First Time Making SUSHI!! Catch n' Raw Hawaii Fish

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oh look at this boat guys Wow gorgeous morning this is gonna be a good time but fishing chart gives you lots of that partings on the chart this I said it gives you the bottom contours that's what I use yes sir and a ship this is crazy it is a beautiful man I am so excited look how clear the water is guys Wow Wow what is going on guys my dad and I have rented a boat today now we are going out when you're ending it from Aloha doors and we are going out on the ocean we've got controlling rods with this we've got bottom stuff with this we got kind of whole octopus last night you're gonna use for bait is gonna be a fantastic day out here very excited I mean there's a morning get any more perfect than this perfectly sunny calm and I just have to say you said we got the boat that's not true ASA got the boat I'm along for the ride it's the first time I think I've not been a captain of the boat when we've gone out I'm just kicking back and enjoying the day so this is gonna be great thank you all right guys let's go oh wait wait wait look there's a whale right there straight dead ahead all that is cool I know Brad to be careful have to go there are a bunch of whales guys ready to be up be real careful all the whales around but the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna put out some trolling lines here so we got these pin reels you can actually rent these with the boat and we have some lures here that we're gonna throw out some patrolling lures we'll have two of those out and as we're headed to a spot where we actually want a bottom fish and Barrett edition we're gonna pull some of these hopefully we got a mahi-mahi or owner or tuna so while we're going here you get these lines put out the first one double booked one right up you kind of set up different colors bigger guys we just went through a bunch of flying fish scattered as we were trolling along it and that is a good sign so maybe we're going through some bait fish and stuff so keep an eye out here oleksiy those sealed oh that's cool I think we're gonna be done trolling for a little bit never try bottom fishing nothing yet but we will go back to the trolling guys we've got wheels we had to shut off the engines actually you only have to shift in neutral when we shut off the engines because they're really close you whenever you it within a hundred yards you have to shift into neutral or shut off the boat they are really close he pops come to the front see there might be come to the front I think there might be one under us I can't get tell but if you put it underwater might be able to capture it yeah yeah yeah okay so we have right under us [Music] [Music] that's all I can sin a lifetime thing because you can't get within a hundred yahrens but luckily the wind was just right and blew us right over top of them that is crazy crazy cool so what we've done is we've got anything trolling which is fine it's a slow time of year it's January's a little time here to catch something on trolling but and we'll do some more trolling later but we're gonna drop some lines down and and get fish in here to do some bottom fishing now all right oh look how beautiful this water is reef Isha's by eighty feet I think according to the old depth finder guys check out how on that you see how the the shades of the water on this side is coral on this side is sand and there's actually more coral over there so we're right in the highway right between the coral and that's where we found we catch the game fish like the Lua and snapper and things like that more often is when we're fishing right in the highway so we are right in a good zone here uh-huh good fish I just worry I let it sink and that's when he took off yeah because it be our boat drift a little bit so I'm gonna make sure it's near the bottom let's let it down there he bit yes guys it's dark it's a dark fish it might better not be it's actually a hogfish it's a hogfish nice he left me my bait that was nice of it real Mercer do you want to try eating the hogfish they're kind of hard to clean but they are should we let him go you know we don't have to we could wait for something more edible but big nasty fish I'm gonna let this guy go that is cold first fish of the day guys let him go whoa there he goes I was worried you might have a hard time get down in the body alright get pops nice my dad is his first fish of the day crazy you never catch these we catch a lot of these guys if you're new to my channel catch so many these are just just pure bait thieves have to see the little critters yeah at least you got this gunk out of the boat for you now we both have one yeah yeah let's just get better from here [Music] whoa big fish big fish whoa whoa that was a strong first run there and it was just way it didn't like strike it was just this might be a new coup because now it's coming up a little bit easier they take off whoa guys guys hey you never know Mike gaff our first fish so it's already down there deep in guys [Music] part of this whole thing is you gotta at least see it because that way if the line does break yeah or it throws the hooker it's really okay you want me to set that no it's fine guys this is what as fishermen this is what you know not live live for might be an overstatement but this is what you dream of Diana curiosity pops I think I need to peel or a new lure guys I think I my personal best you I think I see blue oh now let's get closer though it doesn't look as wide looks like it might be being like a new coup no I think I see yeah I think the new codes Oh Oh think you do look ooh oh yeah get the gaff cuz we're gonna keep this guy guys look at this fish this is a this is my biggest snapper oh my goodness Oh get the hurry before you come on stay there oh my goodness oh my goodness this is a gray snapper this is the biggest my god buy for here let me get the hook out I'm shaking guys that fish we're gonna weigh this dude our favorite fish to eat my goodness hmm I guess we're gonna kill this big dude real fast of his misery here wait just I cannot believe it all right guys weigh this fish up this will be the biggest fish this Skinner that we're gonna measure them first okay measuring lengthwise switch a little bit so this fish is 30 and you're not even to the tip of his mouth it's like he wants to bite yeah a little over 31 inches nice since the boats moving he gets ten then it's over ten over to him nine ten and a half yeah keep it you say that ten and a half the most Wow yeah we're not gonna get a Fisher you guys that the fish is swinging too much on the boat so it's not given us an official but it's between ten and a half and eleven pounds Wow very nice guys I was uh I just dispatched my grace snapper and my dad hooks up on the fish there's another one of my favorites the one I'm classic me speed up I thought there was something for that shadow you do I thought something's fallen but it up it was big it spit up a bunch of like me a cloud it's what guys this is one of those another hog fish this is the female version looks like they're different colors I looked it up one time yeah that that's a female hug fish though the red one I caught earlier is the male hug perfect quick release we have enough meat for our barbecue today my friend the fish is bled out we're gonna skip all the blood and guts part of this thing one more time in the water and you know we have this cutting board right here but to be honest it almost is too small all right guys what we're doing is since it's so hot out here we're going to a I'm gonna fillet this guy up and get the fillets in the cooler before I continue fishing but my dad has his line down there and so we might get interrupted at any point here look at that big filet meat right there cleaned it kidneys we're gonna get so many steaks off this pop and there is the other beautiful fillet like we left some cheek meat as well oh you note that slid right and that's gonna get the cheek meat up I'm just gonna throw this overboard for the Sharks to bring back for crab traps food their crab food we're just gonna separate the meat from the skin there [Music] guys we got we got steak for the grill scales off the gray snapper steak [Music] he's go big or go home I'll try something I haven't tried you get paid nits whole octopus tentacle see I'm gonna jigging it only GG yeah yeah lad big heavy leg chicken I'm gonna put him about 5 10 feet up off the bottle and see where that all right guys this shirt in the description below it is the lightest lightweight UV shirt I've ever worn protects me from the Sun all day long all that matters worried about my bald head putting sunscreen on me series this is the lightest material UV shirt I've ever worn it's keep me cool all day long I'll put a link to it in the description if you guys live in a sunny place you plan on coming to Hawaii and doing this yourself and you're out in the hot Sun fishing all day this is seriously this is an amazing shirt right here [Music] that was another huge it was just it was the same thing I don't lose another new clue the way it just took loads on all righty my friends we come to the cooking part and how are we gonna cook on the boat by the way no bananas on board good rule we open this up and in here we move our trash over that way trash over that man and in here we have a grill we pull it out and it goes Shazam oops no don't technical difficulties there we go Shazam oh not quite Shazam right in there the propane is on in our little grill just like so this is fun guys if you want to come out here and have this same experience you can I'll put a link in the top of the description to the company that rents out these boats Aloha outdoors they are the one that sponsors sponsored this video they are the ones who provide all of this any of you guys if you come to Maui can book with them you can get this whole 24 foot beautiful boat you can rent fish and rods fishing lures all the stuff you need for trolling and then like us we bring our other spinning rods stuff like that and our octopus that was all caught by us but they provide trolling stuff if you wanna try to catch mahi-mahi and wahoo and all that stuff a grill on the boat you could go whale watching you can go turtle watch you can go and even snorkel Molokini the crater island over there they have a tie-up for this boat well will will oh my goodness I literally was looking right I don't know if I got that oh and there's the baby guys look at this whale watching you guys get to experience this - this is the way to enjoy Maui I was looking right at it when she came out I just happened to be looking at that spot I think I got her a little bit on camera guys look at there's the baby again guys you guys can hear on the same experience for yourself let's see if she jumps in the meantime we'll put a link in the very top of the description of this video if you want to book with them anyway come out here and you guys can do any of this stuff yourself whale watch how is it that was incredible as the closest of ever to keep the camera here anyway link in the top of the description - Aloha outdoors check them out and enjoy this yourselves we're gonna keep the camera out here just in case the mom jumps again we can get the whole thing guys I just realized I had my 360 camera on which looks all around 360 so we'll be able to see guys let's see the whale jump we got our going just gotta let this thing heat up give me a little bit difficult in this wind but we'll get it we get it nice and hot meantime let's prepare the fish [Music] alright guys we have a problem here we we can start the grill but we cannot keep the grill going because of this wind it's winter time even though it's really nice outside it's Maui's winter and so the winds pick up every afternoon like this and so it just keeps blowing out our grill we can't get it hot and keep it going actually what we're gonna have to do I was really too bored to a cook on the boat but we kind of waited too long we fished too long we should have fish or we should have cooked while it was calm my bad anyway what we can do is we can bring the fish back to the home back to the house still and cook it up there so we're just gonna finish out the rest of our time fishing and we'll definitely troll on the way back to maybe get something big on the way in alright back to fishing for a little while longer I'm actually cast up this side you got some whoa whoa I was just about to call I was like well pops I think come on yeah bigger you guys my dad something big I got a real my line in I had no bait I was stolen by me drive to get the gaff you think this is always a fun part is uh yeah seeing what's what it is it's it's a new ku nice saying one of the day all right hold your fishing rod if you want nice hike brother there that's a good fun I think we let him back in all righty a lot of meat we do have a lot of a lot of big steaks guys hi I wish I wouldn't gotten greedy with the fishin wish I would have cooked earlier cuz it was calm earlier I couldn't cut a cut for the afternoon traders came up anyway next time so to come back out here do it again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that was cool I mean like you say whether we got it on video or not that was that sweet well guys that was that was cool they think jump just like one or two times a piece and that was it so by the time we got the cameras on we actually didn't really get that well but that was still amazing [Music] alright guys we are in the kitchen again here I was disappointed obviously when we couldn't use the grill however when we got back to the dock the owner of Aloha Island doors are one of the owners of Aloha outdoors the guy who picked up our boat and clean it all off and took care of everything for us it was really crazy actually to taking a boat and not have to do any of the work very very cool but anyway he gave me this great idea he said Grave snapper is his favorite sashimi and I thought wait a sec I have never done any kind of sushi on my channel that I've made I thought I'm gonna do pokey B or pokey I don't know how people say but the Hawaiian word is poking which is basically just fish well you know I'll just show you guys I'll show you hey I'm going to make sushi for the first time on my channel this is a pretty easy recipe this is I'm going to do a traditional Hawaiian way and I'll just show you guys the first thing we're doing is I'm going to use one fillet for this because I've never done it before so we'll Wolters try one fillet we'll see if we like it if we like it we can do more but I never do big batches of anything when we're in the experimental stage so we got this here got a cut the skin off these are the pieces that we were gonna do on the half-shell you see like the thick skin there and then I'm just gonna kind of dice this up you yeah okay we're just make I'm just gonna cube it up nice little chunks here I'm pretty sure that you see how they're like there's red stuff here in the meat I think you want to cut all that way the only reason why I think I know that is B I believe I've watched a youtube video before on a guy making sushi like it was in detail and I just remember that part like cut the red stuff away you don't want to be eating that I think I'll probably make some mistakes here I looked up a basic pork a recipe but that was it I didn't dive too in-depth we're just gonna throw those cubes in the bowl like so and that's all we're gonna make for now so this is just this is the experimental batch next we're going to get a new cutting board here take just a little bit of green on y'all and I mean just a little bit since we don't have very much it bits there we'll save the rest of that for when you make the big batch if indeed this turns out good just throw some of that in there next we're gonna take an onion we're gonna just need a little tiny bit of the onion and that to our fish just won't go sprinkling next we'll add just a tiny bit of sesame oil I was told just just go very light some sure you or soy sauce be a little bit more generous with that and some crushed red pepper there this was optional they said but you know me I like spice I thought and add a little bit to that stir it all around there and we have our very first test batch of sushi all right pops my first time I brought you some water and keep some coke money defines your wallet all right sounds good very real quick we need it for this all righty you know so what do we have your this is our a snapper bulky kuku pokey I'm grab a little bit of onion involving okay have some pepper out all the elements on it here is you what do you think hmm you'd like it I'd really make it to I don't want a new spoke first guys no I don't want you to be influenced by my moment I really like a magician devote that time do it while we're out there on the boat like it doesn't bring the stuff with us the ingredients really simple ingredients mmm success mm-hmm that's really good yeah it was a fun day out on the water pops about what I enjoyed that that was amazing their first best first time standing whales underwater like now but I'll tell you bringing up that 10 plus pound oopy was a lot of fun took a long time till you finally see it mm-hmm guys if you want to the same similar trip you can relate Aloha outdoors in the description thank you guys so much for watching pops thank you one more time super fun time out there they just for watching and we'll see in the next one [Music]
Channel: Ace Videos
Views: 1,586,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, fish, ace videos, personal best snapper, hawaii fishing ace videos, ace, videos, fishing in hawaii, hawaiian, hawaii fishing, hawaii vlog, vlog, ulua, papio, grey snapper, uku, ace videos hawaii, saltwater fishing, making sushi, sushi, sushi mukbang, maui, wrasse, reef, snapper sushi, personal best fish, pb, hawaiian fish, ace videos catch and cook, delicious, hawaiian style, fishing hawaii, maui vacation, offshore fishing, boat, boats, octopus, bottom fishing, trolling, islands, hawaii
Id: wnmQfIH0-Kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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