Editing YOUR Photos in Photoshop! | S1E3

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this video was sponsored by extra yo what's up my name is benny and welcome to this brand new episode of editing your photos this series in which i added your photos today i have some very cool and different photos compared to the stuff i usually do so firstly if you want to send in your photo for the next episode make sure to send it to bennysubmissions gmail.com make sure to send good quality photos only preferably taken with a camera if you can but right now obviously you've already seen it it's all about christmas on my channel this december so also today we have some christmas stuff if you haven't subscribed yet and you like my content make sure to do so and click the bell to stay notified a lot of you guys keep missing my videos so smash it so well then roll the intro [Music] this photo was sent by andrew hey benny i'm really enjoying your youtube channel your work is amazing this is a photo of my new rodriguez puppy her name is jeff looking forward to see what you can do with this thank you andrew for your photo this little thing is the cutest so well i couldn't resist puppies and christmas that's gotta be good unlike previous times i'm actually gonna start with the environment for this one which i'm gonna make pretty much all on my own this uh this better work basically my idea this dog is gonna be sitting on a wooden window sill light casting on him from the outside with uh some nice christmas stuff sitting around him so uh let's give it a shot i've got this window right here and i'm gonna put that right there then i'm using the pencil again with a surprise to mask this little guy out just like so except now the outside world is still visible so let me just uh select these rectangles there you go that's better let's make the background color grayish for now and so i wanted a nice window sill for the dog to sit on but i couldn't really find something that looks nice so resourceful me thought why not just make it yourself so that's what i'm going to do with this wooden texture see now this is the top area nice and distorted and then let me get rid of these edges here first then it needs to be cut off something like this i'm guessing yeah that's pretty decent then to give the thing some depth i'm gonna add a second layer right below it however it's really just an edge there so i'm just gonna select the top area there you go now that thing should definitely be darker already so yee cool okay so now let's put something on the wall just a simple texture makes it less boring and flat then extract the windows and voila for a base i think this is uh this is pretty good then let's grab our little doggo and put him right here yeah there look at it it's so freaking cute focus all right let's grab the pen tool again and release him from his background then to make the edges look furry i'm just gonna go and use the refined edge brush to fix that by just sort of going all around the fluffy parts and then hit okay and yeah so you can obviously see the grass still sitting on his fur down there so let me just uh kind of use the stamp tool to fix those there ye great so now let's do the first shadow right below the windowsill to make that look legit just with my brush doing my thing i guess that's pretty cool then a little dark edge under the shelf to give it sort of a bevel or something and then a brighter one on top like that see that's pretty nice so now another shadow on top of the shelf because there's no way it's this bright all over now this looks a bit weird but that's because of the window being way too bright so let's darken that a whole lot and of course add a shadow to that as well it's beautiful how nice and repetitive this video already is it's uh it's just perfect this is mostly just adding and removing shadows i guess a little more here and that's too much maybe anyway the dock let's first add a little ambient shadow on his thingy right there and then make the whole thing yeah so look outside is going to be a snowy landscape so it's really freaking bright which means this side of the puppy is probably reasonably dark i think that's that sign for now so then the shadow below him just like the shadows on the wall and basically everything else so far i'll take me brush and sort of paint a little shadow below him he's blocking pretty much all the light on this area though so i should probably just make it like a whole lot darker in general yeah that's pretty decent actually so now let's work a little on the outside world for a second i've got this snowy landscape which i will put right here maybe a little bright oh bloody hill that's bright then also a nice blur to get some depth in the scene oh i can really see how this might end up real nice then some haze up here with a solid color and a little bit around and a little bit around their windows since it's real freaking cold outside but the doggo is nice and warm chilling inside being like i'm warm so that outside world is gonna be my color reference which means he's gonna be a bit more bluish like that yeah and then copy that thing to the other stuff in the room there you go now it's all a bit more harmonic harmonic is that a word i don't know so now to add some life let's do highlights just softly on his back on his little feet look how bloody freaking cute that thing is shoot me then some light bloom so i'm gonna add a new solid color set it to linear dodge add and sort of paint really softly there that's nice also a bit around their windows because as i said this is real freaking bright these edges here though could probably use some brightening there oh wow that is better holy [ __ ] bit on the handles as well i feel like handles isn't the correct word for it bloody hell benjamin learn english the final little edge there you go then some more shadows here and there i want christmas trees so here look ain't that beautiful and guess what another one oh hell yeah so let's add these same colors to those a little darker a little bluish some shadows and obviously also some highlights not to forget a shadow below it of course that's what really puts it on the ground look at that that's actually nice so same thing for the other one three two one should i extract the lights i should definitely extract the lights then add some orange glow to the lights as if they're actually functional dude it's magic probably cast some light on the wall there too very softly look at that maybe even a bit on him too now that my friend is amazing that bowie should definitely be red red is good dude christmas has to be the best time of the year there's not many things i love as much as christmas except maybe star wars and my girlfriend of course can't forget about her how about we make this a wallpaper format there that's a lot better 69 but now there is nothing on the left side oh hell yes 3 2 1 santa claus maybe a little juicy little flare on the top there that's very nice you know what this thing needs indeed snow let's use this and set it to screen mode instantly beautiful look at that how about another christmas tree in the foreground there would be cool add a little blur there you you know what it's fine it's done let's uh let's go add a filter really quick as usual just pulling all the sliders to make it pop as a fairy tale this color grading update by the way is seriously great dude like i know it's been out there for a while now but i never really talked about it but yeah i really love it so much better than split toning and there you go that's little christmas puppy this is actually a bit different from the stuff i usually make it's uh quite interesting like this looks actually sort of realistic where usually i am more of an artistic person more focused on just what looks cool so yeah this is definitely refreshing thanks again to andrew for sending in your photo i'll make sure to send this back to you as soon as i get the chance now before moving on to the next photo a quick word from our sponsor extra some of you may already know them from a previous video but exer is a brand devoted to cool stylish and compact smart wallets i myself own four of them one of which even has the benny productions logo on it i mean how cool is that that's why you know for sure a sponsor loves you anyway these little things are super handy they come with optional tracker cards which you can use to track your wallet with your smartphone so if you lose them worry not my friend this thing has you covered it comes in a few different models and materials i for one have two metal ones and two leather ones i myself prefer metal because they just look a bit cooler to me since i have these i don't use any other wallets at all it's just very small and easy to use but they also have other stuff like phone cases and chargers now over at extra it's also december which means they have a christmas sale they have a sidewide discount of 35 including a free gift bag but if you use my code benny you can get 5 additional discount which makes it 40 what else do you want click the link in the description to visit their store now on to the next photo for today this one was sent in by an anonymous user hi i'm from kiev and i love your work very much i think this photo will be interesting to process i totally agree this is a very cool photo so let's drop this into photoshop and get started for this one i'm thinking we removed the background put this person on the bridge or something at the background of maybe like london or paris with a slight touch of steampunk in there seems like a plan let's start with getting rid of the original background by using the pencil because you'll know how nitpicky i am so i'm just going all around the edge again like that then use that for a mask and boom this hair can use some refreshments though that's where this little guy comes in look at that fantastic now there's some weird stuff on this goat so let's uh gone and some of these white dots here and there there you go nice and clean let's move the subject a bit to the right and at the background i found this one right here that's paris and then for that bridge i was talking about i'm just using a concrete texture there you go and then this one for the top area so let's make that a bit more flat and thin erasing the little edge like that then the side of the wall should be a whole lot darker since it's blocking the light there you go that's better this thing has to be darker though there make this little edge a little less perfect and sharp and then i'm gonna copy that whole thing to the right don't need that makes it too repetitive right that's looking pretty interesting now there is the background again i'm taking out some of the dark areas to create some kind of distance just for the idea and then to fill up the sky i'm using this thing then erase the edge with a brush there you go then i'm gonna make them match color wise maybe some color balance i guess for now that's fine that should probably have some more blue in it then for even more depth i'm adding some more levels back there that actually looks a bit more like mist but sure whatever and for even more maybe a blue solid color set it as a screen blend mode yeah that's a bit better for sure before actually blending it all together this wall needs some death and destruction so uh look at that it's a crack isn't it beautiful let's put you down there and softly paint stuff back it's a bit too bluish though and also a bit bright so let's uh see that's a lot better you know what this wall needs a bigger shadow right there yes now let's do something about the subject because uh this looks like death first i'll add some levels get rid of the super black areas then since this is obviously outside let's go and add some highlights just with a brush nothing special and also no tablet as usual just a mouse on the right areas here and there just a tiny bit brighter this really helps making it look like it's outside there that's uh wow look at that difference holy [ __ ] just by adding some subtle light it's uh it's crazy now let's do the same thing with shadows i'm grabbing my brush again just a bit here give it some depth now it's definitely starting to look like something decent let's go and add some brightness in the sky though maybe some of the clouds here as well that's actually nice you know what this background definitely needs a blur that's too much though maybe like eight hell yeah look at that some more mist i don't know about this background yet guys it's uh strange or something i'm thinking these highlights should be a tiny bit brighter especially on the mask there using my brush again you know inside the mask it should probably be quite dark so let's darken that a whole lot makes it more mysterious as well and while we're at it very nice then ladies and gentlemen some light blue a solid color set it to linear dutch edition very softly paint this is where lily puts stuff out there you know it shouldn't be too much though i guess uh that's fine for now i'm trying to make sort of a glass texture on those eye holes there not really doing a great job at it i guess actually you know what it's fine cool better than nothing that's for sure this needs two of these big mama chimneys there to add an industrial vibe to it see that's pretty neat another one smoke oh bloody hell this looks horrible why do i feel like i'm wasting my time here huh i don't know about this mate anyway um i want some steampunk airships in the sky so uh look at that that's cool let's put you there then another one a little smaller and let's just add the same stuff as we did to the rest bam now it's kind of just fixing up little issues so let me speed that up for you so i think that's pretty much it so let's go and add a final camera raw filter again definitely clarity and texture some curves for a nice soft look it's really crazy how much color grading does look at that so there you have it that is the second photo of today thanks again for submitting your photo i'll make sure to send this back to you as soon as i get the chance now for the third one i'm gonna do it the same way as realistic it's gonna be a speed art segment this one was made by brian i have seen many of your videos and you are seriously legendary speaking of your work i was wondering if you could edit one of my photos for me it would mean the world to me and i know i can learn a lot from you as you could change the background or change it up as you like do what you do best have a wonderful day brian thanks man and thanks for submitting your photo i think i have a pretty fun idea for this one sit back [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] there you go i'm not gonna lie i'm not really sure about this one i mean it's nice i guess but nothing really particularly special anyway thanks again to brian i'll make sure to send this back to you as soon as i can so that is it these are the ones i edited today and if you want to have a possibility of seeing your photo in the next episode make sure to send it to bennysubmissions gmail.com that's not my business email by the way so make sure it's this one otherwise the email will be ignored don't forget to take a look at extra.com for these cool wallets and then i guess that's it for today if you enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like and a comment and if you enjoy my overall contents feel very free to subscribe and hit the bell to stay notified about future videos i'd highly appreciate that then i hope i'll see you in my next video you
Channel: Benny Productions
Views: 667,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bennyproductions, benjamin, design, starwars, photoshop, editing, digital art, breakdown, speedart, speed art, adobe, creative cloud, tutorial, entertainment, photo shop, ekster, smart wallet, editing your photos, eyp, benny editing, editing your images, photoshopping images, photoshopping your photos, photo editing, christmas, santaclause, dog, puppy, cute, steampunk, santa
Id: 0GwsjE739No
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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