Ultimate Swamp Predator Survival in Feed And Grow Fish

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so do you remember that one time we became a little tiny baby fish and we grew up in to be a big fish and then we ate literally every single other fish in the entire world because well that's what this game is all about feeding girl fish and it got an update to do a survival in the whole swamp map got a revive so I wanted to check it out with you guys today to see what you'd think of it we'll go medium cuz hard is just stupid in this game yes we can be a tiger barb a carp or an alligator gar I actually do want to be the alligator gar the tiger barb is the new animal but let's face it they're kind of boring they're like really small and tiny and I could have them in my aquarium if I wanted to but the alligator gar is a gigantic monster of fish that could eat like its entire bodyweight in one sitting which is really cool this map looks creepy I have to eat 10 Tiger Barb's 5 bluegill and one musky and then a raised my baby's good too baby can wear oh we're in the big swamp no we're in the bigs okay now the the land level is supposed to go up or the water level supposed to raise and lower in this map down to which is kind of cool it sounds like a swamp I wonder if it smells like a swamp thing to forgot what is this hey what was that little thing that just sit right by my face I don't like it did it do it again it was super fast wow the thing was fast okay I got a murder this little guy right here really I can't why can't I not bite anything whoa yes that's another alligator gar hey daddy how are you will you be my daddy I don't have one you run away just kill that one oh it's so cool I want to eat it yes I put no dad that's my food yeah jerk I was gonna eat that you look a little crustacean no that is my crustacean come here come here little dragonfly larvae word where are you come back here yep oh I got it in my mouth hole that was kind of fun here's another one here's what's this thing I want to eat it nope no no oh I liked him it's so nice must be like shrimp or something tiger barb ah see this is oh oh don't open up and cut back here promise it won't hurt too bad oh well nope no that was my dad come on man Here I am trying to live and he won't let me there's a bluegill eat him oh I found a little honey hole over here there's a lot of these little guys hippy and another one and got it all what it is so dumb and tipped over hey buddy no that one's mine I just need all the XP for days whoa ooh I get fish back that tank up okay did it leave me I think it left oh it's eating something Oh balls I just got eaten let me go oh look at all this there is so much food over here there's so much food I'm gonna eat it all hey little guy your dick in my mouth where are you I'm gonna eat your gah oh I missed how did I miss that wait I just got 23 xp for something I promise I didn't do anything cool I'm gonna eat that one oh it just bonked into it with my face yeah I got that one nice there's so much oh it looks like it's burned like flooded timber here hey buddy hey buddy are you dead I think it's dead oh whoa where'd it go I don't know what happened to it oh I leveled up I leveled up I didn't I no idea what I ate but I leveled up I'm bigger now EEP me No Oh all my feeding area is now dry it's all on land no this is where I was eating everything at coach oh I found the honey hole right here get out Nessen awk really that was supposed to be all my sandwiches well thanks dad I appreciate it now kill that thing because that one wants to eat me oh there's work whoa yeah magical experience I don't know where that came from oh yes I have found a tiger barb that's been killed by a carp I can just break it up and eat it oh yes did I get I got a point I got I got one point where one tenth of the way Oh level up to 3 there we go meat more thanks eat more things eat more thing so Rana Rana in my belly piranha in my belly do I get points for eating front us I got to stay away from that giant catfish yeah like this you get it and then like right my mouthful and you like ah I did it did it all by myself oh good job crabby boy Oh am I gonna eat the crab is this a really bad idea to eat the crab I think I'm gonna try to eat the crab oh whoa somebody help me eat the crab I'll give me this I need to break it in pieces please don't come and eat me please don't come and eat me there's a worm I see a worm I see you warm Wow easy war war got it was that a tadpole me tadpole let me Ted pool one eat you got'em and another word nice hait worm i like worms worms are my favorite okay I'm almost an adult now which is awesome just let me level up a little bit more without getting eaten no no the water level is going down and eating my mosquito larvae whew that was kind of cool oh that's so neat that the water oh he almost ate me it's so neat that the water levels goes up and down oh I love up ha dang I'm big I'm big oh wow I don't do too much damage I'm gonna totally narf on this guy though yes Oh a sandwich is now I need to eat everything here dude I don't even care about the little stuff anymore I want meat wow this dude is so fast whoa that was awesome I didn't know I could do that one eat it whoa 120 XP ha duty dog yeah dun dun dun dun I can't even I'm so fast I can't even aim crack properly I got one yes hello fish yeah goldfish in my mouth hole what is this a frog I want to eat the Frog only eat the Frog only eat the Frog don't eat the Frog don't eat the Frog mere frog frog frog frog got him hey frog legs for dinner no that was awesome like frogs so I have to go hunting for Tiger Barb's ooh that was pretty good I got another one I need just seven more what is this one ah that's not a tiger barb I think that might have been a piranha really they kind of go up against you oh there's a bluegill hey bluegill me where's the other one hahaha no come on somebody oh I can't I can't catch him come on yeah got it nice oh that's a big one that's that tasty one yes I need five of those dorks well there's a product please don't eat me catfish I didn't deserve it okay he's going away oh oh he's eating me hey Xena me right go let go thank you I just jumped clear out of the ocean that was cool I didn't know you could do that okay what am I gonna eat next what in mine eat one of these little oh that was awesome really I was pretty good I'm gonna try that one right over here right here okay I'm gonna get you I'm gonna get you oh yes there it is found some Tiger Barb's oh that was nice where's another one yeah oh I missed him yeah I'm gonna eat you oh I hit him in passing I don't even know what that was sounds like the water level is either going up or down right now is it flooding hey what's that thing I don't know what that is I'm gonna eat it don't oh it's a baby alligator gar oh yeah the water levels super high no that's really cool I see you I see you ready aim fire Oh aim fire come on no it's in traction oh he was so fast got it if I go slow I can eat them better that was easy Oh sturgeon yeah really okay sturgeons are big fish in this game is this the guy Oh God that hey you can make babies with me not right now we have to oh don't fight it that's my friend we need to kill you piranha got him got him yes I want to complete all of the objectives before I make babies we have to get our belly full I put an arrow wanna can I kill an arrow wanna oh it's fast they're a top feeder they're really really cool fish till you go there we go there we go you should be worth a lots of food oh don't you dare run away he bit me you bit me for one hit point I'm just gonna bite you eat your tummy oh yeah big chunk of meat look at that big chunk of meat oh three of them hot dang that's cool do we need one more tiger barb is that you are you tight no urine carp Oh it tried to lick me carp have weird mouths because they're kind of bottom feeders whoa giant t-rex bone nice no bad carp uh-oh you monster out why am i upside down what is going on hi oh you must have a like a knock-back ability or a stun or something oh I like how the meat chuck is larger than the fish wow so much garbage here for me to digest now bad fish this is my loot pile I told you it's mine stay away my belly isn't hungry enough to eat it all oh that was a 270x beat oh the swamp is receded Oh give me this way I'll just eat you there's there's lots little crabs up here Oh what happened I don't even know what's going on right now I'm a fish out of water okay I don't die of dehydration poisoning I'm flopping flopping man like I'm literally just flopping around trying to get back in the water oh I can't breathe again yes the water's coming back up that is so much better that was cool there's a pike oh I need them I need them I need them for my my leaderboard list yeah I'm totally gonna eat you oh you're you just kind of swam right in my mouth hey hey you jerk nugget that was my pike let's have babies my love is in the air every time I look around now I'm full of eggs see it my babies hey come here yeah I don't even know how to lay an egg we'll just keep them inside of us for a while that sounds really strange can I put the babies in here how do you play a dumb child thing I need to be in like a grassy flat area I have no clue Oh sandwiches I totally just dolphin to my way I'll do a lilypad there we go I just got the Tiger Barb's gone I think I see a bluegill Oh 18 damage yes need two more there's one here oh I need you I hate him please let me eat him yes is that one more I think so it is that's the last now we need that pike where are my key bro can I make a baby down here I just want to lay a baby down nope what is this oh it's a snakehead oh they're really dangerous they're like no joke these things are super didn't do that mouth on him that's not what I really wanted to eat what is going why am I not getting experience is it because I've made babies in my belly I guess so I'm full now cool okay I just popped down eggs anywhere nope oh I think I laid a baby down did I I hit II it did something I got a bunch of experience for it and now I have no idea what happened scam and it's so weird I don't even see a baby one there's pike there's pike got it got it please don't anyone else see that this is my sandwiches I need some like yes yes okay now I need to raise a baby how do I do this go down to the cave my dude pop one of these out right here OOP nope but another buds no babies no babies allowed chute active ability I'm guessing that's baby-making and both see I don't know I married dinosaur I'm gonna eat it I'm gonna eat the sturgeon just so I have a full belly then maybe I can make another baby come on belly every cup bellies full belly is full completely let's go down to this cave and press e Q raise babies don't know what's going on I just got a bunch of XP and my egg-laying machine got a little fuller but there's no egg in here okay weird can you help me make more babies again no I'm guessing the eggs have to be fertilized or something okay try buttons again oh hey two two one can I lay an egg no I can lay egg oh okay so you have to get your belly super full and then you can just lay an egg this is a good spot right here I think so anyway okay we're gonna kill this thing well there's multiples in here never mind probably not a good spot for a baby maybe it is I kind of like it will lay a baby down here okay it just popped him out okay we got two we got two babies oh there's buttload of babies we're just making a ton of them like that okay spawn you a little dorks spawn so you can go get eaten by something larger than yourself do I need to help them I just chop on them a little bit and help them up no it doesn't work of course I can cure you one of my mouth fill Oh something else made babies in here oh they're starting to dance look at they're having a party down here yes I got little ones don't eat that other egg you dork that's your brother hey now now they're gonna follow me I feel like such a responsibilities been put on my shoulders here you go little friends there you go I am the father you always deserved hahaha look oh don't you dare don't you dare I will continuously chop in this location until you guys eat yes my children eat your heart's content oh wow they're actually chopping it up quite a bit that is awesome I need them to level up so I can feel good about myself good chap I provide sturgeon meat for you young ones there you go are you not hungry yeah I knew you were hungry yes I did it this isn't the river map you dumb game this is the swamp I've made babies I've made babies that's awesome they're so big so they love me so much let's go make these other ones adults oh there's two more adults okay that's awesome and we'll do this one I think if I do this one oh look they're just reading it that's so great I got one more baby left he's the runt of the family that's okay oh I gotta teach him oh oh I thought he died no he just got knocked back here you go little dude there you go eat up there yes I have done it I am the best fish daddy of the history of fish daddy's oh hey look I ate that one too or mom I guess because I was the one who laid the eggs and fish do that with the female kind anyway that'll wrap it up for this video feed grow fish I'm a dolphin okay bye [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 547,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, feed and grow fish, feed and grow fish game, feed and grow fish gameplay, feed and grow gameplay, fish simulator, fish feed and grow, ocean game, feed and grow, feed and grow fish map, giant fish, feed and grow shark, feed grow, feed and grow fish update, March2020
Id: 0S83-Xngw0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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