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what is good great gang we're today we're about to do a Kentucky survival challenge now the challenge is pretty straightforward I'm out here in Kentucky and I can only use one tool to survive the whole day the tool I'm choosing is a big knife not I don't think anybody's gonna disagree with me I'm just gonna come in here and say this is probably gonna be one of the hardest challenges I've ever done on my channel you may also notice that I am carrying a bucket that's what may be my one exception because I kind of need the bucket for a tripod I don't know what you're thinking what you're playing right now why are you happy well the place I'm heading right now is actually to my second point it's the one that's really small and kind of doesn't have anything in I want that to be my home base because I know there's a pretty good Creek through there it should have some clean water that's gonna be my water source another really hard part about this challenge is at a well there's no trap and check on wheels guys all I have is shoes today and I have to walk everywhere I go that's gonna be a tough one guys that's one that I really didn't think about till this morning and you know kind of a bummer but I'll get over nothing to cry about on camera at least but also while I'm down here I need to be looking for a staff a staff that you know like a big wooden stick what I'm gonna do with that staff is turn it into something amazing that could catch me some food there's no season for ground squirrels kill it won't be a lot of food but it'll be better than the first I've gotta find a stick and make a spear though these shoes aren't good for survival at all yeah we just shave off this hand a little bit that way if I do hit it'll kill it instantly we're looking for a real clean kill and quick too cuz I don't want to have to chase this thing down in a hole we got to get down here before it goes to do their I mean it's literally that big and they probably wouldn't beating me down if I did kill this is worth of travel ok ok ok ok we'll go ahead and mark off ground squirrel off the list cuz I don't really see that happening at all I did think of another opportunity and it will be frog there's some good meat on bullfrog legs okay guys we're actually halfway to my pond but I want to stop here and I want to make an actual good spirit right now we're in their survival situation guys we have to be opportunistic that means if there's a three legged possum we don't care we have no mercy we're gonna kill a thing and if we see a squirrel fall out of a tree to its death we gotta eat it we could have prepared for whatever may have and right now I need to keep my eyes out for a long straight stick or should I say pretty sticky so walk about ten minutes that way didn't find any good stick but I did find a where a some kind of bird had been killed by probably a bobcat or fox or something I went ahead and stole a feather because I think this could be useful so I found this random looking sardine can from a long time ago I thought I want to keep it - I have no idea what for but that may come in useful later we got to be as creative as possible and I don't have any plans for the sardine can right now but you never know in two or three hours I could come up with an idea to use it decided I'm gonna take this stick with me end it over and chop there we go guys that was pretty okay so here's my staff it's probably got five feet long now connect to things when I can make a spear it's just where I come right here sharpen the tip to where I can actually stab something here's the thing that guy spearing is more for larger and what I'm gonna try to do is turn this into a gig gig has four prongs looks about like this that way I can have a greater surface area blocked spikes so that I can have a better chance of hitting something real small like a fish now to do that I am gonna have to try to split my stick into four quarters I ended up turning it into a three-way sphere but it's hard to make it perfect and so now we got is this right here you can see that it is split into three and it's not actually like protruding out of them that's what I got this little thin branch I'm gonna cut little pieces of it and slide it in between the spread of that slide that right in there and so now you can see that they're actually starting to spread what I can do with my knife is coming here and sharpen each one of those individual little spots just give me a better overall chance of actually killing something and keeping it on enjoy this time-lapse with you already guessed it epic Christmas [Music] anyways let's head on down to the spot I was going to and we made it guys we're to my second pond now this is really small there's no fish in it big enough to eat that's the sad part there's really only manners in this location but what I do like about this location is an awesome looking flat spot and that rock yep that's why I chose this location single rock I'm kind of second-guessing my decision anyways we're here now it's time to set up camp not since we're only here for really one day there's no need to setup too big of a key but if there's one thing Gordon Ramsay has taught me it is always get your kitchen ready before you start cooking let's see we gotta have us a good cutting board right there and fire pit right here we gotta have a plate you can't forget about the countertop oh yeah there we go and now we need a grilling system if I catch a fish how am I gonna hold it over the fire and even at that how am I gonna get that's a really good question and I've actually not thought about you put the grill oh the grill that's gonna be the hard part do I want to make a cool weed and it sticks like this or don't want to go more primitive method just shove a stick right through the mouth of the stink of fish and fry like a piece of meat I think we'll do a combination of both I'm just kidding we're doing the second because it's a lot easier I can tell you that I gotta check this we got the fire pit and then we have these two sticks holding up this stick this stick is kind of big gonna be like a rotisserie chicken but instead it's gonna be called a rotisserie fish get it yeah it should be pretty easy I just set it right there on the sticks and then I'll just spin it every so often I think that's gonna be really good I really do but what we actually need to do right now is get some fire making material we got to have stuff with well dry stuff that's basically about it but that's for leaves this one looks good this one looks good this one looks good if they're crumbling as I pick them up it's probably a good sign there are a few leaves that you do want to stay away from I've learned that these right here oak leaves I believe they don't burn good at all the other hand birch leaves like this they're basically thinner than paper these burn really good alright there's some leaves now we need some sticks to actually keep the fire going this should be pretty easy just find a bunch of dead sticks then we're actually gonna try to make them as small as possible by splitting them up I'm no firefighter but one thing I do know about fire the more surface area on your fuel the better change you have of start in the fog so we're gonna split up those sticks to maximize our surface area feel like a scientist but I promise you I am NOT alright guys I think we've got all of our material ready now we're just looking for some kind of flame and that's that's gonna be a problem I don't know how to tell you this but uh I'm going through the house and getting a fire starter sorry guys but I have no idea how to start a fire and I doubt you do either so stop trying to roast me in the comments well on the way up there actually gave got a few more materials one I got a couple pieces of coal this is gonna be good because it's gonna keep my fire going while I go to catch my fish I know the really good thing is I pulled some pine needles and some little sticks out of Port out of the field and then also found this little piece of string I don't know what I wanna do with it yet but it might just come in here I think right now what we're gonna do is really start this fire oh yeah and the fire starter it's this right here it's the flint and steel and then it's got some magnesium magnesium on this leaf and then start it magnesium is a super flammable on middle now if I can land a spark on that magnesium and we should get a fire there we go there we go there we go there we go come on come on come on come on come on keep the fire going keep this fire going let's go let's go pine needles pine needles see your pine needles flammable I don't know but I sure hope they are how it looks like they are sweet okay good pine needles are flammable now we're going to come over with this little piece okay okay we're pine needles more pine needles I'm not a survival expert I'm just trying to make it happen alright looking good looking good in some of these twigs put in there here we go try keep these sticks burn and try to get these sticks burn and you try to keep it in the fire pit if I start forest fire I'm sorry and it's kind of looking like that may have dude know what the world oh come on man I'm literally about to start a forest fire this ain't good listen guys if I start a forest fire I'm just telling you I'm not posting this video I'm gonna wrap myself out I'm gonna get more sticks then we'll try to shave some of this stick in there give it something more to burn well why am I so bad at making a fire the wind shirt helping the clan keeps shifting directions no should I went to Boy Scouts I saw I built a fire the hard part is gonna be sustaining you okay that's always the hardest part for everybody it doesn't matter if you can build a fire now if you can't sustain it it doesn't matter and it's usually been used we been my entire career okay I've never been why does it keep following me oh my bro I'm gonna try to bust up this coal put in it maybe maybe that'll do something wow it's hot I really know what I was expecting I'll throw in a piece of coal what coals dudes is it keeps the embers burn after all of what's gone the coal will still be there now since we got the fire going I built a little fire pit so it can't escape I'm actually gonna head down to my other pond it's not too far away the source smelling too much smoke I'll come back and try to put out the force fire but I don't think it's gonna happen okay I do have a pretty well container again sure - went to Boy Scouts now been thinking and I'm just don't do positive how good this spear is actually gonna work something about making a change what if I take the end off of this thing and make a gaff out of it if you don't know what a gaff is here's a picture of it it's like a giant fish hook but instead of going for the mouth they just try to stab the fish and I mean it does work and I think that's what I'm gonna have to do I hate fire I'm just gonna tell you right now not a fan I don't know how good it'll work it's not super sturdy because it is just the top of a sardine can but honestly if we can get a small size bluegill I think it can work problem however as you can imagine how are we gonna get that close to a bluegill no stick away there's a snake there goes a snake we're trying to get it oh snap dude he's gone that thing is fast dude that snake is fast do destin8ion quick he was a black snake and he was a big one - he's probably three football dude I would have loved to hate that damn I don't know man that thing moves pretty quick for something with that legs probably been a different story if I'd actually hooked it I don't know what I'd done with what kick it I'm gonna stop right here on the trail for second and sharpen the other side of my stick the way that my gaff works I would have had to try to pull him towards me and if for some reason I didn't hook him I'd have actually just thrown him on me so I didn't go work son I'm just gonna go ahead and sharpen the back end my stick into a true spear point that way I can take on different animals if I need to well turns out guys while I was actually back there sharpening my spear point my gaff actually hit the ground and it broke so now we have no way to get fish I tell you what guys this survival stuff harder than I thought I'm gonna have to call in an expert okay maybe so whenever use young and before like still and houses and all that stuff was built how did you survive because I'm having a little trouble well just some Drive black guy everybody else Howell oh well back then they was tools we need a new expert I don't know anybody that's roughly I don't know six seven hundred years old do you know dang this is hard Mamie yanking rocks let me a honey bun or something under under table not honey but yeah I know a little cake or something that'll do it she don't tell anybody rock okay Betty over here I promise I'm not cheating so after the last half hours ever since I realized that I'm probably not gonna be able to get any fish I turned into a real scavenger and I've got some pretty interesting finds the first one we have looks like a piece of a paper bag it's a little old but you never know what that could be used for later only one of the most important finds I got this piece of ten also known as the top of a pop can but then the next thing I know I actually scavenged a piece of food now it expired a long time ago but as you can tell this is a frog this could be eaten if you were maybe like a dog or something but we're not gonna eat it because I don't think that's possible oh yeah and also got this water bottle but I don't think it's you know to be honest this morning I was really coming to grips with reality yeah I knew I wasn't gonna get any food I just uh I did I didn't see it happen and he's right about that time whenever I really knew I was gonna die oh did you say you you knew you're gonna die yeah I was gonna die I wasn't making it out of here a lot but then I got an idea and a pretty good one at that what if I went out in the woods and used myself as bait maybe for something like a Jaguar or a bear maybe even like a zebra or something I don't know something eats humans and then waited for it to come to me and how'd that go for you well glad that you asked it actually went really good as soon as I started doing it I had some critters start moving in but then I realized it was a squirrel so well no food for now hmm that's pretty interesting yep that's right well just to keep trying that's the best technique so far okay guys a couple hours of tick by and I just want to come in here I just want to ask you can I have six feet of fishing line I hear me out guys give me six foot of fishing line and I will complete the mission and now that I asked you I went ahead and decided that you said yes so I have some vision now this is just basic fishing line nothing special no hope no nothing burst I do have to make my hook and I'm gonna make that hook out of the top of this pop camp now pretty much made one earlier today but this one's gonna be smaller and better fit for bluegill there we go and so now I'm gonna turn this right there into a working fishing hook here we go with me let me try out what was that something just bit me no nevermind it was a stick anyways let me do my magic and I will see where it takes me Wow well there we go guys there's a fish hook it's nothing too special nothing too pretty not too strong either if this ends up breaking and not working then we got a problem okay we have a problem oh my goodness what do I do now what we're gonna go gosh this is so hard anyways guys I'm not giving up yet there's one more technique and it's an old technique a lot of old people used to use bones but we don't have bones so I'm just going to use a stick here's the premise you put bait around this you toss it into the fish fish comes up and eats it whenever you have set the hook this end of the stick digs into the fish and this end of the stick just gets stuck in its mouth where it eventually comes in I'm gonna go ahead and make this I'll get back with you on a sec this may or may not work out our hook has been made now it's just up to me to find some bait and get it in front of a fish and make it work and set the hook and catch the fish and land fit okay we're far from done but you get the point right here right now and just dig up some worm this is gonna be the bait that I need to Chum up the water and catch the fish so just gonna collect as many as I can I don't know how long this may take so now I'm actually out here at the pond fishing and I dropped my hook so I had to make a new one and don't work at the moment our worm is right there it is floating and nothing is interested this is this is hard the rules have changed okay well now I'm allowed to have a whole fishing pole I know it's kind of bending the rules kind of football but I'll tell you what I'm gonna do if this video gets 15,000 likes we will come back and do it again in the summer and we might even get to do with Adam that way we can have a little bit more heaven so that guys I got a fishing pole now we're gonna head right down there to the pond and try to get a fish that's our first step and last night it rained a whole bunch the temperature draw the water colors already muddy everything is wet it's freezing outside hello guys this challenge may end up be hard enough just with these conditions you rigged up this worm room just I absolutely cannot wait to go make a fire I can warm myself up but then again I don't know if I'm gonna be able to because I don't there's nothing dry [Music] what in the world passive if I do say so myself that was a whole lot easier than I thought it was gonna be luckily we did catch a pretty good-sized one so that should give us plenty of me there he is just for you guys that's a really big bluegill like he's probably one of the bigger blue gills in the world not like in the world but he's probably in like the 90th percentile which is great so I made it back to the pond the fire is no longer on fire as you could imagine but what I gonna do right now is find a good sunny spot which is right here and they start picking more fire making material and set that out and hit the Sun to drop the Sun is just now coming up so everything's still wet so I've got to give it time to dry out that's probably the worst part of everything you know what you got to do what you got to do and you just gotta things are gonna happen overcome it I guess anyways I'm gonna pick up some dry stuff like this and pull it out and let it be drying in the Sun my best option at this point my only option to be exact okay guys we got some sticks these actually started out wet which is why I've got them out here in the Sun and I'm letting them dry we got some smaller sticks some a little bit bigger than sticks and then some well really big stick right now what I'm having to do though is literally leave them out in the drop now the fish is still over there in the bucket I could be skinning it up and everything and I might actually do that but I do want to make sure that I can get a fire going before I actually kill and we'll go ahead and skin up the fish alright guys here we go we're gonna try our best just like before gotten a little a patch of magnesium I can land a spark on it I think we'll be able to start some kind of fire right here pretty close it goes ba like I said earlier 15,000 likes guys and we'll come out here and do it for real oh there we go there we go there we go there we go alright we got fire we got fire I got a little bit of fire not a lot though come on come on oh my stuff is just too wet man we lost that opportunity but that's okay I guess [Music] okay a little bit of a little bit more of a follow let's go keep it going okay that's fire that's why I'll don't start this again alright now if we can get some of these on we can get some of these to burn we may make it on get the leaves the leaves in come on come on come on let's get these sticks bar and get these sticks burning let's go let's go let's go alright I was coming with some sticks and want some sticks gotta get the wood in there if we can get those sticks burning and we've got it if we can't get the sticks burning well then we don't got it you know got to provide this thing with everything it won't you want it you got any more fuel more fuel I want more I'm gonna get these stick them right here on the eggs oh that buddy they can be drying out that's hot I want more I feel oh I hope my fire didn't just go out oh man my fires out alright my last chance guys I'm scum blowing up see what we can do all right I restarted the fire but just in a few places and it's only burning a little stick so there we go there we go there we go there we go now we got some time man we got some real fire ok sweet did y'all see me just do that like you'll hit the like button or not like goodness son if you don't hit the hot like button after that then I really don't know what's problem is I just started a fire by blowing up also in the comments I want you guys to do something tell me in the comments are you good at build a fire because I'm not at all I've tried a lot and I've only succeeded a few times but I want you guys to tell me that are you good at building a fire and where did you learn it from if you're not gonna build a fire just I like no I'm not gonna build but we do have this going let's add maybe another stick you can't cook a fish with leaves that's just you don't have enough time to do this you know what guys it's gonna burn or work I don't know guys it's going to burn I want to go ahead and start dicing up my fish I know we're going to make this work one way or it's going to work it's gonna work ok the good thing about fish is that it shouldn't take a long time to actually cook now the way I'm going to do this fish like we decided earlier in the video that this Victor and really just roast it and well what I want to do is I'm gonna have to scale it so that's our planner scaling hims really easy actually you can get with a spoon back of a knife an actual scaler and in this case I'm just using the back of my knife and it works absolutely perfectly and then after we get done scaling and I'm going to do one more thing and that is good and that way we're not like cooking his good stick right through the mouth there we go we've basically made him a fish kabob and I'll set him right over here or out on top of the fire he can start cooking right there operation hurry up and get more sticks before the fire goes out complete and our bluegill is roasting we're gonna go ahead and name him Charles cuz he looks like one ain't that right Charles right now we do have fire but we're mainly in the process of drying out the the new sticks that I just brought in a bad thing about right now but we have found a way to overcoming is a lot of the sticks are wet and they need about 5 minutes in the fire to dry out I think what is it doing it's literally following me it's literally following me no panic or works on it's definitely uh it's definitely looking kind of done just maybe a few more well I don't know is kind of done I didn't really get to cook it perfectly evenly I'm just gonna go ahead and take the stick off that well don't get Ash's here anyways guys here we go I'm just gonna pick try to pick some off very crispy on the tail so no I don't think so dude this is actually really really really good me wanna try to peel back some of the skin I'll just grab some this is honestly the way to go if you're gonna cook fish just oh man yeah this is good this pure white meat just like if you'd go to a restaurant or cook it yourself literally no difference the only difference is that it's probably almost about 100 percent sure it's not gonna have any seasoning on it obvious reasons but anyways here's our first bot tastes just like a fish maybe a little bit undercooked but not really it's really up to well you are you can taste the fire but I'm honestly not too sure if it's the fish that taste like the fire or my fingers there's actually quite a bit of meat on this I'll peel it back let y'all see but that's just one side now yeah it is a pretty big bluegill buffy'll again if I caught two or three these I could last a long time subscribe if you're not already because if we get 15,000 likes which I do think we will me and Adam will come out here we'll do it literally only enough anyways if you like to survival videos click right up here to watch a survival trapping thing or click right up here for my entire survival playlist
Channel: Kendall Gray
Views: 1,645,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kendall gray, kendall gray outdoors, hunting, fishing, trapping, deer hunting, coyote trapping, squirrel hunting, SOLO Survival Challenge! (Knife ONLY), kendall gray survival, survival, survival videos, survival skills, solo survival, solo survival in the woods, survival knife, knife only survival, 24 hour survival, 24 hour survival in the woods, 24 hour survival changelleges, solo survival challenge, kendall gray 24 hour survival, best survival pocket knife, pocket knife
Id: 1IHB2Q3rscw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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