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[Music] [Applause] [Music] this [Music] what is going on guys welcome to the second louisiana series this is the saltwater edition in case you guys have not seen the first series this is mr homer who lives in louisiana and i met you and your wife and your son thomas last time i was down here for a gator hunt but this time we are on the gulf in the gulf of mexico in louisiana and i'm going to be on the ocean for the next week doing a whole bunch of things i see that guy cleans the beach every day guys with that big tractor so people can enjoy the beach that's pretty cool speckled trout fishing redfish uh what was the jackpot jack crevalle blue crabs shrimp i don't even know all kinds of things like that it is going to be a fantastic time out here will this beach be filled with people by the end of the day or is it the weekend toward the weekend okay so this gentleman here is mr kirk and he was introduced to me as the blue crab king of grand isle you can see on the back of his trailer he has a ton of crab traps so we all drove down to the beach together and this was so cool this is my first time seeing any of this i had no idea the process for um for catching blue crabs so open up the trap there first thing to do is pull out the rope and the little buoy that's attached and at this point i'm going where are we going to put these crap traps on the beach but i'm just loading up i have no idea what what's going on here other than whatever they tell me to do so i load up the crab traps with chicken that's raw chicken it's pretty standard crab bait so you can see all the traps there we have ready and then they bring out these long iron rods and the thing is these crabs are in the surf they're walking down around on our feet in fact i stepped on several while we were out there but of course there's no way for the crab traps to stay in the waves except to drive this iron rod down as deep as we can into the sand so it's permanent or almost permanent he said he had some iron rods that stuck in the same spot in the sand for months and then stick the crab trap right over top and that kept it where the crabs were and as you can imagine with that ball of chicken in the middle of the crab trap and all that current swirling around it was going to bring the crabs in from a long ways away so he just slides that over this this uh piece of rebar in the sand and guys it's critical mr curt was saying of pushing it all the way to the bottom because if it's not all the way on the bottom the blue crabs will just eat it from underneath and they won't actually get in the trap they'll just stay under the trap cool and so how long do we wait okay on top of blue crabbing for the first time i also got to learn to throw a cast net for the first time believe it or not despite all the traveling i've done and all the time i've spent on islands i have never learned to throw a cast net and so it felt good to learn it this was like a kids one or a little bait cast net so it's easy to learn on unlike those big eight foot wide ones and stuff like that and after a few times i had it down pretty pretty good so that was fun to learn and we had these other traps that we put out we put 13 out total i really liked this old trap it was called old yeller it always caught a lot of crabs in the past they said and it was all beat up and i liked it i wanted to put it out because it had a lot of character to it so we put out the rest of the traps and even though it was raining it was still really warm out there i was having a blast so even though it's only been about 30 minutes mr homer's gonna check a trap oh there's one that is cool that is very cool oh it's a female with eggs too you gotta throw those ones back huh so guys there's no is there any size limit on blue crabs in louisiana five inches from point one okay that's pretty small five inches that's manageable but guys you have to throw all the females back with eggs oh there's one little one right there that's not a bad size actually look at that guys blue crab we can keep that one couldn't we yeah sweet i see the process guys we got a whole line of them all the way down about a dozen traps or so we already have a couple just like 30 minutes so far all right guys we took a break ate some breakfast and uh the crab traps are left out there now we are going fishing we have with us today hayden and his brother hunter and they are grandchildren of mr homer and uh we are heading down to the beach going to do a little what kind of fishing what kind of fish are we going to catch speckled trout i've never caught a speckled trout before you've caught them plenty of times yeah i've got one out there you caught one out there that's cool wind's kind of picked up or is this pretty normal mr homer pretty normal pretty normal idea okay hi todd looking good guys check it out so we got all these people with these tents all getting set up for a day at the beach that's pretty cool all right so the bait we're using looks like hunter has on this little like swim bait thing little clear swim bait on a jig head oh wait you got a double rig oh that's cool okay so you got double swimbaits on there it's possible oh really okay so they school up a lot then all right guys so this is the main this is the trailing bait looks like that looks like a storm swim bait to me and then a littler one behind it cool and i am right-handed so perfect thank you mr homer do i just throw it out and just kind of snap snap it back or drill it in right next to the rocks okay all right let's check it out i got a double rig on too only i have like some chartreuse uh little grubs there or a little yeah they're they're kind of like little swim bait grubs yeah oh it's not that cold man this feels good i've been in cold water in idaho this feels nice right here [Music] all right yeah don't go too far all right guys keep an eye on that little squish keep an eye on that little squirt yeah i like this rock jetty here double swim baits first cast ever in louisiana salt water oh i i stepped on a crab are you moving spots you guys move around quite a bit when you do this yeah all right guys nothing at uh this spot but we apparently we run and gun a lot on the golf cart we're going to split lane behind dry shrimp shed dry shrimp shed that's cool all right guys so we're in uh we're driving down the street a little bit we're gonna go across the way into the bay so we're just on the beach on the other side we're gonna go into the bay and see what's here yeah we can ask and we can see if the fishing's good all right guys no fish you do oh yeah oh yeah you got one nice nice nice bring him up oh it looks like his back looks like his back that was fast nice job all right swinging right over the dock swinging right over the dock nice job man nice [Music] that is cool nice job hayden it's a white it's a white trout he's got some teeth i was about to stick my hands in there guys i was about to stick my hand in the mouth check out those teeth right there [Music] nice job hayden that is cool i remember that feeling when you're younger he's reenacting it all over there hey i was looking back from the fall night that was a good catch man you got one nice nice [Music] all right guys hunter has one seems like a good fish yep just nice and steady nice and steady there hunter's got something looks like a good fish some sort he might even have two the way it's kind of pulling funny looks like to me what do you got dude this is a good fish oh it's a big catfish or what is what is that that is cool what in the heck that is crazy looks like a catfish with wings on it they have spikes on them like a catfish does nice that was a hard fighting fish that is cool are they edible yeah nice uh-huh like long wings on them they got really long whiskers that is very cool nice job hunter that is so cool wow there we go nice yep perfect sweet oh ah horsefly on me were you reeling a little bit slower i think he just got hit there you got him i think he got one nice hunter got one the very next cast he's not on there really yeah you got to keep reeling he might swim right towards you yeah you still got him oh it's a spec first back too nice that is cool oh shoot dang it [Music] oh man next time i'll step aside you just swing him right this way okay all right if you guys stop catching fish i can get my line out there i'm doing i'm trying to make it look like a shrimp see i got a shrimp lure on yep see i'm trying to make it swim around like a little scared shrimp oh i just got a bite that was my first bite guys i'm not getting anything on the shrimp so we're gonna switch up as a fresh mullet here we're gonna i knock them out we're just going to cut some nice chunks off here i'm going to put a piece of mullet on your line okay in fact i'll cast forward all right let's get it right under there we've got this big oh thank you thank you oh i appreciate that so what we got going on here guys is this big mullet head um this is our last piece of the bait that way and we have a little piece of gut on the other one but we're gonna throw it right under this big old barge whatever this thing is here nrc energy is it a some sort of i don't know what that thing is for a little live bait action there we go perfect cast let's see if we got maybe a big something under there that that'd be cool to get someone that big fish head [Music] yeah got one i got one already oh look a crab it's a crab are you kidding me that's crazy i mean that crab and look he's just pure greed we didn't hook him we can't have him yeah it's a female with eggs that was cool that's cool that's pretty that's my first blue crab of cotton sauce uh-huh boys they are spiky you see i can't grab her on the i don't want to grab where her eggs are guys look at that a million eggs right there yeah look at all those eggs on that girl that is super super cool yeah it's a blue crab that that was crazy what i was like let's see if there's something right underneath that boat it looks like a huge fan uh-huh all right let's toss her back there there she goes cool let's see what else we can get and you gotta cast away back out yeah we put it right through the top of the head right there there we go just like that my fishing line oh look at this look look we got him we got him um no not super big he just took it real hard but now that he's on he's not it's not super big way out there yeah no i should be good with this one thank you though we'll just lift him in oh we got another catfish he bit on the little piece of fish gut there well that is cool there's my first saltwater catfish wait i think that might be the poisonous oh is that the poisonous one i will i'll be very careful [Music] yeah he wouldn't be big enough to keep anyway you definitely don't want to have them spike us or anything there we go safe release thank you all that netting that that's a shrimp boat yeah all the birds fall okay so the birds follow the shrimp boats out and they try to steal the shrimp then that is cool wow you got something yeah you got something hunter's got one oh dude you got a big one yeah oh did he snap it oh no shoot oh that was a big one dude that was a big fish oh oh you got one you got one set the hook set the hook on them set the hook you got it you got it nice nice nice yep oh it's a good one it's a good one there we go right in that magical spot guys every time we cast like right parallel dock there we get something you're not not parallel kind of diagonal about 45 degrees out what do you got man [Music] catfish oh yeah he bit the mullet there yep you got a catfish oh shoot is it was it one of those ones we can't keep nice job man is this a poisonous can't keep it ah shoot we can't keep this one well we'll keep trying that was fast hayden's got one nice what did you get i'm getting something you're getting it's chaos put that light we put that cut bait on oh you got a catfish too nice job got him rod almost went in the water you better come here like that again uh-oh somebody's in trouble there we go i got that fish almost took the rod in the water what do we got here oh look we got mullet do you see that guys mullet flying everywhere this place this is fishing madness [Music] what is it i don't know [Music] oh it's another catfish catfish for days i shoot another poisonous one dang it [Music] hunter you got a really good one [Music] nice i can't even fish guys hunter keeps hooking up here oh yeah yeah yeah no let him play let him play yeah see when he's pulling that hard you just let him pull back okay and then when he gives you some slack you just reel up there you go oh yeah what do we got what do we got oh you got a big catfish whoa look at the size of that dude oh shoot it's one of those one of those ones though let's pull them up that's the biggest one of the day right there though that's like my ninth night the most fish did you say this is the most fish you've ever caught yeah it's getting hotter here i think we should take a break and eat some lunch but we'll definitely yeah but we definitely have to uh come back to this spot this is a good spot yeah we got to get our fish guys we are loading up from the spot it is getting really really hot out here it is noon time nice fish there we'll have to cook some of those up yes i just imagine we catch 50 fish oh i bet we come back today as good as it was today it'll be even better all right guys we're gonna clean some fish here and then uh hunter is gonna put some mustard in the bottom the true louisiana way is putty is marinating fish in mustard at least that's what i gather from you guys he does so what we're doing is i'm going to clean these fish look at that beautiful catfish right there i'm going to clean these fish that's the biggest one you've ever caught from the ocean yeah from the yeah like when you were out on that boat you probably caught a bigger one but as far as from shore i'm sure so i'm gonna clean these fish guys we're gonna marinate them just toss them straight in there cleaning this little trout here kind of a big knife for the job but getting it done getting it done we put those fillets as you can see in the mustard if you want to swirl those around make sure that yeah there you go that gets on them good guys if you've never tried putting marinating fish in mustard it is delicious i actually did off camera for myself the other day just to when i was frying up some fish because it was so good i do it all the time all right there we go looking good little louisiana saltwater fish for the first time nice catch all right my friends the fish are cleaned and now what you eating over there eating little pizzas hey maybe we put some fish on your pizzas we make pizza fish hey there hey for the first time catch and cook pizza fish fish on pizza we'll try it guys we're gonna flavor these fish we got some zatarans fish fry or add a little garlic to it tony sasher's which is invented in louisiana and a little black pepper and of course we have our fish marinating some of that right [Music] yeah you can smell tony's that's that stuff goes airborne chicken breast here we go hunter is going to take some of his fish there put it right in oh that's looking good see you guys with that mustard on there it is going to grab a lot of that seasoning um yes the big one is his fish and the small one is yours yup that's your fillet we'll try each one there we go you know we'll drop that last one in there the biggest one [Music] there we go oh that one sounds good we'll put the lid right on there i need one of these things guys when you store it the oil is in the bottom of this thing and so you drain the oil when it's done cooling and then you have the oil again for next time you just pour right back into your fryer all right guys the fish is looking done oh that looks perfectly crispy dump them right in the paper towel it's just like yep there you go nice oh man guys that is looking tasty all right that is all right guys so what we've done folks is i have put chunks of fish on each plate and uh hayden and hunter don't know which plate has which so this would be a little blind taste test which one is the catfish which one is the white trout here so first of all we'll just pick this one out right here you guys try a piece of that one right there we're gonna see which one is better take a bite i'm taking bite while you guys are eating it was good think about how much you enjoy it i'm good i don't try next one all right now you guys try this one right here yeah eat them all up and my own it's kind of crunchy yeah this one you like that one better which plate of fish do you like better eating i'm going to try another bite in this one we like that one better well you picked your catfish and you picked your trout where's the water all right now guys we're trying something here a louisiana specialty wow we dipping sauce that hunter said this is like your favorite sauce right here right thank you mr homer yeah see this big filet that's the catfish and this little bit smaller fillet that is your fish let me try some of this wow wee sauce here fresh saltwater fish one of my favorite tea wow wheat that's good nice we can do that test type one thing we can do this tonight i mean we could try it with other things could you guys catch more fish it's like a little bit of a zesty little spicy kind of that louisiana flavor like a really strong flavored fry sauce well that was a fun morning of fishing with you guys we still have our crab pots out or crab traps i'm sorry they call them traps not pots here in louisiana i have a crab traps out there so we'll have to go and check this evening [Music] all right guys we are back on the beach after a little afternoon r r and uh we're going to check the blue crab traps that we laid earlier we wanted to check the traps even though we were not gonna keep any this evening because i learned it's very very crucial where you put the crab traps on the beach for example we had the crab traps on this end had one or two little crabs in it but moving down the beach just i mean maybe 30 40 yards you'd have traps that would have three times four times five times as many crabs and they were very far apart at all but it's absolutely critical where you place the crab traps so we had to make sure that they were producing before our crab boiled tomorrow that is cool uh that's very cool hey there we go wow [Music] nice [Music] wow [Music] what it is [Music] [Music] my [Music] mmm [Music] wow oh it is perfect it is perfect oh check this out guys ran yes yeah we'll get those out first ah the only ones here good morning everybody crazy first morning uh me and the boys just got out on the dock here saw fish jump right there and uh what happened was we meant to come out here last night and fish again we want to either fish it late at night or early in the morning what we can't last night there was like this small storm that came right over us the wind was blowing hard and there was some lightning so we couldn't come out so we decided to just wake up early and come out here this morning and look at like about six it's about 6 15 6 20 or so and uh they're just fish jumping mullet jumping all over the place we're gonna fish this morning again off the dock try to use some big live bait get some bigger fish all right guys first thing we're doing is uh putting on some little swim baits and stuff like we did the other day little chartreuse swim baits and uh i though now that everybody's rigged up they're gonna be fishing basically for speckled trout but i have a little cast net here check this little thing out we're gonna try to get some bait with this check that out guys a little a little cast in that mini one oh we got some bait got one oh that's a little is that a pin couple of pinfish are those good bait oh that's gonna be i'll try using one of them guys this is my first time literally catching fish with castnet first two fish ever okay right a little i think they're called pinfish let me yeah of pull it up quickly [Music] [Applause] oh yeah oh yeah there we go a bunch of them there yes check that out guys a ton of bait fish all right guys and this is what we're doing right here we're just putting a whole live fish on with big circle hook little sliding egg sinker let's get something real good here yeah hopefully i've got a second one here these are mr homer's special fishing rods and likes check this out guys this one has a circlip and then just a free uh free sinker on there but it comes up to a stopper so we're gonna put oh nice thank you [Music] grab that guy right there all right put it right through the back just like that and then he can just take off and swim wherever he wants somebody's got something good on over here all right what do we got is it right under that boat there you know that's where i caught my crab and uh a couple other fish the other day what do we got oh a nice catfish a big oh i got one whoa you got one two look at that no it's that kind that's not a keeper i'm afraid that's a big one though that's probably like about the biggest catfish you've ever caught you got a big one we'll leave this guy here all right what do you got there good grief i need to put a gopro on you oh you got a catfish too with that small rod like we were talking about yesterday it's uh all the fish seem massive sorry about that are your toes okay yeah the catfish got me [Music] she got me the catfish did [Music] dang it guys a cat catfish got me good son of a gun boy that stings there folks oh let me tell you folks that burns like fire right there oh got a little poison catfish action i always use the pliers folks i was just not got too confident dang it man that's burning it's like getting stung by jellyfish or something like that yes sir hey now yes how did you get mullet that's great got four of them [Music] check that out guys mr homer got four more this is the bait i was going what did you do something different no you just threw it straight up all right all right guys this is the uh this is the bait we were hoping for straight through the top of the lip there there we go those are called mullet all right we're just going to throw this guy lob cast in way out there no i'm not way out there but it's the principal principle my hand's still burning folks it's the principle of it wait got him got him yes all right here's something good here on the live fish all right this is what we came out here for oh look at that fish jumping oh he's swimming right towards swimming [Music] i saw finn come out [Music] [Music] a shark what a shark [Music] oh my goodness a black tip is that a black tip that is crazy [Music] that is crazy you know i caught a hammer hit shark when i was little from a beach we need a bigger name can we keep it let's let's try to get it in first there we go we can keep it oh we just caught a shark ace that is crazy [Music] whoa that is so cool [Music] you ain't going back in there you stink and go and get cool look at that look at this little teeth in there that is pretty rough skin that is that black tail what is the black tail mike peel black tip he's got see how is that there's black on the very tip of his fins yeah yeah black tip resharp look at those little teeth in there is he gonna die if you pull that out nope there hook is out nice all right so what do we do with them i'm gonna get a picture for sure yeah all right guys we looked up the rags and sure enough um sharks this uh this kind of shark black tip have to be over 54 inches in order to keep this guy's definitely i think it was 32. well that's from the tip of the tail you have to measure to the fork of the tail so we're gonna let him go still a sweet sweet catch that is cool all right there you go look at that oh he's coming right back to us he's a little confused not that way buddy make him look real big to get the camera close there he goes that was cool all right guys done fishing at the pier for this morning get out of this louisiana heat or i guess we're not really getting out of it we're just going to go to the beach all right guys we are back down at the beach it's been over 24 hours we've had the crab uh traps down there as you can see the big line of them it's low tide so we can access them easy everybody's got big buckets we're going to pull them up we're going to see what's what's in all the traps what are you doing what do you do all right let's go check some crab chests little monkey you little monkey oh don't splash my gopro all right guys trap number one we got some good ones in there those are cool all right so we're just dumping this big bucket here cool one two three four seven of them in there now is that a lot or a little for uh for crab trap look at him he's that's a decent amount of crabs cool check that i guess that is cool what a cool color all right cool all right trap number two got a few some nice size one one two three four five six seven eight again cool females go back all those dang that was a big blue crab too all right guys we got 13 traps out our averages probably got seven or eight whoa never mind there's a lot in this one two three four five six [Music] sixteen sixteen in there well that put the average up we'll have over a hundred crabs for 13 traps easy there we go you guys will probably have over 100 now nice we're sticking right back on let's keep the crabs coming last one of the day i see one crawling already hey whoa looking forward to 15 16 17 for that camp last trap of the day guys 17 crabs sweet well probably 130 or so i think by my account sweet that is some louisiana goodness right there [Music] i think by my account we got like 130 or so wow that's three all right guys we're going to count our crabs here four [Music] you got some on the run hey you oh yeah this is a fight you guys look at that that guy is spicy oh man he pushed out of there feisty little booger all right we got five in there we got six here's seven oh we attacked eight get up there you go hey there's 10 12 12. 14 15. oh that's a big fashion one oh there's that female that we were missing we'll throw her back i'll walk her now 84 85 86 after we called out all the non-keepers so after we called through some of the crabs let some go and we also found some that were hiding underneath the buckets and under one took off under the truck um we got 90 total and then we got that we actually kept this female here so we're gonna let her go real quick and so anyway 90 blue crabs 90 blue keeper crabs we had a lot more in there but we let some small ones go and a lot of fema although you have to let all the females go and stuff like that so i would say that's a pretty good haul all right mama here we go you're free now i'm gonna learn how to cook these things [Music] all right guys we're filling a big pot here and uh this is the spot we're gonna be cooking the crabs in you can see we've got the propane there so this is the whole set up here and uh check this out we got the shrimp and crab oil actually being used for crabs i use it for those crawdads and stuff it's cool to though to be in louisiana using the louisiana products and then check this big thing at zadaran's out crab boil right there it's a powder bright orange powder that is sweet so we have going on here mr kirk i'm gonna light this paper where we don't get burnt like that propane burn uh okay so we like these papers that we so i can hold it from far away all right he's gonna turn on the propane all right there we go cool here look we already got potatoes going um we're we're this is going to be epic boil we got all kinds of ingredients going in but potatoes are cooked take the longest to cook so uh those will be going in first you dump all this out yeah i see how dirty that water is there that is cool get that sand out let me drop them back in guys and fill it back all right wouldn't want gritty crabs there so when they're filtering out like that and suck it through and clean it out okay so do we let them sit in there a while like that see how it's all moving yes okay so guys they're cleaning themselves they're cleaning their filter in and that's good um getting them cleaner and cleaner the longer we let them soak in the water all right mr kirk what's next guys we got all this stuff is going in the boil yeah we got sausage we've got corn mushrooms onions the dipping sauce is really good garlic sweet huh [Music] yeah that's good [Music] you add everything from there in here whole white mushrooms cool look at all that guys looking good i did not know it y'all's blue crab boils it's basically like a crawfish boil just with a different uh main ingredient very cool do i rinse rinse these out or do i just leave those to the last second one more time all right all right guys we're going to rinse these look at this guy look how feisty he is he wants to fight he wants to fight me look he's trying he's playing against he's widening his claws like i'm not going to hurt you watch it look at me i rinse these one more time it's dirty again yeah that's all that sand and stuff coming out over here what do i do oh that's to grab it okay yeah i can feel the heat on this side all right foreign all right guys time to add add that thank you sir all right i'll lower it in slowly all the mushrooms float to the top and the corn there we go all right guys it's been out 10 or 12 minutes that's been cooking and uh mr kirk he said he removes it a little bit here he takes a knife make sure the potatoes are soft what do you think a little bit more all right all right my friends this should be done now a couple minutes more cooking on the vegetables and sausage i guess there we go so how much more should i add to this the whole thing of this oh wow all right guys we're gonna add this whole thing of crab boil good nit there we go and don't tell me we had this whole thing too no oh okay i'll just i'll just pour you tell me when all right right there that's good all right cool look at that brood bring it back okay there we go that is cool look at that look how fast they turn red that is cool all right guys how long do we let these cook six minutes six minutes no more no less look at that cool six minutes is done folks oh that's looking good so he's gonna turn it off there but uh six minutes of actual like hard boiling and then we'd let him soak for 20 minutes and there we go my friends the crawdads have been propped out of the water a little bit to cool down so we'll let those cool there sweet all right guys my first time ever trying blue crabs that have now turned orange mr homer mr kurt thank you so much oh you know when you pull it there's some right by the way good that is good wow there's like more meat in the body than there is right in the in the claws and stuff like that that's right see you guys the crabs are smaller and i was a little bit like you know because if you take the back legs here i was like there's not gonna be much meat in there but most of it's actually in the body of the crab real good ace you've done a good job thank you for directing me yeah you got them bald just right i boiled them just right all the meat that's right look all the meat's coming out mm-hmm that is so good spice is just right good job well thank you it is a pleasure to be able to come down to louisiana and have a real louisiana crab boil guys as you know i've been using zadaran's products before like back in 2016 before i even plan on coming to louisiana so to come here and actually have a real louisiana crab boil thank you so much mr homer mr kirk thank you so much for giving me the full louisiana experience down here you're more than welcome you're welcome anytime come on down i i will i will for sure i'll be deadly people bring you from hunting one night there you come louisiana big frog hunting comment down below if you guys want to see that we just have a little baby frogs in idaho well we got frog 15 inches long that would be amazing bigger than a chicken leg wow bigger than a chicken leg well appreciate everything you guys have done thank you guys so much for hanging out on this long adventure we'll see you guys in the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ace Videos
Views: 2,806,082
Rating: 4.8605213 out of 5
Keywords: fishing, fish, ace videos
Id: jHcdUcke7Kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 3sec (2943 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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