple but basically he's refusing to he's like now that should have died with with the Dwemer and so on but like it would be cool if somehow we had like a Dwemer did he get a hold of that and kind of like give us a little tidbit you know I don't know I mean you can just hop on the wiki and translate it yourself with the alphabet yeah but I think it's like one of those things where it's like the book you know it's like a like in complaint it's not any any elephant person would just be able to kind of like wing it because it's just kind of similar to their language but you know I think they actually I'm not sure if it's the exact text you're talking about I have a feeling it might be but there is a translated thing where someone actually did translate it to English and it's just old gibberish right like you like you know cuz it looks cool to just go oh let's just type with this font but it's just nonsense unless it's a really intricate code that someone could crack yeah well yeah I mean overall I wouldn't mind if they come back you know little scroll 6 in some small capacity but I kind of I don't necessarily like it being like the whole focus of the of the game I don't know maybe what maybe I'd be surprised it would be such it would be such an important question to be answered that it a completely distract from whatever the main questline happens to be for the other six so it would overshadow just about anything and I I don't know if it's I'm thinking of akavir but I swear there's even Todd said something about liking the idea of keeping certain mysteries mysteries and yet never answering them that's why I'm fairly sure akavir is 100% off the table because they don't want to explore akavir yet but I could be wrong and misquoting something that I've just try it does sound familiar and I and I can agree it's kind of common sense that it's a bad idea when all of this stuff that I mean look at what they do with fallout they just want to put the Brotherhood of Steel everywhere that they can why would they want to get rid of all of the iconic Otis gross stuff that exists in Tamriel that they can already play with borrow from bounce off and just Chuck you and on a new continent and might kind of you know you'd have some stuff that's familiar but most of its alien yeah um but yeah I think we'll have to at one point we'll do a bigger discussion on the new medium for sure but I think that kind of needs its own video because that we need to talk about the Battle of Red Mountain and everything and oh for sure I agree I mean I would love to talk about the kind of Dwemer ingenuity and and some of the stuff that they built or it's just cool when you read about he's some questions that just because I was just going to travel two questions and some people we've sort of covered over some of them but not but but um okay along general lines is basically asking about so there's like Scylla he was asking about how close was Dwemer transportation to our modern transportation for example let's just tackle that one first like I mean they didn't have cars and stuff but I mean they had Dwemer airships you know like the example and looking things like that's pretty pretty impressive and I feel like given more time I mean they they have robots doing there you know automatons like I feel like if you can make the gears and all of the axles and stuff you need to make a Centurion work I feel like a car's not hard but I think I feel like it's more just like they don't put cars in because it would kind of kill the the feel but I feel I mean they they could have had a teleportation network to which is like the oh yeah which is the ultimate trouble thing who knows I mean the majors guild have some teleportation stuff you've seen it done with you know the siddik zoom yeah yeah there's plenty that's the other thing too is like a lot of there's not a necessity for it like for cars or stuff like that because cars also require roads but why do all that when you can just use magic and teleport or that kind of way I guess they defaulted to airships because you can just fly things everywhere but there's other things too like Trey Perryman was asking actually sorry that was the wrong question but we didn't talk about yeah grandpa gone but um under born 272 nature of the Dwarven AI or security intelligence and Skyrim I forget the name of the dungeon but near rift and near the border thorn with a giant bones so so that's the one with that big is that glowy restoration looking spell thing then it goes on it drops the floor and like wewe speculated it's pure speculation like or maybe it's some sort of security or AI kind of thing but I guess as a whole like there if you were to just talk about how they how intelligent they worked like or the automatons and so on are a form of AI like not in the full like do you want to mean like the robots that we're building now we're like oh yeah they have good AI and stuff like that like then they're moving around and they're learning to you know spatial awareness and stuff like that like the Dwemer are at that level already with the with the Centurions and and some of them are pretty complex structures and oh for sure and they actually are smarter because obviously in game like you're limited by in game mechanics but if you go and read some of the sources like there's this love journal in Skyrim that talks about I think it's one of the spiders yeah I just brought that at home I was just about yeah so it says here further testing confirms that the spider seems to detect the intent of its controller in some way you know that that's a line from it so and it talks about hostile intent so it will still attack just not on site during this morning's experiment one of the newer guards was startled and drew his sword and he was dead before anyone could react so they are intelligent yeah so I mean in regards to the nature of dwarven AI I mean like I mean it exists and it's intelligent and it's good like I mean yeah I don't know what else to really like say about it but but they didn't program the laws of robotics in you know but like they have stuff oh he's another thing so like obviously that technology is crazy and we ternal architecture they can do all kinds of stuff they can just like zip out like crazies massive cities underground with all of these complex structures and they can create robots in metal that lasts forever but Riley Kaufman was asking were there any Dwemer majors or did they shun magic like they shunned religion I don't think they would have shunned magic at all because in front of you magic is just a tool and it's just a bit of natural force that's coming through a serious into mandus like why well I mean they had they had enchantments yeah that is magic you know yeah I mean to them maybe they didn't see it I was like a out of this world like oh my gosh magic like you said it's just yeah well I mean you look at some of the things they made even things you might not remember but there are rings like there's a ring given to narrow VAR I believe moon and star ring and that was used it was like the ring at ultimate persuasion ring so you could ally everyone together that was really envious of the one of the Smiths one because that's because that's the ring that you use is the narrow ring to verify that you are the soul and there yep you are narrow bar and Connie but okay so I'm just bringing up some info says the artifact was forged by one of the Smiths of Dwemer source or a priest kagrenac and blessed by the Daedric goddess Asura the in-game effects +5 for personality and speech craft but the idea is that it's like the idea is that yeah epic for like persuasion and if anyone else wears that they die that doesn't actually happen in game that's just meant to be the law yeah because you are the nerve very yes no no I mean if you put it on an in-body in the game they won't die yeah yeah but yeah I don't think that would have shown merit because the a distinction that you kind of have to make with the Elder Scrolls world is that the like our world we sort of see which we probably shouldn't be like science and sort of philosophy or even religious elements as in opposition whereas like souls are unlikely for us it's a concept in the Elder Scrolls world they are undeniably a thing like you can almost treat it as a science and I like oh like you could look at a lot of things like this but the difference between science and magic a lot of the time it's just understanding like for example a TV you know is magic to some Amazonian tribesmen that you know has just been living with spears and and what do you call them loin cloths like that their whole existence but if you learn the magic if you learn the ins and outs of the magic it just becomes a science because you understand it in the same way like all of these you know you and I mean are kind of getting at so it's yeah hundred percent so when you comment into the same kind of thing with the gods it's like there undeniably real it's just kind of whether you think think of them as gods or not because gods kind of implies like a worship like a religion around it that's what really makes it a God if you don't I mean versus yeah and they also can change I mean the more you worship them the more power they can kind of grow with I mean there's this really out-there idea that the Dwemer even created their own God not than a medium but like by worshipping logic and reason so intensely that they created some kind of like extra thing it's just a cool idea but you know like proof or like what it's really yeah I first and most people are talking about tiles smiles I'm just trying to clean up any like last questions or oversight like we will talk about the new medium as a full episode another time for sure I mean I had a question that I saw I think it was on Twitter that was asking about just the metal in general like like dwarven metal and like kind of what is it and stuff and the answer is that no one has been able to make dwarven metal except if you just melt down already-existing dwarven stuff like people try and make fake dwarven ingots and stuff out of bronze but obviously bronze decays eventually whereas dwarven stuff just doesn't and what's really interesting if you read there's this text about the armors and stuff and the weapons they wear and it says some interesting things for example like the boots which are quite chunky they're like oh they're lighter than they look and so the metal had a kind of pretty good property I mean with the swords they talked about how they didn't have to be all fancy and design it all curved like a like an elven dagger to slice through the enemy better they just made it the stabbing shape to kill someone because the metal was so good it's not that the blacksmithing was so good it's just that the metal is so good the blacksmithing was still intricate in the sense that a lot of the handles and stuff were like really customized to the to the to the user and stuff like that but in terms of the actual shape of the weapons it was just effective because dwarven metal is supposedly just really powerful stuff they're just you know but stabbed right in yeah yeah it's interesting stuff interesting thing to speaking about dwarven like crafts and stuff and how that kind of pragmatic but Joe Mitchell here is asking about Dwemer ruin dungeons there's these giant sculptures of heads and in similar fashions to the Dwarven Centurions and his thoughts are just there may stuff dwarven King the overall or whatever superior you know I mean and it's curious to see our opinions on it but personally I just think it's an aesthetic design or the ruins they because just because the Dwemer were not a religious people they were still obviously they were kind of like you could even argue like egotistical maybe they thought their their academic skills could sort of handle anything and so on so they they still want to glorify their own cultures and there's a sense of lack ah like that's the other thing like art and science aren't necessarily in opposition to each other either like you can kind of you don't mean like they're gonna its aesthetic they love it oh for sure I mean they definitely had big egos I mean look at the etherium Wars it's not necessarily ego but yeah you know greed they still have they still emotions they still made decisions they still wanted to win you know which is interesting when you go back to the zero summing idea because to say no I do exist you need a big ego but obviously their logic was in reason was still I was eerie on the other names like the idea at least between saris I mean you you have to be of real it's it's not even just the ego it's the ability to simultaneously hold contradictions in your head as equally true it's it's a rush yeah but whose legs as well but basically because the I I the idea is that most people that would come to this realization would skits it in zero sum like it's not it is supposed to be a super otherwise you'd have a lot more kima's around flying around and changing jungles into grassland yeah or instead you know transcription errors or whatever yeah yeah for sure I mean I'll just note there was actually this one text and I reckon it's it's BS but what I'm gonna imply is BS potentially but it was basically talking about a reports of dwarven Centurions riot and it was saying oh they can be two times the size of man or a hundred times depending on what story you believe and obviously that immediately makes you think that some Nord just you know really exaggerated his story and embellished it and so those are century and a hundred times bigger than me but it would be cool if there one of those heads was actually some super super old super super big Centurion I don't think so just cuz it's almost too big to be practical like based on the size of their cabins and stuff and you just want to throw that medium is like the biggest one you know naveen like they're like magnum opus yeah it's kind of hard to know and also just like I we can't go inside the head but if the heads like solid metal or it's hollow or like that there's a good chance that all these heads are just aesthetics like oh so you that's just that's just toggle collision we're gonna fly anything clearly they like that face anyway because it's on all of their armors it's just all like that bust kind of style is everywhere oh yeah it's super intimidating and you can imagine in a war with the Dwemer that you wouldn't really from a distance be able to tell like what's a dweller yeah what's a robot because their armor is so like perfect and the Hellinger so thinking about what they look like to some people just asking what did they look like added because I wrote in the in the community post I was like all them and they're Persian beards but that the only way we have any no idea of what they look like is through Jaeger and began but he's pretty twisted and warped and obese and in this spider chair thing but the ghosts the ghosts in Morrowind and they all have that sort of lack daria sort of style boy would you call like beards bit like the coil like it's like that weed coiled kind of look makes sense if you look up but they all have that so that's well as i called persian beards and then you see a lot of people who who who have made the fan art and stuff is sort of like they keep on using that sort of motya and so on but yeah I mean outside of that sometimes the ghosts kind of look like Don maroush do you want to mean like they kind of look like in terms of skin but that could just be a thing for the the time actually just gonna type in absolutely they do they look like kind of actually I mean maybe maybe you could throw it in but maybe the Clemens disappearance as what like Drew was talking about before you know how it's like related to some sort of punishment Kyle because we only know that gray skin and the red eyes came in as a result of Azura's punishment and changing the whole race I don't know maybe yeah but I mean Bagon is kind of more golden skinned but I mean I know he's warped or not golden skin just no but he's also sort of sickly like he's not the court rested thing so it's kind of unreliable and he's a mist looking individual but yeah like there's some cool like you'll see some like fan art and stuff and then fan like in game mods and models and stuff but I like to think of them as the Persian beads I like skin color I don't really think it's the golden one but I also don't really imagine them as dark health proper gray you know what I mean cuz there's still like there's still things where you save them were like ghosts but like yeah well I mean look if we get to see even just a little mirage of them in Elder Scrolls 6 like I was talking about then we can put that to rest we'll finally just see them and be like okay at least we know what they look like yeah plus they just you know they kind of just look like elves that have spent way too long underground as well you know because like atmosphere has changed the way certain races look and you know they for example look at the sea elves the seals adapt to their environment whereas you know what the Dwemer initially look like maybe I don't know maybe it's evolved over time but they spend all the time they grow at large well like like not evolution in in how like a little bit like how that they have changed in ways is actually a lot more connected to instead of looking at it through that like sort of scientific sort of like our understanding of the world lands but in an Elder Scrolls universe it kind of works differently especially with like racial flaw journey stuff and how the interbreeding works it's completely different to here but just imagine how like because just how the eyelids just sort of kind of pop up and they've got their vision showing with like the sort of tannish kind of skin and the the blue eyes and so on or you go to snow elves they're just pale and like they're like Albano's basically owned by nose for the america bit like they they're kind of like distinct but there's not necessarily like and like you said for the Maremma they they sort of seemed to kind of match their environments you know mean those kinds of that kind of like magical precedent is there is one of the explanations for the tower for white gold tower is that whoever rules that it best suits that the the land best suits the rulers environment if they make sense so like when the aliens were ruling it's all jungle but then when men came at turn the grass that's a wacky hold on what what happened one of the actually i'm gonna butcher the pronunciation on this because i think i've been taught that this IC or the ice ace I see but I think it's a fantasy anyway the snake serpents from akavir what one of them was ruling at one point so maybe it was slightly maybe I don't know some cherry blossoms yeah I don't know I can't actually remember what that's based upon but yeah there's a few I think it's just for that in regards to that not to go to off-topic but I just like the the Tiber Septim just Kim and then just turned it into grassland it's just neat it's it's it's a MacGuffin just sort of like I'm just gonna make stuff happen because I want it to but it's neater than all of the transcription error sort of stuff you know I think but yeah I think in regards to tremor there's like and we talked about like the snow eels I guess they're all to the snow elves and they're blinding and so on if we want to does anyone have anything to add about well I mean they took them underground they fed them toxic fungus and turned into that and I guess they probably usually his experiments experiments and so on oh for sure they were definitely people refer to them as cruel but you can just imagine it as in there cruel as in there purely like scientific you can imagine them lacking empathy but not cruel in the way that a Latinos with that yeah with their gut Gardens and and all that clean stuff they also have just also just throw out there on just sort of understanding how technologically advanced they were so like a they've got the robots now I am that they can manipulate the rules the universe they've got the they've got their Skype headsets and then they can talk to everyone but like also they can store memories and information and knowledge in the lexicons so they've basically got older scrolls as I sort of like world's first hard drive but they can just store information in Lex concerts directly accessible which is uh yeah and they can also charge their soldiers using I forget what it's called but one of like the way that they charged their soul gems was from like a machine wasn't it I actually can't remember it so I'm not sure but I don't know that the lexicon that's another thing there that would would be great for an exploration Elder Scrolls six that lexicons things that can store memories or things like that or information lexicons would be a great way to there it's literally inbuilt right there in ways to sort of learn more about the Dwemer without sort of just bringing them back sure I mean I did see this as a question but it's like I feel like unit you know another future podcast topic would be new races in the in the Elder Scrolls and like kind of what the contenders could be or how could bring me and the reason I bring that up is just because people like talk about dwell I wouldn't like the Dwemer in Ellis as a playable race I just don't think it really makes sense or gels well with the law but say if they were I get people asking I'll call what war would it be like like stats wires and stuff like that but the problem is the area where they shine like sort of stats abilities wise they're all like have been gutted from the mechanics cuz now it's just health stamina magic like before if there was like intelligence like you'd kind of like yeah amped that up or something like that and you know what I mean like you don't really have a good way of I don't know I don't know what abilities they'd have as a sign I I just want to say I found my skills I found my sauce yeah it's with annuls quest when he gives you the whooped soul gem I'm just I'm just reading off a wiki now but it says on île tells you that the Dwemer used used to use convector x' to charge their soul gems and that some of these devices probably still exist among dwarven ruins he needs two more charges after his own initial charge to passage this might connect back to so drew was talking about the geothermal power and stuff like that powering the so some of your close to the heart of lorkhan it all works fine whereas if you go to further away it's not gonna work whereas the soul gems are getting powered by something but if it's not a so like a convector like a convector sort of you use magic he gives you a spell called aniele's convection that you have the channel onto the convector until the studies it I'm just gonna double check what a convector even is yeah heating appliance that circulates warm air by convection so like sucking in warm air for heat or the Flies heat sucking in geothermal energy again creating like a sort of essence kind of unrelated I feel like it probably needs a video or something but I feel like we can iron that all out and kind of make that into a more cohesive sort of thing when I have to do a bit of research for it but like yeah you see this these podcasts are actually going to turn out into like the ultimate brainstorming for us to make new videos I mean that's the kind of way we wanted to start it to is just these you you're talking about things that you know in in a way it's casual and open that you we can sort of talk about IDs or like particular things that won't make it into the video because the final products are polished and everything whereas we can just kind of have a more raw discussion speculative and yeah guys like in the comments below let us know what topics you're really interested in hearing a full podcast on obviously like you know add your thoughts about this one but yeah we'll put out community posts before we do them about what the topic will be and we'll try and get everyone's sort of insights and try and cover it in the discussion we won't get to every single question as in like shouting them out but we try and cover it in the topics that were actually talking about that we're gonna need another one for the Dwemer in terms of the new medium because we kind of didn't want to make this ridiculously long and if I and you if we talked about the new medium and because the new medium also exists outside of like just Dwemer focus stuff there was all type of septums use of it and so on and and it's other implications and then encoder and people are asking for a coda episode and stuff like that we'll get to that we'll get to some of the craziest stuff but let's you know scare off all of you is straight away like yeah I think anyone have any closing notes about our MoMA no drew Dwemer a cool Tamara cool we started off with like one of the greatest mysteries in the whole about it's only downhill from here well at least we can be more certain topics now yeah I guess try and think guys if you want new ones try and think ones that are like the for the next couple of topics thinks still more general like bringing people in kind of things so like kind of like races or particular cultures or certain gods or something nothing we won't cover the obscure obscure stuff for a while and I will one day get to reading the 36 lessons of a Veck and trying to make sense of that for sure well thanks so much everyone for watching it's it's been good I quite enjoyed this podcast so we'll see you all next I'll gonna hold on and we'll be back to nerd out with you all again next time
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 307,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the elder scrolls podcast, elder scrolls, elder scrolls lore, fudgemuppet, fudgemuppet podcast, elder scrolls podcast, elder scrolls podcast dwemer, dwemer, dwarven, dwemer lore, skyrim podcast
Id: surgkXcjPIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 46sec (4606 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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