I'M BACK! With a new fun photo manipulation tutorial!

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I'm back guys and today I will show you how to create this interesting photo manipulation so let's start hey guys its name onion welcome to another really fun episode yes I'm finally back in the studio with a new fun tutorial for you guys for wondering why I didn't post for a month well that's because I was in Philippines on vacation finally and before that I didn't have time to record few tutorials in front for you guys to watch while I'm there because I needed to finish some projects for clients like this book cover right here you can check it out on Instagram - or my website if you're up to it so Philippines beautiful country a lot of interesting places to see a lot of islands a lot of possibilities crystal-clear water I really loved it I had a great time there and also I did several vlogs for you guys to see how it looks like and my first vlog is already published you can watch it on a link right here and few more are coming right guys now without further ado let's jump straight in Photoshop and let's start with this font tutorial today we will use several different images to create our three headline photo manipulations so first the most obvious is this nice treat we will use it as a background then we will use this line right here and two more lines for two more hats and that's it's only for images we will start with this image right here by extracting the line and part of the tree trunk down below as you can see I already extract it I already did it just the save time for this tutorial and for this I use quick selection tool you can use pen tool you can use whatever you want in case you're not familiar how to select anything Photoshop a later extracted you can watch my tutorial about that right here so now I'll just copy this layer and paste it back on our background and now the line is a little bit bigger than I wanted solve press ctrl command T and just make it small just a little bit smaller reposition it somewhere here maybe something like this maybe just touch bigger let me see something like this I like it's all press okay and that's it now let's go and take two more so as you can see I already extracted this cat too it's really quick and sloppy work it's not precise at all but it will be good enough for this one manipulation so I will just copy this layer and paste it right here also I will just right-click on the layer mask and say apply layer mask because I don't need anything else from this line and now I'll zoom it press ctrl command T rotate it a little bit like this and I need to make this smaller so I will make it smaller and position it somewhere here I think this is okay size something like that press ok and let me see I will put it somewhere somewhere here maybe a little bit more up I'll just move it with my keyboard arrows and now what I like to do guys I like to first renamed layers this is main line okay then this is left had left on our perspective left had line and we will need right center center had line but later let's first finish we let her left head Alliance so I would go and add two layers I'll add transliteration adjustment layer and maybe curves adjustment layer I will both clip to affect only the left head line so to flip layer to the layer below just press and hold alt or option key on a Mac and click in between two layers that's it so now with the hue saturation layer I like to desaturate this a little bit and to move it towards the red just imagine a leti of this guy right here the main line also with the curves adjustment layer I just want to make everything darker so as you can see now it's much better just to dis such rate a little bit more and we are ready to go so we have two headlines right there also I will go here and create a layer mask and then I will use brush and we can use soft round brush with maybe 20-30 percent opacity right here and with the black color we can just remove and blind some parts here better but instead of using this soft round brush I like to use my custom-made cloud dust brush because I love it I love those imperfections here that it will create more organic blending with the dis line right here so that's what I'll have to do in case you're not familiar how to create your own cloud smoke dust brush you can watch that my tutorial about that right here or you can go to my website and purchase my set of this cloud that's more brushes for just $1 the link is down there in description so check it out if your update so now I would just blend this a little bit better okay like that and this is cool now let's let's go and add our third head so I already extracted this too as you can see I will just copy paste it here and right click on this and say apply layer mask because I don't need layer mask but now I'll put it all the way up and click this again because I unclip it by pasting this layer in between these layers too so this will be our Center had lion and of course I need to make this smaller by pressing with rock Marty put it right here let's zoom it a little bit maybe even smaller something like like this I'm not sure about the size probably this will work press ok and yeah looking good so we will do the same we'll just select those two layers press alt or option key and just drag it to copy it then by holding alt or option key clip it to this layer down below and we are almost there so this is almost matching the color now I need to add a layer mask right here and with my cloud does brush small brush I will just made 100% opacity first I will just go and plant is better like like this okay maybe I will make this line a little bit smaller now 30% opacity and just blend these parts right here a little bit better Brian need this ear let me see this is nice I will just make it tiny smaller just a little bit and what I like to do with a wide brush on the mask I like to bring back some parts here okay I'm using brush with 30% opacity just want to slowly build in these transitions to blend it more organically this is nice of course you can spend a little bit more time than I'm doing here because this is just for for this tutorial to be a little bit faster and that's cool also here we can just blend this part a little bit better and show one trick how to blend it even better just in a few seconds I'll just fast forward these guys alright guys so this is it I really love to use my cloud does brush for this I can bring back these parts right there and now i'll press control/command T and just rotate this line had a little bit more like more like this ok now let me show you one really cool trick how to blend these here's a little bit better so just select this Center headline and go and see this much tool I need this much tool and just with smudge tool I'm using now 70 or so percent just just make this a little bit longer you can see that's really cool so this will be much better blended also for this photo manipulation because this is only for Instagram or social networks you don't need to waste time for such small details but this is just me showing you how you can do it in case you need it right this is the first phase of this finish now what I like to do I like to add some dodging and burning details right here and we are done so let's do that let's go and create another layer here this will be our Dodge and burn actually actually this will be our white for Dodge you will see why and one below that will be our black so I will select everything and press ctrl + G to group this this line this is left headline it's better for me if I organize this a little bit better than I will group this this is Center lion and this will be main line I will make group later so again new layer this will be white and then just create a new layer down below and named black okay so let me see let's start with the black on left hand line why I need is black color just because I want to paint with the black and of course this my cloud dust brush by the black color I like to paint right here below oh sorry this is Center haha and this is left I switch it no problem so on the center here I just want to paint with the black just behind this guy just add some kind of shadow and better transition between this this line and the original line so this is cool and then on the white I'll just use white color and just with the white maybe 20 percent opacity just with the white paint a little bit more white right here and that's it so I like it yes it's better then I will do the same for other two that's actually one for a door to adjust for for this one so white I'll just paint white right here okay like this I do like this coming from about and then go to black and just add this contact shadow right here with the hair so this is good also we can add some context shadow right here but for that we can go all the way up maybe all the way up and just create a new layer and put it above the group and just like this okay just add some kind of border or contact shadow but actually this won't be visible so much but I'm showing you in case you need to do this in some other situation this is how this is how you can do it right so this is it maybe if I put it here yes just want to organize this so this is it we have our three headline finished maybe the center line will be a little bit bigger I'm not sure yeah maybe just that bigger and yeah I like it I really like it I can make it even more bigger like that and that's it also guys this is one cool tip when you're doing photo manipulations already doing any kind of retouching just go and zoom it a lot then zoom it back in and you will have a little bit different perspective you better understand if the size is proper or colors are good contrast etc so this is really cool thing that I like to do all the time right now that we completed our three headline it's time to blend it in with the background so let's do it there are several ways how you can blend this three headline with the background I also did two or three tutorials on that topic how to blend foreground background properly in Photoshop you can check it out but today I will do this a little bit different you have a lean more on my eye so let me show how this works first I like to collapse all these groups and select everything inside the background press ctrl command G to group everything and I will name this tree had lion I don't like this lion okay and now I will use first the exposure adjustment layer I will clip it to affect only the group and I will make everything darker so make the lion darker something something like this right and now what I like to do I like to paint back some lights I have a tutorial on how to paint light on the model in Photoshop to create different kind of lighting effect you can check it out on link right here it's really cool to know these techniques and here I will use a similar technique I will paint back a rim light so to do that I will just paint on a mask so as you can see if I paint with black brush here with one hand percent opacity I'm bringing back some lights and I like to bring back this rim light but I will do this in really fast and precise way so I will go here select this lion press ctrl or command and click on it and I need to select this part of this left-hand line hat so to do that I will just press control-shift to get this plus icon and just click on this icon to so I have everything selected let's collab this back and what I like to do I like to go now to select modify contract and I will contract this selection by maybe maybe five pixels all right as you can see now it's five pixels inside the line that's what I like to have now what I like to do again go to select modify and feather because I want to feather this selection and I will fatter let's use ten pixels that will be okay so I will fatter by 10 pixels and now I will invert selection because now if I paint on the mask I will paint on the inside part of the line I don't like that I want to paint on the outside part of glass so I need to invert the selection pane where the selection just press shift ctrl I and that's it as you can see this is cool I cannot paint inside but I can paint outside I will hide the selection by pressing ctrl command H because I don't want to see those marching ants it's annoying a little bit and now I will just go and paint here rim light so this is it this is cool you can later modify this even better so like this here okay and this is cool I'm still using my cloud dust brush because I love it also guys for this you can use a regular soft soft brush to work perfectly too so maybe a little bit of the rim light right here like this from this side of the background and here a little bit legs like this maybe just touch here and I will class for this ready guys and this is it as you can see my line has like rim light it's backlit and so I just want to fix this part right here that I don't like on the left lying here in a mask I just want to just want to fix this okay this is much better now okay the next step is to colorize this line a little bit by using another adjustment layer it will be a gradient map so let's do that let's create a new gradient map adjustment layer clip it to effect on little lion and I like to put it in overlay blending mode so to have a little bit more contrast and here I will go with two cores actually three cores I will use for the darkest color I will use not so dark color but a little bit brighter and blue maybe maybe like this bluish tint alright then for the bright color I don't like white but I like to use red and maybe really bright version of this red something like just pink reddish tint like this and I will add another color right here clip it and I will I will go with some bluish tint right there maybe this one and this looks cool okay so this is really really cool before and after yes now the line is a little bit darker but we will fix that before and after I really like it so I will go to this exposure layer right here I will use brush soft round brush make it a little bit bigger even bigger and with only 5 percent opacity right here I will just bring back some lightness right here not too much because this should be in the dark okay will see and fix that later - and also I will add another adjustment layer hue and saturation and clip it to affect only the group of course I will set colorize and add this bluish kind of tint right here like like this and just all over the past a little bit right guys this can be done in a several different phrase that's beauty Photoshop can do the same thing in a ton of different ways so today I'm showing you this way to know that this is another way how you can do it so keep in mind that this is not the only way and we're almost done now what I like to do I like to colorize this rim light I don't like this white light blue rim light I like to be like this magenta or some kind of reddish rim light and here I like more blueish rim light to add even more light in the mouth of line and color correct everything and we're done so let's do it let's create a new adjustment layer actually new solid color adjustment layer I will use some kind of this color right clip it to affect only the lion that's cool I will go to the mask press ctrl command I to invert it and now what I like to do with a white brush just want to paint right here with 100% opacity just paint right here on this actually I can use the same mask I can use this right and I can invert the mask ctrl command I and that's cool but I don't like this part so I will just erase this part of the mask I'm using the same as that I did for rim light that I created first time I just inverted and I will just put this to color Dodge or color or linear dodge let me see called linear dodge color dot it's cool color that is cool right and now I will paint with black on this mask with 50% opacity because I don't like it maybe 20% opacity here's maybe too much I don't like it too much here is okay here I don't like too much on the face of this magenta here I put another color right maybe 50% to just remove this I like I'll call right here - so this is cool okay let me see here is maybe too much and this looks this looks cool for now so I will create another adjustment layer solid color and choose another color something like this clip it to affect only the lion of course I will go with color dodge again you can invert the mask control command I just with white I just want to add another color rim light right here here maybe here a little bit from those lights over there but I will change the color also the nose like this this is cool I really like it so maybe here and to mix lights right there this will be more purplish okay so I can always change the color if I don't like color I can always change as you can see but I need to change this to something like this to match this color over there maybe to make it even brighter and that's cool right this is really really nice for now the next thing that I need to do is to maybe I'll just burn a little bit later but now I want to add some light in the inside of the line mouth so I will go and create an arc so a solid color adjustment layer choose the color probably something like this we will see clip to effect only this invert and put it in a color Dodge blending mode now just paint with white brush on the inside of the lion's mouth that's cool zoom it a little bit I will probably use a brighter color something like this and more for this type of color right and just quickly or just quickly painted that down later later I'll fix everything just first paint here on the inside part of the mouth and this edge right here okay I want to get rid of this one right here okay and from these things here a little bit later those details okay and I want to add some light here okay like like this that's cool and now what I like to do I like to use maybe 20% opacity brush and just add those on the teeth right here like kids are catching this these lights okay and this stood right there like this here's all the powders I do not have this definitely but inside this is something like that okay we can make everything brighter inside of the mount of the mouse if we want so let me see change the color it brighter not too much like that also what we can do we can create a new layer and put it in gang color daughter scream blending mode let's use cream blending mode let me show sample the same color with when you hold alt or option key on a brush you can just sample any color on the screen so I will sample this one 10% opacity and just like this like we can do this if you like if you up to it you can can do this I can click to effect only this part here there let me see not bad not bad we can do that we can even lower the opacity if it's too much too bright I know depends of your taste so this this is cool also what I like to do now I like to paint on the tail so we need again to make a selection of the line let's create a new layer let's go all the way down press and hold ctrl or command key click on the line and we will have the selection I will create mask with this election and now what I like to do I like just to go and just with lasso to make these kind of selections fill it with the foreground color to fill with the foreground color you need to press alt or option key on a Mac and backspace so that's it this select icon pressing ctrl command D then again this I just want to create like a glowing tail it's cool you don't need to do it but this is just small detail there's nice option it's for you to know that this something that oops I don't like like that maybe and yeah this is cool I really like it also I can now right click and go apply layer mask because I don't need it anymore I can double click on layer and then I can just go with outer glow and I can choose the color so it's this one right and I can play with these settings I like this to glow a little bit more I can set normal I can set - I don't know color dodge if I like but I don't like satellite and lighting is cool scream the same you like lightens so probably something something like this yes I'll press ok so I really like it also I can make this like it's almost transparent so I can create a new layer clip it to effect only this so this is taillight okay clip it to effect only that and choose the darker version of this color so I just go here and brightness and just make it darker and guys now I will create something like this I will just paint with one high percent opacity brush as you can see I lose harder brush not so hard maybe around 60 or so I can just paint like this so to have impression to have impression that this is actually transparent as you can see this part of the tail maybe here will be maybe just this part not sure like that then here it will be more than here even more like this maybe here nothing here this part because it's tail it's turned towards the US something like this so this is an option guy guys if you want you can do this if you don't like it don't do it just me showing you all the possibilities that's cool you can always lower the opacity maybe this one be so bright so transparent maybe something like that you can also go with complete white color and just just add something like like this also I can do that on a separate layer so I can just clip it to effect only bat and put in a screen blending mode overlay actually just some kind of reflection here and there why not so this is cool this is just an option 2 or go to normal and lower lower the opacity and that's it or you can just delete it if you don't like it right guys now it's time to play with some color so this is it for the moment and now what I like to do maybe I don't like the tail too much I can go right here and just just with maybe 10 tea or 10% opacity just remove some this pinkish light from the tail just touch okay now maybe it's better I'm not sure that's something that you need to decide but this is cool and now guys what I like to do I like to group everything not group actually but to merge everything together with the famous keyboard shortcut key shift ctrl alt or shift mode option key on a Mac and now we have everything in new layer and now I like to go to filter and camera filter and here we will do a little bit of color correction so I like to go to this calibration tab and just play with the color so I like to add more magenta here and to saturate this a little bit yeah play with the blues and also Red's towards right to add more blue eNOS to the forest so this is cool before and after yeah a little bit more like that then we can go to we getting I had a little bit more vignetting then we can go here and I like to add some bluish tint to the shadows something something like this and I will just balance it more towards the shadows and now on the highlights I like to add this radish radish think maybe more magenta like this part of the spectrum that's cool I really like it also I can go here and sharpen it a touch not too much it's right and then add a little bit more clarity because I like it also open the shadows a little bit and a little bit more contrast maybe not too much just a touch and yeah we can can saturate it to make a lot crazy or last depends how I want it and you can play with the beauty clarity also guys also guys we can do something like this we can press ok alright and then we can go to filter Nick color Efex Pro this is the plug-in that I really love it I use it all the time all the time in my father manipulations and it was free I got it when it was free but now maybe you can find it summer free but now again it's something that you need to pay for so I can go to Pro contrast just add some kind of dynamic contrast a little bit like this and also I like to add another filter and that's detail extractor but not too much again just a touch not too much just a touch this is cool also I don't like so saturated and and I'll press ok I can see wait a few moments for Photoshop to apply this new color Efex Pro and then we will tweak this with a layer mask so I will add a layer mask and I will just use soft round brush with a black color 20% opacity and just want to tweak it here and this is it guys we can make this line a little bit darker maybe this part I don't want affect this part too much but basically this is really really nice so let me see before and after contracting I really like it maybe a little bit more Torsen but it's all up to you right guys that's it for today I really hope that you like this tutorial and that you learn some new cool and interesting tips and tricks from this one that you can apply on your future work just practice experiment have fun and enjoy the ride and you will be better and better also guys if you liked this episode if you appreciate this content just press the like button down below share it with your friends and don't forget to subscribe if you're not already and also ring that bell icon to be notified about all the future episodes so if you have any questions regarding to this tutorial just leave it down there in the comment section below I will be glad to answer it if you want to help me to make this channel even bigger and better you can do that by visiting my patreon page you can support me there and also you will get some in return great guys happen and see you soon in my next episode bye bye [Music] you
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 70,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Photo manipulation, tutorial, Nemanja Sekulic, Lion, three headed lion, Night, Photoshop tutorial, Photomanipulation, best photo manipulation tutorial in photoshop, best photo manipulation tutorials, Digital art, Retouching, Composite, Free, Best, cyberpunk, sci fi, Street
Id: 4HSaU4IS2kM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 55sec (2095 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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