Editing YOUR Photos in Photoshop! | S1E2

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this video was sponsored by wondershare yo what's up my name is benny and welcome to this brand new episode of editing your photos my second most popular show on this channel today i have some seriously great photos and i can't wait to start so firstly if you want to send your photos for the next episode send them to bennysubmission gmail.com as for photos make sure to send good quality photos only preferably taken with a camera but right now this episode needs at least one spooky edit since it's the spooky season so i'm gonna start with that today [Music] this photo was sent by yogith hi dude i love your work i learn a lot of new things from you here i attach my photo eager to see what you come up with thanks for your submission obviously these kinds of photos have lots of potential and i'm thinking zombies so let's just bloody go starting off with cutting him out using the pen tool so i'm just gonna go around the entire edge boom now let's put him there and at our first landscape image this beautiful hill i'm just gonna put that right there and uh yeah we do not need this house so let me just shift backspace that then we kind of do need a house so i'm using this one for that and i'm gonna mask that out as well fade out the edge on the ground to make it fade out like that this background sky we don't need because i'm gonna drop in my own sky so let's just get rid of that there you go gonna make the edge look nice and juicy then i've got this sort of gate which i'm gonna mask out first and that thing let's flip it first that thing we're actually gonna put right there and then let's make sure it's actually in the grass like that there you go nice and then the sky this one i'm gonna transform it a little and then the same one on the left blend it together and those should be a bit more bluish and a little darker i'm thinking using a little blend if just like that that's pretty cool then the moon let's put that right in that spot over there put it behind the clouds just like that perfect this scene is gonna be night obviously so i'm gonna make everything a bit darker first and add some blue color to it so it all looks a little weird right now since all these images still had sunlight in them but i guess we can just kind of yield that away so let's add some shadows first this house right there like that a bit on the roof there you go then for the gate same kind of thing i'm using grass brushes to make it look more realistic if you couldn't tell then kinda get rid of the weird sunlight on the gate i'm just gonna use uh this to make it look better or well less there's a better way of saying it there you go that is slash for sure then let's add the guy again there and let's add the same blue stuff to him put his feet in the grass like that and let's start making a shadow for him too with an exposure adjustment layer of course just like that i'm not gonna lie that looks kind of decent now to add some more depth to the background some extra layers of land and i'm using this image for that so just fade out the edge like that and there you go that is great then i should probably move it to the other side as well and sort of make it work this is looking pretty badass at least i can see how it's going to be badass in the end then for some soft haze i'm just gonna paint there you go pretty much the whole background i guess and some dust here and there with a lighter color see that's pretty uh that's pretty cool now it is time for some highlights in my world the moon is very bright so this guy needs some fresh highlights for sure and this i'm gonna speed up for you guys because well it's probably gonna be quite long and i don't really feel like speaking so [Music] bye there you go look at that that's so much better i'm pretty sure i want depth of field though so let's just take the background and use blur gallery so i'm gonna go to filter blur gallery and get that done there that's pretty cool and that effect we have to add to the other background stuff as well so the house and the archway and everything there that's pretty sick bro the house is a bit too bright though so let's make that a little darker here and there also some light bouncing off of this guy using a solid color there and just kind of painting behind him like this and then i'm gonna do the same highlight except on the gate just painting here and a little there perfect dude sick same thing for the house nice maybe even some of the grass using some grass brushes let's see um i guess that works then i've got this other guy shooting a gun which i thought would fit perfectly since well there's gonna be zombies all around them and you know so i'm just gonna put him right there and now add the same stuff to him i did to the rest a little darker some blue some blur gallery the same shadow again obviously just like that and guess what the highlight so it's going to be speed up again because well hello there you go now that's beautiful i'm not kidding i did not see this one going this well this is uh crazy let's add some moon glow using this solid color painting a little very softly just like that nice and then maybe i'm thinking the house is pretty big so let's try and see if we can make that smaller what the heck is that bloody hill i guess yeah that works actually that's pretty much a lot better i collected some gravestones to kind of spread around the landscape and this is well the first one so let's put that right here and then these there that should work and then two more back here like that and now guess what i'll have to add the same effects to all of those some highlights like this is gonna take years to finish a shadow as well of course like so and there you go that's the first one for you this was probably seconds for me a little more than a few seconds but i'm gonna do that to all of them so uh yeah now that was quick eh now it is starting to really become epic i'm gonna add this muzzle flash really quick because he's shooting a zombie and a glow of course because what's uh what's benny's what's uh yeah never mind i don't really don't know what i was about to say now just like the moon that also casts light so i'm gonna add some orange light on this pants instead of blue there looks pretty cool and then also some on the ground there that's awesome wow i'm also gonna put these things somewhere in the background for some extra stuff and guess what same stuff on those the efforts hi guys please appreciate this leave a like actually now that i think of it i don't think i ever asked for likes wow now zombies first i'm gonna put her right here because this guy is shooting at her so she's all like a shadow right there then some highlights of course and the reason why i showed this so quick is because it's all basically the same thing so there's no point in showing every little thing i do in this video i didn't want it to be too repetitive especially since most of my viewers are just here to look at some cool photoshops instead of detailed explanation so well so here i've got a few more this one and him back there and there you go these are all the ones i'm gonna do as well i'm gonna snap my fingers and it will be done one two three there you go how many times have i said that already i don't even know too many times now let's add some more dust and [ __ ] using my fog brushes just gonna go all over the background like this then another layer between the foreground and the agent right there like that seems pretty cool and for a final detail some plants down here so it's not all grass then we got this one right here cool of course a piece made by me is not finished without at least some particles so let's go and add these then hide them and softly paint them back then a second layer which will be blurred right there and again softly painting some back here and there and then a final extra glow in the background to make it look a little more hazy and more depth and now it is finally time for a camera raw filter so let me just add that really quick and now let's just go and adjust everything until it looks epic there you go that should be pretty much it and i can tell you this is almost exactly what i had in mind for this except not this well executed actually but anyway thanks to yogith for submitting your photo i'll send this back to you whenever i can now before continuing with our next photo let me introduce you to today's sponsor wondershare today i'm going to tell you something about their video converter software uniconverter i'm sure some of you guys are video editors and sometimes you're going to need to convert a certain file format into well other formats uni converter has literally everything you'd need for that not only do they support over a thousand different video and audio formats which is beyond my imagination but it also converts 30 times faster than other known converters you can convert files without any quality loss whatsoever and it supports up to 8k video i mean what not only can you convert files you can also download compress edit burn and transfer videos add metadata and more trim crop edit watermark your clip heck or just turn it into a gif gif gif whatever it even comes with a brand new screen recorder to record full screen or custom screen with audio and everything i'm not even kidding if you're frequently converting or compressing videos or even recording your screen as i just said uniconverter is the most extended choice to try it out for free use the top link in my description below huge thanks to wondershare for sponsoring this video it's what keeps my channel free for everyone it's highly highly appreciated so now on to the next photo by dennis i'm dennis from germany my girlfriend sonny and i have a lot of cosplay photos but a lot of them aren't currently edited like these two pictures i have attached can you do something with these pictures this would be awesome have a nice day and thank you thanks dennis for your submissions i'm afraid i can't do both your photos but i have a very cool idea for your girlfriend as harley quinn so let's just go and start editing first i master out really quick since that's all boring and stuff and well so there you have it and since this is birds of prey harley quinn let me just add bruce there you go let's also give him that pink color from the movie beautiful and i'll make that a little smaller perfect okay so i'm thinking it would be cool if i make this very bright light coming from above so let's just go and add a new white solid color for that and paint with a very soft brush just like that and then for a darker edge i'm gonna add another one but black there you go but since the lighting in the image isn't really coming from above i think let me add some light manually so i'm going to use an exposure adjustment layer and just kind of paint all over just a little bit here on her head and a little bit there just painting on all the desired areas to make it a bit brighter and stuff there you go that is a whole lot better now it sort of kind of matches the light so now let's see let's add some light bloom light fall off light glow i don't know i'll just show you just a white solid color and softly painting behind her this very subtle glow because that's what light does then i'm thinking the light on her head still isn't really bright enough that light up there should be like really really bloody bright there you go that's a lot better this is going great so far [ __ ] but of course you all know me we need at least one colored highlight so uh let's go with blue on her right i think that would be best an hour left of course and the great thing is afterwards i can change it into whatever color i want if it's not the perfect color so i'm just gonna grab a hue and saturation layer and start painting just here and there some blue highlights from the right like that i'm just gonna speed this up really quick otherwise i'm afraid this video is gonna be ours and well some of you might like that but i'm pretty sure most of you don't perfect look at that okay so now since the side is blue i'll make that side of the backlight blue as well casually with another solid color except a blue one oh wow that's fantastic how about some glo wait a second just with blue going around the highlighted edge like that to give it a bit more light fall off i don't even know i just really gotta google the correct name someday anyway since there's this blue highlight here that means that here should be some kind of bright blue light source so i'm guess i could just drop in another solid color for that and kinda paint here a little i guess it works also some parts of her body can be darker i think for now that's uh fine for the harley quinn part so let's go work on bruce because i think that's gonna end up being harder than i initially anticipated first i'm gonna make him darker and then after let's add this very bright highlight you guessed it coming from above so i'll take my brush and start painting maybe with a fair brush as well to give it a bit more detail and on this little cute nose bloody hell i really love these animals just look at him there you go beautiful so now some color balance to kind of match him with the rest just a little however the top parts of bruce should be even brighter i think like really blown out there that's better and now ladies and gentlemen once again the highlights like before i'm just gonna go over the entire right side of bruce too much the lighting on harley up there i'm using a far brush again because that looks way better in this case and there you go a little right there and it is once again speed up time so now the same thing but with shadows so i'm gonna go make a new exposure adjustment layer and make it a bit darker and then start painting on the areas that should be darker most of all where harley is touching the side of his body with her legs just right there and then maybe even a darker one on top of that to really make it like dark dark then i should remove harley's highlight right there really quick because bruce's head is blocking that light i think i mean it would make sense to me then that same blue glow on the side of bruce as well there you go to match his sharpness and the noise i should probably add some manually there look at the difference that's great that blue light is kind of too much though so let me just bring it down then i just gonna add bruises pink color so let's add a shadow first and the shadow below it because it looks a bit weird really makes it interact with the fur like that then that same blue highlight again and that's starting to look pretty nice pretty much it so let's add some particles for more detail i'm just gonna use my standard for that and softly painting where the light comes from just like that then maybe some bigger ones up there and down here the light behind them could be brighter so uh boom there you go then a final touch some dust flying around playing a little here and paint a little bear some in front of them maybe and then i think that is pretty much it so it's time for a camera raw filter again let me just change all these sliders to see what works best i think less is more in this case so i shouldn't make it too extreme i mean it kind of was good as it was already and there you go that is harley quinn and bruce i gotta say this is different than the stuff i usually do it's quite refreshing but then i also barely work with photos with quality this great so well anyway i'll send this back to you as soon as i get the chance thanks for your submission it is highly highly appreciated next we have one i just could not ignore hi my name is bartek and i'm a big fan of star wars and you as a creator i'm also a creator and made myself a self-portrait connected with star wars i was thinking maybe you will like it and have some ideas to edit them as you want i'm giving you all rights to edit them as you wish may the force be with you he sent some pictures and i chose this one to turn into something epic so let's bloody go i dream asked this one so you don't have to watch me doing that so let's first crop it to maybe like four to five ratio i think that will work best for this idea what i have in mind so first let's make his lightsaber look legit by sort of tracing the shape first like that and then access the layer styles and let's see definitely an inner glow first to make it less flat and then an outer glow for the really bright small glow after that a drop shadow and also red of course then i'm gonna hit ok and now for the final glow i think i'm just gonna do that manually with a solid color there you go it's a bit too red though you could use a little more touch of orange maybe there you go that's a bit more intense or something i don't know just cooler anyway now that we've got this let's add some uh let's add something he can stand on and for that i found this and i know it looks pretty shitty but we just need the ground actually so let's make it a lot darker and just kind of erase the background there that's uh mediocre but first obviously apart from the red light this guy is also lit from above so just like we did on harley quinn actually just now i probably should add a soft light right above his head right there awesome now that light casts on the ground of course so a shadow below his feet is probably a fantastic idea so let's grab an exposure adjustment layer and paint a quick shadow there you go and another one but a little bigger and more soft i guess for now that works wait a minute there you go that's a little better now to increase the light coming from above i should probably add some more on his head because it looks a little off right now like that and then for some atmosphere once again just add some dust and stuff and it's funny how this pretty much always works casually fade that out make it nice and soft and down here on the ground should probably be some red light and if it shouldn't i'm just gonna do it anyway because it's cool as heck there you go that's definitely an improvement so this is where my actual idea comes in i thought why not add these stormtrooper helmets floating around as if he just well chopped chopped all these stormtroopers to pieces and maybe i shouldn't try to explain it just it looks just very badass in my head okay just accept it so let me just drop all of them in here one there and another one right here fantastic i'm gonna try to add the correct lighting to them because this is a disaster starting with some color balance sort of to get the basic colors to look more accurate then make the thing a whole lot darker like so and then the most obvious thing make the highlights red because the saber is red too so well makes sense should be fairly easy there you go not perfect but well this is what i'm gonna have to do to all of the other ones so here comes another epic speed up [Music] there you go now i think it would look absolutely great if we'd add some depth of field so i'm gonna go to um add some some blur gallery to the uh well basically everything starting with this helmet so yeah i think that actually works let's first do a tilt shift on the ground though gonna put the center down there hit okay and now to the other helmets that need some this one in the back like that beautiful then maybe a very subtle glow for on the helmets for that light bouncing off of them then also some extra haze on top of everything just very soft and also some extra atmosphere and of course particles because what's up any productions edit without particles hello so just here and there very softly not too much then another one that's a bit less compact to add some up here as well that's looking pretty decent i'd say but maybe just some more dust behind him there you go make that red a little more down here boom that's it let's go and add our last camera raw filter today and this one should definitely be very dark and contrastful call it intense if you will and there you go so i guess that's it for today these are the photos i did today and if you want to have a possibility to see your own photos edited in the next episode all you gotta do is send it to bennysubmissions gmail.com which is not my business email some of you still manage to send it to my business email so just for clarification benny's submissions at gmo.com thank you but anyway if you like this video make sure to leave a like and a comment and if you enjoy my overall content feel very free to subscribe and most importantly hit that bell to stay notified about future videos then i hope i will see you in my next [Music] video
Channel: Benny Productions
Views: 1,056,091
Rating: 4.9761448 out of 5
Keywords: bennyproductions, benjamin, design, photoshop, editing, digital art, breakdown, adobe, tutorial, break down, spooky, october, spooky season, halloween, editing your photos, editing photos, your photos, wondershare, star wars, harley quinn, birds of prey, zombies, undead, the walking dead, scary, creepy, photo editing, your images, editing your images, audience engagement, edit show, send me your photos, I edit your photos
Id: 6tPm4C8WkhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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