Catch n' Cook GIANT Lobster in Hawaii | Ace Videos

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what is going on guys welcome to another of Hawaii episode it is a beautiful and a busy day here at the beach I'm out here today with my dad he and I are gonna jump in the water here just do a little snorkelling looking around try to find some octopus hopefully and when I wish to use another octopus for bait Angela drum have a good time should be good let's get in the water [Music] so always want to see if I could grab one of these these Cornett fish let you get within inches of them so I'm gonna try to grab one just suspended in the water but they can back up and scoot on out of there when they want to I thought I'd try it one more time on a different one nope they'll let you get close but you come within a foot of them and they take off so here I had the three prong and we spot this school of big eyed SCAD I think the Hawaiian word is a cool a Kakuna and it's been a long time since I've gotten some other three-prong in fact you guys watch my channel I'm terrible at the three-prong but right here I swim down am got one first try I even said turn around like what just happened I even turn around look at the camera I was so surprised and it was a head shot - it was a perfect shot I was so excited I know this isn't a giant fish so don't kill me but I was super excited to get this as I was sitting there holding my hand I realized it was the same bait fish there's actually a bait fish that we use for trolling for catching like wahoo and stuff so after that I was feeling pretty confident I thought I'd try again oh just barely missed one right there in fact I'll sail closes if we do a slo-mo and let it go and all he took off just should have led him I just can't just barely hit him I've got maybe even hit his fin just a little bit just knocked him for a loop there just about an inch off next time I gotta lead him more so I give the spear to my dad he's gonna try but by this time that the school of the scab were pretty they're pretty wise to us they started to they wouldn't let us get as close as before and he had an arrow missed there and after a few attempts of that the school kind of dispersed and stayed far away from this so we resumed looking under ledges and stuff as you can see here a big nasty eel you do not want to mistake one of those for an octopus there those dudes will bite but my dad and I are just looking around looking for the usual octopus and he goes into this ledge and he actually told me a moment before this hey I think I might have a lobster under here which is very unusual cuz the lobster do not come out in the daytime and so to find one that was with him reach this was this was crazy you see the turtle hanging out right by him excuse me pulls out this huge Lobster in all our years of shortly here we've never just gone out in the middle of the day and caught a lobster by hand so I swim down and I grab the red bag and we were just so excited I mean we've been snorkeling for years and I've never caught one of these we've gone out at night once and called a little one by hand they come out parently at night it's row so it was so big we had a hard time getting in the bait bag and it was so spiky that it kept getting caught on the mesh and just kept push it did not want to go in his bait bag we had to situated my dad had to fold the tail under so it couldn't push its way out we got it in man this is this was amazing [Music] spiny lobster spiny shell I can't believe I speared that fish too I haven't that was I haven't got some on a three-prong in a long way look like he's trying to eat it does he's got a nail right Harry that is a huge lobster too pops okay let's guys this is the first time we've ever caught a lobster before yeah we got a little time Mike and I did but in the middle of the day just swimming down and catch you that is just so cool nice job pops oh yeah all right guys it took us a while but we got a UH we finally got something big enough to cook this lobstering we don't have a pan or anything that's really big enough but a friend fortunately gave us this big plastic here what we want me to hold them or I get I guess putting them in there I just don't want him to make a break for it or something I'll keep an eye oh man the lobster but what we're doing guys is we have the pan there and we're gonna fill it with seawater and we found that when cooking crustaceans when we cook them directly in ocean water the flavor is perfect because sometimes salting when you try to salt freshwater either you get the salt too or that you get the water too salty or it's not salty enough and ends up ruining the flavor of the lobster so that's why we get water straight from the ocean and the salinity of the water is perfect yes I'll grab him you've got the water and we will throw him on the grill all right over here to our grills we're gonna do is use utilize the grill to heat up this big pan yeah that's - yeah just stick them straight on here this is bigger one here all right lobster on the Bobby mm-hmm just like turn on three of them or something all right I'll get up Bowl guys and we'll fill the rest of that way up with water right there and then we'll where should we put the lobster oil just hanging hanging on the ground shade all right and we'll just let that water boil feisty he's still picking at me about ten minutes in guys and should have some ballin one [Music] turn bright red wonder why you do like the carotid turn bright red almost immediately there's weight cooking about 13 minutes we figure guys while the lobsters cooking this video is brought to you by you name it custom printing and embroidery they just launched my new merchandise if you guys want to buy this shirt check it out in the description below even get a great color you can get this is my favorite one I'm just not wearing it because it doesn't match my swimsuit you can get this sweet blue and orange ace videos t-shirt you can get brand new at this moment where I'm filming this I'm the only one who owns one of these you can get brand new oh the other way level up in real life t-shirts epic stuff so many different styles so many different colors check them out in the description they even have hats actually don't wear hats a lot in my videos because I'm always wearing that GoPro head mount check out this sweet flat brim hat there and then besides the wicked cool it's it's a raised design on the front besides the wicked cool design it also has first cast oops get that out of the way first cast of the day on the back yeah first cast if sometimes I thought I might said last cast in the day the first cast of the day on the back if you guys want to have all the sweet hats all the sweet shirts check them out in the description below if you're a youtuber or your small business and unique custom printing needs also put a link to their website they ship anywhere if you guys want to use them for your small business or like say your another YouTube or anything like that check them out I'll put a link to their personal website or if you guys want to check out my merchandise I'll put a link to that as well thank you to them for sponsoring this video check out the new merch down in the description let's see if the lobsters ready lobster guys we have this big platter cuz we all have a plate that's big enough for them how cool man does that not look the delectable these guys have some melted butter to go with it like that should be good enough should we say prayer thank you so much Lord God for the bounty of the ocean your loving kindness we provided it first I want to try the legs I've got a yeah and they should be cool by now yeah lobster tail will definitely be there and they're just a matter if we can crack it we've never caught a lobster big enough we're going to need out of the legs like just throw the legs away it's not working oh my gosh Jason look at this I feel like a magician whoa yeah I'm not even but I was not to get them but I know we should have brought weird river for we're not a fork you pull it up after you cut later Wow from the ocean straight to the plate I mean guys we didn't we didn't skip a beat we got back we put our snorkel stuff away and we immediately started cooking on this guy all right watch this look at that I do love butter so much we know you like okay so the next question do the antennae have meat in them we've we've eaten no spiny lobster once and it was really tight it was really a legal size yeah so this is I can't it's too tiny it's like ouch maybe we wait oh you like oh that's got meat in it can't hurt you oh that does that meat right in there so I guess if we take the into the antennae it's so spiky it hurts your hands nothing in there not really there's I mean I really like like I need my or piece of meat mother wait for there's not a hole yeah we there's two too spiky we got a big tail yeah we had a big tail you know it's it's you caught on let you do the honors are cracking that smooth I'll do it this is your ladder just spin it remember just kind of hold one in and the other and go opposite directions yeah are we going to get some good guts with it I did not know so you guys at the restaurant they don't they don't leave this pillar tell you about no they use that must use that for like lobster bisque or something yes you want it just like dip that thing in looks like there's a little bit of wine here I need to do a part of the poo in there they chop that off in the restaurant they cheetah this is just like this is just like lobster chunky meat sorry I'm not waiting you're not waiting for me oh it's it's true definitely we're then grabbed oh yeah no Lobster it's the meteor chew my god it's so chewy you shouldn't I mean we catch those Dungeness crabs here's watch all the crab videos the Dungeness crab like melts in your mouth the lobster is definitely stringer hmm those blob body to us you know you're in - no no well guys fantastic day I really don't know what else to say we came we were not expecting catch lobsters know that meant as a first time that's ever happened to us amazing amazing catch pops great job that was fun that was fun thank you guys so much for watching and we'll see you in the next adventure [Music]
Channel: Ace Videos
Views: 2,727,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ace videos, ace, videos, lobster catch and cook, catch and cook, catch n cook lobster, spiny lobster, spiny lobster fishing, fishing, fish, spearfishing, three prong, catching lobster, by hand, catching lobster by hand, spiny, spiny lobster diving, diving, giant lobster catch clean cook, giant lobster, lobster, cooking lobster, lobster tail, cook, cooking, free diving, hawaii, hawaii diving, maui, hawaii lobster, hawaiian, spear, lobstering, snorkel, grilled lobster, lobster diving, tasty
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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